Galveston Wizard, Volume #9: Spreading Your Wings

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Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

Spreading Your Wings

Greetings From The Galveston Wizard, A friend recently mentioned again to us the vast amount of hidden talent on the island. “There is a big difference between “hidden” and “hiding.” Much time is spent seeking the wizardly wise or gifted to bring them to you. We also seek businesses and philanthopic organizations and people, looking to share information and resources with their fellow island and visitors. The realm (area, location) of Galveston Island is vast, changing, growing and exciting. Take the time to enjoy the latest volume of the Galveston Wizard Periodical. “When will the next volume arrive?” many ask. The next volume is presented to eager readers when the Galveston Wizard’s journey is complete, making an entire trip through the realm, having the money, ideas, resources, photography and talent to return to the tower. and compile for you our travels, adventures, and lessons, and upcoming events of interest! Remember, progress takes time! Keep polishing the stone! The “ayes” have it. So speak up and let your voice be heard! We give thanks for every day, and continue to hope that you are giving of yourself to the world around you. Now is the season for family, friends, and taking stock of yourself. With a new year comes an opportunity for a new you. What do you want for yourself? Think big, aim high. Endless possibilties surround us on this enchanted island. Some we know are held in dungeons, away from our realm of assistance, others have passed from this realm onto others and will be greatly missed. The new year holds much for us all, but we must desire success for ourselves AND each other if we are to succeed at finding happiness, success, and peace.

-Galveston Wizard A Wizard Is Nothing Without His Staff

G’Wiz: GalvestonWizard Periodical, Volume #9, Book 1. “Spreading Your Wings”. Cover Design by Isaac Almaguer, back issues online at

Publisher David Torkelson Editor In Chief David Torkelson Design/Layout David Torkelson Hoy Polloi Rick Bacon

Contributors David Torkelson Linda Sivy Hoi Polloi Thomas Graves David Stanowski M. Phillips Rick Bacon The Outsider Victor King Kathy Nixie

Rigo Scott Field Anthony Marc Prusmack Krystal Miles Keith Martin Photography David Torkelson Jason Gorham Linda Sivy

M. Phillips Rick Bacon Advertising David Torkelson Linda Sivy Rick Bacon Chance Weatherly Arlessa Wise Steven Kelley Johan/Vicki

Distribution David Torkelson Jason Gorham Linda Sivy Rick Bacon Jesus & Co.

Web Wizards (Re-Awakening soon) David Torkelson Isaac Almaguer PCI Solution Bryant

Silkscreen Wizard Brave Rogues Press Gorilla Dirty Lopez Steven Kelley

Web site: Email: [email protected] MySpace: Phone: 409.621.2864 Mail: P.O. Box 3467 Galveston Texas 77552-3467



Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

Letters to the Wizard I just wanted to compliment you on what you are doing with your publication. I no longer work in Galveston, but I came across issue #3 laying around my apartment. I decided to check your website to see if you were still progressing, and I was happy to see that your effort continues. I really appreciate that tone you convey that tries to steer our culture from some negative aspects to those of connecting, thinking, and getting involved. Best of luck to you and your team. -Tom What a hit!! I’ve spread the word like crazy,and everyone is loving it.Haha,I think issue number 8 is the most interesting one yet.(lol)I hope you’ve heard good reviews about “Should Have Remained Friends.” because,if you wouldn’t mind having me in other issues,I will constantly give you good material for readers to treasure always. -Vic As an islander I appreciate the upbeat freshness of your mag, you guys rock! Keep up the great work! -Sandie Hey guys, I work here in HR where you deliver your paper. I figured you might be able to get something on this. I am not BOI, but have been raised around it since I was little. Well, I drive the same way leaving work as I do coming to work. I have always passed by this little coffee shop two streets back from Ball. It is called Ya’Bon Village Coffee House. A gentleman named Kurt will greet you. He is a BOI by the way. He has the old style hospitality and will carry on a conversation with you. He wants to keep his place open. But, I think he needs a little bit of publicity. I was just thinking maybe you can spread the word and help him out.

Hi all, I ran into one of your guys handing out copies of G’Wiz at the peak oil conference in Houston. He noticed we were filming interviews and said to write in about what we’re doing. We’re making a comedic documentary called “How to Boil a Frog” about the bigger picture around global warming and what actual real people can do about it that makes a difference. We went to Houston to interview people about peak oil, and I don’t know what’s more shocking – how imminent it is, or how few people have even heard of it. We hope to have a whole separate page up on our website ( with peak oil-related interviews in a couple of weeks. Also shocking was that we had investment bankers, geologist, oil men, journalists and economists all saying that the demand for oil is about to outrun supply – creating worldwide shortages – and we’re looking at having maybe half as much oil 25 years from now as we do today. The mayor of Houston spoke at lunch, saying yes, it’s real and it’s a huge problem. T. Boone Pickens came to say yes, it’s really happening, global oil production has already peaked. Oil hit $90/barrel. Houston is absolutely dependent on oil and gas production. And there wasn’t a word in the Chronicle about it. Bizarre. Anyway, great paper, keep up the good work!

Word and Tidings

Who reads the g’wiz?

YOU! What’s on your mind?

[email protected]

-Jon Cooksey Writer/director How to Boil a Frog Thanks, Wiz, for putting in a page on sexual healing and including our testing information. I wish you luck with your publication! How much are your ads? -Susan Rokes Send your Letters to the Wizard to [email protected]

-Kari Burton


The Galveston Wizard Periodical is open for discussion.What have you got to say? How would your story go? Want to relate to others and help them with your expertises? What would the first sentence of your story or idea sound like? Ah hah! Gotcha! You’ve got one right there. We’re giving you the opportunity to tell others what you are interested in, and why, and how, and whatever else you feel like. What is your world like? How can others see what you see? By reading your G’Wiz, you can see the world as others see it. Oh, now we see what you mean!

Submission Guidelines letters: <150 words 200 < Stories > 400 words Yay!pdf/jpg pics.

The views expressed are those of the authors and in no way represent the viewpoint of Galveston Wizard Periodical, it’s advertisers, affiliates, friends or relatives. It is just that, a viewpoint. What do you do with that? Well, properly hearing it out is a start. Driven to rage? Upset? How or why? Feel free to let us know of any views, ideas, suggestions, or clarifications you have and we’ll relay those as well. Discussions end ignorance and increase tolerance and understanding. Yeah!

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Spreading Your Wings

Vacation Homes


For more information on Real Estate, the Economy, Hot Bands, Venues and more, check out David Stanowski’s two resource Web sites. Find them at and

by David Stanowski It sounds like a good idea! You take a small town, in an idyllic setting, with a struggling economy, and sell off “pieces of this paradise”, at very high prices, for vacation homes! This will raise the property tax base, and give the local economy a boost; so everyone wins. However, there are always some unintended consequences. In the medical field, they call these side effects! Bringing in a large influx of people, who often don’t respect the original character of the town, can change the entire nature of the city. There will be a larger property tax base, but also a need for new infrastructure, and more demand on city services. The economic footprint of vacation-home owners is not nearly as large as that of full-time residents. Their jobs or businesses do not become part of the local economy, and they usually spend less money, when at their vacation home, than people who live in town. They pay their share of property taxes, but their purchases of vacation homes usually pushes up local real estate prices. This looks good on paper, to full-time residents, until they get their new property tax bill. Now it costs them more to live in their own house. Local incomes may rise, but usually not as much as housing prices, and property taxes. Some will feel the squeeze, and see the situation as an oppor-

tunity to sell, and move to a lowercost location. Others may do the same, because they don’t like how the town is changing. Realtors and developers see this as a golden opportunity, and often make a lot of money, but the vacation-home business has brought rampant speculation to town. When the boom turns to a bust, it will rock the fragile local economy! The vacation-home market is much more speculative than the market for primary residences simply because these are homes people do not need, so they are the first thing that has to go when the buyer gets in a financial squeeze. In recent years, with the lax credit standards, and abilty to buy with little or no down payment, the speculation has gotten even worse! The article, Second-Home Housing Glut; Real Estate Bubble Losing Air, written back in June 2006, made the following comments about the state of the vacation-home market, at that time: “For starters, many second homes have been sold not to serious vacationers but to speculative investors hoping to cash on the national real-estate craze. How else to explain why six out of 10 second-home owners surveyed by the Realtors group own two or more homes in addition to their main residences? The danger is that if enough of those investors decide the mar-

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ket has peaked, they could trigger a selling frenzy throughout the second-homes market. That, in turn, could add to the pressures in the main housing market.” “After a long string of double-digit annual price increases, a number of second-home meccas across the country are suddenly suffering from plunging sales volume and burgeoning inventories of unsold homes.” “The price runups of the past several years are reason enough for concern. A report from Clevelandbased National City, a top banking and mortgage concern, points to serious overvaluation in a number of second-home hot spots in Florida, California and elsewhere.” “He rejects a notion advanced by housing bulls that shore communities in Florida and California will be protected because of the limited supply of coastline. Japanese real estate and land prices went down for 15 years and Japan is an island.” “Investors hoping to sell luxury condos that they bought over the past couple of years could be in for some special trouble.” The article, Hot Market for Second Homes Hits Slump, written back in August 2006, made the following comments about the state of the vacation-home market, at that time: “The once-bustling deal making in a wide variety of popular locations for second homes — areas like Florida, the Jersey Shore and Lake Tahoe, as well as the high-price playground on the East End of Long Island — has slowed markedly in recent months. As the overall housing market weakens, the interest in buying vacation homes, from the most modest condominiums on up, appears to be falling faster. Unlike most metropolitan areas — where underlying demand and the normal turnover in primary homes as a result of job moves, new households and family changes provide a more solid floor under prices — the second-home market relies on a different set of motivations that tends to exaggerate booms and busts. “Second-home buying is very discretionary,” said Edward Leamer, an economist at the University of California, Los Angeles. “There is no force of demographics that is pushing people into buying homes as there is in primary home markets.” In second-home markets around the country, the number of sales is shrinking even as the properties on the market increase. Pric-

es at all levels are softening, and in a few places recently have begun dropping.” “In addition to the overbuilding factor, rapidly rising insurance premiums tied to the greater risk of hurricane damage have hurt home sales in many coastal areas of Florida.” “During the boom, prices in regions with a heavy concentration of second-home sales rose higher and faster than elsewhere, an analysis by Moody’s of national mortgage and housing data showed. “These have been the most juiced-up markets,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at” “Vacation homes, like other luxury items, are frequently caught up in booms that appear to defy gravity. But they depend on a relatively narrow slice of the population, mostly affluent baby boomers, leaving them vulnerable to sudden downturns.” “...overall interest in second homes tends to closely follow the ups and downs of the economic cycle.” “Plenty of people are willing to pay more for waterfront property, privacy and pristine vistas, but no region has a monopoly on those features.” “When you don’t like the pricing someplace, you can go someplace else.” With home prices increasing much faster than in any other city in the state of Texas, there is no question that the recent housing boom, in Galveston, is driven by the vacation-home market. The Median Selling Price in 2006 had already reached 5.32 times the Median Household Income, which is 77% higher than the long-term national average, and many recent projects far exceed that number. Condos in the Palisade Palms complex, that are selling for $400,000 to $1,650,000, yield a Price to Median Household Income ratio of 13.11 to 43.28. It should be clear that this project, and many others, are not priced to be affordable by residents of Galveston, so if the speculative money pulls out, there is going to be a lot of highend vacant inventory on the market! It has only been a little over 20 years since the last vacationhome bubble came to Galveston, but the after effects have long been forgotten! This is all that remains, on East Beach, of J.R. McConnell’s vacation-home bubble in the 1980’s! What will the current bubble leave behind?


Spreading p g Your Wings g

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

Can we do it?

Of Course we “Con”! ...”Con”vention, that is! What better way to describe a convention than as a meeting of people with similar interests and tastes all meeting together to share in their passion for whatever it is people get excited about. Mardi Gras patrons wear masks, beads (sometimes just beads), beards and smiles. Lone Star Rally riders wear leather, black, chains and of course, sunglasses. Before that- our favorite-Halloween, where your only limitation is your own imagination on what you “go as.” In fact, your abilitiy to “Do as the romans do,” or active participation in the gatherings of the season nearly always reflect how much you get out of it, and how much fun you have. We were recently given the opportunity to promote an “Oni Con” Anime convention to you readers in our previous issue. ( Anime is a Japanese animation style, most recogniseable to the first timer with examples such as Pokemon, Dragonball Z, Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell, and more. Ask for Anime at the Rosenberg Library. ) Several of us worked all weekend as volunteers at the convention, with hopes of learning more how the convention organism worked. What we found out was that a convention is highly-complicated, ultra-organized, multi-million-variabled work! Obviously these things make money, because there are hundreds, no, thousands of people here. We want to be involved with you should. What can you offer at a convention? There is a wide variety of opportunities to organize and seek out your fellow man toward a common cause. If you build it, they will come. Before you “Con” though, you must “Commit.” You must form a committee of people, decide what you want to do, and then set about to making it a reality! Besides integrating ourselves and yourselves into existing events, organizations, functions and happenings, what more can we create for locals and visitors that interests you? Expect Galveston Film Festival Jan ‘09. Disc Golf Course Organization ‘08. Homegrown/ Mainland East End Music Concert Beach Event ‘09. Public Access Channel. Island Radio. A Wireless Internet Island.How may we be of service in spreading the word, seeking committed people to help make these real? Also check out the Halloween Funk fest walk thru on page 12, along with Epicurean Evening and Dicken’s on the Strand on page 24.

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Spreading Your Wings


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Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

Seizing The Transition….. by Thomas Graves Now I know that I said in my last article that I would talk about my homelessness in London, but I feel that in order for it to make sense and flow freely I must explain a whole mess of other things. So let me begin……at the beginning. In 1998 I was a junior at Friendswood High School. I made friends with an exchange student from Brussels, Belgium. Over the course of that year I got to be friends with her and when she went back, I decided that I would go to Belgium for a visit. Before this, I had no intention of traveling anywhere. So I saved over the course of a year and after I graduated in the year 2000 I had already bought my plane ticket, my passport, and had saved approximately $1000. I landed in Belgium in the morning, and to this day I can’t describe the excitement I felt to know that I was on the other side of our planet. It was a great feeling! Everything that I looked at felt like I was seeing for the first time (mind the fact that I was an 18 year old, ignorant, suburban kid). Almost instantly I was falling in love with Europe. Over the course of my month in Belgum, I traveled all over the country, as well as to Luxembourg, and Holland. I discovered the

joy of fries (frites) and mayonnaise, and the broad range of beers that the Belgians are known for. Anyway, back to the storyline. So a few weeks go by and I’m introduced to numerous friends of hers, but one stood out. David was a 20 something Belgian guy of Moroccan decent. Immediately we hit it off. He was interested in where I was from, and what I was about, and likewise for me. Before I left Belgium David promised me that he would come to Texas for a visit, and that he did. He came to Texas in the winter of 2001. After his week and a half visit, I didn’t see David again for 5 years. We kept in touch mainly through email and the occasional phone call. I graduated from Texas A&M University-Commerce in May of 2006. The whole time that I was in college I didn’t do much traveling. Sure, I traveled around the states and dipped into Mexico once. But I was left feeling unfulfilled. I missed my friends that I had made in Belgium terribly, and I wanted to feel that feeling of being in a new place again. So I had made up my mind that since I was graduating and was about to move, there was a perfect opportunity to do whatever I wanted in

between this transition period. First, I decided that I had to get out of this country for a while. Six months sounded good to me. Just long enough to get my fill, and just short enough to return if things weren’t working out. First I bought the plane ticket to avoid backing out of my decision. Then I tried to find a job. I must have emailed eighty three businesses. Eighty three of those including schools, bars, libraries, and couriers. No one responded. One day I got an email from some mysterious agency called Protocol Teachers (look it up). They told me that I could teach in London (employed by them) as a substitute teacher. I filled out many forms and submitted a lot of information (including references, transcripts, blah, blah, blah). Then I learned that each one of us is entitled to a six month work visa abroad. Did you know that? You just have to either be a student, or a recent graduate. Well I got it, booked my hostel, and set the day for my interview with the teaching agency. I had worked at a restaurant between leaving for London and graduation. After buying a new iPod and Apple laptop, I had around $2000……to last me until I started work with the agency. That was my first mistake. I hate to do it, but that’s it until next month. Next month the story continues and I’ll walk you through the ups and downs.. and yes, my ultimate down, homelessness in London.

Spreading Your Wings



th erpe Ma e Spi tuati rdi rit ng Gr of as”

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Calendar of Events 2008 SPECIAL EVENTS 1/13/08 A Lesson Before Dying. Scene from the play and dialogue. Presented by Ensemble Theatre of Houston. Strand Theatre, 2317 Ships Mechanics Row, Galveston. 2 pm 1/22/08 A Lesson Before Dying. Film. Rosenberg Library, Randall Rm., 2310 Sealy, Galveston. 6 pm 1/29/08 A Lesson Before Dying. Three Professors Panel Discussion: Not Your Typical English Class! Presented by Michael Berberich, Stephen Curley, and John Gorman. Rosenberg Library, Wortham Auditorium, 2310 Sealy, Galveston. 7 pm 2/7/08 Family Dynamics of Black Male Incarceration. Panel discussion with Yoni Benson, Linda Ferguson, Leah Fanuiel, Robert Caraway, Charlie Baldwin, and James Dennis. Facilitated by Jason Glenn. Central Cultural Center Library, 2627 Ave. M, Galveston. Sponsorship and refreshments provided by the UTMB Office of Diversity and International Affairs. 6 – 8 pm 3/11/08 A Lesson Before Dying: An interactive videoconference with Ernest Gaines. Facilitated by John Gorman. Galveston College, Auditorium FA-207, 4015 Ave. Q, Galveston. Sponsorship and refreshments provided by Galveston College. 7 pm

BOOK DISCUSSIONS 1/02/08 1/08/08 1/10/08 1/12/08 1/19/08 1/23/08 1/24/08 1/30/08 2/05/08 2/11/08 2/12/08 2/13/08 2/13/08 2/19/08 2/27/08 3/01/08 3/04/08 3/06/08

Mosquito Cafe, 628 14th, Galveston. 7 pm St. Patrick Catholic Church, 1010 35th St., Galveston. 7 pm Starbucks, 2808 61st St., Galveston, 5:30 pm Moody Memorial First United Methodist Church, 2803 53rd St. Galveston. 10 am LaMarque Public Library, 1011 Bayou Rd., LaMarque. 9 am Moore Memorial Public Library. 1701 Ninth Ave. North, Texas City. 7 pm Mod Coffee House, 2126 Postoffice St., Galveston. 7 pm Helen Hall Library, 100 West Walker, League City. 2pm St. Patrick Catholic Church, 1010 35th St., Galveston. 7 pm Westminster Presbyterian, 5127 Ave. U, Galveston. 7 pm Moody Memorial First United Methodist Church, 2803 53rd St. Galveston. Noon Rosenberg Library– McCullough Rm., 2310 Sealy, Galveston. Noon. Midsummer Books, 2309 Ships Mechanics Row, Galveston. 5:30 pm Friendswood Public Library, 416 South Friendswood Dr., Friendswood. 7 pm Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 502 Church St., Galveston. 7 pm Y’a Bon Village Coffeehouse, 2828 Church St., Galveston. 2 pm St. Patrick Catholic Church, 1010 35th St., Galveston. 7 pm Tiki Book Club, Public Safety Bldg, 747 Tiki Dr., Tiki Island. 7 pm SPONSORS: Kempner Fund,, Rosenberg Library, Dorris Stechmann Johnson Foundation for Community Theatre, Galveston College, University of Texas Medical Branch Office of Diversity and International Affairs, Friends of Rosenberg Library.


...and a silver lining!

here’s a rainbow... ...and another one...

Be thousands of places at once. We know your favorite businesses and organizations are remembering the Galveston Wizard Periodical when calculating next year’s advertisng budget! We look forward to helping them raise their overall budget even more in the new year!

See Ad rates on our Web site.


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We know a thing or two about advertising, but we also know how to roll a mean mouse. We can polish your image, which will draw more attention to you. Email us at thewiz@galvestonwizard. com, or call us at 409.621.2864. We look forward to hearding from you.

[email protected] for more information.

Only $35 an hour.

10 Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

Undoing Exclusionism The problem is, we’re all dealing in different currencies. No plans for peace leaves room for blueprints for Secret Wars. Although scabs heal over time. There is no room on an island for burning bridges. We should all look for ways to encourage and support one another. Set yourself/business on the right path and get things out of your inbox. make an honest effort to return calls and answer your Emails. Yes’ and No’s will speed up and clarify business opportunities for all parties involved. Don’t Let your word be like a house of Cards. Keep your promises and reap the benefits that trust brings. (that’s all pro’s and no cons - what a deal!) Everyone on this island is a piece to the greater puzzle that makes a beautiful place to live. there’s nothing more joyful than when new pieces to the puzzle fit together. (Expecially when no one else can make the right fit happen.) It takes every piece to finish our puzzle and working together as a community, nieghbors, family and friends is the only way we can ever put all the pieces right. Introduce yourself to a stranger (common sense rules withstanding) and be wizened by the unique knowledge that they inevitably possess. Better yet most are more than curteous to oblige you with thier story.

If you say your hands are tied... may be right.

Spreading Your Wings 11

The Whole World Needs Some Change by Linda Sivy

end up in a heap. Changing your outsides must coexist with tweaking the insides, too.

As I wiped my eyes this morning, I told myself, “Today, I’ll change”. Change is not a problem for me. I am one of those ones that believe people change every second. That everything happens for ridiculous reasons and stuff like that. Right ? I have made a decision to change my face. For years, I have battled with acne and Rosacea . Sun damage, marriage/divorce scaring, genetic cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and raising kids have not helped my over all, either. I developed elevens in between my eyes for goodness sakes. Bottom line is I have not liked my face for sometime. Candy Lockhart with West Isle Wellness (6019 Avenue S ½ & 911 22nd Street - (409) 9963166) is the angel of my mercy. Candy is going to assist me with liking my face. And I am so ready, after years and years of Pro this and cycline that.

Little Lucy needs an explanation without getting sucked into the vortex of vanity by her own mother. Why do I want to change? Because. Change is good. Change is healthy. Change makes a difference. Change comes from within. Change makes the world go round. Change is defined. And this time honey, change is affordable.

Why do you want to change mama ? I like the way you look. Do you think it’s going to hurt ? How much does it cost ? Will she do me, too ?

I have had two chemical peels, thus far, and I can really see a difference. I have been without After informing my loved ones face cake (make-up) for several of my face transformation, I received what I thought to be mind days without anyone asking what happened. Liberation is kicking boggling feedback. I’ve heard: in. My dream of having a glowing Change.

healthy face is becoming a reality. And I keep going to “why do you want to change mama ?” Change ? Anyone with child knows what I must do. Those without, you may like this too. Like looking in your bathroom mirror and seeing ripples of cirrus clouds and knowing that if you don’t move soon, you could

I am going to share with our wonderful readers my before and after shots of my transformation. I welcome you to ask me anything about the process. You can contact me at I invite you to ask me to show you some change. I’ll be happy to reach in my pocket and show you a handful of the type of change I carry. It’s normally the shiny kind. My kids love it like there is no tomorrow.

change Function: verb Inflected Form(s): changed; chang·ing to give a different position, course, or direction to 2. to replace with another


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A Beacon of Light Guiding Lifelong Learning It is the policy of Galveston College to provide equal opportunities without regard to age, race, religion, national origin, sex, disability or veteran status.

12 Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

We Got Some Funk ~Linda Sivy Saturday, Oct. 27th, East Beach. ajic 102.1 and Strategic Enterprises brought us st the 1 Annual Halloween Funk Fest at East Beach. Gates opened at 1:00. Comedian and host J. Anthony Brown took the stage promptly at 3:00, and stayed there for over an hour; which, in itself, doesn’t constitute funk. Evidently, there was some funkin problem with the equipment. While a passel of roadies swung from the rigging, Mr. Brown did what he does; he entertained. Strategic Enterprises’ Stage on East Beach In fact, he did his job so start, it felt to many they is in no position to complain were getting something free. about punctuality. Had it Coop Deville opened with not been for the marvelous their national debut, and it work of Krystal Williams seems those kids truly have with Strategic Enterprises, something; a new generation’s perspective on old school funk. Recognizing the talent stacked behind them, however, they didn’t hold the stage for long. The SOS Band, Ohio Players, Morris Day and The Time, then the headliner – Cameo. It was a J. Anthony Brown, in repose full ticket, to say the least, and Krystal Williams, Strategic Ent. well that among hundreds of a musical dream come true for funk hungry freaks in costume, funky families and all manner of friendly funkers, nobody was grumbling about the $30$45 ticket price. Simply put, J. Anthony Brown was worth the money. When the music did


Ohio Players lay it down this mother funker. Okay, the segues weren’t as smooth as they could’ve been, but it can’t be easy to achieve your best sound in all that funkin sand, waves rolling in behind The SOS Band on stage you. Besides, The Wizard

Allen Flores, E. Beach Organizer arranging our VIP passes at the last minute while overseeing this monumental undertaking (with aplomb – nice job, Krystal) The Wiz wouldn’t have even been backstage. With the free BBQ. At each lull in the funk, amid “check, check, check” from the stage, J. Anthony Brown stepped in and did his

SOS Funks it up - Seriously

He’s a kidding thing, often walking among the crowd with his wireless mic. He had us hurting with laughter. Given another ten or fifteen minutes, he would’ve stolen the show. So, it didn’t go off without a hitch. But thanks to a group of consummate professionals, a lineup of seasoned performers, and a most affable crowd, The Wizard is gonna call the 1st Annual Halloween Funk Fest a huge success. Let us all hope we see it again next year.

Photos courtesy of M. Phillips

Spreading Your Wings 13


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14 Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

Kites! Can you get it up? Kite Flights by Kathy Nixie This new column will give you some information, especially if you have someone in your life telling you to GO FLY A KITE. I plan to educate you, as well as entertain you, so be prepared to listen to some interesting facts as well as a tall tale from time to time. A few words about myself, I really am a grownup. I have been building and flying kites as an adult for over 20 years. I have taught people of all ages to build and fly kites. I live in Galveston, where the wind and weather give me year round kite flying time. There is an unseen wondrous element, the wind, involved in kite flying that appeals to me. I find relaxation at the end of a kite string and I think you can too. I hope that you can find or build a successful kite and enjoy the mystery of the wind. Come let me show you how. Kites have been around for a while. We really do not know how long because they were around before there was paper to write down the story on. We really do not know where they started for the same reason. The historians are reasonably certain that kites were developed in what today is China. Kites were made of the same materials then as they are today, bamboo and silk. This tradition has been carried on for at least 2000 years. The oldest written record

of a kite was written on a bamboo stick. These sticks, flattened quarter pieces of a large bamboo were strung together like a fan and could tell many stories on their 2-3 foot lengths. The crafting of kites used the lightweight but strong and flexible bamboo and light fabric, silk. Beautiful and artistic kites are still made like this in China. The seagoing traders spread the kite flying tradition all over the world. I have listened to stories from people I meet about their successful and unsuccessful kite flying experiences. I usually ask new people I meet how long it has been since they have flown a kite. Usually it has been way too long. I want you to think about your experiences. They color your outlook about trying this again. I try to let people who are out with a kite that won’t fly know that it is not a personal reflection on you. Usually a kite that won’t fly is not suited to the wind that day, or is not put together correctly. I know I would have been a much better kite flyer as a kid if I had had some instruction. This is where the sharing comes in. I have the best time when I can share the fun, which is one of the reasons why I am writing this. I hope you learn to fly a kite and then show someone else how to do it too. A few more hints: Visit your local library and ask them about kites. Go to and explore the world of

kites online. If you are a teacher or parent go to my web site and get a kit for your classroom. Till I see you on the kite field, keep your chin up, fly a kite. I can teach classes in building and flying for all ages birthday parties, etc. for those interested.

Legacy of Kane One evening, our man-beast chihuahau friend Kane decided he wanted to go for a walk. Unfortunately he left no note or made no mention of his departure to his roommates or anyone else. Where was he? ! A heavy rainstorm that night had us all worried as to his whereabouts. We set out looking for him, combing the neighborhood. Nobody had seen him, but we got to meet many of our neighbor friends, who also pledged their eyes to the cause. Finally we set out on a small-scale advertising campaign and 2 days later we were reunitied with our once-lost friend, who was found 5 blocks from home. Good to have you back, friend!

Spreading Your Wings 15

16 Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

GALVESTON.COM, GALVESTON.ORG, & GALVESTONCRUISES.COM & Company wishes you a Happy Holidays. Below are a few of the special events happening on the island this holiday season.

New Year’s Eve at The Historic Balinese Room Monday, December 31, 2007 The historic Balinese Room nightclub, located 600 hundred feet into the Gulf on the legendary former gambling pier, is hosting the best New Year’s celebration you can have! The evening starts with a long walk down the pier over the crashing waves, until you reach the romantic, tropical Balinese Showroom, home to all the movie stars of the 1940’s and 50’s and the south’s best casino in that era. You will be greeted with an appetizer buffet. Dinner service begins at 8:00 p.m. and ends at 10:00 p.m., The live band is the fabulous Fondue Monks, playing their unique style of danceable funky rock. Price is $125 per couple or $65 per person and includes New Eve’s party favors, noise makers, a free bottle of champagne per couple, the appetizer table, a fabulous dinner of ham with a orange apricot cognac glaze and all the trimmings, dessert and the famous ambiance of the incredible Balinese Room. Cash bar. Reservations can be made at or by calling the reservation service at (888) 939-8680.

New Year’s Eve at Moody Gardens featuring Eddie Money Monday, December 31, 2007.

7:30pm - 1am Moody Gardens’ renowned New Year’s Eve black tie celebration returns Dec. 31st. We’ve got your ticket to paradise and invite you to ring in the New Year in grand style at the hottest party of the season! “Midnight in the Gardens - Party in Paradise” will feature non-stop live entertainment headlined by legendary rock icon Eddie Money, known for such hits as “Shakin”, “Two Tickets to Paradise”, “Take Me Home Tonight”, and more. The fabulous show band Eclipse, a crowd favorite in years past, also will take the stage with their electric sound and high energy show.

New Year’s Eve at Cafe Madrid Monday, December 31, 2007. Dinner at 7pm & 9pm Cafe Madrid presents a special New Year’s Eve Celebration, Monday, December 31st. The evening will feature two scrumptious dinner sittings, one at 7pm; the second at 9pm . Guests are invited to ring in the New Year with live jazz by Sparky’s Jazz Express, party favors, a midnight balloon drop, and champagne. Reservations are required, and can be made by phone at (409)765-TAPA.

Moody Gardens Festival of Lights November 17, 2007 - January 5, 2008 Festive sights and sounds will fill Moody Gardens at the sixth annual Festival of Lights November 17 through January 5. Drawing more than 60,000 people each year, Moody Gardens Festival of Lights has become a holiday favorite for families. Transforming its lush garden setting into a winter menagerie of lights, Moody Gardens will be adorned with more than a million twinkling lights and dozens of light displays.

Jerry Jeff Walker at The Grand 1894 Opera House Saturday January 5, 2008. 8pm

The traditions continue as Jerry Jeff Walker returns to kick off the New Year. Share an evening of toe-tappin’ songs with “Mister Bojangles!” This year’s show is all Jerry Jeff - all evening long!

For a complete list, visit our Calendar of Events at

Spreading Your Wings 17 Prepare early for

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18 Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

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Spreading Your Wings 19

Set up an Email Account With all of the times we’ve asked our readers to email us, it never occurred to us that a few readers out there still might not have email accounts to email us with! Not just us, but family members, business contacts, friends and much more are a few clicks away once one sets up and utilizes an email account of their own! There are many to choose from. Hotmail, Yahoo! and GMail are just a few of your options for free email usage. Start today!

Go to Click create a new account (bottom right)

Enjoy our walkthru of a new account setup!

Give ‘em your info.

Introduction to Gmail! Composing an email is a click away. See an email address somewhere? Now you can reach them with ease.

Try it out! Email your thoughts to our email at [email protected] Already email, internet and Web savvy? Be sure to visit our Web site at to browse previous issues, and more. Also visit for up to the minute listing of events, places, bookings, reservations and more.



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20 Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

The Art of Happines (Part 1) by Rigo

you are into. Thus your day begins. Every morning seems totally normal. You wake up, Scenario 2: You wake drag yourself to the shower, up, stand up, open up your get dressed, get in your car, blinds or drapes and let some and go to work. sun in. You then walk out to Does the whole thing the back or front yard and bask seem a little, dreary? You in the warmth and serenity might go as far as to say that of it all for a minute. Take a you might be a little depressed. shower, get out and walk to your room to find all your work If you find yourself stuff already laid out, shirts ever feeling like this, chances and pants pressed, you walk are you’re not. Chances are by the mirror and you catch you aren’t appreciating your day, as you should. Ok, ill use a glimpse of you admiring yourself. Then you walk to the comparison to get my point across. kitchen have eggs, waffles with pure maple syrup, bagels with Scenario 1: You wake or without cream cheese, or up; lay there for a minute, your favorite cereal with sliced already annoyed. You roll out fruit, get into your piney fresh of bed, take a shower, skip smelling car, adjust your rear breakfast, and proceed to view. And take in your scene. trample anyone and anything You may not think that gets in the way of you that the little things you do making it out the door. You open your car door; move stuff everyday are as important as the big things, but picture off of the seats, floors, and this, life is like art. Imagine dash so you and your carpool can sit. Then drive mercilessly your everyday thoughts, while tying your tie, putting on decisions, and actions as millions of little colored tiles makeup, or whatever it is that

Who Needs Mistletoe? Mention ad for 10% off Purchase* *Good until Feb 14, 2008

of different shapes and sizes. Like a mosaic, you place these colored tiles onto life’s canvas, one by one, a red one here, a blue one there, maybe even throw an indigo piece in there every now and again. You have your big pieces which symbolize your big things in life such as going to Jamaica for a week, buying a new car, paying and raising rent, taking care of your family, doing well in school, getting that promotion, selling that house, etc. You also have your smaller pieces which symbolize the smaller things in life like, eating right, enjoying the sunset while you make your way down the seawall, going to your favorite restaurant and ordering your all time favorite meal, and so on. Now as you set your pieces into place, you might come across some problems along the way. Your pieces might not fit the way you originally thought

they might. You have a choice, you may take a totally different piece and incorporate it in a totally new way than originally intended, or you can take the original piece and reshape it to fit just right. The point is to fit all your pieces into the grand scheme of things. You may think you do that all ready, but if you think about it, an act as simple as waking up late is a missing piece in your creation, you are constantly throughout your day trying to make up for the missing pieces by taking an energy drink or having a cup of coffee, but the tiles are set, or missing, so there will always be that little gap. Tomorrow morning, when you first wake up, think to yourself what you want your day to be. You’ve got a blank canvas. Look at all of the pieces to choose from to start this new day’s mosaic of life. Snooze button piece? Up and at them piece? Choose your pieces wisely. Find mosaic peace.

MYSTIC KREWE OF AQUARIUS Celebrates Mardi Gras 2008

“THE RENAISSANCE” MARDI GRAS CORONATION BALL & ROYAL PAGEANT Galveston Island Convention Center “Grand Ballroom” Saturday, January 12, 2008

JOHN FORD JEWELERS “You Get More” 2114 61st Street



Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 -5:30 Saturday 10:00 - 1:00

BARN BASH 31st and Avenue N1/2 – (7pm – 11pm) January 25, 2008 21ST ANNUAL KICK OFF PARADE Seawall Blvd. (Noon) Saturday, January 26, 2008 FAT TUESDAY PARADE Historical Downtown and the Strand District (6:30pm) February 5, 2008 For ticket and contact information: or call (409) 771-8529 “Celebrating Mardi Gras since 1985”

Spreading Your Wings 21

Should you donate your body? Every one of us grows older. Eventually, for one reason or another, we become are no longer for this world. What happens with our conscience, spirit, or mind is debatable, with individual’s answer to that question usually as unique as the individual themselves. As we go through life, through it’s many stages, our amazing bodies go with us. When our time here is up, we leave behind our posessions, our loved one’s, our legacy, and our bodies. Several Medical Body Donation Programs help make

provisions for future doctors and pave the way for more understanding of the body with the donation of one’s body to science after death. Medical body donations help to protect, preserve, and prevent and understand how the body works, and the effects of such donations leave a lasting impact on the medical community for many generations to come. When considering medical body donation as an alternative option to funeral and cremation costs, call the Medical Body Donation Experts at Carnes Funeral Home in Texas City. 409-986-9900

Questions or Concerns? Resources for further information on

Medical Body Donation

Ray Schaper, the last dairy farmer in Galveston, enjoys a cold beverage and good conversation at the Wizzard bar on 24th and Church. Here he is with his first Galveston Wizard introduction! Wizardly wise Galvestonians are all around you. Take the time to learn from them! Do you know a Galveston Wizard? Tell us who they are an why they are so wise! Share the wisdom!

22 Spreading Your Wings

Don’t Get Distracted. Dont fade away from that goal. Do what you need to be doing. You can’t stop doing it. Keep going, keep going, keep going. Put up a poster of your ideas. What are you working for?

Watch him put the crowd in stitches. Working off of your favorite bars’ jukebox, he will get your people in the groove. Call 409.526.9667 for booking information.

Keep after your Goals!

DJ Precious.

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

Spreading Your Wings 23

Restaurant Spotlights Breakfast Galveston has a new coffee shop. Saxbys located 500 Seawall in the new Piazza Blanca Shopping Center, a new and upcoming area on the Seawall. Saxbys features a great cup of coffee also with all the

Lunch Step into the Lunchbox on 21st and Strand and you will be greeted by two of the nicest ladies in the restraunt business, Laura and Dayatra. If the food was just so-so (and it’s not) I would still go there for the good coversation and to listen to the swing music playing on the stereo. Their deli type menu consists of reasonably priced healthy breakfast foods and sandwiches along with items available for a quick snack. With


With so many new eateries popping up around the Island, we can’t afford to forget the one of Galveston’s mainstays in traditional Italian food, DiBella’s. On the corner of 31st and Avenue P, DiBella’s has been serving up old-fashioned meat lasagna, eggplant parmigiana, spaghetti with meatballs and other fine homemade Italian dishes since 1989. Being hidden away in a quiet residential neighborhood, DiBella’s manages to make you feel like you are the guest of honor in an Italian grandmother’s kitchen, surrounded by walls

by Robert & Nick

mochas, teas, ciders, lattes, espresso and much more. Baked goods are plentiful and good. The cookies are my favorite! The shop itself is very conducive to relaxing, studying and just hanging out and talking with friends. Great outside seating with music playing in a shaded area. The bike group I ride with,

E-Street Riders, always makes Saxbys one of our stopping points because of the great coffee, nice staff, and outside seating. Saxbys has a lot of Pluses such as Free WiFi, Clean Restrooms, Great beach view, and much more. Try Saxbys, you’ll like it.

such a nice array of items, The Lunchbox is sure to be big hit with the locals and tourists as well. On our recent visit we sampled the chicken salad sandwich (a house specialty) and and a rather tasty ruben. The chicken salad comes from a old family recipe which is really good and and its served on a moist, tender and dark honey wheat bread. If you get a chance try some of Dad’s Pimento Cheese, its some of the best I ever had. The Ruben was equally as tastey. Its offers a new twist on an old favorite. Served on honey wheat bread, a gener-

ous portion of corned beef is topped with homemade shredded cabbage and nice leafy garden greens. Its a wonderful sandwhich that leaves you satisfied but not weighed down and wanting an afternoon nap. Last but not least, lets not forget the sweets, fresh lemonades, sodas, and iced coffees. With a variety of flavors, you can have your drink made any way you like it. With a variety of foods on the menu, and such pleasant conversation, I know we’re going to go back and try to

covered with old photos from Kirwin High School, now O’Connell. The recipes for their Sicilian red sauce and homemade Italian sausage are closely guarded secrets, which many Galvestonians would love to know. On our most recent visit, though, we opted to try something new and partake in the very reasonably priced veal piccata. Our slices of veal were lightly breaded and covered in a light sauce of white wine, lemon juice, olive oil, mushrooms, capers and artichoke hearts. The tanginess of the lemon juice and capers helped to accent and bring out

the delicate flavor of the veal perfectly. Not one to let a good thing go to waste, we ordered a side of flavorful toasted garlic bread to help mop up any sauce that was left on our plates. With so many new families moving to the Island, its important not just to try our all of the new eateries, but also help them discover the small family-run restaurants that we have been enjoying for years. DiBella’s is open for lunch and dinner Tuesday through Friday, and for dinner only on Saturday and Sunday. As a family run establishment, they take only cash and cheques.

sample everything.

To book an event or for more information(409) 621-JACK (5225)


in the back...

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24 Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

Epicurean Evening If you missed it...we don’t know how else to put missed out. Whether you knew more people on one side of the table or the other, rest assured that every attendee was guaranteed a great evening of fun. All of Galveston’s top food vendors, beer vendors, wine vendors, liquor vendors, products-for-vendors, and more were on hand at this ever-growing “who’s who” in all things Epicurean. Armed with a series of cameras, camcorders, issues, stickers and pens (page 2), we made our way through the crowd. This is what we are talking about! Those who were lucky enough to catch the event (and smart enough

to pay attention to the full page ad on our last issue’s back cover promoting it) in all likelihood enjoyed themselves as much as we did. It was refreshing to see, in this bustling Moody Garden’s convention center, such a strong demonstration of the wide assortment of quality restaurants, distributors, vendors, and people that make the Galveston Epicurean Experience such a quality one. We look forward to seeing you all out there next year. Until then, be aware of the events, opportunities, and organizations making such extraordinary events available to you. Whether or not you are “where it’s at” is entirely up to you!

In the Crystal Ball:View Video Interviews of vendors and extra pics at our Web site at

Dickens on the Strand We found ourselves just a few press passes away from being transported to another time and place. Quick acting event organizers, dispite making this year’s Dickens on the Strand the best one yet, were able to make it happen! Yesss! (That’s Charles Dickens to those of you who’ve never read any of the author’s era being represented, you should look into it.) We kept our cameras clicking at all the variety of offerings: bands, choirs, performers, reenactors, and more available to patrons. Though vendor snack munching (so THAT’s a Scotch egg!), and authentic to the era Newcastle (?) sipping, along with cool vendor offerings had us looking for a pocket to pick (please sir, may I have sum’oooh?) , this stroll down memory lane was definitely worth the trip! We look forward to enjoying a visit from “the Ghost of Dickens Future.”* *G’Wiz Enterprises accepts** no responsibility for corny “A Christmas Carol” tie-ins **yet we apologize if they do indeed appear.

Best Prices on the Island

SIGNS POSTERS BANNERS 5for M’s of Success your idea, as told to us by Debo* AND MUCH MORE


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*manager of Cricket on Broadway, one of the top grossing stores in all of the Houston area. He was outside thinking of an idea when we met him. Did you know that Egypt’s climate is much like that of Galvestons? Tours of Egypt coming soon!


For Sale



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Spreading Your Wings 25

Isle Style Second Empire on Broadway

by Scott Field

The (Second) Empire Strikes Back On 23rd Street!

Welcome to the new ‘take another look’ column, featuring unsung, and maybe takenfor-granted, buildings that we pass by every day here on the Island. Everyone knows The Bishop’s Palace, the Sealy Mansion, and Ashton Villa, but, it’s time to look at the average buildings that make the East End so different than anywhere else on the planet. The Second Empire Style in America is epitomized by the mansard roof…..the concave roof on the top floor punctuated with dormer windows. It was considered very modern during the 1870’s. We have only a sprinking of these left standing, and they’re cool!

Here’s another secondlooker. This style usually had towers and was all about the roof. The two examples given here appear to have lost their towers over time, plus the cast iron cresting (short fence-like decoration) that danced around the top edge of the mansard roof. No doubt that KFC and major hamburger chains have taken the mansard roof into our time…same roof type, sans dormer windows! The Adamms Family and the Munsters lived in Second Empire houses. By the 1960’s, many of these throughout America had been torn down because this style was out of favor, suffered from lack of maintenance, and looked haunted!

Wm. Scott Field, AIA, is a restoration architect with over 25 years of experience with Victorian building restoration. Inquiries may be sent to the editor or to wsfi[email protected].

ViX Presents:


Long-Lost Friendship Heart of a Poet Til’ the dust settles from my bones,God can not welcome me home,Unto the Gates of Pearl, that glimmers and swirls,Before all the rewards from heartache can be received,I would think back,and ask would have became of me, Did my life on earth reach the pinnacle it could,How did it if our relationship ended for good,With that I take full responsibility,for the steps I took,In return I hope that you give our friendship a second look.

Know just how cool this new G’Wiz logo looks on a t-shirt?


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Right now I am feeling the urge to put this pen and pad down for good, If poetry is in my heart then my vital signs aren’t responding as they should, I’ve noticed that the raw emotions I portray inside my poetry are being misunderstood, What purpose serves me to tread the ink over and over again, I’m lagging behind a race,I can’t seem to win, The ignorance in me refuses to grasp the comprehension of being well respected for this Art Craft, Thus certain poetic transgressions turn into nothing more than amusement for a cheap laugh, Poets walk a very thin line, A path that dissolves over time, Poetry is a spiritual reflection of ones interpretation out of body and mind, The heartstrings of a poet plays at a slow and steady pace, It survives brutality without knowing the hostility of its own rate,so the more criticism it takes a heart attack awaits, The pressure of trying to reach minds in the public eye is very hard to do, If a poet is as only good as his last poem,than this time I might be through, My heart is witnessing massive damage at hand, I want to quit but have no back up plan, The only thing that seperated me from the rest of my peers,was the creative way I was capable of portraying my blood,sweat,and tears, Pain and Glory for all that want to hear, Can I over come the heartache even if my vital signs are not what they appear? Let us put you out there!

Email us at [email protected]

26 Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

The best f*cking rock band you’ve never f*cking heard of by Anthony

In a town virtually bereft of any musical talent, steel drum playing pseudo reggae bands aside, we are blessed to have a true gem. Not a diamond in the rough, mind you, but a raw, tight, melodic, in-your-face five piece powerhouse. Three local boys and two Kentucky transplants who have done this burg proud. MELOVINE I defy someone to show me anyone, collectively, who has their sh*t balled up as tight as this band that’s right ,they’re the poop, but they don’t stink. MELOVINE hit the scene nearly four years ago. Former skaters who turned their energy from the pavement to their passion for creating a sound far removed from the bubblegum Rap/Rock ever droning from every teenyboppers Ipod. I got a chance to sit down

They’re your neighbors. They want you. want them.

And if you like the eclectic...

...You’ll love them. with the boys from the band recently and they’re not your typical up and comers. Nor are they the pretentious pukes most “next big thing” bands tend all too often to be. They are, though, laid back, cool and driven, in direct contrast to their youth. Look, I’ve got undies older than these guys. So I was

pleasantly surprised at their lack of ego. That being said, once greetings and intros had been achieved, we cracked some Shiners and got down to what they’re up to presently, where they’ve been and what’s next for the guy’s from the MELOVINE. The specs, for the record, are as follows Jonathan and

Justin sharing guitar detail, Matt lead warbling, Mike providing the bottom and Dexas {from Texas, get it?} doling out drum duties… The full interview with melovine verbatum to drop in our next issue with new pics and additional new material and tour dates.

We want to wish everyone Happy Holidays. Thank you for your business. We know you have a choice!

Join us and the E-street Riders for the first annual Christmas Lights Ride Dec. 15th 2008. Call us for start time and route.

Hours From 10am to 6pm Mon-Sat

Located At 2505 Market St Galveston TX 7755o Next to Maceo’s When you realize you’ve biked waaay too far AND you’re lost at the same time.

Phone 409 766 7878

Spreading Your Wings 27

Hear from Anthony on

The Way of the Island I’m not from around here. I’m not B.O.I., I’m actually more B.Y.O.B. And frankly, having been here a relatively short time and in all fairness, I prefer it that way. I’m a Washington State Transplant. I’ve been here for a few months, and upon arriving on the island I returned to a former vocation, one in which I have myriad experience. I’m a waiter, or as it is called here, a “server”. I enjoy serving. I like waiting on you. I enjoy the contact with my fellow man, hearing your stories, sharing laughs, recommending entrees, treating you like your presence is vital and important to me. Frankly, it is, and I take much pride in my ability to help you enjoy your evening out, assuring future visits from you and yours. These are key qualities to any sales position. Let’s face it, we as servers are sales people. We’re selling you food, we’re selling you an atmosphere, and we’re selling you a good time. The quandary in which I find myself is this, not all of my sales associates feel likewise. I can live with that. Waiters are in

a lot of cases a jaded and bitter lot. That fact is compounded by tenfold here in the island by several factors. The first of which amazed me upon my return to the fray…$2.13 an hour. That’s what we make to serve you. Frustrating? You bet it is. I don’t know how it happened. I’m told that it’s been that way for quite some time. I do challenge anyone to pay their bills on that wage at 80 hours a week, let alone 40. Next …how can I put this delicately? Islanders, Texans or whatever…listen! Upon going to dine, please realize that, I or we as servers, have other tables. Only here it seems diners are not cognizant of that fact. Only here are the patrons utterly entitled and unrealistic as far as quality care and attention to their party. I will, at a later date, elaborate further on these two tacks, but for now my chief shock has been, hands down, the management, or more pointedly the lack thereof. It’s the way of the island. Let me just get this out in the open now. Most of the managers I’ve worked with here on the island couldn’t manage a good turd, let alone a strong

staff. Allow me to qualify that statement with this statement, I’ve managed. Restaurants, Retail Stores, Grocery Stores, Etc. The prevailing mindset, the management philosophy here is, sadly, the less you know about management well all the better! So where does that leave us, we that serve? Well, screwed, usually. We are over-staffed, under-stationed and grossly under-appreciated. Jaded and bitter are, in that state of mind, not far from the station. So where does that leave you, as ‘managers?’ Well, from all that I’ve seen constantly while training, explaining to islanders that dine at your restaurant on a regular basis (called “regulars”) where “Tommy” or “Heather” or whomever their favorite server is, and why he or she no longer works at their favorite establishment. God only knows what lame excuses spew from their mouths upon being questioned about former employee whereabouts. I know I’ve heard some doozies, all of them copouts. (i.e.… “We can’t find good help,” or “People don’t want to

work.” Etc, etc, etc.) Look, dear managers/ restaurateurs, you first of all get what you pay for. If you have a good server (and I’ve seen plenty come and go), take care of them. Pay them better than other servers; treat them like people, not cattle. Also, and this may be hard to wrap your feeble minds around, manage. Do projection,… quarterly, monthly, yearly, whatever. If you don’t know what that is, please step down now. You’re not a manager or you are a foolish, shortsighted business owner, period. Get into another line of business soon. I’ve worked as a server in several states and in all honesty there is nowhere near the amount of no-calls, no-shows that are found here, not even remotely close. Servers stay, typically for years, at the same restaurants…everywhere but here. Coincidence? Not hardly. Provide an environment that is positive, friendly, and lucrative for all and you too, dear manager, could experience the same success seen nationwide by others, rather than “the way of the island.”

28 Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

Death’s Dance by Krystal Miles

In “The Masque of the Red Death,” Poe uses symbols to link death to the living world. Through the use of setting, manmade objects, and the metaphors associated with the objects, he creates a parallel reality to explain that death is an inevitable “outside antagonist, to be feared and walled out as Prince Prospero attempts to do, but instead it is a part of each [and everyone of] us” (Womack). The story takes place during a horrific plague. The name of the plague is derived from the characteristics it possesses; the victims are marked by the scarlet stains from blood bursting from the pores in their face, followed by convulsions, and within half an hour of contact, the victim dies. The Red Death consumes half the population of Prince Prospero’s people. In direct response to this, “he summoned to his presence a thousand… friends from among the knights and dames of his court, and with these [friends, he] retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys” (Poe). The prince ordered for the hinges and bolts of the gates to be welded together, allowing “neither means of ingress nor egress to the sudden impulses of despair or frenzy from within” (Poe). “’The abbey was amply provisioned… the prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure, … buffoons, ...improvisatori, …ballet dancers, …musicians, …Beauty, …wine. All of these and security were within. Without was the ‘Red Death’’” (Womack). By doing this, he thinks he has made it impossible for the “Red Death” to destroy the happiness that his wealth brings to him. However, the case is quite the opposite. By securing the gates to the abbey,

Prince Prospero makes himself and his followers the prisoners of prosperity. “It was toward the end of the fifth or sixth month of his seclusion, …while the pestilence raged most furiously abroad, that the Prince Prospero entertained his thousand friends at a masked ball of the most unusual magnificence” (Poe). He insists that the attire be beautifully bizarre and is not to provoke the thoughts of disgust. “The masque was held in an imperial suite consisting of seven rooms” (Womack). Each room is connected but separated in a way that only one room is visible at a time. Every room is decorated with strange and beautiful objects, while each room has one color dominating it. The colors progress from vivid blue to purple, green, orange, white, violet and finally black. The rooms are consistent with the stages of life. At first life is vivid like the blue of the first room and then gradually fades away until there is nothing left but darkness. Also like the rooms, life’s stages can only be seen in their entirety one at a time. In the center on each wall is a tall, narrow Gothic window displaying panes of glass corresponding with the color of the room. Every room except for the last one has matching windows. In the black room the windowpanes are scarlet. Poe frequently uses red and black to symbolize blood and death. “Blood, the very substance of life, becomes the mark of death as it bursts through the pores” (Womack). Moving like the sun through the sky, the path through the rooms follows east to west. On the western wall, of the western room, a huge ebony clock

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stands counting down the hours Prince Prospero and his friends have left to live. The musical chimes of the clock cause everything to stop uneasily. Fear and confusion fill the minds of the Illustration for “The Masque of the Red Death” by Harry Clarke, 1919. dancers but, source as soon as the Originally Published in Graham’s Magazine May 1842 chiming ends, prince cries out and falls to his the laughter death. “Summoning the wild resumes. At the sounding of courage of despair, a throng of midnight, “’there was an uneasy revelers at once threw themselves cessation of all things as before into the black apartment … …[as] the last echoes of the last finding the grave-cerements and chime …sunk into silence, there corpse-like mask …untenanted were many individuals in the by any tangible form” (Poe). crowd who had became aware of Unfortunately, they realize too a masked figure [that no one had detected before]’” (Womack). To late that the masked stranger is everyone’s disgust, the previously no stranger and they all die one by one with no chance of escape. unknown figure stands like the “Prince Prospero’s masked ball corpse of a “Red Death” victim, his mask bearing the scarlet mark. …[is a reminder] of the ‘dance of death’ portrayed in old paintings Prince Prospero orders the arrest as a skeleton leading a throng of of the masked stranger for “his people to the grave, just as the blasphemous mockery” (Poe). prince leads his guests to the ‘Red However, no one has the courage Death’” (Womack). to seize him and the unsightly Ultimately, the fatal being is off to room of darkness. lesson learned is that death is Momentarily, the prince is stunned unavoidable. Poe’s visions of with fear but, quickly it turns to time, color, and quality of life rage. He decides to follow the dramatically instill this theme in monster and after approaching the minds of this story’s readers. within a yard of the beast, the

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Spreading Your Wings 29

DeClassifieds Once hidden and unknown needs or wants are finally being brought out into the open! Review these entries carefully, as the material contained herein may apply to you. Heartfelt Condolences to friends and family Happy Holidays From your of our Dear Friend, Dustin Garcia. friends at G’Wiz Enterprises! Happy Birthday Baconious! 33 Years Young! Which old wizard holds the patent informaton? Email [email protected]

Anyone out there want t-shirts made? 409.443.4657, ask for Jason. Who wants to buy my Honda Hatchback? Call 409.354.3415. Needs Work. Congratulations with School, Jamie! Keep up the good work! Where can one learn and perfect square-dancing?

One obstacle that we face as a periodical is our ability to bring you time-sensitive needs and wants from your realm. We want to help bring readers to job postings, for sale, for rent, looking to buy, garage sales and many other needs and wants. Soon, we’ll have print classifieds of our own, one’s that we can help get declassified from the unknown. In our spy games, we found a Web site that will let you post your classified for free, and the site’s growing more every day. So go through your old files, find all of your needs, wants and more. Register yourself, post your ad, and get quick results when you try the all new... Thursday, November 16th is a day I will never forget.

Ever since they became popular in the late 90’s, I have been a huge fan of Stomp!, a percussion based stage show that uses pots, pans, trashcan lids, lighters, anything that can be induced to make noise to well... make noise. It’s like iif you were 5, messing around in your mom’s kitchen, but with incredible skill. Maybe mom wouldn’t have been so annoyed, huh? Anyways, on that that thursday, some of the cast members wanted a place to hang out and just happened to wander into my favorite coffeeshop, Java’s 213. They asked if they could host an impromptu open mic night... as Shola, one of the cast put it, to create a space for free expression. We made some calls, grabbed some people, and by the time the evening rolled around, a decent crown of about 25 people had gathered and the music began. I opened up the evening with a few songs about things like toasters, Pi, and hallucinogenic frogs. Matty and Justino each brought their personal touch to the evening, and Shola, Stephen, Justin, and the rest of the Stomp! cast amazed us with their own music. And then, after everyone had had their turn, after the noise complaint had been filed and the cops had been called, when we only had 15 minutes left to play, the magic happened.

Shola, justin and tambourine guy (sorry TG, can’t remember the name) got up for one last song.... nothing planned, just sweet jazzy improv. I decided that i was never going to get a chance like this in my life again, so I went up and grabbed a drum. Sarah began to sing along from her chair and was quickly brought up on stage. Stephen came up and played the most amazing handclapping rhythms i have ever heard. Someone else joined in on vocals. It was absolutely amazing... anywhere from 5 to 9 people singing and playing in perfect sync, no score, no plans, just pure improvisational heaven. We jammed for about 10 minutes, making some of the most beautiful music I have ever been privileged to be a part of, and then it was over. My high school choir director used to tell us that there are Moments in life... points in time where everything is right, the planets are aligned, you chi is balanced, God is smiling, however you want to put it. He said that the Moments are what life is all about. Everything else, the day to day struggles, paying bills, paying rent, working, sleeping, tying your shoes, are just what we do so we can kick around this earth long enough to get to the Moments. Ladies and Gentlemen, this was one of those Moments. -Keith Martin

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30 Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

My dream... I had a dream today. It was a real peculiar dream. I was in California, and I was started on a journey. I don’t know how it started, but it was like it was real. I was floating in the room, and I went through the wall as if nothing were there. It was the sickest thing in my entire life. As I was floating, I had no idea where I was. I thought I was going east, but it turned out later on that I was in Alaska. I met my brother there, and I also got to see my friend Captain’s dad. Then all of a sudden I started to float

and fly again to another destination. This time it was in Indiana, and there was a high school football game going on. There was this girl there. It seemed like I was at a food parlor on bar seats. There was one girl on the right side of me, and there was another girl (a blondheaded girl) next to her. When she said, “Hi,” I then said “Hi” back. Then she reached out here hand and when I shook her hand, it felt like we there for a good long ten seconds. She had

J. Maisel’s

by Marc Prusmack

such gentleness about her. It felt like we were connected to each other. It was purely amazing. So on with the story. We were on this pillar with a lot of youthful people. The pillar was about fiftly or sixtyh feet high, and we were all on it watching the football game from above. Then it was time for me to go, so the Sipirit told me to jump off of the pillar. So I jumped off, and before I hit the bottom, I began to float once again. So I flew off to the next destination. Next, I found myself

in Galveston, where I grew up at. I went to Luke’s Supermarket, but it was no longer Luke’s. It was a pizza joint, and there was this old man there. I was a little hungry, so I went up to him, but he told me that it was closed. So I flew around and came across my old apartment complex. I didn’t want to go in it, but I did go around it to the Seawall. So off I went in the air, by the Seawall, and, as I was flying, I looked to the left and there were big tall skyscrapers. And that was it.

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Spreading Your Wings 31

Q: Dear Arrr, I’ve been sort of seeing a man that is in a relationship. They’ve been in thier relationship for over 2 years and currently live together. He and I have so much fun together and have an unbelievably steamy attraction to one another. I know it’s rocky between them but I don’t want to be that stepping stone in his “dealing with it.” I have feeling for him and can only see them getting stronger. What do I do?! -Stressed Out

Visit Go Local Texas Gulf Coast at http:// www.medlineplus. gov/tgc for local health resources in the Texas gulf coast area. We hope you have a happy and healthy holidays. And to a happy and healthy New Year!

A: Dear Stressed Out, Ok, either you are seeing him or not. When these situations occur, there isn’t a “sort of” gray shade area. It’s black or white. Unfortunately being the “other woman” means sacrificing the most. Of course you have your own reasons for being involved. Just remember two things. #1- Being a confident woman, you dnn’t need to play the juvenile games. Be happy with yourself and it will fall into place. #2.- Never lose grip of your self worth. He needs to make up his mind and you need to decide if you’re willing to deal

with the extra girl until he does. Good Luck! I know you’ll do the right thing for you. -Arlessa Q: Dear Arrr, All of my friends are in relationjships, marriages, or have children. I unfortunately am the only one “single with no ties” in our group. I feel like I need to be looking for someone but the more I look, the more it all goes wrong. What am I doing wrong? -Lonely

A: Dear Lonely, This is the classic case of pushing for something at the wrong time. You know the saying...”When you’re looking, you never find, but when you’re just happens?” Well apply that in the sense of taking it as a sign that you should be focusing on you and getting into a happy level on your won. It’s not always bad luck but good luck b/c something is stopping you from possibly getting into something you’re not ready for-no matter ho much you believe you are. There is alwyas a positive out of a negatie. Always keep that in mind. -Arr

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32 Spreading Your Wings

G’Wiz: Galveston Wizard

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