From 86 Cents To $32

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To : <[email protected]> Subject : #1 oil stock to buy right now Date : Wed, Nov 25, 2009 07:39 AM

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Breaking News: Why A Little-Known Oil Company Could Be Poised To Spring From 86 Cents To $32.16... A 3,623% Gain That Could Take You On The Best Profit-Shot Ride Of Your Life Independent analysts think Tamm Oil and Gas (OTCBB:TAMO) could produce 65,000 to 85,000 barrels a day for the next 25 years! That's more than $2.4 billion A Year For A Total Potential Revenue of - $60 billion! PLUS 7 other, NEW under-$1 stock...

reasons why you need to quickly grab some of TAMO undervalued,

Andrew Carpenter Editor Carpenter Global Stock Advisory Company: Tamm Oil and Gas Symbol: TAMO Recommendation: Aggressive Buy NOW upto $1.50!

The billion-dollar rumor whispered in oilfields across North America has now b become a fact. A little-known oil explorer should soon be famous because it sits on oil reserves of titanic proportions. o How massive are these reserves? H They are so extensive that the company, Tamm Oil And Gas (OTCBB: TAMO), could generate $60 billion in pure revenue on just small slice of its holding alone. That's not a misprint ... $60 billion. T In a just released report (available on the company's website, too), a private Swiss investment firm, SISM Research, estimates that, at the current price of oil, Tamm Oil and Gas could easily book nearly $6.63 million each day... that's $2.41 billion a year... and for the next 25 years! b Now, call me shallow, but even though there is so much good news attached to Tamm Oil and Gas, which I promise to share with you... to me, the best news is that Tamm's breakthrough was so sudden that it still trades for less than $1 actually, 86 cents to be exact. a Savvy folks are already in and waiting for the price to catch up with the facts. This is why, for you, the short-term pay off could be significant. An 86-cent stock could jump sharply past its old high to beyond $3 in the coming days. s That's a fast 249%. T Your Chance To Quickly Bank What Could Be At Least 249%... Then Watch The Real Action Begin A That's a nice start, but... T The long-term payday could be simply outlandish - because there is a lot more to this story. t In fact, one estimate I've seen puts TAMO shares at $32.16, maybe a tad higher, should events unfold just right... the pieces fall in to place perfectly. s But, that massive more than 3,623% profit aside... what you should count on today is TAMO heading to $7.01 in the coming months. That's a respected independent analyst's target price. a And, it is why I am utterly convinced that: A Tamm Oil and Gas Corp. (OTCBB:TAMO) is the best energy investment you can make! T Now, take a moment and let me convince you, too. N Here are the nuts and bolts of Tamm Oil and Gas' story. H For starters, based on newly confirmed estimates, Tamm Oil And Gas looks to be sitting on up to 12 billion barrels of heavy oil in the legendary Canadian Oil S Sands.

You probably saw the excited story that 60 Minutes did a couple years ago on the sand's huge potential. s 60 Minutes called it story - and I am not kidding, you can look it up -The Oil Sands Of Alberta - Where Black Gold And Riches Can Be Found In The Sand. S In fact, here's a direct quote from reporter Bob Simon's story... again, you can easily find this on the web. e "There are 175 billion barrels of proven oil reserves here. That's second to Saudi Arabia's 260 billion but it's only what companies can get with today's technology. The estimate of how many more barrels of oil are buried deeper underground is s staggering." And, indeed, since the 60 Minutes report, oil sand reserves have jumped to 1.7 trillion barrels. t This is why it is not even the least bit crazy when a company comes out of nowhere, as Tamm Oil and Gas has done, with announced leases that are projected to produce 65,000 to 85,000 barrels a day (for $60 billion) throughout a 25-year life of the project. o All that it takes is a company with the courage to tough out brutal Alberta winters and a knack for finding oil. w Tamm Oil and Gas! T Your TAMO Profit Potential Could Be Staggering, Too Y So, Tamm has all those massive reserves in a place where even 60 Minutes implied that old fashioned ways of looking at profit just doesn't apply... the numbers are just too huge. j Still, all the facts aside, you need to know how TAMO shares could rip from 86 cents to more than $32... a spike that only happens a few times a generation. c Truth be told, Tamm doesn't get to $32 with out some help... help in the way of a merger or takeover. m The $32 number for TAMO come about based upon the actual per-barrel price paid recently for similar oil sands leases in recent takeover. r Buy Tamm Oil and Gas (OTCBB:TAMO) Now At Around 86 Cents And You Could Soon See It Explode Past $32 N Let me walk you through the numbers: L In a Sept 27th press release, Tamm Oil And Gas (OTCBB: TAMO) announced a new Farmin agreement for the Heavy Oil rights to 276,000 acres in Alberta's oil-rich Peace River area. According to the SISM report, the deal ups Tamm's total potential OOIP by 400% to over 12 billion barrels. O Using a very conservative recovery rate of just 35%, that means Tamm has at least 4.2 billion barrels of recoverable oil. In a recent oil sands deal for a neighboring lease, PetroChina actually paid 62-cents a recoverable barrel. Using that same $0.62 a barrel price, that means a fair, realistic price for Tamm's Manning leases would be $2.52 billion (62-cents X 4.2 billion barrels). M

Divide that by the number of outstanding shares of TAMO stock (78.35 million) and you come up with $32.16 per share. Not bad for a stock that you can buy now (if you hurry) for around $1.00! y Not bad, what the heck am I talking about? Legendary is what that is... and there's precedent... as in this is Texas/Oklahoma wildcatter super-rich legendary. China Is Crazy For Oil C And, you may not have to wait too long for this to happen, either, A The Chinese basically stuck a straw in the earth and are slurping oil like the world has never seen. w And, China has massive cash reserves. So, it's not buying into partnerships. It is paying top dollar to buy complete oilfields... fields such as Tamm Oil and Gas c controls. This also explains why a few energy insiders recently may have caused a spike in the trading volume. And why they are likely still holding on to their TAMO s shares. Everything Feels Just Right On TAMO... E So, how likely is a takeover? S My name is Andrew Carpenter, editor of the Carpenter Global Stock Advisory. I am so well known on the international investment scene that The Wall Street Journal had this to say in a big feature it did on me... h "Mr. Carpenter tends to focus on Chinese companies that fly below the radar screens of most Wall Street analysts... He offers advice not only on China stock picking, but also points out opportunities in Chinese real estate and investments in private Chinese companies." i It could also be true that I know more about Chinese oil needs, and PetroChina, than most American analysts know about Exxon Mobil. After all, I founded The China Club, and Asia Business & Investing and to this day, remain the only American journalist to write for the Mandarin language Shanghai Security News, a daily paper that's considered China's Wall Street Journal. p Right now, I've identified at least 7 additional good reasons energy insiders (the energy hedge fund pros who really know what's going on) jumped on TAMO causing those enormous spikes in TAMO's trading volume and both of the jumps in the stock p price. I'm happy to give you all the details for FREE and I mean FREE when you click on the link below. t You don't even have to register or fill out anything to get the story. Y All Meat No Filler A Look, you and I both know that most stock-pickers who write advisory letters will tease you with their current #1 best stock pick, tell you all about how great it is and why it can't fail to make you rich and then leave you dangling without the actual name and trading symbol unless you subscribe. a

Not me. I believe the best salesman for my new Carpenter Global Stock Advisory would be the profits you could make on Tamm Oil And Gas (OTCBB: TAMO). w The more you know now about the company, the more confidence you'll have in the integrity and depth of the research I put into every recommendation. i And, just in case you're the least bit hesitant to keep reading, let me just mention that readers who acted on my recommendations have absolutely trounced the market with gains like these: m Cosco Singapore (CSCMY.PK) up 562% in 22 months Chia Shin Cement (0669.HK) up 430.60% in 14 months General Steal Holdings (NYSE:GSI) up 670.86% in 32 months Lingo Media (OTCBB:LMDCF) up 141.6% in 38 months China Natural Gas (NASDAQ:CHNG) up 452% in 35 months Posco (NYSE:PKX) up 188.44% in 19 months Yanzhou Coal Mining (NYSE:YZC) up 262% in 13 months Xinyuan Real Estate (NYSE:XIN) up 87.61% in 11 months Starbucks (NASDAQ:SBUX) up 115% in 10 months China Automotive (NASDAQ:CAAS) up 350% in 3 month C Again, for complete details on Tamm Oil And Gas (OTCBB:TAMO) and why it's a sitting duck for a PetroChina takeover just click on the link below. s Here just a sample of my additional thoughts on TAMO. H Tamm Oil And Gas Is the Right Company, in The Right Place at Just the Right Time! Buy it now at around $1 and hang on for the ride to riches! B As the world runs short of conventional oil, the vast oil sands of Canada are America's best hope for the future. And, while it's still undiscovered, Tamm Oil And Gas has managed to corner a prime section of the oil-rich Manning area oil sands that I believe guarantees its future as a major oil sands player. s The Canadian oil sands are an immense resource of some 1.7 trillion barrels of heavy oil located in a politically stable, friendly country that's right next d door. Suncor, the oil sands pioneer, has already made early investors huge profits. In fact, if you'd been early to invest in Suncor, at one point you could have gotten out with a gain of over 4,900%! o Suncor may still be a good long-term investment. S

But these days...

You'll make a lot more money in far less time if you invest inTamm Oil And Gas (OTCBB: TAMO) ( Tamm is a still-undiscovered energy exploration company and its stock is where Suncor was back when crude was going for $27 a barrel! S I believe that if you act quickly to buy shares of TAMO now while you can still get them at under $1, that late-breaking news could push the stock to $2 in a matter of days. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see TAMO regain its 2008 high of just over $3 within the next 3-6 months and go on to trade for $5 or more in the next 6 to12 months. t Of course, if Tamm gets swallowed up by big oil, all bets are off! get wild.

The numbers

TAMO's Chairman has a long-standing relationship with acquisition-hungry Chinese oil giant PetroChina, which recently gobbled up fields right next door. Based on recent takeover activity, it's conceivable that this under-$1 stock could fetch as much as $32.16 per share. How would it feel to buy it now for under $1 and accept a buy-out offer of $32.16 a share? The entire story of unknown, Tamm Oil and Gas (OTCBB: TAMO), is very compelling and you'll find all the details of seven additional reasons why TAMO is poised to move much higher when you click on the link below. m

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