Framework Manager

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,011
  • Pages: 7
FRAMEWORK MANAGER 1. What could be the source(different datsources) of a framework manager Multi-dimensional cube, ROLAP DB, Relational DB and other data store. Planning and creating a model is an important task that should be performed by a modeler or a modeling team familiar with both the database structure and the needs of the business users.

2. Is there any limitation on the maximum number of packages, from which a report can be created? Only one. 3. Then how do you get data from different data sources. It must be designed at the Framework manager level itself. 4. What are the various formats of a report output? • HTML• PDF• Excel• delimited text (CSV)• XML

5. What are “Go To Links” or “Drill Through Links” 6. What is a Framework Manager Framework Manager is the Cognos 8 modeling tool for creating and managing business-related metadata for use in Cognos 8 analysis and reporting. Metadata is published for use by reporting tools as a package, providing a single, integrated business view of any number of heterogeneous data sources.

7. What are the different types of query subjects? A query subject is a set of query items that have an inherent relationship. In most cases, query subjects behave like tables. Query subjects produce the same set of rows regardless of which columns were queried. There are different types of query subjects: data source, model, and stored procedure.

8. What are data source columns and calculations returned by the SQL Query called Query items. 9. What are model query subjects? Model query subjects can contain query items from any number of data source query subjects. Model query subjects can be enhanced by adding filters or calculations to create additional query items. You can also use query subjects from other model query subjects.

10. What are stored procedure query subjects? The stored procedure query subject operates much like a data source query subject in that it


defines a set of query items that are available to the model from the underlying data source. Stored procedure query subjects cannot be enhanced by filters or calculations.

11. What does a project viewer contain? The Project Viewer shows the objects in a project in a hierarchical view. You can use the Project Viewers to view, modify, and create these objects: • Dimensions • query subjects • data sources• namespaces • parameter maps • folders •segments • links • calculations • filters • packages

12. How is Project stored? A Framework Manager project appears as a folder that contains a project file (.cpf) and the Specific .xml files that define the project. The files in a project folder are unique to each project. The project folder also contains a subfolder containing the action logs for the project.

13. How is a Project stored or what are the contents of a project folder. <project name>.cpf The Framework Manager project file, which references the .xsd and .xml files used to define a project model.xml The actual model data created by Framework Manager users preferences.xml The preferences for Framework Manager projects customdata.xml The stored diagram information, such as the diagram layout, notation, font, and color repository.xml The logged version history for each project or segment that was added to a repository. This file exists only if you added projects to a repository.

14. How would you handle a duplicate object from the datasource 15. How will you identify a duplicate object is imported…… 16. How to import two datasources at the same time? It can’t be done. Only one at a time. 17. From where all can we import metadata You can import metadata from • Relational databases, such as Oracle, DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server • SAP BW data sources • Existing Cognos 8 models • Architect models and Impromptu catalogs • DecisionStream or Cognos 8 Data Manager models • third-party metadata sources • XML as a data source

18. How to export a metadata? You can export your Framework Manager model as a Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) file. Each instance of the CWM metamodel is exchanged using XMI (.xml metadata interchange) documents.


When you export a Framework Manager model as a Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) file, joins, folders, namespaces, prompts, and calculations are not exported. Only query subjects, query items, and functions are exported.

19. What is multiusermodelling? Multiuser modeling means that multiple users can simultaneously access an application. Framework Manager supports multiuser modeling by using • segments (p. 43) Projects can be divided into segments so that different users can look at different parts of the same project at the same time. When you create a segment, you create a new project in a new folder, complete with its own associated project files (p. 23). • links (p. 44) Links are created between projects so that different users can refer to a project at the same time as another user is working on it. • repository control (p. 48) You can use repository control to help manage your projects across multiple modelers.

20. What is the effect of enhancements done in Framework Manager on data source? Enhancements you make in Framework Manager do not affect the original data source.

21. What is a relationship? A relationship describes how to create a relational query for multiple objects, such as dimensions and query subjects. Without relationships, these objects are isolated sets of data. Relationships work in both directions. You often must examine both directions to fully understand the relationship.

22. What are the types of relationship? one-to-one One-to-one relationships occur when one instance of data in a query subject relates to exactly one instance of another. For example, each student has one student number. • one-to-many or zero-to-many One-to-many or zero-to-many relationships occur when one instance of data in a query subject relates to many instances of another. For example, each teacher has many students. • many-to-many Many-to-many relationships occur when many instances of data in a query subject relate to many instances of another. For example, many students have many teachers.

23. How is the cardinality detected while importing the data source? The available options are • use primary and foreign keys


• use matching query item names that represent uniquely indexed columns • use matching query item names The most common situation is to use primary and foreign keys as well as matching query items that represent uniquely indexed columns.

24. How to assign new rules on a relationship between two objects 1. Ctrl+click two or more objects. 2. From the Tools menu, click Detect Relationships. 3. Select the rules you want to apply to each pair of tables. 4. Indicate whether you want Framework Manager to detect and generate relationships • between the selected objects • between each selected object and every object in the project that is not selected • between the selected objects and every other object in the project 5. Identify whether you want Framework Manager to create outer joins or inner joins based on outer joins that exist in the data source. 6. Click OK.

25. What is a dimension? A dimension is a broad grouping of descriptive data about a major aspect of a business, such as Products, dates, or markets. The types of dimensions that you can work with in Framework Manager are regular dimensions And measure dimensions. Each regular dimension consists of one or more hierarchies that typically contain several levels. If the source of a dimension is SQL statements, the dimension is a data source dimension. If the Source is other objects in the model, it is a model dimension.

26. What is a hierarchy? A hierarchy is an ordered list of levels or a collection of items. Each query item in a hierarchy must Have a unique name. Only a single hierarchy can be defined on a data source regular dimension or any regular Dimension that participates directly in a relationship.

27. In a relationship is there are limitation on the no. of hierarchies that a dimension can have? Only a single hierarchy can be defined on a data source regular dimension or any regular dimension that participates directly in a relationship.

28. Then how can a dimension with two hierarchies represented? You cannot use the hierarchies from a single dimension in the same report. If you need both hierarchies in the same report query, such as on opposing axes, you must create a regular dimension for each hierarchy. For example, here is sales staff as two dimensions.


29. What are the different types of hierarchies? Balanced, Unbalanced and Ragged---Ragged Unbalanced Dimension 30. What is a Ragged dimension? At least one path in the hierarchy skips at least one level. For example, the highest level could be Continent. Level 2 could be Country. Level 3 could be City. Level 4 could be Street. A country such as Vatican City contains only streets, no cities.

31. Can we create hierarchies or levels for a measure dimension? You cannot define hierarchies or levels for a measure dimension.

32. What are the different query subjects in Framework Manager? The different types of query subjects in Framework Manager: • relational data source query subjects (p. 89) • model query subjects (p. 89) • stored procedure query subjects (p. 90)

33. Can we use System stored procedures fro creating Query Subjects? No. 34. How can a Query subject be customized, say some additional join conditions are to be added? edit the SQL and change various options


1. What is Cognos Connection? Cognos Connection provides a single access point to all corporate data available in Cognos 8. use Cognos Connection to work with entries such as reports, analyses, queries, agents, metrics, and packages.

2. Can it be Customised.


3. What is the role of an administrator. 4. What is a model A model is a data structure containing imported data from one or more data sources. Cognos 8 users responsible for data modeling use Framework Manager to create models.

5. Why should we publish a model These models are then published as packages in Cognos 8. Query Studio and Report Studio users can create reports based on the packages and publish them in Cognos 8.

6. What are different authoring tools available Query Studio, Report Studio, or Analysis Studio Use Query Studio to intuitively explore data by creating ad hoc reports. Report Studio is a comprehensive report authoring environment. Use it to create both highly interactive and sophisticated production reports for mass consumption by specifying queries and layouts for each report. Use Analysis Studio for PowerPlay reports.

7. When are Query studio and Report Studio used You can create an ad hoc report using Query Studio or you can use Report Studio to define layouts, styles, and prompts for your report

8. What are the third party components. Content Store & Data sources.

9. What is a Content Store The content store is a relational database that contains data that Cognos 8 needs to operate, such as report specifications, published models, and the packages that contain them; connection information for data sources; information about the external namespace, and the Cognos namespace itself; and information about scheduling and bursting reports.

10. What is Content Manager The Cognos 8 service that uses the content store is named Content Manager.

11. Are design models and log files stored in content store Design models and log files are not stored in the content store.

12. What is Schedule Management 13. What does a Project contain? A project is a set of models, packages, and related information for maintaining and sharing model information. A single project can span many data sources or tables.


14. What is a model? A model is the set of related dimensions, query subjects, and other objects required for one or more related reporting applications. Most importantly, it provides a business view of the information in the source data to report authors and query users to simplify building reports and queries.

15. What is MOLAP and ROLAP? Give examples view reports in Cognos Viewer, the report viewer.


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