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So…how good a job are we doing? A Volunteer Training Module for

Adult ESL Assessment C. Chappell

Assessment: What you need to know as a volunteer aide for adult ESOL

SSCC’s free English program for adults uses the CASAS program for assessment. CASAS is an acronym for Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems. As a volunteer aide, you may be asked to assist in proctoring a battery of CASAS tests for a group of ELLs.

Why do we assess adult ELLs? 

PLACEMENT—ELLs come to SSCC from a variety of academic backgrounds; without assessment, we cannot effectively determine the types of services they need. ACCOUNTABILITY—The State establishes guidelines for learners’ progress, so standardized assessment instruments are used to establish that we are making an effort to teach the required content—the testing instruments we use focus on the Life Skills series of the CASAS program; this content does not encompass all that we teach, but it is what we are held accountable for teaching. CURRICULUM—Units and lessons are planned, in part, according to the CASAS Life Skills competencies that show up as “weak” areas when assessment results are reviewed.

Workflow recommended by the CASAS organization…

Placement using appraisal form Diagnosis using pretest indicated by appraisal results

This information is taken directly from page 3 of the Life Skills Testing Manual. Your site instructor has a copy available if you need to review it.

Instruction according to needs diagnosed during pre-test Monitoring of progress using post-test

Certification of skill level based on post-test results

Workflow followed in the SSCC adult ESL program… Selection of pre-test based on informal interview

This information is an accurate representation of how we actually use CASAS.

Assignment to a skill level based on pre-test results

Instruction according to competencies keyed to items missed on the pre-test

Monitoring of progress using post-test, augmented by authentic assessments as time allows

Certification of skill level gained based on post-test results, compilation of data

Skill Levels in CASAS 

The Life Skills section of CASAS places learners into Levels A,B,C,D, or E. These are used for both Adult Basic Education (ABE) students and for ELLs. In both cases, levels are determined by scaled scores; however, cutoff scores for each level may be different for ESL than those used in ABE. These levels, A—E represent the full range of performance, from those who are pre-literate in L1 to those who need TOEFL review to prepare for academic English in a university setting.

Skill Levels in CASAS 

Each skill level will have a pre-test and post-test designated for that level. Test booklets will be numbered to reflect this distinction; pre-test forms are odd-numbered, posttest forms are even-numbered. Some test forms might be labeled with an “X” following the form number; these are alternate posttests, and also act as a “bridge” to the next skill level. CASAS materials will recommend the level of posttest according to the scaled score on the pre-test.

So, what do we say the tests measure? 

CASAS content is designed to be representative of Life Skills competencies. Test items may reproduce a mock-up of almost any form an adult might be asked to fill-out in English, or information in chart or graph form that must be decoded. Examples include road maps, agendas, bus schedules, warning labels on medication or household chemicals, newspaper articles, sale papers, and many others. In this respect, CASAS items do provide some authenticity to the assessment process—the content is “real world.” Our challenge may be that many learners are, in fact, very literate in their native tongues, and believe they are being asked to interpret traditional academic information—simply because they are in a classroom!

What are the test items like?

Placement in the program by scaled score…       

Exit stage or “testing out” is 236. Advanced 221-235 High Intermediate 211-220 Low Intermediate 201-210 High Beginning 191-200 Low Beginning 181-190 Beginning Literacy 180 or below

Accountability to the State for student progress 

When a learner achieves a score on an assessment that allows advancement from one level to the next, this is called a “level gain.” Only one level gain per academic year may be officially registered for any learner. Administrators will monitor the proportion of enrolled learners who register a level gain during each academic year. In the Alabama community college system, the minimum acceptable standard for ESL is 57%. Unfortunately, the ESL section of SSCC Adult Education does not now meet this minimum standard of performance. We face serious consequences if this cannot be corrected!

Curriculum planning in response to learner needs.. 

We cannot “teach the test,” but we do try to draw inferences about challenges learners face, based on items missed. Realia incorporated into lesson plans should include the types of realia reproduced on CASAS form test items. Competencies that present as areas of opportunity must be recorded in each learner’s Plan of Instruction (POI).

Proctoring the assessment… 

Obtain a list of your assigned examinees from the site instructor. Check the last form administered to each examinee; this information will be recorded inside each examinee’s file folder. Use this information to determine the appropriate test form. Provide each examinee with the appropriate form, answer sheet, and a sharpened No. 2 pencil. Seat examinees around a table, with adequate space between them. Set the thermostat in the room to a comfortable temperature. Finishing in an hour is a benchmark we aim for, but CASAS is not a timed test.

Proctoring the assessment… cross-cultural concerns…

Most learners will have dictionaries; be sure to carefully explain that these are not allowed during the exam. In many school cultures around the world, it is acceptable to give and receive help from peers; please be patient, but firm in explaining that this is not acceptable during CASAS assessment. Instructions in English may need to be spoken slowly or repeated many times; this is an acceptable accommodation for ELLs.

Proctoring the assessment… 

When examinees have finished, please place answer sheets inside test booklets, and pass these to the instructor on site. Please make sure that each answer sheet has a name and form number recorded on it. Before leaving, you should make sure that testing materials and student records have been secured. Thanks for serving as a proctor—our volunteer aides are the best!

Questions? Acknowledgements: 

Materials discussed in this training module are based on the Life Skills Test Administration Manual, 2nd Edition (2002), and are proprietary to CASAS, Inc. This training module is for the exclusive use of SSCC’s Adult Education Program, its employees and associates.

For more information please contact… Phillip Johnson


Cary Chappell

Adult Education ESL Instructor SSCC Holy Spirit Adult Ed. Site (205) 886-0900 [email protected]

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