From The Gecko - Applicant Msj Final With Exhibits

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Opposition No. 91179089


Application Serial No. 78818325




APPLICANT’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON OPPOSER’S CLAIMS OF DILUTION AND LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 56 and TBMP § 528, and for the reasons set forth in the attached Memorandum, applicant Barking Penguins, LLC hereby moves for summary judgment on each of opposer Gecko Trading Company Inc.’s claims in the Notice of Opposition to Application Serial No. 78818325 on the grounds that no reasonable trier of fact could find that Applicant’s mark is likely to dilute Opposer’s mark, and on the grounds that no reasonable trier of fact could find that Applicant’s mark is likely to cause confusion as to the source of Applicant’s and Opposer’s respective goods. Dated the 1st of July, 2008. Respectfully Submitted, BARKING PENGUINS, LLC

By:__________________________ Erik M. Pelton Christopher R. Shiplett ERIK M. PELTON & ASSOCIATES, PLLC PO Box 100637 Arlington, VA 22210 (p) 703-525-8009 (f) 703-525-8089 Attorneys for Applicant


Opposition No. 91179089


Application Serial No. 78818325





INTRODUCTION Barking Penguins, LLC (“Applicant”), a Florida company, develops children’s board

games. See Declaration of Cynthia Jones-Whitcher attached as “Exhibit A.” One of those board games, titled “FROM THE GECKO,” is an instructional puzzle game that teaches children to count in English, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese by putting together puzzle pieces containing numbers in all four languages. Id. Applicant promotes its FROM THE GECKO game as “especially designed for kids to have a blast while learning, laughing, and making decisions.” See FROM THE GECKO Product Packing Images attached as “Exhibit N.” In September 2006, Applicant filed an application for a federal registration of the FROM THE GECKO trademark for “board games and puzzles.” Application Serial No. 78818325. Gecko Trading Company (“Opposer”), a Hawaii corporation, sells primarily clothing and beach accessories under a “surf lifestyle” brand. See Opposer’s Response to Request for Production attached as “Exhibit B” at TBR 310-14, 318-24. Opposer markets its GECKO brands as “big surf” brands that “communicate performance, fitness, dependability, and value.” Id. In

furtherance of its business strategy, Opposer has registered or been assigned the Federal Trademarks for the terms GECKO, MAUI GECKO, and GECKO HAWAII for clothing items and other related goods. First Amended Notice of Opposition, ¶¶ 5-19. In August 2007, Opposer filed a Notice of Opposition claiming that Opposer’s marks are famous, Applicant’s mark dilutes the fame of those marks, and Applicant’s mark is likely to cause confusion with Opposer’s common law rights and registered marks. Id. at ¶¶ 23-25. Applicant now files this Motion for Summary Judgment on both of Opposer’s claims. Summary judgment should be granted where the movant has shown there is no genuine issue of material fact and that it is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Fed. R. Civ. P. 56 (c); Sweats Fashions, Inc. v. Pannill Knitting Co., 4 USPQ2d 1793, 1797 (Fed. Cir.1987). It is the movant’s burden to demonstrate no issue of material fact and entitlement to judgment. Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 324 (1986). The movant can meet that burden either by producing affirmative evidence supporting its case or by demonstrating an absence of evidence supporting the non-movant’s case. Id; Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242 (1986); Copelands’ Enterprises Inc. v. CNV Inc., 20 USPQ2d 1295, 1298 (Fed. Cir. 1991). Opposer makes two claims in support of its allegation that registration of Applicant’s mark would cause it damage: 1) Registration would dilute the distinctive quality of Opposer’s GECKO marks; First Amended Notice of Opposition, ¶¶ 25; and 2) Registration would be likely to cause confusion with Opposer’s GECKO marks. Id. at ¶¶ 23. However, as described below, Opposer has not provided evidence supporting its claims and, regardless of the evidence, cannot prevail on those claims. Opposer’s own evidence demonstrates that its marks are not famous. Opposer’s own evidence demonstrates that, even assuming its marks were famous, registration of Applicant’s mark is not likely to dilute Opposer’s marks. Opposer’s own evidence shows that

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registration of Applicant’s mark is not likely to lead to consumer confusion as to the source of Opposer’s and Applicant’s respective goods. Because Opposer cannot prevail on either of its claims, Applicant respectfully moves the Board to grant summary judgment to Applicant on Opposer’s claim of dilution, to grant summary judgment to Applicant on Opposer’s claim of likelihood of confusion, and to dismiss the Opposition with prejudice. II.

NO REASONABLE TRIER OF FACT COULD FIND THAT APPLICANT’S MARK DILUTES OPPOSER’S MARKS The undisputed evidence shows that Opposer’s marks are not famous, and even if they

are famous, Applicant’s mark does not dilute Opposer’s marks. No reasonable trier of fact could conclude that Applicant’s mark dilutes Opposer’s marks. None of the facts and evidence would prove or disprove Opposer’s dilution claim are disputed, and, as described below, Applicant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Therefore, Applicant is entitled to summary judgment on Opposer’s claim of dilution. A. Statement of Undisputed Facts Material to Dilution The following undisputed facts prove that Opposer’s marks are not famous, and that even assuming Opposer’s marks are famous, Applicant’s mark is not likely to dilute Opposer’s marks: 1.

Opposer, according to the documents it produced, has never sold more than $12 million annually in connection with the marks it claims are famous. See Opposer’s Response to Request for Production attached as “Exhibit C” at TBR 476-91.


Opposer has never spent more than $80,000 in annual advertising. See Opposer’s Response to Request for Production attached as “Exhibit D” at TBR 475.

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Opposer, during the time it claims its marks are famous, has captured at most 1/10th of 1 percent of the 1 billion dollar surf-wear industry. See Exhibit C and Opposer’s Response to Request for Production attached as “Exhibit E” at TBR 492.


Opposer is not one of the top four surf-wear manufacturers in revenue. Id.


In the entire history of the GECKO, MAUI GECKO, and GECKO HAWAII marks, they have been mentioned only twice in the media. See Opposer’s Response to Request for Production attached as “Exhibit F” at TBR 684-91, 708.


Applicant’s mark FROM THE GECKO is not identical to Opposer’s marks GECKO, MAUI GECKO, and GECKO HAWAII.

B. Trademark Dilution Standard Trademark dilution is an “extraordinary remedy” available only to singularly famous marks so widely recognized that they are at risk of blurring or tarnishment even from noncompeting marks. Advantage Rent-A-Car Inc. v. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Co., 57 USPQ2d 1561, 1563 (5th Cir. 2001). To succeed in a claim of dilution, an Opposer must prove its mark is famous and distinctive for dilution purposes, the mark became famous and distinctive prior to the filing date of Applicant’s registration, and there is a likelihood of blurring or tarnishment. Lanham Act §43(c)(1). The evidence of record clearly supports the conclusion that Opposer’s marks are not and have never been famous and distinctive, and even assuming Opposer’s marks were famous, there is no likelihood Applicant’s mark will blur or tarnish Opposer’s marks.

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C. Opposer’s Marks Are Not Famous and Distinctive The standard for fame and distinctiveness under dilution law is higher than the standard for fame for likelihood of confusion purposes. 7-Eleven, Inc. v. Lawrence I. Wechsler, 83 USPQ2d 1715, 1721 (TTAB 2007). To be eligible for dilution protection, a mark owner must prove the mark is famous and distinctive to the “general consuming public.” 15 U.S.C. §1125(c)(2)(A). A mark is famous and distinctive for dilution purposes if “the mark has become the principal meaning of the word.” Toro Co. v. ToroHead Inc., 61 USPQ2d 1164, 1180 (TTAB 2001) (“The mark owner must demonstrate that the common or proper noun uses of the term and third party uses of the mark are now eclipsed by the owner’s use of the mark”). To prevail on dilution, an Opposer must show that when the general public encounters the Opposer’s mark, in almost any context, they associate it with the Opposer. Id. 1. Opposer’s Low Sales and Lack of Market Share Prove Opposer’s Lack of Fame Even when owners of marks generate hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars in annual sales, merely showing that a mark is a top-selling brand is not sufficient to show that it is famous. Id. at 1181. Instead, the law requires direct evidence of a transformation from a merely strong mark to a “truly famous” mark, such as recognition by the other party, intense media attention, or surveys showing widespread consumer recognition of the mark. Id. For example, the TTAB found the TORO mark was not famous and distinctive for dilution purposes despite $1.3 billion in annual sales, tens of millions of dollars in annual advertising, sales in approximately 2,500 retail outlets nationwide, high profile sponsorships, and recognition as a leader within its industry. Id. at 1170. Owners of marks that were found to be famous and distinctive for dilution purposes provided additional evidence of significance to the general public. See NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. v. Antartica, S.R.L., 69 USPQ2d 1718 (TTAB 2003)

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(where NASDAQ presented evidence of “countless” references to its mark in third party publications, as well as, survey data showing wide recognition even to non-investors); 7-Eleven, 83 USPQ2d at 1723 (Opposer presented numerous articles in which the BIG GULP was recognized as a “symbol of American culture,” and survey data showing 67 percent unaided recognition of the mark among people who did not frequent Opposer’s 7-Eleven stores). In the present case, Opposer has failed to provide any evidence that would allow a reasonable fact finder to conclude that the GECKO marks are famous and distinctive. Opposer reports no more than $12 million in annual sales and approximately $80,000 in cooperative advertising expenditures per year. Exhibit C at TBR 480-89; Exhibit D at TBR 475. The limited scale of Opposer’s sales and advertising alone place Opposer’s marks outside the select group of “truly famous” marks which are candidates for dilution protection, such as BIG GULP, which had $180 million per year in sales and TORO, which sales were more than 100 times greater than Opposer’s. 7-Eleven, 83 USPQ2d at 1718; Toro, 61 USPQ2d at 1170. Opposer has also not established wide recognition as a leader in its field. Indeed, Opposer’s own evidence demonstrates that it is far from a leader in the “surf lifestyle” and clothing market. In respose to request for production, Opposer submitted the article “Analysis of Growth for U.S. Surfwear Market,” showing that Opposer’s GECKO brands have been and continue to be a relatively small player in its field. Exhibit E. The article lists sales for several surf-wear manufacturers for 1987, when total surf-wear industry sales were $1 billion. Id. Even in Opposer’s best reported year between 1987 and today (2001), Opposer barely achieved a mere 1/40th of the $402 million in 1987 sales of the industry leader at that time. Id. Since 1987, overall sales in the surf industry have increased by more than a factor of six, to $6.52 billion in 2004 and $7.48 billion in 2006. SIMA: No Slowing Down for Surf Industry,

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p. 6 (last accessed June 13, 2008) (“Exhibit G”). Opposer’s brand is no more than a small player in the surf industry, and is clearly not a famous brand. 2. Opposer’s Marks Lack Widespread Third-Party Recognition and Therefore Are Not Famous Opposer has not provided, and cannot provide, evidence of the quantum and quality necessary to establish that its GECKO marks are “truly famous” marks. Opposer has not provided evidence of widespread third party media recognition or any other evidence of the intense media attention necessary to show that Opposer’s GECKO brands are famous. See Opposer’s Response to Request for Production attached as “Exhibit H” at 10; Toro, 61 USPQ2d at 1181. Opposer’s sole evidence of genuine third party recognition consists of two travel reviews of Opposer’s Maui boutique. Exhibit F at TBR 684-91, 708. . Opposer has produced no other evidence of third party media recognition and has not conducted any surveys demonstrating the public’s perception of the GECKO marks. Exhibit H at 12 (Response to Request No. 18). Without this evidence, of the type and quality demanded by the Board in Toro, 7-Eleven, and NASDAQ, no reasonable finder of fact could conclude that Opposer’s GECKO marks are famous and distinctive. Consequently, Opposer’s claim of dilution should be dismissed on summary judgment. D. There is No Likelihood of Dilution Because Applicant’s Mark is Not Substantially Similar To Opposer’s Marks Even if Opposer’s evidence was found sufficient to satisfy the heightened standard of fame and distinctiveness required for dilution, the differences in the marks themselves are such that Opposer’s dilution claim must fail.

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Dilution requires more than merely confusing similarity between two marks; the marks must be “identical or very or substantially similar.” Carefirst of Maryland, Inc. v. FirstHealth of the Carolinas, Inc., 77 USPQ2d 1492 (TTAB 2005) (citing Toro, 61 USPQ2d at 1183). An Opposer must demonstrate that the marks are “similar enough that a significant segment of the target group sees the two marks as essentially the same.” Luigino’s, Inc., v. Stouffer Corp., 50 USPQ2d 1047, 1051)(8th Cir. 1999) (quoting 2 McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition, §24:90.1). Marks are not “essentially the same” when non-trivial features result in a different look and sound of a mark, therefore for dilution the differences between the marks are often significant. See Toro, 61 USPQ2d at 1183; see also 7-Eleven 83 USPQ2d at 1723; Mead Data Central, Inc. v. Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., 10 USPQ2d 1961, 1964. Applicant’s mark and Opposer’s marks contain a common term; in this case the word GECKO. However, Applicant’s mark includes the words FROM THE at the beginning of the mark, and is thus not substantially similar in appearance or sound. The phrase FROM THE GECKO suggests the phrase “from the get-go,” meaning “from the beginning,” a reference to the early-childhood education focus of Applicant’s counting puzzle. Merriam-Webster Online,, (the very beginning—used in the phrase “from the get-go”) attached as Exhibit I. Applicant’s mark is different from Opposer’s marks in appearance and sound, and is different in meaning as well. This difference in meaning is such that Applicant’s mark creates a unique and different commercial impression than Opposer’s marks. Consequently, there is no question of material fact in dispute as to the similarity of the marks. The clear differences in the appearance, sound, meaning, and commercial impressions of

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the marks entitle Applicant to judgment as a matter of law, and summary judgment in favor of Applicant is appropriate. E. Conclusion Opposer has not produced evidence sufficient to create an issue of material fact on its claim of dilution. Even when viewing the evidence produced in the light most favorable to Opposer, Opposer’s marks are not famous, and even if Opposer’s marks were considered famous, Applicant’s mark is not substantially similar to Opposer’s marks. For those reasons, Applicant respectfully requests that the Board enter summary judgment in its favor on Opposer’s claim of dilution and dismiss the claim with prejudice. III.

NO REASONABLE TRIER OF FACT COULD FIND A LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION AS BETWEEN APPLICANT’S MARK AND OPPOSER’S MARKS Opposer has presented little or no evidence to support its claim that registration of

Applicant’s mark will cause confusion with Opposer’s marks. The undisputed evidence demonstrates that the goods are different, the marks are different, Opposer’s marks are not famous, and no other likelihood of confusion factor outweighs the clear differences between the respective goods and between the respective marks. On the evidence presented, no reasonable trier of fact could conclude that Applicant’s mark is likely to cause source confusion with the goods represented by Opposer’s marks. There are no facts in dispute relevant to the presence or absence of a likelihood of confusion between the marks, and, as described below, Applicant is entitled to summary judgment on Opposer’s claim of likelihood of confusion. A. Statement of Undisputed Facts Material to Likelihood of Confusion The following undisputed facts prove that registration of Applicant’s mark is not likely to cause consumer confusion as to the relative source of Applicant’s and Opposer’s respective goods:

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Applicant’s mark FROM THE GECKO differs from Opposer’s marks GECKO, MAUI GECKO, and GECKO HAWAII in appearance, sound, and meaning.


Applicant’s goods are “board games, puzzles.” Application Serial No. 78818325.


Opposer’s goods under GECKO are “Clothing, namely shirts, dresses, sweatsuits, hats, shorts, skirts and shoes; textile tote bags and duffle bags; retail and wholesale stores featuring apparel, beach products, stuffed dolls and novelty items; skin cleansing soaps and gels, bubble bath, cosmetics, namely, body lotions, skin moisturizers, after-sun lotions, hair products, namely, hair lotions, hair shampoos, hair conditioners, and essential oils for personal use; sunglasses, eyeglasses, eyeglass cases, eyeglass straps to attach to eyeglasses; towels; sporting goods, namely, snowboards, surfboards, skateboards and inline skates; jewelry, clocks, watches; beverage glassware, mugs, plates; toys, namely, stuffed toy animals and flying disks; clothing; namely, pajamas; cigars, cigarettes, and smoking accessories, namely, cigarette and cigar lighters not of precious metal, cigar holders not of precious metal, pipe cleaners, cigar humidors, cigar cutters, cigarette holders not of precious metal, and rolling papers. Reg. Nos. 1510173, 1512691, 1943766, 2049055, 2260689, 2308720, 2347417, 2446676, 2453448, 2463090, 1903602, and 2482688. (collectively with Registration Nos. 1514657 and 2287612, “Opposer’s Registrations”).


Opposer’s goods under MAUI GECKO are clothing, namely shirts, dresses, sweatsuits, hats, shorts, skirts and shoes. Reg. No. 1514657.

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Opposer’s goods under GECKO HAWAII are clothing; namely, shirts, dresses, sweatsuits, hats, shorts, skirts and shoes; towels. Reg. No. 2287612.


Opposer’s goods are not board games or puzzles. See Opposer’s Response to Applicant’s First Set of Interrogatories attached as “Exhibit J” at 13 (Response to Interrogatory No. 17).


The goods of the parties are not identical or overlapping.


Opposer’s documents indicate no more than $12 million worth of goods sold annually in connection with its involved marks. Exhibit C at TBR 480-489.


Opposer has never spent more than $80,000 in annual advertising. Exhibit D.


Numerous third parties use the mark GECKO to identify themselves as a source of goods Opposer claims to sell exclusively. See Third-Party Use of GECKO On Goods Related to Opposer’s attached as “Exhibit K.”


At least three third parties have registered marks containing the word GECKO for goods related to Opposer’s and maintain web sites promoting those goods. See Third-Party Use Of GECKO For Which There Is Also A Federal Trademark Registration attached as “Exhibit M;”See Third-Party Registrations For GECKO For Goods Related to Opposer’s attached as “Exhibit L.”


Opposer has no plans for expansion of its lines of goods. Exhibit J at 11 (Response to Interrogatory No. 13).


Opposer has never used GECKO or a variant thereof on board games or puzzles. Id. at 13 (Response to Interrogatory No. 17).


Opposer has no evidence of actual confusion with Applicant’s mark Exhibit H at 16 (Response No. 23).

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B. Applicant’s Mark is Not Likely To Cause Confusion As To The Source Of Applicant’s and Opposer’s Respective Goods Even in the light most favorable to opposer, no reasonable trier of fact could conclude that Applicant’s FROM THE GECKO mark is likely to cause confusion with Opposer’s GECKO, MAUI GECKO, and GECKO HAWAII marks. The test for likelihood of confusion at the Board is the DuPont test. In re E.I. DuPont DeNemours & Co., 476 F.2d 1357, 1361 (CCPA 1973). While all twelve factors of the DuPont test may be considered in any one instance, one or a small number of factors may be determinative. See generally In re Majestic Distilling Co., 315 F.3d 1311, 1315 (Fed. Cir. 2003); In re Dixie Rests., 105 F.3d 1405, 1406 (Fed. Cir. 1997); Nina Ricci S.A.R.L. v. E.T.F. Enters., Inc., 889 F.2d 1070, 1073 (Fed. Cir.1989). Here, there are significant differences between Applicant’s mark and Opposer’s marks, and between Applicant’s goods and Opposer’s goods. Under the DuPont standard, the differences in the marks presented, the differences in the goods, the weakness of the GECKO component of Opposer’s marks, and Opposer’s lack of any evidence on any other factor proves that Applicant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law and therefore summary judgment in favor of Applicant is appropriate. 1. The Marks Are Not Similar Opposer alleges its marks GECKO, MAUI GECKO and GECKO HAWAII are confusingly similar to Applicant’s mark FROM THE GECKO. Marks containing common elements are not likely to be confused if: “the marks in their entireties convey significantly different commercial impressions.” See, e.g., Shen Manufacturing Co. v. Ritz Hotel Ltd., 393 F.3d1238 (Fed. Cir. 2004). In addressing the commercial impression of the marks, the question is whether the appearance, sound, or meaning indicates a likelihood of confusion. Sure Fit Prods. Co. v. Saltzson Drapery Co., 254 F.2d 158, 160 (CCPA 1958). All three criteria must be

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carefully examined to reach a well grounded conclusion based on the specific facts of the case, but no one factor is dominant in mandating a finding of likelihood of confusion. Id. (differences in sound and appearance between RITE-FIT and SURE-FIT both for slip covers were found to outweigh similarity in meaning). Here, there are significant differences between the marks in sight, sound, and meaning. a. The marks are not alike in their appearance Similarities in appearance can be found when the similarities are such that the marks, though different, have common features which are likely to cause consumers to assume the goods originate from a single source. Here the marks of Applicant and Opposer contain the word GECKO. Applicant’s mark begins with the additional words FROM THE. Opposer has registered the related marks GECKO, GECKO HAWAII, and MAUI GECKO. The words FROM THE in Applicant’s mark significantly change the appearance of the mark, making it a three word phrase as compared to Opposer’s marks which consist of the single word GECKO, or a combination word and geographic location, such as MAUI GECKO, or GECKO HAWAII. b. The marks do not sound alike The marks are not phonetically similar. FROM THE GECKO sounds different from GECKO, GECKO HAWAII, and MAUI GECKO. c.

The marks do not have the same meaning

Applicant’s mark sounds like a creative twist on the popular phrase “from the get-go,” meaning from the beginning. Exhibit I. Applicant’s board game is a tool for teaching numbers in four different languages. Exhibit A. When Applicant’s mark is used on Applicant’s children’s teaching games, the phrase connotes a product that allows children to learn foreign languages

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right “from the beginning,” or “from the get-go.” Opposer’s marks have no similar connotation when used in conjunction with Opposer’s goods, a factor that weighs heavily in Applicant’s favor. See Colgate-Palmolive Co. v. Carter-Wallace, Inc., 432 F.2d 1400, 1401 (CCPA 1970) (Finding no likelihood of confusion because of differences in meaning when “PEAK PERIOD” was used for deodorant and “PEAK” was used for toothpaste. The presence of the common term “PEAK” alone was not sufficient to cause a likelihood of confusion). d. The marks have different commercial impressions. In Shen Manufacturing Co., the Federal Circuit found that marks RITZ and THE RITZ KIDS had clearly different meanings and, as such, would not cause source confusion, in spite of their common material. Shen, 393 F.3d at 1238. Here, Applicant’s mark and Opposer’s marks create entirely different commercial impressions. Each of Opposer’s GECKO marks create the commercial impression of a whimsical and hip surf wear company. Opposer’s licensing brochure states “Gecko Hawaii licensing allows you to gain access to the fast growing surf market…” Exhibit B at TBR 310. Its licensing literature has a beach theme, with a gecko lizard engaging in various beach activities. Id. This creates a markedly different commercial impression from Applicant’s mark. Applicant’s board game emphasizes children’s learning. The packaging states FROM THE GECKO is a puzzle and game “designed for kids to have a blast while learning, laughing, and making decisions,” and is designed in primary colors. Exhibit N. The phrase FROM THE GECKO creatively mirrors the phrase “from the get-go,” meaning from the beginning. When applied to Applicant’s foreign language learning games for children, the mark conjures the image of children learning foreign languages “from the get-go.”

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Because Applicant’s mark is a creative play on the early childhood learning emphasis of Applicant’s products, while Opposer’s marks represent a “big surf” style clothing and accessories brand, each creates a unique commercial impression. e. The differences in appearance, sound, meaning and commercial impression eliminate any likelihood of confusion Applicant’s mark as a whole is entirely different from Opposer’s marks in appearance, sound, meaning, and commercial impression. In spite of the material common between Applicant’s mark and Opposer’s marks, the substantial differences in the marks in appearance and meaning create distinct commercial impressions such that confusion as to the source of the respective parties’ goods is not likely. 2. The Goods Are Not Similar Evaluation of the differences in the goods requires a determination of whether the goods are sufficiently related in a commercial sense that consumers would be likely to attribute them to the same source. Kellogg Co. v. Pack’Em Enterprises, Inc., 951 F.2d 330, 333 (Fed. Cir. 1991). Applicant’s FROM THE GECKO application is for board games and puzzles. Application Serial No. 78818325. Opposer has registered its marks GECKO, GECKO HAWAII, or MAUI GECKO for significantly different goods. See Opposer’s Registrations attached to Amended Notice of Opposition. Opposer’s registrations cover a variety of apparel, tote and duffle bags, skin cleansing soaps and gel, sunglasses, eyeglasses, towels, sporting goods, and jewelry. Id. Consumers would not be led to believe one source produced both products. None of Opposer’s goods are games or board games. Id. Opposer states that it has never used its GECKO marks specifically in relation with Applicant’s designated goods. Exhibit J at 13 (Response to Interrogatory No. 17). Opposer has no immediate plans to expand its goods to different types of

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products. Id. at 11 (Response to Interrogatory No. 17). Furthermore, Opposer has no evidence of any instances of actual confusion between the marks of the parties. Exhibit H at 16 (Response to Request No. 23). It is not likely consumers would think the goods emanate from the same source because Opposer does not manufacture board games or any product related to board games. 3. Opposer’s Marks Are Not Famous Opposer contends that its mark GECKO is famous based on its use of the mark for more than twenty (20) years, its numerous licensees and retail distributers, its and its licensee’s nationwide advertising of its products, and its ownership of numerous federal registrations of its mark GECKO for various goods. Id. at 13 (Response to Request No. 18). There are two primary criteria under which the Board assesses the fame or strength of a mark for DuPont purposes: (1) the intrinsic strength or distinctiveness of a mark and (2) the extent to which the mark has acquired strength through use and promotion in the marketplace. Opposer’s marks have not become known to users through extensive use and promotion over time and should not be afforded broad protection. The fame of a mark is measured by the volume of sales, advertising expenditures of the goods bearing the mark, and by the length of time the mark has been actively used in the marketplace. Bose Corp. v. QSC Audio Prods., 293 F.3d 1367, 1371 (Fed. Cir. 2002) (collecting representative cases with listings of sales and advertising figures.) Fame can also be proven with direct evidence of a consumer survey measuring brand recognition. Id. at 1374. Mere length of time in use does not by itself establish consumer awareness of the mark, such that the mark can be found to be famous. See General Mills Inc. v. Health Valley Foods, 24 USPQ2d 1270, 1277 (TTAB 1992). Opposer has presented limited evidence of long use, and evidence that these goods are available through its own retail stores and specialty stores with no indication of how long the goods have been sold in the

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different channels of trade. Such evidence is not sufficient to establish public recognition of Opposer’s mark. See Toro, 61 USPQ2d at 1170. Further, Opposer admits that no survey exists measuring the public’s recognition of or reaction to Applicant’s mark, nor did Oposer provide evidence of the public’s or trade’s recognition of or reaction to Opposer’s marks. Exhibit H at 13 (Response to Request No. 18). Opposer’s evidence related to its volume of sales and advertising does not support its allegations of fame. The most comprehensive evidence provided shows that sales from Opposer’s biggest licensee in 2001 totaled nearly $10 million. Exhibit C at 480-89. Opposer has not provided any evidence of recent sales history that indicates that it or its licensees continue to gross similar sales. Opposer’s advertising figures are even smaller than its meager sales figures. Opposer provides figures of a two year time span from one licensee. In cooperative advertising, it spent $73,435.32 in 2001 and $78,430.98 in 2002, for a total of $151,866.30 over two years. Exhibit D. Opposer’s sales and advertising amounts are minute when compared against sales and advertising numbers in previous findings of fame. See, e.g., Nina Ricci, 889 F.2d at 1072 (NINA RICCI: $200 million in sales, over $37 million in advertising over 27 years); KimberlyClark Corp. v. H. Douglas Enter., Ltd., 774 F.2d 1144, 1146-47, 227 USPQ 541, 542 (Fed.Cir.1985) (HUGGIES: over $300 million in sales over 9 years, $15 million in advertising in one year); Specialty Brands Inc. v. Coffee Bean Distribs., Inc., 748 F.2d 669, 674-75, 223 USPQ 1281, 1284 (Fed.Cir.1984) (SPICE ISLANDS: $25 million annually in sales for spices, $12 million between 1959 and 1981 for tea, "several million" in advertising, in use for 40 years); Giant Food, Inc. v. Nation's Foodservice, Inc., 710 F.2d 1565, 1567-68, 218 USPQ 390, 392-93 (Fed.Cir.1983) (GIANT FOOD: sales over $1 billion in one year, "considerable amounts of money" in advertising, 45 years use); Planters Nut & Chocolate Co. v. Crown Nut Co., 50

Opposition 91179089: Applicant’s Motion for Summary Judgment and Memorandum     

p. 17  

C.C.P.A. 1120, 305 F.2d 916, 917-18, 134 USPQ 504, 506 (CCPA 1962) (MR. PEANUT DESIGN: $350 million in sales, $10 million in advertising over 10 years). See also, discussion of fame and dilution above. The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that Opposer’s GECKO marks are not famous, and no facts alleged by Opposer could overcome this uncontroverted evidence. 4. Opposer’s Marks Should Be Granted a Narrow Scope of Protection Opposer’s marks should be subject to a narrow scope of protection because there is significant third party use of GECKO on a variety of goods. Wide spread third party use of a term on related goods tends to show the weakness of the asserted mark. See Olde Tyme Foods, Inc. v. Roundy’s, Inc., 961 F.2d 200, 204 (Fed. Cir. 1992). Here, at least thirty-eight (38) unrelated companies use a variation of the word GECKO to identify goods in which Opposer claims exclusive rights. See Exhibit K. For example, brand names such as TWISTED GECKO CLOTHING, DANCING GECKO HAWAII, and SILVER GECKO are used for clothing. Exhibit K at K1- K3. Brand names such as HOUSE OF GECKO are used for surf-wear. Id. at K4. GECKO MASSAGE SUPPLY and SILVER GECKO are used for lotions and oils while GECKO THEME SOAPS is used for soaps. Id. at K5-K7. GECKO TRADERS, INC., GECKO BAG, and GECKO BAG by BILLABONG are used for handbags and tote bags. GECKO DECKS, GECKOBOATS, and GECKO, KEEP YOUR HEAD are used for skateboards, surf kayaks, and surf and skate helmets, respectively. Id. at K8-K13. GECKO GLASS is used for glass-wear, and used separately by a different company for retail sales of eyewear. Id. at K14. FROM THE GECKO BOUTIQUE is used for fashion consulting. Id. at K15. Some of the third-parties who use the mark on related goods have also been granted federal trademark registrations for those goods. For example, SARGECKO, Reg. No. 3094418 for “soft

Opposition 91179089: Applicant’s Motion for Summary Judgment and Memorandum     

p. 18  

stuffed toy animal made to resemble the gecko lizard,” GECKO GREASE, Reg. No. 2536705 for “lip balm,” and GECKO GLASS, Reg No. 2572882 for “glass, namely, colored glass panels” all are currently subsisting registrations that are in actual use in commerce. See Exhibits L, M. Given the overwhelmingly wide spread third-party use of variations on the term GECKO for most if not all of the products in which Opposer claims exclusive rights, Opposer cannot realistically claim strength in its mark, even under the lower standard imposed at summary judgment. 5. No Other Likelihood of Confusion Factor Outweighs the Dissimilarity in the Marks and the Goods Given the clear differences between the marks and the goods of the parties, no other DuPont factors are material to a decision of likelihood of confusion. No potential similarity in channels of trade outweighs the differences in the goods and marks. Opposer alleges its goods are sold through nationwide department stores, mid tier stores, surf shops, boutiques, and the internet. Exhibit J at 7 (Response to Interrogatory No. 6). Even weighing similarities in the channels of trade and any other factor in the light most favorable to Opposer, the differences between the marks and the goods outweigh all other factors. C. There is No Likelihood of Confusion The marks are different and the goods are different. Opposer’s marks are not famous. The material common between the marks is widely used by third parties. Opposer cannot show any evidence to upset the clear conclusion that it is highly unlikely that consumers will be confused as to the source of Applicant’s and Opposer’s respective goods when marketed under their respective marks. No other factor, even weighed in the light most favorable to Opposer, outweighs the differences in the marks and the goods.

Opposition 91179089: Applicant’s Motion for Summary Judgment and Memorandum     

p. 19  


CONCLUSION The goal of summary judgment is to “test the sufficiency of the evidence,” and quickly

decide cases in which one side has made claims and then failed to present evidence to support those claims. See e.g., Dyneer Corp. v. Automotive Products plc, 37 USPQ 1251, 1254 (TTAB 1995).  Such a decision is appropriate here. Opposer has made a number of claims, including that it is a famous mark, a mark that is, like the BIG GULP, “a symbol of American culture.” 7Eleven, 83 USPQ2d at 1723. In spite of the grand claims in its Opposition, Opposer has failed to produce any evidence of fame, dilution, or likelihood of confusion. Given the significant differences between the parties’ marks and goods, Opposer has not created a triable issue of fact on its claims of dilution and likelihood of confusion. Wherefore, Applicant respectfully requests that the Board enter summary judgment dismissing each of Opposer’s claims, and dismissing the Opposition with prejudice. Dated the 1st of July, 2008. Respectfully Submitted, BARKING PENGUINS, LLC

By:__________________________ Erik M. Pelton Christopher R. Shiplett ERIK M. PELTON & ASSOCIATES, PLLC PO Box 100637 Arlington, VA 22210 (p) 703-525-8009 (f) 703-525-8089 Attorneys for Applicant

Opposition 91179089: Applicant’s Motion for Summary Judgment and Memorandum     

p. 20  

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that true copies of the Applicant’s Motion for Summary Judgment on Opposer’s Claims of Dilution and Likelihood of Confusion were deposited as First Class mail with the United States Postal Service on July 1, 2008, to Counsel for Opposer at the following address: Bruce B. Brunda Stetina Brunda Garred & Brucker 75 Enterprise Ste 250 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 By: Erik M. Pelton, Esq.

Opposition 91179089: Applicant’s Motion for Summary Judgment and Memorandum     

p. 21  

EXHIBIT INDEX Declaration Authenticating Internet Evidence


Declaration of Cynthia Jones-Whitcher

Exhibit A

Opposer’s Documents TBR 310-314, and 318 - 324

Exhibit B

Opposer’s Documents TBR 476-491

Exhibit C

Opposer’s Document TBR 475

Exhibit D

Opposer’s Document TBR 492

Exhibit E

Opposer’s Documents TBR 684-691, 708

Exhibit F

SIMA: No Slowing Down for Surf Industry

Exhibit G

Opposer’s Response to Applicant’s Request for Production of Documents or Things Get-Go, Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online

Exhibit H Exhibit I

Opposer’s Response to Applicant’s Interrogatories

Exhibit J

Third-Party Use of GECKO on goods related to Opposer’s

Exhibit K

Third-Party Registrations for GECKO for goods related to Opposer’s Third-Party Use of GECKO for which there is also a Federal Trademark Registration FROM THE GECKO Product Packaging Images

Exhibit L

Opposition 91179089: Applicant’s Motion for Summary Judgment and Memorandum     

Exhibit M Exhibit N

p. 22  


DECLARATION AUTHENTICATING INTERNET DOCUMENT EXHIBITS Serial No: 78818325 Mark: FROM THE GECKO Applicant: BARKING PENGUINS, LLC The undersigned, being hereby warned that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001, and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or any resulting registration, declares:

I am a law clerk with the firm Erik M. Pelton & Associates, PLLC. The firm is Counsel for Applicant. On or about June 13, 2008, I conducted internet research regarding third party uses of marks similar to Opposer’s mark, market data for the surf-wear industry, and dictionary definitions for a component of Applicant’s mark. As a result of the above research, I viewed certain websites, and printed copies of the websites I viewed. Those copies are attached as Exhibits to Applicant's Response to Office Action. The urls of the websites I viewed and copied, and that are attached as Exhibits hereto are as follows:

The documents attached as Exhibits hereto are true and correct copies of the web pages I viewed and printed during the research described above. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein. All statements herein made of my own knowledge are true and all statements herein made on information are believed to be true. MARK L. DONAHEY

________________________________ Signature

______July 1, 2008____________ Date













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news. NO SLOWING DOWN FOR SURF INDUSTRY - Findings of SIMA’s Retail Research Show Increase of Billions in Sales Aliso Viejo, Calif. (July 9, 2007) -- In the US retail environment, where gains are measured in small increments, the surf industry continues to buck the national trend with two-year sales increases close to one billion, the Surf Industry Manufacturers Association (SIMA) announced today. In a third-party research study commissioned by SIMA, the 2006 SIMA Retail Distribution Study, findings indicate that the surf industry, which has grown from $6.52 billion in 2004 to $7.48 billion in 2006 (an increase of 14.5%), is nowhere near slowing down. The 2006 SIMA Retail Distribution Study cites several factors contributing to the growth of the surf industry, including: the mainstream popularity of the surf lifestyle; the capitalization on the purchasing power of women; and brand diversification. But key findings indicate that what is largely fueling growth is the surf industry’s loyalty to its core distribution channels. “The minute a brand is in secondary retail distribution channels, its cool factor and authentic reason to exist is challenged,” said Dick Baker, president of SIMA. “Maintaining authenticity to core surf customers by distributing through surf and skate shops is what’s helping to keep surf brands cool and relevant,” added Baker. Staying true to core surf distribution channels (retail operations that classify themselves as specialty or lifestyle stores) has proved to be a win-win for surf brands and retailers. Today, surf retailers can be found in every state in the country. In 2006, there were over 300 more surf/skate shops (total of 5,048 in 2006) than in 2004 (total of 4,741), and core chain retailers like PacSun and Zumiez are expanding across the country.

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“Several years ago, when the surf industry began exploding, naysayers hypothesized that the industry could plateau, largely because surfing was going mainstream with corporate giants like Target and Abercrombie cashing in on the popularity of the surf culture,” said Sean Smith, executive director of SIMA. “The reality is that those companies helped surf brands get smarter about distribution and marketing, and that’s why they continue to grow.” Surf Industry Growth Factors Brand diversification is also driving success for the surf industry. In the 80’s the surf industry was about boardshorts and T-shirts. Today, brands have much larger offerings in both soft and hard goods. From full men’s, women’s and kids apparel lines, to accessories, sunglasses, watches, shoes and sandals, bags, wetsuits and more. “Virtually all brands in the surf industry have complete category representation in the surf lifestyle, with the larger brands representing full apparel collections in competition with other fashion brands,” said Baker. “While new companies can still compete, because surf shops will always want to represent young brands, to succeed in the long-term, smaller surf brands have to extend their offerings.” The entrenchment of the “surf” lifestyle in the US market is another factor driving sales. The XGames, FuelTV, and even network TV shows such as “Laguna Beach,” are all helping to make surfing cool, even in middle America. SIMA research shows that while West Coast retailers are making the strongest impact in sales with traditional “warm-weather” and “water-related” products such as swimsuits, sandals and wetsuits, there is significant growth in sales and the number of surf retailers in the Midwest, South and Northeast. From 2004 surf sales are up 4% in the South, 2% in the Northeast, and sales in the Midwest stayed at 7% of all US surf sales.

6/13/2008 11:54 AM

SIMA - News

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Although surfing has traditionally been seen as a male dominated sport, the lifestyle element has allowed the industry to capitalize on the purchase power of women and, as a result, is now experiencing tremendous growth in women’s apparel. In 2006, women’s apparel sales were up 32% with $327 million in sales, up from $249 million in 2004. “The surf flick “Blue Crush” was huge in spurring modern popularity of women’s surfing, said Smith. “The movie depicted independent, strong, sexy women and its representation of freedom brought the lifestyle element of surfing to the forefront again, which we had not seen since the days of Gidget.” Finally, Internet sales are becoming increasingly important and this trend is expected to significantly impact surf industry growth in the future. In 2004, only 6% of sales could be attributed to this channel. In 2006, retailers who utilize the Internet attribute almost of one-quarter of their sales to it. “This is a generational issue. The young consumer has grown up with the Internet and it is obviously an integral part of their lives. The big surf brands are in an envious position because we expect surf lifestyle ecommerce to far outpace the online business of traditional apparel very soon,” said Baker. Top Surf Industry Trends 1. Brand Penetration: Retailers have more brand choices but are carrying fewer brands and product categories. 2. Internet Sales: While only 23% of core retailers use Internet/Catalog sales, those who use it have seen an increase averaging 29.5%. 3. Footwear: Overall shoe sales are down but sandals sales are up to over $300 million – an increase of over $50 million since 2004. 4. Apparel: Largest product category with an increase of 9.9% in sales in 2006. Men’s boardshorts have continued to see strong growth as well. 5. Wetsuits: While wetsuits represent a small percent of core sales, dollars are up 30% due to price points. 6. Accessories: This high-margin business (which includes sunglasses, watches, bags, hats and belts) saw slight sales growth of 4.3%. The make-up of what contributes to accessory sales is shifting, with the sunglass category contribution up 9% from 2004 while all other category contributions remained relatively flat. 7. Hard Goods: Sales are up over 24%, from $901 million in 2004 to0 $1,118 million in 2006. About SIMA The Surf Industry Manufacturers Association (SIMA) is the official working trade association of more than 300 surf industry suppliers. Founded in 1989, SIMA is a non-profit organization that serves to promote awareness of the surf industry and participation in the sport of surfing through public relations efforts and a variety of services, educational programs and research. In addition, SIMA actively supports oceanic environmental efforts through its 501(c)(3) charitable environmental foundation, the SIMA Environmental Fund. In the past 17 years, SIMA's Environmental Fund has raised more than $3.5 million for environmental groups seeking to protect the world's oceans, beaches and waves. (VNR, graphs and photos, available upon request.) # # # © 2002-2008 sima - surf industry manufacturers association

6/13/2008 11:54 AM

OPPOSITION NO. 91179089 MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON OPPOSER’S CLAIMS OF DILUTION AND LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION EXHIBIT H: Opposer’s Response to Applicant’s Request for Production of Documents or Things    





Exhibit H Opposer’s Response To Applicant’s First Request For Production Of Documents And Things

Page 3 Placeholder Opposer’s response did not contain a page numbered 3 in the original. This page holds the place where Opposer’s response page 3 would have been found had it existed.



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Main Entry: get–go Pronunciation: \ˈgit-ˌgō, ˈget-\ Variant(s): also git–go \ˈgit-\ Function: noun Date: 1966 : the very beginning —used in the phrase from the get-go

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Our G2 Lotion is unlike any other product you have ever tried, it actually addresses the warm up of a massage. When you first apply it, the product feels thick but allows slide. This allows for passive skin stretch and heating of the tissue which is needed in order to effect deeper tissue. As the tissue temperature reaches a certain degree, the product then changes to a light slide which seldom needs reapplying. This is unheard of with water based products. This product is a good medium for Essential oils.

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Our Holly Gel is everything our Holly Oil is, only better. This product starts thick which allows the Gel to stay in your hand while warming and spreading effortlessly on your patient's skin. It has a clean, light feel and exceptional glide and is also a good medium for Essential Oils. Our Gel towels off nicely, leaving your patient feeling fresh. This product has recently been reformulated with cutting edge ingredients. Its truly and amazing product. Details Add to Cart 2L - Gecko Gold Holly Oil Manufacturer:




Our Holly Oil is a pure oil product containing no artificial preservatives or dimethicones (silicones). It has superior glide in a light, clean formulation. This product is a good

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medium for Essential Oils and hypoallergenic even on the most sensitive patients. Holly Oil towels off nicely, leaving the patient's skin smooth and conditioned.

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Our Gel is a luxurious blend of Carrier oils thickened in part by Bee's wax in a clean light formulation. If our Gel is placed in a glass of warm water, it completely emulsifies turning the water cloudy, others do not. This makes a huge difference when trying to keep the laundry free of stains or having your patient feel fresh after a massage and even having the product wash off your hands. Our Gel is very therapist friendly. On patients that are hairy or have dry skin it moisturizes and leaves your patients feeling clean. Essential Oils absolutely love this perfect medium.

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Our G2 Lotion is unlike any other product you have ever tried, it actually addresses the warm up of a massage. When you first apply it, the product feels thick but allows slide. This allows for passive skin stretch and heating of the tissue which is needed in order to effect deeper tissue. As the tissue temperature reaches a certain degree, the product then changes to a light slide which seldom needs reapplying. This is unheard of with water based products. This product is a good medium for Essential oils.

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Our Holly Gel is everything our Holly Oil is, only better. This product starts thick which allows the Gel to stay in your hand while warming and spreading effortlessly on your patient's skin. It has a clean, light feel and exceptional glide and is also a good medium for Essential Oils. Our Gel towels off nicely, leaving your patient feeling fresh. This product has recently been reformulated with cutting edge ingredients. Its truly and amazing product. Details Add to Cart

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4L - Gecko Gold Holly Oil Manufacturer:




Our Holly Oil is a pure oil product containing no artificial preservatives or dimethicones (silicones). It has superior glide in a light, clean formulation. This product is a good medium for Essential Oils and hypoallergenic even on the most sensitive patients. Holly Oil towels off nicely, leaving the patient's skin smooth and conditioned.

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Our Gel is a luxurious blend of Carrier oils thickened in part by Bee's wax in a clean light formulation. If our Gel is placed in a glass of warm water, it completely emulsifies turning the water cloudy, others do not. This makes a huge difference when trying to keep the laundry free of stains or having your patient feel fresh after a massage and even having the product wash off your hands. Our Gel is very therapist friendly. On patients that are hairy or have dry skin it moisturizes and leaves your patients feeling clean. Essential Oils absolutely love this perfect medium.

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Nasaleze 500mg Powder Naturally enhance your body's resistance to allergens Silver Gecko Price: £6.95

ONYA BAGS: a conscious alternative to adding to the 17 billion plastic bags used annually in the UK. A multitude of colours, extremely strong and 3 styles to choose from. So, have you got one onya? Buy your ONYA bag online today!!


Natural Remedies Don't let the pollen get to you! Nasaleze coats your nasal passage to prevent the absorption of pollen what a brilliant invention! We have a variety of excellent products to help you through Spring & Summer. See our Hayfever selection or click here.

Potters Allerclear Eye Drops Soothes irritated eyes Silver Gecko Price: £4.99


Potter's Allerclear Nasal Spray

Relief from nasal congestion an... Silver Gecko Price: £4.99 1

Skinfood SPF15+ Moisturiser 100ml Gecko Special!

Buy 2 but only pay for 1 Unisex moisturiser with protection against UVA and UVB Silver Gecko Price: £9.99

Thai Deodorant Stones 140g Rock Crystal A natural alternative. List Price: £6.95 Silver Gecko Price:

Potters Allerclear Tablets Symptomatic relief of rhinitis, nasal congestion and catarrh Silver Gecko Price: £6.99


Weleda Rhinodoron Nasal Spray 20ml With soothing aloe vera, to clear blocked stuffy nose Silver Gecko Price:



6/13/2008 4:36 PM

The Silver Gecko Company Limited - Nutritional Supplements and Glob...

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The information provided on this website should not be used to diagnose disease, or to replace medical advice. In all cases you should first refer to your G.P, or other qualified health professional to diagnose any health concern that you may have and for guidance as to the appropriate treatment, including any products listed on this website.

©2003-2008 The Silver Gecko Company Limited. All Rights Reserved 248 North Street, Ashton, Bristol BS3 1JD Tel: 0117 902 0622 Fax: 0117 902 0790 Design and Hosting by Arachna Computing & Design Ltd

K6 6/13/2008 4:36 PM

Gecko Theme Soaps - Scented

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Gecko Theme Soaps Natural Decorative Hand Made Scented Soaps

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Gecko Theme Soaps Gecko Soap: Juniper Breeze Scented Extra Lather Glycerine and/or Shea Butter Weight approx. 4.4 oz Quantity : 1 Soap - $7.00

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*All soap is made of extra lather glycerine, opaque soap also contains shea butter Weights are approximate and vary with the theme All embedded objects in PJ Soaps are themselves soap All coloration seen on the surface of any PJ Soaps is also soap We do not paint the surface of any soap, as we want the image to last as long as possible Read more about PJ Soaps

Home | New at PJ Soaps | Workshops | Kits & Tools | Theme List | Theme Gallery | Holiday Soaps Gift Assortments | Dead Sea Spa | Sampler Packs | About PJ Soaps | Tips & Tricks | Decals | Hobby How To Shop in Person | Suggested Links | Contact PJ Soaps | Support PJ Soaps | Feedback | Email PJ Soaps All rights reserved ™PJ Soaps ©2005-2008 This page was last updated on Saturday, August 25, 2007

K7 6/13/2008 3:15 PM

Gecko Traders Inc. - Home

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If Your Eyes Like It, Your Heart Will Love It! Make a fair trade fashion statement with our hand-woven silk handbags , accessories and recycled Eco Weekenders. Together, we keep people working, one handbag at a time.







K8 6/13/2008 2:47 PM

Luna Boston | Gecko Bag Details

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Luba J

Gecko Bag

Handbag Brands

in Black

Aksuona Ananas

We apologize, this product is currently unavailable. Please e-mail us or call us at 1-866-910-3900 to inquire about ordering this item. The Gecko is one of those pieces that

ANI Badgley Mischka Platinum Bliss Lau Botkier

instantly makes an outfit (and makes your friends

Cynthia Rowley

jealous!) This medium sized bag works for day or

Foley + Corinna

evening, casual or more dressy, funky or


professional - you name it. Carry this one to work

High Way

in the morning and out on the town all night with

Jenny Yuen Kooba

ease - and with comfort, knowing that the durable

Lauren Merkin

construction will hold up to whatever you can dish

Linea Pelle

out. 18"w x 9"h x 4"d with an 8" shoulder drop


that will grow slightly with wear and slouch.

Matt & Nat MZ Wallace Olivia Harris

Magnify Image

Rafe Rebecca Minkoff Tano

Luba J Gecko Bag

The Outfit Treesje

$660.00 Sale Price: $550.00 SKU-16143

Tusk Whiting and Davis

Shoe Brands Bronx Faryl Robin Goffredo Fantini

Sibling Products

Materia Prima Melissa Miz Mooz Sam Edelman

Accessories Brands Abas

Also check out

Adia Kibur Alexia Crawford BauXo Bellissima By Boe Catalina de La Torre Ficcare Fina Firenze Foot Petals Foxy Frank & Kahn Hayden-Harnett Headdress Hollywood Fashion Tape Kemestry Kipepeo Lauren Merkin Lodis Lorelei Marimekko Matt & Nat Origin Rachel Leigh Rafe Stephanie Johnson Tano Tusk

K9 6/13/2008 3:11 PM

Luna Boston | Gecko Bag Details

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Service | About Us | Privacy Policy | Store Locator | Terms of Use Questions or comments? Please e-mail us For assistance, please call 1-866-910-3900 © Luna Boston, LLC 2004-2008 (4.0.5) (270)

K9 6/13/2008 3:11 PM - Gecko Bag

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Gecko Bag $29.50 Show some love for Billabong! All-over heart and brand name print with heart trim along top. Ring design shoulder straps with inside zip pocket.

Von Zipper Stache Red Sunglasses

Dimensions: 13" L x 15" H x 2" W. Imported. Strap drop 8".


Color: WHITE Size: NO SIZE Size Chart 1

Qty. Kirra Samantha Cami



Bullhead Sunset Straight River Blue



Style #0645031480010

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K10 6/13/2008 3:10 PM

Gecko Decks - Super Lightweight Skate Decks from Bude, Cornwall, UK

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Welcome to gecko decks - superlight high performance skate decks from bude, cornwall

Gecko Sponsors Tenth Annual Bude Downhill Skate Championships!

Once again Gecko is involved with the Bude Downhill skate event. This years Downhill event will be bigger and better than ever before with the official UK Downhill Skate Championship taking place in the town itself. Its not just about the downhill however, as there will be a number of other events taking place over the weekend and of course the odd party or two! click here to find out more

Martin Drayton's Photo Gallery

Martin Drayton one of Gecko's Team Riders has been busy with his Camera. Check out his online photo gallery for images of other Gecko Team riders and the Superlight Series Decks amongst other things. click here to see the snaps

Gecko Superlight Series Decks - Launched!

Gecko SLE Introductory Offer - Ends 24/03

Gecko's first release from their new "Superlight Series" was officially launched at the World Indoor Champs in Gothenburg, 24th Feb 2008, with a one month introductory price tag. click here to find out more

Our introductory offer on the Gecko SLE ends on the 24th March after this date, the price of the deck will increase to - £160 GBP + VAT (approx $320 USD). click here to find out how to order your deck

A New World Record

Gecko Decks Showcase

Gecko Decks - sponsored rider, Martin Drayton, sets a new world slalom skateboarding record in Hyde Park, London. 12.83 seconds, clean, in the wet! click here to find out more

You can view our original flash showcase site, advertising the original gecko decks range, with downloadable vids and desktop wallpapers click here

Site & Content ©2008 Gecko Gear Ltd. All Rights Reserved site design & maintenance by monkeydevil™

K11 6/13/2008 3:39 PM

Gecko Boat

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What is it? The Gecko Boat is a custom surf kayak that I built for performance and comfort that I feel is not available in any other kayak today. I wanted to be able shred on the waves more like a surfboard some feel that this is not possible with a kayak, but I knew that waveskis were able to do it, and I felt a properly designed kayak could as well This thing SHREDS! Length Overall

8 feet


24 inches


Approx 25 pounds


Foam Core/Fiberglass/Epoxy

Bow Rocker

12 inches

Stern Rocker

3 inches

More Views

K12 6/13/2008 1:11 PM

Gecko Boat

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Building the boat Let me know what you think: Feedback

K12 6/13/2008 1:11 PM

Adrenaline Junkie - Gecko Extreme Sports Safety Helmets

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Emergency Services Extreme Sports Company Information Contact Us

Adrenaline Junkies Surfing Lids Sky diving Lids Jet Skiing Lids Colourways Photo Gallery

In any field of extreme sports, you're pushing your body and its ablities to the limit. It's crucial to make split-second decisions that can quickly determine the outcome of an event. You need to think and act faster than your opponent. Extreme conditions can hamper the functioning of your brain, slowing your reaction times and posing a real danger. Keep your head warm and protected with a Gecko Lid. Keep your head. We offer reliable head protection and warmth for a variety of sports, including: Surfing & Windsurfing Skydiving Jet-Skiing Our helmets are not only suitable for these purposes, but can be used for a whole host of other extreme activities. Simply get in touch with us, and we'll advise you on the most suitable option. Why not have a look at some of the different helmets we've already created using the Gecko Headgear Helmet Browser?

K13 6/13/2008 1:13 PM

Adrenaline Junkie - Gecko Extreme Sports Safety Helmets

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©2008 Gecko Gear Limited. All Rights Reserved | Terms & Conditions | site by monkeydevil

K13 6/13/2008 1:13 PM

Glasscraft Supply Company

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GlassCraft Supply offers more than 400 unique colors and textures of glass and patterned glass. We can supply just one sheet of glass, and ship it by UPS or Fedex, packed in our exclusive GlassPack. Or we can supply entire cases of thousands of square feet. And all at very competitive pricing. Gecko Glass® offers unique textures and colors, and is only available from GlassCraft Supply. Offering a unique selection of over 300 different colors and textures - many of which are found no where else. Original textures of cathedral and opalescent glasses are available, including Mottles, Mists, Fracture-Streamers, Colored Glue Chip, Iridescents and WaveGlass™!. Economical and beautiful! Also available is our Thirty-Tenz sample case, consisting of 30 sheets measuring 10" square of at least 15 colors of Gecko Glass, each full quality sheet is labeled with the stock number. A sample box of all colors also available.

2002 Brittmoore St. Houston, TX 77043 713-690-8844 Bevels Metals Sheet Glass Garden Art Tools & Supplies Moulding Architectural Glass

Patterned Glass is offered in many unique patterns including deep etched patterned glass and rolled patterned glass.

GECKO GLASS IS NOW FUSIBLE. click here for more information

Our catalog contains one of the most complete selections of color glass pictures in the industry, to make your selections easy. You will be able to The glass sections available for download here

K14 6/13/2008 3:37 PM

Glasscraft Supply Company

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K14 6/13/2008 3:37 PM

Customer Testimonials : From the Gecko

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Join our E-mail Newsletter sign-up to receive updates on current fashion trends, new merchandise, private invitation only events and special savings coupons.

It seems that every time I travel to St. Croix I only have to pack my bikini. That is fine when all you do is hang out on the beach, butin 2006 I flew down to attend the Grand Gourmet Dinner and A Taste of St Croix; two notable fundraising events for the St. Croix Foundation. To my dismay, I had zilch to wear. Click here to read more...

K15 6/13/2008 12:32 PM

Customer Testimonials : From the Gecko

2 of 3

It seems that every time I travel to St. Croix I only have to pack my bikini. That is fine when all you do is hang out on the beach, but in 2006 I flew down to attend the Grand Gourmet Dinner and A Taste of St Croix; two notable fundraising events for the St. Croix Foundation. To my dismay, I had zilch to wear. I stopped in to From the Gecko and Danna picked two dresses for me that I would never, ever have selected. One was yellow, with red and orange wisps of material. With that dress she put a sparkly yellow clip in my hair. Did she realize I was a tom boy and this was so way out of my comfort zone? But, I went with it. I wore the yellow dress (and the hair clip) to A Taste of St. Croix where more than 1,000 people attend, nibble on bites from island restaurants and sip fabulous wines. I was having a ball when a gentleman, whom I never saw again, came up to me and said, “I keep seeing you. With the yellow and everything “and you got it going on!†Sure, he wasn’t the most eloquent person, but he said I looked great and I felt great! The other outfit was a chocolate brown dress that Danna accented with a big, chunky glass starfish necklace. I was a little apprehensive about wearing the starfish around my neck, to the Grand Gourment dinner, but I did. And though no stranger came up to me and gave me a compliment, a notable winemaker from Napa complimented me on my starfish. So when I returned to St. Croix in December 2007 for my best friend’s wedding and a big meeting, I ran to From the Gecko and begged Danna to dress me and make me shine. And she did. I wore a two piece outfit with lots of purples and raspberry colors to the wedding (again “I would never dare choose the outfit without Danna saying “IT WORKS!”) and to the meeting I wore a light, patterned dress that never wrinkled (planes, taxis) and never got hot. And I got the account! Thanks Danna! All the best, Jane Watkins In the fall of 2005, I was promoted to the position of Chief Operating Officer for a high powered consulting firm. I was told to think about a more professional wardrobe. I was at a loss. I did not want to have to replace everything in my closet and felt like over the years I had increased the professionalism of my wardrobe. I spoke briefly with Danna about it and she offered to do a closet consultation. A week or so later, Danna and I removed everything from my closet that I was currently considering “work” clothes. Danna removed a few tired items from the picture and included items left behind that I would not have thought of. She put together a number of different outfits pairing items I never would have thought of. I was amazed at what Danna was able to do with my existing wardrobe. To my surprise there were very few holes in my wardrobe that needed to be filled in. Just a few basics were recommended. We put everything back in the closet, completely segregating “work” clothes from “play” clothes. We additionally hung things by color groupings to more easily put together additional, great outfits. All in all it took just a few hours and the difference was immediately noticed. The next work day and every day of the following week, I received compliments from not only my co-workers, but also the owners of the company on how great I looked. Danna gave me great ideas and a great perspective on the things that were once great things to wear and for various reasons, no longer fit the bill. I now have less of an issue cleaning out the clothes that no longer fit my lifestyle because I feel great about the ones that do. I also feel as though I know how to shop better to add pieces that I need in colors that work for me. Danna did a great job! I would recommend her to anyone needing a wardrobe face lift. Jennifer Martin Daley COO

K15 6/13/2008 12:32 PM

Customer Testimonials : From the Gecko

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Copyright 2006 From the Gecko · (340) 778-9433 · Fax (340) 773-3326 1233 Queen Cross Street · Christiansted, VI 00820

Web services provided by Media Mate

K15 6/13/2008 12:32 PM

Gecko Bath Hardware Collection

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Western Clothing Boots Hats Belts Jewelry Home Gifts Bed & Bath Bath

Gecko Bath Hardware Collection These Gecko Bath Collection Accessories will delight visitors to your bathroom! Inspired by the whimsical little reptiles found throughout the Southwest, Geckos are sometimes considered to be good luck! Gecko decorative toilet paper holder, robe hook, towel ring and matching towel bar are all made of sturdy metal and are sold separately. Made in USA.

> Bath Accessories Shower Curtains Shower Curtain Rings Toilet Seats Towels Towel Bars

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SELECT AN ITEM: 19881 : Gecko Tissue Holder View Larger

19882 : Gecko Robe Hook

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19883 : Gecko Towel Ring 19880 : Gecko 27" Towel Bar 19884 : Gecko 18" Towel Bar

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Gecko Tissue Holder

Price $39.95



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Arapaho Southwestern Bath Collection

Barbwire Copper Sink

Arapaho Shower Curtain & Wall Paper Border

Arapaho Towel Collection

K16 6/13/2008 3:37 PM

Gecko Bath Hardware Collection

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K16 6/13/2008 3:37 PM

ShoeMall - Free Shipping on Warmbat Women's Gecko Grip Patterns Boot

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Casual, Dress, Active, Outdoor, Slipper, Work, Western

Warmbat Women's Gecko Grip Patterns Boot Style No. : 141816

$199.95 Casual, Dress, Work, Active, Outdoor, Slipper, Western, Golf


Color: Grey

Colors Available : adidas Asics BCBGirls Camper Chaco Chooka Crocs DC etnies Frye Company Jessica Simpson Keen Kenneth Cole Merrell PF Flyers Rocket Dog Sanuk Steve Madden Tommy Hilfiger Tsubo

2 3

Select Size Width: M

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• Fashionable comfort is the main influence on this Australian-inspired boot • Real, luxurious Australian "Double-Faced" sheepskin leather upper • Shearling lining • Removable, washable, sheepskin lined Memory Foam cushioned footbed • Rubber Gecko Grip sole for a softer feel with more flexibility • Leather heel and toe cap for added protection • Exclusive "Sheepskin sizing system" ensures the perfect fit • Distinctive Aboriginal back braid • Superior comfort • Available in whole sizes only, half sizes please order the next size up

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K17 6/13/2008 2:57 PM

ShoeMall - Free Shipping on Warmbat Women's Gecko Grip Patterns Boot

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1-800-704-5478 | [email protected] | Copyright 2007

K17 6/13/2008 2:57 PM

Now Wait For Last Year

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Cigarette Box: Gecko Cigarettes 4-spotcolor/Adobe Illustrator Personal Project

K18 6/13/2008 3:41 PM

Gulfport Gecko Fest

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Gulfport, Florida


AUGUST 30, 2008 ONLINE VENDOR APPLICATIONS: Vendor Coordinator: Suzanne King at (727)322.5217 for additional assistance, e-mail: [email protected]

See "Find Us" page for map, directions, " free trolley and parking details. During LABOR DAY WEEKEND on Beach Blvd. in Gulfport

GeckoFest Welcomes Boaters!

Dinghy dock available behind the Gulfport Casino Ballroom.

2007: WALKING PARADE AT 6PM (starting at Beach Blvd. and 28th St. S.-by the Gulfport Library) Spectators are welcome, but it's even more fun to parade! Be colorful - wear hats, costumes, carry umbrellas noisemakers...

K19 6/13/2008 3:03 PM

Gulfport Gecko Fest

2 of 3

put on a big smile and just have fun!

COSTUME AWARDS 6:30PM AT THE STAGE ARTISANS - CRAFTERS - UNIQUE VENDORS - LIVE MUSIC GIVE-AWAYS CHILDREN'S AREA - ACTIVITIES & GAMES - FACE PAINTING COLORING CONTEST - AND MORE! North Stage 2-5 PM Blinky n' Fritz 5-8 PM Urban Gypsies 8-10 PM Fire Dancers Center Stage 7-10 PM Sterling Magee and the Harlem Blues Bank Performance Artists South Stage 12-2 PM Kevin Thompson 2:30-4:30 PM Jason Longoria 5-7 PM J.D. Burrel & Tammy 8-10 PM Alicia Fox & Friends STREET PERFORMERS Kim Magic - Barnaby the Clown Hip Expressions Dance Studio (Belly Dancers) and Loud Zoo (instrumental accompaniment) Troupe Zahara Belly Dancers - Drum Circle Fire Show - Storytellers - The Living Statute Dallas the Fire Guy - Youngest Escape Artist - Blueberry Patch Tampa Bay Ghost Tours - Arrr Ink Pirates - Village Villains' West Coast Mutineers and Fire Show - Pirate Ship on Boca Ciega Bay Izabelle & Co., gypsies and face painters The Holland Days

Artsy Gulfport continues their whimsical salute to the Gecko with the Sixth Annual Gecko Fest. This family festival and walking parade celebrates the End of Summer and Labor Da weekend with color, whimsy, extraordinary entertainment and a street dance on Saturday, September 1, 2007 is easily described as a whimsical combination of a family-oriented Mardi Gras, Renaissance Faire, and Britis Loony Parties gone Gecko in Gulfport, Florida. Wear Gecko hats, fish hats, colorful hats and costumes to celebrate the many colors of Geckos! Bring drums, rattles noise makers, kazoos, musical instruments, balloons decorated umbrellas - just use your imagination. Join in or be a spectator - this parade is full of colorful surprises and characters! Meet the Gecko Goddess or join her court with colorfu creative costumes and hats! The Gecko Goddess Court is a new addition this year and will be a new costume award category too! Selected as "Best Bet," "Hot Ticket," "Hot Road Trip," AOLs top ten for Labor Day Weekend, and "Planet Pick," this locally cultivated festival is filled with whimsy and charm as is this quaint waterfront community. For further information, call


6/13/2008 3:03 PM

Gulfport Gecko Fest

3 of 3

(727)302.9299 or (727)322.5217. The Gulfport Merchants Association, the GeckoFest characters Gecko Goddess and the Gecko Governor hopes to see you there! Sun, wind or rain, we have always had fun. Make it a great day!

Home Page | Find Us | Photo Gallery | Sponsors | History & News Copyright © 2005. All Rights Reserved.

K19 6/13/2008 3:03 PM

Gecko Glasses

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About Us



Virtual Mirror




GeckoGlasses: GeckoGlasses will be an Online Retailer for branded, non-prescription Sunglasses, that uses a Virtual Mirror and Web 2.0 technologies to create a new, one-of-a-kind customer experience. The Virtual Mirror is a program that, in combination with a webcam, projects sunglasses onto the customer's face. Customers will be able to virtually try on an extensive range of sunglasses and check how they look with them, using their computer screen as if it was a mirror.



The Northland Green Gecko (Naultinus grayii) is diurnal, often found sun-basking. It has an arboreal lifestyle, especially favouring stands of manuka, kanuka, and mingimingi. - wikipedia

Web 2.0 Technologies will be used to share the images taken with the Virtual Mirror and to create a network that increases the customer's involvement with the company and its products. By combining both concepts, GeckoGlasses will change the way that people buy sunglasses over the internet.

Click on the picture to watch the video or download the video here (right click, "save as").

Gecko Glasses © 2007

K20 6/13/2008 3:35 PM

screen printing and embroidery on t-shirts, caps, jackets, etc. Gecko Gra...

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Screen Printing and Embroidery on T-Shirts, Caps, Jackets, Bags, Golf Shirts, Sweatshirts, and More!

Try our Price Calculator on the pricing page for an instant price quote on screen printed apparel!

K21 6/13/2008 2:38 PM

Gecko Hat from

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Gecko Hat by Elle_Ichai Views:


(3 votes)


Hat Details Keep your head covered in style with this classic trucker hat. 100% polyester foam front has a wide area to feature your design. 100% nylon mesh back keeps you cool. Adjustable from 17" to 24" Available in 11 color combinations.

Color: Tan and Brown

Qty: 1

Gecko Hat created by Elle_Ichai (July 17, 2007 at 09:38AM)

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Email this | Link to this | Add to favorites | Bookmark this | Report violation Marketplace Categories: Arts, Design, Fashion > Digital Art > Digital Realism Animals, Pets > Wild > Reptiles, Amphibians > Geckos Gallery Product Line:


Tags: reptile, gecko, lizard, skin, drawing, illustration If you like this, you may also like...

Product id: 148444321741819083 (rated G)

Got geckos? by journeyoftheanimals

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Lizard LIps by DarkEden

GOT GECKOS? by SFgeckos

GOT GECKOS? by SFgeckos

Groovy gecko's by burntright

Other products by Elle_Ichai...

K22 6/13/2008 3:06 PM

Gecko Hat from

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K22 6/13/2008 3:06 PM

Whales & Friends Large Product View

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Evan Lloyd 14kt. Gold Gecko Toe Ring We Also Carry Lizards/Iguanas/Snakes Items In These Categories: Jewelry Tees

Annual Warehouse Sale Click Here For Information!!!

New Arrivals Spring 08 Catalog

Shop By ANIMAL Bear Gifts Bird Gifts Butterfly Gifts Cat Gifts Deer Gifts Dinosaur Gifts Dog Gifts Dolphin Gifts

Take a walk on the wild side with this striking, summer accessory that's sure to get some attention! Slit back for easy adjustment. Gold Gecko Toe Ring by wildlife jewelry designer Evan Lloyd. No Air Shipments! 14kt. CJ278

14kt. Gold Gecko Toe Ring *Ships From Mfg Please Allow 3-4 Weeks Delivery


Flamingo Gifts Fish/Sea Shell Gifts Frog Gifts Horse Gifts Lizards/Reptile Gifts Parrot Gifts Penguin Gifts Safari Animal Gifts Seal Gifts Sea Otter Gifts Tiger Gifts Turtle Gifts

NS Item CE195

NS Item FT107

NS Item CU175

NS Item FM252

Whale Gifts Wolf Gifts

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K23 6/13/2008 12:39 PM

Whales & Friends Large Product View

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K23 6/13/2008 12:39 PM

Whales & Friends Large Product View

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HomeRoom Catalog - Teacher Gifts

NursesStation Catalog - Nursing Gifts

OpenPlease Catalog - Dental Gifts

Click here if you have any questions or comments.


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K23 6/13/2008 12:39 PM

Whales & Friends Large Product View

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We Proudly Accept:

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Evan Lloyd 16", 14kt. Gold Gecko Choker We Also Carry Lizards/Iguanas/Snakes Items In These Categories: Jewelry Tees

Annual Warehouse Sale Click Here For Information!!!

New Arrivals Spring 08 Catalog

Shop By ANIMAL Bear Gifts Bird Gifts Butterfly Gifts Cat Gifts Deer Gifts Dinosaur Gifts Dog Gifts

You'll be at the height of fashion with this elegant, 14kt. choker-style necklace with a polished gold gecko at it's center. No Air Shipments! 14kt. Gold Gecko Necklace. CJ276

16", 14kt Gold Gecko Choker Necklace *Ships From Mfg Please Allow 3-4 Weeks Delivery


Dolphin Gifts Flamingo Gifts Fish/Sea Shell Gifts Frog Gifts Horse Gifts Lizards/Reptile Gifts Parrot Gifts Penguin Gifts Safari Animal Gifts Seal Gifts Sea Otter Gifts Tiger Gifts

NS Item CE195

NS Item FT107

NS Item CU175

NS Item FM252

Turtle Gifts Whale Gifts Wolf Gifts

Shop By CATEGORY Automobile Bedding & Bath Decor Books, Videos & Dvd's Calendars Cell Phone Accessories

K24 6/13/2008 12:39 PM

Whales & Friends Large Product View

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Evan Lloyd 14kt. Gold Gecko Earrings We Also Carry Lizards/Iguanas/Snakes Items In These Categories: Jewelry Tees

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New Arrivals Spring 08 Catalog

Shop By ANIMAL Bear Gifts Bird Gifts Butterfly Gifts Cat Gifts Deer Gifts Dinosaur Gifts Dog Gifts Dolphin Gifts

Gold geckos dangle from French-style ear wires to remind you of warm weather fun in the Caribbean sun. 3/4". Gecko Earrings by wildlife jewelry artist Evan Lloyd. No Air Shipments! 14 kt Gold CJ285

14kt. Gold Gecko Earrings *Ships From Mfg Please Allow 3-4 Weeks Delivery


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Evan Lloyd 14kt. Gold Gecko Anklet We Also Carry Lizards/Iguanas/Snakes Items In These Categories: Jewelry Tees

Annual Warehouse Sale Click Here For Information!!!

New Arrivals Spring 08 Catalog

Add a flash of pizzazz with this 9 ?", 14kt. gold anklet that showcases an enchanting gecko. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Order by Dec 5 for christmas delivery. 14kt. Gold Evan Lloyd Gecko Anklet by wildlife jewelry artist Evan Lloyd.

Shop By ANIMAL Bear Gifts Bird Gifts


Evan Lloyd Gecko Anklet *Ships From Mfg Please Allow 3-4 Weeks Delivery


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K26 6/13/2008 12:41 PM

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Evan Lloyd 14kt. Gold Gecko Bangle Bracelet We Also Carry Lizards/Iguanas/Snakes Items In These Categories: Jewelry Tees

Annual Warehouse Sale Click Here For Information!!!

New Arrivals Spring 08 Catalog

Shop By ANIMAL Bear Gifts Bird Gifts

For day or evening, this 14kt. gold, 3mm bangle bracelet has an enchanting gecko that sure to win your heart. 14kt Gold Gecko Bracelet by wildlife jewerly artist Evan Lloyd. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Order by Dec 5 for christmas delivery.

Butterfly Gifts Cat Gifts Deer Gifts


Evan Lloyd Gecko Bangle Bracelet *Ships From Mfg Please Allow 3-4 Weeks Delivery


Dinosaur Gifts Dog Gifts Dolphin Gifts Flamingo Gifts Fish/Sea Shell Gifts Frog Gifts Horse Gifts Lizards/Reptile Gifts Parrot Gifts Penguin Gifts Safari Animal Gifts Seal Gifts

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Sea Otter Gifts Tiger Gifts Turtle Gifts Whale Gifts Wolf Gifts

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K27 6/13/2008 12:41 PM

Gecko Cotton Pajamas for Boys - Long Sleeved Cotton Pajamas

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Go Home > Boy's Sleepwear & Pajamas > Long Sleeved Cotton Pajamas > Gecko Cotton Pajamas for Boys

Gecko Cotton Pajamas for Boys These comfy 100% cotton pajamas feature a gecko print. They are meant to be snug fitting. Availability: Usually ships the next business day. Check Est. Arrival Time

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Alligators and Frog Cotton Pajamas for Boys Price: $12.99

Car Cotton Pajamas for Boys Price: $9.99

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Car Signs Cotton Pajamas for Boys Price: $9.99

We Value Your Privacy Home > Boy's Sleepwear & Pajamas > Long Sleeved Cotton Pajamas > Gecko Cotton Pajamas for Boys

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K28 6/13/2008 3:40 PM

Gecko Cotton Pajamas for Boys - Long Sleeved Cotton Pajamas

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K28 6/13/2008 3:40 PM

Reptile Dysfunction Light T-Shirt > Reptile Dysfunction > designsbymik...

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Reptile Dysfunction Light T-Shirt

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"When your gecko is broken you have a reptile dysfunction." Let this playful little lizard bring some laughter to people's lives, for whatever reason you have in mind.

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AVAILABILITY: In Stock. Product Number: 196546736

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Look cool without breaking the bank. Our durable, high-quality, pre-shrunk 100% cotton t-shirt is what to wear when you want to go comfortably casual. Preshrunk, durable and guaranteed. 5.6 oz. 100% cotton Standard fit

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K30 6/13/2008 3:07 PM

High T3ch » Human Gecko Shoes

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Human Gecko Shoes Blog by MistaPrimeMinista Blogging in Fashion

Ever wanted to feel like a Gecko in the wild ? With these shoes you will feel like a gecko and just like one you will stick to anything you step on. The material Vibram is designed to follow the contour of your feet and toes, providing a very good grip on slippery surfaces. It will improve your dexterity, control, and stability to deliver a more natural walking motion. Priced at $70 from Vibram Five Fingers- One more pic-> ArchPort Stash Your Cash in Your Sole

Buy shoes now-pay later Great Deals-Name brand shoes. Hard to find sizes-Payment plan!

Fashionable footwear OKA b. slides, thongs and heels. Chic colors. Stylish accents.

Nubuck Shoes Sandals, Slingbacks & Sneakers. Deals on Women's Shoes!

K31 6/13/2008 2:59 PM

High T3ch » Human Gecko Shoes

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2 Users Responsed To " Human Gecko Shoes " Subscribes to this topic Comment RSS or TrackBack URL

Lucas said, 5-13-2007 in 20:21:57 at Dude, i liked this kind of stuffs. I thought i saw a picture of shoes that looked like human foot. Do you have any info on that thing? And about this Vibram show, is it worth to get it for $70 a pair? And is it weak to water? I mean some shoes’ glue came off easily, so is this product weak against water exposure?

K31 6/13/2008 2:59 PM

High T3ch » Human Gecko Shoes

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lee said, 3-20-2008 in 19:20:32 at I was at first curious about Vibram 5 Finger shoes and contacted Vibram headquarters with further questions. Instead I received trite, manufactured, generic, dispassionate responses from their customer service department GEORGIA SHAW (this woman has absolutely no idea what customer service is). For a small company trying to break into a very large industry, they certainly think small when hiring such incompetent staff. If they are that bad at customer service how can I trust their shoes on my feet? Leave A Reply Username (*so i know) Email Address (*will not be published) Website (*just curious)

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K31 6/13/2008 2:59 PM

J CREW Ladies Sz 4 Embroidered Gecko Yellow Mini SKIRT - eBay (...

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J CREW Ladies Sz 4 Embroidered Gecko Yellow Mini SKIRT

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Description Item Specifics - Women's Skirts Style: A-Line Length: Mini Size Type: Misses Size: 4

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Yellow Pre-Owned

This genuine J CREW yellow mini skirt has machine embroidered green gecko/lizards over entire surface, front and back. Made of 100% cotton chino weight fabric, it would be perfect for the coming Summer season. Skirt has great detailing: diagonal front slash pockets, wide belt loops front & back, 2 hidded pockets on back w/flaps, zippered front w/hidden sliding hook closure. There are no defects, spots or major signs of wear, it is odor free. Skirt looks as if it has been worn & laundered before, but

K32 6/13/2008 3:02 PM

J CREW Ladies Sz 4 Embroidered Gecko Yellow Mini SKIRT - eBay (...

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it still has plenty of life left! It is ladies size 4. Length of skirt is 17.5"; it looks as if it would sit sligtly below the waist. Winner pays LOW US 1st class shipping, 3.50. Check my other listings, I currently have a great J CREW black strapless dress listed. Multiple wins save on shipping. Select a picture

00014 Powerful identity theft protection, Guaranteed recovery, Only from Experian.

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K32 6/13/2008 3:02 PM

Clearly Fun Soap Glow In The Dark Gecko Soap Blue

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GLOW IN THE DARK GECKO Clearly Fun Soap...the Natural Glycerin Soap with a toy inside will delight your little one and make bath time a treat. Bar is very large: 4" x 2" x 1"

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K33 6/13/2008 3:13 PM

surf board wax - Gecko Glue surfboard wax- rub your Gecko now!

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The surf board Wax Rub your Gecko on it!

Surfing Singles View Photo Profiles. Local Singles into Surfing. Join Now for Free. Ads by Google

Gecko Glue surf wax

is a hand made specially formulated surf wax to meet the needs of a high performance surfboard wax.

No harsh chemicals included! surf wax unlike any other on the market. It's sticky, builds up easily and keeps you on your board. (see FAQs how to make surfboard wax for more info)

K34 6/13/2008 3:16 PM

surf board wax - Gecko Glue surfboard wax- rub your Gecko now!

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Gecko Glue surf wax smells great and is easy to apply It's soft and sticky offering great traction Gecko Glue surf wax stays on your board and is made with the environment in mind Suitable for any cool water or tropical destination Sold in packs of 10 Gecko Glue Surf Wax available in Thailand, but you buy direct from our shop online! click here



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Lay your board on the ground with fins facing down. Get your Gecko out. Rub your Gecko on the board in a circular motion. Go surfing. Keep your Gecko sticky with regular combing and petting. Go back Gecko

K34 6/13/2008 3:16 PM

surf board wax - Gecko Glue surfboard wax- rub your Gecko now!

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Gecko Glue surf wax is a Saltwater Dreaming surf product Web page by 'Dyslexic Web Designs' Australia FAQ | Grips | Pics | Contact | Links | Other

K34 6/13/2008 3:16 PM

Gecko Tactical Products - Vests, Clothing, Gloves, Hats, Holsters & More

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Welcome to Gecko Tactical Products. Gecko Tactical, or G‐Tac, is a brand new line of inspired tactical  clothing.  We aim to apply our situational experience and knowledge of  consumer requirements in an effort to produce some of the best, most innovative and well designed tactical products on the market. Our company attitude is simple. We aim to produce new, improved products constantly. We do not intent to produce goods purely to sell as cheaply as possible. We also have no intentions of charging any brand name profit ‐ you will never be charged extra for our name. Through our experience, we  hope to offer you a revolutionary brand name ‐ one that is designed with the best of intentions ‐ intentions we will keep.

Ranger Gloves (OD) 

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K35 6/13/2008 12:42 PM

Gecko Tactical Products - Vests, Clothing, Gloves, Hats, Holsters & More

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K35 6/13/2008 12:42 PM

Robeez baby shoes: Gecko

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Robeez Gecko - sand $27.95

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These swift olive geckos are ready for fun, with stitched backs, cut-out eyes and detailed toes. Sand background makes this shoe versatile for your little go-getter. Features:

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Robeez Tredz Truck - taupe $41.95

Robeez Speedster - red $27.95

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K36 6/13/2008 12:45 PM

Gummi Sour Gecko Candy 40ct (coming soon)

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Retro & Nostalgic Candy & Gift Store > Retro Candy > Retro Candy by the Box > Gummi Sour Gecko Candy 40ct (coming soon)

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Gummi Sour Gecko Candy 40ct

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Gummi Sour Gecko Candy 40ct (coming soon)

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Classic Toys & Games More Gift Ideas Specialty Coffee and Hot Cocoa

Individually wrapped Sour Gecko gummi candy. Approximately 40 pieces. Net wt. 31 oz.

Gourmet Spice Blends Adult Candy & Gifts Wholesale Info

Retro Candy | Bulk Candy | Holiday Candy | Novelty Candy /Gift | Gift Bask/Boxes | Nostalgic Tin Signs | Adult Candy/ Gift | More Gift Ideas | Wholesale Info

CANDY CIGARETTES SAVE $12 over other online Candy Stores Our "Grand Retro Candy Assortment Gift Box." contains over 100 pieces of hard to find favorites from the past century. Over four pounds ~ our largest Gift Box Assortment! ON SALE $42.88 - click here

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Candy Crate is an online internet candy and gift store selling candy direct from our candy warehouse bulk Old Fashioned Candy, Nostalgic Gifts, nostalgic candy, Candy Bouquets, PEZ, Jelly Belly, Tin Signs, B-B-BATS, BOTTLE CAPS CANDY, BUBBLE GUM CIGARETTES, NECCOS, WAX LIPS, Nik-l-nips, Boston Baked Beans, OLD FASHIONED CANDY CIGARETTES, CHARMS, CINNAMON TOOTHPICKS, Charleston Chew, Chick-O-Stick, NOSTALGIC DUBBLE BUBBLE GUM, Zotz, Astro Pop, Razzles, Candy Buttons, Big Hunk, Gold Mine Gum, Licorice, Pop Rocks, Crows, Teaberry Gum, Jujubes, and lots of good, old fashioned nostalgic fun! Home Candy Warehouse Candy by the Piece Tin Metal Signs Retro Candy Gifts PEZ Kosher Candy I Love Lucy Ass Kickin Hot Sauce Birthday Candy Gift Baskets Get Well Candy Gift Baskets New Baby Candy Gift Baskets Licorice GUM Affiliate Program Contact Us Shipping Information

The website was easy to navigate - checking out was simple and CandyCrate kept in touch with delivery times, etc. My gift recipient received my order in time and was very well satisfied. I would recommend to others. Excellent product, good value, on-time delivery.

K37 6/13/2008 3:41 PM

Gummi Sour Gecko Candy 40ct (coming soon)

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Thank you. Loretta V.

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K37 6/13/2008 3:41 PM

Turtle Max Reptile Gifts :: Stationery & Desk :: Greeting Cards :: Gecko...

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Turtle Max Reptile Gifts :: Stationery & Desk :: Greeting Cards :: Gecko Surf Greeting Card

Gecko Surf Greeting Card

Clothing/Accessories Collectibles/Figurines Garden & Outdoor Holidays/Celebrations Home Decor Housewares & Bath Jewelry & Boxes Party Supplies Stationery & Desk Toys & Games -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -SHOP BY CREATURE: - Alligators & Crocs - Frogs - Turtles, Sea Turtles - Lizards & Geckos - Snakes -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Reptiles by the dozen Sales & Closeouts WHAT'S NEW?

Hey dudes!!! The surf's up! This trio of geckos is racing out to catch the waves on their colorful surfboards. This card is "tree-free", being made from the Kenaf plant and processed with no harmful chemicals. The Kenaf plant grows 15 feet in five months and is grown in North America. The card is blank inside and comes with a colorful envelope as shown in the picture. Size: 5" x 7" (1 card, 1 envelope) Details Part # Price:

TPG5103 $2.50

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Quick Index Alligators Art, posters, prints Ashtrays Automotive Decor Balloons Bath supplies Bedding Bean Bag Plush Birthday parties Blankets, afghans Body jewelry Bookmarks Boxes & pill boxes Bracelets Brooches Calendars (seasonally) Candles, Candle holders Candy Cards, greeting Cell phone charms

K38 6/13/2008 1:10 PM

Turtle Max Reptile Gifts :: Stationery & Desk :: Greeting Cards :: Gecko...

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Charms Checkbook covers Chocolate Christmas ornaments Christmas cards Clocks Clothing Coffee cups Collectibles Crocodiles Decals, auto Desk supplies Doorbells Drawer pulls Earrings Erasers Fan Pulls Figurines Flags Flowerpots Foods Frogs Games Garden statues Geckos Gift bags, gift wrap Gift certificates Glass globes/spheres Glass figurines Graduation Greeting cards Hair pins & barrettes Halloween items Handbags Handles, cabinetry Hats Hooks, key racks Invitations Jewelry Jewel Boxes Journals, notebooks Keychains, keyrings Kitchenwares Knobs, drawer pulls Lamps Lighters Lizards Luggage Tags Lunch sacks Magnets, refrigerator Miniatures Mirrors Mobiles Motion Detectors Mousepads Mugs Napkins Necklaces Neckties Nightlights Notepads Paper Party supplies Party favors Pens, pencils Picture frames Pillboxes Pillows Pins, jewelry Plastic toys Plaques, wall Plush: stuffed toys Posters, prints Puppets Purses Puzzles Rings Rubber reptile toys Scarves Sea Turtles Shower curtains Signs Slippers Snakes Sno-Globes Soap, Soap Dishes Socks Stamps, rubber Stationery Statues Stickers & clings Stuffed toys Sun catchers

K38 6/13/2008 1:10 PM

Turtle Max Reptile Gifts :: Stationery & Desk :: Greeting Cards :: Gecko...

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Switchplates (lights) Tattoos Thermometers Ties Tie tacs Totes Towels, kitchen Towels, bath Toys T-shirts Turtles Umbrellas Vases, bud vases Valentines Wallpaper borders Watches Wedding items Wind chimes Wrapping Paper Zipper pulls Contact us Privacy statement Terms & Conditions

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Copyright © 2007-2008 Turtle Max Reptile Gifts

K38 6/13/2008 1:10 PM

Surfing Gecko Software - Home of Crystal Ease report viewer

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and more... Copyright © 2003 Surfing Gecko Software, Inc.

We'll never wear suits again!

K39 6/13/2008 1:08 PM




SarStein™ - Stuffed Animal

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SarFord's Super Store

SarGecko™ - Stuffed Animal

SarGecko™ - Stuffed Animal Price: $ 8.95

Quantity: 1

Home | SarGreen | Animal Health Products | Grain Conditioning | SarFord and Friends © 2006, SarTec Corporation All Rights Reserved.

6/17/2008 9:21 PM

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hearstrings shoppe

We thank you for visiting our e-digs! We’re unleashing the Gecko on the web to make our smashinglygood-vibe-hoppin’lip-balm-lip-smacking product available to smart folks like yourself!

Puckered, pouty or pursed, they’re happy lips with Gecko Grease®.

Gecko Grease® is manufactured with loving care by Jeannie Bayless Proprietor of Heartstrings. Post:2040 West 900 North:Markle, IN 46770:Phone:260.638.4978 ©2008 to Present||All Rights Reserved.

6/17/2008 9:23 PM

Gecko Glass

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Home >

Gecko Glass Gecko Glass has some of the most beautiful colors of any glass manufacturer. The pictures shown in this section do not do justice to the actual beauty of the glass. It's also the most affordable art glass on the market for fusers. Artists & Craftsmen have been raving about it's fusibility for several years. Although it is suggested that you use an over spray prior to firing, there is no more prep work required to yield amazingly designed art pieces, with a greater potential for profits than ever before. Gecko Glass has a COE 109, which is a softer melting point than most, thus reducing the heat required for draping & fusing. We have a "Fusible Facts" sheet listing the guidelines for slump/forming, tack or full fuse, firing and annealing schedules. If interested, just ask for one with your order.

Gecko Glass Sample Boxes

Clear Cathedral Textured


Wispy, Streaky, Opalescent




Granite, Ripple

Fractures & Streamers

Iridized Glass

6/17/2008 9:25 PM


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