Full Star Wars Character Creation

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 6,742
  • Pages: 71
Character creation is done in much the same way as d&d, you get 30 points to distribute among your characteristics Ability Score Point Cost 8-------------------0 9-------------------1 10------------------2 11------------------3 12------------------4 13------------------5 14------------------6 15------------------8 16------------------10 17------------------13 18------------------16 You get 1 feat and a number of skill points (and possibly force points) based on your class. Each class has a number of credits to spend on their starting equipment!


Human •


30ft base speed

4 extra skill points at 1st level. 1 extra every other level

+ 1 feat at 1st level

Automatic Languages – Basic

Wookie •

+2 Str -2 Dex


30ft base speed

Wookies never have minus modifiers to climb skill related to their Dex score. They receive a + 2 bonus to climb rolls.

Weapon proficiency- bowcaster

Automatic languages – Shirriwook, Basic (wookies can understand basic, but not speak it)

Twi’lek •

+2 Cha -2 Wis


30ft base speed

+2 to all persuasion rolls.

Automatic Languages: twi’leki, basic

Mon Calamari

Aquatic, Mon Cal can breath in or out of water.


30ft base speed

+2 to swim, spot and search rolls.

Automatic languages: Mon Calamarian, Quarren, Basic


+2 Wis -2 Cha


30ft base speed

Automatic Languages; Rodese, Basic

Droids Ask the DM about this, decide what type of droid you want and then we’ll sort it. Bothan •

+2 Int +2 Cha -2 Con -2 Wis


30ft base speed

Automatic Languages; Bothese, Basic

Ewok •

+2 Cha -2 dex


20ft base speed

Automatic languages; Ewokese, Basic (like Wookies Ewoks understand but can’t speak Basic)


- +4 Int, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con, -2 Str, -2 Cha - +4 bonus on any checks relating to hearing. Bith can also hear many frequencies that other species cannot. - -2 penalty to spot and other sight-related checks due to Bith being near-sighted; their close-range vision is extremely good, so they gain +2 to checks involving detailed examination (dm’s discretion) - Bith are especially sensitive to sonic damage and take 2x normal damage - Bith are also naturally talented musicians, so can have some bonuses on anything musicrelated if that is ever necessary…

Zabrak Also known as Iridonians or Iridonian Zabraks if they come from Iridonia 

- often chaotic - Basically the same stats as humans Kel Dor

- have to wear their anti-tox masks at all times except on their home planet, Dorin - +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con - Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen and Oxygen are lethal to Kel Dors if not in their masks - Usually not chaotic MIGHT NEED SOME BALANCING


+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha - Regeneration: can regain 1 lost hp once every 6 rounds in combat, or 1 every hour when not in combat. They can even re-grow whole limbs. - Trandoshans and Wookies hate each other, so each has -4 to all Cha-based interactions with the other species -


- -2 Dex, -2 Cha - Minor precognitive abilities: Iktotchi can all, to some degree, sense the future. They gain +1 to all saving throws, and the dm may grant the player some insight into the future. Although this ability is relatively weak with most Iktotchi, it is strong among jedi, who have +2 to all saving throws instead of +1, and should be allowed occasional glimpses of the future. - Iktotchi are natural pilots, giving them +2 to piloting checks - They are naturally resistant to harsh weather Chagrian

- low-light vision - can breathe underwater - +2 to swim checks

- resistant to radiation - -2 to Charisma


- +2 to spot and search checks - +2 to any check relating to interactions with other Grans

Classes Jedi Guardian •

Alignment – any good, or lawful neutral.

Hit Die d8

Skill Points per level 2+ Int modifier (x4 at 1st level)

Class Skills; Jump, Awareness, Treat Injury.

Weapon and armour proficiency; Melee weapons, lightsaber, and all light and heavy ranged weapons.

Jedi may never wear any armour except light, and while wearing light armour take a -2 penalty to using all Jedi skills.

Base attack bonus- Average

Base Save Bonus- Good

1 force point per level

Guardians may use 4 force points per level

1200 credits at 1st level

Jedi Consular •

Alignment- any good, lawful neutral.

Hit die d4

Skill Points per level 4+Int modifier (x4 at 1st level)

Class skills; persuade, awareness, treat injury.

Base Attack bonus – Poor

Base save bonus- Poor

Weapon & armour proficiency; lightsaber, light ranged weapons

Jedi may never wear any armour except light, and while wearing light armour take a -2 penalty to using all Jedi skills.

1 Force power per level, 2 every second level

Consulars may use 8 force points per level

1000 credits at 1st level

Smuggler •

Alignment- anything except lawful

Hit Die D6

Skill points per level 8+ Int modifier

Class Skills; Computer Use, Demolitions, Stealth, Awareness, Persuade, Repair, Security, Piloting, Spot, Search

Base Attack bonus- Average

Base save Bonus- Good

Sneak attack

Weapon and armour proficiency; all melee weapons, all light ranged weapons, light armour.

1500 credits at first level

Soldier •

Alignment- anything except chaotic.

Hit die- d10

Skills per level- 2+ Int modifier.

Class skills- Demolitions, Awareness, Treat injury, Piloting, Spot, Search, Climb, Jump, Swim

Base Attack Bonus- Good

Base save bonus-good

Weapon and armour proficiency- all except lightsaber

Bonus Feat every other level (inc. 1st)

2000 credits at first level

Commando •

Alignment- any

Hit Die D8

Skills per level 5+Int modifier

Class Skills- Computer use, Demolitions, Stealth, Repair, Piloting, Security, Jump, Climb

Base attack bonus- average

Base save bonus- good

Weapon and armour proficiency; melee weapons, light and medium ranged weapons, light and medium armour.

1700 credits at 1st level.


Melee Weapons (b) indicates the weapon is balnced so incurs less penaties when wilding two weapons or a double ended weapon Class









50 credits



Vibroblade( b)


150 credits





100 credits





150 credits



Stun Baton

D4 (b) non lethal

100 credits



Force Pike


200 credits



Vibro double blade

D8+1/D8+ 1 (b)

250 credits



Gaffi Stick


150 credits


Lightsabers Lightsab er

Lightsab er


Lightsab er (adds +1 to AC)



Lightsab er (this type of saber requires a separate Weapon proficien cy feat: light whip, to other sabers) Lightsab er

Lightwhi p


Double D8+4/D8 Bladed +4 (b) lightsabe r

Material s roughly worth 700 credits Material s roughly worth 500 credits Material s roughly worth 800 credits


Material s roughly worth 800 credits




Ranged Weapons All light weapons are balanced. Light







Bryar blaster pistol

DC-15 blaster pistol

DL-44 Blaster pistol

KDY-21 blaster pistol

Q2 holdout blaster

WESTAR34 blaster pistol S-5 heavy blaster pistol

D6+3 5 rounds fire, 1 round recharge D6+1 10 rounds fire, 1 round recharge D8+2 6 rounds fire, 1 round recharge D10 +2 5 rounds fire, 1 rounds recharge D6 10 rounds fire 1 round recharge D10+4 10 rounds fire, 1 round recharge D10+2 10 rounds fire 1 round recharge

650 credits


500 credits


700 credits


850 credits


400 credits


1000 credits


900 credits





DL-22 blaster pistol

DH17 Blaster pistol

ACP Repeater

D6+2 8 rounds fire, 1 round recharge D8+1

500 credits


700 credits


700 credits



D6+1 160 shots 2x shots per attack

Mediu m Mediu m

Mediu m

Mediu m

Mediu m

KX-60 blaster rifle A280 blaster rifle E-11 blaster rifle DC-15A blaster rifle E-5 blaster rifle

D8+1 25 shots D8+2 50 shots D8+3 100 shots D8+2 500 shots D8+3 50 shots

600 credi ts


750 credi ts


1000 credi ts


1000 credi ts


750 credi ts


Mediu m Mediu m

EE-3 carbine rifle Disrupto r rifle

D8+3 25 shots D10+6 10shot s

Mediu m

Mediu m

Mediu m

Mediu m

Mediu m

Mediu m

KiSteer 1284 projectil e rifle


Chiss Charric

D8+2 -2 to all block attemp ts

Sonic Blaster

Wookie bowcast er

Ion blaster

Czerka 6-2Aug2 hunting

10 shots,

50 shots D8+1, cannot be blocke d 25 shots D10+4 10 shots D6+4 non lethal, double damag e on droids. 5 shots D6+2 25

1000 credi ts


1500 credi ts


1000 credi ts

500ft , can deliv er poise n 100ft

800 credi ts

1000 credi ts


900 credi ts


800 credi ts


450 credi ts


Mediu m



Tusken Cycler


400 credi ts


800 credi ts


1100 credi ts



1500 credi ts


850 credi ts


700 credi ts

25 shots Mediu m

DH-17 Carbine


Mediu m

E-11S Sniper rifle


100 shots

6 rounds fire 1 round rechar ge

Mediu m

DLT-20A blaster rifle


Mediu m

E17D Sniper rifle


Mediu m

ACP Array Gun


50 shots

4 shots

8 shots




FC-1 Flachette launcher


T-21 Light repeatin g blaster

D10+4 X2 shots per attack

DLT-19 heavy blaster


CR-1 blaster cannon



800 credits


2000 credits


1300 credits


1500 credits


5000 credits


2500 credits


3000 credits


6 shots

300 shots D8+4 100 shots D8+4 can hit up to 3 targets per shot. 50 shots D12+6 500 shots



LS-150 heavy ACP repeater gun

LJ-50 Concussi on rifle

D10+4 200 shots X3 shots per attack D12+4 5 shots 5ft area of damage


Thermal Detonator

D12 +6

1000 credits

20ft blast radius Fragmentation Grenade


EMP Grenade

D6+2 (x2 vs droids)

300 credits

10ft blast radius 100 credits

10ft blast radius Flashbang Grenade

DC 15 reflex save or stunned for d4 turns

100 credits

10ft blast radius Sonic Grenade

D8+2 + DC15 reflex save or stunned for d4 turns

500 credits

10ft blast radius

Armour Light

Marine armour

+3 to AC

500 credits

+5 max dex bonus


Ubese armour

+2 to AC

400 credits

+5 max dex bonus


Tantel Armour

+4 to AC

700 credits

+5 max dex bonus


Composite armour

+4 to AC

600 credits

+3 max dex bonus


Rebel body armour

+5 to AC

850 credits

+3 max dex bonus


Scout trooper armour

+5 to AC

1000 credits

+4 max dex bonus


Storm Trooper armour

+6 to AC

900 credits

+1 max Dex bonus


Katarn Commando armour

+7to AC

1250 credits

+2 max Dex bonus


Mandalorian Battle armour

+8 to AC

2000 Credits

+3 max Dex bonus




Max Dex modifier

Jedi robes

+1 to AC

200 credits


Pilot jumpsuit

+3 to AC

600 credits


Medium Battle armor

+5 to AC

650 credits


+4 to AC

700 credits


(this is an exception to the rule that jedi may not wear armour)

Armored flight suit



+8 to AC

5000 credits


+2 to STR

Equipment Equipment All temperature cloak Breath Mask Comlink Encrypted comlink Datacards (10) Electrobinoculars Tibanna gas cell Flight suit Grappling spike launcher Holoprojecter Holocam Sensor pack Repair Kit Master repair kit Starship repair tools Jetpack

Cost 100 25 100 200 30 25 100 200 100 75 200 250 50 100 100 1500

Med- Pack Bacta Shot Outfit

Heal 1d4 hp Heal 1d8 hp Gives you something to wear! Light Carries equipment Logs information Food Picks locks(+2 to security checks)

Glow rod Pack Datapad Rations, 1 days worth Lockpicks

Ship Parts Chassis & engines

50 credits 100 credits Varies (ask DM) 50 credits 50 credits 100 credits 20 credits 100 credits

A wing


50 hp

30000 credits



40000 credits



80000 credits



15000 credits



100,000 credits

2 weapon mounts B wing 3 weapon mounts

E wing 3 weapon mounts

Geonosian fighter, Nantex class territorial defender 1 weapon mount

K wing 5 weapon mounts

Lambda class shuttle



20000 credits



20000 credits



30000 credits



40000 credits



120,000 credits

1 weapon mount

N-1 star fighter 2 weapon mounts J-type star skiff 1 weapon mount

H- Type Nubian Yacht 1 weapon mount P-38 fighter 4 weapon mounts

Scimitar assault bomber



60000 credits



40000 credits



65000 credits



30000 credits



70000 credits



90000 credits

4 weapon mounts Skipray blast boat 3 weapon mounts

Firespray fighter 3 weapon mounts

Tie Interceptor 2 weapon mounts

Tie Defender 4 weapon mounts

X wing 3 weapon mounts

Y wing



55000 credits



450000 credits



25000 credits



20000 credits

Action VI Transport 1 weapon mount



40000 credits

YZ-775 light freighter



40000 credits



30000 credits

3 weapon mounts

V wing 2 weapon mounts

Z-95 headhunter 1 weapon mount YT-13000 light freighter 1 weapon mount

2 weapon mounts

HWK-190 light freighter 2 weapon mounts

MC18 light freighter



28000 credits

1 weapon mount

Weapons Laser cannons Blaster Cannons Mass Driver Turbolaser Ion cannon Tractor Beam Proton torpedo launcher 16 Proton Torpedoes Concussion missile launcher 16 concussion missiles

D10x5 D10x10 D12x10 D12x20 D10x10 non lethal Special, stops all movement of target -

5000 credits 10000 credits 12000 credits 22000 credits 8000 credits 5000 credits

1000km 1200km 800km 2000km 800km 100km

2000 credits


D12x25 -

20000 credits 2000 credits

1200km 1000km


14000 credits


Shields Light Medium Heavy

+ 100 shielding hp for ship +200 shielding hp for ship +300 shielding hp for ship

10000 credits

Slowest normal hyperdrive class Slightly faster hyperdrive Medium speed hyperdrive Fast hyperdrive Fastest normal hyperdrive

5000 credits

Cost 1000 credits

Effect +5 to awareness in ship

15000 credits 20000 credits

Hyperdrive Class 5 Class Class Class Class

4 3 2 1

Starship Sensors Old

6000 7000 8000 9000

credits credits credits credits


1500 credits


2000 credits


2500 credits


3000 Credits

+2 to hit rolls +10 to awareness +3 to hit rolls + 15 to awareness +4 to hit rolls +20 to awareness +5 to hit rolls +25 to awareness +6 to hit rolls


You may only put 4 levels in any skill at first level.

Computer use - INT Helps when interacting with computers and other electronic equipment. Demolitions- INT How skilled you are at setting and disarming traps as well as skills with explosives. Stealth- DEX How stealthily you can move around. Awareness- WIS How aware of your surroundings you are, and who’s around you. Persuade-CHA How persuasive you can be to other people. Repair-INT How skilled at repairing things you are. Security-WIS

How good at slicing locks and the like you are. Treat Injury-WIS How good at healing you are. Piloting-DEX How good at flying you are. Spot-WIS How sharp your eyes are. Search-INT How good at finding things you are. Languages-INT For every skill you spend on languages, you can learn a new tongue. Climb-DEX How good at climbing you are. Jump-STR How far you can jump. Swim-STR How strong a swimmer you are. Jedi Powers

Jedi skills can only be used by characters with levels in Jedi classes. Knight and master power Jedi spend Force points to use a force power, basic powers cost 1 pt, knight powers 2pts and master powers 3pts. Knight powers can only be used after 6th level, Master powers at 10th. Any powers that affect characters in any way other than the physical may take a will save to resist.

Throw lightsaber -STR Using the force a Jedi can throw his lightsaber accurately up to 30ft.

Burst of Speed/Knight/Master-DEX The Jedi uses the force to move at incredible speed doubling /tripling/quadrupling their base speed and giving a bonus of +1/+2/+3 to AC. Improved speed also gives +1 attack per round, Master +2. Force Push-STR The Jedi uses the force to telekinetically push a target. Target is thrown d12+STR feet and takes d4+character level damage. Mind Trick/Knight/Master-CHA Jedi uses the force to affect another’s mind. +4/+6/+8 to all persuade rolls on the target. Force Suppression/Knight/Master-CHA Jedi can use the force to block others force powers. 1/3/6 powers can be neutralised. Lightsaber Defence/Knight/Master-DEX Jedi can deflect d6/+2/+4 shots per turn by rolling higher than the attack roll in a parry roll (kind of like an attack, but all you do is block.) Only works with a lightsaber drawn. Light Side Powers Stun/Improved/Master-CHA Target is stunned for d4/+2/+4 rounds and can’t take actions. Force Shield/Knight/Master-WIS Target is protected by the force giving +1/+2+3 to AC. Force Heal/Improved/Master-WIS The Jedi uses the force to heal wounds. D6+1/+2/+3 hp healed. Dark Side Powers Force Choke/Knight/Master Target takes d6+1/+2/+3 damage.

Force Lightning Target takes d8 electrical damage. Drain Life/Knight/Master D4 hp are taken from target and added to Jedi’s hp.

Feats Improved feats may only be gained after 6th level, Master Feats only after 10th level. Characters get a feat every 3 levels, and at 1st level.

Armour Proficiency Light/Medium/Heavy Gives you the ability to wear classes of armour without penalties. Weapon Proficiency/Focus/Specialisation Gives ability to use weapon class (melee, light medium and heavy)/ +1 bonus to damage/+2 damage Duelling/Improved/Master Gives a +1/+2/+3 to hit when wielding a single melee weapon (also give -1/-2/-3 from attack rolls against you when wielding a single melee weapon in combat) Two Weapon Fighting/Improved/Master Reduces penalty to hit when using 2 weapons or a double ended weapon to-2-2/-11/-0-0 Conditioning/Improved/Master +2/+3/+4 to all saving throws. Toughness +1/+2/+3 hp per level. Critical Strike/Improved/Master Increases chance of critical to 17-20/16-20/15-20

Rapid Shot/ Flurry /Improved/Master Allows you to make +1/+2/+3 attacks with a ranged or melee weapon. Power Attack/Blast /Improved/Master +1/+2/+3 damage to an attack with a melee or ranged weapon. Caution/Improved/Master +1/+2/+3 to WIS related skills Empathy/Improved/Master +1/+2/+3 to all CHA related skills Gear head/Improved/Master +1/+2/+3 to all INT related skills. HP Roll the hot die indicated by your class, then add your con modifierto get your starting hp. AC 10+armour bonus+ dex modifier Other stuff •

What’s your characters name?

How old are they.

What gender are they! (this is more complicated than you might think in star wars...)

How tall are they, how much do they weigh?

WHO are they? Bit of back-story please...

Droid Rules Droids don’t have a race and class like other characters. Their function is part of what they are, so they combine race and class in Droid Classes. Droids take levels in Droid Classes like normal, but they can never multi-class (eg. An astromech droid can’t take a level of ‘Assassin Droid’ droid class).

Droid Classes -

Astromech droid Protocol droid War droid Assassin droid

So if you are creating a droid character, you decide what type of droid they are (eg war droid) and they have to keep that droid class forever – however they can increase their versatility and range of abilities by purchasing upgrade components.

Common Droid Features

Before going into detail on the various droid classes, this section sets out certain characteristics common to all droids.

Immunity to disease and mental effects Droids are mechanical and so cannot be affected by any illness, mind-affecting power or any other biological effects. They are also immune to things like pain, although they are aware of damage done to them (and upset by it).

Damage to droids Damage to droids does not heal over time as it does with biological characters. Droids are damaged rather than wounded and the damage has to be repaired using a repair kit (purchasable like a medpack). They are unaffected by medpacks and bacta, and incapable of repairing themselves. Only another character or droid can attempt to repair them (repair test – DC depends on extent of damage. If droid has lost less than 25% of hp, DC is around 12. If they have lost more than 50% it is more like 20, 75%+ = 25 and 100% = 40 NOTE

that these DCs can vary based on actual damage taken in story, so dm can decide). If the test is successful the droid’s hp are entirely restored. Repairing a droid takes some time.

Fixed stats Droids do not get to assign as many attribute points during character creation as other characters do. This is because to a large extent, droids within a certain class will be very similar. The few points you do get to assign will help represent variation within the class. NOTE: for droids, 1 point = 1 point (you don’t have to use all that point buying system crap where it to have a value of 18 costs 16 points or whatever – if you spend 2 points on Str, put +2 Str on the base value). Droids also do not gain attribute bonuses at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 like other characters do. However, they can boost their attributes by purchasing upgrades.

Droid Feats

Droids do not choose feats from the same list as other characters. They have a separate list of feats to choose from.

Weapon and armour proficiencies Droids can use normal weapons as well as special droid weapons that they are proficient with (they can use weapons they are not proficient with, but with big penalties). Some droids require special components in order to use normal weapons. Droids do not have armour proficiencies because they don’t use normal armour. They use special droid armour instead, which is useable by any droid that meets its requirements (and can pay the cost )

Ion vulnerability Ion weapons cause double damage against droids (lethal damage, unlike against organics (although obviously the droid can be repaired afterwards).

Restraining Bolts

Droids can be fitted with restraining bolts which prevent them from leaving a set area and force them to obey the simple remote commands ‘COME’ and ‘STOP’. Obviously, this is not in a droid’s interests.

Ungainly Droids are not agile or graceful, and their movement are jerky and clumsy compared to humanoids’. They take a -4 penalty on the following skill checks because of this: jump, climb and swim. (Apart from astromech droids, who cannot jump, climb or swim). Also, all droids except assassin droids take a -2 penalty to stealth checks because of the constant noise their inner workings make.

Version Update A droid can visit a skilled droid mechanic in order to have their systems and inner workings updated. This has the effect of giving one extra component slots for each of the following component types: weapon, utility and module. A droid can only ever be updated twice, and the second update costs

more than the first. The first update costs 10,000 credits, while the second costs 20,000.

Droid Classes Astromech droids

Base stats: Str 6 Dex 12

Con 14 Int 18 Wis 14 Cha 4 Plus 3 points attributed as the player wishes.

Base attack bonus: poor Base save bonus: poor +1 ‘Natural’ armour bonus to AC


hd: d6 base move speed: 20 feet (cannot run either) skill points: 6+Int modifier (x4 at level 1) class skills: computer use, demolitions, awareness, repair, security - MAY NOT GAIN SKILL POINTS IN: jump, climb, swim, languages, or persuade - Astromechs have a permanent +5 bonus to all computer use, security and repair checks. Note that to access a computer, security thing etc an astromech must plug in  st - Credits at 1 level: 2500

- Languages: binary, understand but cannot speak basic plus 1 other language of your choice Astromechs CANNOT USE WEAPONS without purchasing special components. They cannot attack unless upgraded, except perhaps by running over someone’s foot (although the droid would probably fall over…)

Remember that physically, they are basically wheelie-bins  - it is bound to be significant at some point.

Protocol Droids

Base stats Str 6 Dex 8 Con 10 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 14

Plus 2 points distributed as the player wishes.

Base attack bonus: poor Base save bonus: poor +1 natural armour bonus to AC



hd: d6 base move speed: 20 ft skill points: 4+Int (x4 at level 1) class skills: computer use, persuade, awareness, search MAY NOT GAIN SKILL POINTS in swim, jump or climb Can speak massive numbers of languages. When encountering a new language, there is only 1 10% chance that they will not know it (just roll whenever a new language is encountered). Everything else they can speak and understand fully. Protocol droids are not proficient with any weapons although upgrades can be bought Start credits: 2500

War Droids

Wide variety of types and shapes. The rules here assume it is vaguely humanoid….

Base Stats Str 12 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 6

Plus 6 points to be distributed by the player.

Base attack bonus: good Base save bonus: average +2 natural armour bonus to AC

- hd: d8 - base move speed: 20 ft

skill points: 2+Int modifier (x4 at 1st level) - class skills: repair, spot, search, awareness - Proficient with all weapons except lightsabers - Start credits: 2500 -

Assassin droid

Base stats Str 10 Dex 16

Con 10 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 6

Plus 6 points to be distributed by the player.

Base attack bonus: good Base save bonus: poor +1 natural armour bonus to Ac


hd: d6 base move speed: 20 ft skill points: 4+Int (x4 at level 1) class skills: stealth, computer use, security, awareness, persuade, treat injury, spot, search - Proficient with melee weapons and all light and medium ranged weapons - Sneak attack - Start credits: 2500

Droid Feats Droids choose feats from the normal list with one small change: they can’t choose armour proficiency 

Droid Components All droids have a number of component slots. They can buy components to fill these slots. Only components of the correct type can go in each type of slot (eg only a armour component can use an armour component slot). This system represents the fact that there is a limited amount of space on a droid for new components to be installed, as well as reflecting the different specialities of different droid types (so it stops you from endlessly upgrading your astromech droid into a super mobile-weapons-platform )

All droid types apart from astromech droids also have hands and humanoid bodies and so can use

the same equipment, weapons, packs etc that other characters can as well as components.

The types of component are: Processor, Motivator, Armour, Utility, Weapon and Module.

Processor component – each droid has only 1 of these, and they MUST have one in order to function. It is where all their memory and personality are ‘stored’. Should this ever be destroyed, the droid’s character is in effect destroyed as well. Every droid starts with a basic processor, but they can buy upgraded versions which have benefits.

Motivator component – a droid can only have one of these, and MUST have one. It is the motivator that allows the droid to move. Superior motivators allow faster or better movement. All droids begin with a free basic motivator.

Armour component – plating that can cover the droid to make it more durable.

Utility components – these are tools which can aid the droid in specific tasks.

Weapon components – these are weapon systems incorporated into the droid’s body (as opposed to weapons carried by the droid). This includes arms and platforms needed to incorporate weapons (eg an astromech can buy a weapon arm which allows it to use a weapon – it needs to buy the weapon as well)

Module components – these expensive, extensive components change a number of things within the droid to give entirely new capabilities.

Component Slots by Droid class Astromech Droids have 1 processor slot, 1 motivator slot, 1 armour slot, 5 utility slots, 2 weapon slots, and 2 module slots.

Protocol droids have 1 processor slot, 1 motivator slot, 1 armour slot, 1 utility slot, 1 weapon slot, and 5 module slots.

War droids have 1 processor slot, 1 motivator slot, 1 armour slot, no utility slots, 4 weapon slots, and 2 module slots.

Assassin droids have 1 processor slot, 1 motivator slot, 1 armour slot, 1 utility slot, 3 weapon slots, and 3 module slots.

LIST OF COMPONENTS (and prices ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------Universal components Any type of droid can purchase these.

Processors Basic Processor – no benefits. Comes free as a new droid character, but if you want to buy another one later on (if you grow tired of an upgraded one) then they cost 300 credits.

Upgraded Processor – gives +1 Int and +1 Wis and costs 1500 credits

Advanced Processor – this gives +2 Int and +2 Wis and costs 3000 credits

Ultra Processor – gives +3 Int and +3 Wis and costs 6000 credits

Motivators Basic motivator – no effect, comes free as a new droid character, but if you want to buy another one later on (if you grow tired of an upgraded one) then they cost 200 credits.

Enhanced Motivator - +5ft movement speed, costs 500 credits

Advanced Motivator - +10ft movement speed, +1 Dex, costs 1000 credits

Ultra Motivator - +20ft movement speed, +2 Dex, costs 4000 credits

Armour Basic armour plating - +2 to Ac, costs 450 credits

Plasteel armour plating – +3 to Ac, costs 650 credits

Heavy plasteel plating - +4 AC, max Dex bonus +3, costs 850 credits

Durasteel plating – +6 Ac, max dex bonus +3, costs 1200 credits

Reinforced Durasteel plating - +7 AC, max Dex bonus +2, costs 1400 credits

Impervium plating - +9 to Ac, max dex bonus +1, costs 3000 credits

Utility Computer interface device – a little thing they plug into sockets. Gives +1 computer use to all droids except astros, to whom it gives no bonus but is the only means of using computers. Costs 100 credits

Modules TranLang III Communicator module – gives the droid fluency in over 6 million languages! (gives the many languages ability that protocol droids have – therefore it would be pointless for a protocol droid to buy this…). Costs 3200 credits

Durability module – strengthens the droid’s inner workings, giving +2 Con – costs 1000 credits

Advanced Intelligence module – enhances the droids computer systems, giving them +2 Int and +2 Wis – costs 1600 credits

Medical module – allows the droid to dispense bacta to organic allies. It stores bacta within itself (up to 10x bacta canisters) and can heal others with +5 to its treat injury – costs 2000 credits

Self-repair module – allows the droid to repair itself using repair kits, although with a -4 to its repair roll – costs 2400 credits

Comm module – the droid has a personal comlink system incorporated inside it and can communicate with other characters with comlinks – costs 200 credits

Piloting module – the droid has piloting programming, giving it +4 on all piloting checks – costs 500 credits

Astromech Components These can only be used by astromech/utility droids

Processors Intellex V Processor – gives +1 Int and +1 computer use. Costs 1400 credits

Intellex VI Processor – gives +2 Int and +2 computer use. Costs 2700 credits

Utility Electroshock probe – a small appendage that releases a short-range burst of electricity that can overload a computer or security lock. Gives a +3 bonus to security. Can also be used as a weapon (range 5ft, -2 to hit, does d4+1 non-lethal electrical damage). Costs 800 credits

Claw arm – allows the droid to manipulate things as if it had a hand. Costs 100 credits

Computer interface arm – the little thing they plug into sockets. Without this they cannot use ‘computer use’ skill so it’s fairly essential. Costs 100 credits

Fire extinguisher – puts out fires (could be useful) and can provide a handy smokescreen that lingers a surprisingly long time – costs 200 credits

Lifeform scanner – has a range of 1000 ft, VERY USEFUL – costs 600 credits

Heat scanner – can detect any sources of heat or radiation within 1000 ft – costs 600 credits

Multi-scanner – combines heat and lifeform scanners in one unit (less space) – costs 1500 credits

Light – a torch that lights the way

Fusion cutter – powerful plasma-based cutting tool that gives +2 to repair checks, allows cutting, and can act as an improvised weapon in melee (-2 to hit, d8+2 heat damage)

Jukebox – apparently R2-D2 had one…costs 100 credits and simply allows you to have a rave 

Collapsible umbrella – again, R2-D2! Just in case you want to stay dry – costs 50 credits

Weapon Weapon arm – a small arm that can hold a light ranged weapon that can pop out from the droid’s body. Costs 150 credits

Reinforced weapon arm – a stronger arm that can hold a light or medium ranged weapon that can pop out from the droid’s body. Costs 350 credits

In-built weapons system – [uses 2 weapon slots] allows the droid to incorporate a heavy weapon in its main body. Costs 600 credits

Mini-saw – acts as a melee weapon causing d6+1 damage. Can also be useful in a tight spot (nets, ropes etc ) – costs 250 credits.

Magnetic feet –Electromagnetic grippers enable droids to cling to a ship's hull, even when the ship moves at high speeds. Can also cling to other magnetic objects. Costs 550 credits

Modules Flight module – gives the astromech small boosterrockets which allow it to fly in an ungainly manner. Has a flight speed of 20ft (very poor manoeuvrability). Costs 2000 credits.

Holoprojector module – incorporates a holoprojector, recorder and enough memory to

store your favourite holovids! Could come in handy – costs 400 credits

Storage compartment – a small storage compartment in the droid’s side that can store up to 50kg – costs 250 credits

Submarine mode module – allows the astromech to swim at a speed of 20 ft and includes a periscope! Costs 800 credits

System integration module – helps interact with computers, giving a +4 bonus to the use computer skill and +2 to security – costs 1800 credits

Infra-red scanning – can ‘see’ in the dark, or lowlight conditions, perfectly – costs 500 credits

Protocol Droid Components These can only be used by protocol droids

Utility Cooking module – [not worth a module slot] the droid knows how to cook, and rather well. I don’t really know how this affects the game, but its cool and the dm can incorporate it into RP. Could be handy, anyway – costs 50 credits

Modules Enhanced Interpersonal module – a set of systems and programs that aid the protocol droid in its organic-relations functions, giving +2 Cha – costs 700 credits

Babysitting module - +6 persuasion when dealing with children/spawn/hatchlings/younglings etc (C3PO has this ) – costs 150 credits

Diplomacy module – the droid is meant for formal diplomatic functions, and understands political and

legal jargon easily. They gain +3 to all persuade checks due to their authoritative manner, and an additional +3 persuasion in formal contexts – costs 300 credits

Repair module – these programs give the droid intimate knowledge of repairing methods, giving +4 to its repair skill – costs 900 credits

Navigation module – the droid can plot hyperspace routes, giving a 25% reduction in the time taken to get from A to B in hyperspace – costs 400 credits

War droid components Only useable by war droids

Armour Droid Battle Armour - +5 Ac, max dex bonus +5, costs 1000 credits

Weapon Shoulder weapon mount – [can have up to 2 of these] allows a light ranged weapon to be incorporated into the droid’s shoulder – costs 400 credits (plus weapon cost)

Head weapon mount – [max: 1] allows a light ranged weapon to be incorporated into the droid’s head, perhaps shooting through the droid’s ‘eyes’ – costs 400 credits (plus weapon cost)

Lifeform scanner – has a range of 1000 ft, VERY USEFUL – costs 600 credits*

Heat scanner – can detect any sources of heat or radiation within 1000 ft – costs 600 credits*

Multi-scanner – combines heat and lifeform scanners in one unit (less space) – costs 1500 credits*

*note that these 3 are not weapons but take up space that could be used to mount weapons. Optionally, they can fill module slots instead.

Melee weapon arm – an extra arm with a melee weapon permanently mounted or attached. Costs 1200 credits

Gun arm – an extra arm mounting a light or medium ranged weapon – costs 1200 credits

In-built heavy weapon – [uses 2 weapon slots] a heavy ranged weapon is built into the body of the droid (in the torso or maybe the shoulder) – costs 1200 credits plus weapon cost

Wrist weapon mount – [max:2] allows a light ranged weapon to be incorporated into the droid’s wrist – costs 500 credits


Lightsaber proficiency module – a system of programs and balances allowing the droid to effectively use lightsabers without damaging itself – costs 1000 credits

Targeting module – aids the droid in combat targeting, giving it +1 to hit with ranged weapons – costs 800 credits

Enhanced targeting module – aids the droid in combat targeting, giving it +2 to hit with ranged weapons – costs 1800 credits

NOTE: enhanced targeting replaces targeting – you can’t have both

Enhanced combat module - +2 Str and +2 Con and an extra +1 to natural armour bonus – costs 3000 credits

Super-enhanced combat module - +4 Str, +4 Con and extra +2 natural armour bonus – costs 6000 credits

Assassin droid components Only useable by assassin droids

Processor Basic Assassination Processor – assassin droids have superior processors and increased levels of independent thought, all aimed towards improving their effectiveness in hunting and killing their targets. Gives +1 Int, +1 Wis and +1 to hit with ranged weapons. Comes free as a new assassin droid instead of a Basic Processor, but if you want to buy another one later on (if you grow tired of an upgraded one) then they cost 1500 credits.

Upgraded Assassination Processor – gives +2 Int and +2 Wis and +1 to hit with ranged weapons and costs 3000 credits

Advanced Assassonation Processor – this gives +3 Int and +3 Wis and +2 to hit with ranged weapons and costs 5000 credits

Ultra Assassination Processor – gives +4 Int and +4 Wis and +3 to hit with ranged weapons and costs 7500 credits

Utility Anti-security slicer - +2 to security checks

Infra-red sensors – allows the droid to ‘see’ perfectly in all light conditions – costs 500 credits

Lifeform scanner – has a range of 1000 ft, VERY USEFUL – costs 600 credits

Heat scanner – can detect any sources of heat or radiation within 1000 ft – costs 600 credits

Multi-scanner – combines heat and lifeform scanners in one unit (less space) – costs 1500 credits

Weapon Wrist weapon mount – [max:2] allows a light ranged weapon or melee weapon to be incorporated into the droid’s wrist – costs 550 credits

Modules Stealth module - helps silence the droid’s noisiness, gives +3 stealth bonus – costs 800 credits

Enhanced stealth module - +5 stealth – costs 2000 credits

Basic agility module – allows the droid to move in a more fluid, humanoid fashion by freeing up joints and making it more streamlined. +10ft movement

speed, no ‘Ungainly’ penalties on jump, climb and swim checks. Costs 2000 credits.

Enhanced agility module – in addition to the features of the basic module, this grants a +2 bonus to jump, climb and swim checks and a +2 bonus to Dex. Costs 4000 credits.

Targeting module – aids the droid in combat targeting, giving it +1 to hit with ranged weapons – costs 800 credits

Enhanced targeting module – aids the droid in combat targeting, giving it +2 to hit with ranged weapons – costs 1800 credits

NOTE: enhanced targeting replaces targeting – you can’t have both

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