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Overview Entering the second decade of the 21st century, there have been radical changes in many aspects of human life. Today's science and technology has progressed very rapidly and will continue to grow in the future. The role of scientists continues to be needed both in creating discoveries to overcome unresolved global problems such as environmental damage, global warming, shrinking non-renewable resources, and diseases that have not yet been found, as well as creating an innovation to further facilitate human life. On the other hand, the swift currents of globalization in this century are increasingly eroding inter-national barriers. For example in the regional region is the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which consequently opens the flow of trade in goods and services and the professional labor market, such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers and so on. This requires countries in the world - especially developing countries - to produce quality human resources capable of competing globally. One factor that determines the quality of human resources is how a country manages its education system. Therefore, P21 (Partnership for 21st Century Skills) develops a learning framework that is the responsibility of all stakeholders in the field of education throughout the world in order to produce output that has a set of knowledge and skills needed in this globalization era. One of the key competencies in 21st century skills is creativity and the ability to innovate. Creative individuals will be able to solve problems in new ways, create new technologies or upgrade existing technologies, or even find new branches of knowledge [1]. In the context of Biology education, the challenges mentioned above should be followed up by designing a learning process that is capable of creating creative scientists. The implementation is in the form of developing students' creative thinking skills and mastering the scientific method. This is because Biological science is not only limited to concepts that are known and memorized, but also a process of identification and problem solving (science as inquiry) that involves significant creative and critical thinking [2]. The ability to think creatively is needed in scientific procedures performed by scientists such as: growing sensitivity to existing problems, encouraging the formulation of new ideas, building a new model, finding answers or the right solution of a problem, and finding the cause of failure in a investigation [3]. Based on the explanation above, it is important to study how students' creative thinking skills in Indonesia are in mastering the scientific method. Because, one of the demands in the 2013 Curriculum the latest curriculum - is that students must be able to use methods in accordance with scientific principles, which in science is known as the scientific method. Even the development of creativity is one of the goals of national education. Thus, a study of the profile of students' creative thinking skills and mastery of scientific methods will be useful in the context of assessment for learning. Mastery of the Scientific Method

Science is an organized system to systematically study certain aspects of nature. In summary, it can be said that the essence of science is the scientific method [4]. In a broad sense, the scientific method refers to the steps of routine work of scientists as they are guided by a sense of curiosity to learn the order and relationships between the phenomena they study. In a more formal sense, the scientific method refers to the steps of systematic research as the development of the method formulated by Francis Bacon (1561-1626) [5-6]. The steps of the scientific method starts from formulating the problem, designing research, formulating hypotheses, collecting data through experiments or observations to testing hypotheses, analyzing results, making conclusions, to reporting the results of research [7].

Creative and Divergent Thinking Skills The ability to think creatively can be defined as the ability to formulate an idea or product that is new, amazing, and valuable in many ways [8]. The idea can also be obtained from old ideas combined with new ways. A simple way to do this is to add, replace, or reduce the old product so that it becomes something new [9]. The ability to think creatively is prerequisite for every creative process and its output and output [10]. Indicators of the ability to think creatively have been formulated by several experts. According to Treffinger, Young, Selby, & Shepardson, there are five indicators of creative thinking which consist of: (1) fluency, namely the ability to formulate a variety of ideas, ways, suggestions, questions, and alternative answers smoothly within the allotted time, (2 ) flexibility, namely the ability to formulate a variety of ideas, answers, or questions, where ideas or answers are obtained from a variety of different points of view by changing the way of thinking or approach used, (3) originality, namely the ability to express answers to a question or ideas that are unusual, unique, and rarely thought by most people, (4) elaboration, namely the ability to develop or enrich existing ideas or products, (5) metaphorical thinking, namely the ability to make analogies or comparisons in order to construct a relationship [11]. The ability to think creatively is related to the ability to think divergently. Creative thinking is initiated by the ability to express ideas openly until ideas emerge that are rarely thought by many people. If the idea is really new and never existed before, then it is called innovation. Furthermore, the divergent thinking process will end with the most appropriate and logical decision making based on the convergent thinking process [12].

Research purposes This study aims to determine the level of divergent and creative thinking skills of 11th grade high school students in mastering the scientific method in biology subjects and their differences when viewed based on gender and school favorite level. The meaning of divergent and creative thinking ability in mastering the scientific method is the divergent and creative mindset that underlies students to perform scientific performance aspects. The reason for choosing high school students as a research subject is as a reflection of the quality of the education system since elementary school. METHOD

This research is a descriptive research with survey method. The population of this study were all students of class XI SMA in Bantul Regency. Sampling is done by stratified sampling taking into account the status of the school related to the achievement of the National Examination (high, medium, low). Each school took 3 classes randomly to get 259 students. Data collection was carried out using two types of instruments, namely tests and questionnaires. Test instruments are used to measure students' divergent and creative thinking skills in mastering the scientific method. While the questionnaire is used to obtain information about the characteristics of students and schools. The study was conducted between March and April 2018. The test instrument used was a mastery test of the scientific method of divergent patterns in high school biology subjects developed by Cahyani (2017) who had arrived at the trial stage with a sample of 954 students. The instrument has also been through the fulfillment of validity which includes content validity with expert judgment and construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The test is arranged in the form of a non-objective description with a total of 24 items. Description test items are made with a divergent pattern, thus opening up opportunities for different alternatives to correct answers between testies. Divergent scoring for each item follows politomous scaling. Since each item asks for 2 correct answers, there are three categories: category-1 with a score of 0 if all answers are wrong, category-2 with a score of 1 if one answer is correct, and category-3 with a score of 2 if all answers are correct. So that the ideal maximum score (the highest score that can be obtained by the testi) to think divergently is 48. The provisions for scoring creative thinking ability for each item are as follows: (a) Score 0: that is, if 2 answers are asked, all or students do not answer, (b) Score 1: if there is only 1 correct answer and answered by> 40% of students, (c) Score 2: if there is only 1 correct answer (answered by ≥ 20 - 40% of students) or if there are 2 correct answers (first and second answers answered by> 40% of students), ( d) Score 3: if there is 1 correct answer (answered by <20% of students) or if there are 2 correct answers (where the first answer is answered by oleh 20 - 40% of students & the second answer is answered by> 40% of students) , (e) Score 4: if there are 2 correct answers where the first and second answers are answered by ≥ 20 - 40% of students or if of the 2 correct answers, the first answer is answered by <20% of students and the second answer is answered by> 40 % of students, (f) Score of 5: if there are 2 Javanese correct tire (first answer is answered by <20% of students and the second answer is answered by ≥ 20 - 40% of students), and (g) Score of 6: if both answers are answered correctly and answered by <20% of students. So that the ideal maximum score for creative thinking is 144. Aspects of the measured scientific method include three types of skills: (1) skills in designing investigations, (2) skills in carrying out investigations, and (3) skills in reporting the results of investigations. Indicators of each skill can be seen in table 1. Table 1. Indicators of mastery of each aspect of the scientific method Aspects of Scientific Methods Indicators Designing Investigations 1. Establish independent variables as treatment factors in the investigation

2. Identify the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable in an investigation 3. Stating the background of the importance of investigations 4. Formulate the objectives of the investigation 5. Identify random variables in an investigation 6. Establish the research hypothesis in an investigation 7. Design the sample size needed in an investigation 8. Design the type of data that must be collected in an investigation 9. Design data analysis techniques resulting from investigations Carry out Investigations 1. Give treatment 2. Control variables 3. Observing responses Reporting Investigation Results 1. Presenting research results in the form of diagrams, tables, or graphs 2. Present the conclusion of the research data 3. Presenting a discussion of the results of a research data 4. Verify the accuracy of the research results 5. Draw conclusions from research results based on observations and data generalization or statistical analysis 6. Presenting the results, discussion, and conclusions in a written research report 7. Present results, discussion, and conclusions orally

The research data was processed using Microsoft Excel 2007 programs. After that, the data were analyzed with descriptive statistics to present an overview of the mean, standard deviation, maximum score, and minimum score of divergent and creative thinking ability in mastering the scientific method. Then, both divergent and creative scores can be interpreted based on the categorization shown in table 2. Table 3. Divergent and creative score categorization Sort Score Score Score Description

Divergent Score 0-16 Low 17 - 32 Medium 33 - 48 Height Creative Score 0 - 48 Low 49 - 96 Medium 97 - 144 Height In addition, inferential statistical analysis is also used which includes the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to determine the normality of the data, Levene test to determine the homogeneity of the data, and a oneway variance test to compare the average divergent and creative thinking skills of students in three high schools with the National Examination achievement different. Inferential statistical analysis is done using the SPSS 16.0 program.

RESEARCH RESULT The results of descriptive analysis of students' creative and divergent thinking skills in mastering the scientific method are shown in table 3.

Table 3. Results of descriptive analysis scores of creative thinking and divergence in mastering the scientific method Group Ideal Maximum Score Data Average Minimum Deviation of Maximum Score Minimum Score Divergent Thinking Ability 48 19.5 5.3 33 4 Creative Thinking Ability 144 41.1 12.8 75 8

In Table 3 it is shown that the average divergent thinking ability of students is medium (17 <<32). The average creative thinking ability is still relatively low (<48). The maximum score for divergent thinking is 33 or only 68.75% of the ideal maximum score. While the maximum score obtained for creative thinking is 75 or only 52.08% of the ideal maximum score. From these data, in general it can be seen that the divergent and creative thinking skills of class XI students in Bantul Regency are still far from ideal. Then, the data was re-analyzed using an independent sample T-test to see differences in the average divergent and creative scores based on gender. The results of the analysis can be seen in table 4.

Table 3. Results of independent sample T-test analysis with α = 5% Divergent Thinking Ability of Creative Thinking Ability Gender N Average Standard Deviation Sig. (2-tailed) Average Score Creative Thinking Standard Deviation Sig. (2-tailed) Male 76 16.76 5.28 0.00 34.32 12.23 0.00 Female 183 20.58 4.84 43.88 11.96

From table 3, it can be seen that female students have higher divergent and creative thinking skills than male students. This can be seen from the average score of divergent thinking of male students who are smaller than the average score of divergent thinking of female students (16.76 <20.58). Similarly, the average score of creative thinking of male students is smaller than the average score of creative thinking of female students (34.32 <43.88). Based on the Sig. (2-tailed) the average divergent and creative thinking ability of female and male students is different (H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted because the value of 2-tailed Sig is 0.00 <α). Furthermore, the data were further analyzed to compare the average divergent and creative thinking abilities of students in the three high schools in terms of differences in the results of the National Examination. Previously, normality and homogeneity tests were conducted using SPSS 16.0, the results of which were presented in table 4. Through table 4, it appears that divergent and creative data are normally distributed and homogeneous. This is indicated by the value of Sig. which is greater than the value of α (0.05). Based on the results of the prerequisite test, it can be continued to parametric statistical analysis namely One-Way ANOVA.

Table 4. Results of tests of normality and homogeneity of divergent and creative data with α = 5% Normality Test Group (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) Homogeneity Test (Levene’s Test) N Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Sig. Divergent Thinking Ability 259 0.120 0.761 Creative Thinking Ability 259 0.331 0.908

The results of the analysis with One-Way ANOVA are tabulated in table 5.

Table 5. One-Way Anova test results on the average divergent and creative scores of students in 3 schools with high, medium and low National Examination categories Value Data Group Sig. (Between Groups) Divergent Thinking Ability 0.737 Creative Thinking Ability 0.393

Based on the ANOVA test results, it is known that the Sig. for divergent and creative thinking skills greater than α (0.05). This means that there is no significant difference between the average divergent and creative thinking abilities of students in schools with high, medium, or low UN scores.

DISCUSSION The results of the above study indicate that there are differences in divergent and creative scores when reviewed based on gender aspects. Female students show higher divergent and creative thinking skills compared to male students in mastering the scientific method of Biological aspects. Thus, the results of this study support previous research which states that gender differences correlate with the high and low achievements achieved by a student, where female students show higher achievement than male students [13]. This finding is in accordance with the socio-cultural studies of Indonesian society since the seventies. In Indonesia, women have a comparative advantage in the field of education. They are more diligent, more careful, and willing to listen well. His more dominant emotional attitude than his physical ability has placed women in a very good position. As a result, there are many facts that women occupy a large part of the top 10 in each school. This fact is valid from education at the primary level (elementary school) to university [14]. In contrast to various research results in other countries where men have more achievements in mathematics and science than women [15-16]. The results of the above study also showed that there were no significant differences in creative thinking and divergent abilities between students who attended favorite schools with high National Examination scores; less favorite school with medium National Examination scores; and not favorite schools with low National Examination scores. This condition may be caused by the high value of the National Examination obtained through the drilling system of the material contained in the graduate competency standards. In other words, the high National Examination results do not represent the ability of students to master scientific methods or high-level thinking.

CONCLUSION Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the creative thinking ability of high school students in Bantul Regency in mastering the scientific method is still relatively low. The divergent thinking ability has reached the medium category although it is still far from ideal. It was also known that there were female students showing higher divergent and creative thinking skills compared to male students in mastering the scientific method of Biological aspects. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in creative and divergent thinking skills when viewed from the aspect of school achievement in achieving the National Examination results. REFERENCE

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