Gender Gender means Sex.It is that grammatical property of a noun or a pronoun by which its sex is Indicated.It is that distincition which is made among nouns to indicate wheather they signify male sex femalesex either sex or neither sex.
Masculine Gender Nouns which are names of males are said to be of the Masculine gender,man,dog,boy ,lion,lord.
Feminine gender Nouns which are names of females are said to be of the Feminine gender,e.g,woman,bitch,girl,lioness,lady.
Common gender Nouns which can be used for both males or females are of the common gender, e.g., Student, doctor, friend, teacher.
Neuter gender; Nouns which are the names neither of females nor of males,i.e, the names of lifeless things, are of Neuter gender, e. g., Chair, book, pen, tree, computer.