Future Management

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 679
  • Pages: 2
FutureManagement™ FutureManagement is the trademark of the new management system and philosophy that advocates teaches not to manage values alone but the value systems as well. The idea was born in mid eighties when Cemil Tarhan realized that the pace of change has so much increased that the acceleration putting absolute systems and philosophies at quite a bit risk. Until then human arena was almost steady and many people had not realized that their systems could change. In fact the pace of change was so slow few people could notice any change at all in their reference frames and that’s why the reference frames were considered to be absolute and motionless. In fact that was a fallacy. All systems were changing but many were so slow that their change was negligible and not noticeable. Then in mid-eighties the pace of change has accelerated and started to increase. In few years it was large enough for Cemil Tarhan to notice the difference in pace and hence the change. Then Cemil defined ‘Value’ as follows: Vi = V0 + ∆vi where V0 was the base, the foundation, the original, the common observation which was thought to be absolute in general (or on the average) and likewise ∆v was the value that was being observed individually. Since for many or most people V0 was the same as the average, the value that mattered was only the ∆v. FutureManagement™ Newspapers. They compete with each other and their value system tells them that they should beat the competition. But should they remove the competition altogether? No. because if they do so then they will have no rivals and thus no reason for improving and at the end they will suffer and lose. So their FutureManagement™ tells them that they should cooperate and collaborate with their rivals as to keep the customer within the circle of influence of the press and not some other substitute means of satisfaction. Should the rivals in any given set of market beat and kill each other to lead to a monopoly situation then there will be substitute value systems competing with the weakened value system. Thus the value system is strengthened as the number of players and hence th entropy of the system is increased. Otherwise the system loses its value.

Value and opportunity (economic counterparts of physical energy and entropy) Doctors They compete with each other in their respective field of specialization. For example two ophthalmologists compete with each other for patients since patients will prefer one ophthalmologist to the other. But a ophthalmologist and an optometrist will not compete with they address different needs. While one will perform a surgery the other will not. An endocrinologist will not compete with a dietician or with a hematologist. A cardiologist will not compete with cardiac surgeon. A neurologist will not compete with psychiatrist. A psychologist will not directly compete with a psychiatrist either. A psychoanalyst likewise will not directly compete with the psychiatrist. Neither will a pedagogue compete with the psychiatrist. Hence what do doctors do in order to secure their future? They do FutureManagement™. That is right they exactly do FutureManagement™. They manage the value system where people believe that they will find cure to their medical problems in the medical community. Each doctor supports and defends and propagates and advocates the belief system that people should see a physician whenever they have a medical problem. This is similar with the clergy as well. They do not want their subjects 6top leave their domain of influence and swerve to some other domain of influence. So although there is a competition among different denomibations, different churches of a religion, ene even among religions they all form a unified front when it vpomes to defend their common ground. That is their common value system. Where their individual values are evaluated and made worth of something. Outside that sphere of infglunce outside that domain of influence their individual values mean nothing much and they worth not sa shit. Management Management is making decisions based on assimilated information and configured knowledge base

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