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  • Words: 1,583
  • Pages: 42

Economic and Political Scenario •Current Recession The Sub prime crises has impacted stock markets world wide, erasing close to 4.5 trillion from global stock markets. Approximately 2,40,000 jobs are lost as on November this year with a total loss of 1.2 million and the unemployment rate rose from 4.8% to 6.1%

ØBecause of FIIs pulling out all the money from the emerging economies, the currency of these countries have majorly depreciated against the Dollar($) . Because of this, imports of these emerging economies have become expensive thus increasing the fiscal deficit of these countries. Due to the Slow down in the slow down in the U.S economy, the demand in the U.S has gone down considerably. The U.S financial market is in crisis and the parent companies are pulling out money from these emerging markets leading to a crash in their stock markets. In India till date $ 13 billion has already been pulled out.

Economic and Political Scenario continued…. •

No Outsourcing

Current President Mr. Barack Obama has planned to stop outsourcing which is against the practices of Free Trade. •

Dollar Imposition

In the absence of Basket of Currencies the U.S took advantage. It imposed Dollar as the dominating currency. U.S predominantly enjoys Special Drawing Rights (SDR) along with 4 other nations. •

Washington Consensus - It is common sense for the U.S but is it so for the other nations????

It challenges the Modalities of the other nations.

Economic and Political Scenario continued…. America tries to dominate its Politics on others because it boosts of its sound Economics…. •

Humanitarian Integration

Political Values

United Nations Thanks to the USA and its ruthless policy as it has brought once growing and developing nation Iraq to a war trodden nation which is right now suffering with an inflation rate of about 53.2% and it literally crippled the nation.

WTO – Guardian of free trade § WTO is a forum that holds countries accountable for their trade commitments § The body is mired in controversy and seen to be hijacked by rich country interests - It functions to reinforce American dominance of the world economy - Steps to liberalize its free trade regime on Most Favoured Nation(MFN) basis

Protectionist Vs Liberalization § It reduces the ability of other nations to impose restrictions to limit access to their markets § United States increases its ability to decrease the trade barriers imposed by other countries by the means of tariffs and quotas § US-Cuba Trade, A Disgrace - American “DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO" approach to trade with communist Cuba does not represent free market capitalism at its finest Democracy deficit § The influence of American business and, in particular, The Americans think they own the world.“ – A Canadian business person in Havana

How Free is the Free trade? § Doha Round negotiations ended without any agreement, leading many observers to question whether the WTO continues to be relevant in the absence of rich country trade concessions § Globalization synonymous geopolitical hegemony



“ Globalization has a home address” – Denis Conway author of Globalization’s contradictions

Trade Deficit Composition Of The US Global Trade Deficit

Rest of World

Rest of Asia


US Trade Deficit Increase Largely From China & East Asia © 2008, The US-China Business Council

Sources: US Dept. of Commerce, US Dept. of the Treasury, US ITC

Environment Degradation

Tearing up the Kyoto Protocol Treaty

Nuclear Weapons Attack on Hiroshima & Nagasaki

United States of America- Largest oil consuming nation WORLD OIL COMSUMPTION

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed" - Mohandas K. Gandhi

Uncle Sam’s Everywhere –

A List of American Military Bases Around the World • U.S. European Command • Headquartered In - Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany • Responsible for 13 Million Square miles in 89 countries • Begins from the North Cape of Norway and extends through the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas, through most of Europe and parts of the Middle East, to the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. Source: United States Department of Defense, August 2007

A Comprehensive List of American Military Bases Across • United States Army - Seventh Army Training Command, Grafenwoehr, Germany - U.S. Army Tropic Test Center, Fort Clayton, Panama - U.S. Army Central Command, Saudi Arabia

Source: United States Department of Defense, August 2007

Continued • United States Navy – – – – – – – – –

Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet Navy Guam Naval Air Station Keflavik, Iceland Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy U.S. Naval Station, Rota, Spain U.S. Fleet Activities, Sasebo, Japan U.S. Seventh Fleet Naval Air Station, Sigonella, Italy Source: United States Department of Defense, August 2007

Continued United States Air Force • • • • • • • • • •

Aviano Air Base, Italy Tuzla Air Base, Bosnia-Herzegovina Incirlik Air Base, Turkey Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea Misawa Air Base, Japan Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea Ramstein Air Base, Germany Taszar Air Base, Hungary Yokota Air Force Base, Japan Source: United States Department of Defense, August 2007


Source: CIA World Factbook, “Military expenditures percent of GDP", January 2008.

Constant Rise – The Current Expenditure Trend Worldwide…

… And Who’s the Foremost Culprit

The US Stands Out

An Upwardly Mobile Country – Cruising In an Army Tank

Money Well Spent?

A Point to Make • The world’s self-appointed policeman, the United States of America, allocated approximately $481.4 billion, 51% of the total federal funds budget, but ended up spending approximately $711billion in the year 2008. Source: 'The Fiscal Year 2008 Discretionary Budget Request', Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, February 2007

A Depth Charge – Only More Dangerous • The country that heralded the beginning of the New World Order also orchestrated the “War on Terrorism” post 9/11. Introduced, possibly, with the best of intentions, this crusade has been openly & widely criticized due to turning into an expensive & barely effective measure against terrorism. Source: Publication- "Endless War: The global war on terror and the new Bush Administration“, Oxford Research Group, UK

The War on Terrorism as counterproductive • The attacks of 9/11on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and United 93 Crash, created an immediate demand throughout the United States for a decisive response, leading to an invasion of Afghanistan dubbed ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’ which removed the Taliban from power and ended al-Qaeda's use of the country as a terrorist base. • The stated objectives of the war – to secure the American homeland – break up terror cells within the country – disrupt the activities of the international network of terrorist organizations Source: Presidential Address to the Nation, October 7, 2001, White House.

The War on Terrorism as counterproductive • The Outcome – aided terrorist recruitment, and – increased the likelihood of attacks against the U.S. and its allies

• Casualties – Military casualties • 54,114 to 58,864+ dead

– Civilian casualties • Iraq — 62,570 to 1,124,000 • Afghanistan — between 1,300 and 49,600 • Somalia - 7,000+ Source: Article - “Operation Enduring Freedom: Why a Higher Rate of Civilian Bombing Casualties”, the Guardian, UK

Countries in which Islamist terrorist attacks have occurred on or after 9/11, 2001

Source: “Counterterrorism and terrorism”, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Operation Iraqi Freedom • Expenditure till date – approximately $845 billion • Total Estimated cost of the war - $1.9 trillion • Decreasing international support • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute– “The massive increase in US military spending has been one of the factors contributing to the deterioration of the US economy since 2001”. Sources: CBC, Newsworld, USA The Guardian, UK Friends Committee on National Legislation, February, 2008

The March Of The U.S. Towards Peace

The Mumbai Terror

Is America the angel of death and destruction? • 100000 civilians killed in Guatemala (1954) •

600000 people died in bombings by USA on peasants and their fields in Cambodia (1973)

1000000 Iranians were killed in the Iraq - Iran War from 1980 1990 by US backed and financed programmes

During end of Vietnam war (1975), to avenge the defeat and death of its 58022 killed soldiers, it released several million tons of Agent Orange and Napalm bombs which killed at least 2500000 Vietnamese civilians.

The sanctions and blockades forced by US killed an additional minimum of 1.5 million people

1200000 children died in Iraq between 1990 - 1997 as a result of US led sanctions against medicine and food supplied - according to World Food Program and UNICEF reports.

The Six Core Human Right Treaties q The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights q The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights q The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination q The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women q The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment q The Convention on the Rights of the Child

Who Will Progress, The World Or America?

Oil Reserves of USA

Biggest User of Oil Reserves

Iraq Attack by USA

America consumes 3 times • Daily consumes 20 million barrels • Consumption has climbed to a record high • Oil production has declined to a 50-year low • Reserves of prime import sources decline.



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