Free From Fatigue Ebook

  • December 2019
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I Cured My Tiredness & Fatigue So Can You! By D.Ryan © Vantage-Point 2004

Disclaimer Information in this book is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional consultation. This book should not be used in place of a qualified medical practitioner, and is not meant for self-diagnosis. However, information in this book is meant to be used to help the millions of people who experience common tiredness. Commit yourself to following the guidelines as outlined in this book and may your health & vitality flourish. Neither this nor any other book can take the place of individualized medical care or advice. The information in this book is down to my research and is not to be considered as professional advice for your specific health problems. If you have any other medical conditions or concerns, or are on any medication for any reason please consult your GP about how dietary changes may affect your taking of medication. The author and publisher and any intermediary specifically disclaims any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, by the use of the applications of any of the contents of this book. We also can not be held responsible for the actions or results of any company or its products referenced in this book.

No part of this publication in paperback or ebook format may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without prior written permission of the publisher or author.


Hi, 70% of the population is negatively affected by tiredness and fatigue. In this book you will find out that something can be done about it in most cases (97%). It is simple to apply and in most cases you will start to see and feel changes quickly. Using only nutrition, good food and natural supplements. Read all of this book as soon as possible, read it several times so you fully understand the solutions and benefits you are going to get. Make notes as you read. If you don’t understand something send me an email, I would love to hear from you, because I passionately want you to feel great all the time. I want you to have all the vitality and energy you desire. Do you want that, Say YES!

Welcome to a future Lifestyle of Vibrant Health & Energy! Regards, D.Ryan


Table of Contents Introduction

Page 5

PART I ~ How your Body Makes & Uses Energy

Page 6

PART 2 ~ What could be the Cause of Your Tiredness

Page 12

Antibiotics and related problems they create…………………………………… page 14 Candida Albicans (Thrush)……………………………………………………………………………… page 22 A Toxic overload ………………………………………..……………………………page 32 The Nervous System ………………………………………………………………. page 35 The Thyroid Gland …………………………………………………… …………….page 36 Blood Sugar Swings …………………………………………………………….…. page 37

PART 3 ~ Improve your sleep

Page 45

Here are some tips for improving your sleep!

PART 4 ~ Other areas to Consider

Page 47

Exercise and lifestyle…………………………………………………………… 47 Nutritional Recommendations………………………………………………….… 52 Stimulants………………………………………………………………………….…page 55 Stress…………………………………………………………………………….… 55 Drugs………………………………………………………………………………….page 56 Depression……………………………………………………………………………page 56 SUMMARY

PART 5 ~ Ordering Products Prices and My email and snail mail address ………………………………….... page 58


Introduction The motivation for this book came about from my suffering from continual tiredness and the research I did to find a solution. If like me you went to your doctor/GP only to be told there was nothing they could do and to tell you to get more rest. I did not accept this to be true and set out to find out a solution/answer, because I was absolutely fed up of being tired and the effect it was having on my life. I was going to bed at 10pm waking up at 7 - 8 am and feeling like I had no sleep. Often in the afternoons I wanted to have a doze or nap. By early evening often all I wanted to do was sit in a chair and watch TV. I used to exercise regularly, but this was getting to be an uphill struggle to find the motivation and energy to go for a run or out on my cycle. (Not the energy levels someone should have in there early 40’s). My multi-gym I bought at great expense, was now just a climbing frame for my cat and somewhere to hang my clothes to dry. I want to share my discoveries and experience in this area to help other people overcome a condition that is actually quite simple to repair. It not only affects your personal life but reaches into other sectors such as work, family and social life. It is my sincere motivation that others will use the information in this book to improve their lives with some very simple steps. What surprised me most when I started to research into the subject was just how little this area was being addressed by people in the medical field and nutritionalists. Many people seemed not to know how to treat such a common complaint as being tired, other than just dismissively saying, "Get more sleep." This book is for those experiencing tiredness, fatigue, lethargy, depression, anxiety, or stress as being caused by being rundown. The first thing you should know is; that something can be done about tiredness and fatigue. There is only one catch – the steps of this program must be done. Increased energy can in the vast majority of cases be rapidly and easily attained, but you do have to do it, and the beauty is that it is simple and inexpensive. However why not test the methods before you judge them? Try them for the next 30 to 90 days, or the rest of your lifetime, and judge for yourself that they produce higher levels of energy and a feeling of well-being and those pounds dropping off if you need to lose weight. I guarantee that if you follow the program, you will feel completely different about the foods you eat. You will also discover that the best thing taken away from you is your tiredness and excess weight. Are you serious about massively improving your energy levels? Or are you just curious? You need to accept you have to make some changes and give up some things for a while that you may not want to give up. But once you start experiencing your new energy levels you will never want to go back to your old ways again. For your information if you are over weight at this moment, I lost 2 stone in 12 weeks as a result of following the methods in this book. Also I am going to tell you about some natural herbs and supplements that were the key to my success.


PART I How your Body Makes & Uses Energy This section may seem technical, but you need to how your body works, so you can appreciate why the changes will work. The body is like an engine and like any machine if it is not given the tools and equipment it needs, it will break down and not work as efficiently as it should do. A body given poor nutrition and care will get rundown. Yet, some people have quite reasonable diets. But most don’t, and consume far too much junk, processed, and packaged food, which is very low in nutrition. HOW YOUR BODY MAKES ENERGY The human body is made out of cells. The brain, muscles, liver, skin, immune, system, heart and arteries are all simply a collection of cells. These cells do the work for the body, whether it’s digesting thinking or moving. The fuel for all cells is glucose derived from carb foods. So keeping an even blood sugar level, which is the fuel reserve for cells, is the first step in making energy. The Quality of Your Life is the Quality of Your Cells

Within each of the thirty trillion or so cells in your body exist tiny energy factories called mitochondria. The mitochondria turns glucose into another chemical, pyruvic acid, in the process of which a small amount of energy is released, which can be used by the cell to carry out its work. Pyruvic acid then gets turned into acetyl-coenzyme A, or A-coA for short. This substance is perhaps the most vital, because if you are starved of glucose, you can break down fat or protein to A-coA, and use this for energy. However it’s rather inefficient so the body prefers to use carbs for fuel. From this point on, oxygen is needed every step of the way. ACOA enters a series of chemical reactions known as the Krebs cycle after it’s discover Ernst Krebs, which separates off hydrogen molecules, which then meet oxygen and step by step energy is released. In fact over 90% of all our energy is derived in this final stage. The waste products are carbon dioxide, which we exhale, water which goes to form urine, and heat. That’s why you get hot when exercising, because muscle cells make lots of energy, so heat is created. The human body has to be nature’s finest creation. It is unmatched in power, capacity, and adaptability. The intelligence inherent in our bodies is so vast that it is positively staggering. The human heart beats about 100,000 times every 24 hours. Consider the fact that the heart and its pumping system, which scientists have attempted to duplicate without success, pump six quarts of blood through over 96,000 miles of blood vessels.


This is an equivalent of 63 hundred gallons being pumped per day. Six quarts of blood are made up of over 24 trillion cells that make 3 to 5 thousand trips through the body every day. 7 million new blood cells are produced every second! This pumping system has the capability of working non-stop for decades without skipping a beat. And this is only the circulatory system! The body needs the right nutrition in the right environment. And to work at its best it needs to kept clean on the inside. DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION It is very important for you to understand how the body digests food so you fully appreciate the benefits of the programs in this book. The purpose of the digestive system is to break down complicated food molecules into simple units that can be absorbed and utilized by the body via the cells. Digestion occurs by the chemical action of enzymes initiating a reaction that breaks the food down into simpler form. Enzymes are sensitive to the acid level in the digestive tract, which can start and stop their release. Food’s first stop in the body is your mouth and that’s where digestion begins. Initiated by chewing. Carbs digestion starts in the mouth, where the first carb digestion enzyme, called an amylase acts, found in the alkaline juices of saliva, an enzyme called ptyalin starts the breakdown of carbs. Ptyalin does not act on proteins, fats and fruits a special category of carbs, all of which continue unaffected to the next stage, your stomach. If a carb has been properly digested by ptyalin, it is already in the form of a crystalline sugar called maltose by the time it reaches your stomach. In the stomach, maltose is further broken down before it moves on to the next stage. Protein digestion starts in the stomach, the process begins as hydrochloric acid attacks the fat and activates the enzyme pepsin, the first protein digestion enzyme, a proteinase, is released. This enzyme only works in the high acid medium of the juices released from the gall bladder, called bile. As the hydrochloric acid and other substances convert the fat to lipids, the pepsin softens and begins to break down the protein into amino acids. Next the hydrochloric acid and pepsin work to complete the reduction of protein into amino acids. By the time proteins, carbs and fats reach the next stop, your small intestine; they have already been turned into nutrients. Fruits, however, are a carb in a class of their own. To be digested, they have no need of your body’s enzymes; fruits already contain all of the enzymes necessary to reduce them to nutrients. They pass unscathed through your mouth and stomach until, in the small intestine, the fruits enzymes act to convert them to nutrients. Because of their ease of digestibility, fruits move quickly through your system. Before you barley finished your last bite of the fruit, the first nutrients are entering your bloodstream. So fruit gives you energy without using much energy. Fat digestion actually starts in the duodenum, where the fat digesting enzymes called lipases, are released from the pancreas. The pancreas also releases protease and amylases, making it the key organ of digestion. Further enzymes are released from the next section of the digestive tract, the jejunum. Once they have acted, proteins have been broken down to amino acids; carbs are now simple sugars; and fats are broken down to glycerol and fatty acids. Absorption then begins. It is at this stage that food’s nutrients, including water-soluble vitamins and minerals, enter the bloodstream. Through the bloodstream they are distributed throughout your body to nourish your cells.


Sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol and most vitamins and minerals are absorbed in the small intestines, mainly in the ileum. Water and much of sodium and potassium are absorbed in the large intestine. Indigestible material, called fibre helps to accelerate the passage of digested material through the large intestine to the rectum, ready for excretion. Bacteria also flourish in the large intestine, completing the final stages of food digestion. Following absorption, the components of digestion are now ready for one of two fates; anabolism, which is the building up of components into body tissues for growth or repair, amino acids are the most important building blocks for this process, and catabolism, which is the breaking down or components to produce energy. Energy is required not only for muscular activity, but also for brain activity, digestion and absorption, and anabolism. Simple sugars are the most important source of energy, although fats and indeed amino acids can also be utilized when required. Anabolism and catabolism are collectively known as metabolism. THE STOMACH The stomach is primarily concerned with the digestion of protein, not carbohydrate or fat. Although it does produce a fat splitting enzyme, a lipase, this has negligible effect. Two kinds of cells line the stomach wall. The parietal cells and the chief cells. The parietal cells produce and secrete hydrochloric acid, a process that involves the zinc dependent enzyme carbonic anhydrase, while the chief cells secrete pepsinogen. Hydrochloric acid has the effect of straightening out the curly protein molecules in our food, and then activates pepsinogen, which then becomes pepsin, the first protein digestion enzyme. Pepsin then breaks down protein into smaller chunks called peptides. Once the food leaves the stomach via the pyloric sphincter it is chyme and has a creamy consistency. It then enters the first and most important part of the small intestine, the Duodenum. It is here that digestive juices secreted from the pancreas and gall bladder act on food. THE PANCREAS Before the pancreas enzymes, which travel along the pancreatic duct, can work the environment in the duodenum must be less acidic. This is done by the release of alkaline salts both from the pancreas and the gall bladder. This in turn switches off the pepsin and turns on the pancreatic enzymes. The pancreas releases; 1, amylases to break down carbs into di-saccharides, 2, protease’s, trypsin, chymotrypsin and carboxpeptidase to break down polypeptides and proteins into di-peptides, 3, lipase to break down fat. However, since these enzymes are all water based the lipase cannot work well on large globules of fat. THE LIVER AND GALL BLADDER To get round this problem the gall bladder releases bile into the duodenum in order to emulsify the fat. Emulsification involves turning the large fat molecules into tiny particles with much more surface area of exposed fat for the lipase to work on. Bile is actually produced in the liver and consists of three main ingredients- cholesterol, lecithin and inorganic salts. Bile leaving the liver is largely water, but is further concentrated in the gall bladder. These substances in combination not only allow the fat to become emulsified but have a special way of keeping tiny fat particles separate until absorption


takes place. This is called micellization. Each unit of digested fat is incorporated into a structure called a micelle, which repels other micelles thus keeping the fats in solution.

THE SMALL INTESTINES Once the contents of the duodenum enter the next part of the small intestine, the jejunum, most protein is in the form of di-peptides most carbs are now di-saccharides, and fats are micellized. The intestinal wall continues to secrete digestive enzymes. Dipeptidases are released to break down di-epetides into amino acids and various amylases are released to break down di-saccarides into mono-saccharides. The predominant types of di-saccharides are maltose, sucrose and lactose. Maltose is the major sugar present in grains. It consists of two glucose molecules and is digested by maltase. Sucrose is sugar as we know it and consists of a glucose and a fructose, or fruit sugar molecule. It is digested by an enzyme called sucrose. And lactose, or milk sugar, is broken down galactose and glucose by the enzyme lactase. The most important sugars, which are then absorbed, are fructose and glucose. ABSORPTION Most absorption takes place in the jejunum and ileum, which is the final part of the small intestine, although absorption of some minerals and water occurs in the large intestine. Absorption involves the transport of fats, amino acids and some peptides and simple sugars out of the digestive tract into the blood or lymphatic tract into the blood or lymphatic vessels. This process is aided by the design of the intestinal wall. Rather than being smooth it consists of millions of tiny folds or protrusions called villi. Within each villus are capillaries tiny blood vessels and lymphatic vessels ready to carry out the digested nutrients. These either simply diffuse across the intestinal wall or are actively transported across by a variety of mechanisms. These either involve a pumping mechanism called the sodium pump, or transport via carrier molecules. For example most of the absorption of amino acids involves carrier molecules dependent on vitamin B6. Vitamins do not need to be digested but they do need to be liberated from food in order to be absorbed. Fat-soluble vitamins need to be attached to fat molecules for absorption to occur. The absorption of vitamin B12 is slightly different. B12 must first combine with a protein, called intrinsic factor, which is released in the stomach. Only then can it be absorbed at specific sites in the ileum. Minerals are absorbed both in the small and large intestine. Fats are eaten in the form of triglycerols. This means there are three fatty acids on a backbone of glycerol, shaped much like the letter E, with each prong being a fatty acid. However, triglycerols can’t be absorbed, so the different lipases knock off each fatty acids until only free fatty acids, glycerol or monoglycerols are left. These can then be absorbed. But once fat is in the intestinal wall it is then reconstituted into a similar configuration known as a triglyceride and then released into the blood stream via the lymphatic systems.


METABOLISM Metabolism is the engine that powers and maintains our bodies. This is the stage at which nutrients, the proteins are transformed into the building materials that create and replenish our flesh bone and blood. It is here that we fuel up with the energy carbs provide. And it is here that we begin to feel for good, or the ill effects of what we eat. Contrary to what you may think, there is no such thing as a slow metabolism. You control your own metabolism and metabolic rate through your eating habits. Most of the amino acids, fats and simple sugars in the bloodstream are then transported to the liver from which some go directly into circulation. Whether they end up in the liver or are supplied directly to muscle cells their fate is basically the same. Amino acids are reconstituted to make proteins, which are then incorporated into cells. Fats are either used for energy, put into storage or are incorporated into cells. For example, cell walls contain fat. Carbs are predominantly used to make energy. The utilization of these nutrients is called metabolism and takes place within every cell. Metabolism itself depends upon nutrients. CATABOLISM The process of turning food into energy is called catabolism. Plants produce carbs by using the suns energy to combine carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Much in the same way that we burn logs to release the stored energy as heat; our cells oxidize carbs to release the stored energy. This energy is used to power the chemical processes, which we know of as life, and to provide heat. But if we were to burn carbs the result would be a sudden release of heat and no energy processes. It is as the energy in carbs is in one currency and the kind of energy we need to power cells is in another. The gradual release of energy in a form that the body can use happens through a series of chemical reactions that have taken half a century to unravel and about which there are still many mysteries. The series of chemical reactions can be seen in three distinct sections; glycolysis, the citric acid (or Krebs cycle) and the electron transfer pathway. The first part of the process, glycolysis involves the processing of glucose from diet or glycogen the form in which glucose is stored in muscles, into pyruvic acid. This releases a small amount of energy for work by the body. It also is not dependent on the presence of oxygen. For example, if you were to do a short sprint and ended up panting, the demand on your muscles to produce energy without having an adequate supply of oxygen would have meant the processing of glucose to pyruvic acid anaerobically. Under these circumstances pyruvic acid is then converted to latic acid, which can build up in the muscles with anaerobic exercise and makes them feel stiff. The presence of sufficient oxygen, supplied by breathing and then transported in the form of hemoglobin in the blood, allows more energy to be generated during glcolysis and pyruvic acid is converted into acetyl coenzyme A. This step involves thiamine, vitamin B1. When there are insufficient supplies of glucose or glucogen, for example during a fast or after twenty miles of a marathon, we can use fatty acids or amino acids as fuel. In fact, some muscles, eg the heart, prefer fatty acids to glucose as fuel. These are converted into coenzyme A, which then shares the same metabolic pathway as carbs. The production of this key metabolite depends upon vitamin B5 pant othenic acid.


Acetyl coenzyme A then enters a cycle of chemical reactions known as the Krebs cycle, after Hans Krebs, who discovered it in the 1950s. The purpose of the Krebs cycle, sometimes called the citric acid cycle, is to pass hydrogen atoms into another pathway, called the electron transfer pathway. The by-product of the Krebs cycle is carbon dioxide. The electron transfer pathway depends upon vitamins B2, B3 and C and it is along this pathway that most of our energy is produced. The end product of the electron transfer pathway is water. But what is the energy that is released? The process of glycolysis in the presence of oxygen gives rise to 4 units of a highly reactive substance, adenosine triphosphate ATP. The electron transfer pathway gives rise to a further 34 units of ATP. ATP is the form of energy used to power muscles and other body processes by converting ATP into adenosine diphosphate ADP and a phosphate molecule. Throughout these processes heat is also lost, so that for each unit of energy derived from glucose, 38% is lost as heat, which then heats the body, and 42% is released as ATP to power cells. This is why we get hot when using lots of energy as in exercise. For the muscles to react calcium and magnesium must be present in and around muscle cells for the transport of oxygen we need iron. And for the transport of glucose from the blood to the cell we need chromium. ANABOLISM Some of the energy released from catabolism is used to help build new cells. This process is called anabolism. Cells are predominantly made out of protein. When a cell needs to be built or replaced for example when exercising new muscle cells are being built up to develop stronger muscles to cope with the exercise, the body must select the appropriate ingredients from neighboring tissues, break down products of old cells or from the bloodstream. The liver not only releases individual amino acids into circulation but also reconstitutes and releases proteins for the use as building material for new cells. As you have now read an abridged version of how the body works, you can appreciate how complex it is. It needs essential nutrients that you can not get from an average diet alone, you will need to take supplements to ensure you get everything you need. Modern day intensive farming and processing methods have taken out most of the goodness before you get it. Then you usually cook more of the nutrients from the food. Plus you also need to keep your internal system in top condition to enable the body to perform as it should.


PART 2 What could be the Cause of your Tiredness The first thing to establish is, are you tired? Well if you find yourself not having sufficient energy to either get up in the morning and get started, or you get home from work and are too tired to do anything else other than sit down in front of the TV and fall asleep, or just generally feel run down and lethargic –then you are tired. But you are not tied in the true old fashioned meaning of the word. You are tired in false way due to internal problems leading to changes in your body chemistry. In most cases your tiredness will be overcome by cleaning up your internal problems and restoring correct body chemistry so your body can perform naturally. Our modern lifestyles put a tremendous toxic strain on vital organs and glands. The stomach is perpetually stuffed with de-natured foods consumed in incompatible combinations while the liver is swollen and strained with the effort of breaking down massive intakes of animal protein and fat as well as drugs and toxins. Your human body was developed by nature to work in a certain way needing essential ingredients to produce a chemical combination in exactly the right formula to work effectively without causing any damage or side effects. The way you have been living and eating means your body can not perform in the way it needs, hence the side effects you are experiencing now – illness, fatigue, overweight and potential life threatening disease. You have to repair and clean your internal system by using the methods in this book. It may be hard to make the changes at first, but once you start to feel the benefits you will be motivated to do more and more. “NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD” - - “AS GOOD HEALTH FEELS” The vast majority of people feel they are operating at 50-60% of their true potential energy levels. This is a common theme with people from all parts of the world. The rather shocking side of this is that it’s getting worse. The major cause of this, is that people are rundown and are not getting the “nutritional tools” from their diets. It is a condition that can take some time to develop – even decades. The condition gradually worsening month after month, year after year. Quite often people do not even realize what is happening to them as it is such a slow gradual process. All they know is that they are tired and that they do not feel as good as they used to. One reason you wake up tired in the morning after many hours sleep. Is that while you are sleeping, your body is working overtime to digest the incompatible combinations of poor quality food you have put in your stomach that day plus all the toxins. It takes more energy to digest your food than anything else you do on a daily basis. While you are asleep huge amounts of nerve energy is also being used to cope with the digestion process. Poor quality, badly combined foods can take up to ten times as long to digest as would good quality properly combined foods. That crap you eat will take eight to twenty hours to be digested. And even then some of it doesn’t digest at all and remains in your system often for years. So the number one energy drain is digestion. If someone puts more waste or toxins than can be handled, then the toxins accumulate in the body. The body becomes enervated. If your body has lowered nerve energy, then it no longer functions at its


highest level of efficiency. The process of elimination and detoxification is slowed so the internal toxins and metabolic waste start to build up. It can build up to a point where the body basically starts to shut down and calls in blood and energy to problem areas robbing you of the energy you need to function on a daily basis. If your system is full of toxicity, toxins filter out into the bloodstream and cause your body to maintain excess fluids (ladies if you have a cellulite problem, you have a toxic overload. Cellulite is basically excess fluid around fat cells caused by toxic build up). When you take in excess fat, the blood thickens and moves more slowly so you get less oxygen. (This is a common symptom of people using the Atkins type diet; some people on this diet get to much fat through eating to much fatty foods like meat and cheese). As you get less oxygen you have less energy. With less energy, the organs that are supposed to be eliminating the toxins that are already building up work less, which means you accumulate more poison. As a result you get even more toxicity. (This is a cycle you need to break.

Find out why your tiredness problem exists. In the following section of this book I am going cover why you may have a fatigue and tiredness problem, starting with the most widespread and common, (but at the same hardly ever diagnosed by doctors).


In the past have you ever had reoccurring illness like colds – flu - viruses? Have you ever taken a course of antibiotics? Then it is also 99% a possibility that you have one or both of two main conditions that are creating your fatigue and tiredness. It took me over two years of continuous study and research to get to the bottom of my problem and find the solution. I spent lots of money and time trying many different methods and products before I found what the real answer was to my problem. Once I had experienced the improvements myself I set about finding other people with the same conditions and problems and recommending my findings to them, starting with my immediate family finding a cousin with the same problem. After finding that other people were getting the same benefits and getting over their fatigue, I knew I wanted to take my finding to a wider audience – that is why you are now reading this book. You are now going to read how I found what my problem was. Then what I did about it and what I had to change and what supplements helped me and will help you. So how did I eventually find out what the problem was? Muscle testing!!!

Muscle Testing I am now going to give you an over view of what muscle testing is, then I will tell you about the two main problems I found I had and what caused them and what you can do about them. The human body is a very useful instrument that provides all kinds of information. For processing purposes there are various ways of utilizing the body of the client to provide feedback on how we are doing. One easy and effective way of getting feedback is through a method called Muscle Testing.

Many different muscles could be used for the test. The easiest is usually to use the arms. The client stretches one arm straight out in front of her, or straight out to the side. The facilitator instructs her to resist and then presses down on the arm. And she notices if the arm holds up to being pressed down or if it gives in and becomes weak. The facilitator doing the testing will have small test tubes containing samples of most know foods minerals, vitamins, chemicals or any other product that may have an effect on the human body. When each of these tubes are placed in turn on different parts of the body, the body will react to if it has a reaction either positive or negative to that item. The facilitator then can get feed back and build up a picture to what is wrong with that person. What they are lacking in nutrients, what organs are not functioning correctly, if they have an allergy, what foods don’t suit that person. You can find exactly what is going in your body and what you need to correct the problems. It is not a quack miracle cure, you are not going to get better over night. But it is 100% accurate, because the body is telling you what is wrong.


When I discovered finally what was my problem, I could have cried with relief because I was past the point of being totally pissed off and sick of feeling tired. Now I knew what had to be done. I can not begin to tell you have good that felt. Muscle testing is also known as Applied kinesiology is a technique used to diagnose and treat health problems by identifying weakened muscles, organs or lacking in certain nutrients or allergies. Applied kinesiology was developed in the 1960s by George Goodheart, a Detroit chiropractor. It is based on the concept that adverse changes in muscle function can occur as a consequence of a variety of internal triggers. These may include such obvious ones as injury, nerve entrapment, misalignment of the skeleton, or brain damage. According to AK theory, however, muscle weakness (or its opposite, excessive muscle spasm) can also be caused by diseased or dysfunctional internal organs, exposure to toxic substances, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, or emotional issues. Using an extensive diagnostic procedure called manual muscle testing, the AK practitioner can determine the internal source of muscle weakness and then plan a program designed to ultimately restore health. Because manual muscle testing is basically a diagnostic technique, the practitioner will usually also combine muscle testing with a thorough history, physical examination, and appropriate laboratory testing.

How Does It Work? Applied kinesiology does not offer an overt "cure" to illness. Instead, by suggesting a number of complementary therapies and disciplines, AK can help the patient to correct small health problems that might eventually lead to larger ones. Practitioners of AK believe that the diagnostic technique of manual muscle testing reveals sources of chronic symptoms that may have been overlooked during a more conventional medical evaluation. Important to an understanding of applied kinesiology is the concept of "energy medicine" understood in traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and chiropractic. All of these systems believe that imbalances in the body's vital energy (or qi) are ultimately responsible for the development of symptoms and potentially of disease itself. If the body's energy channels (or meridians) are blocked, the flow of qi can become disrupted, creating a disharmony that may show up in a muscle that is located along a particular meridian. Once a practitioner has used applied kinesiology to determine the source of an energy imbalance, then acupuncture, homeopathy, or chiropractic may be used to facilitate the healing process.


What You Can Expect Your session of applied kinesiology will probably last about one or two hours. The practitioner will ask you detailed questions about your health and lifestyle, and will observe your posture, gait, and such obvious physical problems as a limp. Conventional laboratory tests, such as blood tests, may be ordered if organ dysfunction or infection is suspected. Any muscle testing done by the practitioner will generally, but not necessarily, be focused around your particular complaint. Inherent in the muscle testing, however, is an assessment of the function of your vital organs as well as your response to a variety of foods. Muscle testing is totally painless, although the actual technique varies considerably among practitioners. During the procedure, you may be asked to sit, lie down, or even stand, either fully clothed or in a gown. Then the practitioner may gently press down on your arm while you try to resist and pull your arm up. If you can resist, it is a good indication that the muscle is healthy and strong. If you cannot, it shows that an energy imbalance exists in a related part of your body. Since much of muscle testing is based on the meridian system of Chinese medicine, patients are occasionally surprised when the practitioner tests the muscles of an arm or leg and then states that the problem probably lies in an internal organ, such the liver. An AK practitioner will often use this type of muscle testing (known as "Localization") to look for food or chemical sensitivities or nutritional depletions. To test for these, you will probably be asked to hold a bit of the potentially offending substance under your tongue for 10 to 15 seconds while the practitioner tests the relevant muscle, typically by pressing down on your arm. If you are sensitive to wheat, for example, you will be unable to resist. To test for the relevance of an emotional event in your past, the practitioner may test the strength of a muscle while asking you to remember how you felt during a specific decade of your life, or at the mention of a family member. This second technique is termed "Challenge" among applied kinesiologists. Once your body has been tested for both "Localizations" and "Challenges," the practitioner may suggest additional (and more conventional) testing to verify the findings. A course of therapy will most likely be outlined that might include chiropractic manipulation, craniosacral therapy, massage, acupuncture, homeopathy, Bach flower remedies, or nutritional supplements. The practitioner may also suggest more conventional lifestyle and diet changes, and programs of exercise and stress reduction. In some cases very few follow-up visits, usually lasting about 30 minutes, are necessary. However, a chronic problem my require longer-term care.

Health Benefits According to its practitioners, the principles of applied kinesiology can be used as part of a diagnostic approach to both the prevention and treatment of a wide range of health problems. It can help restore normal function to the nervous, endocrine, immune, and digestive systems, and determine previously unsuspected food or chemical sensitivities.


The goal of applied kinesiology treatment is to intervene early enough to prevent or delay illness.

How To Choose a Practitioner There is no regulated licensing for applied kinesiology. Basic applied kinesiology training for licensed health-care professionals consists of roughly 100 hours of classroom course work, plus study and practice at home. Certification requires an additional 100 hours of classroom study, plus passing a proficiency exam or test of clinical competence..

The two main problems that I had were Candida and PVFS. These were both causes I have now learnt by me being given anti-biotic treatments when I was younger because I used to get sore throats and colds. Anti- biotic treatments when given to combat a virus actually stop that virus leaving the body which then later in life causes the onset of PVFS. These products also cause damage to the stomach lining which leads to a growth of candida.

Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS) BACKGROUND PVFS commonly follows an attack of flu, severe cold or other viral infection. It can last for a few days, weeks or months. Symptoms may include headaches, general muscle pain, feeling faint, lack of concentration etc. It is important to take adequate rest in the early stages as this helps the body to overcome the infection. If such symptoms last beyond six months it is possible that the condition has developed into ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis), or what some doctors now call Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). It is believed that the viruses, which initiate the problem, persist in the brain cells, and in muscle cells in 70% of cases. There they become modified 'so as not to unduly disturb the body's immune system'. During periods of remission the viruses lie quiet and don't cause symptoms. But stress, trauma, accident, over-exertion, immunisation or another infection can upset this balance and the virus and immune system become re-activated, causing a relapse and return of ME/CFS symptoms. ME is an illness characterised by a number of symptoms rather like a severe flu. It affects the body and the mind. It has probably been in existence for many years, but it is poorly understood and has been called by different names at different times. The characteristic features are fatigue which goes on for more than 6 months and for which no other cause can be found. The fatigue affects both mental and physical activity and is not relieved by rest. Other symptoms may include sweating, shivering, feeling cold,


headaches and nausea. Bowel problems such as diarrhoea or constipation can occur. Visual problems and generalised aches and pains especially in muscles or joints may occur. Patients complain of poor memory and difficulty in concentrating. All these symptoms may vary from day to day and are often made worse by minimal physical or mental effort. Mood swings may occur and people may feel tearful and depressed. Patients become particularly frustrated that no clear explanation for their illness can be found. They are also somewhat characteristically "high achievers" who were more energetic than average prior to becoming ill. The virus concerned does not generally cause tissue damage, so none is detected by normal laboratory tests. This is the cause of the frustrating lack of proof that we are physically ill and why so many doctors have been sceptical about the illness. However special research techniques have shown that viral material is present within tissues and SPECT scans have demonstrated restricted blood flow to the brain and damage lesions in certain vital brain areas. Even if they were generally available these tests could only support a diagnosis based on clinical symptoms and case history; they cannot be used on their own to diagnose the illness.

How does Post Viral Fatigue occur ? The cause of ME is not known. It is not even clear how fatigue itself is caused. It is thought that it may be triggered by a common virus infection based on the knowledge that people can get similar symptoms when they have a viral illness. Because fatigue is also a feature of some disorders of the body’s defence or immune systems, it has been suggested that ME is a disorder of the immune system.

Why does Post Viral Fatigue occur ? There is no test to diagnose ME. It occurs more commonly between the ages of 20 to 40 but can affect children. There may be a familial component. It is thought that there are at least 150 000 sufferers in the U.K. Why ME is triggered in some people and not others is unknown. It may be that some are more vulnerable through physical or mental stress at the time that a viral infection strikes. There is an association with depression but it is not clear whether one disorder causes the other.

KNOWING 'I'HE ENEMY The best way to cope with ME is to UNDERSTAND what is happening to your body and realise that you are NOT GOING MAD. It is NOT a fatal illness and, given time, you stand a good chance of making a considerable recovery.

TREATMENT There is no known magic cure for ME, so it may not be helpful to spend a fortune chasing private treatments. However some self-help and changes in lifestyle can relieve symptoms and eventually help the body come to terms with the virus. As with chicken pox, measles etc. the ME/CFS viruses will remain in the body life-long.


REST AND AVOIDANCE OF STRESS is important, especially in the early stages. Tapes or courses on relaxation benefit many sufferers. (Stress can be mental or physical, even including climatic changes). On your better days you may be able to manage more physical and mental activity, BUT ME sufferers are usually operating very close to their energy limit and this must not be exceeded or RELAPSE will occur.

CHANGE of DIET may help. You may find certain foods worsen your symptoms. All stimulants should be avoided including ALCOHOL and CAFFEINE. Drink plenty of fluids, e.g. water, fruit juices, herbal teas, 1'Caro", 11Barleycup". Try to eat fresh foods without artificial additives, colouring and sweeteners. Animal fats tend to encourage viral growth which destroys Essential Fatty Acids, whereas unsaturated plant and fish oils replace EFAs and help the immune system. [Evening Primrose and cod-liver oils taken together daily help restore the correct balance of EFAs. In one scientifically controlled trial, financed by the 'Efamol' company, they were found to improve symptoms in over 80% of ME sufferers]. Some ME sufferers have considerable '1irritable bowel" symptoms, due to disturbance in the autonomic nervous system. Reducing animal fats and refined sugars and increasing starch and fibre in the diet often helps. Some ME sufferers are unable to take foods containing wheat; in others, dairy products must be avoided. Such sensitivities and/or allergies can only be determined by trial and error. Your GP may be able to help or refer you to a dietitian. Due to viral damage to the hypothalamus (a vital part of the brain which controls hormone output), production of certain growth hormones are reduced, rendering ME patients resistant to insulin. This can cause sudden drops in blood sugar levels and feeling wobbly and strange if you miss a meal, or following a sudden burst of activity. A sweet snack or drink will quickly restore blood sugar levels, but a slice of toast or digestive biscuit is advisable to stop the sugar level crashing again. Eating a good diabetic diet, i.e. regular meals containing plenty of starch and slowrelease natural sugars, found in fresh fruit and vegetable, will help reduce episodes of low blood sugar. Refined sugars can lead to rapid fluctuations in blood-sugar levels and symptoms of hypoglycaemia. They may also increase susceptibility to Candida (a fungal growth in the gut) which can cause thrush. Unsweetened, LIVE Yoghurt, eaten daily may help restore gut flora, especially after antibiotic treatment. [+ NB. Some private dietary practitioners can be very expensive. Some also seem to have a tendency to diagnose multiple allergies in most patients and prescribe very restricted diets which can be difficult to cope with and may even be dangerous to ME sufferers.) You may be very sensitive to strong-smelling chemicals like perfumes, paint, petrol and TOBACCO SMOKE. Pesticides may also cause problems. Your hearing may fluctuate between intolerance of noise and near deafness. Tinnitis is sometimes experienced.


Fluctuating vision problems are common and are probably due to fatigue in the optic muscles. An eye test may be advisable to eliminate other causes of severe problems.

YOUR GENERAL PRACTITIONER They have no simple diagnostic tests to confirm ME but can only make a diagnosis based on a full case history and the pattern of symptoms. It will help if you write down ALL your symptoms and keep a diary of how you feel from day to day. It is so easy to forget important facts when you go to the surgery; you may then describe only the one or two problems that are prominent at the time.

ANTI-DEPRESSANTS These can be essential to treat true depression, which affects some ME sufferers. But their main benefit is to help you get a good night's sleep. The tricyclic group, such as prothiaden and amitriptyline are often the most beneficial. ME sufferers can usually only take these in low doses (not the levels appropriate for people with depression). It is believed that the benefit of these drugs to ME sufferers is their antihistamine effect.

"COMPLEMENTARY" TREATMENTS Some ME sufferers find acupuncture, herbal remedies, homoeopathy, etc. to be very helpful.

ANAESTHETICS These are best avoided whenever possible, since people with ME can react badly to their use. Always explain to your anaesthetist that you have ME should a general anaesthetic be required for an operation. If local anaesthetic is required for dental treatment ask for ADRENALIN-free ~ 'CITANEST' to be used.

Treatment Involved for Post Viral Fatigue It is very important that the diagnosis is only made on good clinical evidence after other illnesses have been excluded. There is no test for ME but most people will have had a lot of blood tests and X-rays to look for unusual infections and other diseases. Once this stage is past, it is better to stop doing unnecessary tests or seeing different doctors and to try to accept and understand the condition as it affects the individual and the family. Support and understanding from doctors, family, friends and employer will be helpful. Depression commonly accompanies the condition and a trial of antidepressants is often worthwhile. Patients find this difficult to accept as they may suspect that the doctor feels their symptoms are not genuine. Rest is important, but it is important to try to maintain interests and activities so that the condition does not overwhelm the patient. Without any exercise, people do become unfit and pain and stiffness are to be expected when exertion is attempted. Diet can be important. A well balanced diet high in fibre and protein and low in fat is healthy.


During Treatment for Post Viral Fatigue ME is an illness where the symptoms may change from day to day. Certain factors can aggravate the illness. For example, too much physical or mental effort can make things worse. It is important to take advantage of periods of improvement so that activities are maintained. The development of physical signs or symptoms indicating another condition should prompt a reconsideration of the diagnosis.

After Treatment for Post Viral Fatigue It is difficult to predict how long ME will last. Early diagnosis and appropriate help is important. About one third will make a slow but steady recovery, but the future course of the disease is impossible to predict and the illness can relapse. Most follow a pattern of relapses and improvements that can go on for a few years.

Through muscle testing I found two products that are great in helping the body overcome the effects of PVFS and build up internal organs back to their normal operating levels. They are not available in health foods shop and are only available from specialist nutritional suppliers. The first is; AD206 this is a enzyme activated vitamin and mineral complex with added herbal ingredients. This products is especially good at combating the effects of PVFS and helps build up body’s support systems and especially helps the adrenal glands, liver and spleen recover. Muscle testing shows that these organs are very low in functioning when the person has PVFS. The second is; Rhodiola this is natural herbal product that is often used by athletes to shorten recovery times. It also helps strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems, as well as improves concentration, memory and attention. I can not begin to tell you how much difference these two products made to me and my life. Within a few days of taking them I could notice the difference. I highly recommend that you try them.

But it is important that you also understand you can not just take these products with out making some other changes to your life style, especially in the early days. All stimulants should be avoided as I just told you about a few pages ago. You must stop any strenuous exercise, only do moderate exercise like walking until you feel that you are over this. Increase your quality of sleep. Reduce your stress levels.


¾ Candida Albicans (Thrush) (This was the main cause of my tiredness, and is probably a large percentage of the cause of the people’s problem who buy this book). Candidiasis is a common cause of chronic fatigue and loss of energy. Candida is a yeast that lives normally in the digestive system of the body but can easily over grow and cause a condition known simply as Candida or Thrush. Candida over growth is triggered by excessive yeast diets and the taking of many drugs, especially Antibiotics and the Contraceptive Pill, which kill the good bacteria in the body and allow then the Candida to proliferate and take its place. As a result of the destruction of the good bacteria in the body (normally 3-4 lbs in weight in a healthy digestive system) the Candida is allowed to grow out of control. Candida feeds on simple carbohydrates foods we eat like sugar, bread, biscuits, cakes and fermented foods such as cheese, alcohol and vinegar. If the immune system is healthy the growth of the Candida can be kept under control; if it is not healthy, having been weakened by prescribed drugs, or if resistance is low through poor nutrition, excessive alcohol, stress, illness or pollution, then the yeast can grow to such an extent that it interferes with normal body chemistry and can cause widespread baffling symptoms. An overgrowth of Candida can produce conditions that range from minor irritations to severe debilitating physical and psychological illness the most common being tiredness and fatigue. In this section I will show you how determine if you have a Candida problem (which more 70% of the people who suffer from tiredness & fatigue have). What you can safely do about it. Not only how to control Candida with safe anti-fungal preparations, diet and nutritional supplements, but also how to keep your digestive tract clean and build up your immune system to prevent further attacks. Candida albicans (Thrush); why is an organism that is normally present in the gut of every individual soon after birth that was once never thought to cause more than the odd infection now causing so many sever problems in so many people. The answer lies in our modern way of living—the environment, prescribed drugs (including the pill). Street drugs, alcohol, junk foods, additives, sugar and stress caused by the pace of modern day living—is slowly changing the human immune system. It needs to be a balanced ecological system, an environment where there are enough useful bacteria to attack harmful bacteria and keep the growth of fungus (yeasts) at bay.

What an overgrowth of Candida can do When Candida or harmful yeasts rule, the sites in the bowel where substances called enzymes live, which are necessary for the breakdown of the food we eat, become blocked. This results in poor digestion, food intolerances, bloating and altered bowel habits. An overgrowth in the colon can also inhibit the absorption of essential nutrients. That is why so many people on perfectly adequate diets can have vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In addition, the vitamins normally manufactured in the bowel cannot be produced when the colon is in this state, and thus the problem is compounded. When there is a proliferation of Candida it can change from its simple form. Which looks like a microscopic fried egg, to a complicated invasive form which grows tentacles which are able to penetrate the bowel wall. This not only allows the toxins (which include


alcohol) produced by the Candida to circulate, but also gives the organism transport to other parts of the body where infections can arise, resulting in any of the following symptoms.

Typical symptoms of having Candida are: Chronic fatigue Conjunctivitis Ear infections Food intolerances PMT Fluid retention Chronic cystitis Hormonal imbalance Sinus infections Sore throats Inflammation of digestive tract Infected penis & scrotum Nail-bed infections Muscle and joint pains Athlete’s foot Bloating Gas Intestinal cramps Rectal itching Altered bowel function Frequent bladder infections Vaginal yeast infections Allergies Itchy skin Craving for foods rich in carbohydrates So do you have a Candida problem? If you have had; 1. The presence for at least two months of at least two digestive symptoms bad enough for you to take or think about taking medication for such as; • Constipation and/or diarrhea • Bloating • Indigestion • Heartburn/reflux • Food sensitivities or allergies 2. Constant or periodic feelings of profound (‘unnatural’) fatigue, and difficulty in concentrating (‘brain fog’) that is severe enough to affect the way you function. 3. One or more of the following: a sense of hopelessness, anxiety, unnatural irritability, acne, migraine, widespread muscular pain, cystitis, vaginitis, thrush, menstrual problems, premenstrual tension.


4. A history of antibiotic use in excess of two courses in any one year before the development of symptoms (or the use of steroid medication or immunesuppressing drugs for a lengthy period of time, weeks rather than day). One of the most interesting summaries of the chronic ill health linked with Candida (particularly fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome) was presented at a conference on the subject in 1990 by Carol Jessop, MD, a leading physician from San Francisco. She had studied the histories of over a thousand patients and discovered some alarming trends which can help us enormously to understand the way some health problems develop. Among the most common symptoms reported by her patients were; chronic fatigue (100%), cold extremities (100%), impaired memory (100%), frequent urination (95%), depression (94%), sleep disorder (94%), and muscle aches (68%). When patients were examined, among the most common findings reported by Dr Jessop was the presence of yeast infections (87%). Of the 880 patients specifically tested for this, 82% had yeast in their stool samples, and a further 30% had parasites in these samples. Among the most revealing of all were the findings when Dr Jessop investigated the symptoms experienced before their conditions became chronic: irritable bowel symptoms (89%), recurrent childhood ear, nose and throat infections (89%), constant gas/wind or bloating (80%), constipation (58%), heartburn (40%), recurrent sinusitis (40%), and recurrent bronchitis (30%). Most of the infections (ear, nose, throat, sinus, bronchitis) were almost certainly treated with course after course of antibiotics. Think about your medical history, how much of this is in evidence in your history? So how exactly does Candida grow out of control?

In an healthy individual who does not have a yeast/candida problem there is an uneasy ‘truce’ or balance between the body and the yeasts that live inside it. A balance has been struck, allowing yeast to live and thrive while presenting no problems to its host, the body, as long as the yeast confines itself to specific areas. Should it grow beyond these sites, the defence capability of the body – represented by the immune system in general and white blood cells in particular – will attack and destroy these overgrowing yeast. The mucous lining of the digestive tract, when it is healthy, provides a physical barrier to prevent the spread of yeast and waste products through it. This mucous membrane also contains and secretes protective substances that can destroy invading yeast. An added defence comes from the ‘friendly bacteria’ living inside us mainly in the digestive tract. We give these friendly bugs somewhere to live (as well as food) in return for which they provide us with various services, one of which is control of undesirable visitors, such as yeast. At this stage, we should simply recognize that when it is healthy, the body possesses a number of efficient defence capabilities to deal with toxins, undesirable bacteria and yeasts, should any of them intrude into areas where they might cause problems.


But when, due to any of a number of possible causes our defences against Candida is deficient or weakened, the yeast has a chance to spread to areas normally out of bounds. If, at the same time, the foods that the yeast thrives on such as sugar happen to be in plentiful supply, an explosion of Candida activity can occur. This situation – weakended defences and nourishment for Candida – is precisely the combination of factors that has been identified as having become widespread in Western society. The introduction of broad-spectrum antibiotics, the contraceptive pill and the widespread use of steroid medication (such as cortisone) have all played their part in Candida’s spread. In addition, the increased use of sugar and sugar-rich foods has provided the yeast with just the sustenance it loves. This is the unfortunate combination of factors lying at the root of the tiredness problem for many people. The good news is, something can be done about it in most cases. What’s the solution?

Two main things need to be done;

1. There is a need to stop and reverse the factors which are causing the adaptive demands that are overloading the body’s ability to cope. 2. There is also a need to provide help to the repair and support systems of the body to allow them to more efficiently handle the load they are coping with. You must understand that your Candida problem will not go away on it’s own!

Remedies What can I do to cope with fungal infection? 9 9 9 9 9

Clean the colon and remove toxins. Stop feeding the fungus – diet. Kill the fungus, with non-drug antifungal agents. (See end this section) Replace the good bacteria in the gut – probiotics. Boost the immune system, with nutritional supplements, and by diet and taking care of general health.

DIET to help with Candida. Diet as a medicine, not a punishment! If you are committed to make the necessary changes to get rid of your tiredness and fatigue you must accept that you have to change your diet. You must be very strict for the first few weeks that you do not eat any of the foods on the banned list. Once you


start to feel the benefits you will not want to go back to how you were before, so promise to make the commitment today. After the first month you can have the odd lapse and then as your symptoms disappear, you can broaden your range of foods if you want to. A diet laden with refined sugars and fats is dangerous even for those without Candida, so it is unlikely that you will never go back to eating junk foods and drinks apart from a rare occasion. It is unlikely that you want to go back to your old ways after you have experienced the difference in your well-being and the energy you will have. You will, like any one find it hard for the first few days to give up junk foods because they are so addictive and taste good. But you will soon get used to not having them. You will also get a few detox side effects like headaches, bad breath and maybe stomach ache and lose stools. But this is a sign that your body is getting rid of the crap so enjoy it.

Diet one; moderate approach Avoid or cut down on; ¾ sugar, white or brown. Treacle, goldern syrup, molasses, sucrose, glucose dextrose, marmalade, jam. ¾ White flour and all products made from white flour. White bread, cakes, buns, teacakes, biscuits. ¾ All processed grains including some prepared breakfast cereals. ¾ Yeasty foods; Hard cheese, blue cheese, marmite/vegemite, brewers yeast or any supplements containing yeast, vinegar and all fermented products. ¾ Alcohol, fizzy drinks, fruit squashes. ¾ Dried fruit, tinned fruit in syrup. Eat; o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Whole grains, wholegrain bread, wholegrain pasta, brown rice, any other unrefined grains. Puffed wheat, puffed rice, shredded wheat (all sugar free), also sugar free muesli. Meat, poultry, eggs, dairy produce; milk, cream, butter, cottage cheese, soft cheeses, fromage frais, yoghurt-plain or diet. Fish, fresh or tinned. Legumes; lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas. Nuts and seeds. Spices. Fresh or dried herbs. Large quantities of vegetables raw or cooked. Fresh fruit. Olive oil, any other vegetable oil, margarine or butter. Low sugar jam. Diet drinks (in moderation) Fructose (fruit sugar) honey (in moderation). Dry white wine or spirit with low sugar mixer or water (in moderation).


Diet two: strict approach I recommend you use this for the first three weeks to get a good start. Strict means just that. You stick to it 100%. You can not say well I just have a little bit of it won’t hurt! You are trying to fix your internal body chemistry. Just a little bit of the wrong stuff can set you back days or weeks. Banned ¾ Sugar white or brown, treacle, goldern syrup, molasses, sucrose, glucose dextrose, any product containing sugar. ¾ White flour and all products made from white flour including white bread, cakes, buns, teacakes, biscuits. ¾ Pasta, white rice. ¾ All prepared breakfast cereals. ¾ Cured products- bacon, kippers, smoked salmon. ¾ All fermented products, vinegar, pickles, chutney, sauerkraut, tofu, soy sauce. ¾ Alcohol. ¾ Black tea, coffee, cocoa, Ovaltine, Horlicks, any malted product. ¾ All dairy produce- milk, cheese, cottage cheese. ¾ Mushrooms, truffles. ¾ Dried fruit. ¾ Fresh fruit for first three weeks. ¾ Tinned food. ¾ Artificial sweeteners. Diet drinks. ¾ Nuts. ¾ Citric acid. ¾ Cream of tartar. ¾ All junk and fast foods, and all frozen prepared foods. Allowed; 9 Restricted whole grains; up to 80gms per day (one small slice of wholegrain bread = 30grms) 9 Brown rice, Ryvita, rye bread, rice cakes, oat cakes whole oats, millet, buckwheat, barley. 9 Wholewheat pasta, wholewheat noodles, buckwheat pasta. 9 Free-range chicken, eggs turkey, duck, lamb, venison. 9 Fresh fish and shellfish 9 Legumes- peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas etc. 9 Seeds- sunflour, sesame, linseed, pumpkin. 9 All vegetables except mushrooms. Eat as much as you want, raw or cooked. 9 Sea vegetables. Cooking with olive oil or coconut oil is acceptable. An ideal meal would be vegetables lightly cooked with olive oil, garlic and herbs such as Thyme, with meat of your choice.

Why are some of these foods banned?


All the foods on the formidable ‘banned’ list either feed candida, or contain additives which chronic sufferers could have intolerances to. Artificial sweeteners are banned because some nutritionists believe that their inclusion in the diet perpetuates a craving for sugar. If you have been a serious black tea and or a coffee drinker and give up them you may get what is known as a ‘Caffeine Storm’. This is when all the caffeine in the body is mobilized and before it is eliminated it can cause severe headaches, nausea and aches and pains. Try drinking green tea instead; like you get at Chinese restaurants, it is available at all supermarkets. Or fruit teas without sugar. I now always have a 2 litre bottle of water on the go. By them in bulk, works out about 50 pence a day for the most important gift you can give yourself. You have to keep yourself hydrated. Did you know that eighty percent of your body is made up of water? If your hydration levels drop by a small percentage, your body capabilities are reduced by a lot higher percentage. It also helps to keep your hydration levels up by making certain that 70 percent of your diet is made up of foods that are rich in water. That means fresh vegetables and fruits, or their juices freshly squeezed. This does not include fruit juices made from concentrate like most juices are in your local supermarket.

Will changing my diet affect me? It should do, that the goal of changing your diet! Particularly if you have been accustomed to a high refined carbohydrate menu. You may experience withdrawal symptoms, including sugar cravings for the first few days. You may also feel more tired and lethargic for a while and get ache and pains while your body cleans itself out and adjusts to your new way of eating. But these are all good signs.

Sugar. You do not need sugar for energy. On the contrary, it can drain your energy away. It is not only empty calories (no vitamins or mineral quality), it is also the food of choice for the Candida and it also prevents the absorption of essential minerals and vitamins. It also plays havoc with your blood sugar levels and disrupts the function of your pancreas causing a multitude of unpleasant symptoms including panic attacks. You will have read about blood sugar levels earlier in this book. You will find by having 4 to 6 good quality small meals a day that you will not have cravings for sugar. By eating lots of slow releasing complex carbohydrate energy foods and protein together you have more energy anyway.

As well as the diet for Candida you must do something to stop it coming back, that’s why I recommend that you take the following product; While doing my research into Candida I wanted to find a product to take to treat the problem. I don’t like taking prescription drugs that you get from your GP. So I wanted to find a natural solution. I happened to find out about the product I am going to tell you about from a health newsletter I subscribe to. If you went to see your doctor it is highly unlikely that they would you prescribe you anything except rest. If they did prescribe you anything, it could be an anti-fungal drug


like Nystatin or Lomotil. However, both drugs fail to get to the root of the problem and can cause unpleasant side effects such as blurred vision, dry mouth and nausea. I wanted something natural without any side effects.

Horopito Aniseed offers a safe alternative to prescription drugs Horopito Aniseed is fast providing to be an effective natural treatment for candidiasis. It contains a herb called Horopito and a South American spice called Anise seed. Horopito is a traditional New Zealand herb that contains a compound called polygodial, the activity of which is enhanced by anethole – the active ingredient in Anise seed. In 1982, scientists from Canterbury University in New Zealand isolated polygodial in the leaves of a native New Zealand tree called Pseudowintera colorata, commonly known as the Horopito or New Zealand Pepper Tree. In the course of their research they discovered that polygodical was able to suppress the growth of Candida more rapidly and effectively than a conventional anti-fungal treatment called Amphoteracin B. Six years later a team of Japanese scientists confirmed polygodial’s ability to inhibit the growth of Candida and found that it acts primarily by damaging the permeable cell membrane of yeast cells. Scientists at the University of California, in the US, discovered that when anethole was combined with polygodial, it increased polygodial’s activity against Candida albicans 32-fold. In 1992 Forest Herbs Research in New Zealand conducted a clinical study into the effect of the two, in the form of Horopito Aniseed, on Candida albicans. Their research showed that 76 percent of candidiasis patients experienced significant improvements in their symptoms following treatment with Horopito Aniseed. Taking Horopito Aniseed in addition to following a low-carbohydrate diet can provide relief from symptoms within days. However, you should be aware that it can take several weeks to make a complete recovery from candidiasis, as it takes a while to clear your system of all the toxins that you have accumulated, rebalance your gut flora and repair your gut lining properly. The recommended dose of Horopito Aniseed is one capsule twice a day for 25 to 45 days. You will not at the time of writing this book find Horopito Aniseed at any of your local health food stores. As it is only available at the moment from one company in New Zealand called Forest Herbs. But I can supply you. See end of book for details!

You will also need to replenish your friendly bacteria. Bacterial cultures intended for supplementation are available in a number of forms, such as powders or in capsules. Cultured milk products (such as live yoghurt) containing L. acidophilus and B. bifidum organisms although are useful are relatively low compared with the high-potency powders available.


When lactobacilli or bifidobacteria are supplemented, it is vital to ensure that the product you are taking contains not less than one billion viable, active (potentially colony-forming) organisms per gram. I can supply you with a product that supplies you with what you need to replace your friendly bacteria. It is a product called Ecologic. The bacteria mix includes; Bifidobacterium lactis, L.acidophilus, L.caesei, L. thermophilus, Lc. Lactis. It is a powder that you simply mix with warm twice a day. Ecologic also contains enzymes, carriers, nutrition for the bacteria to function. See end of book for prices. At the same time that prebiotic and probiotic supplementation commences, particular attention should be given to ensuring that the intestinal walls are in a state that will allow recolonization by the friendly bacteria. If Candida overgrowth has caused damage to the walls of the intestinal tract, then recolonization will be difficult. There are other dangers as well. UK expert Sheridan Stock states; Candida damages the intestinal mucosa which leads to an increase in the permeability (leaky gut syndrome) which allows large molecules of incompletely digested food protein (and yeast byproducts) to enter the bloodstream, thus provoking immune responses. Food intolerances and allergies play a large part in the symptoms experienced by many people suffering Candida overgrowth, and healing the ‘leaky gut’ is a key element in eliminating these symptoms. Conditions which are known to be associated with a leaky gut include asthma, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn’s disease, eczema, food allergy, irritable bowel (IBS), inflammatory joint disease, malabsorption, psoriasis, Reiter’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, schizophrenia and ulcerative colitis. So, to allow better attachment for the friendly bacteria as well as reducing the load on the immune system, attention to irritated intestinal mucous membranes is important. Fortunately, there are a number of natural products which can assist in normalizing this damage. Among the products that can be used are; L-Glutamine, an amino acid which enhances recovery of damaged mucous membranes. N-Actyl-glucosamine, an amino sugar which is a raw material for reconstruction of tissue damage and which also both assists recolonization by friendly bacteria and retards Candidas ability to stick to the wall of the intestines. Rice-bran oil (gamma-oryzanol), a superbly soothing substance which helps in tissue recovery. Butyric acid, a normal product of the friendly bacteria also found in olive oil, which helps in mucous membrane healing. FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides) an extract from vegetables. Encourages healing of the gut wall. See your local health food store for the above


¾ A Toxic Overload - Liver Detoxification Problems – The Cause of Chronic Fatigue? If you have increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut) your liver will be working overtime to deal with the extra toxins, improperly digested foods and potential allergens that can get through your digestive tract into your blood. A good 80% of the chemical processes that go on in the body involve detoxifying thousands of potentially harmful substances. Much of this is done by the liver which represents a clearing house, able to recognize millions of potential harmful chemicals and transform them into something harmless or prepare them for elimination. It assembles amino acids, stores vitamins and minerals, makes cholesterol and bile, controls glucose and fat supplies, balances hormones and plays a key role in immunity. It is the chemical brain of the body – recycling, regenerating and detoxifying in order to maintain your health. Liver Problems or Health Problems? Taking a liver’s eye view of disease processes often sheds new light on some common health problems of the late twentieth century. For example, just about any allergic, inflammatory or metabolic disorder, including eczema, asthma, chronic fatigue, chronic infections, inflammatory bowel disorders, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and even schizophrenia and hormone imbalances, may involve or create sub-optimal liver function.

Cholesterol and blood sugar control Cholesterol is both made and detoxified by the liver. If you need more, it will make it. If you need less it will break it down – if it can. Cholesterol is a major building block for hormones. Your body can use it to make the sex hormones testosterone, oestrogen and progesterone as well as adrenal hormones. From cholesterol, the liver can make bile to digest fat. The body makes no less than 1 litre of bile each day. Although most is reabsorbed from the digestive tract into the blood, the small amount that leaves the body takes with it toxins excreted by the liver. Liver problems usually lead to an accumulation of fat in the liver which can be responsible for ‘fatty liver’ or ‘sluggish liver’, associated with excess alcohol consumption. The liver can also turn sugar into glycogen and fat. When your blood sugar level is low it turns glycogen back into glucose. By ensuring optimal liver functions, you improve your body’s ability to maintain the right balance of cholesterol, triglycerides, (blood fats) and glucose, which are vital to maintaining good health and weight. Your liver is a very special filter that needs to be cared for. Your modern way of living is doing anything but care for the liver and putting it in overload mode all the time. Like all filters that can not be changed, they need to be cleaned or else it will lose its ability to function. So at least every six months you need to give it a clean and detox session. This following program I am going to tell you about is simple but dramatic. If you are over weight, you will notice after doing this liver clean program that weight just drops of you.


You need pure water, freshly squeezed pure pink grapefruit juice (no concentrate juice allowed); high quality cold pressed extra virgin olive oil and Epsom salts. This what you do; Decide in advance a day to do this, ideally a Friday or Saturday because you may get sever diarrhea. On that day you will have no sugar, no yeast products (bread cakes alcohol etc), no tea coffee or chocolate, no baked products, no oil, no fat, no protein. Eat only salad and vegetables on that day. Eat and drink only till 2pm on your chosen day. 2pm to 6pm no food or drink of any kind. Put 3 large glasses of water into a container; add 4 table spoons of Epsom salts. Drink one third of the Epsom salt (which is taste less) drink at 6pm; drink another third at 8pm and the final third at 10pm. At 10pm you will drink also a small glass of pink grapefruit juice mixed with one teaspoon full of olive oil. Then straight away go to bed, lie down in your bed with upper body raised, put a pillow below the level of your shoulders across your back to make sure not just your head is raised. Do not move at all for 20 minutes on your back, then go to sleep. In the morning as soon as you wake up drink more Epsom salts, then some more 2 hours after this. Then 2 hours after your last drink you can eat again, but not before. If you think you will have a problem with hunger you may not, I did not, and I love to eat. But you could take some Chromium Polynicotinate tablets to fend of the hunger. Do this liver clean 6 times over 2 to 3 weeks and you will feel ten years younger and lose weight so fast you will think you are sick. This is how and why it works; the Epsom salts relax the internal intestine muscles as well as the muscle fibres and ducts in the Liver allowing breakdown and removal of unwanted toxins and cholesterol. As you do not want this waste to stay in the stomach the diarrhea flushes it out straight away. It is actually the grapefruit and olive oil that cleans the liver.


A Toxic Colon.

In time, when you have cleansed your colon and restored the balance of the good and bad bacteria as you will read about in the next section on Candida, when you have adequate production of enzymes and your dietary intake and internal production of vitamins is correct, your food intolerance should greatly improve or disappear. Colon cleansing is a step on the road to recovery. A toxic colon is not only a major factor in the development of food intolerances and chronic ill-health, but it can also cause degenerative disease such as arthritis and cancer. You cannot expect to be well if the main organ responsible for ridding the body


of toxic waste is under functioning. When the colon is irritated by diet, stress, drugs, chemicals and so on, it tries to protect itself by producing more mucous; this can bind with the sludge from refined foods, such as white flour and build up on the wall of the bowel and narrow the lumen. This layer of gluey hardened faeces can weigh several pounds (in an autopsy it has been know to find up to 40lbs of waste in the bowels of humans) and is a good place for harmful organisms to breed. This layer prevents the production of important enzymes and vitamins. Do not think because you have regular bowel movements that you have escaped this problem. The stool can pass daily through a dirty colon and leave the accumulated residue on the walls behind. The colon is also a natural breeding ground for bacteria. There are 2 types of bacteria – the friendly scavenging bacteria known as bacilli coli which lubricate the colon and are formed by glands in the small intestinal wall, and the unfriendly, pathogenic kind which cause disease. In a healthy colon the bacilli coli will control the unfriendly, disease producing bacteria. When there is too much putrification and fermentation in the colon, the pathogenic bacteria proliferate and illness results such as toxemia.

How this toxic layer can affect the body The local effects of this poisonous residue are irritation and inflammation; the general effects include diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, headaches, dull eyes, poor skin, spots, aching muscles, joint pains and depression. The poisons circulate via the blood through the lymphatic system to all parts of the body. Healthy lymphatic fluid should serve to nourish cells not fed by blood vessels. The lymphatic fluid also kills off harmful organisms and carries away the refuse. If the body has to pump around excessive toxic waste long term, it is not surprising that it sometimes has to give up and the disease process takes over. It is understandable that there are more and more people being referred to hospitals for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, colitis (inflammation of the colon), Crohn’s disease (inflammation of the small intestine), colon cancer and diverticulitis.

Cleansing the colon The benefits of colon cleansing are huge, not only in terms of health but also with regard to appearance; the skin looks vibrant, cellulite, water retention and blemishes disappear. You will get side effects when you clean the colon in a serious way so be ready for them. You may want to take a few days of work. You may experience blinding headaches, nausea or flu, aches and pains, fever, exhaustion and nervous symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, irritability, weepiness or even profound depression. The worst of this should be over within 5 days. During this time you must be strong and not reach for your old comforters like sweets, chocolate, alcohol, junk foods etc. If you need a crutch so to speak - - warm or hot plain water. I don’t know why but it works. You should start and end every day with a large glass of hot pure water. What can you do to clean the colon? Avoid all the foods on the banned lists in this book while doing a clean on the colon. Eat raw vegetables. Eat linseeds. Most health food stores stock them. Drink at least two liters of water a day.


Take Psyllium Seed Husk capsules daily. Take a course of colonic irrigation treatments. (I can assure it’s not as bad or embarrassing as you may think, I recommend it strongly). Or you can do your own enema. If you require details of enema kits contact Wholistic Health Direct on 01438 833100 or It has taken you years to build up the waste in your colon; you are not going to clean it out over night. It will take you a few weeks. I take Colon care capsules that contain Psyllium seed husks with Lactobacillus, Acidophilus and herbs. Available from most health food shops. If you want more details on detoxing and cleansing of the colon please email me or write, and I will give you details of some amazing herbal products that you can use, that can not be found in your health food store. You really do need to detox your body fully to ensure you have got rid of your internal problems. Modern lifestyles put a tremendous toxic strain on our vital organs and glands.


¾ The Nervous System The nervous system is the communication system of the body, not too dissimilar to that of the wiring of any machine. Because this communication system sends messages around the body it is key to make sure it is functioning properly. This is because when run down and lacking fuel, it acts not unlike a sponge, soaking up and robbing energy from other parts of the body. So there goes your energy and predisposition to bad moods, irritability, depression, and tiredness. What is more it affects hormonal levels and digestion – anything to which the nervous system is connected. It has been proven that the astonishing affects that can result in treating tiredness, headaches, digestive problems, skin ailments, female reproductive system problems (such as hormonal swings, PMT, fertility) and even back problems just by building up a persons nervous system and subsequently their energy levels. Healing requires energy, and a tired person will not heal as quickly as a person with more vitality and energy. A tired person is more likely to fall sick as their body does not have the vitality with which it can defend itself. The greater the vitality the person has the faster they can recover. Being tired predisposes a body to illness. Simply building up the nervous system aids fantastically with general health, but particularly with energy levels. Specific symptoms of a rundown nervous system are: _ Tiredness _ Depression _ Nervousness _ Irritability _ Anxiety _ Trembling _ Muscle cramps _ Sleeplessness _ Stress _ Bad moods A rundown nervous system will soak up and rob energy from other parts of the body causing these other parts then to be under active and predisposing them to ailments. Typical of this is under active digestion resulting in stomach pains, gastric reflux (heartburn), ulcers, and in the bowel, constipation and reabsorption of toxins through the bowel wall resulting in such things as headaches, skin problems, lymphatic congestion and mucous build up in the body as these toxins travel the system in the blood stream.

To build up the nervous system do the following: 1) Take: Magnesium Phosphate – 2 x 400 mg per day Potassium Phosphate – 2 x 100 mg per day Calcium Phosphate – 2 x 200 mg per day Quite often you can get these all together. An excellent product is a Biomineral Formula, which contains the three minerals just mentioned as well as Iodine (under active thyroid) and Chromium (blood sugar swings).


2) Take a high quality multivitamin product with good levels of the B vitamins (minimally 50mg of Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6). 3) Extra Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) is also recommended, especially for those who complain of mental fatigue. 100mg will help, but should be taken with the other B vitamins so as to maintain a balance. This vitamin is essential for all people involved with intense mental activities or mental stress. 200mg can be taken safely as it is quite well known that up to 200mg can be burnt up in a single hour of intense mental exertion. See your local health food store for all of the above

Omega 3 oil is very good for brain functions; it helps the electrical connections in the brain work better. (Found in oily fish).

¾ The Thyroid Gland This is a gland in the front part of the neck. It secretes hormones that can in hypothyroidism (under active thyroid) play a large part in fatigue. Key symptoms of an under active thyroid are: _ Tiredness _ “Can’t get going in the morning” _ Depression _ Heart palpitations _ Dry skin _ Sensitivity to the cold, especially when waking. Taking Kelp tablets (3000mg per day) will help build up the thyroid. Kelp is rich in Iodine, which a hypothyroid person will need. Note that the thyroid can only take up small amounts of Iodine at one time, so two to three months of taking Iodine may be necessary – one can judge this for yourself as if you are feeling better you can reduce the dosage to 1500mg per day, or if you are feeling better you can stop taking it altogether. Taking Kelp in these doses for long periods of time is perfectly safe and Kelp contains many minerals and nutrients in addition to Iodine which will be of benefit to your health, so there is no risk of overdosing taking the above amounts. Note: Many females present themselves with typical symptoms of an under active thyroid, yet are told by their medical practioner, after blood tests, that their thyroid is not under active. Many tests are done when hormonal levels are low or high at the particular time of the blood test, so these do not always show a more long term picture.

If these thyroid symptoms are present, then follow the nervous system program and additionally take 3,000 mg of Kelp in tablet form spread out through the day. Kelp is available in health food shops.


¾ Blood Sugar Swings This is very common and is easy to explain. All food we eat has a certain amount of sugar – whether processed like the sugar we put in our tea or coffee, or in a natural state like that in fruit or bread. The body has to control the amount of sugar going into the blood stream. Too much and one could go into a coma, not enough and one could simply collapse. Blood sugar levels are rising and falling during the day and if one puts a lot of sugar in the body at one time, such as with soft drinks, ice cream, chocolate, etc or a large meal, the body or more exactly the Pancreas has to work very hard to keep the blood sugar levels within a safe range. This is made much worse by missing meals, typically breakfast. Note that blood sugar levels are at their lowest in the morning at 3-4am until breakfast or, in the case of no breakfast, lunch and then from 4pm until evening meal. Adrenalin is produced to compensate for this, which causes jitters and nervousness or an on edge feeling. The low blood sugar levels from 3am result in sleeplessness because of adrenalin production. At this time of night a very light snack, such as a piece of fruit or biscuit, will slightly elevate blood sugar levels causing the adrenalin production in the body to return to normal levels and thus relieving the symptoms. This simple step in itself has helped many people get back to sleep. Blood sugar swings do not necessarily occur because of consuming large amounts of sugar, it is often more to do with how the body controls this. Another classic symptom of blood sugar swings is tired spells after meals, especially lunch, and foggy feelings in the head later in the afternoon which can be accompanied by “mild shakes”. The remedies for this are: ¾ Have smaller, regular meals, this could mean four to six meals a day – but smaller meals to balance the amount of sugar going into the body. ¾ Supplement your diet with Chromium. This is quite often in a multivitamin supplement, but it can be brought on its own. It is recommended taking 50mcg2 three times a day with each main meal. If sleeplessness continues, try eating something if you wake up at night, a piece of fruit or a biscuit, as this will elevate the blood sugar levels thus cutting out the adrenalin production. This is very effective for many people. Adrenalin is a hormone produced by the Adrenal glands that speeds up the metabolic rate of the body. You will have noticed the feeling Adrenalin gives you in times of “fight or flight”. If it is discovered that sleeping difficulties exist and/or tired spells after meals or any of the symptoms of blood sugar swings, such as foggy head, shakes when hungry, the following is recommended: 1) Have more regular, smaller meals. Don’t miss any meals. 2) Take Chromium 50 mcg, three times a day with meals. 3) Avoid eating foods with high processed sugar content, such as chocolates, cakes, ice cream, soft drinks.


THE CHEMISTRY CONNECTION Stabilizing blood sugar levels. Bad blood sugar creates a tired feeling and excessive yawning in the middle of the afternoon, a poor night’s sleep, forgetfulness, lethargy, crankiness, mood swings, heart palpitations, depression, dizziness and a lack of energy. None of these conditions exactly help you to live to you’re full potential, but don’t despair. You are not alone. It is important to remember that our energy level is highly dependent on the specific type of sugar that we regularly consume. And energy is the factor that most influences our physical and mental activity. Keeping a consistently adequate blood sugar level is imperative for a feeling of well-being, and so you don’t keep bingeing on chocolate etc. How can you fight a force as powerful as this?

GLUCOSE: FOOD OF THE GODS Glucose is the food of your body. It feeds your heart, muscles, and internal organs. Glucose is the only food your brain uses, as fuel- and it cannot be stored for future use. The glucose your brain eats every day enhances brain activity, energy levels, and emotions. Bad blood sugar doesn’t enhance brain activity; it alters it the minute you get into bad blood Sugar State from eating the wrong things. It can make you spacey, forgetful, anxious, depressed, unable to concentrate, and it can even stifle your creativity! Once we have eaten, the foods we have ingested are broken down in our liver, which sits above our stomach. The starches, veg, fruits and processed foods we have swallowed are separated into various components, including toxic materials and indigestible matter, which are eliminated via the intestines, and glucose, or blood sugar. This all-important glucose has to travel throughout our body to feed hungry cells. But glucose needs additional help to be broken down to its body fuel state. And it also needs help to make the journey fast and smooth. And that’s insulin and glucagon. THE CHEMISTRY CONNECTION HOW YOUR BODY WORKS When you consume food, you work your mouth and jaw. This in turn stimulates the pituitary gland, a small pea like gland in the brain that sits at the point where jaw meets your cheekbones. Just to make sure it’s sufficiently stimulated, your pituitary gland also gets a message from the busily working liver via the brain: Stimulate the pancreas, which happens to conveniently sit below the stomach. Your pancreas dutifully manufactures two hormones that travel to the liver. One is glucagon, a hormone that joins the mix in the liver to break down the sugars even more. Ultimately glucagon breaks down sugar to its primal state: glucose. Now the body can eat. The other hormone your pancreas secretes is insulin, which moves the now pure glucose out of the liver into the blood stream and ultimately into the bodies cells for energy. When glucose levels traveling around your bloodstream are balanced and stable, you experience a state of good blood sugar. You feel more energetic, more productive, and more focused. However, if too little glucose is made available to your cells, a state of low blood sugar is created. Your body experiences uncontrollable cravings for certain foods at certain


times- simultaneously sending the brain messages of longing for its food, glucose, such as alcohol, sugar, chocolate, cakes, etc. In this way low blood sugar becomes your body’s ventriloquist, commanding you to eat the food it needs to replenish its glucose levels fast. In other words low blood sugar controls the body and tells it what to do, what to eat, and what to ask for in the way of food. In a state of low blood sugar, the glucagon in the body is diminished. When it is not replenished at the right time, havoc reigns. Give me glucose! The brain cries. And the body complies with a starchy, sugary carbo laden hit people particularly adore, the alcohol, chocolate, sweets, ice cream, cake and cookies that, when disassembled in the liver, contain an abundant amount of…. Glucose.

THE PHYSIOLOGY OF A CRAVING Unfortunately the simple carbs, such as the ubiquitous alcohol, chocolate etc are so easily dismantled that the glucose is rapidly released and rushed into your blood stream, creating an alarmist state in your body. Too much circulating glucose causes your body to enter an imbalanced state. Danger, your brain now seems to say. Glucose overload. Poison. Your pancreas, suddenly faced with an immense job, can only direct itself to one goal. Get rid of the glucose immediately by producing large amounts of insulin. The insulin the pancreas produces zooms in, working so hard, so fast, and so diligently that the rug is literally pulled out from underfoot and you are left in a state of low blood sugar. The result - A craving. Your body wants something. It doesn’t know it needs a more balanced, homeostatic. It just knows it wants something…. Such as another chocolate bar. If you are like so many other professional dieters, you are always promising to never eat another piece of chocolate again, when, 25-45 mins later, the craving, like a sledgehammer, hits you once more. You are still not finished. The easily absorbed sugary carbs are converted and bobbled up so fast that your blood sugar drops very low and your body needs to eat again. It starts crying Feed Me, seducing the brain to respond quickly. Give me chocolate, your brain demands. And unfortunately, no matter how much will power you might have, eventually you will succumb. A cycle that creates FAT & FATIGUE. There is no way you can resist your body’s physiological needs unless you begin to control your own chemistry. Chemistry stabilization is made more difficult by the fact that the foods that create blood sugar swings are not always as obvious as a chocolate bar. Items such as yoghurt, bagels, oranges, bananas and yes-even pasta can create havoc in your system. They are all highly glycemic; they contain simple carbs and are too quickly converted into glucose. You do not have to be hypoglycaemic to have low or bad blood sugar. The impact of glucose is felt by everyone. In fact most people live in bad blood sugar. The way they eat, the types of food they eat, and the times they eat cause erratic emotion, behavior, and energy levels that are typical of bad blood sugar. And if you are in good blood sugar, you will not only have learned to eat reasonably well, you will want to eat reasonably well. Take away low blood sugar and you remove the body’s ventriloquist, the seductive voice with the bad ideas. You will feel better than you ever have in your life.


When you wake up in the mornings, you are in low blood sugar. You haven’t eaten in hours and your blood sugar has been dropping all night long. Your goal now is to raise that bad blood sugar to a balanced middle ground. So the first thing you must do is eat, hungry or not. Call it food insurance, a policy that will protect you from overeating later in the day.

CARBOHYDRATES Carbs supply the body with energy. Like fuel in an engine, they burn in the presence of oxygen, providing 4 calories per gram; they are plentiful in the plant kingdom and are abundantly found in fruits and vegetables, grains and legumes, honey and sugar. However, the body can only use the simple sugar GLUCOSE to provide energy. This means that all sugars and starches, and to a lesser degree proteins and fats, must be converted to glucose by digestive enzymes and regulated by the hormone insulin. Fructose abundant in fruits is readily converted to glucose by the liver and absorbed from the intestines into the blood, without the need of insulin, making it a fine quick energy sugar. That is why it is best for people who wake up drowsy in the morning to have a glass of fresh fruit juice rather than coffee. This is also the reason why fructose can be consumed moderately by diabetics who lack insulin. As it is 50% sweeter than table sugar and causes less tooth decay, it is also safer. You will now have a good understanding of why it is important to balance you blood sugar to eliminate cravings and bingeing etc. It is important now to recognize which carbs are the best and worst in helping you keep that balance. The key is to remember to avoid carbs with a high Glycaemic Index (see below) because they raise the blood sugar level to fast and only for a short period of time, and eat small amounts of carbs in the low Glycaemic Index several times a day. It is better to have six small meals a day, because this then helps to balance your blood sugar, and large meals especially if badly combined make you tired and often this makes you want to eat even more sugary foods to help fight the tiredness.

GLYCAEMIC INDEX TABLE The glycaemic index is the potential of each carb to induce a rise in blood glucose (glycaemia).

CARBOHYCRATES with high glycaemic index (Bad Carbs) Maltose 110 Glucose 100 Fried potatoes 95 Very white bread 95 Honey 90 Carrots (cooked) 85 Cornflakes 85 Sugar 75 White bread 75 Refined cereals with sugar 70 Chocolate bars 70 Boiled potatoes 70


Biscuits 70 Corn (maize) 70 White rice 70 Brown bread 65 Beetroot 65 Bananas 60 Dry fruit 60 Jam 55 Non-whole-wheat pasta 55

CARBOHYDRATES with low glycaemic index (good carbs) Wholemeal bread or bread with bran 50 Wholegrain rice 50 Peas 50 Wholegrain cereals without sugar 50 Oat flakes 40 Fresh fruit juice (without sugar) 40 Wholemeal rye bread 40 Wholemeal pasta 40 Red kidney beans 40 Dried peas 35 100% stone ground wholemeal bread 35 Milk products 35 Dried beans 30 Lentils 30 Chickpeas 30 100% stone ground whole-wheat pasta 30 Fresh fruit 30 Carrots (raw) 30 Fruit preserve (without sugar) 25 Dark chocolate (over 60% cocoa) 25 (from health food stores) Fructose (fruit) 20 Soya 15 Green vegetables, tomatoes, lemon 15.

EXCELLENT CARBOHYDRATES (less than 15 glycaemic index) Alphalpha sprouts, Broccoli, Celery, Turnips, Soy beans, Bamboo shoots, Hearts of palm, Aubergine, Courgettes, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Radishes, Mushrooms, Cabbage, Cauliflower, String beans, Leeks Artichokes, Peppers, Lettuce, Spinach, Split peas. ADRENALINE Bad blood sugar also affects the way your body metabolizes food. The Alarmist State that occurs when you are in bad blood sugar also stimulates the adrenal glands, which are located near the kidneys, into manufacturing yet another hormone adrenaline. This adrenaline is the chemical that gives that quick shot of energy. It is your body’s literal cry for help. The free floating adrenaline that’s responsible for this alarmist heightened state


joins force with the excess insulin that’s already in place from our bad blood sugar mode, and a mega powerful craving is created. Add a low calorie, low blood sugar; restrictive diet to this brew and your body gets really confused. Now your brain thinks it needs to conserve energy, it thinks starvation mode. And, because your metabolism has slowed, it doesn’t take long for your energy to drop. 1. Eliminating cravings by giving your body all the nutrients it needs (at least 50

essential nutrients are known, but fresh foods probably contain many more). Also by balancing your blood sugar. 2. Calming an irritated and overactive digestive system so that its function returns too normal. By food combining. Then you will derive benefit from the foods you eat and eliminate the ravenous hunger. 3. Getting rid of accumulated toxins and amyloid deposits, because these block proper assimilation and adversely affect the endocrine and nervous system. Eat 70% water based foods. (Fruit & Vegetables).

Another problem familiar to dieters is irritability. Flare ups of temper and rapid changes of mood are often due to an over acid system. If you have a lot of fat in your blood, which is usually the case if you are dieting and getting rid of stored fat; your blood will be acidic. Unfortunately most of the foods that make up standard slimming diets also tend to increase acidity the more your system the more irritable you feel. Uncooked food particularly fresh fruit and veg have a counteractive alkalinizing effect. This means that you feel calmer, more resilient and less tired while you are losing weight. Many people who are overweight suffer from hypoglycemia or are borderline diabetic and have difficulty in metabolizing carbs properly. Indeed the kind of fatigue and mental depression that comes from low blood sugar and has you drinking coffee all day or eating sweet things just to keep going predisposes the development of diabetes. Raw foods can change all that. Their high fiber content has proved itself to be an important factor in normalizing metabolism and eliminating food cravings.

KILLING ME SWEETLY Loading the bloodstream with refined carbs causes reactive hypoglycemia, a condition in which blood sugar drops sharply, and the person has candy or a cup of coffee to recharge him or herself. This kind of individual is tired, miserable, hungry all the time, and prone to weight gain.

HOW HYPOGLYCEMIA WORKS To understand better how this enemy within works, let’s first review what hypoglycemia is. This disorder results from the manner in which the body handles or mishandles sugar, instead of just the amount of sugar in the bloodstream at any particular time. When a non-hypoglycemic person eats a sugar-laden candy bar, the glucose (sugar) in his or her blood rises until insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, is slowly


released, reduced the glucose- an energy source- to the fasting level, the point at which hunger demands attention. Things are just the opposite when a hungry hypoglycemic wolfs a candy bar. His or her pancreas suffers shock and over reacts, releasing so much insulin into the blood that sugar is removed too quickly, creating a deficit of glucose and initiating new hunger. This is a demonstration of reactive hypoglycemia. Repeated assaults with refined sugar (in candy, cookies, cake rolls, and ice cream, or sugar in coffee & tea) or starches make the pancreas trigger-happy, increasing hunger and causing hypoglycemic to eat often- usually the wrong foods, simple carbs, which give them more calories than they need for sustenance. These calories are converted to fat and go to the waist, hips and/or thighs. Right after a gooey piece of cake, full of refined sugar and flour that are quickly absorbed, your blood sugar leaps high, and you feel all’s right with the world. Then comes the big insulin surge, your blood sugar drops, and you plunge from the mountaintop to the pits. All the cells of your body and brain cry out for more fuel; you begin to drag, the energy use system. So you feel light-headed, irritable, nervous, and/or depressed. These and other negative, “downer” symptoms make you want to eat to be good to yourself. So that you understand hypoglycemia better and can find out whether or not it is keeping you overweight, let’s consider more in depth what happens when you eat and digest food and it ends up as glucose. If wasn’t for your liver, the sugar from one meal would send your blood sugar so high that you would be a diabetic. This is where the hormone insulin comes in. As the glucose-carrying blood exits from the liver into the bloodstream, the upward charge of blood sugar activates the pancreas to release insulin into the circulating blood, where, after making the rounds, the glucose enters the liver. The liver then doe’s one of its major jobs; transforming glucose into storable glycogen. Preventing too much glucose from circulating, the insulin performs still another critical function; it helps each fuel-hungry cell to receive and burn the glucose for heat and energy. Although the body can endure excessive sugar levels for a time, insufficient sugar levels stress it. However, either of these conditions indicates an imbalance of the energy use system.

LITTLE-CONSIDERED CAUSES To attribute all hypoglycemia to hypersensitivity to carbohydrate shock would be an oversimplification. Several other conditions can depress sugar levels; some drugs; deficiency of the B-complex family of vitamins (particularly B-1 and B-2 and niacin, essential to efficient carbohydrate metabolism); a deficiency of protein (this, along with a shortage of pantothenic acid and vitamin B-2 can frustrate the liver’s efforts to inactive excess insulin); sustained stress; tired adrenal glands; a pancreatic tumor (which stimulates insulin production); food allergies; and hypothyroidism. Constant stress overworks the adrenal glands to prepare us for “fight or flight” by triggering their secretion of adrenaline, which sets off a glandular sequence that translates glycogen stores in the liver into blood sugar. Alcohol, coffee, caffeine-containing colas, and smoking all stimulate the adrenals to the same stress like action. Hypothyroidism also tilts the delicate balance of the adrenal glands. Insufficient thyroid hormone in the bloodstream causes the adrenal glands to slow down their secretion of cortisol. Since cortisol stimulates the liver’s production of glycogen, hypothyroidism can indirectly- but just as seriously cause hypoglycemia.


YOUR LIVER: AN INCREDIBLE PERFORMER Along with the thyroid and adrenal glands, the liver must work properly to keep carb metabolism in balance. In hypothyroids, the liver is sluggish and stores glucose too slowly. Then blood sugar may be deceptively high in a fasting glucose tolerance test. Additionally, under these circumstances, an individual may get rid of this excess glucose in the urine and unjustifiably be labeled a prediabetic. Old man liver, he just keeps Rollin’ along, if properly nourished. If not, he develops all sorts of problems; accumulation of fat, scar tissue, cirrhosis, and reduction of enzymes and co-enzymes so that foods cannot be properly metabolized. The body’s second largest organ (largest is the skin), located right above the stomach, the liver is a virtual industrial plant where chemicals reactions by the thousands happen with lightning rapidity. The liver’s job description is amazing. This one organ: # Produces amino acids (building blocks of protein), utilizing them to make living tissue; # Breaks down protein into sugar for energy, and into fat in overeating; # synthesizes prothrombin, which makes possible the clotting of blood; # Helps produce bile, blood albumin, cholesterol, and lecithin; # Transforms dietary sugar into glycogen, which it stores, changing it back to blood sugar required; # Stores copper, iron, various trace minerals, vitamin A, and to a lesser degree, vitamin D, E, and K as well briefly some B vitamins. # Inactivates excess hormones, destroys histamines, rids us of certain harmful metals, chemicals, and drugs, and detoxifies us of poisons and toxins. The liver must function efficiently to help prevent hypoglycemia and weight gain or weight retention by its ability to form and store glycogen and provide needed energy and stamina. If it produces too little insulinase, the pancreas secretes too much insulin. Keep it Clean

If you have low blood sugar you may experience some of the following; Sighing and yawning. Phobias, fears. Nervousness. Irritability. Exhaustion. Faintness, dizziness. Depression. Forgetfulness. Insomnia. Constant worrying. Indecisiveness. Crying spells (even you men).


PART 3 Improve your Sleep Obviously this is important to not feeling tired.

If you have chronic fatigue or excessive tiredness you may have problems with your sleep as a result of this but not as a cause. Many people believe that they get tired because of lack of sleep. This is not normally the case. Sleep quality or disturbance normally comes from the body not being as it should and there fore causing a problem with sleep. If you do the programs in this book you will find you sleep better anyway. It has been proven that sleeping to much makes you tired in the long run. There are many reasons for poor sleep, and not all of them will apply to you. With chronic fatigue, the more you sleep the more tired you may feel. It is unusual for people to report sleeping for up to twelve hours or more. The fact that they are able to sleep so long but remain tired simply reinforces the belief that more sleep is needed. Here are some tips for improving your sleep! Only go to bed when you are sleepy. If you go to bed too early, it gives you time to ponder on the day’s activities, think about things and worry about not being able to sleep. Although you may feel tired, don’t go to bed until you are really sleepy. Then switch the light out straight away and go to sleep. If you are unable to fall asleep or return to sleep within 15 minutes, get out of bed, go to another room and do something – read, listen to music, watch TV, then only return to your bed when you are really sleepy again. If you stay in bed after the 15 minutes you will just probably toss and turn for a long time. Repeat this whenever you wake up during the night. This will be difficult at first, but if you persist things will get better. Maintain a regular rising time even though you have woken several times during the night. Set the alarm clock and get out of bed at the same time every day, regardless of how you feel. Use your bed or bedroom for sleep only. If you do not, the bedroom becomes associated in your brain with wakefulness rather than sleepiness; it becomes in your subconscious another place to be awake. . Do not read, eat, watch TV, work or worry in your bedroom either during the day or at night. Sex in the only exception to the rule. Sex also makes you sleepy. Avoid daytime napping regardless of how fatigued you may feel. When you stay awake all day, you are more sleepy at night. Daytime naps disrupt your natural sleep-wake rhythm and interferes with night time sleep. If you start taking the supplements I recommend in this book together with getting fitter and eating better, you will not feel the need to sleep during the day. (Of course if you are ill with the flu etc, that’s different).


Give yourself at least an hour before bedtime to unwind. Being active until last minute before getting into bed can lead to feeling stimulated, which may delay sleep. Your sleep pattern may get worse for a while before it gets better. You may wake in the morning feeling exhausted for a while, this is normal in the early stages while your body adjusts to the new way. Fit people sleep better so as you get fitter you will sleep better. But avoid exercise three to four hours before bedtime.

More tips for sleeping well Herbal teas, particularly chamomile, are good. Essential oils Marjoram and Lavender either three to four drops sprinkled on the pillow or on a tissue by the side of the bed often helps. If you have someone who can give you a relaxing massage, try and convince them as this will help too. Going for walk before bed (see section “Exercise and Lifestyle” in this book) will also assist with sleep. Long hot baths before bed area matter of personal choice, some people get stimulated, however some find this very relaxing. Taking stimulants late in the day will also contribute to sleeplessness, especially coffee, avoid anything late in the day with stimulants in or caffeine like Coca-Cola. Don’t eat a large meal close to bed time. Discipline yourself to get up in the morning, even if feeling tired. If you are in the habit of sleeping in then going to sleep at night at your usual time will be harder as your natural body clock will be thrown out. There are of course factors, such as noise pollution from environmental factors, such as industry or the party next door or the kids who cannot sleep which will impact your quality of sleep. Do everything you can to create a good environment for sleeping. Most importantly invest in a bloody good bed and mattress. Or buy one of these space age products like Tempur that mold to your body space. For details call 0800 616 135 if in the UK or Invest in blackout blinds or curtains. If you have a partner that snores, send me an email or write for details of a product to stop snoring.


PART 4 Other Areas to Consider ¾ Exercise and Lifestyle 1. Exercise. This may seem the least appealing remedy to many, yet a simple walk can work wonders. Many of us are working in small confined spaces with artificial air, close up to computers or other people, not looking much further than 2-3 feet in front of us for several hours a day. Subsequently when you finish work this is where one’s attention can be stuck, leaving one with a squashed and compressed sensation as well as exhaustion. Taking a 30 minute walk and getting your attention out onto things around you relieves tiredness and is revitalizing – don’t just walk and look at your feet but really look about you and notice things. 2. Taking a walk until feeling your attention is “out” not “in” will make you feel a lot better. Go out for a walk around the block and notice things; cars, people, signs, shop windows, until you feel brighter. This can take at least 30 minutes, but you must do it until you feel bright. It is recommended that you take a different route each day. It is very simple but very effective. 3. Tidy up your life! If your room or office or home is a mess, tidy it up. Disorder breeds disorder and will drain your energy. Try it. It will make you feel better. If you work in an enclosed space or office get a good quality air purifier with a built in Ionizer. This will change the positive particles in the air to negative ones. This alone will increase your energy while at work. Computers, printers etc all make the air positively charged, when you body wants the reverse. More about electrical pollution – The immune system can be affected by working environments contaminated by low-level radiation from electrical equipment and from an overload of positive ions. If ventilation is poor and we walk on synthetic carpets, wear synthetic clothes and are surrounded by plastic furniture, we are unlikely to feel good at the end of the day. Particles in the air around us called irons are electrically charged, positive and negative. There should be a balance between the two. We breathe in these particles and absorb them through our skin. If the air is overloaded with positively charged particles it can have a powerful effect on the nervous system. The brain overproduces a chemical called serotonin and this can produce nasal congestion, lethargy, feeling sticky and swollen. Negative ions have tonic effect on the nervous system and reduce histamine levels in the blood. As any allergy sufferer knows, histamine is strongly associated with unpleasant feelings. The benefits of negative ionization are becoming widely known. You should get an ionizer for your bedroom.


4. Quiet time. Try to take a few minutes on your own. Returning home from a busy office to a busy home with screaming babies or TV blaring doesn’t help. However, one of the best ways to do this is to actually just take a walk.

Do you have to exercise? YES YES YES YES YES !!!!!! Look at it this way, it is going to take you a lot longer to get the benefits of having an energized body and enjoy the feelings if you don’t exercise. If you are someone who has a busy life and thinks they do not have time to exercise, then you are the one that needs to exercise the most to improve your health and vitality. If you are someone who continually puts your body under metal and physical stress by getting up early to commute to work, then work all day, commute home to deal with family life. Then your body is just getting more and more worn down. You need to exercise regularly to enable your body to cope with modern day living. The harder and more demanding your life is the more the need to exercise to cope with the pressure. Or doing too little will also have a negative affect on your energy levels. Inactivity leads to loss of drive and determination. The less you do, the less you feel like doing it and the harder it feels to do more. Inactivity may affect your quality of sleep. Inactivity reduces physical fitness and muscle strength and increases muscle fatigue. Excessive rest produces weakness, loss of strength and fatigue. The fact that many people feel tired because they are doing too much is well known. However, the reverse is equally true – you feel tired because you are doing too little. The human body is designed to be worked, the more quality physical work it does the better it performs. And the older you get the more important it is to be active. Use it or lose it, is so true. People who keep fit and active can still run marathons well past retirement age. What exercise should you do? My best advice to you is to have a variation of different ways of exercising. Aim to make it fun, and try to do it with other people that way you are more inclined to keep it up. I think you should find a number of different ways of exercising that you enjoy. I enjoy mountain biking for example. But I also like jogging outside in the country, tennis, swimming, and hiking. You could join a modern gym. They have a lot of positive benefits. Such as being able to do lots of different types of exercise in a short space of time. So if time is an issue for you, join a gym. Take advice from the staff and trainers at the gym. That’s what they are there for. If you are overweight, and think people may stare at you, or you get to gym and get put off by the fact there are lots of slim fit looking people there. Don’t worry about it. My experience is that if you get talking to them, most of them will be friendly and positive about you being there doing something about your health and will encourage you. Remember a stranger is a friend you have not met yet! You should aim to do some kind of strenuous exercise every other day for a minimum of 40 minutes. If you have not exercised for a long time or you are very over weight, then you MUST first see your doctor for a check up and start off easily and build up the amount of time you do each time you do it. An hour’s walk, or an hours splashing about in a pool, three to four times a week is a good place to start.


Taking care of your general health is a vital part of the anti-tiredness program. Stimulating the circulation and lymphatic system by exercise and getting plenty of fresh air and daylight should be taken very seriously. Exercise is an important part of recovery from most conditions and it is often hard to convince people of this. If you feel tired the last thing you want to do is go out for a run or down the gym. I know when I used to be that way I would think I am too tired to go out and exercise. But when I made myself do it, I always felt much more alive and refreshed when I got back. Like anything the more you do the easier it will be. The first few weeks will be the hardest. You have to be strong willed and just make your self do some exercise. Remember to do something you enjoy. I am lucky that I have grown to like running or jogging. If you can, go for a run in the woods or forests. Much better oxygen supply. If you have not taken any exercise for a while, then it is a must that you go to see your GP and get a serious check up. I did. I even went to my local hospital and did full health check on the running machine wired up to check my heart etc. But that was because of heart problems being common in my Dads side of the family. If you have a fever, inflamed muscles, or any condition likely to be adversely affected by exercise such as ME. See you GP first. If you are young or have done some exercise for a while you should be OK. It would be unwise to start vigorous activities if you have been sitting around for a while. Build up the amount of exercise slowly. You will see below why this is so important. Inactivity affects the circulation and consequently organic functions, for example, the digestion becomes sluggish and food does not move through the system as fast as it should, can also lead to constipation. Muscles are also affected, not only by lack of nourishment, but also by build-up of crystals which are formed from the waste products of digestion. This can cause generalized aches and pains and local tender spots. Do not spend long periods of time sitting without moving. If you work at a desk in an office get up regularly and just move about a bit, have a stretch. The brain can also become sluggish too and is also affected by the lack of correct nutrients, or overload of eating crap. When you start to clean out your system and do exercise once the initial period of feeling worse has gone usually a few days, you will notice a much clearer head and the ability to think clearer will be much in evidence. If you get an hour’s lunch break, don’t sit reading the paper stuffing your face. Go for a walk round the block, in the park, up the stairs, go for a massage, drink a litre of water, get a head massage, sing. Just do something. Only eat a small lunch. Eating a big meal causes tiredness because one of the most energy sapping things you can do is eat a big meal. You body pulls in a lot of blood to your stomach just to help digest that big meal. That why you want to have a snooze in the afternoons. Just have a small amount of veg or salad with small piece of protein. Not fruit this will cause your blood sugar to rise quickly then fall rapidly. It is better to have six small amount of food per day. Also watch how many calories you eat. Aim to get the best nutrition from the least amount of calories.


The lymphatic system This is part of the body defense against disease. A body fluid called lymph, which relies on muscle contractions for its circulation, is carried through a complex network of small vessels which carry cellular refuse on it way. It is then passed into the bloodstream where it is processed. The lymphatic system does not have a pump (unlike the blood circulation system which has the heart) and the less you move the slower the lymph is moved around your body. Therefore waste material stays in your body longer. You may get fluid retention and cells in your body become malnourished. The quality of your life is strongly affected by the quality of your cells. This whole program is aimed at improving the quality of your cells through nutrition, through exercise and through internal cleansing. Let’s take a closer look at how the body works. Breathing not only controls the oxygenation of the cells. It also controls the flow of lymph fluid, which contains white blood cells to protect the body. Some people think of the lymph system as the body’s sewage system. Every cell in your body is surrounded by lymph. You have four times as much lymph fluid in your body as you do blood. Here’s how the lymph system works. Blood is pumped from your heart through your arteries to the thin, porous capillaries. The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the capillaries, where they are then diffused into this fluid around the cells called lymph. The cells, having an intelligence or affinity for what they need, take oxygen and the nutrients necessary for their health and then excrete toxins, some of which go back into the capillaries. But dead cells, blood proteins, and other toxic material must be removed by the lymph system. And the lymph system is activated by deep breathing. The body’s cells depend on the lymph system as the only way to drain off the large toxic material and excess fluid, which restrict the amount of oxygen. The fluid passes through the lymph nodes, where dead cells and all the other poisons except blood proteins are neutralized and destroyed. How important is the lymph system? If it were totally shut down for twenty-four hours, you would be dead as the result of trapped blood proteins and excess fluid around the cells. The bloodstream has a pump, your heart. But the lymph system doesn’t have one. The only way lymph moves is through deep breathing and muscular movement. So if you have an office job, where you sit at a desk most of the day. You are going to have a sluggish system that is going to cause you long term problems. To aid this get and move around every half an hour at least, and breathe regularly at your desk in way I am going to show you. So if you want to have a healthy bloodstream with effective lymph and immune systems, you need to breathe deeply and produce the movements that will stimulate them. Dr. Jack Shields, a highly regarded lymphologist from Santa Barbara California, conducted an interesting study of the immune system. He put cameras inside people’s bodies to see what stimulated cleansing of the lymph system. He found that a deep diaphragmatic breath is the most effective way to accomplish this. It creates something like a vacuum that sucks lymph through the bloodstream and multiplies the pace at which the body eliminates toxins. In fact, deep breathing and exercise can accelerate this process by as much as fifteen times. Let me share with you now the most effective way to breathe in order to cleanse your system. You should breathe in this ratio: inhale one count, hold four counts, exhale two counts. So, if you inhaled for four seconds, you would hold for sixteen and exhale for eight. Why exhale for twice as long as you inhale? That’s when you eliminate toxins via


your lymphatic system. Why hold four times as long? That’s how you can fully oxygenate the blood and activate your lymphatic system. So from now on, every day take 10 breathes in the ratio I have just shown you at least 3 times a day. If you want to learn more about breathing, go to a yoga class, or buy a book or video. Many scientific tests have proven that cells that do not get enough oxygen are much more likely to turn malignant. So if you want to improve your risk factor of not getting Cancer, make sure you get plenty of oxygen by exercising and deep breathing on a regular basis. Where you can catch a cold from being in a room with someone who has a cold. You can not catch cancer or a heart attack by being in a room with someone who has a heart problem or has cancer cells in them. You give yourself cancer or a heart attack by the way you live and eat. So who are you going to blame if you don’t change your ways when you are in hospital with a terminal illness, or laid on the floor having a heart attack? Aerobic exercise Aerobic literally mean with air. Aerobic exercise causes the muscles to pump blood and lymphatic fluid to the heart, liver and lungs for cleansing and oxygenation, thereby boosting the immune system by encouraging regeneration and white blood cell replacement. Aerobic exercise also stimulates the production of serotonin, a sleep precursor, and endorphins, which are pleasure giving and pain relieving. It promotes sleep because muscle growth and cell is a result of exercise, but can only take place during sleep. It strengthens the muscles of the heart and increases the capacity of the lungs. For aerobic exercise to be effective, it needs to be done for at least 40 minutes, 3 times a week, at a pace that makes you breath deeply and hard but not out of breath. It should be an effort but not exhausting. Swimming, walking, gentle jogging, running, cycling, step & aerobic classes are good examples. Aim to have a variation of different types to keep you interested. Also set goals and targets, if you don’t have something to aim for it sometimes makes it harder to motivate yourself to do it. If you go for 3 miles run this week aim for 4 miles in 2 to 3 weeks time. Aim to swim 1 more length of the pool each time you go. Whatever you can think of to get you motivated. Keep a written record of your progress. Think about this, you have just been given a race horse worth one Million pounds, would you train and exercise it regularly, make sure it was fed the correct foods, and make sure it was checked over by the vet on a regular basis. OR would you let it smoke, take it down the pub several time a week and let it drink too much, then take it for a curry or a kebab or pizza. Would you let it pig out on sweets and crisps, fatty foods, fizzy drinks? Are you getting my point, then why would you do it to yourself, when you are worth so much more than a horse.


¾ Nutritional Recommendations Just about everyone knows that a “healthy diet” is important to assist with ones well being. And you will probably have heard before you are what you eat. This is true, most illnesses and conditions are the results of what you eat drink or take over a long period of time. And no five minute quick fix will help. It has taken you years to mess up your natural system. It is going to take a good few weeks to sort it out. Your internal systems are result of your life style. Try and get a picture in your mind of what the inside of your stomach, gut, liver etc looks like after all the years of abuse you have inflicted on them. You can bet all you money they will not be in good shape. The whole purpose of this book is to make you realize what you have done to your insides and the results it is having your body and the way you feel today. And how to use natural nutrition and natural supplements to repair and reverse your life time of abuse as quickly and painlessly as possible. The majority of food we see in our shops and markets today is quite different from that our grandparents would have seen. Processing, over use of agricultural land, food storage methods and pollution all add up to us not getting the same nutritional value as was available in the past. This is why supplementing our diet today is not just a fad or something health fanatics do – it is essential to good health. However, a good diet is still important. Eating junk and processed foods and then supplementing ones diet with vitamins and minerals will not result in good health. Aim to get the most nutrition from the least amount of calories; this alone will give you more energy. As a general guide I recommend the following on a permanent basis:

1. FRESH FOOD A 70% vegetarian diet. Avoid eating any junk foods, processed food and tin foods as much as possible. Eat salads, raw vegetables; the best way to cook vegetables is to steam them. If you don’t have a steamer you can do what I do and steam fry them. Get a wok or frying pan, add a little oil, either olive or coconut cooking oil is best for you. Add your veg then keep adding small amounts of water into the wok. The steam will cook them, without boiling the goodness out of them as it does when you cook veg in a pan of water.

The Problem Recent research has shown that within 24 hours of fruits and vegetables being picked they can lose up to 50% of their nutritional quality. Studies done by Theodore Labuza, Professor of Food Technology at the University of Minnesota, showed that 90% of vitamin B1 is lost in the drying of meat and that 33% of the vitamins B5 and B6 are lost in fish when it is freeze dried. Dr Henry Schoeder’s research discovered that 50% of vitamins B1 and B2 and 70% of B5 is lost when meat is frozen. Professor Darryl Lund of the Department of Food Science of the University of Wisconsin discovered that the blanching of fresh vegetables can destroy 30-50% of their vitamins. This loss of nutritional quality is compounded by long term storage, in some cases as in apples, nectarines and bananas this can be weeks, then taken home for further storage or freezing. Boiling, microwaving, roasting, and peeling reduces the nutritional quality further. If you are in the habit of having a drink with


your meal this is going to dilute your digestive enzymes and reduce your body’s ability to absorb nutrients out of the food that you eat. Recent agricultural methods have depleted the quality of our land by changing methods for mass production of crops, which include fertilizers, and the decline in traditional practices such as mulching, the use of manure, and rotating crops. There are probably other things that could be mentioned that contribute to you not getting the full nutritional quality out of your food, however I think you will get the general idea from the above information. The moral of this is that the vast majority of people do not get enough nutrients from their food, even when having a “healthy diet.”

The Solution The somewhat science fiction idea of taking tablets as supplements to our food is with us now – and the previously mentioned information is the reason why it is important to do this. That’s the way it is and this nutritional deficiency is the most common thing that affects most people. A common question is “surely I can get what I need out of my diet?” My reply is “sure, if you are prepared to have a very strict diet for maybe a year or more.” To go to this sort of trouble is unnecessary when a good quality supplement can remedy the situation in only a few weeks with major changes being noticed in a few days, often a few hours. There are quite a lot of complex cycles the body goes through to produce energy, from the larger function in the liver to that of the smaller cell. The basic principle to know is that food is fuel and that the body uses it to produce energy. Essentially, the body is a carbon/oxygen engine. Bad fuel can mean mechanical problems and side effects.

2. COOKING Grill meats and fish. Avoid cooking with fats, such as deep frying or using butter or vegetable oils to fry meat and fish. Poaching fish is also very healthy.

3. DAIRY Avoid dairy foods as much as possible, such as milk, butter and cream. They cause congestion and digestive problems and are not the best source of calcium. Soy products are much better and less destructive. Get calcium from sesame seeds and supplements.

4. GRAINS Grains are good, but have a good high fiber bread. Rye bread is good as is whole meal and sourdough is also easily digestible. Never eat white common bread that is often bleached and has about as much nutritional value as a piece of cardboard. Brown rice is good.

5. SUGAR Sugar is a powerful drug in itself. This is such a stable part of the diet for many of us that we are often unaware of how much is consumed on a day to day basis. Avoid sugar in drinks and in foods as much as possible. Sugar reduces the important acid needed to digest food in the stomach, and puts a lot of stress on the body because it has to work harder to control blood sugar levels.


Sugar is especially damaging to growing children as it negatively affects their bodies ability to absorb nutrients and their moods. Incidentally, this section also includes chocolates, lollies and sweets. You will read more about sugar later.

6. REGULAR MEALS Ensure you have at least three meals daily. Breakfast is the most common meal to miss or it is often only a cup of tea or coffee. Remember the body needs fuel to operate normally. The idea of having breakfast to many is very off putting, but try and have a banana or piece of toast at least – something for the body to burn up. You should really have a good breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day. Because you have not eaten while you were asleep, you have not had any food for 7 to 10 hours. You have whole day ahead of you, now is the time of day to get off to a good start with a good quality nutritional breakfast. I often have a plate of stir fried vegetables for breakfast with a tin of Tuna or Mackerel. Do not buy the highly processed cereals. They are normally loaded with additives-sugar and salt. Get a good quality natural Muesli from a health food shop, or your local supermarket will probably stock Jordan’s Natural Muesli. Reading the ingredients as I have this looks OK. It has 44 of the essential nutrients. Carbohydrates for energy, protein for growth and high fiber. If you don’t have a good breakfast it’s more than likely you will soon start snacking on junk foods and sweets and coffee to try and get you going. Once you have gone through the cleansing period recommended in this book you can have a cooked breakfast. I sometimes have ™Oatso Simple from Quaker. Microwaved in 2 ½ mins, add some fruit to them if you like, or normal oats. But try to make them with Soya milk and not cows milk. Did you know that it has been proved by scientists that drinking cow’s milk on a regular basis actually causes a calcium deficiency?

7. WATER Drink clean water. In many western cities chemicals are added to “keep it free of bacteria”. However, there is evidence of up to 28 toxic chemicals and even fecal matter being in some major city’s tap water. Did you know the average tap water in a large city has been through a human at least 7 times? That tap water you drink could have been people’s urine once. Yummy! Get a good water purifier (reverse osmosis is the best) or buy clean drinking water. Depending on your climate, it is recommended you drink 1-2 liters of clean water daily. See your local health food store for advice and supply

8. PROTEIN Vegetarians and vegans are often affected by not getting enough protein in their diets. The common sources of protein are meat, eggs, cheese and nuts. For vegetarians soy is a good source of protein. Also, legumes and beans are high in protein. Check your diet for sufficient protein, as protein is the building blocks of life. Protein can be gotten in supplements and in the form of Amino Acids often as food bars. These can also help.


9. VEGETABLES AND FRUIT “JUICES” These are excellent remedies in their own right, having their own powerful healing properties. A good tonic for energy is carrot, apple and ginger. If you don’t like ginger try mint as an alternative. It is very refreshing and cleansing.

A NOTE ABOUT DIETING There is a common theme with those who feel they are over weight; all are also rundown so my immediate recommendation is to do the program that applies to them as outlined in this book, with particular attention to having a rundown nervous system and under active thyroid. There are volumes of material available on diet, but the first thing to do is handle any associated lack of energy and tiredness. Eating only one meal a day to loose weight does not help ones health or achieve its goal. Eating on the above mentioned guidelines, with smaller, more regular meals is advised and doing the program that fits you in this book.

¾ Stimulants – Damaging or Helpful? There are lots of ways to get energy quickly. Coffee, herbs like Guarna (which contains caffeine) and other stimulants all do this. Sugar, alcohol, drinks like redbull and street drugs are others, but none of these heal the cause of the problem. These quick fix methods which only give temporary pep will eventuate in an increased demand for more stimulants and cause one to go down the dwindling spiral of less and less energy and vitality. With stimulants come the cravings and withdrawal symptoms that all of them have in common.

Pep drinks, now common on the market; claim to have your health as a concern, but these often are loaded with caffeine (disguised as the herb Guarana) and sugar. The fact that they have small doses of vitamins in them too is outweighed by the negative effects of the caffeine and sugar. Long term effects are more tiredness, nervousness and exhaustion as the body gradually runs out of steam and becomes more and more reliant on the stimulant to get it going. The more the drug or stimulant is taken the lesser effect it has and without it symptoms are amplified and the stimulant is then used increasingly to try to maintain some sort of energy level. Don’t drink them

¾ Stress Tiredness is often explained away as stress or exhaustion, but all these things have causes. “Stress” is used very loosely by medical practitioners to explain the cause of tiredness, but this is not the underlying factor, otherwise it would be much easier to treat. Stress occurs when a person cannot efficiently control some segment of their life. This is a very broad explanation, but if you examine it closely anything that you have been stressed about in the past has simply been something with which you did not have good control on. This book is not about these specific things. However, when one’s body is rundown or exhausted the symptoms of stress are enormously increased. As an


example, when tired you are much more likely to get upset or lose interest in some project. By controlling one’s physical health and especially energy levels, you are much more able to control stress. By taking drugs and stimulants to cope with stress and exhaustion you are not controlling the problem – in actuality in the long term you are contributing to it by building up toxins in the body and dependence.

¾ Drugs Drugs, including prescription, are really poisons. Small amounts will stimulate; larger amounts can kill. Medical practitioners will readily recommend drugs like Prozac to address the problem of tiredness. Drugs are really a suppressive means of attempting to destroy an illness or condition. They do not address the cause of the problem. Having said this, there are important uses for many drugs, such as anesthetics. Drugs also include coffee, alcohol, and even sugar. Try taking someone who is used to having a lot of sugar in their daily diet off sugar and you can get some of the wildest reactions. Many drugs list fatigue, lethargy, sedation and drowsiness as possible side effects. So if possible do not take them. If you have been prescribed drugs for a long-term illness. See your doctor to see if you really need to take them, or if there is an alternative with less side effects. Do some research on the Internet about the drug you have been prescribed to look for alternatives; you may find that there are natural remedies that you could take. Remember doctors although they may have the best intension to help you are only trained in medicine and what drugs to give. They are not taught about nutrition or alternative medicines.

¾ Depression Depression is something that often goes hand in glove with being rundown and exhausted. I suggest the nervous system program and check for an under active thyroid as this can be a common cause of depression. People should get off antidepressants and simply give them what their body really needs, which is nutrition. If a body is rundown it will very definitely be predisposed to depression. However, one must realize that depression is ultimately a condition of the mind and this book is aimed at the treatment of the body. You will find as you start to do more exercise and improve your eating/diet, and that your body has been detoxed and cleaned on the inside, what you thought was depression will go away.


SUMMARY From what you have just read in this book you will now understand that there are several reason or factors that could be causing your tiredness and fatigue. You could have just one of them, or a combination of reasons. But I believe from the research I have done that the majority of people have a problem with tiredness and fatigue as a result of years of poor nutrition and the build of toxins and other waste and dirt in our internal systems and organs. I think you need to take a blanket approach to the problem and do every program in this book so you fully cover all of the potential sources of your problem. I did, because I was so sick and fed up of feeling tired and the negative effect it had on my life. None of the remedies that I will recommend to you cost very much comparatively to the positive future benefits you will receive. It is probably the best money you will have invested in yourself in a long time. They are all natural herbal products that are completely safe. You may feel ill if you took to many, put they would not cause serious harm. But like any medication you stick to the prescribed dose and you will be ok. If you don’t understand something in this book, or you would like me expand on a subject please get in touch, I would be happy to hear from you. It has taken you years to build up your problem. You are not going to get better over night. Although you will start to feel the benefits possibly within a few days, it is going to take you 2 to 3 months to fully get your internal system back to how it should be. Give a friend a powerful gift. Buy a paperback copy of this book as a gift to them. See end of book for details.


PART 5 Ordering Remedies & Products You should take a good quality multi-vitamin & mineral supplement every day. Do not buy the cheap ones that are synthetic. They are not worth taking. I can supply you one of the best you can buy it is called One A Day Plus from BioCare and made in UK. It is a complete broad spectrum multivitamin and mineral tablet containing antioxidants such as Vitaflavan © grapeseed extract, CoQ10, beta carotene, lutein and bilberry. This is the highest of quality and can not be bought in your local health food store. The price of one a day is £12.95 plus £1.00 P&P AD206 from Biocare as you read earlier is an essential product to help recover from PVFS. It comes in a two a day capsule. 60 per container. I recommend that you get three months supply, 3 containers. The price of AD206 is £15.95 plus £1.00 P&P. Rhodiola from Biocare is again in a capsule and I would recommend you take two a day. It comes in a supply of 60 per container. I suggest you get 3 months supply, 3 containers. The price of Rhodiola is £21.95 plus £1.00 P&P I would also recommend you take one of Mega EPA 1000. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is a member of the omega-3 sereies of essential fats and is one of the active ingredients in fish oil. Mega EPA provides EPA and DHA emulsified with lecithin and olive oil to enhance absorption. The price of mega EPA is £14.50 plus £1.00. Do not compare the price of these products to products you may find in your local health food store. It would be like comparing the price of a Rolls Royce car to a Ford. These are the highest grade quality. Much higher than anything you would buy in a local health food store. If you do as I recommend and purchase all of the above for the 3 month supply, there will be not charge for P&P In the UK and only a small charge of £3.00 for overseas. This would be a total of £196.00 fully inclusive. A small price to invest in yourself for future. You have probably been spending more than this on coffee or sweets/candy. This works out at just over £2.00 per day. Surely the improvement of your health is worth this small amount per day.


If you would to use the Horopito Aniseed product I used to treat my Candida and regain my energy and vitality I can supply you; It comes in capsules form to taken twice a day. With 60 capsules in each container. From Forest Herbs Research Ltd in New Zealand. The price is £19.95 plus £1.25 for P&P for one month’s supply of 60 capsules. I strongly recommend that you buy two months supply, you can have the second months supply of 60 capsules for £14.95 and no extra postage charge. One month = £19.95 + £1.95 Total of £21.90 Two months = £19.95 + £14.95 + £1.95 Total of £36.85 Ecologic; for one pot of 100gms = £25.00 including P&P Please make cheques payable to Vantage-Point Send to; Vantage-Point Buckshaft House Buckshaft Rd Cinderford Gloucestershire GL14 3DW England

[email protected]

To pay by credit card please telephone 0207 644 3042

from overseas you will need to call Your area code to the UK then 44 207 644 3042 Any time 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This number is an automated answering service. It is totally secure and can only be accessed by my staff. Leave you full name & address speaking slowly and spelling any difficult words. Also leave a contact number in case we need to contact you. Then leave your full order details giving product name and amounts you require. Then give your card type ie – visa, master card, amex, switch delta etc Your card number Your expiry date The security number on the back of the card. Please give these numbers clearly. If we can not understand your message we can not process your order.


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