
  • November 2019
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A Christian Focus Worldly gains apart from Christ = manure (Phil. 3:7-11) The word in the Greek is "skubalon" which is a very vulgar term. The basic meaning is "dung" or "manure". The Apostle Paul, 30 years after his conversion acknowledges in Phil. 3:12 that he is still struggling. Likewise we should never be too comfortable with the current level of our spiritual maturity. One thing I do (Phil. 3:13) = With a singular purpose (Psalm 86:11, a unified heart) Soren Kierkegaard, the great Danish Christian philosopher, wrote a book entitled Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing. The basic message of that book is that Christians are only pure when they renounce all other things and pursue only one thing, that one thing being the kingdom of God. Forgetting/Leaving what is behind (anything which acts as a hindrance) (Phil. 3:13) This includes: Our past sins and the associated feelings of guilt (Jer. 31:33-34, 1 Tim.1:12-13, Heb.12:1-2) The wrongs done to us by others and the associated feelings of resentment (Matt. 6:14-15, Heb. 12:15) Past Achievements, Successes, Sacrifices and Service Paul was a citizen of Tarsus. At the time he lived there, only families of wealth and reputation were allowed to retain their Tarsian citizenship. He was born into a home of wealth and culture. Paul studied theology in Jerusalem at the feet of the great Gamaliel, and received top notch training in Greek culture at the University of Tarsus. All this Paul left to become a poor itinerant missionary. Strain towards what is ahead (Phil. 3:13-14) Strain The Greek verb dioko as used here means to chase after, press on towards, strain for or aggressively pursue. It involves passionately striving with all of one’s strength, pushing oneself to the limit in pursuit of a goal. (1 Cor. 9:24) Or as in 1 Tim. 6:12, fight for. Our selfish nature, especially today, demands immediate gratification. However, Heb. 6:12 tells us that the promises of God are inherited through faith and patience.

Press on toward the goal What is the goal?

Worldly Goals Knowledge (Ecc. 1:17) Wisdom, Strength, Wealth, Sensual Pleasure (Ecc. 2:4-11, 5:10, Jer. 9:23-24) Christian Goals To “know” Christ ( Phil. 3:10) an intimate, deep-down, personal union To answer a heavenly call (Phil. 3:14) To achieve a personal transformation (Phil. 3:21, Eze. 11:18-20, 18:31, 36:26, 2 Cor. 5:17) To receive an incorruptible crown of righteousness from God (1 Cor. 9:25, 1 Tim. 6:11, 2 Tim 4:7-8) (Note these scriptures also involve a racing or fighting analogy) Characteristics of Enemies of God (Phil. 3:19) Their god is their stomach (appetites) Their mind is focused on earthly things How can we maintain a focus on our future in God’s Kingdom? By regularly/daily: Attending of Church Gatherings/Sunday School/Worship Services (Deut. 31:12, Acts 2:42, Heb.10:25) Reading the Bible (Matt. 4:4) Prayer (Mark 14:38, Acts 2:42) Christian Sacrifice/2222222 (Luke 9:23)

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