A FRACTION FOR THE APOSTLES’ FAST You are the Logos of the Father, God, Who is before the ages, the great High Priest, Who was incarnate and became man for the salvation of mankind. And out of all nations, He called unto Him a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a justified people. As you have sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles on the day of Pentecost, and He came upon each one of them like cloven tongues of fire. And filled them with every knowledge, every understanding and every spiritual wisdom, according to Your faithful promise. And they spoke in every
language, and they preached Your holy name to all the nations. As for Peter and Paul, foremost among the apostles, the shadow of the one was healing the sick, whereas the handkerchiefs and aprons of the other caused diseases to depart, and evil spirits to go out. And after they preached the gospel of the kingdom, and taught the nations, they shed their blood for Your name’s sake, and received the crown of apostleship and that of martyrdom. O You, Who have granted His holy disciples and His honored apostles the descent of the Spirit, the Paraclete, upon them, and gave them authority to
work healings, signs and miracles. They preached us Your holy name and restored us to the true faith of the Holy Trinity. We praise You, bless You, glorify You and give thanks unto You, on account of these great gifts. And we ask You, O our Master, to grant us also the forgiveness of our sins, and to purify our hearts, our souls, our bodies and our spirits, so that, with a pure heart, we dare with boldness, without fear, to cry unto Your Holy Father, Who is in the heavens, and say: Our Father. . .