General Conference 2003 Program Book

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2003 World Jubilee & General Conference ❙ Dallas, Texas USA ❙ 1 to 6 July 2003


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2003 World Jubilee & General Conference ❙ Dallas, Texas USA ❙ 1 to 6 July 2003


From Troy Perry ....................................................................................04 Mission, Vision & Core Values ................................................................05 From the Conference Team ....................................................................06 Hotel Information..................................................................................07 General Information ........................................................................08-09

Table of Contents


Special Events Human Rights Award ......................................................................10-11 Jubilee Highlights ............................................................................12-13

Program Schedule of Events ..........................................................................14-33 Workshops At-a-Glance ....................................................................34-36 Institutes At-a-Glance............................................................................37 Affinity Groups At-a-Glance....................................................................38 Worship Services..............................................................................39-71

Who’s Who Featured Guests ..............................................................................72-74 Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders ..................................................75-83 Board of Administration....................................................................84-85 Board of Elders................................................................................86-87 Exiting Elders ......................................................................................88 MCC Headquarters Staff ........................................................................89

Acknowledgments Awards & Appreciation ..........................................................................90 Advertising Index ..................................................................................91

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ From Troy Perry

A Special Welcome from Rev. Elder Troy Perry, Founder & Moderator Dear Saints, It is my great joy to welcome you – and MCCers from around the globe – to the very first General Conference and World Jubilee following MCC's denominational transition. It is my prayer that this will be a wonderful and lifechanging week as we gather together for worship, fellowship, networking and learning, and as we conduct the business of our movement. May this week together prepare us for bold and effective ministry in the days to come. In Christ, Rev. Troy D. Perry Amados Santos, Me da mucha alegría darles la bienvenida a esta primera Conferencia General y Jubileo Mundial después de adoptar esta nueva estructura. Pido a Dios que tengamos una gozosa semana con la potencial de cambiar vidas en este momento de unirnos a orar, compartir, intercambiar ideas y aprender al mismo tiempo que manejemos el negocio de nuestro movimiento. Que esta semana nos prepare para llevar un ministerio audaz y efectivo a nuestras comunidades. En Cristo, Rev. Troy D. Perry Queridos Santos, É um imenso prazer dar as boas vindas a você – e aos metropolitanos ao redor do mundo – para o primeiro Jubileu Mundial e Conferência Geral, seguidos da transição denominacional das Igrejas da Comunidade Metropolitana. A minha oração é que esta seja uma semana maravilhosa e de mudança de vida, estando juntos e unidos para a adoração, fraternidade, rede de trabalho e aprendizado para como nos conduzir nos negócios do nosso movimento. Que seja esta semana de união nos preparando para um corajoso e efetivo ministério nos dias vindouros. Em Cristo, Rev. Troy Perry Chèr(e)s Saint(e)s, C'est avec grand plaisir que je vous souhaite la bienvenue – ainsi qu'aux MCCien(ne)s de tous les coins de la planète – à la toute première Conférence Générale et au Jubilée Mondial suivant la transition dénominational des églises MCC. Je prie afin que cette semaine soit merveilleuse, qu'elle change nos vies tout en nous réunissant en nous rassemblant, afin que se cré des camaraderies, tout en apprenant et en travaillant sur les divers dossiers de notre mouvement. Que cette semaine passée ensemble nous prépare pour un ministère saint tenace et efficace pour le jours à venir. En Dieu, Le Rév. Ancien Troy D. Perry

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



The Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches is a Christian Church founded in and reaching beyond the Gay and Lesbian communities. We embody and proclaim Christian salvation and liberation, Christian inclusivity and community, and Christian social action and justice. We serve among those seeking and celebrating the integration of their spirituality and sexuality.


Mission Statement

❘ The vision of the UFMCC is to embody the presence of the Divine in the world, as revealed through Jesus Christ; to challenge the conscience of the universal Christian Church; and to celebrate the inherent worth and dignity of each person. As we move toward this vision, by 2003, the UFMCC will be comprised of at least 70,000 members and adherents who are all called and equipped to minister with excellence. This diverse global body will be widely recognized as a prophetic light and driving force for an inclusive Christian spirituality, which celebrates the integration of spirituality and human sexuality. Through our strengthened local churches, we will meet the justice and faith needs of people in increasing numbers of countries and cultures.

Core Values ❘


PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS 1 Peter 2:5-10 UFMCC is committed to mutual collaboration between laity and clergy in ministry.


THE LOST COIN, SHEEP AND CHILD Luke 15 UFMCC recognizes the inherent value and dignity of each person.


LOVE ONE ANOTHER John 13:34-35 UFMCC is committed to expressing love for one another by encouraging each individual to develop high self-esteem, being a servant to one another, and showing respect to each person.


NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST Romans 1:16 UFMCC is committed to boldness in proclamation and excellence in ministry.


GO INTO ALL THE WORLD Matthew 28: 19-20 UFMCC is passionately committed to reaching all people with the Good News.


RUN THE RACE Hebrews 12:1-2 UFMCC ministers with persistent and enduring faith.


HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL PEOPLE Isaiah 56:7 UFMCC ministry in every arena reflects a commitment to justice and inclusivity, nondiscrimination, and equal access by and opportunity for all.


BEING GOOD STEWARDS 1 Peter 4:10 UFMCC wisely utilizes the gifts God has given to us.


CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE Genesis 1:27 UFMCC is committed to each person’s growth toward wholeness in body, mind, and spirit, and full integration of spirituality and sexuality.

Mission, Vision & Core Values

Vision Statement

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ From the Conference Team

From the MCC Conference Team Mr. Roman Cardenas, Mr. Carlos Chavez, Rev. Elder Don Eastman, Ms. Heather Huff, Rev. Dr. Jim Mitulski & Rev. Dr. Justin Tanis Welcome to the 2003 World Jubilee. We’ve been working for years for this conference and are thrilled that you are here joining us at last! This year’s conference features an incredible line-up of opportunities to learn, fellowship, pray and celebrate together with people from around the world. We pray that it will be a blessing for you, your church and our community. We invite you to enter the conference with a spirit of adventure, willing to sing music you’ve not heard before, hear expressions of faith in languages other than your own, see the face of Christ in those who are familiar friends and those who are new to you, and grow in your love and service of God.

Special Thanks Ms. Beverly Deal Accessibility Coordinator Ms. Beth Downey Coordinator of Pages & Ushers Rev. Deb Dysert Chaplain Mr. Paul Fairley Director of Worship Logistics Mr. Bill Gallimore American Sign Language Coordinator Rev. Dan Koeshall Conference Music Director Rev. Jodi Mekkers 12-Step Program Coordinator Rev. Dawn Wilder Teen Program Coordinator & through our partnership with Cathedral of Hope MCC (Dallas, Texas USA) Mr. Dan Peeler Coordinator of Children’s Programming Mr. Paul Taylor Director of Multimedia We want to extend a special thank you to all those who have worked with us to make this conference possible, with creativity, dedication, faithfulness and hard work. You have helped make this conference an outstanding time of learning, growing and celebrating the mission and ministry of Metropolitan Community Churches.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Hotel Information

2201 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, Texas 75207 USA Tel 214.748.1200 The Wyndham Anatole is as grand and glorious as Texas itself. From the moment you step inside, it's clear that this is no ordinary hotel. It's a city to itself — full of many wonders to enjoy and explore. Marvel at the sweeping spaces richly adorned with antiques and art, including one of the nation's most extensive private art collections. Escape to your own private retreat in our guest rooms with special details like pillow-top mattresses and cordless speakerphones. After a busy day, relax in the exclusive Verandah Club and Spa, enjoy an unforgettable massage or play a game of racquetball. Enjoy exceptional cuisine and views from the Nana or explore the numerous boutiques that line our spacious atriums.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ General Information

Registration & Information


Please stop by the Registration & Information desk, located near the Chantilly Ballroom, if you have questions or need assistance.

We recognize the many languages used by MCC members which form the rich cultural make up of our denomination. At this conference, we have tried a new approach; rather than doing just a little bit in each language, we’ve committed to significant programming and translation for Spanish speakers, who form the largest language group after English-speakers. We wanted to concentrate on doing one language well, so that we can learn from that experience to add other languages at our conferences in the future. There will also be American Sign Language interpretation at our Worship Services, plenary sessions and business meeting.

❘ June 30, 12:00pm to 6:00pm TUESDAY ❘ July 1 to SATURDAY ❘ July 5, 7:00am to 7:00pm SUNDAY ❘ July 6, 8:00am to 3:00pm MONDAY

Name Badges Please wear your name badge at all times; you will need it to be admitted to all World Jubilee events (except worship services, which are open to everyone) and the security staff will be checking for them.

Conference Newsletter: The Daily The World Jubilee and General Conference newsletter, The Daily, will be published each day throughout the conference. Make sure to pick up a copy at Morning Worship or at the Information desk for reports on the events of the previous day and information on upcoming activities. All announcements must be submitted in writing to the Registration & Information desk by 1:00pm to be considered for inclusion in the next day’s issue of The Daily. Priority will be given to announcements concerning official events, including General Conference business, plenary or worship changes, emergency alerts or notices, location and time changes for conference events such as workshops; spontaneous, unofficial meetings and gatherings; program or Regional events or gatherings, calls for volunteers, and MCC resources promotion.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


You also will have opportunities at the morning communion services to experience the Eucharist in a variety of languages, untranslated. We invite you to hear the words of Jesus in ways that you have never heard them before, trusting that the meaning is the same. Reconocemos que existen muchos lenguajes en ICM y esto es algo que enriquece culturalmente a nuestra iglesia. En esta conferencia intentaremos una nueva solución, en lugar de tener un poco de cada lenguaje hemos decidido enfocarnos solamente en nuestros miembros de habla hispana que es el lenguaje que mas se habla en ICM después del ingles. Queríamos enfocarnos únicamente en un lenguaje para poder ver cuales son las necesidades y para ver de que errores podemos aprender para enriquecer aun mas nuestras conferencias para poder incluir a mas personas. Tendremos también interpretadores para los sordomudos durante los servicios de adoración, plenarios y reuniones de negocios. En los servicios de comunión tienen la opción de oír la Eucaristía en diferentes lenguajes sin traducción. Les pedimos oír las palabras de Jesucristo en estos diferentes lenguajes y que confíen que en cualquier idioma el significado es el mismo.


❘ July 1 Prayers for Our World & Peace WEDNESDAY ❘ July 2 Prayers for Our Regions THURSDAY ❘ July 3 Prayers for Our Leadership FRIDAY ❘ July 4 Prayers for Our Local Churches SATURDAY ❘ July 5 Prayers for Our Local Communities SUNDAY ❘ July 6 Prayers for Carrying the Word into the World

12-Step Meetings

General Information

This year, we are also offering a focused time of prayer available in the chapel for those who wish to participate. We are instructed in I Thessalonians 5:17 to "pray continually giving thanks in all circumstances; for that is God's will for us in Christ Jesus." Prayer is a vital part of the Christian's faith journey and it should be a vital part of our journey as a denomination. Therefore we will be offering you the opportunity to visit the chapel daily as we join our prayers together to change our world. The suggested prayer topics will be:

We want to be sure that the World Jubilee is accessible to all of our participants. Our Accessibility Coordinator is Ms. Beverly Deal and our ASL Coordinator is Mr. Bill Gallimore. Please see either of them, or stop by the Information desk, if we can be of assistance to you.

Rev. Deb Dysert is our chaplain for this year’s conference; please see her or contact the Registration & Information desk if you have a pastoral need. The chapel, located in the Opal Room on the first floor, will be open for you to go to at any time. Sometimes the excitement and energy of conference can get a bit overwhelming. We want to provide a quiet, safe space for you to meet God and to get centered.



The Chapel & Pastoral Care

12-Step meetings are scheduled daily in the Milan Room; check the Information desk for specific times. Rev. Jodi Mekkers will be coordinating our twelve-step programs.


Emergency Medical Services In the event of a medical emergency, please see a member of the conference or hotel staff for assistance. We will be available to arrange transportation to an appropriate medical facility or physician’s office.


American Sign Language American Sign Language interpretation will be available at all Worship Services, business sessions and the plenary. If you need additional assistance, please contact our ASL Coordinator, Mr. Bill Gallimore.

We are very committed to making MCC conferences exciting, relevant and enriching experiences and your feedback about what is working well and what we might add or change to improve the conferences is very important to us. Please help us by filling out an evaluation form and returning it to the Registration & Information desk or mail it to: MCC Conference Team 8704 Santa Monica Boulevard, 2nd Floor West Hollywood, California 90069 USA

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



SPECIAL EVENTS Human Rights Award

Human Rights Award Barbara Gittings & Kay Tobin Lahusen: Recipients of the 2003 MCC Human Rights Awards What was it like to be gay in the 1950’s? Ask this year’s honorees of the Human Rights Awards – they will gladly testify to fifty years of gay liberation, to which they have been not only witnesses but also the people behind it.

“Dr. H. Anonymous,” and a discourse began that led to the de-patholigizing of homosexuality among mental health professionals. Although not a religious person, her insight about the empowering effect their activism had sounds like an epiphany:

In 1958, Barbara Gittings founded the New York City chapter of the Daughters of Bilitis, the first lesbian organization. One-time editor of the Ladder, the first lesbian publication, Gittings picketed for gay rights in front of the Independence Hall in the 1960’s, well before Stonewall. Every July 4th from 1965 to 1969 Barbara and a small band of picketers stood up for our rights:

“The pivot point was, we realized we’d have to wait forever for the researchers with accepted credentials to do studies that showed we are normal and healthy and then get the public to accept such unpopular findings. So we stopped deferring to the professionals and began to speak for ourselves.”

“It was scary to demonstrate for our rights and equality. Picketing was not a popular tactic in the 1960’s. Certainly our cause wasn’t popular. Even most gay people thought our efforts were foolish and outlandish. Only a tiny handful of us could or would take the risk of being so publicly on view. What if my picture appears in my parents’ hometown paper and causes shock waves? What if a bystander throws insults at us – or worse, bricks or stones? And what is the government going to DO with all those photographs and tapes they’re making of us?...We all felt, as one of us put it, ‘Today it was as if a weight dropped off my soul.’” In the 1970’s she came to Dallas and organized on behalf of gay liberation at the convention of the American Library Association. There she staged a highly publicized “kissing booth,” where you could “Hug-a-Homosexual” and her activism in that organization led to the evolution of the public library as a safe source of information for many people coming out. Her pioneering comprehensive bibliographies became the standard source from which libraries and schools selected gay-related material. The next year she returned to Dallas for the convention of the American Psychiatric Association. Tired of being branded as “sick” for being homosexual, Barbara arranged for the convention to hear from a closeted psychiatrist,

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


Barbara’s activism has never stopped – on behalf of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and HIV-affected people. She was a charter member of the board of the National Gay Task Force, and a founding board member of the Gay Rights National Lobby, a predecessor organization to the Human Rights Campaign. Her recent activism extends to the American Association of Retired Persons. She has been featured in the films Before Stonewall: the Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community and Gay Pioneers. The best essay about Gittings is penned by her partner of over forty years, Kay Tobin Lahusen, in Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context, edited by Vern L. Bullough (Haworth Press, 2002). The Free Library of Philadelphia now features the Barbara Gittings Gay/Lesbian Collection, at its branch near the Independence Hall. Barbara was also a founding advisory board member for the James C. Hormel Gay and Lesbian Center at the San Francisco Public Library. Welcome, Barbara Gittings! We are also pleased to welcome Kay Tobin Lahusen, the first openly gay photojournalist and author with Randy Wicker of the groundbreaking book, The Gay Crusaders (1972). Kay’s most recent touring photo exhibit is called, Opening the Closet Door: Photos of the Early Gay Rights Movement. Welcome, Kay!



❘ Human Rights Award

ABOVE Randolfe Wicker and Barbara Gittings in demonstration on July 4, 1966 at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. This was the second of five annual “Reminder Day” demonstrations.

ABOVE “Hug-a-Homosexual” booth run by task force on

Gay Liberation of the American Library Association/Social Responsibilities Round Table at ALA annual conference in June 1971, Dallas. Barbara Gittings (left) with Isabel Miller, author of Patience and Sarah, winner of the first Gay Book Award. 1971

BELOW Dr. H. Anonymous listens while Barbara Gittings

explains to the American Psychiatric Association audience why he must wear a mask and why all his gay peers remain in the closet. Dallas, 1972.

BELOW Lige Clarke, Barbara Gittings, Kay Tobin Lahusen

and Jack Nichols at the first Philadelphia Gay Pride rally in March 1972.

Photograph of Barbara Gittings appearing on the opposite page is by B. Proud Photo, Wilmington, Delaware 2001. All photos appearing on this page are from the collection of Kay Tobin Lahusen.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Jubilee Highlights

Jubilee Highlights From Sister to Mister, there is something for everyone at this year's World Jubilee. Come, let us entertain you!

Late Nite Catechism Chantilly East Ballroom

Sing for the Cure® Chantilly East Ballroom

TUESDAY, 1 JULY 7:00PM TO 9:00PM Call it Loretta Young meets Carol Burnett. This is part catechism class, part stand-up routine. It’s an interactive comedy now in its tenth year. It’s written by Vicki Quade & Maripat Donovan. Directed by Marc Silvia. The New York Times calls it, “hilarious, well-written and inspired.” Jeffrey Lyons from TV’s Sneak Previews calls Late Nite Catechism "something to savor and of the most intimate, rewarding shows in town." Judy Reinert of the Kane County Chronicle states, “Far funnier than ‘Nunsense,’ Late Nite Catechism is a brilliant production in every way.” You, the audience member, are part of Sister’s class. She’ll take you back to the days of the Latin Mass, meatless Fridays, and remind you about that good old ruler across the knuckles! Hilarious fun for former Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Late Nite Catechism continues to make people laugh their sins off! Susan Gaspar (Sister) attended the State University of New York at New Paltz, where she earned a BA in Theatre Arts. She spent seven years in New York City and appeared off-Broadway in "Finishing Stroke" at Lincoln Center, "Lady L" at The Actors Playhouse, and in several independent films. In addition, Susan studied improvisation with Paul Sills, with For Play, and with the Comedy Elite and The First Amendment, and developed and taught improvisational workshops at The Actor's Coop. Since 1992, she has performed with Close Call Theatre, Baird Hall Theatre, Zeitgeist Theatre, The Free Associates Theatre Company, and Late Nite Catechism. Admission to show and fabulous dessert reception is included in the Conference Registration. Additional tickets available for $30 each.


Sing for the Cure is a musical journey through the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. It is told through the personal experiences of breast cancer survivors, their partners and their loved ones. Librettist Pamela Martin interviewed scores of people whose unique stories comprise the narration and lyrics for ten songs set to the music of ten composers, each of whom has been touched by breast cancer in some way. Its effect is universal: both performers and audience members alike experience the pain of facing death and the hope of life that is so real for all who make the journey. Sing for the Cure ® will be performed by the Women’s Chorus of Dallas, under the direction of Artistic Director, Mark L. Stamper, TWCD performs three subscription concerts each year. In addition to its concert series, TWCD appears at many community events and fundraisers, supporting the fight against AIDS, breast cancer, homeless shelters, arts programs in local school districts, The Women's Museum, and other human concerns. To further its commitment to building awareness about breast cancer, TWCD has formed an alliance with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, which is beneficiary of a portion of the proceeds from the Our Turn and Sing for the Cure® CD's. Admission included in Conference Registration. Additional tickets available for $15 each.

Esera Tuaolo Chantilly East Ballroom

SUNDAY, 6 JULY 1:30PM TO 2:30PM Esera Tuaolo, openly Gay Former NFL Player and Super Bowl Participant, will be a guest speaker during the conference's closing Worship Service. The former Minnesota Viking and gay parent, Esera Tuaolo, will perform a song and share his personal journey of faith as an openly gay man. He'll also participate in a separate conference session during the afternoon.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



❘ 10:30AM TO 5:00PM

Rev. Barbara Essex is leading a retreat open to all nondelegate Conference Registrants. Rev. Dr. Barbara Essex will do a book talk and signing about her book Bad Girls of the Bible: Exploring Biblical Women of Questionable Virtue (Pilgrim, 2001) and Bad Boys of the Bible: Men Who Commit Outrageous Acts (Pilgrim 2002) which are great books for bible studies in churches.

The Tea Dance Wedgewood Room & Bar SUNDAY, 6 JULY

❘ 5:00PM TO 7:00PM

The upBeat! Singers Chantilly East Ballroom

WEDNESDAY, 2 JULY 8:30PM TO 10:00PM Marsha Stevens and BALM Ministries invite you to enjoy the music and ministry of emerging music artists from churches across the country who have successfully completed the upBeat! Music Ministry Training Program. The evening will feature various artists who are embarking on their ministry calling and will be available to sing in your churches.

Join us for a for our final farewell celebration, in the Wedgewood Room and bar. The Tea Dance is an MCC tradition. Come and have one last afternoon of fun with your friends from conference before we head home.

Young Adults Social Madrid Room

Dance and Tex-Mex snacks included in Conference Registration. Additional tickets available for $15 each.

Join hosts Heather Huff and Charles Tigard for a special social gathering welcoming all conference attendees between the ages of 18-29. Includes dessert — fruits, sorbet, soda, coffee and tea. Don’t miss this time to connect with others and have a great time!

Troy Perry’s New Book Sapphire Room 9:30AM TO 11:30AM


MCC announces Troy Perry's newest book — 10 Spiritual Lessons for Gays & Lesbians (and everyone else!). The book contains the 10 greatest spiritual lessons Troy has learned during 35 years of ministry to the GLBT communities. An autograph party will be held during General Conference. The book will sell for $12.95 USD!

Vacation Bible School Cathedral of Hope 8:30AM TO 5:30PM

Jubilee Highlights


Program includes devotion, teaching, crafts, recreation, music, free time, and a midweek field trip. Children's art will be presented at Conference.

Somebody’s Calling Your Name Chantilly East Ballroom



FRIDAY, 4 JULY 8:30PM TO 10:00PM

ACT UP Milan Room

FRIDAY, 4 JULY 9:30AM TO 11:30AM MCC is proud to present a screening of James Wentzy’s new 75 minute documentary on the history of ACT UP in New York City — remember the activism, remember the anger, remember the rage, remember the pride- GUARANTEED to inspire you to action, tears and awe.


In conjunction with Cathedral of Hope and following the Jubilee theme: “Let Your LIght Shine,” the Children’s 2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Schedule of Events

Schedule of Events Tuesday ❚ 1 July

1:30pm to 3:00pm NATIONAL MEETINGS Locations TBD An opportunity for delegates to gather with others from their country to discuss issues specific to their national setting.

8:30am to 5:30pm VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL For children at Cathedral of Hope MCC

3:30pm to 5:00pm

TEEN PROGRAM Rev. Dawn Wilder, Coordinator Manchester Room

COMMISSION ON THE LAITY MEETING Chantilly East Ballroom The COL leadership will review projects and progress over the past 2 years and discuss the COL replacement body bylaw proposal. This will also be a time for COL chair candidates to share with the lay delegates. All lay people are welcome and strongly encouraged to attend.

9:30am to 10:45am OPENING WORSHIP SERVICE OF THE WORLD JUBILEE Rev. Elder Armando Sanchez, Region 2, Preaching Chantilly East Ballroom

MINI-RETREAT FOR CLERGY CANDIDATES & FORMATION STUDENTS Madrid Room An opportunity for those preparing for ordination to meet with Rev. Jim Mitulski, Associate Director of Leadership Development, for a time of prayer and conversation.

11:00am to 12:00pm

CONFERENCE CHOIR REHEARSAL Emerald Room We would love to have you be part of this year's Jubilee Choir made up of people from all around the world! We will rehearse each day and sing each night at our main Conference Celebrations. Come expecting to meet wonderful people and have a great time using your gifts to glorify God.


11:00am to 5:00pm SEXUALITY STUDIES COURSE Dr. Mona West Check Registration Desk for location. You must have pre-registered and completed the online portion of the class in order to attend this class. Class will be continued on other days of the conference. You will receive a full schedule at this first session.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


7:00pm to 9:00pm OPENING RECEPTION & ENTERTAINMENT: LATE NITE CATECHISM Chantilly East Ballroom Join us for this wonderful comedy production with all kinds of desserts and snacks to follow. You don’t want to miss this hysterically funny evening.


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL For children at Cathedral of Hope MCC TEEN PROGRAM Rev. Dawn Wilder, Coordinator Manchester Room

1:30pm to 5:00pm GENERAL CONFERENCE BUSINESS MEETING cont. Chantilly East Ballroom

8:30am to 9:15am

Schedule of Events

8:30am to 5:30pm

God calls unusual people to do extraordinary things. She believes every Christian has a calling and this retreat is designed to help you distinguish God’s call for your life. World Jubilee with a spiritual retreat: center yourself, relax into the scriptures, build new friendships, and listen for the still, small voice within that reminds you of who you are. This space has been created at the heart of the Jubilee for all non-delegates to enhance their experience of the conference. Somebody’s calling your name — and has been calling you from your mother’s womb…won’t you answer the call?


Schedule of Events Wednesday ❚ 2 July


MORNING COMMUNION Chantilly East Ballroom Homily: Ms. Cindy Acker, MCC of the Redwood Empire (Guerneville, California USA)

5:45pm to 7:00pm

Communion: Mr. Steven Harte, MCC Edinburgh (Edinburgh, SCOTLAND)

CONFERENCE CHOIR REHEARSAL Emerald Room We would love to have you be part of this year's Jubilee Choir made up of people from all around the world! We will rehearse each day and sing each night at our main Conference Celebrations. Come expecting to meet wonderful people and have a great time using your gifts to glorify God.

9:30am to 10:15am MODERATOR’S ADDRESS Rev. Elder Troy D. Perry, Founder & Moderator of Metropolitan Community Churches Chantilly East Ballroom Addresses the conference.

7:00pm to 8:30pm WORSHIP THE LIGHT OF LIFE: FOCUS ON HEALING & WHOLENESS Rev. Karla Fleshman, Preaching Imago Dei MCC, (Media, Pennsylvania, USA) Chantilly East Ballroom

10:30am to 12:00pm GENERAL CONFERENCE BUSINESS MEETING Chantilly East Ballroom RETREAT: SOMEBODY’S CALLING YOUR NAME! Wedgewood Ballroom Barbara Essex is a distinguished writer, spiritual director, chaplain, dynamic preacher and expert in leadership development. This is the real thing — the author of Bad Girls of the Bible and Bad Boys of the Bible knows that

8:30pm to 10:00pm UPBEAT! MINISTRY CONCERT Chantilly East Ballroom Marsha Stevens invites you to enjoy the music and ministry of emerging music artists from churches

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Schedule of Events

across the country who have successfully completed the upBeat! Music Ministry Training Program. The evening will feature various artists who are embarking on their ministry calling and will be available to sing in your churches. Join these exciting performers for an evening of music celebrating faith as only MCCers can. Featuring the talents of: Sandi Baker, Gena Rose, Michael Jansen, Pat Grant, Carolyn Marshall, Justin Vaughn, Jenni Clarkson, Terry Lee Ousley, Natalie Phillips, Wayne Shatraw, D'Anna Chance, Vilia Corvison.

❚ Son Hispanos y que simplemente quieran pasarla bien con amigos.

HIV SIMPLY SOCIAL Rev. Joe McMurray, Facilitator Milan Room HIV Simply Social — a time for people with HIV to connect with each other and to meet each other as the World Jubilee begins. Open to people who are HIV positive or who have AIDS.

❚ Would like to get acquainted or get reacquainted with friends involved in ministries in Latin America and Hispanic ministries in the United States.

HEALTH CARE CHAPLAINS AFFINITY GROUP Rev. Frank Beard, Facilitator Ming Room In this group we will gather together as chaplains from various settings to fellowship and share each other's ministry. We will look at questions that concern us as chaplains, such as: pastoral identity, our connectedness to UFMCC, positive intentions in ministry and theological foundations for our work and self-care. Come with your questions and concerns and share with others who have chosen this ministry.

CONOCIENDO MINISTERIOS HISPANOS/HISPANIC MINISTRY REUNION presentado por Fernando Moreno, Ministerio Hispano, Catedral de Esperanza (Dallas, Texas USA) Miro Sala Evento social para las personas interesadas en Ministerios Latino americanos, ministerios Hispanos en los Estados Unidos y celebrando la cultura Hispana dentro de ICM. Esta reunión está dirigida para aquellos que: ❚ Están interesados en conocer más acerca de los ministerios en Latino América y ministerios Hispanos en los EEUU dentro de la Fraternidad.

Informal social for people interested in Latin American ministry, Hispanic ministries in the United States and celebrating the Hispanic culture within MCC. This gathering is for people who: ❚ Would like to know more about ministries in Latin America and United States Hispanic ministries within the Fellowship.

❚ Are interested in starting a Hispanic Ministry in their United States church. ❚ Are Hispanic and just want to have a good time with friends. THE REST OF US AFFINITY GROUP Madrid Room A gathering for bisexual and transgendered members of MCC, our families and friends. REGION 7 GATHERING Morocco Room An opportunity for delegates and conference registrants from Region 7 to gather with Rev. Elder Gill Storey, your Regional Elder. CIGAR AFICIONADOS AFFINITY GROUP Mr. Jim Birkitt & Mr. Roman Cardenas, Hosts It may be this year's most unusual Affinity Group! All cigar aficionados are invited to a cigar evening hosted by the MCC Communications Department. The cigar event will take place on the patio of the Anatole Hotel — appropriately located next to the Gossip Lounge. Bring your favorite cigar and enjoy the fellowship of this first-ever conference event. Are you an aficionado, but arrived without a cigar? A limited number of premium, hand-rolled cigars will be available.

❚ Quieren conocerce or reestablecer contacto con amigos involucrados en ministerios Latino americanos y minsterios Hispanos en los EEUU. ❚ Estan interesados en iniciar un Ministerio Hispano en los EEUU. 2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



CHURCH PLANTING SUMMIT Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman Metropolitan Ballroom A full day summit focused on the planting of new multi-celled, healthy churches. We will focus on three primary approaches:

MORNING COMMUNION Chantilly East Ballroom Homily: Mr. Keith Apple, MCC of the Redwood Empire, (Guerneville, California, USA)

❚ Regional church plants

Communion: Ms. Lucie Forget, Free To Be MCC, (Belleville, Ontario, Canada)

❚ Parent church plants (parish extensions) ❚ The church within the church, creating an indigenous cultural church within the context of an existing church, i.e., Hispanic congregation.

Schedule of Events

8:30am to 9:15am

construct has been and continues to be of life-anddeath importance to those who cannot meet society's unrealistic requirements,” writes Mollenkott. The Omnigender paradigm seeks to liberate individuals and society. Two genders? Too limiting!


Schedule of Events Thursday ❚ 3 July

Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman will be presenting a plenary focusing on church planting theory and practical application and lay the foundation for the rest of the day. Other presenters with field experience in each area will then explore each of the planting methods in more depth. There will be question and answer periods throughout the day. Much of the summit will be in both Spanish and English.

8:30am to 5:30pm VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL For children at Cathedral of Hope MCC TEEN PROGRAM Rev. Dawn Wilder, Coordinator Manchester Room

9:30am to 5:00pm OMNIGENDER INSTITUTE Dr. Virginia Mollenkott Chantilly East Ballroom Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, author of the groundbreaking book, Is the Homosexual My Neighbor, turns her attention to gender and examines the problems inherent in our society's binary concept of gender identity. She contends that the common understanding of gender as two opposite sexes is woefully inadequate. In fact, she argues that this “binary gender paradigm” is oppressive and inflicts grave suffering on many people. Identifying ways in which this paradigm is harmful to people, Mollenkott moves beyond the current gender construct to offer vision of a new, more flexible gender paradigm which she terms “omnigender.” In proposing a new paradigm, Mollenkott offers a vision of what such an omnigendered society might look like and offers suggestions for the educational, scientific, and political steps it will take to get there. “The binary gender

CHURCH SYSTEMS IN CONFLICT ❚ PART 1 Mr. Speed Leas, Senator’s Hall A two-day seminar on dealing with conflict in congregations. The first day of this course will focus on dealing with conflict between members of a congregation. The course will include use of the inventory Discover Your Conflict Management Style, assessment of situations in which conflict occurs with individuals in a church and the development of strategies to deal with those individuals. The second day of the course will focus on the system’s dimensions of conflict. Again, we will focus on analysis of the congregation and the development of strategies to deal with the dysfunctional aspects of the system. RISK MANAGEMENT FOR BOARDS OF DIRECTORS Mr. Bob Brockman Governor’s Hall Risk Management is a matter of taking care to provide as safe and healthy an environment for ministry as is reasonably possible. This institute will introduce members of Boards of Directors to some of the most

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



PROGRAM Schedule of Events

common risks faced by churches today and strategies for effectively managing those risks. Teaching this institute are two attorneys who specialize in legal issues affecting churches.

9:30am to 11:30am QUEEREALITIES PERFORMANCE & WORKSHOP Rev. Durrell Watkins Topaz Room QUEEREALITIES is a one-act play written by Durrell Watkins. The play deals with some of the diverse issues of contemporary queer communities, including: recovery from conservative religious condemnation of homosexuality, two sides of the "gay marriage" coin, a few of the complexities of discovering that gender may not be fixed and can certainly differ from one's biological sex, the friendships that can exist between gay and straight people and the ongoing challenges of living with HIV. The characters in the play discuss their issues frankly, using adult language and a variety of spiritual views from conservative to liberal to humanistic. The reading of QUEEREALITIES will be followed by a talk-back time where audience members can dialogue with the playwright about any of the issues raised in the Readers' Theatre performance. The play brings to life queer studies, gender roles, and religious attitudes, and can be discussed from sociological or theological perspectives. The play also demonstrates how progressive theology can be communicated through creative art, and can be viewed and discussed as art as ministry or art as activism. No thought, feeling, or question raised from the play will be off-limits. COL MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Ms. Jude Litzenberger, Second Assistant Chair, COL Morocco Room The MCC COL team has developed the "Ministry Development Centre" which is available via the world wide web. This electronic center has hundreds of ministry resources submitted by various MCC leaders, churches and former districts. In this workshop, we will demonstrate the various functions of this center including chat and online coaching capabilities.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


GOT CLOWNS? PERFORMANCE & DISCUSSION, CLOWN MINISTRY MCC Lubbock Topaz Room An entertaining workshop covering the whys and hows of clown ministry, including starting a clown ministry, finding material to use for skits, make-up and costumes, presentation, service projects and the importance of a clown ministry. This workshop will be presented by all members of the MCC Lubbock clown ministry: Miss Minnie-Anne Ray, Clydene-Gail Patton, Curby-Beth Carlberg, Clarence-Reno Entrekin, Luke-Frankie Armstrong, Oggie-Kathy Roe, Wilma-Karen Salo, Noggin-Marge Washam & Skippy-Angie Taylor. DEVELOPING A SENIOR ADULT MINISTRY FOR YOUR CHURCH Mr. T. Patrick Toal Madrid Room Today it is not uncommon to hear middle-aged people say they are looking forward to the day when they can retire. As we begin to approach our senior years, however, we realize that there are many negative connotations associated with being old and that retirement is often characterized in our society by a lessened ability to function and participate in all aspects of life. Mainstream heterosexual churches have already begun to recognize this problem and have developed Senior Adult Ministries to serve their maturing congregational members and encourage church-wide respect and sensitivity to this noble population of people. Our MCC churches can also create a more welcoming environment for older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Christians by developing similar ministries which embrace people of all ages and encourage sensitivity to those issues which effect our own aging population. Our own senior LGBT’s are a diverse group of people with a wealth of knowledge, information, resources and creative energy that should be utilized by all church congregations. BUILDING TRUSTED & TRUSTING TEAMS Ms. Cindi Love Sapphire Room This workshop is designed to help churches recognize the great potential for intentional creation or reshaping of "top down" and high burn-out leadership structures into dynamic ministry groups or teams. We still tend to organize ministry according to patterns of hierarchy rather than gift-based teams.This traditional model of


BAD GIRLS OF THE BIBLE Dr. Barbara Essex Sapphire Room Bad Girls of the Bible presents selected women of the Bible in a new light, exploring the Bible’s accounts of traditionally misunderstood or despised women, including Lot’s wife, Delilah, Jezebel, Salome and Sapphira — challenging traditional, patriarchal perspectives and offering fresh interpretations. Book signing to follow workshop.

ESCRI@S EN EL CUERPO (Written in the Body) Rev. Roberto Gonzalez Milan Sala El objetivo de este taller es rendir un modesto homenaje a nuestras Santas y Santos por medio de los testimonios que se han hallado de ellas y ellos. Es nuestro interés que el presente taller sea una especie de “aperitivo” para quienes tienen interés en profundizar y crecer en su vida de fe por medio de estos maravillosos ejemplos de vida.

Schedule of Events

1:30pm to 3:00pm

Book signing to follow workshop.

QUE(e)RING ROMANS Rev. Tom Hanks Milan Room Transcending the traditional battles over the principal clobber text (Rom 1:26-27), we will seek to develop a subversive and queer perspective on the entire letter, its relationship to its queer author and to the five house churches Paul addressed in Nero's Rome, as he sought to make them more proud and affirming of their diversity and more subversive of patriarchy and Empire. Selections of Tom's chapter on Romans for QUE(e)RING THE BIBLE (edited by Bob Goss, Deryn Guest and Mona West, to be published by Sheffield Academic / Continuum in 2004) will be distributed for study and group discussion.

TUGS OF WAR: USING THE SPIRITUAL WISDOM OF THE AGES TO GET CENTERED WHEN LIFE IS PULLING US APART Rev. Michael Nikolaus Morocco Room Despite the assertions of modern day fundamentalists, there are few easy choices in life, particularly moral choices. This book utilizes the wisdom from many of the world’s great spiritual traditions, and the best of modern behavioral science, to help you make your best choices as you are pulled along by the “tugs of war” of life.


the minister as ministry provider leads to an organization which is able to operate at a low level of trust. People may come to church, but limit their involvement to carrying out simple tasks. The Creator wants us to operate at a high level of trust within the church and with the type of trust that is transformative. This type of trust moves people from counting on someone else to carry the responsibility for the mission to shared responsibility. This type of trust leads to high performance teams which are characterized by the free exchange of energy, information, ideas and feelings. Trust is the unseen factor that binds diverse individuals into high performance teams.These teams have clear Biblical roots: Jesus shaped the Twelve into a ministry team, the church at Antioch had a small leadership team, etc. Without this type of organizational energy, many churches of the 21st century cannot replicate the community changing power of the 1st century.

DEVELOPING YOUR INDIVIDUAL MUSIC MINISTRY Ms. Marsha Stevens & Ms. Cindy Pino Topaz Room Are you a singer, songwriter or performing artist with a calling to minister to the GLBT community? Balm Ministries has started a program called "upBeat!" specifically designed to train and equip emerging gay Christian artists for music ministry. Come learn about how this program might get you ready for the next step in realizing your dream. CLINICAL PASTORAL EDUCATION Rev. Birte Beuck Madrid Room Someone is in crisis — how do you really help? If you would like to improve the quality of your pastoral care while at the same time finding out more about who you are as a person and minister, you may want to check out Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). CPE is offered throughout the Unites States and the world. CPE is a program utilizing hands-on experience with people in need (i.e. in hospital or prisons) and group/individual reflection to teach pastoral education and formation. People who have taken CPE come from many faith, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Out of an intense involvement with persons in need, and the feedback from peers and teachers, students develop

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Schedule of Events

new awareness of themselves as persons and of the needs of those to whom they minister. Many denominations require their ministry students to take at least an 11week basic CPE unit. In this workshop you will learn: What is CPE? What are the essential elements of CPE? What does CPE prepare a person to do? A typical day in CPE: First hand stories from people who have taken CPE and examples of how CPE works.

THE GIFTS OF ASIAN SPIRITUALITY TO CHRISTIANITY Mr. Ji-Sing Norman Eng Morocco Room This workshop is for those wanting to ask questions about and explore Asian and Buddhist spirituality in a Christian context. There will be discussion, as well as actual meditation practice, chanting and mindful movement (and even an example of how Christian rites can be done in such a way as to include elements from the Asian Wisdom tradition and thus be more culturally inclusive). In other words, this workshop will share how mindful practices can be done in a Christian way and not just in a Buddhist way.

3:30pm to 5:00pm EL VIH/SIDA EN LA COMUNIDADES GLTTB LATINOAMERICANAS (HIV/AIDS in Latin America) Rev. Alejandro Soria y Sr. Alberto Najera Flores Topaz Sala CAMPUS MINISTRY Rev. Paul Whiting Milan Room The workshop will present a diversity of campus ministry concepts including building effective relations with university administrations, developing multi-faith cooperatives, and working with student organizations. There will be opportunity to work in focus groups for high schools, small colleges and universities and large universities.

PLAN FOR YOUR FUTURE, FOCUS ON TODAY Madrid Room Learn about planning for retirement through a 403(b) retirement account (this workshop will be directed towards US participants). CONFERENCE CHOIR REHEARSAL Emerald Room We would love to have you be part of this year's Jubilee Choir made up of people from all around the world! We will rehearse each day and sing each night at our main Conference Celebrations. Come expecting to meet wonderful people and have a great time using your gifts to glorify God.

7:00pm to 8:15pm BAD BOYS OF THE BIBLE Dr. Barbara Essex Sapphire Room Cain, Abraham, Adam, Samson, Lot, Jacob, and Jephthah are well-known men of the Bible who were strong and faithful, yet also weak and challenged. Essex reveals a side of these figures not usually reflected upon or even considered in most preaching and teaching, presenting the men in the context of their cultures, leadership styles and basic human characteristics as they attempt to serve God and God’s people. Their lives were a mixture of curiosity, shame, anger, sadness and triumph. Book signing to follow workshop.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


WORSHIP LIGHT MY FIRE!: FOCUS ON SEX & THE BODY Dr. Justin Tanis, Preaching Chantilly East Ballroom

8:30pm to 10:00pm PEOPLE OF LEATHER AMONG YOU (PLAY) AFFINITY GROUP Rev. Kurt Krieger, Facilitator Miro Room People of Leather Among You (PLAY) is an affinity group of 12 years that has worked to foster networking of those involved in leather. This is a very broad umbrella group for those who have some interest in leather, be it a lifestyle or simply a fetish. It also provides an information outlet for those who want to better


FIRST NATIONS AFFINITY GROUP Rev. Elder Diane Fisher & Rev. Elder Jeri Ann Harvey, Facilitators Ming Room This gathering is to provide an opportunity for people of First Nations or Native American descent, and members of their families of choice, to gather, share stories and to explore what we would like to do next within MCC.

8:30am to 9:15am MORNING COMMUNION Chantilly East Ballroom Homily: Ms. Kayla Paine, MCC of Northern Virginia, Falls Church (Virginia, USA) Communion: Sr. Fernando Frontan, Diaconia Cristiana en la Diversidad (Uruguay)

8:30am to 5:30pm VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL For children at Cathedral of Hope MCC

MUSICIANS AFFINITY GROUP Madrid Room A gathering open to those engaged in music ministries in MCC.

TEEN PROGRAM Rev. Dawn Wilder, Coordinator Manchester Room

REGION 3 GATHERING Topaz Room An opportunity for delegates and conference attendees from Region 3 to gather for fellowship and to connect with the Regional Elder, Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman.

9:00am to 6:45pm

8:45pm to 10:45pm REGION 1 SOCIAL Sapphire Room Conference registrants and delegates from Region 1 are invited to gather for fellowship and a reception, hosted by the Regional Elder, Rev. Elder Debbie Martin.

Schedule of Events

CAMPUS MINISTERS AFFINITY GROUP Rev. Paul Whiting, Facilitator Milan Room The Affinity Group is for people already engaged in campus ministry and will be an opportunity to share some of the challenges we face and maybe work toward formalizing our identity.

Schedule of Events Friday ❚ 4 July


understand the Leather community. We invite you to show your leatherpride by wearing leather and sitting with the leatherfolk at the Worship service Thursday evening and/or joining us for the PLAY gathering afterwards.

MARKETPLACE & RESOURCE EXPO Chantilly West Ballroom Browse! Shop! Explore! Come join us at this year’s Marketplace & Resource Expo with books, church supplies, LGBT themed merchandise and information on seminaries and community groups. Friday & Saturday only, so stop by now!

9:30am to 5:00pm 21ST CENTURY WORSHIP Rev. Jim Burns Chantilly East Ballroom In his new book, The Great Worship Awakening, Robb Redman says “It is safe to say that there has been more innovation and change in Protestant worship in the past twenty-five years than in the seventy-five before that.” Many of these changes are in response to the rise of electronic media. We now live in a digital age. The

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Schedule of Events

internet is radically changing the way people receive and process information. This new information era is producing a shift in human communications as profound as that caused by the invention of the printing press. Yet many churches in North America are still worshipping just as they did in the 1950’s. They risk finding themselves speaking an entirely different language than the people they are called to reach. This institute will provide an overview of some of the highly creative worship experiments that are being tried in churches today. The first session will give a survey of recent analysis of the effects of the digital communication on human communication patterns, and the implications for preaching and worship. It will suggest five shifts in response to these changes: ❚ From Performance to Participation ❚ From Isolated to Integrated experience ❚ From Authority to Authenticity ❚ From Stabilization to Subversion ❚ from Verbal to Visual A worship model will emerge that places equal emphasis on image, music, and word. The three later sessions will each focus on one of these three elements, and will consist of panel discussions of recent work done by worship planners within MCC. The first will focus on image (e.g. art, videoscreens, digital storytelling). The second will discuss music (e.g. pop, praise and worship, modern hymnody) and the third will present trends in preaching (e.g. narrative preaching, drama, multi-cultural issues). QUEERING THE WORD Dr. Ken Stone, Dr. Ted Jennings, Dr. Bob Goss, Dr. Mona West & Dr. Robin Gorsline, Metropolitan Ballroom You’ve seen bibles with the words of Christ in red, but what would it like if passages with queer implications were highlighted in pink? The question may sound light, but the fact is, some of the most serious and critical scholarship in biblical studies are also being done in a queer context. Queering the Word means finding our own story in the text, using our own life experience to unlayer the meaning of ancient texts, in their own times and for today. Only those who love and know the word can queer it with integrity and authenticity. Come hear an amazing array of biblical scholars share their insights in an effort to challenge us to make the Word our own. Institute participants 2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


include, Dr. Mona West (editor and contributor, Take Back the Word, contributor to the Mercer Bible Commentary, and pastor of the world’s largest gay church) and Dr. Bob Goss (author of Queering Christ and of the predecessor volume, Jesus Acted Up). By special arrangement with Chicago Theological Seminary, Dr. Ken Stone (editor and contributor, Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible) and Dr. Ted Jennings (author, The Man Jesus Loved: Homoerotic Narratives from the New Testament) will also participate. According to Jennings, “The Word of God must be released from the imprisoning forms that have made it serve the interests of the powerful and prosperous so that we may again hear good news for the poor, the despised, the oppressed, and the broken hearted. This work of the reformation of Christian teaching does not belong to ‘the experts,’ but to all who are grasped by the gospel and are called to coresponsibility within the community of faith. In the seminary we provide people with the tools for this task and a community of mutual accountability that respects our diversity and witnesses to our unity in the Spirit.” This is the task of Queering the Word. The institute will be convened by MCC New York’s Dr. Robin Gorsline, an emerging theologian with numerous published articles, a particular expertise on the intersection of race and sexual orientation and the interconnectedness of racism and homophobia. CONNECT! YOUTH INSTITUTE Mr. Carlos Chavez, Ms. Tania Guzman, Mr. Johnathan Jones & Mr. Jon Kwong Monet Ballroom A day long workshop designed to explore youth ministry throughout UFMCC and to encourage those working with youth. Connect! will focus on youth and youth workers connecting with each other, our Elders and God. We will share our own stories of youth ministry, talk about our visions for youth ministry within MCC, speak with our Elders about youth ministry and spend time reflecting, praying and in worship. It is hoped that Connect! will produce an international network of youth workers/pastors and youth within UFMCC, that will be able to raise awareness of youth issues within MCC and our wider communities. CHURCH SYSTEMS IN CONFLICT ❚ PART 2 Mr. Speed Leas Senator’s Hall A two-day seminar on dealing with conflict in congregations. Today the course will focus on the systems dimensions of conflict. Again, we will focus on analysis of the congregation and the development of strategies to deal with the dysfunctional aspects of the system.


❚ Establishing A Foundation To Benefit Your Church's Mission. Extend your church's fundraising potential by establishing a foundation to support your church's mission. Learn both the legal requirements as well as the benefits to your church from MCC leaders who have established a successful foundation program. ❚ Building For The Future: Launching A Capital Campaign What are the unique challenges of raising funds to purchase a new worship facility? And what steps lead to success with a capital campaign? Learn what works — and what doesn't! — from the real life experience of MCC San Diego. Includes practical advice based upon the MCC Benchmarks of Excellence in Stewardship and Guidelines for a Capital Campaign. ❚ Faith-Based Initiative: Locating U.S. Federal Funding for Your Programs. A brief overview and introduction to obtaining federal funding for your church's programs through the Faith-Based Initiative. Discover options for obtaining support and locate sources of funding. Hear the exciting story of the first MCC to obtain funding for the first-ever federally funded GLBT senior center.

PRAYER Ms. Meg Gloger Madrid Room Enthusiasm lacking in the way the church members pray? Members say they don't know how to pray, or don't feel worthy to pray or have their prayers heard and answered? Feel restless for something more but don't know what? Personally having difficulty praying? The way we've always prayed doesn't seem to work anymore? Don't feel that our prayers are answered? Confused about what prayer is? Prayer is vital to our lives with God and to the church. This workshop addresses these issues and offers practical solutions and methods for renewing one's personal life as well as that of a congregation.

Schedule of Events

❚ Creating A Successful Planned Giving Program In Your Congregation. Learn how planned giving and deferred giving models can enhance your church's stewardship program. Create opportunities to foster your church's culture of generosity through major gifts, insurance programs, and wills and bequests. And learn ways to reach beyond your congregation and into your community to locate financial support through a planned giving program. Presented with assistance by David Ratcliff of Merrill Lynch.

JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR MCC Amarillo Topaz Room Join members of MCC Amarillo as they present a production of Jesus Christ Superstar in American Sign Language. Deaf and hearing, signers and non-signers alike, will be moved by this powerful performance. The performers say, “Our vision of the message is that it helps us understand the humanity and suffering of Jesus, which as a path to Jesus’ glory and victory allows us to also share more fully in the joy.” After lunch, from 1:30pm to 3:00pm, join the cast for a discussion of the production and insight into how this type of ministry could be used in your church.

❚ Building A Culture of Generosity, A Workshop of the Strategic Growth Initiative gives a foundation to move beyond the frequent reluctance to talk about money and the difficulty in dealing with financial issues in the church. This comprehensive view of stewardship provides a new and greater context in which to motivate a spirit of generosity.

9:30am to 11:30am


FUNDRAISING INSTITUTE Mr. Jim Birkitt, Rev. Tony Freeman, Rev. Elder Don Eastman, Mr. Gregory Kurdian, Rev. Grant Ford & Ms. Teresa Biery Governor’s Hall This dynamic institute will feature five areas of practical information you can use in your ministry:

10 SPIRITUAL TRUTHS FOR SUCCESSFUL LIVING FOR GAYS & LESBIANS (AND EVERYONE ELSE!) Rev. Elder Troy Perry Sapphire Room Join Rev. Troy Perry for the public launching of his newest book, 10 Spiritual Lessons for Gays and Lesbians (and everyone else!). Rev. Perry will discuss the 10 greatest spiritual lessons he has discovered during 35 years of ministry with the GLBT communities — and share ways they can enrich your life. This session includes a question-and-answer segment. During the second half of the workshop, Rev. Perry will participate in the publication autograph party, and copies of the new book will be available for purchase. Don't miss this event! Book signing to follow workshop.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Schedule of Events

INTERNET RESOURCES & OUTREACH MINISTRY FOR THE LOCAL CHURCH Rev. David Farrell, Rev. Sandra Bochonok & Ms. Geraldine Wright Morocco Room As denominational web manager, Rev. Farrell will focus on the role of both MCC's public website and our internal "IntraNet" in the following three areas: ❚ As a principle means of timely and effective communication between MCC denominational headquarters and the general public, all of our Fellowship, our lay and clergy leadership, our Regions and our local congregations. ❚ As a repository for a large collection of various kinds of Ministry Resources. ❚ As a portal to other Ministry Resources. With the new Regions, the Internet will be an invaluable outreach tool. Dr. Bochonok will focus on how pastors and laity can have a greater Internet evangelism ministry in the following three areas: ❚ Empowering congregations to live regionally, yet think globally while reaching seekers with websites of spiritual hospitality, sanctuary and generosity. ❚ Equipping church staff and volunteers with training for the care of virtual seekers. ❚ Energizing and maximizing outreach by co-partnering with other websites. Rev. Bochonok will present a brief narrated presentation through PowerPoint, with handout materials for attendees. Geraldine Wright will address the technical issues of translation, getting documents into electronic format and up on the Internet. The discussion will be accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation, and handouts with more complete explanations and resource listings provided. ACT UP Milan Room MCC is proud to present a screening of James Wentzy’s new 75-minute documentary on the history of ACT UP in New York City — remember the activism, remember the anger, remember the rage, remember the pride — GUARANTEED to inspire you to action, tears and awe. What would ACT UP UFMCC look like today?

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


1:30pm to 3:00pm JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR MCC Amarillo Sapphire Room Join members of MCC Amarillo as they discuss their production of Jesus Christ Superstar in American Sign Language. The performers say, “Our vision of the message is that it helps us understand the humanity and suffering of Jesus, which as a path to Jesus’ glory and victory allows us to also share more fully in the joy.” Participate in a discussion of this production and gain insight into how this type of ministry could be used in your church. BRINGING MUSIC MINISTRY TO YOUR CHURCH Ms. Marsha Stevens & Ms. Cindy Pino Topaz Room Do you wish you had ways to do reach out to your city — especially to young people? Do you get dozens of emails and packets that say, "I'm gay. I'm great. Have me sing at your church," and wish you knew how to sort through them all? The upBeat! program can help you with both. Come learn how you can participate in "training tours" for emerging GLBT Christian artists who have invested considerable time and effort in upBeat! training, as well as how you can bring quality music presentations to your church that fit with your community, your theology and outreach.

EL CUERPO SILENCIADO EN LA CELEBRACIÓN DE LA FE (The Body Silenced by the Celebreation of Faith) Rev. Araceli Ezzatti & Sr. Fernando Frontan Milan Sala INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON WAR & PEACE Rev. Pressley Sutherland Madrid Room As a global Fellowship, we are impacted by the world’s events. Come and listen to perspectives from around the world on current issues. These sessions grow from our grassroots and international experience of ethical questioning, ministry and creative response during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and in anticipation of the continuing ‘war on terrorism.’ The format of the sessions will not be based in debate. The goal is to create a much needed opportunity for MCCers from throughout the world to share their views with honesty and mutual respect, envisioning the future with others.


END-OF-LIFE SPIRITUAL CARE Rev. David Gant Sapphire Room Woody Allen once said, “It’s not that I’m afraid to die. I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” We all know that we will die eventually, but many of us prefer to avoid discussing it and making plans for it. This may be true for you and/or members of the congregation. Very often it is in these precarious times when a person’s spiritual and/or religious beliefs become a concern to the patient and their families. Often times we become spiritual companions for the patient who is in transition. Come talk and learn about End-of-Life spiritual care in the context of faith and cultural competency.

Schedule of Events

LOCAL CHURCH RESPONSE TO WAR & PEACE Rev. Pressley Sutherland Madrid Room How can a local church faithfully respond to unfolding global events? How do we help our congregations understand the times in which we live? What is our responsibility as people of faith to take a stand on the actions of our governments? This is an opportunity to share ideas and respond to the state of war and peace in the world in a spirit of dialogue and respect. Come and explore these issues with other MCC leaders.

THE LIBERATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCHES TODAY Rev. Elder Gill Storey Milan Room This workshop will be an exploration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit within peoples despised by the world. Following that, we’ll be taking the lessons learned from the visible activity of The Holy Spirit, and applying them to the future of Metropolitan Community Churches.

3:30pm to 5:00pm

FROM ORIGINAL SIN TO ORIGINAL BLESSING Rev. Pat Langlois Morocco Room Find the language for what is in our hearts... that we are filled with blessing and not sin. MCC has shifted Christianity with our fresh look at homosexuality and scripture, however, many have stopped there in challenging the dogma of our childhood. Join together in this workshop as we examine Creation Spirituality, a theology which moves us from "either-or" to "both-and", from sinful to filled with blessing. Creation Spirituality is a vital way for us as GLBT folk to experience our faith journey. Learn about the healing and wholeness that can take place for us as we reintegrate and re-embody ourselves with one another and with God.


HIV MINISTRY IN THE LOCAL CHURCH & COMMUNITY Rev. Joe McMurray Morocco Room While many aspects of the HIV/AIDS pandemic can seem overwhelming to us, particularly its global face, there is no cause for paralysis to set in at the local level. Straightforward, feasible programs and community collaboration lie at the centerpiece of this seminar on HIV Ministry. We’ll look at the Positive SelfManagement Program, an effective curriculum that addresses all phases of health and wellness for PWAs, as well as support group models, HIV testing, worship and ritual within the church, and collaborative models of participation beyond the congregation. You’ll have an opportunity to listen and share what works in your church and community with regard to combating HIV/AIDS.

DESDE LA EXPROPIACIÓN A LA REAPROPIACIÓN DEL CUERPO (From the Expropriation to the Re-appropriation of the Body) Sra. Elsa San Martin Topaz Sala CONFERENCE CHOIR REHEARSAL Emerald Room We would love to have you be part of this year's Jubilee Choir made up of people from all around the world! We will rehearse each day and sing each night at our main Conference Celebrations. Come expecting to meet wonderful people and have a great time using your gifts to glorify God.

7:00pm to 8:15pm EVENING WORSHIP OUR LIGHT TO THE NATIONS: A FOCUS ON LIBERATION Rev. Elder Troy D. Perry, Preaching Chantilly East Ballroom

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❘ Schedule of Events

8:30pm to 10:00pm YOUNG ADULT SOCIAL Ms. Heather Huff & Mr. Charles Tigard, Hosts Madrid Room Welcoming all conference attendees between the ages of 18-29…don’t miss this time to connect with others and have a great time. Includes dessert — fruits, sorbet, soda, coffee and tea. HIV SPIRIT SPACE Rev. Joe McMurray, Facilitator Milan Room An informal spiritual gathering for people with HIV to pray for and with each other, with spoken prayers, singing, the laying-on-of hands and sharing the bread and cup. Told by others that our touch is “diseased,” that our blood is “tainted,” that our bodies are “infected,” we know that our touch is sacred, a medium of God’s healing spirit flowing in and through us. Come touch and be touched, and experience healing. Open to people who are affected by HIV, both HIV positive and HIV negative. All are welcome; the service will be led by people with HIV. PEOPLE OF AFRICAN DESCENT Rev. Carolyn Mobley, Facilitator Topaz Room An affinity gathering for people of African descent within UFMCC. Join us for conversation and fellowship. REGION 2 GATHERING Miro Room An opportunity for delegates and conference registrants from Region 2 to gather with your Regional Elder, Rev. Elder Armando Sanchez. THE PROGRESSIVE CHURCH AFFINITY GROUP Rev. Robert Griffin & Rev. Durrell Watkins, Facilitators Morocco Room An opportunity to gather with others who are passionate about progressive churches.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


Schedule of Events Saturday ❚ 5 July 8:30am to 9:15am MORNING COMMUNION Chantilly East Ballroom Communion: Sr. Marcos Gladstone, Igreja da Comunidade Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro

8:30am to 5:30pm VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL For children at Cathedral of Hope MCC. TEEN PROGRAM Rev. Dawn Wilder, Coordinator Manchester Room

9:00am to 1:30pm MARKETPLACE & RESOURCE EXPO Chantilly West Ballroom Browse! Shop! Explore! Come join us at this year’s Marketplace & Resource Expo with books, church supplies, LGBT-themed merchandise and information on seminaries and community groups. Friday & Saturday only, so stop by now!

9:30am to 5:30pm THE CHANGE CYCLE™: A MAP FOR NAVIGATING CHANGE SUCCESSFULLY Rev. Elder Lillie Brock & Ms. Wendy Foxworth Metropolitan Ballroom Together, we are going to explore the six predictable and sequential stages of the human cycle of change. Every organization has a system, every organism has a system, every culture has a system. What we sometimes forget is that humans have a system as well. You will find it very empowering to discover how the human system works when it encounters change, something new and different. Once you have learned how this


position us for where HIV is going. What would ACT UP MCC look like?

You will learn:

ACTIVISM: THEN & NOW Ms. Barbara Gittings & Ms. Kay Lahausen, Institute Special Guests

❚ How human being respond to change.


works, then you can develop the skills to navigate easily and successfully. This will be your opportunity to make change your friend.

❚ How to navigate the passage from one stage to another. ❚ The skills that are necessary to be effective through each stage. ❚ The organizational dynamics that exist in a changing environment. ❚ The most effective management and leadership practices in a changing environment. ❚ The importance of working in harmony with our “human system” rather than in contradiction to it. This session will be fun, interactive, and informative. Come prepared to have new awarenesses about yourself, others and your church! BECAUSE HIV ISN’T OVER Mr. Richard Elovich & Mr. Daniel Wolfe Chantilly East Ballroom 2003 is year 22 of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Few places on the globe are unaffected by it. In countries where health care is a basic human right, or in countries where the insured have access to increasingly effective HIV drugs, HIV is discussed as a potentially manageable chronic illness. In some countries it goes completely untreated, and is continuing to spread. This much remains the same: it is religiously stigmatized, and it affects those who are socially marginalized or economically disadvantaged, or both, in alarming and disproportionate numbers. Where we can’t talk about sex, where we don’t talk about recreational drugs, and where we don’t address poverty, HIV continues to flourish. Daniel Wolfe and Richard Elovich are health activists who have been at the heart of this struggle for many years. Recently returned from HIV-organizing in countries in the former Soviet Union, they are prepared to help MCC’ers talk about sex and drugs, race and poverty, and to help us identify potential strategies for planning our response to the current health crises we face, as well as to

Rev. Neil Thomas & Rev. Pat Langlois, Institute Leaders Monet Room The gay liberation movement in general, and MCC in particular, emerged at a time of great social change in the United States, and owes a particular debt to the African American civil rights movement and the Women’s Liberation movement. What did gay rights activism look like in the 1950’s, and 1960’s and 1970’s? How has activism changed since then, not only on gay issues, but on HIV/AIDS issues, and in the struggles for constitutional equality in countries around the world? What is the next wave of activism likely to involve, and likely to demand of MCC? Do we follow or do we lead? What issues apart from gay issues are of most importance to us? MCC embraces the priesthood of all believers — do we also affirm the activism of all believers? These are representative questions to be engaged in a day-long institute convened appropriately enough by current pastors from the founding congregation of the MCC movement. A special feature of this institute will be a talk by Barbara Gittings (see photo pgs.10-11), a recipient of this year’s Human Rights Award. Gittings was a founder of the first lesbian organization, the Daughters of Bilitis, and picketed for gay rights in front of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall (see photo p. 11) in the years before Stonewall. Her presence in Dallas brings her back to the scene of two of her early triumphs — the convention of the American Library Association in which she staged a highly publicized and oft-photographed “kissing booth” (see photo p. 11) in 1971 and the convention of the American Psychiatric Association in 1972, where she arranged to interview a closeted gay psychiatrist “Dr. H. Anonymous:” (see photo p.11) in a plenary session. Her activism helped make libraries a source of information for gay people, and led to the removal of the pathological designation for homosexual orientation, impacting the mental health of countless gay people since. She is charming, smart- and she was there — and now she’s here to help us focus on activism issues for the future. Let’s make history by remembering our history!

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference

Schedule of Events

❚ The behaviors and attitudes that accompany every stage of the cycle.




❘ Schedule of Events

LATIN AMERICAN INSTITUTE Senator’s Hall Hace tiempo, un sociólogo caracterizo a la ICM como unas de las comisiones de mayor crecimiento en los Estados Unidos. Nuestra región de mayor crecimiento o que esta teniendo un crecimiento explosivo es Latinoamérica y muchas personas están de acuerdo que esto solo indica el comienzo de lo que vendrá. El taller sobre el Ministerio Latinoamericano refleja el talento extraordinario que es representante de este crecimiento. Este taller ofrece un pequeño ejemplo de temas de interés de toda nuestra comisión, incluyendo los siguientes talleres: At one time a sociologist characterized MCC as one of the fastest growing denominations in the United States. Now our area of most rapid, almost explosive growth is in Latin America, and most observers agree that we are only at the beginning of this expansion. The Institute on Ministry in Latin America reflects the extraordinary talent that is representative of this growth. This Institute offers a sampling of topics of vital interest to our entire denomination, including the following workshops: ❚ Plantando Iglesias en Latinoamérica Un foro bilingüe sobre como empezar una comunidad e Latinoamérica y en comunidades Latinas en otras partes del mundo. Presentado por Elders Sánchez, Ackerman y el Rev.Pablo Navarro. Bilingüe ❚ Conserjería y Dirección Espiritual: Convergencias y diferencias Un modelo de trabajo para ellos/ellas que busquen ayuda en nuestras comunidades espirituales. Rev. Dr. Edgar Danielsen-Morales. En Español ❚ Leyendo la Biblia con lentes LGBTT El circulo hermenéutico y las minorías sexuales. Participación de hermenéutas de Latinoamérica. Presentado por el Rev. Elder Dr. Armando Sanchez En Español ❚ Lo vi en el cine: la espiritualidad gay y la experiencia del cinema. Mirando la espiritualidad LGBTT desde la perspectiva del cine. Presentado por Rev. Dr. Pablo Navarro Hernández. Bilingüe

on starting churches in Latin America and in Latino communities in other parts of the world. Elders Sanchez & Ackerman. Rev.Pablo Navarro, Facilitator Bilingual ❚ Counseling and Spiritual Guidance: Convergence and differences. A model for working with those who seek help from the Spiritual Community. Dr Edgar Danielsen In Spanish ❚ Leyendo la Biblia con lentes LGBTT The hermeneutic circle & sexual minorities. Rev. Elder Armando Sanchez, Facilitator ❚ I saw it in a Movie: Gay Spirtuality in Cinema. Lo vi en el cine: la espiritualidad gay y la experiencia del cinema LGBTT spirituality as seen in cinema. Dr. Pablo Navarro Hernandez Bilingual/Bilingue

9:30am to 11:30am SABBATH SEXUALITY Dr. Bob Goss Sapphire Room This workshop will examine the recovery of sexual pleasure as a basis for the development of a sexual theology that aims to integrate sexuality and spirituality, connect erotic spirituality to the reclamation of the Sabbath spirituality of Jesus and to the practice of justice-love. FAITH BASED PUBLIC RELATIONS Ms. Robyn Murphy Morocco Room Learn the difference between public relations, marketing and advertising. What role should any of these play in MCC? How can we forward the mission of UFMCC so that our members are affirmed, our friends are informed and the community knows who we are? How can we use public relations to build sustainable and growing congregations? When is sending a press release not a good idea? Participants will learn about all these points plus how to work effectively with the media, give interviews, "pitch" news and feature story ideas. Come. Learn. Bring your questions.

❚ Church planting in a Latino context. Bilingual forum

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



THE WARRIOR'S PATH: GAYS IN THE MILITARY FINDING A HOME IN MCC Ms. Pat Baillie Milan Room Within each MCC are those affiliated with the military, the warrior's path. What do MCC's need to know about enlisting, active duty, discharged and retired veterans to create an effective military outreach/inreach? How can MCC, with a strong social justice ministry, create a safe, supportive spiritual home for those on this path. Issues such as "stop loss", "don't ask-don't tell", dishonorable discharges, veterans for peace and the homeland security act could have considerable impact on your members and your church — is your MCC

Schedule of Events

1:30pm to 3:00pm

ITS ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS Mr. Jon Kwong Topaz Room Join clergy candidate Jon Kwong as we explore together how you and your church can apply principles from Process Theology to build deep-rooted relationships that will make an impact in the world. Find out how we can discuss our various theologies and religious traditions from a respectful, loving way through concepts derived from the works of Alfred North Whitehead and Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki. Hopefully, by the end of the workshop, you will be able to feel closer to God and the rest of creation in new and exciting ways!

MINISTERING CROSS-CULTURALLY Rev. David Pettitt & Rev. Amanda McCullough Milan Room Now that we are each a part of a multi-national, multicultural region, there will be a heightened interest in multicultural outreach. Join Revs. Amanda Mc Cullough and David Pettitt as they share their personal testimonies of Ministering Cross-Culturally. David says, “When I left Houston, Texas for Mexico, most thought I was crazy. I had a great job and a successful business, plus a wonderful home, plenty of friends, and worshiped and participated in the life of an incredible MCC Church, where I served in numerous leadership capacities. Why? Why would I want to leave all this behind and move to a foreign land where I did not speak the language, let alone understand the culture? In One Single Word; Calling! The day I sat still long enough to hear the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit, was the most profound moment in my life. The journey has not ended…in fact, it is just now getting good!”

prepared? Come learn, share and find ways to connect across the spectrum of pacifist to warrior in building viable ministries.


DECREASING THE DRAMA: CONFLICT MANAGEMENT, CHRISTIAN STYLE Ms. Kay Seitz Madrid Room Do you feel like conflict is getting in the way of having an effective, meaningful relationship? You value that connection with your partner, lover, friend, parent, ex, or co-worker and you want to find more effective ways to maintain it or enhance it! Then this is the workshop for you! We will talk about healthy ways to respect our loved ones and ourselves through good listening and communication skills. Through conversation, brainstorming, role-playing and creativity, learn and practice relationship skills that help meet the needs of our GLBT community.

LESSONS WE CAN LEARN FROM TRANSGENDERED & INTERSEX PEOPLE Dr. Carol Scherfenberg Morocco Room Do you think that MCC people can be Trans-phobic? Who are these Intersex people and how did they get added to our alphabet soup? Dr. Scherfenberg, a lesbian gynecologist, will share biological, social, and ethical information about Transgender and Intersex people and facilitate a discussion between Transgender and LGBS participants. SEMINARY: WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? Rev. Stephanie Burns Sapphire Room Have you considered a call to ministry and are looking for ways to explore that call and learn about ministry? Would you like to increase your skills in ministry or explore the Bible, theology and religion? Come to this workshop with your questions and learn from a panel of current students and recent graduates about the realities of being MCC and in seminary. MINISTERING TO THE MENTALLY ILL Rev. Dale Chavis & Rev. Sue Yarber Madrid Room Ministering to individuals who are mentally ill can be challenging to say the least. How do we, as an MCC congregation, reach out and make our community a safe place for these individuals to find healing and wholeness in the midst of their brokenness? As a community of faith we are charged by Jesus to welcome

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Schedule of Events

those who are hurting and bind up the broken-hearted. This workshop is designed to help congregations provide spiritual and emotional support to individuals who have a mental illness. Mental Illness and effective ways of providing care and support will be explored in the workshop Participants will: ❚ Gain ability to identify individuals who need extra care. ❚ Develop effective skills in dealing with individuals with a mental illness. ❚ Develop ideas for reaching out and providing care to mentally ill individuals in the church setting. ❚ Develop creative ways to assist congregations in reaching out and providing safe and caring places for mentally ill individuals to worship and find wholeness. ❚ Develop creative ways to assist the congregation to step out of the comfort zone and offer care and support to individuals with a mental illness.

3:30pm to 5:00pm CRISIS IN YOUR COMMUNITY The Rev. Catherine Houchins Morocco Room It may come one day...What do you do? Join in a time of discussing resources you can have in place should you have a hate crime happen in your community. In September 2000 one person was killed and six were injured in a shooting in a gay bar in a small southern city. August 2001 a pastor and three church members were accosted as they left a Wednesday-evening Bible study. How did the MCC community respond to these events? How did the greater non-gay community respond? How did the city respond? How did the media respond? How can you help prepare to handle all these responses? QUEERING CHRIST Rev. Dr. Bob Goss Milan Room In Queering Christ, Bob Goss summarizes a decade of his thinking as a queer Christian theologian, sharing his queering of four critical areas: sexuality, Christ, the Bible and theology. These areas form the quadrants of his own spirituality that aims at the queer reconstruction 2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


of Christianity and reflects a life that strives to integrate the depths of spirituality and sexuality with a practice of justice. Book signing will follow workshop. HOW TO KEEP THIS THING GOING & HAVE FUN AT THE SAME TIME Ms. Judy & the Rev. Dee Dale Madrid Room What happens after the first year or after three years? Can we keep the romance in our relationships to the tenth year and beyond? What makes a relationship work? Come hear what keeps this couple going after 16 years. You'll have the opportunity to share what keeps your relationship healthy, ask questions, and learn how to have fun together into the future! Singles, couples, and other types of families are all welcome. THE STRATEGIC GROWTH INITIATIVE: WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED & HOW IT CAN HELP YOUR CHURCH Rev. Elder Don Eastman & Rev. Tony Freeman Topaz Room Members of the SGI Team will guide a discussion of church leaders who have participated in the consultation programs of the Strategic Growth Initiative. This interactive workshop will consider current challenges faced by participants’ churches, and share ideas and options for growth and renewal. TRANSGENDERED MINISTRY, THEOLOGY & COMMUNITIES OF FAITH Rev. Dr. Justin Tanis Sapphire Room Come and learn about faith issues by and for genderdifferent people. We’ll examine scripture passages that address issues of gender and how they relate to 21st century trans people and churches. We’ll also discuss theological issues raised by the presence of trans people and trans bodies. Book signing to follow workshop. CONFERENCE CHOIR REHEARSAL Emerald Room We would love to have you be a part of this year's Jubilee Choir made up of people from all around the world! We will be rehearsing each day and singing each night at our main Conference Celebrations. Come expecting to meet wonderful people and have a great time using your gifts to glorify God.


THE CHARISMATIC CHURCH AFFINITY GROUP Madrid Room An opportunity to gather with others who share a passion for the charismatic church.


SING FOR THE CURE THE WOMEN’S CHORUS OF DALLAS Chantilly East Ballroom Don’t miss this beautiful & inspiring performance!

9:00pm to 10:00pm ASIAN PACIFIC ISLANDER AFFINITY GROUP Ms. Michele Horn Davis & Ms. Jennifer Nguyen, Facilitators Topaz Room This affinity group is open only to Asian Pacific islanders interested in a discussion about their experiences in MCC as such.

Schedule of Events

POLYAMORY AFFINITY GROUP Rev. Fran Mayes, Facilitator Milan Room Polyamory group meeting: for all those who love more than one, lovers, partners, friends, interested bystanders, anyone willing to share and/or listen with respect to joys and concerns of non-monogamous families.

8:45pm to 10:00pm

REGION 1 HEALTH & WELLNESS MINISTRY Rev. Joe McMurray, Facilitator Morocco Room This gathering for all people from Region One will examine the needs, scope, and practicality of what wholeness means from the perspective of health and wellness in our broad and diverse geographic region. Come and share your ideas and suggestions about what you feel this ministry could and should be.


7:00pm to 8:30pm

(or whenever its done!) HEALING SERVICE Rev. Elder Jeri Ann Harvey Chantilly East Ballroom A powerful tradition at MCC conferences and a time to gather for prayer, healing, hope and faith.

WOMEN IN MINISTRY Rev. Elder Lillie Brock, Facilitator Miro Room Come and meet women from all over the world who are interested in and involved in MCC ministry. This will be an opportunity to network, fellowship and learn from other women in ministry. There will be information about the January 2003 Women in Ministry Conference, the opportunities for distance education, the process for becoming ordained, new ideas and strategies for lay leaders, and information about each of the eight new regions. The greatest bonus will be the experience and stories of all the women who attend, so make sure you are there! All women in MCC who are in Ministry and/or Leadership are invited! MUSICIANS AFFINITY GROUP Ming Room

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❘ Schedule of Events

Schedule of Events Sunday ❚ 6 July 8:30am to 9:00am MORNING COMMUNION Chantilly East Ballroom Homily: Ms. Bonnie Ott, Cathedral of Promise MCC (Sacramento, California USA) Communion: Rev. Rodney Staples, Aloha MCC Maui, (Wailuku, Hawaii USA)

9:15am to 10:45am CHILDREN’S GATHERING Milan Room A time for all children to connect one more time with others from around the Fellowship for fun and faith! TEEN PROGRAM Manchester Room Final session. LEADERSHIP: FROM INTENT TO IMPACT Ms. Cindi Love Morocco Room This workshop is designed to help churches learn how to move from leadership intent to leadership impact by leading from the collective soul of the church community. "There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about. You must be the change you want to create in the world." (Ghandi). The workshop defines leadership as influence and guides the participants through an understanding of the influence that the GLBT community now wields and must continue to nurture. The workshop compares this trend in the broader community to the growth of MCC and leads the participant to consider his/her role in that movement and within the group. The final task of the workshop is to write a personal impact statement.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


VIDEO CON TESTIMONIOS DEL ENCUENTRO DE GRUPOS CRISTIANOS GLTTB del ConoSur (Video with testimonies from the Uruguay South American Conference) Rev. Alejandro Soria ICM Buenos Aires, (Argentina) Rev. Roberto Gonzalez ICM del Centro, (Argentina) Rev. Aracelli Ezzatti Diaconia Cristiana de la Diversidad, (Uruguay) Mr. Fernando Frontan Diaconia de la Diversidad, (Uruguay) Governor Sala Un espacio para mostrar el video de testimonios de los participantes del segundo Encuentro de Grupos Cristianos GLTTB del ConoSur. WHY JESUS HEALED & HOW HE DID IT Rev. Stephen Moore Miro Room Devils, demons, unclean spirits, demonic possession? These were common day-to-day experiences for the people of Palestine, in the time of Jesus. Biblical scholars, archeologists, psychiatrists and anthropologists have concluded that the historical Jesus of Nazareth, among other things, was considered to be an "exorcist" and a "faith-healer". Some in our modern culture view the idea of devils and demons as nothing more than old superstitions from an ancient, unenlightened age. Other moderns have embraced this world view, but at the same time, have altered and changed these concepts from their original meaning and context. This exciting study will explore the world of first century Palestine, to understand faith-healing and exorcism in its his-torical and her-storical context. We will study how exorcism and healing was a central component for Jesus and the itinerant disciples he trained for the "Dominion of God." WOW & WORKING ECUMENICALLY Rev. Wanda Y. Floyd, Co-Facilatator Madrid Room A workshop that will discuss WOW2003 which is an ecumenical conference for welcoming and affirming churches within the US and Canada. The history of the Welcoming Church Movement will be presented and how this movement affects UFMCC. Other items of discussion will include how we can get involved in this movement and how we can get involved in the upcoming conference which will be held August 14-17 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There will be registration forms and contribution forms also available.


3:00pm to 4:30pm

Schedule of Events

PLENARY SESSION WITH MR. ESERA TUAOLO Chantilly East Ballroom Tuaolo, who was a member of the NFL for 9 years, and his partner, Mitchell Wherley, adopted twin infants following his retirement from football. Since retiring three years ago, Tuaolo and Wherley have settled in Minneapolis, where they raise their two-year-olds, a son and daughter. Tuaolo will share his “coming out” story and speak about his experiences as a gay parent at this afternoon Plenary Session of the MCC conference. He was raised in a large family himself; Esera was born the youngest of 8 children and raised in a Christian family of Samoan and French heritage in Hawaii.

THE CHILDREN ARE FREE: REEXAMINING THE BIBLICAL EVIDENCE ON SAME-SEX RELATIONSHIPS Rev. Jeff Miner Sapphire Room This book examines the passages historically used against gay, lesbian and bisexual people and explore the biblical stories and passages that affirm loving same-sex relationships. Did you know Jesus once met a gay person? Jesus’ loving response is just one of the stories presented. Book signing to follow workshop.

1:30pm to 2:30pm


PURPOSEFUL CHURCH FACILITIES: CREATING A FUNCTIONAL ENVIRONMENT FOR MISSION Rev. Elder Don Eastman & Rev. Tony Freeman Topaz Room This workshop provides an introduction to Benchmarks of Excellence for church buildings and facilities. This interactive workshop will bring a helpful perspective to the issues surrounding development and use of the building facilities needed to effectively carry out your church’s mission. This presentation will include a series of diagnostic questions for church self-assessment.

CLOSING WORSHIP SERVICE CARRY THE TORCH! Chantilly East Ballroom Rev. Elder Don Eastman, Preaching Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to be re-energized for your ministry as we close this World Jubilee.

11:00am to 12:30pm HUMAN RIGHTS BRUNCH Chantilly West Ballroom Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson, Host Honoring our Human Rights Award Recipients, Ms. Barbara Gittings and Ms. Kay Tobin Lahausen, pioneers of gay civil rights. We’ll also be recognizing the accomplishments and faithfulness of others from around the denomination.

5:00pm to 7:00pm TEA DANCE Wedgewood Room & Bar C’mon, it’s a cultural tradition in our community! Come and have one last afternoon of fun with your friends from conference before we head home.

This is a ticketed event. Tickets are available for purchase at the Information desk.

12:30pm to 1:30pm CONFERENCE CHOIR REHEARSAL Emerald Room We would love to have you be a part of this year's Jubilee Choir made up of people from all around the world! We will be rehearsing each day and singing each night at our main Conference Celebrations. Come expecting to meet wonderful people and have a great time using your gifts to glorify God.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Workshops At-a-Glance

Workshops At-a-Glance For a detailed description of Workshops please see the Schedule of Events section. THURSDAY ❘ 2 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM QUEERIALITIES Topaz Room







TUGS OF WAR: Using the spiritual wisdom of the ages to get centered when life is pulling us apart. Morocco Room








FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM PRAYER Madrid Room

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference






FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 1:30PM TO 3:00PM










Workshops At-a-Glance




DECREASING THE DRAMA: Conflict Management, Christian Style Madrid Room

GOT CLOWNS? Topaz Room





2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Workshops At-a-Glance










2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




PURPOSEFUL CHURCH FACILITIES: Creating a Functional Environment for Mission Topaz Room THE CHILDREN ARE FREE: Reexamining the Biblical Evidence on Same-Sex Relationships Sapphire Room

For a detailed description of Institutes please see the Schedule of Events section. THURSDAY ❘ 2 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 5:00PM RISK MANAGEMENT FOR BOARDS OF DIRECTORS Governor’s Hall

CHURCH PLANTING SUMMIT Metropolitan Ballroom

FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 5:00PM 21ST CENTURY WORSHIP Chantilly East


QUEERING THE WORD Metropolitan Ballroom



Institutes At-a-Glance




Institutes At-a-Glance

SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 5:30PM THE CHANGE CYCLE™: A Map for Navigating Change Successfully Metropolitan Ballroom

BECAUSE HIV ISN’T OVER Chantilly East Ballroom


ACTIVISM: Then & Now Monet Room

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Affinity Groups At-a-Glance

Affinity Groups At-a-Glance For a detailed description of Affinity Groups please see the Schedule of Events section. WEDNESDAY ❘ 2 JULY ❘ 8:30PM TO 10:00PM HIV SIMPLY SOCIAL Milan Room




THE REST OF US Madrid Room




REGION 1 Morocco Room






SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 8:45PM TO 10:00PM POLYAMORY Milan Room






2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



A very special thanks to all of our Preachers, Communion Celebrants, Worship Leaders and Volunteers.


Worship Services Let Your Light Shine

❘ We'll start on Tuesday morning rejoicing that we are able to come home and to reconnect with one another in fellowship and we'll close on Sunday blessed and energized to return home to let the light of God's love shine in our communities. During the week in between, we'll lift up three central themes that are part of the gift that MCC has brought to the Christian church-healing and wholeness, the sacredness of the body and sexuality, and social justice. It is our prayer that these services will be liberating, challenging, joyful times of worship that celebrate and expand our experiences of God and of this community.

Worship Services

What an exciting opportunity we have as we gather with people from all over the world to celebrate and worship the God who loves and saves us, coming together as a bright beacon of hope. We continue to pray, as we have all through the planning process, that this time will be one of spiritual growth, wonder, healing and joy for you.

In the mornings, you'll have the chance to gather for a communion service where every day you'll hear the words of the consecration in a different language or accent, with celebrants from some of the many cultures that make up MCC. We invite you to listen for the words of Jesus, with understanding, that comes through even languages that are unfamiliar to you. You're going to come in contact this week with familiar hymns rooted in our Christian heritage and music that's new and quite different, you'll hear words of faith that have stood the test of centuries and things we wrote just for this occasion, and you'll sit in the pews with friends you've known for a long time and share the peace with people who were strangers but become friends in the midst of this gathering. It's going to be an adventure . and that's part of what makes MCC the exciting spiritual community that we know and love.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




Opening Worship

❘ 9:30am to 10:45am ❘ Chantilly Ballroom

Worship Services



PRELUDE WELCOME INVOCATION & PASTORAL PRAYER MUSIC ❘ “FOR THE HEALING OF THE NATIONS” FRED KAAN ©1965 ❘ THE NEW CENTURY HYMNAL #576 ❘ PUBLISHED BY PILGRIM PRESS ©1986 As we gather to open conference, we light this candle for peace among the nations, remembering God’s promise that all peoples shall live in peace. Candle will be lit by Sam Rost.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





❘ Worship Services

SPECIAL MUSIC ❘ Rev. Delores Berry FIRST READING ❚ Peter 2:9-10 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of the One who called you out of the shadows into God’s marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

ACCLAMATION ❘ “SIYAHAMBA” ZULU SONG ©1991 ❘ BOOSEY & HAWKES ❘ ARR. DOREEN RAO Siyahamb’ ekukhanyeni Siyahamb’ ekukhanyeni Siyahamba, siyahamba, Siyahamba, siyahamba,

kwen khos, siyahamb’ ekukhanyeni kwen khos. kwen khos, siyahamb’ ekukhanyeni kwen khos. siyahamba ekukhanyeni kwen khos. siyahamba ekukhanyeni kwen khos.

Caminamos en la luz de Dios, caminamos en la luz de Dios. Caminamos en la luz de Dios, caminamos en la luz de Dios. Caminamos, caminamos, caminamos en la luz de Dios. Caminamos, caminamos, caminamos en la luz de Dios. We We We We

are are are are

walking in the light of God, we are walking in the light of God. walking in the light of God, we are walking in the light of God. walking, we are walking, we are walking in the light of God. walking, we are walking, we are walking in the light of God.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





❘ Worship Services

SECOND READING ❚ Isaiah 56:5-8 For thus says your God: To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, I will give, in my house and within my walls, a monument and a name better than daughters and sons; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. And the foreigners who join themselves to God, to minister to Her, to love the names of God, and to be His servants, all who keep the Sabbath, and do not profane it, and hold fast my covenant – these I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. Thus says God, who gathers the outcasts, I will gather others to them besides those already gathered.

SPECIAL MUSIC ❘ Louis Ramirez SERMON ❚ God’s Marvelous Light ❘ Rev. Elder Dr. Armando Sanchez, Region 2 MUSIC ❘ “CANTEN AL SEÑOR/SING UNTO THE LORD” Sing Sing Sing Sing

unto unto unto unto

the the the the

Lord Lord Lord Lord

a new song all the earth a new song all the earth

For God is great [*,*] And greatly to be praised [*,*] For God is great [*,*] And greatly to be praised! Canten al Señor con gozo Cante todo ser al Señor Canten al Señor con gozo Cante todo ser al Señor Pues grande es Dios [*,*] Y digno de loor [*,*] Pues grande es Dios [*,*] Y digno de loor [*,*]


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference






Let us be bread, blessed by the Lord, Broken and shared, life for the world. Let us be wine, love freely poured. Let us be one in the Lord.

Worship Services


1. I am the bread of life, broken for all. Eat now and hunger no more. 2. You are my friends if you keep my commands, No longer servants but friends. 3. As God has loved me, so I have loved you Go and live on in my love.

MUSIC ❘ “SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD” Spirit of the Living God fall fresh on me! Spirit of the Living God fall fresh on me! Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me! Spirit of the Living God fall fresh on me!


I surrender I surrender All to Thee I surrender

all all my blessed Savior all


1. All to Jesus I surrender All to Thee I freely give I will ever love and trust Thee In Thy presence daily live 2. All to Jesus I surrender Make me, Savior, wholly Thine May Thy Holy Spirit fill me May I know Thy pow’r divine 3. All to Jesus I surrender Christ, I give myself to Thee Fill me with Thy love and power Let Thy blessing fall on me

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun O God, have mercy on me.

Worship Services




1. Let us break bread together on our knees let us break bread together on our knees 2. Let us share the cup together on our knees let us share the cup together on our knees 3. Let us praise God together on our knees Let us praise God together on our knees



2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference






❘ Worship Services

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





Morning Worship

❘ 8:30am to 9:15am ❘ Chantilly Ballroom

Worship Services



INVOCATION MUSIC ❘ “THIS IS THE DAY” FIJI ISLANDS FOLK MELODY ❘ ANONYMOUS 20TH CENTURY ❘ MCC SAN FRANCISCO HYMNAL #228 This is the day, this is the day That our God has made, that our God has made Let us rejoice, let us rejoice And be glad in it, and be glad in it! This is the day that our God has made Let us rejoice and be glad in it! This is the day, this is the day That our God has made!

FIRST READING ❚ Peter 2:9-10 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of the one who called you out of the shadows into God’s marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but not you have received mercy.

SECOND READING ❚ Isaiah 56:5-8 For thus says your God: To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, I will give, in my house and within my walls, a monument and a name better than daughters and sons; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. And the foreigners who join themselves to God, to minister to Her, to love the names of God, and to be His servants, all who keep the Sabbath, and do not profane it, and hold fast my covenant – these I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. Thus says God, who gathers the outcasts, I will gather others to them besides those already gathered.

HOMILY ❘ Ms. Cindy Acker, MCC of the Redwood Empire (Guerneville, California USA) SPECIAL MUSIC COMMUNION ❘ Mr. Stephen Harte, Holy Trinity MCC (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference






Surely the presence of our God is in this place, I can feel your mighty power and your grace, I can hear the brush of angels’ wings, I see glory on each face, Surely the presence of our God is in this place.

Worship Services


One bread, one body, one God of all, One cup of blessing which we bless. And we, though many, throughout the earth, We are one body in this one God. VERSES

1. Gentile or Jew, servant or free, Woman or man, no more. 2. Many the gifts, many the works, One in the God of all. 3. Grain for the fields, scattered and grown, Gathered to one, for all.


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





Evening Worship

❘ 7:00pm to 8:30pm ❘ Chantilly Ballroom

Worship Services



PRELUDE WELCOME SPECIAL MUSIC ❘ “FOR THOSE TEARS I DIED” ❘ Ms. Marsha Stevens You said You'd come and share all my sorrows, You said, You'd be there for all my tomorrows; I came so close to sending You away, But just like You promised You came there to stay I just had to pray! REFRAIN

And Jesus said, "Come to the water, Stand by My side, I know you are thirsty you won't be denied; I felt every tear drop When in darkness you cried, And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died." Your goodness so great I can't understand, And dear Lord I know that all this was planned; I know You're here now and always will be, Your love loosed my chains and in You I'm free But Jesus, Why me? REFRAIN

Jesus, I give You my heart and my soul! I know that without God I'd never be whole; Savior, You opened all the right doors, And I thank You and praise You from earth's humble shores, Take me, I'm Yours! REFRAIN

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference






One: Look back from where we have come. Many: The path was at times an open road of joy, at others a steep bitter track of stones and pain. One: How could we know the joy without the suffering? Many: And how could we endure the suffering but that we are warmed and carried on the breast of God?

Worship Services

MUSIC ❘ “BREATHE” MICHAEL W. SMITH ❘ ADAPTED This is the air I breathe This is the air I breathe Your holy presence living in me This is my daily bread This is my daily bread Your very word spoken to me And your life, your life is my light And your light, your light is my life And I, I’m strong in your pow’r And I, I’m whole by your love.

READING ❚ Revelation 21:1-4 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as one prepared for their beloved. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “See, the home of God is among all people. God will dwell with us; we will be God’s peoples, and God’s very self will be with us; God will wipe every tear from our eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.”


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




You said You'd come and share all my sorrows, You said You'd be there for all my tomorrows; I came so close to sending You away, But just like You promised You came there to stay I just had to pray!

Worship Services




And Jesus said, "Come to the water, Stand by My side, I know you are thirsty You won't be denied; I felt every tear drop When in darkness you cried, And I strove to remind you That for those tears I died." Your goodness so great I can't understand, And dear Lord I know that all this was planned; I know You're here now and always will be, Your love loosed my chains and in You I'm free But Jesus, Why me? REFRAIN

Jesus, I give You my heart and my soul! I know that without God I'd never be whole; Savior, You opened all the right doors, And I thank You and praise You from earth's humble shores, Take me, I'm Yours! REFRAIN


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference







Morning Worship

❘ 8:30am to 9:15am ❘ Chantilly Ballroom

❘ Worship Services

INVOCATION MUSIC ❘ “O LOVING GOD, WHEN I IN AWESOME WONDER” CARL BODBERG 1885 V.1&2 ❘ TR. STUART K. HINE 1949 V. 3-5 ❘ TR. E. GUSTAV JOHNSON ©1973 O Loving God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the works Thy hand hath made I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder Thy pow’r throughout the universe displayed REFRAIN

Then sings my soul, How great Thou art! Then sings my soul, How great Thou art!

my Savior God, to Thee How great Thou art! my Savior God, to Thee How great Thou art!

When thro’ the woods and forest glades I wander And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze REFRAIN

When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation And take me home what joy shall fill my heart Then I shall bow in humble adoration And there proclaim: My God how great Thou art! REFRAIN

READING ❚ Revelation: 21:1-4 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as one prepared for their beloved. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “See, the home of God is among all people. God will dwell with us; we will be God’s peoples, and God’s very self will be with us; God will wipe every tear from our eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.”

HOMILY ❘ Mr. Keith Apple, MCC of the Redwood Empire (Guerneville, California, USA) SPECIAL MUSIC

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





❘ Worship Services

COMMUNION ❘ Ms. Lucie Forget, Free To Be MCC (Belleville, Ontario, Canada) MUSIC ❘ “HELP US ACCEPT EACH OTHER” FRED KAAN 1974 ALT. ❘ THE NEW CENTURY HYMNAL #388 Help us accept each other As Christ accepted us Teach us as sister, brother Each person to embrace Be present God among us And bring us to believe We are ourselves accepted And meant to love and live Teach us O God your lessons As in our daily life We struggle to be human And search for hope and faith Teach us to care for people For all not just for some To love them as we find them Or as they may become Let your acceptance change us So that we may be moved In living situations To do the truth in love To practice your acceptance Until we know by heart The table of forgiveness And laughter’s healing art God for today’s encounters With all who are in need Who hunger for acceptance For righteousness and bread Bring us new eyes for seeing New hands for holding on Renew us with your spirit God! Free us, make us one!


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference







Evening Worship

❘ 7:00pm to 8:30pm ❘ Chantilly Ballroom

❘ Worship Services


unto unto unto unto

the the the the

Lord Lord Lord Lord

a new song all the earth a new song all the earth

For God is great [*,*] And greatly to be praised [*,*] For God is great [*,*] And greatly to be praised! Canten al Señor con gozo Cante todo ser al Señor Canten al Señor con gozo Cante todo ser al Señor Pues grande es Dios [*,*] Y digno de loor [*,*] Pues grande es Dios [*,*] Y digno de loor [*,*]

CALL TO WORSHIP WALT WHITMAN ❘ FROM “I SING THE BODY ELECTRIC” One: I sing the body electric Many: and if the body were not the Soul, what is the Soul? One: I have perceived that to be with those I like is enough To stop in company with the rest at evening is enough, Many: To be surrounded by beautiful, curious, breathing, laughing flesh is enough One: To pass among them, or touch any one, or rest my arm ever so lightly round his or her neck for a moment— what is this then? Many: I do not ask any more delight— I swim in it, as in a sea. One: The man’s body is sacred, and the woman’s body is sacred; Many: No matter who it is, it is sacred. One: Each has his or her place in the procession. (All is a procession; Many: The universe is a procession, with measured and beautiful motion.) One: Have you ever loved the Body of a woman? Have you ever loved the Body of a man?

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





❘ Worship Services

Many: Do you not see that these are exactly the same to all, in all nations and times, all over the earth? One: If anything is sacred, the human body is sacred, Many: O my Body! I dare not desert the likes of you in other men and women, nor the likes of the parts of you; One: O I say, these are not the parts and poems of the Body only, but of the Soul, Many: O I say now these are the Soul!

MUSIC ❘ “I SING THE MIGHTY POWER OF GOD” ISAAC WATTS 1715 ALT. ❘ THE NEW CENTURY HYMNAL #12 I sing the mighty power of God That made the mountains rise That spread the flowing seas abroad And built the lofty skies I sing the wisdom that ordained The sun to rule the day The moon shines full at God’s command And all the stars obey I sing the goodness of our God That filled the earth with food God formed the creatures with a word And then pronounced them good Oh now your wonders are displayed Where’er I turn my eye If I survey the ground I tread Or gaze upon the sky. On earth there’s not a plant or flower But makes your glory known The clouds arise and spread their showers By order from your throne All life is but a gift from you And ever in your care Wherever people gather You, O God, are present there.

READING ❚ John 11:1-44 SERMON ❚ Rev. Dr. Justin Tanis, Director of Leadership Development SPECIAL MUSIC

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




O my Body! I dare not desert the likes of you in other men and women, nor the likes of the parts of you; I believe the likes of you are to stand or fall with the likes of the Soul, (and that they are the Soul;) I believe the likes of you shall stand or fall with my poems—and that they are poems, Man’s, woman’s, child’s, youth’s, wife’s, husband’s, mother’s, father’s, young man’s, young woman’s poems;



Upper-arm, arm-pit, elbow-socket, lower-arm, arm-sinews, arm-bones, Wrist and wrist-joints, hand, palm, knuckles, thumb, fore-finger, finger-balls, finger-joints, finger-nails, Broad breast-front, curling hair of the breast, breast-bone, breast-side, Ribs, belly, back-bone, joints of the back-bone, Hips, hip-sockets, hip-strength, inward and outward round, man-balls, man-root, Strong set of thighs, well carrying the trunk above, Leg-fibres, knee, knee-pan, upper-leg, under leg, Ankles, instep, foot-ball, toes, toe-joints, the heel; All attitudes, all the shapeliness, all the belongings of my or your body, or of any one’s body, male or female,

Worship Services

Head, neck, hair, ears, drop and tympan of the ears, Eyes, eye-fringes, iris of the eye, eye-brows, and the waking or sleeping of the lids, Mouth, tongue, lips, teeth, roof of the mouth, jaws, and the jaw-hinges, Nose, nostrils of the nose, and the partition, Cheeks, temples, forehead, chin, throat, back of the neck, neck-slue, Strong shoulders, manly beard, scapula, hind-shoulders, and the ample side-round of the chest.

The lung-sponges, the stomach-sac, the bowels sweet and clean, The brain in its folds inside the skull-frame, Sympathies, heart-valves, palate-valves, sexuality, maternity, Womanhood, and all that is a woman—and the man that comes from woman, The womb, the teats, nipples, breast-milk, tears, laughter, weeping, love-looks, love-perturbations and risings, The voice, articulation, language, whispering, shouting aloud, Food, drink, pulse, digestion, sweat, sleep, walking, swimming, Poise on the hips, leaping, reclining, embracing, arm-curving and tightening, The continual changes of the flex of the mouth, and around the eyes, The skin, the sun-burnt shade, freckles, hair, The curious sympathy one feels, when feeling with the hand the naked meat of the body, The circling rivers, the breath, and breathing it in and out, The beauty of the waist, and thence of the hips, and thence downward toward the knees, The thin red jellies within you, or within me—the bones, and the marrow in the bones, The exquisite realization of health; O I say, these are not the parts and poems of the Body only, but of the Soul, O I say now these are the Soul!


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




Open my eyes, that I may see Glimpses of truth thou hast for me Open my eyes illumine me Spirit divine

Worship Services




Love of my life, I am crying I am not dying, I am dancing Dancing along in the madness There is no sadness Only a song of the soul CHORUS

And we’ll sing this song Why don’t you sing along And we can sing for a long, long time Why don’t you sing this song Why don’t you sing along And we can sing for a long, long time! What do you do for your living Are you forgiving, giving shelter Follow your heart, love will find you Truth will unbind you Sing out a song of the soul CHORUS

Come to your life like a warrior Nothing will bore yer, you can be happy Let in the light, it will heal you And you can feel you Sing out a song of the soul CHORUS


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference







Morning Worship

❘ 8:30am to 9:15am ❘ Chantilly Ballroom

❘ Worship Services

INVOCATION MUSIC ❘ “O YOUNG AND FEARLESS PROPHET” S. RALPH HARLOW 1933 ALT. ❘ MCC SAN FRANCISCO #482 O young and fearless prophet of ancient Galilee Thy life is still a summons to serve humanity To make our thoughts and actions less prone to please the crowd To stand with humble courage for truth with hearts uncowed O help us stand unswerving Against war’s bloody way Where hate and lust and falsehood Hold back Christ’s holy sway Forbid false love of country That blinds us to your call Who lifts above the nation The neighborhood of all Create in us the splendor That dawns when hearts are kind That knows not race nor station As boundaries of the mind That learns to value beauty In heart, or brain, or soul And longs to bind God’s children Into one perfect whole.

READING ❚ John 11:1-44 HOMILY ❘ Ms. Kala Payne, MCC of Northern Virginia (Fairfax, Virginia, USA) SPECIAL MUSIC COMMUNION ❘ Sr. Fernando Frontan, Diaconia Cristiana en la Diversidad (Montevideo, Uruguay)

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





❘ Worship Services

MUSIC ❘ “ES LA VIDA DE MI ALMA” ANONYMOUS 20TH CENTURY ❘ MCC SAN FRANCISCO HYMNAL #463 Es la vida de mi alma Mi Cristo, mi Cristo Es la ida de mi alma Es Jesús, mi Salvador Cristo, Cristo, Cristo, Cristo Es la vida de mi alma

MUSIC ❘ “WE ARE STANDING ON HOLY GROUND” GERON DAVIS ©1983 ADAPT ❘ BOB CROCKER ©1991 ❘ MCC SAN FRANCISCO HYMNAL #410 We are standing on holy ground And I know that there are angels all around Let us praise Jesus now We are standing in your presence On holy ground.


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference







Evening Worship

❘ 7:00pm to 8:30pm ❘ Chantilly Ballroom

❘ Worship Services


Let the walls Let the walls Let the walls By your love Let the walls

fall down fall down fall down fall down

One by one we’re drawn together One by one and side by side One in you, we’ll live forever Strangers you have reconciled REFRAIN

In your love No walls between us In your love A common ground See each other as you see us All our pride comes tumbling down REFRAIN


One: Many: One: Many: One: Many: One: Many:

I want to be free like the river uncontrollable and wild. I want to be fast and dangerous like the rapids and currents in the river. I want to be like a river with its different shades and colours. I want to be natural like a river in its savagery.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




PROGRAM Worship Services


READING ❚ Isaiah 42:5-9 Thus says God who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it: I am the Almighty, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are closed, to bring out the prisoners from their shackles, from the prison those who sit in despair. I Am, that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to idols. See, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them.


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





SPECIAL MUSIC ❘ “GLORY HALLELUJAH/UNDIVIDED” ❘ Imani Ensemble SERMON ❚ Rev. Elder Troy D. Perry, Founder & Moderator CALL TO OFFERING

❘ Worship Services


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





Morning Worship

❘ 8:30am to 9:15am ❘ Chantilly Ballroom

Worship Services




When morning gilds the skies, my heart awaking cries may Jesus Christ be praised! A like at work and prayer one purpose I declare may Jesus Christ be praised! All ye of human kind, in this your concord find, may Jesus Christ be praised! Let all the earth around ring joyous with the sound may Jesus Christ be praised! Sing suns and stars of space sing ye that see God’s face may Jesus Christ be praised! God’s whole creation o’er for aye and evermore may Jesus Christ be praised!

READING ❚ Isaiah 42:5-9 Thus says God who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it: I am the Almighty, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are closed, to bring out the prisoners from their shackles, from the prison those who sit in despair. I Am, that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to idols. See, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them.

HOMILY ❘ Rev. Tessie Mandeville Cathedral of Hope MCC, (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA) SPECIAL MUSIC COMMUNION ❘ Sr. Marcos Gladstone, Igreja da Comunidade Metropolitana (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference






Let us be bread, blessed by the Lord, Broken and shared, life for the world. Let us be wine, love freely poured. Let us be one in the Lord.

Worship Services


1. I am the bread of life, broken for all. Eat now and hunger no more. 2. You are my friends if you keep my commands, No longer servants but friends. 3. As God has loved me, so I have loved you Go and live on in my love.

MUSIC ❘ “SURELY THE PRESENCE” Lanny Wolfe ©1977 ❘ MCC San Francisco Hymnal #265 Surely the presence of our God is in this place, I can feel your mighty power and your grace, I can hear the brush of angels’ wings, I see glory on each face, Surely the presence of our God is in this place.


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





Morning Worship

❘ 8:30am to 9:15am ❘ Chantilly Ballroom

Worship Services



INVOCATION MUSIC ❘ “IN THE MIDST OF NEW DIMENSIONS” JULIAN B. RUSH ©1985 ❘ NEW CENTURY HYMNAL #391 In the midst of new dimensions, In the face of changing ways, Who will lead the pilgrim peoples Wandering in their separate ways? REFRAIN

God of rainbow, fiery pillar, Leading where the eagles soar. We your people, ours the journey, Now and ever, now and ever, Now and ever more. As we stand a world divided By our own self-seeking schemes Grant that we, your global village Might envision wider dreams REFRAIN

We are man and we are woman All persuasions, old and young Each a gift in your creation, Each a love song to be sung! REFRAIN

READING ❚ Matthew 5:14-16 You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under a bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to God in heaven.

HOMILY ❘ Ms. Bonnie Ott, MCC of Sacramento: The Cathedral of Promise (Sacramento, California USA) SPECIAL MUSIC

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference






Eat this bread, drink this cup Come to me and never be hungry Eat this bread, drink this cup Trust in me and you will not thirst.

Worship Services


We come to share our stories We come to break the bread We come to know our rising from the dead Venimos de decir del ministerio Y partir el pan bebida Venimos a saber y nuestra eternidad We come as your people We come as your own United with each other Love finds a home CHORUS

We are called to heal the broken To be hope for the poor We are called to feed The hungry at our door CHORUS

You will lead and we shall follow You will be the breath of life Living water we are thirsting For your light.


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





❘ Worship Services

MUSIC ❘ “LET THERE BE PEACE ON EARTH” SY MILLER & JILL JACKSON ©1955 ALT ❘ MCC SAN FRANCISCO HYMNAL #488 Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me; let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be. With God our creator, neighbours all are we. Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony Let peace begin with me; let this be the moment now. With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow; to take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference







Closing Worship

❘ 3:30pm to 5:00pm ❘ Chantilly Ballroom

❘ Worship Services

MUSIC ❘ “EN SANTA HERMANDAD” En santa hermandad vamos a cantar Al Creador cantemos que Dios nos dio su gracia Tú eres Cristo el redentor, llénanos de amor Tú eres nuestro Salvador y Libertador United by God’s love, let us sing together Sing praise to our Creator, God of grace and mercy You are the one Redeemer Christ, fill our hearts with love You are the Savior, Jesus Christ, Liberator God


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





❘ Worship Services

SPECIAL MUSIC ❘ Conference Choir READING ❚ Matthew 5:14-16 You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under a bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to God in heaven. One: This is the Gospel of Christ Many: Praise to you Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit.



Glory to God in the highest, and to all creation peace O God Almighty we thank you and give praise to you for your glory Jesus Christ, Lamb of God, you take away our sin For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are Most High To Jesus Christ, at God’s right hand and Holy Spirit evermore Be blessing and honor and glory Be all blessing and honor and glory Amen, Amen, Amen

TESTIMONY IN WORD & SONG ❘ Mr. Esera Tualo SERMON ❚ Walk in the Light ❘ Rev. Elder Don Eastman

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference






❘ Worship Services

CALL TO OFFERING OFFERTORY ❚ MCC San Diego Celebration Choir PRAYER SPECIAL MUSIC ❚ MCC Austin Children’s Choir 2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference





❘ Worship Services

COMMUNION One: Many: One: Many: One: Many:

God is with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to God. Let us give God thanks and praise. It is a good and joyful thing to do.

MUSIC ❘ “SURELY THE PRESENCE” LANNY WOLFE ©1977 ❘ MCC SAN FRANCISCO HYMNAL #265 Surely the presence of our God is in this place, I can feel your mighty power and your grace, I can hear the brush of angels’ wings, I see glory on each face, Surely the presence of our God is in this place.


One bread, one body, one God of all, One cup of blessing which we bless. And we though many throughout the earth, We are one body in this one God. VERSES

1. Gentile or Jew, servant or free, woman or man, no more. 2. Many the gifts, many the works, one in the Lord of all. 3. Grain for the fields, scattered and grown, gathered to one, for all.

MUSIC ❘ “AMAZING GRACE” JOHN NEWTON 1779 ALT. ❘ NEW CENTURY HYMNAL #547 Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a soul like me. I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home. When we've been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we've first begun.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference






❘ Worship Services

Let heaven and earth sing praise to the one who from death was raised. Let hearts utter words profound in proclaiming this holy ground.

La historia de los Pueblos sera libre por la verdad. La causa es justificada. Santa tierra nuestra sera.

Bless earth, water, fire and wind. Bless your people without, within. Let beauty and birth surround in reclaiming this holy ground.

United we join the light. We are born of the same right. We’ve come to release what’s bound, for we are on holy ground.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




We are indeed honored to welcome such esteemed guest speakers...whether they make us think or make us smile, inspire or motivate us, the benefits of their insights and wisdom are endless. MCC proudly introduces this year's Featured Guests.

Featured Guests


Featured Guests

Richard Elovich Because HIV Isn’t Over, Metropolitan Ballroom SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY

❘ 9:30AM TO 5:00PM

Richard Elovich is a nationally recognized trainer and program evaluation consultant in substance use and HIV, and the author of New York State OASAS curriculum on harm reduction counseling for addiction professionals. A founding member of the NYC Mayor's HIV Planning Council, he chaired its Substance Abuse Services Work Group and designed a number of new interventions and treatment strategies for active and relapsing drug users at risk for or living with HIV. He was an organizer of needle exchange in New York City and is the former director of HIV prevention at Gay Men's Health Crisis. He is currently a doctoral candidate in sociology and public health at Columbia University, and a professor of public health at Hunter College in New York City. His writing has appeared in many publications, including the Village Voice, POZ, the Advocate, and Yale University's AIDS and Public Policy.

Rev. Barbara J. Essex Spiritual Growth Retreat: Somebody’s Calling Your Name, Wedgewood Ballroom WEDNESDAY ❘ 2 JULY ❘ 10:30AM TO 5:00PM The Rev. Barbara J. Essex serves as Minister and Coordinator of Community Life at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, (California, USA) and is an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ. In addition, she teaches classes in Womanist Theology, Preaching, and Congregational Leadership. She has served as the Administrative Director and Co-Convener for the Pacific School of Religion/Hartford Seminary National Religious Leadership Program, a three year initiative that brought together 75 religious leaders to explore issues of leadership and institutional renewal. She also serves as Adjunct Faculty for the Hartford Seminary Women's Leadership Institute. Her mission is to work with laypeople and clergy to be more effective leaders and stewards; to assist congregations in developing strong programs for all members; and to work with other agencies and organizations to provide quality resources for effective ministry. She has pastored and served on the staff of several dynamic churches in the Chicago area. She is the author of several church education resources and books, and a sought after preacher and speaker. Her books, Bad Girls of the Bible: Exploring Biblical Women of Questionable Virtue and Bad Boys of the Bible: Men who Commit Outrageous Acts are making a difference in how we study the bible.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 5:30PM For forty years Barbara Gittings and her partner, Kay Tobin Lahusen, photo journalist and co-author of The Gay Crusaders (1971), have been in the forefront of Gay Liberation. In 1958, Barbara started the New York City chapter of the Daughters of Bilitis. In 1965 she picketed for homosexual rights at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall. And in 1971 she staged a public kissing booth in Dallas at the American Library Association Convention.

Featured Guests

Barbara Gittings Activism, Then & Now, Monet Room

Meet this pioneer of the Gay Rights movement, and hear her reflections on Activism Then & Now. Also, join host Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson to celebrate activism with Barbara Gittings and Kay Lahusen and to honor Gittings at the Human Rights Brunch on Sunday, July 6, at 11:00am.

Theodore W. Jennings Queering the Word, Metropolitan Ballroom FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 5:00PM Professor Jennings served as a local pastor and taught for three years at the Methodist Seminary in Mexico City. He currently serves as a consultant with the United Methodist Church on issues related to commitment to the poor. He also helped initiate the gay and lesbian studies program at CTS and has traveled and lectured extensively in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Jennings’ research interests include Christian doctrine, biblical theology, gay studies, contemporary late modern philosophy, especially that represented by Jacques Derrida and "deconstruction." He also writes, particularly in Spanish, on Wesleyan theology.

Speed Leas Church Systems in Conflict, Senator’s Hall THURSDAY ❘ 3 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 5:00PM Dr. Leas is a Senior Consultant for the Alban Institute and Visiting Professor of Congregational Leadership at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Featured Guests

Ken Stone Queering the Word, Metropolitan Ballroom FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 5:00PM Professor Stone, a Lambda Literary Award winner, focuses his research on the relationship between biblical interpretation and matters of gender, sexuality and food. “People of faith engage their religious traditions, including the biblical traditions, to find resources for survival and transformation. In a world of conflict and diverse perspectives, however, I try to convey to students the necessity of taking into account multiple ways of understanding and using those same texts. Thus, I always encourage students to question their own assumptions about the content and interpretation of the Bible. Such a process of questioning need not be destructive, but rather creates a space for the pursuit of a two-fold goal. On the one hand, we must obtain a thorough knowledge of both the surprising diversity of the biblical writings and their historical and socio-cultural contexts. On the other hand, we must reflect critically on the difficult process of interpreting and teaching from those writings in a manner that will help us transform our own world toward greater justice and mercy.”

Esera Tuaolo Plenary Session, Chantilly East Ballroom SUNDAY ❘ 6 JULY ❘ 1:30PM TO 2:30PM Esera Tuaolo, who was a member of the NFL for 9 years, and his partner, Mitchell Wherley, adopted twin infants following his retirement from football. Since retiring three years ago, Tuaolo and Wherley have settled in Minneapolis, where they raise their two-year-olds, a son and daughter. Following performances of the U.S. national anthem at numerous college and NFL venues in the 1990’s, Tuaolo has also enjoyed a burgeoning singing career. He has two pop albums under his belt. Since coming out last year, Tuaolo has been an active speaker on gay issues, becoming a role model to youths and members of the gay community who draw inspiration from reading his story.

Daniel Wolfe Because HIV Isn’t Over, Metropolitan Ballroom SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 5:00PM Daniel Wolfe is a Community Scholar at the Columbia University School of Public Health, and the author of the acclaimed, Our Bodies, Ourselves-inspired Men Like Us: The GMHC Complete Guide to Gay Men’s Sexual, Physical, and Emotional Well-Being (Ballantine Books). He was the longtime Director of Communications for Gay Men's Health Crisis in New York City, and served as the editor of the "White Paper" on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender health published by Columbia University and the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association. He is the author of a recent survey of HIV and primary care in the former Soviet Union, and his writing has appeared in publications including the New York Times Book Review, the Guardian, POZ, the Advocate, OUT, and the Village Voice.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



MCC extends our thanks to this year's incredible group of Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders. More information on specific Workshops or Affinity Groups can be found in the schedule of events section.


Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders

Rev. Birte Beuck Clinical Pastoral Education, Madrid Room

SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 1:30PM TO 3:00PM

THURSDAY ❘ 3 JULY ❘ 1:30PM TO 3:00PM

Ms. Pat Baillie, Major USAF (retired), active in MCC since 1987, Pat is a highly decorated survivor of two military investigations. She now uses skills she learned in the military to be a community activist. Residing in Albuquerque (New Mexico, USA) she is a frequent speaker on military issues impacting the GLBT community. More of her story can be found on the HRC "Documenting Courage" and in the Veterans Oral History Project of the Library of Congress. Her story is woven with MCC from her declaration of UFMCC as her religious preference to a 2 year investigation based on her relationship with an MCC pastor.

Rev. Birte Beuck, an ordained MCC minister, grew up as a Lutheran in Germany and has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for 8 years. She is a Chaplain and ACPE Supervisory Candidate at UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco (California, USA). She has worked as a chaplain and CPE supervisor at several Bay Area hospitals for five years. She considers motorcycling as one of her spiritual practices.

Rev. Dr. Sandra Bochonok Internet Resources & Outreach Ministry for the Local Church, Morocco Room FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM

Rev. Frank Beard Health Care Chaplian’s Affinity Group, Ming Room WEDNESDAY ❘ 2 JULY ❘ 8:30PM TO 10:00PM Rev. Frank Beard is the Protestant Chaplain at Rose Medical Center in Denver (Colorado, USA). Rev. Beard was ordained in the United Methodist Church in 1977 and has served United Methodist Churches in the Memphis Annual Conference and the Rocky Mountain Annual Conferences. In 1988, Rev. Beard transferred to the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Churches were he has served as Associate Pastor of MCC of the Rockies and Senior Pastor of MCC Greenville and MCC New Haven. Rev. Beard is a graduate of the University of Tennessee, received his Master's of Divinity Degree from Candler School of Theology, Emory University and completed his Clinical Pastoral Education at The University of Colorado Hospital.

Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders

Ms. Pat Baillie The Warrior’s Path, Milan Room

Rev. Dr. Sandra Bochonok is the nontechnical founder and e-pastor of (a special ministry of MCCDC). She brings to this workshop 5 years of accumulated experience in multilingual, international, multicultural Internet outreach as a "technically challenged pastor who works with technically gifted laity."

Rev. Stephanie Burns Seminary: What’s In It for Me? Sapphire Room SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 1:30PM TO 3:00PM Rev. Stephanie Burns is a graduate of Wesley Theological Seminary (Washington, DC USA), where she completed her Master of Divinity in May 2003. She has served as Interim Co-Pastor of MCC Richmond and is currently working towards establishing a new MCC church plant in Fredericksburg (Virginia, USA).

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders

Rev. Dale Chavis Ministering to the Mentally Ill, Madrid Room

Mr. Ji-Sing Norman Eng The Gifts of Asian Spirituality to Christianity, Morocco Room

SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 1:30PM TO 3:00PM

FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 8:30PM TO 10:00PM

Rev. Dale Chavis, MSW, M.Div.; is the Director of Pastoral Care at Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri USA) and Counselor Resident at Care and Counseling. Rev. Chavis received his Masters of Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis in May 2002 and his Masters of Divinity from Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, (North Carolina USA) in December 1989. Dale worked in hospice and hospital ministry for ten years providing spiritual and emotional care and support to individuals and families dealing with trauma, grief, loss and transition. He also has experience in working a psychiatric unit providing individual and group support. He currently is on staff at MCCGSL where he provides pastoral care and support to the congregation and the community.

Mr. Ji-Sing Norman Eng is the new "Minister of Buddhist Spirituality" at MCC San Francisco (California, USA) and a long-distance member of Cathedral of Hope (MCC Dallas). He is also a musician, ritual artist, spiritual counselor and meditation coach; in the past he has served in various churches as a youth minister, children's director and religious education director. He was born and raised in Texas and has a B.A. in Religion and M.A. in Spirituality. His main spiritual teacher is Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay), and he will be ordained by Thay into the "Order of Interbeing" (Unified Buddhist Church) in September 2003. In the past, he has collaborated on several rituals and retreats with Bay Area spiritual teachers Matthew Fox (Creation Spirituality) and Christian de la Huerta (Q-Spirit). He has been a retreat leader for the California Men's Gathering (CMG) three years in a row, and he founded the former Gay Young Spirit (GYS) in 1995 and the current New Generation Sangha (NGS) in 2001. His vision for future ministry is of a "United Spiritual Community" that will focus on Buddhist, Christian and Earth-based spiritualities in an Interfaith context with emphasis on music and the arts.

Rev. Judy & Rev. Dee Dale How to Keep This Thing Going & Have Fun at the Same Time, Madrid Room SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 3:30PM TO 5:00PM The Rev. Dee Dale will celebrate her 20th Anniversary as Pastor of MCC Louisville (Kentucky, USA) in December. Judy is a member of the MCC Board of Administration.

Ms. Michele Horn Davis Asian Pacific Islander Affinity Group, Ming Room FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 8:30PM TO 10:00PM Ms. Michele Horn Davis has been a member of the accounting staff at since just before our last General Conference 2001. She also manages the MCC Online Store and is in charge of the maintenance of the Headquarters building in West Hollywood. She is the proud partner of a Trans-person and is very active in organizing in the Los Angeles Trans Community.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


Dr. Barbara J. Essex Retreat: Somebody’s Calling Your Name, Wedgewood Ballroom WEDNESDAY ❘ 2 JULY ❘ 10:00AM TO 12:00PM Dr. Barbara J. Essex is an ordained United Church of Christ minister and teaches at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley (California, USA). She is the author of Bad Girls of the Bible: Exploring Women of Questionable Virtue, Bad Boys of the Bible: Exploring Men of Questionable Virtue, Bread of Life: Lenten Reflections for Individuals and Groups, and Women in the Bible (Insights: Bible Studies for Growing Faith).


SUNDAY ❘ 6 JULY ❘ 9:15AM TO 10:45AM

Pastora Lic. Araceli Ezzatti: Ordenada en la Iglesia Metodista del Uruguay. Psicóloga. Lic. en Teología, graduada en el Instituto Superior Evangélico de Estudios Teológicos ISEDET. Candidata al Doctorado. Discípula de Paulo Freire, posee una basta formación y experiencia pedagógica. Profesorado de nivel terciario en Educación y Teología, Filosofía. Ha coordinado programas, publicaciones, capacitación y proyectos de educación a distancia, tanto en el Uruguay a nivel nacional, como en prestigiosas instituciones del exterior. Miembro Consultor permanente de diversas y variadas comisiones del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias. Ha sido Decana del Instituto de Psicología del Uruguay. Autora de infinidad de trabajos de investigación en campos de psicología, pedagogía y religión. Es Pastora y cofundadora de la Diaconía Cristiana en la Diversidad de Montevideo, Uruguay.

Rev. Wanda Y. Floyd became a member of St. John’s MCC in 1987, and in 1997 she founded Imani MCC of Durham (North Carolina, USA). Rev. Floyd was ordained in 1999, and has served the Fellowship in the various capacities including as chair of the Regional Elders Nominating Committee for Region 7 and coordinator of the 3rd conference for people of African Descent within UFMCC. She has also served on the Board of Directors for the Lesbian and Gay Health Project, Resource Center for Women in the Ministry in the South, North Carolina Lambda Youth Network and for Triangle PFLAG. She has been awarded Outstanding LGBT person in 1997, was MC for the North Carolina Leather Contest in 2000 and was awarded the “Best Friend of the Leather Community” in 2001. Currently, Rev. Floyd is serving as co-chair of WOW 2003, an ecumenical conference for open and affirming churches in the USA and Canada and on the Committee for the “Black Church Week of Prayer for the End of AIDS 2003”.

Rev. David Farrell Internet Resources & Outreach Ministry for the Local Church, Morocco Room FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM Rev. David Farrell is the creator and web manager of the MCC public website and MCC's internal "IntraNet." He brings to this Workshop his experience as an Internet pioneer and as pastor (for 21 years) of MCC San Diego (California, USA).

Sr. Alberto Najera Flores El VIH/SIDA en la Comunidades GLTTB LatinoAmericanas, Topaz Room

Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders

FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 10:00AM TO 12:00PM

Rev. Wanda Y. Floyd WOW & Working Ecumenically, Madrid Room


Pastora Lic. Araceli Ezzatti El Cuerpo Silenciado en la Celebración de la Fe, Milan Room

Rev. Tony Freeman Purposeful Church Facilities: Creating A Functional Environment for Mission, Topaz Room SUNDAY ❘ 6 JULY ❘ 9:15AM TO 10:45AM Rev. Tony Freeman is the Pastor of MCC San Diego (California, USA) and the chair of the Strategic Growth Initiative.

Sr. Fernando Frontán El Cuerpo Silenciado en la Celebración de la Fe, Milan Room

THURSDAY ❘ 3 JULY ❘ 3:30PM TO 5:00PM Sr. Alberto Najera Flores, Pastoral Leader, ICM Paz y Alegria, Managua, Nicaragua.

FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 10:00AM TO 12:00PM Sr. Fernando Frontán: Cursó estudios en la Facultad de Teología del Uruguay Mons. Mariano Soler y actualmente cursa en la Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana. Escritor y periodista, columnista en el diario La República y autor de cuatro libros, — dos de poemas y dos

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders

ensayos - Es reconocido en toda la República Oriental del Uruguay por su activismo en favor de los derechos de la comunidad glttb. Es uno de los organizadores de la Marcha del Orgullo de Ser, coordinador de actividades del grupo de Padres y Familiares. Ha sido miembro de Homosexuales Unidos y de numerosos grupos, entre los cuales figura Amnistía Internacional, Sec. Uruguay. Fundó el Encuentro Ecuménico para la Liberación de las Minorías Sexuales. Es representante de la Iglesia de la Comunidad Metropolitana en Montevideo, Uruguay y es candidato a ordenación como clérigo. Allí coordina la Diaconía Cristiana en la Diversidad de la cual es co-fundador.

Rev. David Gant End-of-Life Spiritual Care, Sapphire Room FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 3:30PM TO 5:00PM Rev. David Gant is an ordained pastor in UFMCC who works as a chaplain, doing Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at St. Mary's Medical Center in San Francisco, (California USA). While at St. Mary's, David's focus has been on Death and/or End-of-Life experiences culminating in a Pastoral Specialization Project entitled “Multi-faith Responses to Death and/or End-of-Life Experiences in Pastoral Care.” Most recently David was the Director of Congregational Life at MCC San Francisco (California USA).

Ms. Meg Gloger Prayer, Madrid Room FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM Ms. Meg Gloger is a member of the Cathedral of Hope MCC in Dallas (Texas, USA). Her main area of service is to facilitate retreats and workshops for Cathedral members. She has degrees in Pastoral Studies and Divinity from Loyola University Chicago and the desire to serve the GLBT community, not only at the Cathedral, but wherever else she is called.

Rev. Roberto Gonzalez Video con testimonios del Encuentro de Grupos Cristianos GLTTB del ConoSur, Governor Sala SUNDAY ❘ 6 JULY ❘ 9:15AM TO 10:45AM Rev. Roberto Gonzalez — Graduado en el Instituto Superior Evangélico de Estudios Teológicos ISEDET en 1987, es fundador de la Iglesia de la Comunidad Metropolitana en Argentina y el primer clérigo de esa denominación ordenado en América Latina. Fue integrante de numerosos grupos religiosos GLTTB. Co-fundador del primer grupo de trabajo voluntario sobre VIH-SIDA en Argentina en el año 1986. Fue pastor de ICM Buenos Aires hasta 1995, pastor de ICM Cristo Rey, en la ciudad de Nueva York durante 1996. Es pastor del Centro Cristiano de la Comunidad GLTTB - ICM del Centro en Buenos Aires, y posee una reconocida trayectoria en el activismo por nuestros Derechos Religiosos.

Dr. Bob Goss Que(e)ring Romans, Milan Room THURSDAY ❘ 3 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM Dr. Bob Goss is chair of the Department of Religious Studies at Webster University. He earned the Th.D. from Harvard University, is co-chair of the Gay Men’s Issues in Religion Group of the American Academy of Religion, serves on the National Advisory Board of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry of the Pacific School of Religion, and is a member of the Interfaith Commission of the National Council of Churches. He is the author of Jesus ACTED UP: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto and Our Families, Our Values: Snapshots of Queer Kinship, and is coeditor of A Rainbow of Religious Diversity and Take Back the Word: A Queer Reading of the Bible (The Pilgrim Press, 2000). Goss lives in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Rev. Robert Griffin The Progressive Church Affinity Group, Morocco Room FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 8:30PM TO 10:00PM Rev. Robert Griffin is pastor of New Light MCC in Hagerstown (Maryland USA).

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



Rev. Pat Langlois From Original Sin to Original Blessing, Morocco Room

THURSDAY ❘ 3 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM

FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 3:30PM TO 5:00PM

Ms. Jude Litzenberger COL Ministry Development Centre, Morocco Room THURSDAY ❘ 3 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM

Rev. Catherine Houchins Crisis in Your Community, Morocco Room SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 3:30PM TO 5:00PM Rev. Catherine Houchins has been involved in MCC since 1982 when she became involved in New Life MCC in Norfolk (Virginia, USA). She pastored in Ventura, California 1986-1990 and has been the pastor of MCC of the Blue Ridge in Roanoke, Virginia since November 1998. She and her partner Charlotte are very involved in the GLBT community of Roanoke.

Mr. Jon Kwong It’s All About Relationships, Topaz Room SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 5:00PM

Ms. Jude Litzenberger is the Vice Chair for Resources for the Interim Lay Ministry Team and team leader for the MCC Ministry Development Centre (MCCMDC). Jude created the idea for an interactive website to help build mutual ministry, garnered the funding, and coordinated the technical development of this innovative online resource centre. Ms. Litzenberger has served as lay delegate and as a member of the Board of Directors and Pastoral Search committees at her home church, MCC San Diego (California USA). She has coached the Ministry Development Team and served in a variety of ministries there over the thirteen years that she has been a member. From 1995 to 2002, Jude served the Southwest District as the Assistant District Coordinator. Having retired from a career in the U.S. Navy, Ms. Litzenberger now has her own law practice in San Diego where she fulfills her passion for seeking justice in state, federal and military courts.

Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders

Rev. Pat Langlois is the Minister of Congregational Life with MCC Los Angeles, (California USA). Prior to that she served as pastor of Emmanuel MCC in Albuquerque and earlier was on staff at MCC San Francisco and MCC San Jose. Currently a student in the Doctorate of Ministry program at University of Creation Spirituality, she is passionate about experiencing the Divine fully and completely.

The Rev. Dr. Tom Hanks (Presbyterian) has served as a missionary in Latin America since 1963, first with the Latin America Mission as professor of Hebrew Bible at the Latin America Biblical Seminary (now University) in San José, Costa Rica (1963 to 1985), then in Buenos Aires, Argentina (1986-2003) with UFMCC and as executive director of Other Sheep. He is the author of God So Loved the Third World (Orbis, 1982), a study of oppression in Biblical theology, and The Subversive Gospel (Pilgrim 2000), focusing on the poor, women and sexual minorities in each book of the New Testament. He has completed the manuscript for a similar work on the Hebrew Bible and is preparing the chapter on Romans for Que(e)ring the Bible, edited by Bob Goss, Deryn Guest and Mona West, to be published by Sheffield Academic / Continuum in 2004.


Rev. Dr. Tom Hanks Que(e)ring Romans, Milan Room

Mr. Jon Kwong is a clergy candidate at MCC San Diego (California USA).

Ms. Cindi Love Building Trusted & Trusting Teams, Sapphire Room THURSDAY ❘ 3 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM Ms. Cindi Love is a member of MCC’s Board of Administration.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders

banking agency. Jeff lives with his spouse, David Zier. They were joined in Holy Union on September 8, 1990.

SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 8:45PM TO 10:00PM Rev. Fran Mayes is the pastor of Tree of Life MCC Ypsilanti (Michigan, USA).


Rev. Fran Mayes Polyamory Affinity Group, Miro Room

Rev. Joe McMurray Region One Health & Wellness Ministry, Morocco Room SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 8:45PM TO 10:00PM Rev. Joe McMurray is Pastor of Congregational Life and Coordinator of HIV/AIDS and Wellness Programs for the Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco. He has created and nurtured support systems for survivors of cancer, HIV/AIDS, and other life threatening illnesses, and developed a compassionate ministry of support for those affected by issues of grief and loss both inside and outside the MCCSF community. He appeared on as a featured guest contributor with an article on HIV and Religion in March, 2003. He earned his M.Div. at Pacific School of Religion and the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California in 2001. He has also served as chaplain at California Pacific Medical Center/Davies Campus. He can be reached at [email protected].

Rev. Jeff Miner The Children are Free: Reexamining the Biblical Evidence on Same-Sex Relationships, Sapphire Room

Rev. Stephen Moore Why Jesus Healed & How He Did It, Miro Room SUNDAY ❘ 6 JULY ❘ 9:15AM TO 10:45AM Rev. Stephen Moore is pastor MCC of Baton Rouge, (Louisiana, USA). Stephen is an Associate Member of the "Jesus Seminar", and has served our denomination for over 12 years as Clergy in pastoral ministry. He is dedicated to bringing the insights of modern critical scholarship and biblical literacy to everyday people, with particular emphasis on the search for the historical Jesus and the historical Paul.

Ms. Robyn Murphy Faith Based Public Relations, Morocco Room SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM Ms. Robyn Murphy is a marketing evangelist. She has been teaching nonprofit organizations about marketing and organizational effectiveness for over twenty years. As a former stand-up comic she guarantees her workshops to be fun and practical. Robyn is an affiliate consultant with the National Association for Nonprofit Boards, specializing in fundraising and marketing communications. As a 2003 graduate of Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, (California USA). Robyn is pleased to be entering candidacy in UFMCC.

SUNDAY ❘ 6 JULY ❘ 9:15AM TO 10:45AM Rev. Jeff Miner is the pastor of Jesus Metropolitan Community Church in Indianapolis, (Indiana, USA). He was raised in fundamentalist independent Baptist churches, and received his undergraduate degree from Bob Jones University. Jeff attended Harvard Law School, graduating with honors in 1983. Several years later, he discovered MCC. There, Jeff realized he could fulfill his call to ministry. He completed his clergy training and was ordained in 1997. He is a member of MCC’s Board of Administration. Before his ordination, Jeff worked as an attorney for 13 years, last serving as a Deputy Chief Council for a federal

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


Ms. Jennifer Nguyen Asian Pacific Islander Affinity Group, Ming Room FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 8:30PM TO 10:00PM Ms. Jennifer Nguyen has worked for the fellowship for a little over a year as the coordinator of MCC’s database. She is in a committed relationship with a white girl, eats everyone's leftovers, and loves carne asada tacos.


THURSDAY ❘ 3 JULY ❘ 1:30PM TO 3:30PM

FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM Rev. Elder Troy D. Perry is the Founder and Moderator of Metropolitan Community Churches. He is the author of several books including, The Lord is My Shepherd and He Knows I’m Gay.

Co-coordinadora del Grupo de Lesbianas del Centro Cristiano de la Comunidad GLTTB. Fue integrante del colectivo La Urdimbre de Aquehua, organización que se dedicó a la difusión y formación en teología feminista y ecofeminista. Perteneció a la organización Las Lunas y Las Otras, grupo de lesbianas feministas, fundadoras de la primera casa para lesbianas en Buenos Aires. Actualmente se halla completando sus estudios en el ISEDET, Facultad de Teología, en Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Dr. Carol Scherfenberg Lessons We Can Learn from Transgendered & Intersex People, Morocco Room SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 1:30PM TO 3:00PM Dr. Carol Scherfenberg, M.D., is a lesbian gynecologist who works at Kaiser Los Angeles Medical Center. She is very active in LGBT health education at Kaiser and in the community. She is a member of MCC Los Angeles (California USA).

Ms. Cindy Pino Bringing Music Ministry to Your Church, Topaz Room

Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders

Rev. Elder Troy D. Perry 10 Spiritual Truths for Successful Living for Gays & Lesbians (and Everyone Else!), Sapphire Room

FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 3:30PM TO 5:00PM

Rev. Michael Nikolaus has been a pastor with Metropolitan Community Churches for more than 15 years. He holds a Competent Toastmaster Certificate from Toastmasters International and is a gifted speaker and author.

Sra. Elsa San Martin Desde la Expropiación a la Reapropiación del Cuerpo, Topaz Sala


Rev. Michael Nikolaus Tugs of War: Using the Spiritual Wisdom of the Ages to Get Centered When Life is Pulling Us Apart, Morocco Room

FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 1:30PM TO 3:00PM Ms. Cindy Pino is a Certified Management Accountant with a Master's in Business Administration and worked for 10 years at Johnson & Johnson implementing numerous training programs for employees there before starting her own computer consulting company for financial systems support. She worked with Marsha Stevens, four MCC Elders and other staff to organize the first program to train emerging GLBT Christian music artists for ministry. Cindy recently served as executive producer for a praise and worship album written and recorded by and for the GLBT community. She served on the King of Peace MCC Board of Directors before leaving to do concert scheduling and bookkeeping for Balm Ministries.

Ms. Kay Seitz Decreasing the Drama: Conflict Management, Christian Style, Madrid Room SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM Ms. Kay Seitz is a clergy candidate from First MCC of Atlanta (Georgia, USA)

Rev. Alejandro Soria Video con testimonios del Encuentro de Grupos Cristianos GLTTB del ConoSur, Governor Sala SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 9:15APM TO 10:45AM ICM Buenos Aires, Argentina

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders

Ms. Marsha Stevens upBeat! Ministry Concert, Chantilly East Ballroom

Rev. Pressley Sutherland International Perspectives on War & Peace, Madrid Room

WEDNESDAY ❘ 2 JULY ❘ 8:30PM TO 10:00PM

FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 1:30PM TO 3:00PM

Ms. Marsha Stevens has been in music ministry singing and writing songs for 34 years. She is still perhaps best known for authoring For Those Tears I Died (Come to the Water). Marsha has written theme songs for MCC General Conferences since 1985 and has released 12 CD's of queer Christian music in that time on her BALM (Born Again Lesbian Music) Ministries label. She has toured full-time in outreach to the GLBT community for the past 10 years presenting over 1,500 concerts. Besides calling her the "Mother of Contemporary Christian Music", Christian Century magazine has said, "She's conservative Christianity's worst nightmare – a God-fearing, Bible-believing, Jesus-loving lesbian Christian." Marsha worked with Cindy Pino and others to begin the upBeat! program to train and equip GLBT Christian artists for music ministry.

Rev. Pressley Sutherland is the pastor of MCC North London (London, UK)

Rev. Elder Gillian J. Storey The Liberation of the Holy Spirit for Metropolitan Community Churches Today, Milan Room FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 3:30PM TO 5:00PM Reverend Elder Gillian J. Storey became a member of MCC in 1984, since then she has ministered in many areas around the Fellowship. In her current service as Elder for region 7, she is able to focus on equipping & resourcing all people to participate in The Great Commission, and to bring her international experiences & theological insights to how we can be a healthy and relevant church today, and how we can remain true to God's calling on us to be the cutting edge Christian Church of tomorrow. Gill is probably best known for her many workshops which take a current topic for Christians and explore the Biblical, Historical & Sociological lessons which can inform our Christian practices of today.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


Dr. Justin Tanis Transgendered Ministry, Theology & Communities of Faith, Sapphire Room SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 3:30PM TO 5:00PM Dr. Justin Tanis, M.Div, D.Min. is the Director of Leadership Development for Metropolitan Community Churches, a position he has held since 1996. Prior to that, he served as the Interim Pastor of MCC Boston, (Massachusetts USA), Pastor of Ke Anuenue O Ke Aloha MCC, Honolulu (Hawaii USA) and Associate Pastor of MCC San Francisco (California USA). His book, TransGendered Theology, Ministry and Communities of Faith, was published in May 2003 by Pilgrim Press.

Mr. T. Patrick Toal Developing a Senior Adult Ministry for Your Church, Madrid Room THURSDAY ❘ 3 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM Mr. T. Patrick Toal, MSW, is a recent graduate in social work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (North Carolina, USA). Patrick has been an aging advocate for more than ten years spending the majority of his career working with Alzheimer’s patients and their families. He has served as the Executive Director of an Adult Day Care Center at one of the largest Methodist churches in North Carolina. He came out while serving on the Senior Adult Council and in doing so, assisted in coordinating a churchwide study of homosexuality and the bible. He is a contributor to the publication, You Are One of Us: Successful Clergy/Church Connections to Alzheimer’s Families and is the co-author of the book, Pressure Points: Alzheimer’s Disease and Anger.


SATURDAY ❘ 5 JULY ❘ 1:30PM TO 3:00PM

Rev. Durrell Watkins is the pastor of MCC of Christ the Liberator and holds a Master of Arts degree in Theatre Studies from Goddard College. He worked for two seasons as the Public Relations Director for a college theatre in Texas and has started and supervised Creative Arts programs at 4 churches. Durrell has written and performed dramatic and poetic readings and Cabaret shows in Texas, Maryland and Vermont and has won acting and oral interpretation awards from Speech & Theatre festivals in Arkansas and Texas and is a member of two national theatre organizations. His one-act play, QUEEREALITIES, has had staged readings in Dallas, New Jersey and Chicago. He is currently the director of MCC/CTL's "Liberation Players" and he writes weekly spiritual essays that are read by over a thousand email subscribers.

Rev. Sue Yarber, M.Div.; Director of Congregational Life at Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis (Missouri, USA). Rev. Yarber received her Master of Divinity at Union Theological Seminary in New York in May of 2000. Sue worked with developmentally disabled adults in a job-training program for four years. She counseled court ordered adolescents and their families for seven years. Sue works in the area of Religious education and facilitates bible studies and small groups. Sue feels that one of personal calls is to minister to LGBT people who have been abused within their churches of origin. She authored and facilitates a small group Recovering from Homophobic Religion which she explores in an in-depth way the issue of homosexuality and the Bible.

Rev. Paul Whiting Campus Ministry, Milan Room THURSDAY ❘ 3 JULY ❘ 3:30PM TO 5:00PM

Workshop & Affinity Group Leaders

THURSDAY ❘ 3 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM

Rev. Sue Yarber Ministering to the Mentally Ill, Madrid Room


Rev. Durrell Watkins Que(e)realities, Performance & Workshop, Topaz Room

Rev. Paul Whiting has been involved with Campus Ministry Cooperative (Gainesville, Florida USA) for six years. CMC makes spiritual and pastoral support available to 65,000 students through fourteen faith organizations.

Ms. Geraldine Wright Internet Resources & Outreach Ministry for the Local Church, Morocco Room FRIDAY ❘ 4 JULY ❘ 9:30AM TO 11:30AM Ms. Geraldine Wright is the multilingual "mischiefmaker" of, responsible for obtaining translations of the documents and posting the non-English articles on the website. She is the recipient of the 2001 General Conference Distinguished Commission of the Laity Award for her visionary multilingual Internet work.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



MCC proudly introduces our Board of Administration. For contact information, please visit our website at

Board of Administration


Board of Administration

Judy Dale

Gregory Kurdian

Judy Dale served as the Great Lakes District Coordinator for almost thirteen years. She was a member of the General Council, the Finance Team, the Core Team and the Program and Budget Division. She was also on the Steering Committee to create The Women's Secretariat, the Elders' Ministry of Evangelism, the Management Team and Board of Trustees for Samaritan in the USA, as well as a faculty member for that institution. She is a graduate of Rhodes College and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has also served as the International President of the Council for Exceptional Children. Judy is a member of MCC in Louisville, Kentucky in the USA. Judy is the Chair of the Risk Management Team and member of the Finance and Governance Teams.

Gregory Kurdian is the owner and president of Sunbound/Bahama Fantasies, a world-recognized leader in incentive travel operations, which extends throughout Florida and the Bahamas. Previously, Gregory has been a police administrator, serving as a Major in the Police Department of Wichita, Kansas in the USA. He has served on the boards of a number of national and international art museum, historical museums and cultural centers. He has served for several years on the board of directors and as President of the Sunshine Cathedral Foundation, which provides capital funding for the Sunshine Cathedral MCC, in Fort Lauderdale Florida USA. Gregory is the BOA Secretary/Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Team.

Cindi Love Stephen Harte Stephen Harte is a solicitor (attorney) practicing intellectual property and anti-trust law with a Scottish commercial law firm. Stephen was a founding member of Holy Trinity MCC in Edinburgh, Scotland. After serving as Treasurer of the Edinburgh congregation for 7 years, Stephen now devotes his energy to preaching, social justice work and the congregation’s communications ministry. Stephen serves as Chair of the Board of Administration's Governance Team and has been working to set up a charitable trust for the denomination in the United Kingdom. Stephen is the Chair of the Governance Team.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


Cindi Love is a professional educator, presently serving as an Executive Dean in the Dallas County Community College District and formerly faculty at HardinSimmons University. She was a therapist/diagnostician for grades K-12. Dr. Love is a deacon at Exodus MCC in Abilene, Texas USA, and she is a team leader for communications and community outreach. She is a student pastor (scheduled to complete at UFMCC World Jubilee!). She also served as pastoral counselor for the First Baptist Ministry of Counseling from 1980-1983. Cindi is the BOA Vice-Chair and Chair of the Communications & Development Team.



Marsha Warren

Rev. Jeff Miner has served as Pastor of Jesus MCC, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, since his ordination in 1997. Jesus MCC has grown to a congregation of over 350 in worship attendance. Prior to ordination, Jeff spent 13 years practicing law in Washington, D.C. He last served as a Deputy Chief Counsel for Legislation in an office of the U.S.Department of the Treasury. He is a graduate of Bob Jones University and Harvard Law School, and obtained his MCC credentials through the Samaritan process. Jeff is co-author of The Children Are Free, a new book that examines recent scholarship on homosexuality and the Bible. Jeff serves as a Member at Large on the BOA.

Marsha Warren is an Audit Team Leader with the Internal Revenue Service of the U.S. Government. Marsha is a Certified Public Accountant. She is an active member of MCC San Antonio, Texas USA, where she serves as a member of the Board of Directors and Treasurer. She also serves as a Board Member and Treasurer of the San Antonio Gay and Lesbian Community Center. Marsha has served for two years on the General Council’s Finance Team. She is currently the Chair of the BOA Audit Team.

Board of Administration

Rev. Jeff Miner

Jerry Small Jerry Small worked with IBM as a manager and executive for a period of 25 years. Upon retirement from his executive positions in IBM in 1990, Jerry worked as a consultant in the fields of Total Quality Management, Organizational Development and Career Dynamics. Jerry is active in the King of Peace MCC, St Petersburg Florida USA, where he has served on the Board of Directors for a period of 5 years and Treasurer for 4 plus years. Jerry is the BOA Chair and Chair of the Human Resources Team.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



MCC proudly introduces our Board of Elders (clockwise top left): Rev. Elder Troy D. Perry, Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman, Rev. Elder Don Eastman, Rev. Elder Darlene Garner, Rev. Elder Diane Fisher, Rev. Elder Lillie Brock, Rev. Elder Debbie Martin, Rev. Elder Armando Sanchez, Rev. Elder Gillian Storey and Elder Cecilia Eggleston.

Board of Elders


Board of Elders

Founder & Moderator

Region 1

As the Founder and Moderator of MCC, Rev. Elder Troy D. Perry has been a visionary to its members for 35 years. In that time he has proclaimed that God’s house shall be called a house of prayer for all people. Rev. Perry unveils his newest book at this year’s General Conference, entitled 10 Spiritual Truths for Gays and Lesbians…(and everyone else!).

Rev. Elder Debbie Martin lives in Santa Rosa, California. She was ordained as a minister in MCC in October of 1999, going on to earn her Master of Divinity degree at Pacific School of Religion in May 2000. She spent four and a half years as Assistant District Coordinator for MCC's Northwest District, followed by a year and a half as District Coordinator of the Northwest District. She was Associate Pastor of MCC of the Redwood Empire (Guerneville, California USA) for 2 years and is an active member of that church. Rev. Martin is currently serving MCC as the Elder for Region 1.

Second Vice Moderator Rev. Elder Don Eastman, a former Pastor with the Assemblies of God, came into MCC Des Moines (Iowa USA) as it was beginning in 1974 and soon after became its first Pastor. In 1978 he became Senior Pastor in Dallas where he served for eight and a half years. Elected to the Board of Elders in 1983, he became a full-time Elder in November of 1986.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


Region 2 Rev. Elder Armando Sanchez is the Co-Founder of ICM Paz y Alegria de Nicaragua and currently serves as the Senior Pastor there. He has been the MCC Ecumenical


Region 4 Elder Cecilia Eggleston was the first woman and first layperson to be elected District Coordinator in the former European District. She was a founding trustee of Samaritan Education in Europe and served as chair of the Board of Trustees. In 1990, Cecilia became a co-founder and co-pastoral leader of Living Springs MCC (Bath , ENGLAND). She now serves on the Board of Elders, Communications and Appointments Teams.

Region 5 Rev. Elder Diane Fisher has experience as a counselor, public speaker, advocate, facilitator, volunteer board member, consultant, pastor, group work developer, administrator, teacher, executive director, medical professional and a mother. At the Fellowship level, Rev. Fisher has been the Ecumenical Liaison for Canada, Chair of the Women's Secretariat, Vice-Chair

Rev. Elder Darlene Garner served MCC DC as Church Treasurer and Lay Delegate and later served the MidAtlantic District as Assistant District Coordinator. She received her MCC clergy credentials in 1988. Garner has been a member of the Board of Elders since 1993. Darlene Garner currently serves UFMCC as Clerk of the Board of Elders. In that capacity, she is responsible for overseeing the processes of General Conference, General Council, and the Board of Elders and is Chair of the General Council Corporate and Legal Team.

Board of Elders

Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman joined MCC in 1974 and served for 11 years as the District Coordinator of the Mid-Atlantic District. Since the early 1980's, Arlene has been an ardent student of church growth and development studies and in turn has lectured throughout MCC on the subject. She also serves on the UFMCC Strategic Growth Initiative Team. Her second passion is in the area of church planting. She believes that strengthening our existing churches and planting new healthy multiple celled churches holds the future for UFMCC.

Region 6

Region 3

of the Board of Ordained Ministries in Eastern Canada, and Student Liaison for Samaritan Education in Canada.


Officer for Central America since July, 2001, and has been the Representative of the ICM (MCC) at the Latin American Council of Churches since September, 2001. Armando is fluent in Spanish, English and Portuguese. He has taken the initiative on his own time to translate hundreds of MCC documents on the Fellowship Intranet into Spanish. Since entering formation for clergy and religious consecration in the Roman Catholic Church in 1983, his pastoral and missionary experience has taken him to Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, Jamaica, Haiti and Cuba.

Region 7 Rev. Elder Gillian Storey has served as the Senior Pastor of MCC Richmond (Virginia USA) since June of 1997. Before coming to the United States, Rev. Storey was Senior Pastor of MCC of North London for seven years and was active in the European District as Chair of the European Board of Ordained Ministry and the European District Clergy Review Committee. In addition, she was a member of the London Ecumenical HIV & Faith Group, a tutor at Samaritan College in Europe, and both Spiritual Director and Team Member for EXCEL of the British Isles.

Region 8 Rev. Elder Lillie Brock was ordained into professional ministry in June, 2000. After her ordination, she became the Pastor of Congregational Life and later, the Pastor of National Ministry at the Cathedral of Hope. Since January of this year, Lillie has been serving in her role as the Elder for Region 8. Prior to entering the credentialing process, Lillie served in many MCC churches and in many lay positions. She has been a deacon, lay delegate, the chair of the Council of Ministries, choir member and led outreach efforts.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference



In Appreciation for Distinguished Service we are deeply grateful for the dedication of these four servant-leaders who have brought extraordinary gifts to guide all of us in MCC on our journey of liberation. We know that they will continue to inspire our ministry in wonderful ways in the years ahead. We pray God's richest blessings on each of them.

Exiting Elders


Exiting Elders

Rev. Elder Mel Johnson joined MCC in 1987 and has been a member of Sunrise MCC (Palmdale, California USA), MCC of the Redwoods in Marin County, (California USA) and MCC San Francisco (California USA). He has served on several Boards of Directors, as a Treasurer, Lay Delegate, on countless committees, and numerous projects and events over the years. In 1994, Mel was elected as Lay Representative for the Northwest District. He served two terms as well as three years on the COL Facilitating Council's Executive Committee and in 1999, was elected as Chair of the UFMCC COL. In 2001, Mel was elected to the UFMCC Board of Elders and was appointed to the General Council’s Finance Team. Mel currently serves on the UFMCC USA Board of Pensions, and the Board of Elders Governance Team.

Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson joined MCC as Associate Pastor of MCC Boston. She served as Pastor of MCC Detroit from 1975 to 1979 and was elected Elder in 1976. In 1979, she moved to Los Angeles and became Clerk of the Board of Elders, where she stayed for 10 years. In 1986 she became Pastor of MCC Los Angeles where she served for 14 years. She became UFMCC’s first Chief Ecumenical Officer, representing UFMCC to the World Council of Churches as its official observer in Canberra and Hanere, Zimbabwe. Nancy has served as Vice-Moderator of the Board of Elders since 1993.

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


Rev. Elder Hong Tan

Rev. Elder Mel Johnson

Rev. Elder Hong Tan is passionate about our mission for "heaven on earth" not only among the LGBT communities but for all of God's creation. As he retires from the Board of Elders after 10 years as Elder, and after being the first European District Coordinator, the first Asian ordained clergyperson, the first Asian senior pastor, he is aware that God calls us to be the "first" always. May MCC continue to always dare to risk the greatness that God calls us to, and may God always bless us as we fulfill our faithfulness! He says “I am so thankful for all of your love and support and honored to be part of this Easter movement!"

Rev. Elder Nori Rost Rev. Elder Nori Rost was elected to serve on UFMCC’s Board of Elders at the 1999 General Conference in Los Angeles. She became a licensed clergyperson in UFMCC in July 1989 and was ordained in July 1993. Since January 9, 1994, she has been the solo pastor at Pike’s Peak MCC in Colorado Springs (Colorado USA). Under her leadership the church has grown from 25 to 125 members and purchased a new church facility, with its annual budget growing from $30,000 to $100,000.


MCC Headquarters Staff would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to this year's World Jubilee and General Conference. We hope that this conference is a blessing to you, filled with opportunities to learn, celebrate, network and pray. We look forward to meeting you!


MCC Headquarters Staff

❘ MCC Headquarters Staff




Director of Communications & Financial Development

Associate Dir. of Comm.’s & Financial Development

Assistant for Leadership Development *Habla Español






Web manager & Coordinator of Tech Ministry

Administrative Assistant

Chief Financial Officer

Senior Accountant





Associate Director.of Leadership Development

Admin Assistant

Accounts Receivable Clerk

Director of Leadership Development



Executive Assistant to the Board of Elders

Confidential Assistant to Moderator


2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference




❘ Awards & Recognition

Awards & Recognition MCC recognizes the achievements the following people for their excellence in MCC and their service in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Communities. Congratulations!

Human Rights Award Barbara Gittings Kay Tobin Lahusen

Edith Allen Perry Award Mrs. Nan McGregor

Phoenix Award Leadership in Church Renewal Rev. Marty Luna

John H. Hose Award Dedicated & Faithful Service Rev. Ivor Holmans

Kerry Brown Award Distinguished Lay Leadership

Ecumenical Awards Mr. Stan Kimer Rev. Joan Saniuk

Founder’s Awards Rev. Birte Beuck Rev. David Mundy Rev. Jennifer Rankin Rev. Steven Torrence

Mr. Stan Kimer

Distinguished Service Awards Rev. Debbie Martin MCC New York Rev. Dr. Pablo Navarro Rev. Jay Neely Mr. George Olds Rev. Ed Paul Rev. Donald Pederson Rev. Ken Pilot Rev. Elder Nori Rost

Rev. Barb Sagat Rev. Sharon Stover Rev. Elder Hong Tan Mr. Ian Taylor Rev. Paul Taylor Rev. Dr. Ana Vargas Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson

Rev. Jo Bell Rev. Tom Bohache Mr. Florin Buhuceanu Mr. Dave Dishman Rev. John Fowler

Dr. Marcos Gladstone Rev. Paul Graetz Rev. Gail Hicks Rev. Mick Hinson Diacono Osbaldo Acevedo Maltes

Rev. Penny Nixon Rev. Jude Noble Other Sheep Ministries Rev. Margaret Walker Rev. Darlene Young

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference

Rev. Arlene J. Ackerman Rev. Judy Dahl Ms. Judy Dale Ms. Cecilia Eggleston Rev. M. Diane Fisher Rev. John Fowler Rev. Todd Goewey Elder Mel Johnson Mr. Rob L’Anson

In Appreciation



MCC would like to recognize our advertisers for their support of this year's World Jubilee and General Conference. You help to make all of this possible. Thank you!

Advertiser Name

Contact Info

ACT UP American Airlines ..............................................................(800) 433-7300 A. Austin Amerine Retreat Center ........................................(707) 526-5928 BALM Ministries ................................................................(714) 641-8968 Cathedral of Hope ..............................................................(214) 351-1901 Episcopal Divinity School ....................................................(866) 433 7669 Excel International De Colores ............................................(808) 276-1800 Foxworth Coaching and Consulting ......................................(408) 264-1928 FTM Alliance of Los Angeles................................................(323) 850-8582 Glory Tabernacle MCC and Encounter Missions ....................(562) 438-7758 The Haven, LLC..................................................................(316) 773-1463 Marcus Young Productions and Ministry................................(765) 641-7466 Marinella Giarratana, Graphic Designer......................................(562) 856-0220 MCC Ministry Development Centre ......................................(619) 234-3707 MCC of the Rockies ............................................................(303) 860-1819 MCC of San Antonio ..........................................................(210) 472-3597 MCC of the Valley ..............................................................(818) 762-1133 Other Sheep Ministries........................................................(314) 355-2060 Pacific School of Religion ..................................................(800) 999-0528 Rev. Mike Nikolaus ............................................................(877) 823-9235 Rodgers Instruments, LLC ..................................................(503) 648-4181 Senior Central ....................................................................(919) 949-9267 Soul Food Ministry..............................................................(301) 422-4286 Sources of Hope Gifts and Books ........................................(214) 351-1901 Stuart F. Cooper, Printer........................................................(800) 421-8703 Sunshine Cathedral ............................................................(954) 462-2004 UBS Financial Services, Inc. ..............................................(213) 972-1447 Union Seminary..................................................................(212) 280-1428 WOW Welcome Our Witness ................................................(866) 550-3500

2003 MCC World Jubilee & 21st General Conference


Advertising Index





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