Gcse Geography Case Studies

  • August 2019
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  • Pages: 3
GCSE Geography Case Studies 1F (foundation) and 3H (higher) These papers will consist of four compulsory questions, one on each of the core units. The style of the paper will be structured data-response questions, with an emphasis on the testing of skills and understanding. There will be some opportunities for extended writing and a limited requirement for recall of specified case study material. A variety of resources will be made available in the examination. A 1:50,000 Ordnance Survey map extract will be used, and other resources may include maps at other scales, graphs, diagrams, newspaper articles and photographs. Four compulsory Questions The Physical World: • • •

River processes produce distinctive landforms in their valleys The characteristics of valleys can be changed by glaciation Coastal processes produce distinctive landforms which are subject to change

It would be good to use located examples here to link your knowledge to real examples but no specific case studies are required

The Human World:

• • •

Rates of population change vary from place to place and over time Population structure and characteristics vary from place to place People live in a variety of settlements of different sizes. These settlements are often made up of distinct zones

Brazil is a good example to use for varying population distribution Turks into Germany Push factors - Overpopulation, poor pay and poor living conditions. Pull factors - available jobs in agriculture and factories, (Dirty, unsociable and dangerous) jobs required limited skills. Germans did more skilled jobs. Focus on advantages and disadvantages to both Turkey and Germany.

• • • • •

Germany advantages Increased labour market Increased low cost/unskilled labour Dirty dangerous unsociable jobs Increased natural increase due larger family size Larger tax revenues – economic growth

disadvantages • Shortage of unskilled work for native population • Racial prejudice • A lot of income was sent back to Turkey • Increased costs in social benefits • Lack of integration

• •

Turkey advantages Reduces pressure on jobs and resources Loses people of child bearing age hence reduces birth rate Migrants develop new skills and may bring them back to Turkey Money made in Germany can be sent back

disadvantages Loses people of working age (active population) • Loses most educated and skilled • Many males leave causing a division in families • Leaves an elderly population and high death rate •

Mexicans into California Both illegal and legal jobs 1-2 million Mexicans attempt each year to cross into US. The jobs are harder, dirtier, unsociable and less skilled jobs. Large number employed seasonally in the agricultural estates; many other jobs in construction, hotels and restaurants. Illegal immigrants are forced to work for low and are easily exploited in the informal sector. Low pay has led to established ghettos with associated social problems

The Economic World: • • •

People work in different economic systems. These vary spatially and over time Farming systems show different characteristics. All farming systems have been experiencing change The location of industry changes over time

There are a good number of case studies for this question for both farming and industry

FARMING 1. Philippines (LEDC) - The Flora Community and Maximo Casiendo Farm This farm explores intensive farming and use of green revolution techniques including High Yield Varieties, (HYV)

2. UK (MEDC) – Bradley Farm, Northumbria You should be able describe and explain changes over time with this farm. Changes have largely been brought about through the Common Agricultural Reforms (CAP). Specific examples of diversification and farming inputs are required

INDUSTRY 3. Declining heavy (sunset industries) industry in South Wales You need to be aware of location al factors that attracted heavy industry to South Wales in the first place and then explain how these factors became less important over time with improved transport and reduce transport cost as well cheaper higher grade raw materials being imported from abroad.

4. High Tech companies along the M4 corridor- Bracknell as well as the Cambridge Science Park You must be able to define high tech companies with specific examples to your case study. You need to explain the factors that attract high tech companies to the M4 corridor and Cambridge Science park. These factors include the proximity to major markets, transport infrastructure and airports. Established links to universities for research and development, an attractive physical environment with a diverse range of leisure opportunities that may include national parks. It must be noted that stating the reasons like I have here does not explain why high tech firms are attracted. You must ‘explink’ in your responses

5. TNC – Fiat in Brazil This case study is set in the context of Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs) these countries have certain competitive advantages over more established developed countries. Namely rapidly emerging markets, low cost labour and a productive labour market willing to work long hours with weal trade union representation. You should be able to describe and explain the factors that attracted Fiat to Brazil, on top of the points above you should be able to use specific examples of government intervention.

The Natural World: • • •

Air masses lead to changes in the UK weather Average long term weather patterns lead to distinct climatic types Distinct forest Communities develop in particular conditions. Forests are sensitive and their balance is easily upset by human interference

It would be good to use located examples here to link your knowledge to real examples.

Tropical rainforest management – Honduras You need to have case study knowledge of a TRF system to show understanding of the concepts of conservation, exploitation and sustainable development and the roles of different interest groups and conflicts. You should be able to explain the role of the following groups in Honduras: Rainforest Alliance (NGO), Government, Gibson Guitars, Cattle Ranchers, Subsistence farmers, Local villages vulnerable to flooding increased by deforestation, illegal loggers

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