Gd-pi Iim Lucknow

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CAT India Online GD-PI Question Bank Original Questions asked for

IIM Lucknow during past years.


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IIM Lucknow Educational Background: B.Tech in Instrumentation Work Experience: 17 months Company: TCS Interview Centre: Kolkata No. of Participants: 8 (Scheduled to attend: 9) Members in the Panel: 2 GD Topic: Economics is not a doctrine but an apparatus in the mind of the man, an instrument to deal with situations (Something like this. Effectively trying to say that it is flexible.) Initially we were asked for a write-up on the same topic. Given a time of 10 mins.150 words. Personal Interview Questions: 1. How long have you been with TCS? 2. What does your work involve? 3. Why did you choose Kolkata as your center? I believe Bangalore would have been closer. 4. Do you know anything about Hyderabad/Bangalore? 5. Tell me a few things you do not like about Hyderabad 6. Which stream are you from (B.Tech)? 7. Is it similar to Mechanical? 8. Did you have any managerial course in your B.Tech? 9. How do you think IIM L would help you achieve your goals? 10. What is management? 11. What is Economics?

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12. How do you find the maximum and minimum value of a function? Graphically represent it.

Source: Posted on T4E Contributor: Abhinav Interview Date: 15-02-2007 Interview Centre: Bangalore No. of participants scheduled to attend GD: 10 Actual Attendance : 10 GD Topic: Bureaucracy defends its status quo . Long time the quo has lost its status GD Duration: 15 min Interview Duration: 15 min No.of panel members: 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Tell me about yourself Abhinav. What are you reading now ? Tell me more about that. What is your goal in life ? You have mentioned self-actualization . Can you eloborate on that. That means you will contribute to the society only when you are on the top. Why did you mention Richard Bradson in terms of self actualisation. In context of the telengana issue , what is your opinion ? So, what do you intend to say ... an independent Telengana or the present Andhra Pradesh ? 10. Why did you have to write a supplementary exam ? 11. You must be getting late for returning to Hyderabad ?

Source: Posted on T4E Contributor: Vinod P Interview Date: 16-02-2007 ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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Interview Centre: Bangalore - The Monarch Hotel No. of participants scheduled to attend GD: 8 Actual Attendance : 7 GD Topic: "A room without a book is like a body without a soul" GD Duration: 15 min Interview Duration: 10 min No.of panel members: 2 1. What are the various methods used to enforce security over internet transactions? 2. How can internet websites verify their authenticity? 3. What are the algorithms for data encryption? 4. If your company gives you a hike and asks you whether you want the hike as an increase in perks or an increase in allowances, which one would you opt for? 5. What are your invetsments? 6. What is your view on the India stock market. Is it over heated? 7. What is the biggest fear in the Indian Stock market? 8. Is there some regulation over the amount of money that FII can invest in the Indian stockmarket? 9. Why do FII's prefer to come to India via Mauritius? 10. Would you prefer an NFO or the secondary market for purchasing shares and why?

Source: Posted on T4E Contributor: ANSHU Interview Date: 15-02-2007 Interview Centre: Bangalore No. of participants scheduled to attend GD: 10 Actual Attendance : 10 ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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GD Topic: In Business World, rear view is clearer than the windshield GD Duration: 15 min Topic for Essay writing: same as the one for GD Essay writing Duration: 10 min Interview Duration: 15 min No.of panel members: 2 1. "Tell me something about your home town." 2. Questions about my home state. The literacy rate, minerals found there ( remembered a few of them) 3. they asked if i knew about IARI. (though i have not applied for ABM)....Could not answer it 4. Asked about NSO.( i have mentioned it extra circs) 5. some questions about Hutch vodafone deal 6. Asked to tell background of Arun Sarin. ( An article had come in TOI 2 days back. So told whatever I remembered) 7. "tell me 2 reason why I should reject you" 8. As i had told that i am short tempered, they asked me another question..." if you have to find out who is more short tempere ..indian or Chinese..then how will u go about it?".... In between they cross questioned me 2-3 times.. ( about certain things that I

Group Discussion The GD topic was Good governance is the (only) way of reducing poverty. Fisrt, we were asked to write our points (did it in a paragraph) on a sheet of paper provided by them. Tme given-10 mins. Then, we were asked to start. Not sure about the duration (around 15 mins, if i'm not wrong.). There were some occasions of commotion, but every time, it died down soon. We didnt give any conclusion or sum up, neither were we asked to by the panel members (two of them were there). ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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All the ten candidates of our panel were present. Interview After waiting for sometime, the interview started. The same panel members were present. 1. I was asked about my name and its meaning. 2. 2. Asked me to tell about myself and why I chose MBA. 3. They asked me a few questions in academics like what is standard deviation and if it was better to variance etc from statistical quality control. Also, they asked what 6 sigma was. 4. Then, asked what i learn in Marketing management, why is marketing mix called so (ie ,as a mix) etc. 5. Then they asked me what i do in my free time. 6. When i said music(film music) he asked what sort of music, what record does S.P.B. hold? (said i don kno, but to attempt an answer it cud be a record for max. no of songs) 7. Asked what Ilayaraja has composed other than film music.(the answer is symphony which i didnt tell, but gave an example of one of his latest compose in that style) 8. Asked if there were any questions for me to ask, i said no. It was over.But I am not quite sure of the duration (cud be 15-20 min. not more).

Contributor: Praveen Dwarakanath Interview Date: 17-02-2007 Interview Centre: Bangalore No. of participants scheduled to attend GD: 10 Actual Attendance : 6 GD Topic: Is the most effective way to reduce poverty, good governance? GD Duration: 20 min Interview Duration: 25 min No.of panel members: 2 ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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1. You have a very high % in 12th(92%) 2. So you only take subjects in which you score very well eh? 3. What do you want to do now? 4. Where are you from? 5. Name 5 villages around Hyderabad? 6. How can neural networks be used in management? 7. Explain Giffen’s paradox? 8. Explain 3 IT initiatives taken in the Agri sector? 9. Explain the PURA project completed by you? 10. How many calls do you have? 11. What did you learn in DBMS?

Source: Posted on T4E Contributor: Neel Interview Date: 17-02-2007 Interview Centre: Bangalore No. of participants scheduled to attend GD: 12 Actual Attendance : 12 GD Topic: "Speculation is an art of life." First we have to write an essay (10 min) & then discuss on the same topic GD Duration: 15 min Interview Duration: 15 min No.of panel members: 2 1. Can you please explain your love for the agri business programme [ said about growth potential of agri sector, various treaties between countries ...] 2. See, this kind of treaties were there before also ... so what are the changes 3. You are from West Bengal. Can you suggest 3 steps by which rural women in west bengal can be helped ? 4. From agri. perspective, can you compare between west bengal & orissa [ torture started from this point - i was not very familiar with orissa conditions ... by chance talked about mining in orissa]

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5. what are the main mining products of orissa ? where in india we can find iron ores ? what about coal ? 6. how many states in india ? UT ? when Goa became part of indian union ? 7. what are the main export from Haldia port (i talked about development surrounding it in some previous answers) ... no no i am not talking about all transaction, tell only the exports ...(i am not aware of this :-( ) 8. ok, can u compare between west bengal & orissa from industry points ? .. no first tell me the points on a scale 1-10 u want to give to these, then i will listen to ur reasons ... west bengal=6, orissa=5 - ok so much difference .. hmm, no much difference !! 9. tell me why some western & southern states have prospred so much while west bengal/ eastern region is lacking ? .. (talked about lack of govt initiative may be a reason) so govt is the culprit ? (then i talked about infrastructure) ... dont u think that at 10. after this course, u want to go back to your organisation ? 11. [now other panelist took over] have u done some kind of homework for this PGP-ABM prog. ? do u know what are the electives in the 2nd year ?

GD 10 minutes to write an essay on the topic, 18 minutes to discuss. No: of people in the group: 10 Panel members: 2 Topic: The best way to eradicate poverty is good governance. The group had a small starting trouble - a delay of about 5 seconds. But after that everybody came up with points. We had people talking about the main causes of poverty as overpopulation, unemployment, lack of education, weakening of the agricultural sector (a favorite of many) and corruption. We talked about decentralization of the government, strengthening of the Panchayat system, effective ways to implement central government plans. China also came into the discussion once or twice. How autocratic rule made a China strong force in world economy and things like that. Statements like "The development of China is in spite of the government whereas the development of India is despite of the government" were made. Even the case of struggling SSI and MSI were brought in. Talks also went into the manufacturing sector and unorganized sectors. Interview Panel of 2, a lady and a gentleman. Approx. 10 minutes.

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How is Hillary Clinton? You are an electronics engineer. Which all computer magazines do you know of? Name their publishers. The publishers of PC Quest were in news recently. Do you know why? Do you read the newspaper? How often? Did you read today's newspaper? Which all newspapers do you read? Why The Hindu? It is a different sort of paper, right? Have you heard about the recent Tata-Corus deal? After the deal, Mr. Ratan Tata has been offered a chair in the board of directors of an international company. Do you know which one? Have you heard of the company " "?(never heard of !) You have written that you are a member of the FOSS club. What is FOSS? So is there something as FCSS? Free and Closed Source Software? What do you know about Microsoft? In which year was it started? Will you give an answer like this if I ask you your year of birth? (I replied 1980s to the earlier question) Why do you want to do an MBA? We have been hearing the same answer all through the day. Can you say something different? Now you will say that you want to become an entrepreneur. The best way to get industry interaction is by working in one. Why waste 2 years? So do you believe in shortcuts? Which industry do you want to join? Can you name some electronics companies? Why Intel? Will you work only for MNCs?

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How will you contribute to your nation working with an MNC? You can even contribute to the nation without doing any job, right? Some tension exists between India and Pakistan, right? Can you name the recent war we had with Pakistan? What can a manager learn from the Kargil war? What can a manager learn from the US invasion of Afghanistan? Why do you think the US operation in Afghanistan was unsuccessful?

Interview: 1. What is the meaning of your name? 2. You are improving your B.Tech papers. Why? There is no provision for that in IIMs. What would you do there? 3. Who is the CEO of Hero Honda? (other 2, 3 similar qns (business quiz)) 4. What is samas & sandhi? 5. What is chand & alankar? 6. What will happen when rahu & shani come in line? 7. They asked for a personality who had my same surname? 8. Position of gully in cricket. Name the Indian who did well in that position. 9. What is doosra? Then what is pehla & theesra? 10. What do you mean by regression? 11. What is the significance if the coefficient of correlation is 2.5? 12. You said about green revolution in the GD. What is white revolution? 13. Who pioneered that?

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14. Name the Hindi movie with white revolution as its theme.

IIM Lucknow Venue: Bangalore , Feb 15th 2:00 p.m, Monarch Hotel GD Topic: Bureaucracy defends ( Heard this as 'defines' and my discussion was based on that) its status quo long after its time (not the exact words) 10 mins to write essay and then 15 mins to discuss. And finally the panel asked one of the us to summarize. Was a decent discussion. A lot of examples came up. PI: 2 member Panel. Only one guy conducted the whole interview The othe panel member was just observing. Tell me about yourself. Midway tru that why are u wasting ur engg. degree You are wasting lakhs of rupees to gov. of India But was not given time to answer that question. Again Use of my degree in my choosen filed. Why I did Mechanical Engineering. Instead of doing Hotel Management It was my fathers decision at that time. ( Don't blame ur father for ur mistakes) Use of Mechanical Engg. in hotel Industry. Gave an ex. For which the panel said Even a small time mechanic can do that. Tell some quality certificiations in hotel Industry: no idea What is the quality seal on products like Ghee Tell me why should we take you ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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Have u read any management books Give an example from the book( Did not remember the name of the book but had an idea of what it contained) Gave pepsi-coke example. To which he said it is not part of that book I am giving some arbit example. Did u have any management subjects in college. Look at my memos and said Ah u have Industrial Engg. Tell me what u studied in it. Told about Six sigma Was for exactly 15 mins.

GD The most effective way to reduce poverty is good governance Time to prepare : write an essay for 10 mins Time to discuss : 10-15 mins No. of participants : 11 Interview - 15 mins Why is there a gap in ur career ? How was infosys formed ? What was mr.nm doing before that ? Why mba ? What about dhirubhai ambani ? he didnt have an mba ? When did the licence raj end ? You want to work in ur company after u pass out ? What sort of experience do u like to have ? What is the length of backwaters in kerala ? Where do they start/end ? What is the distance b/w tvm and kanyakumari ? What is the length of the cricket/stumps/bails ? What is cricket bat made of ? What are the types of cricket balls ? How many members in ICC ? latest addition ? What is the distance b/w two airtel towers ? Name two popular computer magazines in india ? Who publishes that ? ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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How many PCs are there for 1000 ppl in india ? Which is the latest processor ? Who is the president ? Full name ? Something led to 1950 jan 26. what day was it ? Who was the president then ? Where is he from ? Your take on tata-corus deal ? He passed out from IITM/IIMC and is a GM of some cmpny(from south i think)... who is he?? prob from - ur place...

Contributor : C.Sri Sai Lokesh Educational Background : B.E (ECE) Completed graduation in (year) : 2007 Interview Date : 16.02.2007 Interview Centre : Bangalore GD Topic :True happiness is to make other people believe that they are the cause of it. Duration: 12 min. NO. OF PARTICIPANTS IN GD (Scheduled :10 Attended :8) INTERVIEW: (Duration :10 min. No. of members on panel :2) The interview was very informal. They offered a variety of food items which I refused and they joked about it. Tell us about yourself? (was cut even before I spoke 4 lines) Tell us which subject you like? (maths) What in maths ?(algebra, differential calculus) What is linear algebra? How do you convert a function of 2 variables,both of degree 2 to linear? What is bluetooth , Wi Fi ? What are all the wireless devices used in your home? Oh don’t tell us that you are also a book worm ! So, you want to be a software engineer if not MBA? That is good. Would you like to ask us anything? One final question, how will you use electronics to prevent global warming?

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GD Topic: The bureaucracy defends its "STATUS QUO" long after the QUO has lost its STATUS. Interview 1. Asked to show the mark-sheets and verified. 2. Tell about yourself. 3. Show me how focused are you now. 4. Satyam share value. 5. Compare Satyam and the other top IT companies. 6. Did you hear the saying "Rolling Stones carry no moss". 7. If given an offer from Infy will you take it? 8. How long u want to continue in Satyam? 9. What are the improvements that Satyam and in general, IT industry will do in future? 10. Are you from Hyderabad and are u native of Hyd? 11. How the shares are valued? 12. Do big companies have better advantage in valuation of shares? 13. Do you know correlation? 14. Draw a graph depicting negative correlation. 15. If they are not linearly correlated how it will be?

GD Topic: The best way to eradicate poverty is good governance. GD was ok.. I came in 4 or 5 times... but I believe I made decent points.

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Interview Tell us sometin abt yourself. What is solid state? Whats difference b/w solid state and transistor? Whats the difference b/w spice jet and terrorism? Define spy jet (I had heard it as spy jet). You said you are god fearing... how do u implement that in your life? Why is suicide rates that high in Kerala? Which all papers do u read? Have u heard abt terrorist using stock exchange for gainin money? Where are u placed? Pay package? Why do you want to leave that money and spend more money on an mba? Why do u have so many mark lists each semester? Although the panel was friendly, I didnt perform to my best... so I'm not sure abt the result.. I forgot my intro and stopped abruptly in the middle of my intro... and gave weird answers for the difference qns he asked... I even made up a definition for a "spy jet"!! Looking back , I know I could have done much better... but was under huge stress that time.

Source: Posted on T4E Contributor: MALARVIZHI Interview Date: 17-02-2007 Interview Centre: bangalore No. of participants scheduled to attend GD: 10

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Actual Attendance : 10 GD Topic: Good governance is the only way to eradicate poverty GD Duration: 15 min Topic for Essay writing: same as gd Essay writing Duration: 10 min Interview Duration: 20 min No.of panel members: 2 1. What does your name mean 2. about my mail id 3. about summer training 4. why mba 5. which company r u aspiring to join n y 6. what do u mean by marketing strategy 7. what is your prob of getting selected n y 8. was asked about currencies of 4 countries 9. we discussed a couple of issues in that days newspaper 10. was quizzed on a couple of statistical info coz i mentioned a lot of stat in gd 11. was asked about my course in management in coll 12. name 5 indian women ceos apart from indra nooyi n kiran mazumdar shah 13. what is d diff bet dos n unix


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