Functions Of Management - Assignment (ppt)

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  • Words: 1,182
  • Pages: 27

Introduction ……………………………………………… ….3

Planning as a function on Management …………………..5

Organizing as a function of Management ……………… .14

Staffing as a function of management ……………………18

Controlling as a function of Management………………...20

Directing as a function of Management ………………….25

Conclusion …………………………………………………..26

References ………………………………………………….28

Group Members……………………………………………..29 1

Introduction • Economic system is a complex of activities that must form the background of management. • Goods and services that consumers need must be supplied and the means by which they can purchase these goods and services must be provided. • Management’s role must therefore be to provide this in the most efficient manner by combining factors of production and distribution and directing the efforts of the people concerned to the given purpose 2

Introduction-Cont. • Enterprises need plans, direction and control and all these will function only with effective organization. • These elements, planning, directing, controlling, staffing, and organizing are called ‘managerial functions’.


PLANNING • A plan is a predetermined course of action which provides purpose and direction of an organization. • Planning is foreseeing future circumstances and requirements, then, setting objectives, making long and short term plans and determining the policies to be followed with standards to be set.


• It involves making a systematic process for achieving the organization’s goals. • In planning, managers receive and store information, monitor and disseminate the information. • A manager makes decisions on strategy and allocation of resources and initiate planned changes • Strategic planning is the process of developing and analyzing the organizations mission, overall goals, general strategies and allocating resources. 5

• A strategy –­­­­is a course of action created to achieve a long – term goal. • Goals –are the things that the organization strives to achieve. • Strategic planning requires a lot of information gathering, exploring alternatives and emphasizing future implications of its current decisions. 6

Steps in planning • 1. Define the organization‘s mission and vision. A mission is the purpose of the organization.It explains why the organization exists . Vision is the future goal or achievement of an organization. It guides the mission of the organization by defining measurable strategic and financial objectives


• 2. SWOT ANALYSIS • Analyze the strength, weaknesses and identify opportunities and threats of the organization i.e. SWOT Analysis baseline. SWOT analysis is used as the basis for future improvements.


3. Setting goals and objectives. Goals and objectives are developed to bridge the gap between current capability and the mission Objectives – are statements describing results and the way in which they will be achieved. They are more specific and narrower than goals.


4. Develop a strategy. Information collected from the environmental scan is used to: Match strengths with opportunities and address weaknesses while trying to minimize threats to its existence. Make superior profits by getting a competitive advantage over competitors. 10

5. Implementation of strategy. Strategy is implemented by developing programs, budgets and procedures. It involves organizing the firm’s resources and motivating staff to achieve the firm’s objectives.


6. Evaluating /monitoring and control Evaluation and control consists of: • Defining parameters to be measured. • Defining the target values of those parameters. • Performing measurement. • Comparing measured results to predefined standards. • Making necessary changes. 12

ORGANIZING • This is the identification and classification of the required activities, the grouping of activities necessary to attain objectives, the assignment of each grouping to a manager with authority and the provision of coordination. • In organizing, structures are created, relationships established and resources are allocated for the accomplishment of activities


• In organizing, plans are reviewed, tasks to be performed are listed, tasks are grouped into jobs that can be done by an individual, departments are created, work is assigned to individuals and authority is delegated.


• Organizational Structure Each organization has an organizational structure. • Ideally, in developing an organizational structure and distributing authority, managers' decisions reflect the mission, objectives, goals and tactics that grew out of the planning function.


• Specifically, they include: 1. Division of labor 2. Delegation of authority 3. Departmentation 4. Span of control 5. Coordination


STAFFING • Staffing involves manning the organizational structure through proper and effective appraisal ,selection and development of people to fill the roles designed into the structure. • Staffing is also known as Human Resource Management. In other words, it is the management function devoted to acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees. 17

Staffing process involves:

1)­Development of organizational structure. 2) ­Assessment of manpower required and available. 3) ­Assessment of their quality, qualification and skills for the job. 4)­ Appraisal –Strength and shortcomings 5) ­Conduct development programs.


CONTROLLING. • This is the measurement and correction of performance in order to ensure that enterprise objectives and plans devised to attain them are accomplished. • Controlling is a function of every manager both at lower and upper level since all have responsibility for the execution of plans. • In controlling we must: 19

• Establish standardsThese are criteria for performance used by managers to measure performance since managers cannot usually watch everything being done within an organization.


• Measure performanceThis should be on a forward looking basis so that deviations may be detected in advance of their occurrence and avoided by appropriate actions. This is through detection of probable departures from standards.


• Correct deviations­ Standards should reflect the various positions in an organization structure. Managers may correct deviations by redrawing their plans or by modifying their goals. ­ They may also correct by exercising their organizing function through reassignment or clarification of duties. 22

­ They may correct also by additional staffing, better selection and training of subordinate or by firing staff. ­ Standards set may be physical like labor hours per unit produced, may be cost standards like cost per unit produced or revenue standards like sales per customer. ­ For control to be effective there must be real time feedback. 23

DIRECTING. • Directing involves the initiation of action and it entails three elements that are action oriented in nature. • These are motivation, communication and leadership. • Leading is the process of influencing people so that they will contribute to organization and group goals.


Conclusion • Management has been identified as a systematic body of knowledge based on general principles, concepts, theories and techniques which are variable in terms of business practice. • These are embodied in the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling which form the job of a manager. 25

• In planning we establish objectives, and plans. • In Organizing, activities are grouped. • In staffing we recruit, select and train personnel required by the organization. • In directing the manager leads, motivates and appraise personnel. • Controlling is concerned with how well the organization is faring. 26


1. Kibera,F.N(1996). Introduction to business: A Kenya perspective, Nairobi: Kenya literature Bureau PP 104­114 2. Koontz,H and Weihrich,H. (1988). Management, Ninth edition. New York: McGraw­Hill book company • • learn­8211managerial­function­of­staffing.html


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