Future Energy Technologies, With Thomas Valone, Ph.d.

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  • Words: 2,047
  • Pages: 51
Progress in Future Energy

Thomas Valone, PhD, PE Integrity Research Institute Washington DC

Integrity Research Institute


We Are Here

www.NASA.gov Integrity Research Institute


Night Lights = Wealthier Nation Energy Integrity Research Institute


80% of World Energy is from Coal and Oil  Carbon

SO2 in China NOx

Integrity Research Institute


Integrity Research Institute



• Flow of glaciers has doubled in five (5) years

• Plants, animals, tropical disease moving North • Category 4 & 5 hurricanes doubled in 30 years • N. Atlantic Conveyor slowed by 30% in 13 years • CO2 reaching 400 ppm worldwide for first time • 85% of Americans believe warming is real • Ten hottest years ever occurred in 14 years *www.ClimateCrisis.org – Al Gore’s new movie Too Hot Not to Handle –HBO Integrity Research Institute http://UCSaction.org/6

Ice thickness Integrity Research Institute


Global CO2 Level presently


Sea Level


0 m Sea Level is 290 ppm CO2 @ 15 °C World Temp Temp Gap: 4°C (7°F)


Technology Review, July/August 2006

Break in graph

Projected Sea Rise: 80 meters

years ago

KEY: 10 ppm = 0.5°C = 10 meters Integrity Research Institute


“Stabilizing atmospheric CO2 concentrations at safe levels will require a 60 to 80 percent cut in carbon emissions from current levels, according to the best estimates of scientists.” Worldwatch Institute, State of the World, Integrity Research Institute 1999


American Petroleum Inst. Memo “Victory will be achieved when…average citizens (recognize) uncertainties in climate science.” - 1998 - ABC News 4-10-06 • API redefined warming as theory rather than fact • White House played along by using oil lobbyist as top environmental advisor until this year and censoring all climate science Integrity Research Institute reports to remove “global warming” phrases 10

www.JetCar.de 120 mpg Andreas Manthey co-inventor

Integrity Research Institute


World Oil Production PER

Peak expected on or before 2010, like US 1970 peak, to2.1 trillion which it neverbarrels est. returns 76 mbd

Actual world production curve

1.8 trillion barrels est. Integrity Research Institute

We are here 12

e’re pretending that business as usual will supply all our needs. re’s an impending oil crisis we’re basically seeing, that will actu s sooner than we’re expecting it and it’s better to prepare for it Tom Valone, June 25, 2002 - CNN Moneyline

Integrity Research Institute


History,1968 1968-2000; – 2000 IEA & DOE Ref.Case projections to 2020



Oil Price(1999$/b)

$50 $40


History of OPEC Output & Prices




2000 2010

DOE Ref.Case








DOE has -Dr. Dermot Gately, higherNYU



(DOE-EIA AEO 2001) 20






OPEC Output (mbd)

DOE Ref.Case

Both require huge increases in OPEC output.

2020 2020




De ma nd =1 00 mb d

33 %

30 sh ar e=

20 10 0




Non-OPEC Output (mbd)



1973 1968 De ma nd =5 0m bd

% 50 e= r a sh EC P O




De ma nd =7 5m bd

Integrity 40Research 50 Institute 60

OPECOutput (mbd)

Non-OPEC mbd = million supply. barrels per day



I EA & DOE Reference Case OPEC projections.



2/3 of US Electricity is Wasted

Ref: DOE & U.S. Energy Association, 2002

Consumed: 39 Quads 12

Wasted: 27 Quads 8 trillion kWh

trillion kWh

Total of Electric Utility & Nonutility Producers

Delivered: 12 Quads 3.7 trillion kWh

39 IN

12 OUT Integrity Research Institute

15 Adaptation by Integrity Research Institute

Tesla’s Design for Wireless Energy • 1905 – Earth-Ionosphere found to resonate at 8Hz • Magnifying transmitter 200 ft tall to be built again • Wardenclyffe sphere 68 ft diameter like a Van de Graff static generator • Longitudinal EM waves virtually lossless energy transmission

Distribution will be free

• Harnessing the Wheelwork of Nature by Thomas Valone Integrity Research Institute published in 2005


Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter • Standing wave sketch • Lossless transmission line • 95% efficiency that is opposite to transmission circuit • Earth’s magnetic flux can be “strummed” or resonantly vibrated • Increase at nodes-antinodes • Air offers conductive path • Pulsed ionizations of the air Integrity Research Institute


Earthquake Prediction • New IRI Book Project with Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher T-1050 measures 0.01 to 300 Hz, 10-10 gauss movements of tectonic plates • 30% magnetite in Mt. St. Helens volcanic ash • Signatures precede earthquakes & eruptions • Pattern ceases 24 to 72 hours before event • Triangulates position as well – new book in 2006 • Perfect for Earthquake-Volcano Warning Institute

Editing this book for publication-save lives Integrity Research Institute


Integrity Research Institute •


• Conferences, Books, Reports & free Future Energy eNews

• ADVOCACY FOR THE COMMON GOOD without favoritism nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that accepts tax-deductible donations Integrity Research Institute


IRI Future Energy Projects

Integrity Research Institute


1) Electromagnetic Energy Medicine • Diseased cells have low transmembrane potential • Low TMP = low Na-K pump & ATP impairment • External

HV EMFs can increase TMP

• Boosting TMP and creating electron transfer to fight free radicals helps the immune system

AMA and FDA slow to change since Flexner Report of 1910 “Electrons are antioxidants and HV strengthens immune response” – T. Valone21 Integrity Research Institute

Photonic Rejuvenation Energizing Machine & Immunizing Electrification Radiator (PREMIER)

PREMIER Junior Dr. Jacqueline Panting Dr. Richard Gerow Model 100 using Model 2500 with Model 200 22 Integrity Research Institute


Future Bioenergy Projects: •ELECTRIC CLOTHES • ELECTRIC SHOES • Microwave Capsule Receivers (with Norm Shealy, MD)

• Whole body treatment • Under development --

Integrity Research Institute



Integrity Research Institute


Here’s Where We are Going World Electricity is now 20% Renewable Energy

Integrity Research Institute


Integrity Research Institute


Integrity Research Institute


“The car of the future will run on metal.” - Dave Beach & Solomon Labinov researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee New Scientist, Issue 2522, 22 October 2005 • metal powder such as iron, aluminum or boron • already used in rocket-powered torpedoes • nanosized particles (50 nm) temperature peaks at around 800 °C - hot enough to do useful work – not to hot to stick to surfaces • volume is half size of 50 litre tank for same range Integrity Research Institute


WAVE POWER Ed Spooner, New and Renewable Energy Centre, UK

Jeff Cheung, Rockwell Scientific Integrity ResearchNew Institute Scientist,

Mar. 11 & 25, 2006


Spiral Magnetostatic Motor Utilizes Magnetic Gradient

Magnetic rotor repelled from spiral Stator Magnet causing Torque

Light Sensor triggers the electromagnet to fire giving off a Magnetic Pulse

Pulse sends the Rotor Magnet past the magnetic field gap

Magnetic Gradient also used in the Stern-Gerlach physics experiment

Japanese “Magnetic Wankel” Kure Tekkosho Company - Pop. Sci., 1979

Inhomogeneous magnetic fields (dB/dθ) create the circumferential force Integrity (F) Research Institute

Popular Science June 1979



SEG Dynamic Magnetic System

Orbiting Homopolar Magnetic Energy Converter US Patent 6,822,361 drafted by Valone

• • • • • • •

Energy & Propulsion Systems, LLC

V. Roshchin & S. Godin 7 kW power generation 100 kW capability 35% weight reduction or amplification at 550 rpm. Spatial magnetic field increase (50 mT) coaxially 7°C (13 °F) temperature drop up to 15 meters away Improved efficiency with 20 kV applied high voltage Exponential speed increase

Integrity Research Institute


Russian MEC Inventors, Godin and Roshchin at the US DOE I am here

Inventor s

Integrity Research Institute


MEC Prototype Being Completed in Russia

Integrity Research Institute


Integrity Research Institute


TheAirCar.com The recharging of the car: filling the tanks it will take about to 2 to 3 minutes at a price of 1.5 euros. After refilling the car will be ready to driver 200 kilometres.

Moteur Developpment International

Because the engine does not burn any fuel the car's oil (a litre of vegetable) only needs to be changed every 50,000 Km. The temperature of the clean air expulsed form the exhaust pipe is between 0 and 15 degrees below zero and can be subsequently channeled and used for air conditioning in the interior of the car. Moteur Developpment International Integrity Research Institute


Tritium Betavoltaic Battery • Continuous electrons • 12 – 40 year lifespan • Paul Brown, COFE 1999, Patent # 4,835,433


• IEEE Spectrum, 2004 “Daintiest Dynamos”

BetaBatt Inc. of Houston TX – SBIR grant from NSF

• Ray Kurzweil “Ten Coolest Technologies You’ve Never Heard Of” PC mag, July 12, 2006

Integrity Research Institute


Photoremediation of Nuclear Waste Nuclear

1 MW

Solutions Company

20 MW

• Tested by Los Alamos and Brookhaven Labs • Safe consumption of nuclear waste – no need for long term storage • Treats all 300 radioactive species generated by nuclear reactors • Generates electricity by burning up spent fuel with low energy (10 MeV or less) gamma photons – better than ATW (US DOE)

• Tabletop Demonstration: “Laser-driven 6.4 MeV photons” Integrity Research Institute J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36 (2003) L79–L82


EMERGING FUSION TECH • Dense Plasma Focus Fusion – U of IL • Sonofusion – Purdue U, UCLA • Cold Fusion – NRL, SRI, ERAB, DARPA • Crystal Fusion – UCLA • Electrostatic Confinement – R. Hirsch • Magnetic Confinement – Tokamak, ITER • Barriers: public misinformation, disproportionate funding, US Patent Office Integrity Research Institute


• 24 foot antennas or higher • tiny amount of polonium on tip of antenna boosts current • electrets improve output • corona motor is easy to build and “they can run Integrity Research Institute forever”


Electrostatic Motors • Benjamin Franklin, inventor • First electric motor ever • One operated for 86 years

• Uses atmospheric electricity • 0.1 Hp motors developed • 10 kW to 1 MW design range • “Underutilized technology” • Atmospheric potential of planet: 200 gigawatts Jefimenko, Proc. of COFE, 1999, p. 70

Integrity Research Institute


Jan 21, 1997

Integrity Research Institute


The Quantum Vacuum

Quantum fluctuations of the vacuum create virtual particles (real for an instant) that produce shielding & mechanical force

Koltick electron experiment

Zero-point energy is not conserved (open system)

Helium stays liquid < 1°K

ZPE density = 220 erg/cc in optical region (ref. Milonni)

Integrity Research Casimir force pushesInstitute

Electron-positron production


Rectifying Thermal and NonThermal Electric Noise Nanotechnology Energy

Metal-metal diodes #3,890,161

Capasso #4,704,622

Yater patent #4,004,210

current direction

• Peptide molecular photodiodes 1 nm across Yasutomi et al. 2004 Science 304 1944 43

Integrity Research Institute

Casimir Engine - Pinto 50 - 100 microns

• Uses microlasers (RS) • Similar to Forward’s “parking ramp” • Movable and fixed • optically controlled vacuum energy transducer @ 10 kHz • Power = 0.5 nW •

Pinto, Phys. Rev.B, 60, 21, Research 1999, p.4457 Integrity Institute

10 microjoules/cm2 for every cycle 44

Integrity Res. Inst. Recommendations Closed system Modular Distributed Environmental Pollution-free Hydrogen Solar, Wind Geothermal

Integrity Research Institute


Integrity Research Institute


3) Propulsion Flame jet generator

B-2 Bomber

Charge distribution

Integrity Research Institute


Motion from ZPE Vacuum Fluctuations • Quantum vacuum creates momentum difference (red vs. blue) in dielectric media and thus motion V • Let E = 100 kV/m and B = 17 Tesla (or 170 kG). Then, V = 50 microns/sec • Feigel uses ZPE to satisfy energy conservation • Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 92, 2004 48

Integrity Research Institute

Hydrodynamic Model of Vehicle Interactions with ZPF • Resistance vs. speed for sound and for light is same • speed of light c = ( μoεo )-½ • sound speed c = (qRγT)½ • Aerodynamic viscous drag is compared to the Lorentz force exerted by the ZPF • μoεo and Einstein-Hopf drag F = - R v can be reduced by nonabelian electromagnetic fields with a toroid Fronig, Integrity Research Institute

38th JPC, AIAA-2002-392549

Superluminal Saucer • Fronig solved Euler eq of fluid dynamics with vacuum perturbed by toroidal EM field • ZPF loses its drag when T0K • Only directional accelerating recoil left • Transfers energy from ZPF to vehicle Integrity Research Institute


Integrity Research Institute


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