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  • Words: 1,304
  • Pages: 6
Land Units Unit Infantry Cavalry Artillery

Cost 10 10 10

Move 3 4 2

Hit 2 2 2

Conscripts Dragoon Infantry Grenadiers Lancers

5 15

2 4

1 2

20 20

3 4

3 2

Flying Artillery Howitzer







Favored Cavalry Artillery Infantry + Buildings N/A Cavalry / Artillery Cavalry Artillery + Infantry Infantry + Buildings Infantry + Buildings

Bonus +1 +1 +1/+2

Special Entrench Charge Bombard

N/A +1


+1 +1

Entrench Charge




Indirect Fire

Entrench: Entrenched infantry cannot attack, but during defense receive +1 to hit, and are hit on -1. Charge: When initiating an attack, cavalry attack twice on the first round. Bombard: Artillery can shell defenses from impunity, on a succesfull attack remove a building from the city. The attacker picks which building if his intelligence is higher. An artillery unit choosing to Bombard may not attack that combat, and may only make one Bombard attempt each round. Indirect Fire: As Bombard, but can also attack Entrenched infantry as normal Combined Arms: For every group of 1 Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry present, an extra attack at a 1 is made. Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 Morale Reroll 1 -1 Supply N/A N/A +1 Supply Reroll 1 Hit, d6 Rolls Rolls Miss units flee battle/desert Supply Hit -1 Move -1 N/A N/A Move +1 Hit +1

Logistics Improving Supply 1) As long as an army is receiving supply, either through lines or being garrisoned in a city or fort with a supply rating higher than its own, its supply will increase at a rate of 1 per round. It can not exceed the source of its supply 2) Pillaging After successfully destroying an enemy army, or attacking a city or fort, one can roll against its supply value. On a success the army rolling increases its supply by 1 and the supply source decreases its supply by 1. 3) Foraging. If an army makes no action on a turn, it can make a roll against supply. If the number exceeds or equals its supply score, it can increase by one. 4) Support. Another friendly army can send 1 supply to the army. Removing Supply 1) At the end of every round, each army that made an action rolls against supply. On a failure, its supply decreases by 1. 2) Support. An army can loan one supply to another unit. This decreases its supply by 1, and increases the targets supply by 1. This can not be used to bring the targets score over the lenders score Increasing Morale 1) At the end of every successful battle, roll against morale. On a result greater or equal to the armies morale score, it improves by 1. 2) An army can roll against morale when in garrison as long as they took no other for that tround, on a result greater or equal to the armies morale score, it improves by 1 Decreasing Morale 1) Every round of combat the side with the most casualties rolls under morale. On a failure, its morale decreases by 1. (When it reaches 0 it is routed, and can only flee or surrender) After the battle the morale is reduced by 1 from its original total, and another roll under morale 2)

Buildings: Economic buildings decrease the cost of a specific unit, (EG Masonry makes fortifications cost 1 fewer wealth points), or provide a direct bonus (Residenes increase population by 1, and Finance increase income by 10). Max buildings is determined by population. Cities Civillian Building Finance Factory

Cost 50 25

Resource N/A Mines







Construction 25








Effect +10 income Artillery Cost -1 Infantry Cost -1 Fortifications Cost -3 Building Cost -3 Population +1 Cavalry Cost -1 Military

Buildings Barracks Military Academy Fortifications

Cost 25 25 50

Produces 1 I/C/A turn Officers/ Generals N/A

Supply Center Intelligence Office Polygonal Fortifications







Effect N/A Required for Special Unit X Units defend +1 City supply +1 Intelligence Level +1 X Units Defend +2, Artillery -1 to hit fortifications

Population: Cities population serves two roles: An economic and military one. Having a low population provides a city economic penalties, and having a high one bonuses.

Mass Conscription: Roll against Population. On a result equal or lower, you can buy d6 + Number Rolled number of conscripts. Subtract 1 from cities Population Score. Population 1 2 3 4 5 6

Income 5 10 15 20 25 30

Buildings 5 10 15 15 20 25

Fortificaion: Each level of fortification increases a single units defense value by 1, and every two levels of fortification give a bonus attack on a 1. Officers & Generals: Organizes units together. Units without an officer or general receive a -1 penalty on morale or supply rolls. Cost: 5 Barracks: A barracks effect’s your production value. Your production value determines the number of soldiers you can recruit. You receive the benefits of the barracks every 5 turns. That is, on turn 1, you may produce a number of units up to your production value, but on the next turn, you may not produce anymore. When your fifth turn is up, you may produce more soldiers (again limited by your production value) Barracks Production Value 0 5 1 10 2 15 3 20 4 25 5 30 6 35 Generals in Battle On a failed battle, roll 1d6. On a 1, the general dies, on a 6, the general escapes the battle alive. Place the general in the nearest fort or city. On a 2-5, the general is captured by the enemy. He can be ransomed back for wealth, supplies, other generals, or whatever else is negotiated.



Sequenc e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Attacker rolls to hit. Defender declares casualties. Defender rolls to hit. Attacker declares casualties. Side with most casualties rolls against morale. Morale decreases by 1 on failure. Remove casualties. Repeat step 1. If any side drops to 0 units, retreats, surrenders, or drops to 0 morale the battle is over and the other side is declared the winner.

Playing the Game The game is played in rounds. Events during a round occur simultaneously, however players make their moves in order of intelligence rating. Intelligence rating is determined by the number of intelligence offices in total controlled by a player. Those with the highest rating go last. How the Game Works Rolling: Most of the game involves rolling a single six sided die. Success is determined by rolling under the target number. For example, an attacking infantry hits on a 2, so in order to successfully attack, the unit must roll a 2 or 1. However, they have a modifier, a +1 to attack cavalry, so a roll of a 3 counts as a success against cavalry. Six-sided die rolls (or d6) are used for more than just combat. Rolling for supply or morale requires a roll against your current supply or morale rating. Income and Purhases: To determine how much income you receive, you add your cities population income bonus (5 per population level), and its finance income bonus (10 per finance level). Production Phases: A production phase is every 5 turns. During this period you have a fixed number of military units you can recruit, determined by your number of barracks. If you do not recruit the maximum number of units during this period, they do not carry over to the next production phase. Income Phases: You receive your income total every turn. You may spend it as you see fit. Turn Action Sequence


2 3 4

Player Action Turns 1 Make Purchases 2 Perform Espionage 3 Move Armies 4 Next Player Resolve Combat Supply & Morale Rolls Place New Units

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