Galveston Wizard, Volume #2: Return Of The Galveston Wizard

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Galveston Wizard

Return of the Wizard


Not going to read the fine print? Give someone

50 c

otherwise, it’s free.

And we hit the ground running... After we had compiled all of the travels of the Galveston Wizard, we have to get them out there to our readers! (See Sower, Page 22) If you have a copy of the premiere issue, take care of your collector’s item! (Only 5,000 printed). However or wherever you got your copy of “The Return of the Wizard,” it is up to you to get the most out of it! (And tell your favorite businesses we need their support!) Convenience Stores: Bob’s Grocery, Cool Places: T.F. Hippie’s (Next Valero on 53rd and Stewart, Cold Store, Page!), Premiere Cinema, Island Bowl, H&R Grocery and Meat Market, others! Government buildings, more! Restaurants: DiBella’s, The Spot, Chico’s Paradise, El Jardin, Queen’s Bar-B-Que, Mosquito Cafe, Sunflower Bakery, What was once El Napolito III (Boo!), and others!

Bars: Molly’s, M3, Whiskey’s, Lucky Lounge, Toni’s Lazy Lounge, Poor Michael’s on the Strand, Coctails, Slices, Ju Ju’s Hangout and Bar, The Lounge, would have done Buck’s too, God rest her soul.

Entire Strips around town: Seawall, 61st Street, Broadway, The Strand.

Schools: COM, UTMB, A&M, Galveston College, Ball High

(See the full distribution list on our Web site!) However you got your copy of the Galveston Wizard, we have made great effort to bring it to you! We hope you take the time to enjoy all of the things we have included in this issue! John and Ben (top) helped us load up the first batch of Artists, musicians, things to do, food for thought, great dining suggestions, things to try! We Galveston Wizard’s. Robert (bottom) was a lifesaver in the look forward to hearing from you about interesting things we can pass on to our readers! distribution process!

Scroll through some thoughts from our readers! I came across your paper yesterday... I dont read newspapers... ever, but I was blown away with yours. I love all the subjects and the reaching out for the starving artist and promotions you guys do. My life’s goal is to be a photographer and when I saw that ya’ll are looking for that, I was enthralled! -Katherine Thanks Katherine! We look forward to seeing what type of photography you can do! Email us your pictures and if it cuts the mustard we will put it out there for Galvestonians to see! Be sure to include captions, if necessary. I am a volunteer with Whiskerville Animal Sanctuary in Texas City. I know we advertise in a few local sources. Since your publication is new, I thought I’d tell our director about it, but I wanted to have more info for her first. Do you have a discount advertising rate for non-profits? Also, were you the one who ran

through the Island Community Center yesterday passing them out? -Lisa Thank you so much for your interest in the Galveston Wizard! As to non-profits, I should say so! We love non-profits! Check our Web site for advertising rates and info. We look forward to promoting your business. I just picked up your paper and I have to tell you I see great potential good for you. Would be great if it was weekly you should go after Marsha Mellow she writes for the Twisted Parrot she is freaking hilarious. Keep up the work and keep me posted if you get Marsha Mellow. -Maxx Maxx, first of all, Marsha Mellow sounds delicious, we will see what her writing schedule looks like for you. We appreciate your input and we think it would be great if it were a weekly too! Our biggest problem right now is the countless visits to local

businesses that are still riding the fencepost on advertising with us. Once we get more advertisers, we will be able to do much more with the publication! Thank you for your time! I got suckered into meeting my sister for coffee this morning at a local coffee shop and ran across your publication. This in itself was quite lucky for me. Short explanation--my sister is about as exciting as watching the grass grow. I was thrilled to have something “new” to read. Honestly, I began to flip thru the pages to avoid conversation (after all, it was far too early for grass watching). Then I discovered I was actually enjoying reading the articles. There are educated opinions, local information, and best of all--humor. An absolute delight--and that’s a high compliment from me---I don’t do “delightful” that early in the morning. Thanks again for the morning “save”. -Becca

Becca, Thanks for the input! We can tell you are a wise beyond your years. We are glad you were able to enjoy your copy of the Galveston Wizard, and we look forward to hearing from you again real soon! Hey, good to see a new paper for we islanders. Always room for a new product. Don’t have anything for you right now, except for one thought: “You don’t have to be a member of the KKK to be a wizard under the sheets.” Traveler Uh, thanks! Good to be here. Remember, our Wizard is more Gandalf, Merlin, or even Harry Potter, and less 1989 family movie featuring Luke Edwards and Fred Savage or the “clan”... oh, I’m sorry...”klan” But thanks for the joke anyway! Send us your thoughts, suggestions, ideas or comments! thewiz@

A Wizard can do nothing without his helpful staff! A special thanks to all of the businesses and people that made this publication possible. Publisher David Torkelson Editor In Chief David Torkelson Assistant Editors David Nielsen Chance Weatherly Eric Greer Advertising Director David Torkelson

Advertising Representatives Chance Weatherly Robert Rodriguez Steven “Paul” Kelley Contributing Writers David Torkelson Scott Koenning Robert Rodrigues Laurie Gorham Chance Weatherly George Douglas Lee Rebecca Adler Amy Pace Eric Alonzo Captain Chinbeard

Photography David Torkelson Chance Weatherly Robert Rodrigues Todd Desbin

DiBella’s Chico’s Paradise

Technical Support Steven “Paul” Kelley Web Development David Torkelson

Graphic Design/Layout David Torkelson

Web Advertising David Torkelson

Contributing Artists Kevin Kjornes Isaac Almaguer

Distribution David Torkelson Robert Rodrigues Chance Weatherly

Web site: email: [email protected] phone: 409.621.2864 mail: P.O. Box 3467 Galveston Texas 77552-3467

Giny Hogan T.F. Hippie’s Balloon Plumbing and Air Quizno’s Ca$h Car$ Bill Tanner Your name here!

Return of the Wizard m


Please stop and read this!!!

This publication is designed to be a companion to you for Galveston. Let the Galveston Wizard guide you through interesting and fun places, people, things and ideas. We’ve painstakingly compiled the quests of the Galveston Wizard, with an eye to things to come. We hope you enjoyed the premiere issue, and we trust that you will enjoy the “Return of the Wizard.” Special thanks go out to all who took the time to read it. Also the people and organizations and people that took the time to help us along the way...and the advertisers that helped us pay for it! Didn’t get to see the premiere issue? You can check out to see what you missed. We got a lot of good responses from readers, and we thoroughly enjoyed sharing our publication with you all! Thank you for all of the support and encouragement. Our first publication presented an interesting dilemma. A free publication to readers is not free to those who

publish it. In fact, there is a lot of time involved in compiling, composing, and presenting useful information to Galvestonians. We wish to bring interesting and cool things to those who take the time to read our publication. We also greatly appreciate the support of current businesses advertising with us and look forward to working with all types of businesses to build their relationship with them customers. If you like what we are doing and you can appreciate our style, please spread the word. Mention it to others. Offer suggestions, advertise, Write us! If you’ve got something you want to teach or educate Galveston on, let us help spread the word! Got helpful hints? Something as simple as reminding people to put things back at a grocery store if they don’t want it, if only because someone has to spend countless hours every day putting them back in their correct place. Take your time and enjoy this publication. You can read it cover to cov-

er. There’s no rush. It should provide enough things for you to do, see, or think about until we get the next one to you. Remember, our ultimate goal is a weekly, but we need your help, the help of the community, and support from local businesses and shops. Businesses that withdrawl form advertising because business is slow are continuing an unfortunate cycle. The opposite holds true, this publication offers it’s readers and their businesses the opportunity to showcase themselves and support our publication at the same time. “How do I help?” You ask. T.F. Hippie’s below is a prime example of just such an advertiser. Susannah Holmes, the owner, also directed “The Foreigner” which recently performed at the Strand Theatre. (Check it out, page 25) We need the help of local businesses to help you help them. Try to de-condition yourself from mindlessly flipping through these pages and thinking you’ve read it all!

Wish you could feel like a kid again? Is there one toy from your childhood that you can’t seem to shake from your mind? Have you been itching to play with a hacky sack or bouncy ball? Let us guide you to a perfect solution to your dilemma! A walk thru of T.F. Hippie’s (24th and Mechanic) will bring back what was that noise? unique memories from the past! Why not bring home something for your child that you enjoyed as a child! And for the Grown up kids, there have been all kinds of advances in the world of all things that bring us joy, the “toy.” Come and see! Our most recent encounter with T.F.Hippies was as much fun as the time before. (this time we tried to set up some “b-movie horror murder victims” toys around Rocco, the store’s lovable cat. But like any tempermaental star, you only get two takes and they’re outta there!) I wanted to give my friend’s son some cool stuff for his birthday, and I knew this was the place. “I need something for a 2 year old boy.” is a comthe lava lamp! mon sentence theme at the store. Helpful staff then helped me find something that he would like. (And yes, we will return for a hacky sack!) I brought the toys to the party and they were a huge hit! The only thing he may have liked more than the toys was his birthday cake! Then it’s back to the toys! Want to bring some joy to someone’s life? Get them something they’ll love at T.F. Hippies! Located on 2415 Ship’s Mechanic Row, and open Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun 126. For more information, call 409-762-1969 . You can also check out their Web site at! Remember, Peace, Love and Toys! Get one of their new T-shirts while supplies last!

$2 off a Regular or Large Combo at

Dig in! If you get an idea that you think would be interesting to share with Galveston, then write to us and we will help you spread the word! The Wizard will continue to visit Galveston only if the people want him to be here. We’ve got to organize, people! And we’ve got to do it together. Let’s put petty differences aside and work toward building a perfect paradise. We can neither fund nor continue this publication without your help, and the help of advertisers, and the help of leaders in the community. We can also not do this publication without the support of you, the reader! Visit our advertisers and tell them you sent them! See a friend in the paper? Bring them a copy! Check out our Web site at www., or email us at [email protected] with your ideas, suggestions, leads, inquiries, schedules, needs, and anything other way the Galveston Wizard can help you AND the community.

Attempt to set up Rocco picture interrupted when the star decided he was done posing for the day...

cake and toys?!

New Shirts On Sale Now!

Never forget that you’re a member of your own community. Don’t do something that you wouldn’t like to see done.

with this coupon. Hrs: Mon-Fri 11:00 to 8:00 pm, Sat and Sun 11-3:00pm.

Valid only at 2221 Market St. Galveston One coupon per customer per visit.

Keith Richman, Building Buzz for Your Web Project, SXSW 2006

4 Return of the Wizard

Galveston Wizard

Retirement Money Issue

by Eric Alonzo All things considered, we are rapidly approaching the end of our social security resources. The hope of social security is that all those able body workers in today’s society will put in more money that today’s seniors are taking out. My dad use to say, “Hope in one hand and spit in the other and see which one fills up first”. (Or something like that.) The unemployment rate is at an all time high; and qualified worker are being laid off at an alarming rate. Don’t think it affects you? Think again. Ask around town and see how many of the recently laid off UTMB workers have found new jobs? With the economy headed for a recession, can we really afford to tap into the unemployment resources? Those of you who are not aware how our current social security system works, let me break it down for you. Take a close look at your last paycheck stub. Listed with your deductions, there is a line that is marked as social security. Each of your checks are discounted a percentage of your gross income. That money is accumulated from the first time you ever clock in, to the last. By the time you’re a senior and receive your dues, the government gives you about $500.00 per month.(If you are lucky) My relatives, blessed with longevity, will probably live as many as twenty years after receiving their first social security check. Let my do the math for you, that’s over one hundred thousand dollars. Five hundred dollars a month is not enough for any adult to survive, but for the government it’s too much to give away.(Thus our rapidly depleting resources.) Will there still be money available for you when you can’t provide for yourself? Not if there are no workers to add to the pot. The government is banking on you not living very long. Actually, the sooner you go the better. Here is my advice. Rather than give the money to support seniors who may have had a chance to secure their future, why not invest in the youth.

It’s no secret that young people are among the heaviest spenders in our society. Develop a trust fund for every natural born citizen, so that they have finished with high school, (another requirement?) they can use the money to go to college. Lets face it, many students don’t qualify for scholarships. With requirements getting tougher, the pickings are getting slimmer. For those who don’t need it for college, they could use the money as a seed to start their own business after school. Either way the money would circulate much faster and more efficiently. This jolt in the economy could easily support Medicare and Medicaid, as well as produce new jobs. (New bosses, means new employees). If capped, the government could ensure that the resource are not underestimated. By giving one set rate to each citizen, the government wouldn’t have to bank on you passing too soon. As a matter of fact, they would probably benefit from you thriving. We could cancel our current social security system and provide medical insurance to all of our citizens under the same tax. Instead of punishing the parent, juvenile offenders would be able to pay their own debt from their own fund. That way you aren’t taking the money straight out the parent’s pocket, or from the child’s mouth. I guarantee that any child would learn their lesson if they had to reap the consequences themselves. We could provide financial advisers in the public schools to ensure the young adults would respect their responsibilities right away and with an assisted view of their future. (Again more jobs) A better understanding of what they have to offer the world and not what the world has to offer them. Wouldn’t a system such as this help to create a more self-sufficient human, rather than a dependent? Our future deserves a fighting chance. Let us help! Check out www.socialsecurity. gov or call them at 1-800-772-1213 for more information.

(as seen in Justice Center)

Quit Riding the Fence! Business owners! Organizations! People! We want your success! We want to bring positive changes and ideas to the community. The more pulling of purse strings, extra trips, pitty parties and dodgings we get, the less time we can spend developing quality edutainment for the readers! Help make our relationship as friendly and efficient as possible! We can’t afford this publication without your help, and we look forward to our shared success!

Ask & you shall receive! We here at the Wizard have heard the cries of our fans and responded. Discard the taboo title of your: “Baby’s (Momma or Daddy)” The new Politically Correct title:


Wanted! Here is a brief list of things we need help with at the Galveston Wizard! Any assistance you may have will be greatly appreciated! *Tips on Starting a new business (preferably from someone who has started and runs a successful small business, what makes it work, etc.) We want to pass on your knowledge to the readers! Information on applying for Business Loan would be an added bonus to budding entrepreneurs in Galveston *Advice for us on how to make our Web site helpful and lucrative (if you don’t use it, it’s not working right.) Also, layout ideas, assistance, etc. *Cool and unique places to go. We can only be at one place at once, but we would love to check out cool local hangouts, and promote them! *Any advertising leads, or ideas, will not only help us to help the business (if they let us help them, see article above). We are also looking for intelligent, pro-active businesses who are looking to creatively and effectively promote their business! *Pictures worth a thousand words, (captions if you’d like) *Cool events you know of or are a part of, we want in! *People to spread the word about the Galveston Wizard!

Muhammad taking it one day at a time. Visit him at the Valero on 53rd and Avenue S. A real cool guy!

7-year-old Jedi the Cat’s main responsiblity is guarding the safe.

Return of the Wizard


Wrap your mind around these questions! Exercising the brain is as im- you said “milk,” don’t attempt the divided into West Germany and bus; In Reading, six people get

portant as exercise body. As we grow older, it’s important to remain mentally alert. If you don’t use it, you lose it! Below is a very private way to gauge your loss or non-loss of intelligence. Take the test presented here to determine if you’re losing it or not. The spaces below are so you don’t see the answers until you’ve made your answer.

next question. Your brain is overstressed and may even overheat. Content yourself with reading a more appropriate literature such as Auto World. However, if you said “water”, proceed to question 3.

3. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink OK, relax, clear your mind bricks and a black house is and begin. made from black bricks, what is a green house made from? 1. What do you put in a toaster? Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass. If you said Answer: “bread.” If you said “green bricks,” why are you still “toast,” give up now and go do reading these??? something else. Try not to hurt If you said “glass,” go on to yourself. If you said, bread, go to Question 4. Question 2. 4. It’s twenty years ago, and a 2. Say “silk” five times. Now plane is flying at 20,000 feet over spell “silk.” What do cows drink? Germany (If you will recall, GerAnswer: Cows drink water. If many at the time was politically






409-763-5448 “A real fitness center that offers real professional help that produces real results.”

East Germany.) Anyway, during the flight, TWO engines fail. The pilot, realizing that the last remaining engine is also failing, decides on a crash landing procedure. Unfortunately, the engine fails before he can do so and the plane fatally crashes smack-dab in the middle of “no man’s land” between East Germany and West Germany. “Where would you bury the survivors? East Germany, West Germany, or no man’s land”?

Answer: “Oh, for crying out loud!” Don’t you remember your own name? It was YOU!!

Answer: You don’t bury survivors. It’s ok, 95% of people fail If you said ANYTHING else, most of the questions. you’re a dunce and you must stop NOW! If you said, “You Take your time to fully enjoy don’t bury survivors”, proceed to all of the offerings of The Galvesthe next question. ton Wizard. We look forward to hearing about any ideas, jokes, 5. Without using a calculator- stories or other mind-benders You are driving a bus from Lon- you think other Galvestonians don to Milford Haven in Wales... might enjoy! Email us at thewiz@ In London, 17 people get on the

Auction price below Blue Book mobility.

Ballin’ or Broke


Whether you’ve got $1,000 or $10,000

Quality Used Cars Models from ‘96 - ‘06 with low mileage We’ve got what you need At the price you are looking for. Jr.’s First Car Second Family Car Economic Hoo-Doo

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Call for appointment. Serious Inquiries only. Financing is available. 12 - 18 Month Term.

Lose the flab, people!

Cat steals scene in shot of Johan.

off the bus and nine people get on... In Swindon, two people get off and four get on... In Cardiff , 11 people get off and 16 people get on... In Swansea, three people get off and five people get on... In Carmathen, six people get off and three get on... You then arrive at Milford Haven. What was the name of the bus driver?

We can all appreciate a well maintained physique. We used to be, at one time, in pretty good shape ourselves. Our busy schedule seems to have wretched the “hour- a-day” of exercise away from us. “Oh well.” we say as we put another cheesecake away. It’s not too late! You can get back in shape! You can feel good about how you look again! (Your confidence in yourself is beautiful!) Count your calories and “take the long way home.” Take in less calories than you burn. What is your excuse? You don’t have time. You’ll start next week. I’ve been meaning to get back. Force yourself to do something. Take a walk on the Seawall (or Broadway for the advanced) Buy a bike and use it. Get a gym membership and set realistic goals. You will be amazed at how much your confiKeita, a friendly portrait artist, at work dence increases! There IS a good gym close to you! on the Strand. We gave him a copy of the I know. I know. We are mainly preaching to ourselves! But this is an issue we must address. Get fit! Galveston Wizard, but we both had to get

6 Return of the Wizard

You’ve got a strong back... Go get a job!

Galveston Wizard

No matter what you want to do in life, you need money. Money, or specifically the lack thereof, can spin you into a world of worry and frustration. The best way to solve the money issue is to find and keep a job, and that can be a very frustrating and drawn out process. It’s either that or attempting to scrounge up enough money for rent every month and cringing another wave of bills is about to hit. Think we don’t know what we are talking about? We at the Wizard also work full-time jobs too. The Island Community Center, on

47th and Broadway, offers a wide assortment of services to residents of Galveston County and beyond! From the 4 C’s Clinic, (Next Page), the Worksource, United Way, Hollistic CDC (which is a cool program that helps young males and females stay on track by mentoring and tutoring, as well as many others.) Just fill out a form to get the ball rolling! You can also get Vital Statistics, such as Birth Certificates (with a valid ID), Death Records, etc. at the Center (for the County of Galveston, excluding Texas City, they have their own thing going on.) Then there is the WIC (Woman Infant Children), which provides vouchers for things

Employment Counselors are ready to help you find the job that’s right for you. Charles McVey acts as coordinator for all aspects of the organization. Give them the opportunity to help you find the job that’s right for you. (Unless you are already loving your present job, which you should.)

Rita Boyer, supervises WorkSource activities in Galveston. The program is designed to help you find a job, and work on your resume. They also offer interviewing training, job hunting skills and other things that will help you get that job and in the money!

like milk, formula, and cheese. (Whether or not this encourages people to make more babies or to work to accomodate the existing number of babies has yet to be seen.) Utilizing these programs gives you, fellow Galvestonian, the opportunity to get that much needed leg-up. Should you land that job, show yourself to be invaluable and reliable at that job, and they will reward you with more responsibility and more pay. As your rank increases, and your co-workers grow to like you more, you will be able to impact your workplace environment more positively. And all the while your

Feeling like the Matrix’s “Hallway of Doors”?! “Wizardly” helpful staff will guide you to where you want to be. (But if you do meander, there are all kinds of services and organizations in this building. Check it out, ask about it!

resume is looking better and better. Helping to persude your employers’ to offer you more money! Check out for more info or stop in at 47th and Broadway and check it out for yourself!

Can’t seem to land that job you want? The Worksource Galveston offers classes like beginning and advanced Resumes and Nail the interview!

Check out postings for current classes and sessions on useful things. Here we show a free class for a Good Enough Diploma (GED). If you want or need one, earn one!

Fix 'Em for $5 this Fall

If a job posting says...

The Galveston Island Humane Society (GIHS) is joining the local Veterinarians to assist Galveston Island low income families with spay/neuter service for their pets.

Equal Opportunity Employer and Drug Screening

November 8, 2006

Animal Clinic Campeche CoveAnimal Hospital Galveston Veterinary Clinic IslandAnimal Hospital To qualify, clients must bring proof of participation in one of the following programs: Food Stamps, WIC, Medicaid, SSI, SSD,AIDS Foundation, VADisability, or Section 8 Housing.

Call the GIHS, (409) 740-1919 to schedule the surgery.

Do you see him up there?

...are they still Discriminating? While it may be a logical requirement for a job like the one to the left, it could be a barrier to fully capable and productive employees for you. Food for thought.

Return of the Wizard


True medical assistance? What is the Four C’s Clinic? It is a part of an effort to bring medical,

dental, and other essential services to those in Galveston who need it, but can’t afford it. The Clinic, inside the Island Community Center, offers such services to Galvestonians. All charges are based on your income, so many fee’s will almost bend into the proportionately affordable. Some people are lucky enough to work at a place where coverage is offered, but even then it still costs a lot of money for coverage. It’s like gambling whether or not you will need financial coverage in case you should get hurt or need assistance. (It is a wise idea to get at least some coverage if you can, we’ll cover that later.) For more information on what things you need to bring in for a visit, call 409.763.7200. There is a $12 copay no matter what, and then there is a sliding scale based on factors such as income, household size, etc. You must be a resident of Galveston County, and you must be able to prove that you are. (Make sure you to call to make sure you have the correct documents before you go.) Be sure to come early and make an appointment if you wish to come. (call 409-9382234). After you get seen at the Four C’s, you can get back out there to get to where you want to be... On your feet and healthy.

Ask Bruse Loyd: Our readers bounced a few questions off of legal guru Bruse Loyd, see what he had to say!

when you were stopped and before your friend was ticketed.

1) I recently got a ticket for having an open container in a vehicle. It was a ridiculous situation where the “Catch 22” was in full effect. My question is that the insurance was in my friend’s name and it was his car and they wrote him the ticket. How do I take care of this problem?

2) My Landlord recently sold the property I live in. The new owners live far away and are trying to make us switch the water and gas into our names. They say that the water and gas are not explicitly covered in the lease and then we were told that we were going to have to assume it for a slightly discounted rate on our rent! What can we do?

Whoever received the ticket is responsible for it and will carry it on their record. You can pay your friends expenses related to the ticket, but there is not much else you can do. It’s not likely that you could now convince the ticketing officer or the court that you should be the one cited. The time to address that was

When questions arise regarding real estate, always look to the writing. You’ve stated that you have a lease. That lease should detail all parties’ rights and responsibilities. If it does not, contact your landlord, make them aware of this, and seek to work out a fair compromise. I do not recommend taking a

Preparation on your part can greatly reduce the stress of a visit to the Clinic.

Editor’s note:The information in this column is not intended as legal advice but to providee a general understanding of the law. Readers with legal problems, including those whose ques-tions are addressed here,, should consult attorneys y for advice on their particular p circumstances.

hard line against any landlord initially. The law tends to favor them and it doesn’t take a lot of time, expense or effort to put you on the street. If you can’t reach a compromise, and even if the landlord’s wrong, make sure you have a fall back position (another place to sleep) before declaring legal war. 3) I was recently fired from my place of employment. They put me down as “eligible for rehire,” but when I filed a wrongful termination complaint at the human resources department, they changed my rehire status to “Ineligible for rehire.” Can they do that? Sure. A company can determine that it would rehire you, and then change its mind and decide that it would never hire you again, even if the reason were because you filed a claim against them. However, the

company could violate the law if it were to fire you after you filed some complaint. There are whistleblower statutes and retaliation laws that protect employees from being punished for seeking to protect their rights or report wrongdoing. It’s not per se illegal for a company to dislike you, mistreat you or generally make your life miserable. However, a company cannot take such actions against you if the actions are motivated by age, race, gender, national origin, disability, etc.

Looking for legal representation? Give Bruse Loyd a call. Bruse Loyd of Jones, Gillaspia & Loyd, L.L.P looks forward to helping you. Contact Bruse Loyd at (713)2405646 for more information.

Free HIV Testing & Support Group at ACCT, INC. 707 Tremont (409)763-2437 Testing Times: Tues.10am-1pm Wed.1pm-4pm Thurs.10am-12:30pm Don’t Forget that special Charlie sauce on my burger!

Healthy Relations Support Group meets every Tues. & Thurs. 10:30-11:30

All testing is completely confidential

More false advertising? Look at the size of that box! And then we opened it up and there was a small shrunkwrapped bag inside...what gives?

8 Return of the Wizard Condos Sink The Mayflower?

By George Douglas Lee

”Neighbors are very important to us,” states Louis Conrad, developer of the new Tuscany condominiums to be constructed at 802 Seawall Blvd. Currently the unusual Mayflower Inn. “We’ve met with Marsh Davis of GHF and with the San Jacinto Neighborhood Association. We’ve asked for feedback and explained our plans. We are sensitive to the concerns of neighbors!” The Inn is one of the few examples of Mimetic architecture in Texas. It was originally built for the Hill family as the S.S. Galveston in 1941 and designed by architect Ben Milam. Milam lived in Galveston for many years. “Ben had a quirky sense of humor, and the S.S. Galveston was symbolic of his great love for the Island,” noted his granddaughter Pamela Hatch. He designed the hotel in the nautical modernistic style of architecture popular in the 30’s and 40’s. Though the ship-shaped structure is certainly unique, it will never set sail. If all goes according to plan, the Mayflower will be demolished October 2006 and new condominiums will rise in its place.

“Many tell us the Mayflower is an eyesore and they’d like to see it go,” Mr. Conrad added. “We are always concerned about the emotional value of buildings like this.” As I waited to meet with Mr. Conrad, I took a look around the Mayflower. Though born on the Island, I had never been inside it. Surprisingly the hotel was well maintained, and doing brisk weekend business. While I was there, a number of families came in to register. Conrad said he met with GHF and the City Planning Dept. to determine if the existing hotel had any historical value. “Marsh Davis wanted us to preserve the Mayflower.” Nonetheless, during the interview Conrad said it did not have historical significance. “Our engineers told us the structure is too weak, and it will have to be demolished. We responded to concerns about the height of the building by agreeing to make it only five and a half stories tall.” GHF and SJNA member Bob Brown was also at that meeting. “Not only is the Mayflower a Galveston landmark and icon, according to the Texas Historical Commission, it is eligible for historical protection. Unfortunately, only the owner can initiate that

process.” Brown elaborated that there is an option to document it as an historical landmark with the U.S. Library of Congress. This involves submitting floor plan drawings, photographs and archival data, so that it’s unique characteristics may be viewed in the future. Unfortunately, the Library of Congress landmark process costs several thousand dollars. Mr. Conrad has declined initiating the process. Despite common belief, at the time this goes to press Mr. Conrad and his associates having paid $150,000 in non-refundable money to secure the deal, the sale has not yet closed. Mr. Conrad was asked what prompted selecting a site in SJN. “We chose this area because it has a nice, well maintained beachfront, it’s close to Houston, and close to many restaurants and the Strand,” he replied. “It already has a condominium high-rise (Emerald by the Sea), hotels and restaurants, we felt we would not disrupt the neighborhood with a five-and-a-half story building, as opposed to some areas on the Island that are strictly single family homes and almost no commercial buildings. People do not have to drive all the way to the west end.” Though Conrad is convinced

Galveston Wizard that neighborhood residents want to see the Mayflower demolished, this writer talked to a number who hoped that at least the façade could be preserved. I agree. From my view, the Mayflower, another victim of “development”, a colorful fragment of Galveston’s eclectic charm is being paved away to make room for concrete and glass. Recently I’ve watched portraiture of Galveston disappear to make room for projects to the detriment of our unique ambience. Will we put a drive-thru at the Bishop’s Palace? Will Ashton Place become a bed and breakfast? Surely the Hotel Galvez would make an ideal theme park. In the race to develop and turn the Island into an exhibit at Disney World we’re losing sight of why people come here and why Galveston has endured disasters that would have driven residents away from other towns. It’s about a culture like no other in the U.S. The Mayflower, though rather late to Galveston’s culture club, is a symbol as significant as the Galvez and St. Mary’s. Pamela Hatch summed it up when she said; “The S.S. Galveston was a great memory as a child, if it goes Galveston will lose another part of its charm.”

Meet Deem Realty’s

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Benjamin Gribble

can teach you how to play music by ear! "I come to where you are."

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A group of people apparently practicing color-guard in the parking lot at Ball High! Scholarships Available Get involved and support our local schools! After school programs and organizations like this one here help form lifelong friendGraduate, SF ships and fun. Conservatory of Music in Composition

Roshawn is still holding out on us on sending us some of his cool artwork. Skills!

Return of the Wizard


Adventures in Democr acy

Would it freak you out to find out that you have as much or as little control over your situation as you choose to exercise? In order for voting to be effective for best representing you in your city, town or isand, you have to do it. We know, it sucks. You have to be somewhere at a certain time and do something that may seem remedial and pointless. But your vote can count! This is what we’ve learned, you first needed to have registered to vote. If you did not, then you cannot vote and all of those signs along Broadway and in people’s yards don’t apply to you. Early Voting Begins October 23, and continues into the actual November Electon. There is actually one big election at the end, (we believe), but they give people the opportunity to vote early and “miss the crowd.”

With a publication this size, and to do everything we want to do as it happens, we effectively “rent” out space to cool businesses and places to promote themselves. As we get more people and businesses on board, we will be able to more effectively and efficiently explore many of the things going on, how we can guide you through to success. Check out for more information on Voting Procedures and places in Galveston, and keep up with the Daily News for daily information on candidates, and hopefully we’ll be able to get more information for you in the future. Got an event we should know about? Email us! We want to promote your events and functions! Email us at Check out Pathways on 3212 Q 1/2 November 4th for a political [email protected] discussion. Call 771-4122 for more information.

Hoy Polloi, Galveston Boy

With alter-egos such as Hoy Polloi and Kid Furious, Isaac Almaguer, 27, has been living in Galveston “forever,” or so he says. He is a b.o.i, and his passion for the arts has found a forum with the Galveston Wizard! Look for his regular installment of Victory Ave. in our publication, and check out some of his artwork from a short series under development! Keep the good stuff coming! It’s your world. You create it! Hoy Polloi, his pen name, comes from the phrase, Hoi Polloi, which means “the common people,” but he changed the “i” to “y” because that is just how creative he is! (Seriously, this artist has much more in store for you people out there.) In addition to Coloring and Stylizing the Cover done by Kevin Kjornes, Hoy Polloi also designed and colored the back cover send-off!

Isaac Strip

Setting up Shop Big James, formerly of the tattoo shop on Seawall, has moved to Texas City. His new parlor is located at 2332 Palmer Highway, next to the bowling alley. You didn’t think all Their Grand the tattoo options Opening is schedyou see on the walls uled for Nov. 1st, of tattoo parlors with specials like put themselves up, “$30 dollars for did you? any piercing (jewelry included).” They are also offering a 10% off discount to repeat customers. Questions or comments? Call Big James himself at 409.682.1726 to set up an appointment. Come check out his shop and get some ink done! (Don’t be afraid of the causeway, it isn’t a barrier, but rather a portal!) For quality tattoos, check out Big James. And tell him we sent you!

10 Return of the Wizard

Galveston Wizard

How an Antique Communion Set survived fires and floods

For its September Treasure of the Month, the Rosenberg Library exhibited a pewter communion set used by the congregation of St. Paul German Presbyterian Church in Galveston. Organized in 1857, St. Paul’s was located on the south side of Avenue H (Ball Avenue) between 16th Street and 17th Street. The original wooden church building was among the many structures destroyed by the devastating fire of November 13, 1885. The fire, which began at a foundry near The Strand and 17th Street, blazed its way north to south from the Strand to Avenue O, and east to west from 16th Street to 19th Street. Nearly 600 homes and 42 blocks of Galveston’s East End were obliterated. During reconstruction of its own church, the congregation of St. Paul’s was temporarily headquartered at Trinity Episcopal’s Eaton Chapel. St. Paul continued to serve Galveston’s German Presbyterian community until its dissolution in 1909.

When the church closed in 1909, the communion service was placed in the custody of Elder Charles Angerhoffer. It was the wish of Mr. and Mrs. Angerhoffer that the set be given to the Rosenberg Library after their deaths. In 1951, the Presbytery of Houston approved the request and donated the six-piece communion set to the library. Damage to the communion service was said to have occurred when the church was partially wrecked in the Great Storm of September 8, 1900. The Rosenberg Library Treasure of the Month can be viewed Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The artifacts will be on display in the Hutchings Gallery, located on the library’s third floor. For more information, please contact Eleanor Clark at 409-763-8854, ext. 125. Check in at the Hutchings Gallery for exciting new entries in Galveston’s Gallery. Want to help? Become a “Friend of the Rosenberg Library. Ask your librarian for

Six piece pewter communion service from St. Paul German Presbyterian Church, Galveston. Made by Adams Chandler & Co. and Adams Hallock & Co., 1871. The communion set survived two of Galveston’s greatest disasters—The Fire of 1885 and the Great Storm of 1900. more details! Remember, those who choose to not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Set Realistic Goals... ...then find smart people that can help you reach those goals... sample goal.. 2 huge flights of stairs with a full keg.

...And great will be your shared success!

You’re never to old or young to have an idea that might make a difference! Let us help spread the news! Email us at thewiz@

(check out the “eye bar” shades we found, should help us keeping from taking pictures that get us fired!)

There is a huge industry market in GalvesKarla and Adrienne are Waffle House guton, not to mention the Medical and Police ru’s. If you say “yes” to everything Karla asks World! More great late nite dining options like on your burger, it will be decked out (but 3 dolthis one please! And let us tell people about it! lars more expensive...worth every penny.)

Return of the Wizard 11 You can always count on DiBella's Italian Restaurant to deliciously capture the taste of Italy, literally in the neighborhood! Located at 31st and Ave P, DiBella's has been serving up Great Italian Food to Galvestonians and their visitors for over 16 years. Blending fine pastas with unique and flavorable sauces is second nature to this memorable Local Hotspot. Whether you're looking for chicken, veal, shrimp, Galveston Island 31st and Ave P eggplant, snapper, tuna or steak, they've got it all. Favorites such as the Seafood Combo or Steak and Pasta keep people coming back for years! The Seafood Combo features grilled shrimp and fish of the day (snapper), topped with lump crab meat all over Fettucine, with your choice of sauce (marinara or cream sauce.) The Steak, available as a 8-10 ounce Filet, or a 14-16 ounce Ribeye, is splashed with DiBella's family secret recipe marinade and grilled to your specifications. Tuesday - Three Cheese Chicken ($6.95) Addition options such as succulent crabmeat or their Wednesday - Pork Chop and Pasta ($7.95) Tomato, Onion, and Mushroom Combo sauteed in their special marinade are also available. Thursday - Meatloaf and Pasta ($6.95) Most entrees are served with fine pastas, such as Friday - Shrimp DiBella ($7.95) or Fettucine Alfredo or Angel Hair with Marinara, or steamed veggies. All entrees include side salad and Plain Primavera ($6.95) garlic bread. The mellow atmosphere perfected, DiBella's is sure to happening tonight! Make tonight a special night. Come make friends and enjoy great Italian Food. Staff and customers agree, visiting DiBella's is like visiting your Friday - Tuna or Fish of Day with 3 grilled shrimp topped family. Whether dining in or on the go, the sights, smells, with lump crab meat, on a bed of Fettucine DiBella. ($24.95) tastes and sounds of DiBella's Italian Restaurant await Saturday- Grilled Chicken Breast over pastaprimavera, you. Come early if you wish to avoid the rush, or make topped with crab meat. ($24.95) reservations at (409)763-9036 so they know when to (Alternate) Surf and Turf. Strips of ribeye and 3 grilled expect you. Remember, Cash or Check only - no credit cards accepted. shrimp topped with crab and served on a bed

Mo' Bettah Meatballs

Di Bella's


" Where the locals eat." Lunch Specials

Dinner Specials

of pasta primavera. ($24.95)

Hours of Operation Tuesday - Friday 11a.m.-2p.m

Tuesday-Thursday; Sunday 5 p.m.- 9:30 p.m*

Friday - Saturday 5 p.m.- 10:00 p.m*

Stop in at get great Italian Food tonight! Remember, it’s on 31st and Ave P, and it’s “where the locals eat!”

Special thanks to Michele for her 14 years of service. Happy retirement, Michele!

To make reservations call (409)763-9036 *business permitting, please make reservations when dining late

The Picture we asked you to recognize in the last issue is located on 33rd and Ave O. Thank you for playing! Something happened to the side of the building but they fixed it up nicely! The finished and repainted “Washateria” phrase is back. Keep it up with the upkeep , Galveston! Support organizations like Clean Galveston, and let’s keep Galveston beautiful!

Edward at DiBella’s is always upbeat and cheerful! Catch him at Eternal Rock Will and Blue take a break from performChristian Church on 4913 O and a half and ing demolitions for renovations to the Old see what he’s so excited about! Grand National on 21st and Mechanic!

12 Return of the Wizard

Galveston Wizard

Face your fears! Visit the dentist!

There was a slightly overcast, cinematically mirroring my anxiety, as I pulled up to the building. This was it. Over two years of avoidance and I was ready to submit myself to whatever horrors lie beyond the front doors for my teeth and gums at the dentist! With the things I do like smoking, drinking soda, and chewing glass shards, I was ready to turn myself in, as it were. I was recommended to Galveston Family Dentistry, off of Stewart Road, by a friend who said that Barbara Pickering and her staff make her visits painless and friendly. Kathy, put me right at e a s e when I walked in.

I was escorted back to the dreaded dentist chair. I sat down in it. Pretty comfy. I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans as I looked over the implements that might be soon punishing me. Enter Nancy, who first xrays my gums to see how my teeth look, and then proceeds to clean my teeth. The instrument they used on my teeth was more like a vibration rather than a scraping! We have apparently come a long way in dentistry in the last few years! So she cleaned my teeth and we talked about all sorts of things. I hate to say it, but it was pretty relaxing. It was like talking to a hair stylist, only your responses sound like “Gerch, Chat A’Chu Klock.” because of the suction tube and the hands at your mouth. (My tongue had a mind of it’s own and kept chasing strange fingers out of the way!)

While Galvestonians may be divided in their feelings on the annual motorcycle event, it does tremendous good for the island. The 2006 Lone Star Rally is going to be huge. (Thursday November 2, to Sunday November 5) Pick up a Galveston County Daily News for daily updates of event times and places or pick up last month’s Parrot for a free standing schedule of information on the long weekend. Instead of fighting regular events, locals should embrace and integrate themselves and their businesses into the functions! Lone Star Rally, Dicken’s, Mardi Gras, The Beach Party formerly known as Kappa, all offer us the ability to live in paradise and attract big city’s people businesses and dollars for our island to benefit from so we can make it an even better island. (They do bring their traffic though! Whew!) Don’t believe it? Check out the construction on 61st street. The new road is incredibly smooth. The bigger the success of the Rally, the bigger the reach of such quality roads. And with the rally bending the rules and regulations to suit it’s growth, it makes us all the more excited about planning our “Post Office Street Block Party”. Oops! We didn’t mean to say that....yet.

There is such a thing as a free meal! Our business card was picked from a bowl in the lobby at Queen’s Bar-B-Que and we won a free chopped beef bar-b-que sandwich, chips and a drink! Go get you some great bar-b-que at Queen’s on 35th, right next to Island Bowl off of the Seawall. Delicious!

Then Barbara Pickering Came in and successfully completed my visit with the final checkup! No Cavities! (Thank you flouride!) The Galveston Family Dentistry staff love what they do, and they pride themselves in quality, gentle dental care, delivered with a personal touch. It has been their pleasure to take care of generations of families. Remember, the keyword for your teeth is preventive maintenance. So if it’s been awhile, and you are anxious. It’s time to face your fears! (and tell ‘em we sent ya!) For more information on Galveston Family Dentistry, or to set up an appointment, call 409744-4330, or stop by their office at 8333 Stewart Road.

Above: Barbara Pickering D.D.S. and Lisa make final observations, offering helpful suggestions, ideas and opportunities to keep my teeth healthy and pain-free! (We stopped to pose for the picture, she does not do “no-look” dentistry!) Left: The staff of Galveston Family Dentistry are from left, Lisa, Kathy, Barbara and Nancy! (Not pictured is Pauline, whom everyone there seems to love.)

They come in peace. Pleasant Land Child Care


NOW ENROLLING “Texas Rising Star”

Check it out! A new stoplight at 83rd and Stewart Road!














1615-39TH STR (409)763-6009 / (409)766-7405

Return of the Wizard 13

My Fortress of Solitude

If you’ve never smoked cigarettes, you probably hate them. Your pinkish lungs and absurdly acute sense of smell have you cringing at the smells and sights of smoking. Somehow, many think that smoking is a sign of weakness. It is indeed a crutch, or rather, it may have been at one time, and has cleverly slipped itself into the habit realm. (Like our cumpulsive habit of doing sit-ups!) That is where the trouble begins (that and nicotine is absurdly addictive). We were recently able to go to the Houston Museum and see the Body Works Exhibit, where the human body is painstakingly disected so paying customers can see just how amazing the body is and how brutal we can be to it. Ultimately we have to quit, and while talking on cell phones loudly around others is often more annoying than a wandering puff of smoke, we had better kick the habit. How do you do that? Shit! Let us know how you do it! At some point we’ve got to exercise control of this crutch of ours. Nicotine Gums, Patches, Dental Floss (our idea! send us royalties if you successfully create and market it!!) or even hypnosis, rubber band flicks on the wrist, or family pictures are all tools to help you quit! (Why are patches and gum so expensive, anyways?) Besides, if you quit smoking a pack a day, you will save over a thousand dollars a year. We mainly wrote this to ourselves, but it’s food for thought anyway. Take it or leave it! Got suggestions for how you kicked the habit? Let us know! We can relay your wizardly skill in kicking the habit! Email us at [email protected]

Children Cell Phone Crazy I decided to embark on this information gathering journey after “debating” this very subject with my Mom. I believe that any age under 14 is too young for any child to have/own a cell phone. I’ve unofficially asked parents, that I run in to, how they felt about children and cell phones. One father I spoke to stated his daughter was not allowed to have or use a cell phone. His daughter is fourteen. When asked she admitted that most if not all of her friends have cell phones. I asked why his daughter wasn’t allowed to have a cell. His answer, surprisingly, “because you lose control over your child and what he/she does.” So I asked him what he meant. Simply put, you don’t know who your child is speaking to, when they’re going online to inappropriate websites, or most importantly, who are they talking to? I know many parents

by Laurie Gorham

say it allows parents to keep up with their children. My response to that is this: my parents and many others before and after them were/are able to keep up with their children just fine without the use of a cell phone. I can honestly say my parents knew where I was 97% of the time. The other 3%? Maybe it’s that 3% that lets you know how well your children listened to your lessons of life? Many parents give their children cell phones and expect them to be responsible, not go over minutes, and to use them only when necessary; in the next breath you’ll hear the same parents complain about how much homework Little Timmy has, how hard he has to work at said homework, and how Little Timmy has no time to be a kid. It’s contradictory. In my search for information, I went online to see what the “experts” had to say. I found one

article dated July 7th 2005*(From Yuki Noguchi, Staff writer for the Washington Post) that stated Sprint & Disney made a deal to offer wireless service directed towards 8 - 12 year olds. I saw a Disney commercial today advertising wireless service. According to the same article 25% of kids 12 & under “own” mobile phones. And another company were said to be launching a campaign to market to the 6 year old and over age group. There was even talk about offering insurance for child owned cell phones. Another website urged parents to purchase children prepaid phones, phones that only allow you to dial preset numbers, or ones that offered parental control. I ran into a lot of pros and cons on the subject of children owning cell phones but the bottom line is parents must decide based on their knowledge of their child whether or not Little

Timmy is mature and responsible enough to own a cell. Some sources suggested only purchasing one if little Timmy participates in a lot of extra curricular activities. Another suggested teaching kids cell phone etiquette. This is a wonderful idea, but who is going to teach them? The lady who is talking on the phone, while putting on her make-up, and driving. Perhaps the gentleman whose whole conversation can be heard from four aisles over in the grocery store? After lots of searching and reading I still feel a cell phone is alot of responsibility for any one under fourteen. Hell! Alot of adults have a hard time. I just hope parents don’t forget in the process to arm their children with the latest communication devices to keep open the channels of communication with their child without the use of an electronic device.

There it is again...

...the sudden urge for a cigarette.

One must exercise excruciating patience at the feeder light on 61st Street and Broadway.

Big Brother is watching. This artistic reminder is one of the many things you can look at while waiting for at the light mentioned in the previous panel! (Intersection cameras)

14 Return of the Wizard

Galveston Wizard

Oversaturation •Music, movie, book reviews, etc. •Pop culture commentary •Swearing by David Nielsen

The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold (Little, Brown 2002)

The words “gentle” and “well-considered” don’t usually come to mind when you’re trying to describe a book where the protagonist is raped, killed and dismembered in the first chapter. But Alice Sebold’s first novel The Lovely Bones certainly deserves those adjectives. Written from the perspective of 14 year old Susie Salmon, the book follows the progression of her soul into heaven after her murder, and of her friends and family’s grief playing itself out in often unexpected ways in the years afterward. It’s a bit of a hill to climb, starting your book by snuffing your most sympathetic character in such a nasty way, but to her credit Sebold handles the attack in a fairly realistic manner, without veering into particularly graphic territory at any point. As an undergraduate at Syracuse University, she was herself the victim of sexual assault and in fact went on to write a memoir about the event and its aftermath (Lucky, published in 1997) which cements her whole approach to the subject matter in a firm but sympathetic tone - there’s an impressive lack of histrionics on Susie’s part when recounting the details of the attack. The emotional fireworks are all reserved for her family, as they struggle to cope with a tragedy of this scale. You can of course ask “where can it go from here?” after finishing the first chapter, and it’s a reasonable question, and Sebold’s central conceit seems to be that yes, it’s horrible, and yes, nothing

can change it or resolve it or “top” it, but that doesn’t mean that what happens afterward is unworthy of examination and, in its own way, just as relevant. We see Susie’s family drift apart as the shock and grief transform them, each in drastically different ways. We see her killer, and recurring glimpses into his past, where Sebold stops just short of drawing any solid conclusion to vilify or vindicate him either way. We see it all through Susie’s eyes, watching now from heaven. A heaven where, it’s worth mentioning, the complementary parts of each person’s desires interlock to create a communal afterlife and split off to afford people a space of their own as well. Sebold’s idea of heaven is interesting, and of course central to the narrative, but it’s also the source of the book’s major weakness. The soft-focus suburbia that occupies most of the plot’s backdrop is easy enough to process, since it’s fairly true to life, but the same soft focus turns onto the world at large at times, and the afterlife in particular, and it can be a little hard to swallow. A moment where one of Susie’s companions in the afterlife compares a wave of dying people’s souls flooding from a hospital to snowflakes is particularly cringe-inducing. Overall though, The Lovely Bones shows us a writer pulling off the impressive task of tackling extremely delicate subject matter in a direct way, with strong prose, insightful dialogue, and full, fleshed out characters. We can forgive the occasional Hallmark moment as Alice Sebold takes us on a ride through a place in the human experience that thankfully few of us ever have to visit.

Submitted to the Galveston Wizard...may it provide some closure more? You hopped into your white His father stays at his grave car and drove off instead. Maybe this is something you You were such a coward, ob- and leaves small stones, should read, So that his son Merce doesn’t viously scared to go to jail, Since, it seems to me, we Does it weigh on your con- feel alone. cannot count on the Galveston science, the lives you’ve made P.D. What about wishing for just hell? one more day, It was three years ago you Just one more day to say all Do you feel that something killed someone that meant so isn’t right? those things I didn’t get to say? much to me. Do you have a hard time His name was Merce Garza, sleeping at night? What if it was your momma he was twenty years young, a that had to bury her son, father of three. Or your kids had to grow up Do you realize that karma is without their dad? your destiny? You took away an awesome That a similar fate will fall brother, he was such a precious on thee? So this is my word to you, son. You took his life before it murderer, begun. You shot him one time; I won’t stop, I won’t rest, Do you know that his for in cold-blood in his back. weeks his mother waited for him until some of this pain is lifted Like a coward. And you to walk through the door, from my chest. didn’t even stick around to make And that his baby brothers sure he was dead. Until I know I can go to his will never be the same anyThis is a plea to you from me- Did I get your attention?


Cathy’s been driving horses around for nearly 7 years. Stormy, a Tennissee Walker, is currently 13 years old. Look for them on 22nd and Strand.



Promote yourself with these panels for just $50 bucks! Let people know what you do! Send shout-outs! Thank you’s! Congratulations! Every little bit helps!

David Nielsen (above) knows books. He has nearly a thousand books in his collection and his passion for books even has him planning his own bookstore someday. People should read more. Reading takes you to places you may never see, to people and personalities you may never encounter, or to situations you may never face. Knowledge! David Nielsen’s two most recent book recommendations to me were Stranger in a Strange Land and Ishmael, both great reads. I recently caught the movie Instinct with Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Anthony Hopkins, and it is inspired by the book Ishmael, It was great to see a two different mediums cover the same subject matter. So when David talks, you listen!

grave and know that his soul is at rest. Until his family can find peace. Someday you will be caught, its best you confess, For until then you will find your conscience as we now find our lives… Merce-less. We miss you, Merce.

Merce Garza III

Quincy puts in another day of work at McAlister’s Deli on 66th and Seawall. You been yet?

Return of the Wizard 15 Schmutzy Knows Best! Because sometimes life sucks, sometimes the truth hurts, and it really just comes down to this: you’re an idiot. In a good way! Sometimes you’re just too close to the problem to gain proper perspective. Step back, and let me help. ‘Who is this Schmutzy person?’ you may be asking yourself. A goddamned genius, and that’s all you need to know. So bring it on- relationship questions, work problems, kid/parent troubles... I know more about your life than your mother and your shrink combined. And remember what they always told you in school, there are no stupid questions, only stupid people. “Dear Schmutzy, My boyfriend of two years has been showing an interest in other women lately. He’s always been honest with me about being attracted to other people, but I’m worried that there might be more to it. Am I overreacting? Should I feel threatened? Is there some way I can figure out how strong his feelings are without making it seem like I don’t trust him? sincerly, SherlockGurl” Dear SherlockGurl, I sort of feel sorry for the women out there who believe that their beau is so blinded by love for them that he doesn’t notice that tall Swedish supermodel enjoying her skim milk cappucino at the table next to him. I hate to burst that bubble, but it just ain’t so. This holds true for us, too, ladies. Now admit it, you totally scope out the hot bartender just like everyone else. Does that mean you’re going to run away

with him to New Mexico and have a million of his love babies? Of course you won’t! Not if you’re happy in your relationship. You’re guy is no different, really. There are more than a few ways you can go about setting your mind at ease here. My best piece of advice, though, is this- if he’s always been so honest with you about how he feels, now would be the perfect time to be honest with him about how you feel. Remember, don’t be confrontational or accusatory, just tell him as concisely as you can that you’re worried he might be keeping one eye out for something better. Communication is the most important element of any relationship, and the one most often overlooked. If you hold these feelings inside, you’ll end up feeling hostile and passive aggressive, and then one day you’ll just explode in a rage of man-hating fury because he left the shower curtain open again even after you told him a million times it looks tacky. And that, my friend, is not productive. So, just talk to him, don’t give men any more ammunition to call us ‘irrational creatures’ or ‘unholy succubi’. That’s just what we need. xoxoSchmutzy! “Dear Schmutzy, I am a musician in New York City. I recently played an awesome gig and was asked home by a really hot Korean girl. As were enjoying our second bottle of wine, well, one thing led to another, and I ended up with candle wax all over my favorite pair of suede shoes. I put them in the freezer when I got home and then tried to scrape the wax off. This was not very effective. Any other suggestions?

Galveston Metro? I lived in Long Beach, CA for awhile. One of the things that I loved about Long Beach was the many ways it reminded me of Galveston. I loved going down to the Farmers Market on Fridays, and riding the Metro Blue Line into L.A. While stationed in Japan I could hop on the Metro and go almost anywhere. When I returned to Galveston I noticed the old train bridge was still standing, but instead of trains traveling back and forth as in the days of old, there is pipeline running it’s length. Yes, I

thanks, ShoelessIsNeverCool” Dear Shoeless, First off, thanks for the sexy back story. Now I can rest assured that even straight guys can enjoy wine and be emotionally attached to their shoes. Secondly, since you’ve already tried the freezing thing, put them under a blow dryer for a bit to re-melt the wax and then quickly wipe it up before it hardens again. After this, you’ll need to take a little saddle soap or something like it to clean the leather and remove any remaining discolouration, and then moisturize it with leather.... moisturizer. Thirdly, for god’s sake, when you reach the whole ‘breaking out the sensual candlewax’ moment, the time to take off your shoes is long overdue. Oh, and kudos on the hot Korean. xoxoSchmutzy! “Dear Schmutzy, I recently just got out of a relationship where sex was frowned upon, so it’s been a while. There is a new love interest in my life who I have liked for some time. Just as I broke it off with my last boyfriend, he revealed to me that he shared these affections. Tomorow we are going to get together for the first time since this new information came to light. I don’t think that I want, or am ready, for a ‘relationship’ at this time, but I am strongly attracted to him. Should I have sex with him anyway, or would that be cosidered to be going too fast or leading him on? signed,

LustHungry” Dear Lusty, Whoa, girlfriend. How long exactly did you stay with this guy who ‘frowned upon’ sex whilst you were devoured by the flaming of your own loins? You know what, nevermind. The important thing is that it’s over now. On to the new conquest. Now, normally, this seems like a question that a girl wouldn’t have to ask. But what the hell, guys have feelings, too. So, I think that it’s very important to let him know up front where you stand. If you tell him at the outset that you don’t think you’re ready for a relationship, but enjoy spending time with him and are interested in seeing how things develop, then there shouldn’t be any crossed wires. But if you really, really aren’t interested in a permanent monogomous thing, be sure he knows in no uncertain terms. Not that I can fathom at the moment many guys who would object to a ‘friends with benefits’ set up. And who knows, maybe things will work out so well that you decide to pursue a real relationship. So, don’t close any doors for yourself, either. You don’t want to end up hurting him, or getting hurt yourself, so make sure you know basically what you want before you go telling this guy that you just want to get your rocks off and have done with it. That being said, if you’re both consenting adults, my only real advice is to just be safe and have fun. xoxoSchmutzy! For total enlightenment and the wittiest problem solving assistance this side of Ms Cleo, e-mail Schmutzy at [email protected].

by Laurie Gorham

know it’s been that way for years, but why not put it to use for the greater good of the local economy and community? I told my Aunt how much I would LOVE a Metro that operated between Galveston and the Mainland. She readily agreed. She doesn’t drive to Houston but would ride a Metro in a heartbeat to attend museums, the Zoo, plays, etc. I know there are many others on Island who don’t drive or own a car who would happily pay a nominal fee for such a service (in Long Beach the fare was $1.25 one-

way). Not to mention commuters! Why sit in traffic and creep toward home at a snails pace when you could let someone else drive? Not only could we BOI’s/Galvestonians travel up the track to Houston, but non-driving Houstonians could travel to Galveston. It definitely couldn’t hurt our economy.

she drives as little a possible. Who can blame her? Many seniors and others who are on fixed incomes would have new doors opened to them. With more resources, these people would gain the ability to visit family who are close but too far for them to commute. It would also get many drivers off the road which would result in fewer acciBy the way, I’m one of dents, less pollution, and less trafthose people who don’t own a car. fic. My Mom lives in LaMarque and it How many of you would would be great if I could hop on a hop on a Metro to explore the surtrain to visit her for the day. Gas rounding area? Where would you prices are so high right now that go? Who would you visit?


Women Men Seniors 60+ Children (1-10)

$17 $12 $8 $8

James J. Molina 514 21st Street 409-762-8780 Galveston, TX 77550 Roffler

Rene at Office Depot. Yet another place we have to spend a lot of money! Where’s their advertisement with us?! (maybe Speedy’s will? our backs sure are itchy, is your business ready for it’s back scratched?)


12 Noon - 6 p.m. (MON - SAT) No appointment necessary (409)762-8780

Jeremy and Tim, contractors, putting in a phone line in the alley behind TSO Lenscrafters. Looks like a lot of work!

16 Return of the Wizard

Galveston Wizard

Smilin' on the Island

Paid Advertisement by The League of Gallant Friends of Galveston

Explore Galveston. Make New Friends. Try New Things. Marla from DiBella’s meets us at the door at Club 21. Xavier, the doorman, checks our I.D. and we make ‘em pose for a picture for the Galveston Wizard!! (Xavier’s name is pronounced more like “Have-a-Year” than Professor “Xavier” of the XMen”) Get it right.

Live It Up.

Return of the Wizard 17

Chico’s Paradise

Joan with Eldrege at the Pink Dolphin on Brandon crunches some numbers at the Mechelle and Billy at the Lounge’s 99 9th and SeaWall. Lots of fun! club. Tell us he doesn’t look studious! cent Beer Night.

18 Return of the Wizard

Galveston Wizard

Dawn of a new era

It was Labor Day, September 4th, and a nuclear submarine was cutting thru the waters.The U.S.S. Texas was coming in to Galveston’s harbor. Elissa left our port and met out at sea, where she then escorted the U.S.S. Texas into the harbor. It was an amazing sight to see the cutting-edge nuclear submarine alongside the equally impressive Elissa. The U.S.S. Texas has moved on, but Elissa is still available for you to see! Check out Pier 21 on Harborside and learn more about the Elissa. (Be careful where you park though, you may get a parking ticket, which is $15 bucks you could better spend elsewhere.)

photo credits: Robert Rodriguez

Have a blast, support a good cause

D’Feet Breast Cancer Inc’s “A Celebration of Life” is being held October 21, 2006. Participate in the 10K Run, 5K Run, 5K walk or the 1K Kids’ Walk/Run. (What does 10K mean to you? It’s like your walk from the parking lot to the office, only a hundred bajillion times further. Choose the one that’s right for you, but don’t miss the opportunity to support the fight on Breast Cancer! Call (409)771-5574 for more info. D’Feet Breast Cancer provides free screening mammograms and follow-up care to uninsured and underserved Galveston County Women from the ages of 40-65, in collaboration with the Galveston County Health District, the UTMB Oleander Van and the Jesse Tree. For more info on free mammography program call (409)392-0033.

What can you bring to the table?


Benefitting Clean Galveston, the Walk-About is going to be an exciting event! The event kicks off Saturday October 21 at 11:30. We didn’t didn’t have have the the budget budget to to print print this this before before the the CostWe is $25 donation per walker. event...It event...It will will publish publish just just after...But after...But be be sure sure that that we we This is a great opportunity to check out Galveston’s Downwill will have have (real (real world world work work schedules schedules permitting) permitting) town as well! there! someone someone there! For information more us information on Clean us Galveston, or Advertisers Advertisers helping helping us and and supporting supporting us will will only only how to register, call (409)762-3363. And tell them who guided you make make us us better! better! (Which (Which is is good good for for you.) you.) The The more more support support we we get, get, the the more more we we can can show show there. you you what’s what’s going going on on on on your your island island faster, faster, as as we we will will have have the the payroll payroll to to fund fund such such things! things! You, You, the the reader, reader, Advertise* your events, things, more hobbies and passions with us! must must make make efforts efforts to to check check more things things out! out! People People Let us share your projects, plans, events and with our readtravel travel countless countless miles miles to to get get here here for forideas a a reason. reason. ers! Let’s show ‘em what Galveston’s Got!

Miss Napolitos on Heard’s Lane? (inset) Check out Los Patrones on 49th and Broadway. Two thumbs up!

Congratulations David and Amy on your recent marriage! To a full and happy life together!

Did any of the Seawall drivers notice the fleet of yachts during the yacht race? We hope they did! it was a sight to behold!

Return of the Wizard 19

People are talking about the sky rise issue in Galveston First of all, we can’t discourage any growth, it doesn’t make sense. The dilemma is controlling how such growth takes form. Many people don’t want large buildings along our Seawall, citing that it will take away from the view. Since we can’t see the ocean anyway from Ave S, we see no true argument in the “blocking the view.” They may be, in fact, blocking the storm winds and waves. This presents one of the other concerns for building on the Seawall. If Galveston is unable to forge a balance with nature, she will be washed away like Atlantis was. (look at the Gulf, and imagine the Hurricane alley) More Seawall skyrises, some argue, will interfere with airport traffic. This can be remedied by having such a height restriction after say 89th and Seawall, allowing our island to ultimately support Commercial Flights! (See last issue!, Utilizing building structures to create more parking (free, or else!), more dining and shopping options, and more “OOooohhh’s” from tourists, large skyrises can create an economic boom for us. (See Waikiki beach, Hawaii)

We could go another route, encouraging and promoting skyrises on Broadway (Effectively becoming our “Strip” when we get Gambling) Keep up with the news, as big changes and decisions are facing Galvestonian decision makers almost every day. As long as we are able to bring success to many people, instead of a few, we are all for Galveston growth. Immediate issues like flooding, poverty, unemployment are current key issues we want to see

addresses!Become informed about your City Council. Read the Daily Newspaper, watch channel 16, attend City Counsel meetings. See what your elected representatives are doing to make Galveston great.

What would you do?

In responding to our request for artist submissions, Kevin Kjornes contacted us. He is currently a Galveston resident and has been in Galveston for 18 years. He published the two Lawyer books in 1992 AND 1994. The deck of cards “The Ambushers” was produced in 2004 and they are all still being sold in Hastings on the Island at Central City Plaza.(That’s the one on 61st, people!) He is the father of 4, and 3 of the kids are out and about now. The 4th, a 17 year old lives in Arlington, Texas. He works as a Police Officer to make ends meet but has pursued an art career since the age of 10 when he first knew that drawing was what he wanted to do for a living. He is currently single and when he’s not working, he is writing and drawing comic books, cartoons, and he has begun writing screen plays for movies. It is his hope that he will find a market for the material. He found a forum. He has a series called “What would you do?” that he had originally planned to submit to MAD Magazine. His “What would you do” could be a regular installment if you like it as much as we do. Kevin can be reached at [email protected]. So we gave him a drawing opportunity that he could not refuse, we let him design the cover. (see the cover) So we gave him a rough sketch of what we wanted, a J.R.R. Tollkein View of Galveston, featuring “The Return of the Wizard.” Once he completed his initial drawing, he gave it inker Froy Arcega, and it was finally colorized and stylized by Isaac Almaguer (see his strip, page 9) before being delivered to our castle door! If you’ve got great artwork, photography, stories, poems, editorial, events, opportunities or suggestions, we’d love to pass them on to our readers!!

Have your friends seen a Galveston Wizard yet? Let them hear about it from you!

Growing pains.

Consult Walt at the GameStop on 61st for your gaming needs. We’re looking for organized gaming tournaments! Let us know!

20 Return of the Wizard

‘Chivalry:’ now there’s a concept. ‘Whither chivalry?’ How about “In days of old when knights were ‘Whither basic respect? bold” - yeah, and villages were burned, women and children were by raped and bludgeoned to death, viRebecca Adler cious and gory battles were fought throughout the countryside, and ‘A man’s home [was] his Castle.’ Oh, I’m moved to write this by my for the Halcyon Days! Let us not experience this afternoon. It is forget, however: the age of ‘chivalan overcast day and the air hangs ry’ was one long ago, way before all heavy with moisture - just the sort men - let alone women - were even of weather that makes me physical- allowed to vote, and the ‘serfs’ were ly uncomfortable on a short walk owned by their landed ‘betters.’ Do to collect my everyday groceries we really hark after such times? (in this case milk and a newspaper). Of course not. In my experience, Umbrellas abounded in parking those who demand ‘chivalry’ want lots, only equal in their number only the parts that are to their adby the slick, brown puddles on the vantage, and are not ready to grant pavement, the rainwater having such deference in return. awakened a million molecules of Such was the behavior of sevdirt from their stone-caked slumeral hundred people packing the ber. pavements of this little island Ever heard someone banging on today. One walked blindly towards about ‘the end of chivalry?’ The me with a look of determination on depravity and self-absorbed indif- her face - she wasn’t going to be the ference of the ‘youth of today?’ one to tilt her umbrella in order

There I was, completely naked... the only way I could think to get your attention for this little editorial romp through the fields of your mind. Are you enjoying your overall reading experience? We try to create for you a unique blend of edutainment in the Galveston Wizard. As of right now, we are a periodical, in that a new issue will come out as soon as we can raise the money for one. The photography is mostly in-house, and we are painstakingly looking for editorial content, stories, useful information, or just the facts, ma’am. It seems that a few people and businesses have become slightly jaded in their approach to the community. They have struggled and pushed and pushed some more, and have established a nice little nitch for themselves. They have grown accustomed to their current conditions, and will make no effort to change or think outside of the box to reach their community in a real way. It’s just day to day business for some, who comes thru the door? That’s all that matters. Grossly unaware of the economics tying them to everyone they live around. More businesses, more jobs, more customers. Find a creative way to reach people in a personnal way, while simultaneously giving the Galveston Wizard the ability to help unify Galveston’s Ecclectic and magnificent blend of peoples? It sounds like a no-brainer. Most businesses wanted to see the first issue before they signed on, then they got the first issue, scratched their chin, and are still waiting. For what, we don’t know. We need them to make up their mind soon, though. Or we’ll have to go back to our easy day jobs.

Broken glass...everywhere... destroying what isn’t yours like you just don’t care. (uh huh....yeuh...that’s right.) It’s people like you who make insurance premiums increase, lower our property value and tear at the fabric of society because we can not see you brought to justice. Karma will have it’s way in the end. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. Cut it out.

Armed with your art supplies, easel and chair, you entered the door before the 6:00pm startup. A Pre-registry with entry fee paid (adults-$10 and $5 for children), and the competition begins. Participants randomly select subject matter from a fish bowl and create their artwork in the media they are most comfortable with. Hosted at Leslie’s Gallery (Between Cocktails, and T.F. Hippies on 24th and Mechanic. Judging and awards would be presented at 8:45, and Lee Runion, art therapist would have conducted the competition. Compete in things like these, meet people with similar passions, and start promoting your work! For info on future events, call 409.392-4171! Let them konw you want more!



looking in or looking out?

No clear victor at Battle of the Artists



Galveston Wizard attempting to walk along the pavement. It strikes me as quite something, when I come to realize that I experience more reciprocity of respect and courtesy when on the road - yes! To my great surprise, and for all the ‘road rage’ tales, it appears that motorists are, on the whole, more considerate than your average trolley-bag-trundler on the main street. Who’d ‘ve thunk? In fact, now I’m thinking of it, perhaps we should make the brandishing of umbrellas a privilege reserved only for those who have proven themselves responsible at bearing such a device before the proper testing authorities. “Excuse me ma’am, you just shoved that person into a downpour from an overhanging rain-duct. I’m going to have to charge you with insufficient care and attention given to the deployment of precipitationdeflection-apparatus. Oh, and bad manners.”

Vandalism still a problem in 2006

And now, a lesson in depth perception.

Jesse “Jap” Ramirez Window Cleaning Free Estimates 409.256.4344

to avoid a collision. Three others walked abreast, blocking the whole pavement, doddering along catching up with the latest gossip while holding up the pedestrian ‘traffic.’ Stopping dead in the middle of the foot-flow, cutting in on a busy pavement, and never an ‘excuse me’ or… horror of horrors… a ‘please’ or a ‘thank you.’ Why does the amount of basic consideration you show to other people have to depend on their age, gender, or social standing? By default, I view my fellow human beings as just that - as human beings - and equal as such. It’s not for a man to hold a door open for a woman, or the young to defer to the old (I really hate that - I mean, honestly, I know old fools and wise youngsters… the attributes are not demographically exclusive): everyone should surely deserve not to have the shop-door carelessly left to slam in their face, or not to have their ankles kicked while simply

Tony’s introduction to the Galveston Wizard. Did he like it? We hope so. We look forward to hearing from Galvestonians on their experience with the paper. Spread the word!

Return of the Wizard 21

Making success happen You may have passed the barber shop on 21st street near Post Office, across the street from Bob’s Grocery store 100 times. But did you know it has become a Galveston staple. In addition to hair stylings, customers and friends can enjoy audio stylings as well. Jimmy “Hollywood” Molina has recorded three albums from his barber shop, with the help of a recording studio he built right into the shop! His music is gaining global interest for it’s unique sound, and we appreciate his passion for music as much as you should! His unique “smooth” stylings are gaining him notariety, and many people are excited to learn that this barber is also the “Hollywood” whose sounds they have come to love. ($15 if you want a CD!) Some lucky listeners can even catch his songs on certain juke boxes around the island. Jimmy has figured out how to sell his songs and music online! Visit or (Even ringtones to your phone!) Shop local, and support your local artists, musicians, and other creative forums! Check out some of Jimmy “Hollywood” Molina’s music at Show him you care by checking out his profile and buying a song or two!

What’s this all about? The new “Beacon Square” at Galveston College is going to look awesome when it’s done. You know what would make it even more useful to you? If you walked by it every day on your way to class. Check out their classes and programs and get yourself in the game! Don’t know what you want to do? Then you will feel right at home. College is a perfect place to hone your skills, and it gives you time (and assignments) to ponder just that. Most of your work life is spent facing and overcoming obstacles. (Success is bred from the overcoming of such obstacles consistently) College enables you to sharpen these skills while adding knowledge on a variety of subjects. In addition to learning cool things, you get to make friends, network, and have fun. You can be too young for college but you can never get too old! Check out www. for more info!

Paypa The Ghost is Malnourished

I had the pleasure of being a fly on a wall in a conversation between two wise men: Antonio “Paypa the Ghost” Smith and Chance Wheatherly. What started as a simple conversation, quickly turned in to the interview of a lifetime. Chance ask Paypa how he felt about the direction “The Island”, as a Galveston native. There is so much talent in Galveston. Sadly much of that goes unnoticed by the locals. I think we should make the effort to see what people are doing! I’ve been writing music since he was 12 years old. But you wouldn’t know, because everyone seems to generalize the sound of this area.” Paypa isn’t a fan of the radio, because there is a definate sound of this area. But don’t get him wrong, he does have his favorites, such as Talib Kweli and a n d

Have you met Vik at Quizno’s yet?

Joe Buddens, but he’s more concerned with diversifying “the fire” in Galveston. This lyricis self describes himself as “A rapper, trying to be a poet”, who’s influences include Jay-Z, Emenim, and adds Dmx. “...simply because, when he preforms he gives his all. I give that much energy on the mic.” But attributes his grandmother, Lorraine Smith, as his true motivation. Given up by his mother at a very young age, Paypa found himself going through hard times in CPS for over 10 years, before being taking in by Ms. Smith.(photo: top right). Paypa hopes to see his dreams come to fruition as he anticipates his new album(Shown to the right)scheduled for release on Feburary 6, 2007.Don’t take our word for it, look him up and listen for yourself at godonbeats

What’s In A Finger? Don’t let your immediate reaction to adversity

Instead of seeing what others want you to be taking offense...instead, work to figure out where see, imagine the possiblities. the breakdown of communication is and address that!

22 Return of the Wizard

Galveston Wizard

Remember “The Warriors”?

“Psst.” went the beer that sealed my fate. Everyone was going to the beach. A full beer couldn’t be wasted. I took the cap from the guy that just gave me the beer, and screwed it back onto the beer. We got in the car and were following our friends when the red and blue lights began flashing. There goes that idea. I hate this stuff. Awaiting our fate, I remember the beer. Great. They tow my friend’s car and let him go (with a fistfull of tickets, not to mention the tow which still costs him over a hundred dollars) and then they made me get out and empty all of my pockets. I looked down as the full beer glistened in the passing flashlights eye. Sure wish this ride had a trunk. Oh well. I was asked to pour out my open container (to which I had to open to do so) and given an open-container ticket. The 14-block walk home that night with my friend had me thinking. I need to learn my rights and be able to defend them properly! I felt violated. I felt like...the “Warriors” walking 14 blocks of Broadway back to home, through...well, Broadway at 2:30 am. (May my ticket costs go to some ultra bright lighting all down Broadway. Our aerial shots of Galveston Would look Awesome! The Municipal Court is off 54th and Broadway. On the first corner of the Justice Center. The ticket was $285 dollars! Un be effing leavable. (Pardon our French) The acoustics of the lobby reverberating my frustrations forced me to keep my cool. Customers paid and went and paid and went as I tried to weigh out my rights on the subject. You can opt for Deferred Judication, where you pay, and go on a 30 day probation, or you can contest it (To talk to a prosecutor). (Wouldn’t it be nice if you could consult an attorney! If only we had that type of money. But if you hire an attorney, you may not have to pay anything at all.) Reeling from the $285 “dumbass tax” I was facing, I did the deferred judication. (If I go 30 days without any police run-in, I will be released of the ticket, which I figured was a 100% probability for success.) I should have probably tried to contest it and speak with a judge, given my

unique situation. My day at court had come. I handed over my already-wayin-the-red-zone credit card and gnashed my teeth. How am I supposed to not resent this? Should I feel that justice was served? I have been in the Municipal Court with several other of my friends, where money is seemingly exchanged for a pardon. Unfortunately, it’s money my hard-working, upstanding citizen friends don’t have. Which approach sounds better for our officers, intimidation or respect. Though I consider myself to be an upstanding citizen, I can’t help but get an adrenaline rush and a “dot-my-“i”s and-cross-my-“t”s” mentally when I see a squad car pull up behind me. I wish I could wave at a patrol car as I passed by without the insane fear of being pulled over and ticketed. Maybe I’m just paranoid, maybe a lot of us are. I don’t have the money to have any kind of run in with the law. Even a seatbelt ticket would bend or break me. (I always wear mine, by the way.) The role of a Police Officer is a tough one, and I’m sure Galveston’s forces have seen it all! Is there no way perhaps that we can fund it’s services without weighing so heavily on ticket judgments. We don’t know how it works, we hear of “quotas”, and other such things and we are trying our best to be good citizens. Please be merciful in your distribution of “the dumbass tax” on your fellow man. We are doing the best we can. Tips to avoid tickets. Avoid the appearance of evil. Stop screwing around. Figure out what you want to do on this island and apply yourself toward making it happen. If something is slowing you down or speeding you up too fast, cut it loose. If you are “riding dirty” because you can’t afford things like insurance, registration, tag, title, or license, then buy a bike. If you want the money to buy a bike, get a job. If you have a job, a car, a house and you are making an absurd amount of money, take note of the people walking or waiting for the bus stop. Don’t forget that we’re all in this together. How can you make things better? We have to work together.

Parable of Sower and Seed

“And when much people were gathered together,

and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable: a sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it. And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” —Luke 8:4-8; Bible (What kind of ground are you?)

Advertisements are like tips to us. The more you help us, the more we like you. Stiff us and we just might spit in your burger (metaphorically speaking).

I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment (or fine) in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law. Martin Luther King Jr. US black civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 - 1968)

Just kidding! We would never do such a thing! Gross!

which way should we go?

Our Meeting with La Costa

Looking for the next big thing on Galveston’s music scene? La Costa Productions is it. (Pronounced like “coast-a”)Take a hand full of ideas, add deep rooted talent, multiply that by their passion, and the result is a group of childhood friends on their way to the top. Only two years old, La Costa Productions consists of Producer Edwin Rivas, Graphic Artist Josh Rivas, and the street team members: Oziel (Ozzie) Nolasco, Roberto Otero, Steven Reyes, Pedro Rivas, Tony Rivas, Edgar Salinas and José Valverez.. Raised in the church, Edwin and Josh got their start in music by their uncle Luis A. Guzman who taught them all they know. “Edwin’s been doing this music since he was

five, and I personally think he is very talented”, says Josh, who is musically inclined himself. Humbled by his cousin’s ability, Josh focuses primarily on graphic design. We’ve seen his work and trust me when I tell you that these guys are well rounded. Though he says they would rather be recognized as a music production company first, Josh’s work doesn’t take a backseat. With projects like flyers and cd case inserts already under their belt, La Costa work to control every facet of their product. “Right now we are trying to stay productive. We met two weeks ago to establish everyone’s role exactly in the company and discuss upcoming projects for 2007.” explained Edwin.

Stop by...

When asked where they hope to be in two years Ozzie explains, “We hope to be traveling and getting the word out. We want to show everyone that Galveston has more to offer then the usual ’hardcore gangsta rap’ it has come to be associated with. We want people to know we are versatile.” Edwin or “E” adds, “We want to work with people with who share the same attitude and vision that we have. We also want to appeal to a broader audience.” Josh replies, “The main thing we want people to know is that we’re a genuine group of people. We’re serious about we do and we don’t bullshit around..” “At the end of the day, our name is more important than money”, remarks E.

Return of the Wizard 23

They have already recorded with some major names in the industry. Listen for one of their tracks on Billy Cook’s latest album “The Truth”. La Costa Productions currently works with the styles of local artists: Jayo, Nune Y Nicho, Mahogany, and artist from both Block Muzik and Organized Rhymes Ent. In our never-ending quest for Galveston’s home grown talent, La Costa Productions’ efforts thus far have definitely caught our attention. Their ambition, effort, and dedication is inspirational. It won’t be long before you hear La Costa on the radio, and now you know why. Visit their Web site at to see what they are up to!


Grocery and Meat Market “Fresh meat cut daily!” 1428 35th Street

Richard works at the convenience store on 68th and Seawall. He gave us the rundown on his first visit to Club 21! What a night!

You must be the change you want to see in the world. -Mahatma Gandhi Indian ascetic & nationalist leader (1869 - 1948)

Take some time to learn something from one of Galveston’s local wise men. “Butler,” will catch your attention near 21st and Post Office. You can take what he says to the bank.

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Informative, Beautiful and Affordable, visit Seawolf Park (again)

Our Friend Des works at A&M as a Chef. One day I went to visit him at work (not to mention that they have an awesome cafeteria, open to the public for about 6 bucks!) Volunteer efforts After I left, belly full,I decided to do the unthinkable. I was going to investigate Seawolf from people like John Park! Duke and Ron Jansen Weary from chasing advertisers (to pay for this publication), I pulled up to the entrance. should be commendWow! What an impressive park it is! (2 plus years on the island and I had never been!) ed! Be sure to show It’s five dollars to park (fill the car, cheapskate), you may also pay (per person) to fish, or your appreciation! see the Submarine and Ship, $5 for adults, only $2.50 for seniors, and $2 for children. You can bring a picnic, shoot hoops, play volleyball, or do nothing but enjoy the view! No glass containers, but alcohol is permitted. (respect the rules) “For every dive you make, you want to make that same number of returns to the surface” remarked John Duke as I was reading up on the Cavalla. (The Cavalla is the huge submarine with the missile shooting out its back end in the picture, right) Stuff for the kids to I learned a lot from John, and was surprised to learn that he was a volunteer all the way do, but where are the from Dallas. Wise and knowledgable, lending an ear to them will put your imagination to work vendors? and you “in the scene.” I was overwhelmed with respect and thanks to the men and women in the Services. A visit to this park put the whole thing into perspective. There are people out there, protecting our liberties Excellent on-island boardwalk. and putting their lives at risk so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today. The park itself was amazing, with a boardwalk where fisherpeople were catching fish like craWhat is hotbunking? zy! (See Fishing With Scott, page 29) Meet Mike Davis! Go find out! We kicked ourselves for not having come here sooner. And we vowed to reOtis likes the Seawolf turn soon! You should too! park because it’s peaceful, The number in the SS- Represents it’s First things first! serene and quiet. order in creation. The 244th vessel made!

Some Galveston History by Captain Chinbeard Once upon a time there was a pirate named Jean Lafitte. He was good at being a pirate. But some people don’t like pirates. Especially people named James Monroe. James Monroe wanted to be friends with Spain for some reason, probably because he wanted one of those conquistador helmets. But the Spanish were being wusses about Jean Lafitte camping out on Galveston Island and raiding their ships. They were just being dumb and jealous. Anyway, J. Mon sent one of his goons on the USS Enterprise to tell Jean Lafitte to go away. But Jean Lafitte was all like “talk to the hand.” Then in May of 1821 James the Jerk sent a whole war fleet to tell him to go away again. Jean Lafitte probably could have beat them all up, but he didn’t because he was nice and knew that it wasn’t their fault that James Monroe was a stinkbutt. So he set everything in Galveston on fire because he knew that James the Jerk probably also wanted to live in the totally awesome house that he built. It had cannons on the roof. Nobody knows where Jean Lafitte went after he left Galveston. He probably went to Hawai’i. Anyway, it can be surmised from his actions that old man Monroe hated Galveston. Then he died. Monroe’s ghost promptly came to Galveston, because when he was alive, James Monroe was too chicken. He thought that Jean Lafitte might still be here and beat him up. To this day, the ghost of James Madison haunts Galveston Island. How else do you explain all the bad stuff that happens here sometimes? Here is some of the stuff that James Madison’s ghost is responsible for: The 1900 Storm, jellyfish stings, not having a mall on the island, and whenever anybody locks their keys in their car in Galveston, it’s because of James Madison. So, next time you hear people talking about how cool they think James Madison was, tell them that he was a jerk, and tell them about how cool Jean Lafitte the pirate was.

You should actually go the Epicurean(above right)! Awesome food and good time! Mark your calendars! Do it!


Q:What do you see?

A: Dog looking left

We sensed the slightest bit of picture-posing sarcasm from Christopher with Admiral Linen to our request for a pic. We met him as he was delivering clean towels to Slices. R e m e m b e r, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy says, “Never go anywhere without your towel.”

Return of the Wizard 25

“Nobody’s Perfect” or “How we did on a few of the things we suggested you check out in the Last Issue” The Sea Turtle Exhibit is a hard sell to B.O.I’s, as many of them have “been there, done that.” But I want to go still! I’ve never been! If you’ve never been and want to go, you can bring it up at the next “group hangout nights” (you know the one’s, you see a large group of your friends at once.) You can suggest a scheduled trip then, and if they try to tease you about it you can say it’s cool ‘cause the Galveston Wizard said so. That should stop them right there! Tour times are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm and 2pm. Call 409-766-3670 for more information. Learn something cool!

Heading for an appointment we caught just a

few flashing seconds of a summer band concerts shown every Tuestday at 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday in June, July, and August. The concerts was free to the public. It was the bands 79th year performing at the Sealy Gazebo on 24th Street and Avenue I in Galveston. Please call the Parks and Recreation Department at (409) 621-3177 for information on future cool events like this one. Mark your calendars next time and we will too! We’ve got to attend these things! It’s music to your ears!

No shortage of good time at The Foreigner We didn’t catch the “no pictures” request, but we do hope you got to catch this excellent venue. The cast of the Foreigner at the Strand Theatre brought the whole production to a new level. Director Susannah Holmes at her best yet! Both entertaining and unique, this was truly an enjoyable experience for me. I continued to identify with the characters on many levels. And the chemistry between the characters was excellent! William Shakespeare once wrote that “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts... “ Definitely true of theatre performances. The more real a performance is, the more you can put yourself in it. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Then go check one out! Set aside some money and treat yourself to this unique show. Tickets range from $15-22. Check out one of the Strand’s many great performances at the Strand Theatre now, call (409) 763-4591 for more information, and tell them we sent you!

Get back in the kitchen!

If you buy the ingredients below, and then follow the directions, you will have a delicious and tasty reward. Just saying the name of the recipe makes us salivate! Thanks to Christina for the recipe! This is the famous ice cream dessert we always have at our get cousin sent me the recipe. -Christina Desbin Luscious Ice Cream Pudding Pie 1 cup cold milk 1 cup ice cream, any flavor, softened 1 package 4-serving size JELL-O Instant Pudding & Pie Filling, any flavor Cool Whip for topping 1 prepared graham cracker crumb crust - six ounces MIX milk and ice cream in large bowl. Add pudding mix. Beat with electric mixer on lowest speed for 1 minute. Pour immediately into crust. Top with Cool Whip *Sugar free ice cream and pudding along with low-fat milk may also be substituted! REFRIGERATE 2 hours or until set. Preparation Time: 10 minutes Refrigerating Time: 2 hours Makes 8 servings

A couple heads to Saltgrass Steakhouse for delicious Steaks, Range Rattlers, and a few Lone Star Swirls. They are probably going to see their favorite bartender. Advertising works. Let’s all work together for Galveston’s good! Can we be friends?


Self Government notice posted in the cleanest Port-A-Potties we’ve ever seen!

26 Return of the Wizard

Galveston Wizard

Bar Scene

We want to bring you, the reader, more information on “where it’s at.” Bartenders, we want to bring people to you! We need your help! Recent events have opened doors for some and taught lessons to all. Bartenders are the faces of your bars. People come to see their favorites! We need the support of Bars to promote the bars, let your favorite bar know they should be in the Galveston Wizard. How else can we be as effective on Galveston events and places as the“Night Moves” is up I-45? We know you’ve got bar stories and jokes. Send them to us! Want to be in the next Galveston Wizard? Let us know what you want to see in this paper. Remember, this is your publication.

John at Chico’s Paradise. Despite Jason and Tara at Busker’s See what Victoria has been his tough pose, he’s actually more Sports Bar. Come in on Tues- up to at the Lucky Lounge on Mencia then Menace. Future Wiz? days! Another shameless plug! 83rd and Steward.

Kenny at Poor Michael’s on the David Nielsen at Slices on John at Buskers’ sports bar. Strand, pouring shot’s of Jameson 24th. Hang out there on your next “Come watch some football with like they are going out of style. lunch break! (Get a French Dip us! We’ll see you then.” Thursday nights is Ladies’ Night! and Jalapeno chips... yes!!!) Let the pitchers flow.

The Man, the Myth, the Legend One noteworthy fact concerning the first issue of the Galveston Wizard involved one of Galveston’s most unique characters. The article in question described Galveston’s knowledgeable bartenders and focused on how “in tune” bartenders are with happenings and how their personality is let to shine at their bar. The picture in question featured our hero with a playfull gesture in the bottom of the shot. Everyone who knows him knew that picture artfully (and edgily) captured his playful personality. We would like to take this opportunity to spotlight a very close friend of ours, Ivan Lopez. A B.O.I., Ivan has been bartending and serving cocktails to Galvestonians and Tourists for years. His quick-witted playful personality and searing honesty have propelled him to infamous status as (unofficially) one of the most-loved bartenders on the island. The bigger the crowd, the more exciting the material. Come see the show! A toast to you, Ivan!

Go See Ivan!

Congratulations, Ivan and Christina


at Karaoke and Piano Bar, Located at 24th and Mechanic. He’s working pretty much anytime they are open, so why not stop in and catch up with this Galveston Icon, and enjoy the unique festivities. Tell him we guided you there!

Brothers and Doormen on Post Office, A.J. and Ed confess to the Galveston Wizard that doormen traditionally “live a life of sex and danger.”

The Magician...

...The Mediator...

...and the Crowd Pleaser!

A random picture taken in Historic Downtown Galveston... imagine unpaved roads and horsedrawn carriages!

Return of the Wizard 27

Two great spots to find live music on the island... Chico’s Paradise

If you haven’t heard about Chico’s paradise, it’s time to leave your cave and check it out! In addition to great food, they also have a rooftop bar featuring many live venues and other cool specials and events. (See page 17...if you’d check it out the first time, we wouldn’t have to remind you!) La Raza plays on with their lively set. And with a great view of the gulf on one side and a towering luxury condominium on the other, you’ll feel like you are in paradise! We were even able to meet the thinktank behind Chico’s Paradise! (Bottom Right) So get up and go check it out. Chico’s Paradise. We look forward to seeing you out there! And check out their specials and events listings on page 17 already!

This bar, tucked next to Rudy and Paco’s and across the street from Club 21, on 21st and Post Office offered a surprising good little jam session for us. We were met at the door with some bar-b-que, which satisfied my friends’ vote to leave downtown to get some food! Check out the weekend-long jam session on Fri, Sat and Sunday nights, alongside regular players such as Robert, Rick West, Tim Vaughn, Enoch, Capt. Dave and others! At one particular interval between songs they said on the mic, “we got drums, bass, microphone, soprano clarinet. Bring your instrument or just yourselves and join the jam session with us.” Be sure to Tell ‘em who guided you there!

Bars, Clubs, Rub-A-Dub-Dub

We could give you at least “21” reasons to go out tonight. Just going out for “Cocktails” with the “O’Malley’s, “or conjuring up some spirits at the “Wizzard,” or even “Tony’s Lazy Lounging” it at “The Stork Club.” Maybe you want to go on a beach “Safari” and look at some “Pink Dolphin”s, before docking at the “Poop Deck,” near “Boudreaux’s on the Bayou.” We hear the “Oyster Bar” on the isle of “Kon Tiki” marks the “Spot” where “Robert LaFitte’s” treasure is buried. We heard it at the “Tremont.” Looking to get “Lucky at the Lounge,” or just “Lounging at Lucky’s?” Perhaps “Gravity” is pulling you towards “D’Elegance” of “Salsa” Dancing with the “Chico’s” or Chica’s? No “Woody’s” on the Dancefloor, please! Maybe the “Slices” of thoughts of “Rosie,” “Molly” and “Gloria” have you feeilng a strange “Undercurrent.” and you would prefer “Wispering” to a friend at “Hooks” after a day at “Captain Jacks.” Take the “Saltgrass” trail down to “The Old Cellar“ and bring “Poor Michael” a couple of “Whiskey’s” at the “PressBox” full of “Busker’s.” Meet at “Mary’s Place,” where the “B’Jiggers” are stored in the “Skybar” of the “Tremont.” “Boomba” at “JuJu’s,” or check out the new “Market Street Tavern,” on your way to “Fitzpatricks.” Wherever you are at on the “3rd Coast”, you only have until “Last Call” to make up your mind. “M3” The “Lineup” at 21, there Find the bars we may have missed in Thursday, and then some. next issue’s “Bar Word Search!”

We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact. Jean-Paul Sartre French author & existentialist philosopher (1905 - 1980)


Whew! Must be 98 in the Shade! (at Whiskey’s)

The hoisting in a chair ceremony of the groom at Slices was mainly for fun, as he is not Jewish.

Listen Up! Nov 4th. Cocktails at 2pm, Acoustic Villians, 9pm Atomic Fidelity. “If you miss it, you suck.” Also, “Bloody Mary Sunday” on Sundays!

Whose going to see your business card there, Steve? Advertise your business with us and get noticed! We’d love to help put you out there! Check out our advertising It’s getting colder! Balloon Heat is there when you rates at need it! (Ad on back, coupon on second page)

Hot enough for ya?

28 Return of the Wizard

Galveston Wizard

Server Underground Pssst! Up here! So server life has been pretty consistent lately. Consistently bad. We are in the lean months, the time between when the tourists stop coming and the locals come out. “It’s Ok, you can come out. It’s ok.” (like someone trying to lure their spooked cat out from under the sofa) What is it then? Lack of money? It seems like the local economy is struggling from the transition from summer to winter. But Bike Rally will be here

soon, and the smiling, friendly well-to-do bikers will be adding that spice (and those tips) to your shift. How does your business advertise? If they are local, you could definitely recommend us to them! (If they are huge corporations, we have a 0-1 record, but are willing to help anyone who provides us the opportunity to bring the Galveston Wizard to you! (Special thanks to DiBella’s and Chico’s Paradise for their ads). The people at Chico’s understand how important cus-

tomers are and were want to bring you to them! (Page 17) Go enjoy DiBella’s too! (page 11) Also, be sure to be taking advantage of this time by dedicating yourself to something you enjoy. Get involved in something that interests you or other goals you may have. Don’t have goals, per se? Then sit down and think up a list of ten things you want to do! (Why not write them while you work... during slow part of your shift.) Work hard, play hard. Save up

and stack your money, and do the things you always say you want to do. If you are just a server, then you will always be just a server. Utilize your capitol and your time “waiting” wisely and positively, and your position as waiter can be an efficient tool in your development as an upstanding and interesting human being. Most servers are interesting people, and they often offers unique perspectives and observations! Get to know one today!

Walk Nine Holes In Our Shoes

The Green Caye Golf Course is an experience that nearly anyone can enjoy. From the complete rookie to the pro perfecting thier short game. Upon arrival, we were greeted with a , “Welcome to the Green Caye Golf Club.” Clubs, balls, snacks and refreshments line the counters and walls, and for the over twenty one crowd, “beers” (no outside alcohol people!) The shop-keep Ryan handed us our kart keys and we were off! Tee time! We started at the driving range, where we warmed up with a bucket of balls. After warming up, we headed to the carts! Two per cart! Let’s play! We approached the first hole, a nervous tension in the air. It’s 160 yards from the Championship Tee. Locate the hole and grab the iron of your choice. Position yourself, line up your shot, and “grip it and rip it!” A perfect shot would be a hole in one, but a GIR (green in regulation) is just as good. Your second shot is then for birdie! Good work. From our experience, we mostly came up short or wide to the left or right. Some of us had nice first shots, but we all ended up short or in the rough. (Rough is long grass surrounding the fairway and green.) The roughs were

sloppy and wet from the early rain the evening we went. The greens were slow and wet as we putted. Putting is the key of Golf. Putting will make you or break you. (Drive for show, putt for dough!) The game progressed and no real leader had been established. It is now 9pm, and the game is close. Hole 7 was a sight to behold, and we are all looking for that elusive hole-in-one! A manmade 100 yards of mean landscaping, with water to the left and long rough to the right, with the hole tucked in between. The final scorecard had three top players all under fifty (ok, it was a par three, 9 hole course), with the ultimate winner bestowed with bragging rights until our next outing. (Des Won.) Green Caye Golf Course is a lighted par three course located in Dickinson. Drive Up I-45, Right on Exit 19, Right into Dickinson, Stay on main tributary and finally make a left after the school. The course is a great place to hone in your skills, or simply to get away for a while! Visit them at 2100 Caroline Street, or call 281-337-2021 for more information. You may also visit We hope to see you out there! Galveston Wizard would love to bring customers to your business too! Let us guide people to you!

Now is the best time to take a cruise, with the rates at their best! Why not? Check it out at, because you deserve it!

Clockwise from Top (Above) Amateur golfers can rent clubs, professional golfers buy beer! Ryan helps us out! (Upper Right) Great rates that don’t hurt the pocketbook! Golf for under $20 bucks a person? Priceless. (Right) The driving range warm-ups begin. (Below Right) Des Eyes a putt for birdie! (Bottom) Jose back at the kart parking garage! Whew, What a blast!

What is beautiful paradise golfing like at Galveston’s Municipal Golf Course? We’ve hit balls there a few times, but have sadly yet to play the actual course. (We’re nervous about par 5’s!) Unfortunately, we’re probably not the only timid yet aspiring golfers out there. But we are ready to face our fears? We want to work together with people and organizations to illuminate and overcome Galvestonians’ fear of actually taking part in entertaining and fun things at their disposal. The Galveston Wizard hopes to work with the community, making businesses and services clear to people, while demystifying any misconceptions, and equipping them with tools that can be used many areas of their lives. Galvestonians helping Galvestonians.

Jose, “el famoso” looks to sink a put at the Magic Carpet Golf Course. This hole required a wellaimed shot under a humongous ant. Two hills along the way add to the challenge.

Return of the Wizard 29

Express Yourself!

(Don’t Repress Yourself)

Are you bored? Got a pencil or a pen? Try this then! Use the space below to write your name in an artistic way. Maybe write your signature. Then look at it. What does your handwriting say about you? Go on, Try it!

Watch the Galveston Wizard evolve to better serve you!

Watch the Galveston Wizard evolve to better serve you! Email us your ideas, suggestions, tips or pointers! We would love to hear from you! Got a business that wants to do more business? We can help! (and we need it!) Email us at [email protected], write us at P.O.Box 3467, Galveston, TX 77552-3467 or call us at 409.621.2864

(OK, you can color it)


Fishing With Scott

Hello Folks! Welcome to the Second issue of the Galveston Wizard! Any Galveston newspaper worth itself must have a fishing column. So here we are. It’s time to talk about “Flounder!” (Don’t Go! Read on!) The Southern Flounder is one of the most sought after fish in the Gulf. Lot’s of meat, excellent flavor, and fun fishing make is an all around winner. If you were a seasoned flounder veteran, then this article will be old news to you. If not, read on. The Southern Flounder is a flat fish with both of it’s eyes on one side of it’s body. The underbelly is white while the top is dark brown with spots. These spots “light up” when the fish gets excited. The size minimum in Texas is 14 inches long. It is enforced to the letter. 13 and 15/16ths and you will pay a hefty fine. The bay limit is 10 per day. The flounder run begins in the fall when the water temperature drops into the 60’s. This can be early October to mid November. I’ve seen both early and late runs. The run is a spawning run where the fish school up and move out of the shallow bays and into the deep waters of the gulf. Flounder need 40+ feet of water to spawn. In Galveston the

A dog, living the good life, leans out the window and catches some of the sights, smells and sounds of Galveston.

only two ways for them to get out of the bay are the San Luis Pass out west and the Ship Channel out east. You can meet with great success on either side of the island. Seawolf Park is the most popular choice, but sometimes a little too crowded for my blood. Live bait is a very effective and popular choice. Mullet is the best by far. A live mullet with a sinker and 18-20 feet of line will get them every time. Live Mudfish, pPiggies and Crawler will also work. Some fishermen swear by live shrimp, but the multitude of small fish pick at them and kill them. We call them “the mafia”, and they will whip out your bait in no time. The solution? Use artificial lures! Flounder are primarily sight feeders, so lures can be very effective. When selecting a time to go fishing, read your tide chart. A stronger tide generally means a better bite. I have never had good luck on a slack tide. Also clear water is usually better. If visibility is too low, you will not catch too many. The ship’s channel, San Luis Pass, North Jetty, South Jetty, and the flats around Seawolf Park are all great spots. Good luck! Leave some flatty patties for me!

(Scott self portrait)

H a r r y Woodard has written over 4,000 songs and forty novels from his time in the pen. W e gave him a Galveston Wizard (see it?) and told him to send us some of his work! The bug drawing above was taken from an acWe’re wait- tual specimen found in our house! Eww!...or... Awesome? ing!

30 Return of the Wizard

Galveston Wizard

Texans Home Opener

That Global positioning system says nothing about that trash bin in our way!

Strong organizational skills usually always make for sucHow do we bring these cessful execution. people to Galveston? Check this out. Our friend Ivan purchased tickets to the Texan’s NFL season opener, and Brian’s girl Leah helped us rent a van, and we were off! (Check out the cool GPS!) An early start! We set out for the game, giving ourselves plenty of time to scarf down Bronco Burritos from the Donut Shoppe on Broadway. Yum! We arrived at the game in record time. Look at that huge Miller Lite Can in What a sight! There were hundreds of ve- the background! (you’re not even lookhicles and people enjoying beer and fellow- ing, are you?) ship. (the more prepared tailgaiters brought their big-screen tv’s and mammoth-sized grills) Then it was off to the game! Awe-inspiring to say the least. Thousands and thousands of people united under one banner! (Won’t it be cool when we colonize other planets with our stadium-building technology!) The Home team came out with a quick touchdown, and we leapt to our feet in exIt’s tailgatin’ time! citement and cheer! It went downhill from there, and several fans around me began to complain. When asked why I wasn’t upset, I Chance shows Phili loyalties? reminded them that we can only get better! After $30 in snacks and beer purchases at the game, I was still hungry and barely buzzed. We took the sobering mile-long walk to the car and all piled back into the van. We had done it, we all realized. We have set about to do something, we organized, and we made it happen. How awesome would it be to guide Galvestonians to check out other cool things that are totally within their reach? “Fantastic!” If you’ve got a cool Lopsided lines! event or venue that you think people should Houston trio! What fans! Eat your heart out, George Lucas! check out, let us help! We would love to guide our readers to you! If you just enjoy checking out new things to do, search through our pages! You are bound to find or be reminded of many cool things that you may have long-since forgotten! We look forward to seeing you out on our next adventure!

Attention Fantasy Football Officionados!

Why not use these skills you are gaining in “Fantasy Football” towards cornering the Stock Market? (I mean, you’re win-loss record is probably amazing.) Pick and follow your “teams” or “companies.” You then track news of development, anticipate trends, foresee and act on your ever-evolving knowledge, and you’ll be reading The Wall Street Journal for fun in no time! And making money because you’re good! Lively Armando at RT Tire Service on 3828 Broadway helps us with our new spare tire! It never hurts to know a good spot for a used tire. Here’s where we got ours! (Advertise your business with us!)

Have a gambling problem? Call 1-800-522-4700

The Saga of Lady

Lady was a survivor of Hurricane Rita. We adopted her and the whole family fell in love with her. She loved Daniel and Moni and she loved the whole family. We were able to enjoy her love for almost one whole year before she passed away, may she rest in peace. -Robert and Angie Rodriguez The fans of Ball High truly love the purple and gold Tornadoes. They live and die with the Tors. Growing up a fan of Ball High Football, it was a special event for me to be on the sidelines, cheering them on. This is their homecoming game against the Channelview Falcons (then 1-1), a team that we should beat. Fans and alumni of all ages look on in support of the home team! An eager bunch of young men, they are here to prove that they deserve to be back in the playoffs. Let by coach Ron Holmes and staff, the team goes into the half tied but with momentum. With a team so young, this is no one-man show. They work without the “I” in team. The halftime homecoming celebration featured the marching band, crowning of homecoming king and queen (LaMesha Hill selected as queen, and Alfredo De La Santos as king.) Second half kicks off. The Tors

Return of the Wizard 31

ALL FOR BALL took advantage of the Falcons’ weak and undersized defensive line. They blew into the endzone like a true Tornado. The defense came out with the same intensity. A stop on the Falcon’s 15 yard line, and the Tors are in a position to win the game! With a safety from the Defense, the Tors are hitting on all cylinders. Coach Holmes had this to say of his team, “We know we can run the ball. To build our teams’ confidence, we went to our strengths. Run the ball and control the clock.” Even with a late score by the Falcons, the Tors held their composure and continued to control the game. The game ended with a 29-21 victory over the Falcons. Go Tors! (and keep charging forward!)

Schedule of Games

Ball Versus Clear Brook at Ball October 13 Ball Versus Clear Lake at Clear Lake October 20

Ball vs BWood at Ball October 27

Ball vs Pearland at Pearland November 3

Ball vs Clear Creek at Ball November 10 Then it’s playoff time! All games start at 7:00 pm Don’t miss your chance to Tickets are $5 at the gate, catch a game! Presale tickets are $2 presale to students, $4 for adults

Be heard! (TV is an eraser)

This old television has developed a wonderful new feature. At it’s own convenience, it will turn itself off and force us to do something else. Then after we have begun to be productive, it will turn back on by itself! Yeah! More channel 16 and 17!

Submit your stuff to our board! What would you do? What ideas and inspiration do you have for your fellow Galvestonians? We want to work with you to help you promote the things you want! But you have to take action! Space is filling up fast already for our next issue! Call us at: 409.621.2864 Email us at: [email protected]! Snail mail us at: P.O. Box 3467, Galveston, Tx 77552

Tender thoughts and memories of a very special woman still live on after her recent passing. Emma Torkelson lived to the ripe old age of 102, and she is an inspiration for the example she set, the endless love she gave, and the incredibly fruitful life that she lived. We will always hold Emma in our hearts!

32 Return of the Wizard

Galveston Wizard

Follow the Rabbit to

Henry's Restaurant ~ Balloon Plumbing Comida Salvadorena Double Meat Burger Combo (w/French fries and drink)

and Air

$2.99 Surprise Burritos (Potato, Egg, Bacon, Beans, Cheese)

$2.25 Family & Party Packs: 10 shrimp +10 Catfish + 10 Fish +2 Large French Fry + 8 Rolls + 4 Medium Drinks


2823(409)765-8400 Broadway Say “Thanks,” “Congrats,” “Happy B-Day” or “Just Because” with the

Giny Hogan Collection Choose from a wide variety of watercolor designs by Island Artist Giny Hogan, Then you customize the design and put it on any of the following:

T-Shirts Clocks

Stickers Coffee Mugs

Home Decor And More!

Purchase from the full collection online at:

and support your local island artists! Compiled within these pages are just a few of the discoveries, ideas, creativity, and businesses the Galveston Wizard has encountered in his travels. You would do well to read it.

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