Free First Chapter - Fortune Cookies (eighteen And Over Only, Please!)

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  • Pages: 7
Free First Chapter

Fortune Cookies

Prologue Without warning a feeling of dread surged through my body. I sensed something--someone was there with me. My eyes roamed the apartment spying nothing, yet the feeling increased. A frigid breeze gave me goose flesh. I felt damp and looked down. “What the…” I was naked. What happened to my gown? I was naked, shivering and clammy. A cloud of vapor appeared and an apparition materialized from within. An

odd-looking Chinese man abruptly appeared before my disbelieving eyes. Modestly, I positioned my left arm across my exposed breasts and right hand over my pubis. The man was middle aged, about five-six, sporting a long Fu Manchu mustache and matching pigtails. He was clothed in somewhat older traditional Chinese attire. More from shock than fright, I asked, “Who are you? How did you get in here?” Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed movement. Beyond him in the corner—was a silhouette… no, it was more like a shadow blending in with other shadows behind and to the right of the peculiar little man. A playful grin sprung upon his plump face. He bowed, and spoke in hurried, broken English, “Not to worry, Jill. Me, Eddie, eat this please.” He knows my name. He passed a small object to me , which, for some reason I was unable to see clearly. I could only determine its color--red. To my surprise, I just ingested it, without question. “Aww, so pretty! You will make your man very happy.” Eddie turned. At his direction, the shadow approached and came into the light. It was a man and he, like I, was naked. He was tall, his body lean, sensuous and he stood erect, but as with the red object, I couldn’t make out the features of his face. After he settled on the far end of the couch, I could sense him studying me. If only I could see his face. Fortunately, my fear began to dissipate, along with the cold. Friendly warmth had replaced the chill. Eddie imparted a matching red object to the man, which he consumed. Then in an instant, Eddie vanished, leaving me at the mercy of the sexy, naked man. The Stranger slid along the couch toward me. I jumped from a thrilling sensation as his thigh brushed mine. Sex is what filled my mind as whiffs of a pungent, sensual aroma entered my nostrils. He slowly reached over and grasped my left hand, forcing a shiver up my spine as he pulled my arm away from my breasts. “Nice.” Angst replaced my fear as he sidled even closer. His nebulous face within inches, he rubbed the back of his hand across my cheek and lips. I purred as he stroked my hair, he leaned in and nibbled on my earlobe. My now swollen nipples tingled. As if sensing this, he touched my exposed breasts, moving his fingers in a circular motion around distended nipples. I gasped, a sound, which quickly became a carnal whimper issuing from deep within my parched throat. Then, his tongue began a slow moist descent to my breasts. When his lips encircled my half-inch jutting nipple, he took it into the warmth of his mouth; and the whimper from deep within changed pitch, transforming into a moan. Like a morning fog, desire had descended upon me replacing my anxiety with lust. He touched my other hand—the one covering my mound—and spoke for only the second time. “May I?” His voice was deep and melodious. Involuntarily, I nodded. I saw a hint of a smile on his lips. A glint in his eyes. After he moved my hand, he spread my legs and placed his hand upon my pubis. “Very nice,

they’ve chosen well.” “Who are you?” I dared ask. With a seductive smile upon his lips, his rich voice responded, “I am your lover. I am here to impart the pleasure of the gods. To make passionate love to you.” Laving my ear canal again, his fingers teased my nipple. Never, in my entire, admittedly limited, sexual experience had been so aroused. Is it possible for a perfect stranger to weave such a spell on someone? To make them feel aflame – to engender such hunger one must possess them or explode? Serving to double my previous excitement, his free hand gently massaged my clitoris. Even though his touch was barely perceptible, I felt a new wave of desire sweep over me. “Why are you doing this to me?” I uttered pathetically. “You have willed it. I am your match, we are one, forever.” I grabbed his engorged organ. It was thick and silky. I need this inside me, I feel like I’ll melt from unrestrained lust. “But, I don’t know you?” I whispered meekly, while continuing to stroke his erection. His tongue entered my mouth seeking its likeness while his manly fingers worked their way further into my nether regions. My kitty was no longer purring. It was in flames. Her breasts were on fire. Feeling in danger of spontaneous combustion, I needed turn down the heat. I had to have him! Between amorous kisses, almost as an afterthought, he whispered back, “Can you think of a better way to get to know me?” Shaking my head, my will, if I ever had any, dissolved. I was focused. I want only one thing; I want him to take me. I want him inside me. He was double fingering my wet, greedy, pussy while his thumb massaged my enlarged, ultra sensitive clit. He placed his hand to the back of my head, gently forcing it to his lap. His sex was touching my lips. The glans of his rigid penis pried my lips apart allowing him to slide his silky shaft into my mouth. With the top half of his penis in my mouth, I stroked his shaft and my lover went wild, wriggling and squirming frantically. He grabbed the back of my head and forced it down on his shaft. He was so agitated, his movements were frenzied. I was also worked up, craving his seed and expecting to swallow his sperm. Anticipating his ejaculate any second, he abruptly pulled back. Then he pushed me back so my head rested against the armrest and he knelt on the couch between my legs. “I must spend my seed in your womb not your mouth. It is required.” Although I was unable to make out his face, I had no trouble seeing his bold cock. A light from an unknown source highlighted it, as if beckoning. His engorged member was at least eight inches long. Grasping it once more in an effort to insert it into my hungry, waiting pussy, he said, “No! It’s not ready yet, it must be longer. Pull on it.” As instructed, I gave a little tug and to my amazement, it began to grow even larger. When it extended to at least twelve inches, he said, “Now!” and proceeded to place its head into the opening of my now, dripping wet, ravenous love canal.

My eyes grew wide. Incredulous, I cried out, “You can’t expect me to take all of that?” He exclaimed, “Why not...” and continued to push the now snake-length appendage within. I could sense his enormous elongated phallus as it moved inside me, in my womb, my abdomen, my stomach. Then, when I felt his penis fully inside me, buried deep within, as far as it would go, waves of pleasure descended, building in my loins and spreading outward. It kept increasing in intensity, overpowering me. Ultimately, it erupted into an orgasm so great, so extensive, that all I could compare it to, was the Big Bang that created the universe! Then my lover came. Strangely, I could feel his seminal fluid inside me. It was not static. It seemed to move as if alive. It was warm and pleasurable. The warm tingly sensation spread into my extremities, even toes and fingers. Its acrid flavor lingered on my tongue. It was as if my orgasm had spread from my vulva to every fiber of my existence. Feeling faint from the gratification of my lust, I started to pass out. However, before I did, my lover finished what he’d started to say, “Of course you can take it all. You can do anything you wish—in a dream!” **** My eyes opened wide. It was dark. The clock radio read one thirty. What a strange dream. So real and so-o-o-o sexy. What the… My bed was soaking wet. as was I, and naked. What happened to my nightgown? What made my bed so wet? I stepped into the bathroom, and noticed two cellophane wrappers on the floor and a small slip of paper. I turned on the shower and sat on the toilet seat. I retrieved the paper. It felt damp in my hand and except for the last four words, the writing was illegible. It resembled a slip from a fortune cookie. I read the four words one more time before throwing the slip in the toilet. ‘Waste not, want not.’ What could that mean?

Chapter One Eddie Chang’s Three young women were seated at a table at Eddie Chang’s Chinese restaurant. An ice bucket with a bottle of Champagne waited beside them. Jill sighed, while she tapped her fingers on the surface and scanned the entrance, “I wonder what’s keeping Gail?” Rita glanced at her watch, and said, “Calm down, Jill. You know Gail. She’s often late for our luncheons.” Jill had been in high spirits. She was anxious to trumpet her exciting news, and she was waiting for her closest friend, Gail’s arrival. Jill dug her cell phone out of her Luce leather handbag and speed-dialed Gail’s number. Saundra asked, “Shall we go ahead and order? I’m famished and the heavenly aromas emanating from the kitchen smell delicious.” Jill waved her hand signaling for quiet. “Gail? Hi, this is Jill. Is everything all right? Where are you?” A pert young woman, smartly dressed in a burgundy business suit arrived at their table. “I’m right here, sweetie.” Rita looked up and smiled. “Ah, there you are. Glad you made it. We were thinking about ordering without you.” Gail glanced toward Rita, nodded and sat in the empty seat between Jill and Rita. Addressing Jill, she said, “Sorry, I’m late Sweetie. I couldn’t help it. It’s as if my boss has a sixth sense when I have something planned. Today, he brought me a twenty page contract to review at eleven forty, which had to be finished before I could take lunch.” After weeks of trying unsuccessfully to get her friends together, Jill beamed. They were finally all here. She assured Gail, “Don’t worry, Gail, we understand. There’s no harm.” **** Gail glanced warmly at Jill. She wasn’t gorgeous like Rita. Nor was she rich and sophisticated like Saundra. Still, Gail felt closest to Jill. She was nice looking —quite fetching actually—but her best trait and the reason Gail felt close to her was she was just plain sweet. Rita, Jill and Saundra had been classmates at Hofstra University. They, along with two other out-of-state friends had comprised the ‘Sexy Six.’ The four that remained in the New York area remained friends. Gail placed her hand on top of Jill’s while she stared straight at Rita and Saundra. “Gee, thanks, Jill. I knew if anybody would understand it would be you.” Both Rita and Saundra responded to this jibe with a little tender understanding of their own and some backtracking. Gail hushed them up. “Okay, Jill. You brought us here for a reason. I believe you have some major

earth-shaking event to reveal to us?”

**** With her eyes and smile wide, Jill had a self-satisfied look on her face as if she had struck gold in her back yard, but she was reluctant to reveal her surprise quickly. “Yes. Please tell us your news?” asked Rita, “I have a photo shoot at twothirty for the cover of Glamour. I can’t be late. Jill’s eyes had a mischievous sparkle. Looking to prolong her big news, she said, “Guess!” Rita rolled her eyes and started to say something but Saundra cut her off, “You got a promotion—Channel Eleven finally made you anchor?” “I wish. Good try, but that’s not it. It’s something better, something that changed my life.” “Did you win the lottery or inherit some money?” Gail guessed. “Another good guess, but no. This has nothing to do with career or money.” Just then the waiter came, and the ‘Fantastic Four’ ordered. An appetizer plate, grilled vegetable medley, Chang’s special shrimp foo yung with low fat topping, spicy lettuce rolls and house fried rice. After the waiter left, Gail joked, “Jill, are you going to tell us what your big news is, or am I going to break your arm?” Jill threw her head back and laughed. “You wouldn’t dare!” “Don’t test me!” Gail warned. Jill smirked, “Are you ready to make some decent guesses?” Rita looked at Jill with a straight face. “I got it! You registered Republican.” Gail coughed and accidentally spit out some of the green tea they were just served. Jill gave Rita a disgusted look. Saundra’s eyes had a flash of anger. “What’s wrong with being a Republican?” Trying to head off trouble, Gail answered Saundra’s question, “Nothing, dear. Don’t worry about Rita. She’s just baiting you.” Rita joked, “Saundra was born a republican.” Jill had reached her limit. She slapped her hand down on the table. Patrons at the adjacent table stop and stare as Jill let off steam. Loud enough to make the entire restaurant look, she said, “Enough! Stop the squabbling right now! Since you continue to make a joke out of my surprise, I’ll just tell you—I’m pregnant!” Three mouths dropped open in unison. For once Gail seemed to be at a loss for words. Meanwhile Jill’s attention was drawn toward the unexpected clamor from the adjacent tables and booths in the form of clapping and spoken congratulations. She turned and smiled at everyone, nodding as she went. Yet, the commotion continued, so Jill stood and waved. Now, the whole restaurant applauded. Jill turned beet red and bowed several times. At last, the applause

died down allowing her to return to her friends. She sat back down and looked at her friends. “My, what a friendly bunch.” Finally, Gail managed to squeak out, “Pregnant? For real?” Flashing a big smile, Jill nodded. “Oh, Jill, that’s so wonderful.” Hugging her. Gail asked, “This is such a shock, when’s the baby due?” “December twelfth.” Rita got up and also hugged Jill adding, “This is so exciting. I’m sorry, I didn’t think of that.” Everyone was happy for Jill, except Saundra, who unfortunately, was incensed. “How are we supposed to guess that, when you’re not even married? In fact, I don’t remember you even having a boyfriend. Who’s the father or is this an immaculate conception?” Rita and Gail looked at Saundra with incomprehension, not believing the meanness in Saundra’s words, but Jill looked straight at her and replied. “Immaculate conception? Not hardly, but if you must call it something, call it a fortune cookie conception.” Saundra had been trying to have a baby for a few years and since Jill, who wasn’t even married, was expecting a baby, she wasn’t taking this gracefully. “Fortune cookie conception!” Saundra blurted out, “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Jill had everyone’s undivided attention. “You didn’t let me finish. I met someone. A wonderful man named Chad Conroy. We’re in love! Chad and I are going to get married and it all happened after I ate one of Eddie Chang’s Fortune Cookies.” Rita demanded incredulously, “What could a fortune cookie have to do with getting pregnant?” Gail, who apparently could see that Jill was getting upset, grabbed her hand. “Yes Jill, please tell us how the fortune cookie fits in.” “Don’t you see? That’s why I brought you all here. I wanted you to find happiness, like I have. I wanted you to eat the special Fortune Cookie.” Glancing at her friends, Jill saw nothing reassuring in their expressions. Gail grabbed and held both of Jill’s hands and said, “Jill, honey, I think you’d better start at the beginning.” Buy Link :

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