Gba Snapshot Mar 09 V2_opt

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  • Pages: 2
snapshot a glimpse into the daily work of global business assist around the world



March 09


An Economic Stimulus Plan for the Developing World

e live in difficult times. Every day we are reminded of the world economic downturn through watching and perhaps experiencing first-hand the increase in unemployment and the decreased value of our stock portfolios.As gas prices fall along with the decline of almost everything else in our economy, anxiety levels are reaching an all time high. All of us are either suffering or aware of someone in financial distress right now. And while I don’t want to minimize the difficulty of the situation either you or others in our nation are experiencing, I do believe some global perspective is in order. According to a 2008 World Bank study, almost half of the world’s population, more than three billion people, live on less than $2.50 a day. To contrast this, if you live on an annual salary of just $35,000, something most of us would find very difficult to do, you would be considered to be in the top 95% of the richest people on our planet.

A young Sudanese woman waters her crops in Northern Bahr el Ghazal

Yes, we live in challenging times, but even in the midst of our personal economic struggles, we can still throw out a lifeline to the world’s less fortunate. In Bahr el Ghazal, Sudan, most of the inhabitants live below the $2.50 per day poverty line.This is one of the poorest regions of Africa. Beginning this fall, GBA is targeting Bahr el Ghazal’s poor with one of the first micro-credit institutions of its kind in the area. We call our global stimulus plan Micro-Power: small business loans, along with fundamental business training for the poorest of the poor. In its simplest form, we are investing, sometimes no more than one hundred dollars, into every man and woman’s capacity to help themselves when given an opportunity.


global business assist

M icro - power f or S u dan an d b e yo n d. . .

You can be an economic stimulus package for the world’s poor!


udan is simply the next step in GBA’s Micro-Power stimulus package.Already hundreds of women in Ghana have seen their lives and families transformed because of the simple faith GBA and its partnering agency had that these women would repay a $100 loan. One hundred dollars. That’s it. In the middle of our economic angst, it’s almost unimaginable that such a small amount can have such a significant impact. On January 24th a leading news agency published an article which stated that 100,000 U.S. non-profit organizations are expected to close their doors in 2009 due to the A micro-client in Ghana displays her fruits current financial crisis. And GBA, and vegetables in the local market like so many other non-profits, is hurting financially. However, we believe too strongly in our calling to help “the least of these”, to give up. And we know that those of you who share our passion for the world’s poor will help us stay the course, even as we walk through these times of financial uncertainty. Whatever you can do, whatever you can financially give will be a blessing. Remember, as little as one hundred dollars changes someone’s world...forever! Thank you for your faithfulness in standing by GBA in these unprecedented economic times. As we weather this storm together, I thank you that your compassion for those less fortunate continues to be so obvious through your generous involvement in GBA’s “stimulus plan” for the developing world. Sincerely -

Douglas Mann, President helping the world's poor... help themselves w w w. g b a . o r g • i n fo @ g b a . o r g 6 0 W. Te rr a C o t t a Ave . , S u i t e 1 9 7 • C r y s t a l L a ke , I L 6 0 0 1 4

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