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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 604
  • Pages: 6

Submitted To

JAFRIN SULTANA Lecture Department of Business Administration Dhaka City College

Submitted By

G1 Batch – VII Department of Business Administration Dhaka City College

Group Members

Masuma Yasmin (Group Leader) Roll – 001, Batch – VII, Section – A BBA Dhaka City College

Salma Akter (Group Member) Roll – 002, Batch – VII, Section – A BBA Dhaka City College

Nafisa Kamal (Group Member) Roll – 006, Batch – VII, Section – A BBA Dhaka City College

H. M. Tariqul Islam (Group Member) Roll – 007, Batch – VII, Section – A BBA Dhaka City College

MD. Ehsanul Hoque (Group Member) Roll – 017, Batch – VII, Section – A BBA Dhaka City College

Nasreen Akter (Group Member) Roll – 266, Batch – VII, Section – A BBA Dhaka City College

Letter of Transmittal

July 31, 2007

Jufrin Sultana, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Dhaka City College, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. Subject: Submission of Report of Financial Analytical Performance of Agriculture Marketing Co. LTD. (PRAN)

Madam, With due respect would like to submit our financial report on financial analytical performance of “Agricultural Marketing Co. LTD. (PRAN)”. The project conducted by us as a practical fulfillment of the Bachelor of Business Administration. It was undoubtedly a splendid opportunity for us to work on this report. This report will definitely give us an exceptional experience that will be useful in the future on practical ground. In preparing this report, we had limitations of time, money, insufficient manpower of the organization. Therefore, your honor would be kind to accept the report considering our limitations. Thank you. Sincerely Yours,

……………………… Masuma Yasmin (Group Leader) G1 ID# 001 Batch – VII Department of Business Administration Dhaka City College


First we are thankful to our almighty Allah that we finished this term paper in time. We like to thanks our faculty member Jafrin Sultana to give us opportunity to wok on this term paper. We also thank MR. Ruhul Amin, MD. Shahinur Sobhan Noyem for their help. It will impossible for us to go ahead further if Jafar Vai(5th batch), Joynto vai (5th batch) would not help us, so we are thankful to them. We also thankful to our student worker as they give us lot of good suggestion to complete this paper.

When we were working on this term paper we have gathered a lot of information form Dhaka Stock Exchange, Annual Reports of AMCL(PRAN), internet and we went to Head Office of AMCL(PRAN). But the problem was we did not able to collect all information we need. We chose “Agricultural Marketing Co. LTD. (PRAN)” as our topic because now it is the leading food company in Bangladesh. They are the big exporter of food products in this country. There are about more then 50 types of food product they producing. They are also take leads in the share market in Food and Allied Industry.

Executive Summary

Financial analysis practice of a business focus its financial transaction, treatment upgraded produce to bring raw data into useable information, principles and standards followed to record those transactions and prepare financial reports. Agricultural Marketing Co. LTD. (PRAN) is one of the largest food companies of our country. So, far we have the great chance to know about its financial account through its annual report (2001-2006). We tried our best to forward the analytical process within a summarized from on the basis of available data. We mainly tried perform our job by using data from Agricultural Marketing Co. LTD. (PRAN) Company’s annual report and also tried to maintain principle and standards.

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