Future Information Technologies

  • July 2020
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Future Information Technologies

Technologies are developing day by day. The present situation of information technologies are much satisfactory for the users. But if you want to use the information technology from the basic stage of our practical life or in corporate sector it still needs too much development for save time,money and for more user friendly. For describing future information technology first we divide the whole information technology in 4 stage. We will consider INPUT,STORAGE,PROCESSING AND OUTPUT system for describing the future information sector. INPUT SYSTEM: 1.Holographic command system: This system reduce the general button trends.And obviously its more than easy to keep and its more portable rather than general mouse,keyboard,pen pad etc. 2.Morph technology: This technology also a future technology which is also in lab. Using this kind of technology any user can easily run his own device in a open crowded road,in car or any other situation when he cant open his present laptop or like that kind of devices. 3.Nano technology: In not so far future if we can use nano technology for oura daily use it will more portable rather than any other technology even holographic input method. STORAGE SYSTEM: 1. Hybrid technology: During this technology in the future the storage capability of any portable devices will change dramatically. If we can implement the hybrid technology in our storage system it will gives use more data read speed, more data storage speed. 2. Perpendicular magnetic recording: In this technology data storage process will be 90 degree angels to the platters surface where normal HDD store data parallel way. 3.SOMA (self-ordered magnetic arrays): Another technology that's at least several years away, SOMA, could increase hard drive areal densities to levels approaching 50Tb per square inch. Materials used with SOMA automatically arrange themselves through a magnetic field and are about 1% of the size of current magnetic hard drive bits.

Future Information Technologies

PROCESSING Quantum computing : According to quantum mechanics, an electron has a binary (twovalued) property known as “spin.” This suggests another way of representing a bit of information. While single-particle information storage is attractive, it would be difficult to manipulate. The fundamental idea of quantum computing, however, depends on another feature of quantum mechanics: that atomic-scale particles are in a “superposition” of all their possible states until an observation, or measurement, “collapses” their various possible states into one actual state. This means that if a system of particles—known as quantum bits, or qubits—can be “entangled” together, all the possible combinations of their states can be simultaneously used to perform a computation, at least in theory. Processing as Human Brain: It will be the another future revolution in Information technologies, that is by this processing trend any computer can make a bridge with human brain.that means computer processors are get the human brain processing speed !

Output: EDP Technology: It is not very far away that instead of searching for newspapers in the morning you will have to just switch on your e-book reader. The new gadgets, Amazon's Kindle $ Sony Reader 505, have revived the long under performing e-book readers. These devices has encouraged the use of electronic paper display (EPD) technology.The EPD displays currently being used are based on electronic "ink" developed by E Ink Corp. The ink used is bistable and is very energy efficient. ref:http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.unplggd.com/ uimages/unplggd/121008_rg_hp_flexibledisplay.jpg&imgrefurl=http:// www.unplggd.com/unplggd/home-theater/hp-flexible-display-cheap-andunbreakable-screen-technology-071783&usg=__0NjbBNaI06ZJO2D5caUWv8FfdI=&h=557&w=540&sz=110&hl=en&start=8&sig2=Gatb vwQzmzfxU8EhWhQOcg&um=1&tbnid=esX8Yn4J33Mm3M:&tbnh=133&tbnw= 129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfuture%2Bdisplay%2Btechnology%26hl%3Den %26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um %3D1&ei=PMoJS9b6PMqF-QbYk-TFDQ Ink less Printer: In near future we will see another revolutionary technology in printing sector.Printer may can use without ink and we can also think about a erasable page,which may can erase more than 100 times.so the ink less printer and the erasable page easily decrease the cost of pages and inks in office or university or any other places !

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