Gd Is India A Soft Country

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 2,219
  • Pages: 10
Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]


Every country has to have certain priorities, and certain policies. These create a distinct image of that country. China was not fool when it constructed huge wall all around itself thousands of years back. It is one of the fundamental roles of governments to ensure safety, security, peace and order. If they have budget, the first amount should go for ensuring a safe and secure place for the citizens. If the governments cant ensure a safe and secure nation, that government is futile government. We should also understand the motives of our neighboring countries. We must help our neighbors in their AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

economic, political and social development, and we must ensure that our neighbors are able to adopt democracy, good policies and move in right directions. If we can have trade and economic transactions with our neighboring countries, it would add to benefit for both. We must promote economic and culture exchanges. These are all good and helpful for us. However, being too liberal and having no firm policies can be misleading. It is not a mark of our love for peace, but it only shows our lack of administration. We must have tight security across the borders. We must seal our borders and ensure that there is no illegal infiltration. We must build walls – (like China wall) because internal security and protection is the first job of every government. We must deploy appropriate forces and establish systems which can ensure that unauthorized persons don’t enter our country. Infiltrator must be punished. There must be focus on security, peace, brotherhood, but at the same time, we must have a sound system of administration, and we must clearly lay down our rules and regulations. Allowing AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

neighboring countries to support militant activities in our country is our weakness and cannot be excused. We must be firm enough with those bodies, which engage in anti-national activities. We have also not been able to present our case strongly and firmly about terrorism supported by our neighboring countries. We must be able to take strong diplomatic steps at least. War is not the solutions, but raising your voice strongly and firmly is equally important. We must be assertive, bold and straightforward in our foreign policy. Our softness and liberalness should not be construed as our weakness. We must take firm steps and boost up our administrative systems and ensure that we have a truly stringent and rigorous administrative setup.

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

WE ORGANISED A GROUP DISCUSSION ON THIS ISSUE AND THE VIEWS OF THE PARTICIPANTS ARE PRESENTED HERE : P: Yes, India is a soft country. There are lots of foreign nationals (from the neighboring countries) are coming to our country – without any visa, without any registration and without any permission. They get jobs here and settle down here. They use natural resources of this country – without knowledge to the government. P2: India has a soft foreign policy, because we have commitment to Buddhist and Gandhian ideology. As we talk about India’s strategy towards its neighboring countries, India has released over 80000 soldiers captured (who crossed our borders), but India failed to get its own soldiers released. I believe that this policy is not a drawback. Permanent solutions to issues can’t come by fighting. The only solution is through love. Keeping a soft strategy is beneficial to our country and to the region. India is AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

today recognized for its peace-ful strategy. Thus our strategy is not wrong. If we look at the US strategy, they have attacked Iraq, but the problem remains unresolved. We have all the modern armory, but we don’t want to use these for wars. There are lots of problems and the solution is always in peaceful negotiations. P: let us take the recent problems in Pakistan; we know that Pakistan is creating problems for India. We are providing lots of facilities to the people from Pakistan. If we want to go to other countries, it is not easy. But if someone wants to come to our country, it is very easy. You can find a large number of citizens coming from neighboring countries – who have taken admission in our country. India should not be so soft. This is the reason for our problems. Last year, we found that there were some students from neighboring countries were involved in immoral activities. They were spoiling our culture. There are also instances, where students from neighboring countries have been found to be AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

engaged in illegal activities. So we should not be so soft. R: I think that it is our inability to deal with our issues. We have not been strong enough. Everyone takes us for ride. It is not just a small matter. It is an important issue. Everyone knows that India is a soft country. Every country takes India for granted. The softness comes not from lack of power, but from lack of decision making ability. We have adopted the ideology of Lord Buddha, Lord Mahaveer and Gandhi ji; we don’t have strong will power. Indian politicians are also following these tactics. They are interested in vote bank. They are not interested in long terms issues in our country. We will be trapped in problems. We have allowed terrorists free entry into our country with our liberal policies. P: flexibility can sustain, in comparison to rigidity. Rigid structure does not survive. Flexibility helps you to survive. There are aspects, which are keeping us behind – but you will find that every country is facing some or other problem. The solution is not in taking AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

tough action. We should continue flexibility in our strategy, and we should build our image in the world for our Panchsheel philosophy and non-violent nation. The wars of 65,71 and Kargil problems were all such situations, when we were forced to take arms. If we start taking action for each and every minor matter, it is dangerous for both our neighbors and for us. This will not help us. P: it is true that the whole world is facing problems of terrorists. There are a small group of terrorist organizations but in the case of India, anti national activities have been sponsored by our neighboring countries. Those countries which are strong, and firm, don’t allow unauthorized civilians – have been able to curb terrorist activities. So we should take lessons from these and we should not be so soft. Our neighboring countries are creating problems for us. We know that a well settled and well intended person would not visit other countries (other than for tourism purpose). There are issues that we must probe – why people are coming from neighboring countries to our country. AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

P2: we are a developing county and we have many aspects regarding our foreign policy. We have been taking actions for our problems. We should have flexibility in our policy if it is emergency, it is a different issue, otherwise, we should adopt liberal and peace oriented policy. Wars are the worst things that we can face. P: a lot of imported items are coming through borders; it is causing lots of losses to our customs department. There are lots of losses to our tax collection department. Neighboring countries are sponsoring regional, anti – national forces in our country – which are using militant practices. We know that in most of the neighboring states in our country, we have problems. Any country can come and create problems in our country. R: India has a bloody history. We always had fights, bloodshed in our country for the last 500 years. Aggression, fight and lust of power have always degenerated our country. People invaded our AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

country for its money, wealth and resources. We have wasted our capabilities in internal wars, infighting and have never been able to give a strong reply to the offenders. P: India has a golden history. The foreign invaders adopted our culture and got immersed in our society. Moghals respected our culture and became part and parcel of our nation. Fight for wealth is a part of life. There were examples – where invaders misused our liberal policies. There is nothing like best policy. Flexibility + strictness, liberalness + strictness only can give you a good policy. P: our neighboring countries are not friendly if you are in Europe, there is a very good system – they have common currency, you can travel across the globe – you can use their systems – which are very well structured. They have created a friendly neighborhood- which helps in economic and social prosperity. There soft policies can be adopted. In our case, we have found that our neighbors have always created problems. When the East India Company AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO☻OL centers in your college / institution / organization or for conducting workshops on social entrepreneurship. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

came to our country to trade, we adopted very soft and liberal policies, but later we realized that we were cheated. R: if we talk about terrorists activities – we find that they have taken so many cases – when they jeopardized our reputation. We had to exchange dreaded terrorists against hijacked persons. We had to release many terrorists. We have played with our security. P2: it is the fault in our implementation. We have not been able to implement our policies with compassion. Due to corruption and bureaucracy, we didn’t have proper implementation of our policies. We do have the best international relation policies. World over we are recognized for our policies.

AFTERSCHO☻OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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