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What is the Eatwell Plate?

I played about with colour for the background and thought a plain with a little colour was best. - Good Idea!! Looks clear and nicely presented I wanted the video to play in screen but to no avail! any suggestions? ????!!!! I looked into video and it looks too difficult to learn how to do it in the time scale that we have. We need to take out the text that says made by BNF (the EatWell Plate is copyrighted to the Food Standards Agency) Can we just have the link on the second page instead? Just had a quick look, its coming together!! As you will see Jo has made comments so if we adhere to them should be ok. Looks great!!

The eatwell plate is a great way to explain healthier eating, especially to children and young people. It is clear, simple and can be used with anyone, of any age from any background.

I loved this image of old BOGH plate, is there too much text? - Yes A little I think the stuff about the BOGH is probably not relevant - but we could put the link in here with some text saying click heer for a good explanation of the EatWell plate could we say the Eatwell plate is a great way to explain to healthier eating, especially to children and young people. It is clear, simple and can be used with anyone, of any age from any background. When I downloaded the PPT after I sent it to you Lynn, if you take a look there are a couple of faults. On this slide plate was too large & text at bottom could not be seen. I shall rectify the faults then send it to you again. Okay Wendy. This slide looks really good in full screen.

The eatwell plate helps you get the balance right. It shows how much of what you eat should come from each food group. Click to watch The Eatwell Plate video.

The Eatwell Plate consists of 5 different food groups. 1. Bread, Rice, Potatoes, Pasta and Other Starchy foods. 2. Fruit and vegetables. 3. Milk and dairy foods. 4. Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans and other non dairy sources of protein. 5. Food and drinks high in fat and/or sugar.

I liked the facts, so I thought 'Did you know facts' might be good. On the Eatwell Plate there are 5 different food groups 1. Bread Cereals Potatoes Rice and other starchy foods 2. Fruit and vegetables 3. Milk and dairy foods 4. Meat, Fish, Eggs and other non dairy sources of protein, 5. Food and drinks that are high in fat and/or sugar I love the facts - but might be better to move these to the page that has the F&V on it. what do you think? Jo, what does F&V mean? Changed the colour od No1 as not good on the eyes, hope you agree. :-) Thats fine wendy just choose yellow because it went with the slice of plate it corresponds with. Shame the darker grey not at the top, still looks good though. F&V = fruit and veg Of course,silly me.

What do these 5 food groups consist of? 1. Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta provide us with energy and contain many important vitamins and minerals. Wholemeal versions are good sources of fibre and help to provide energy over a We need to eat LOTS of this group sustained period.

Do we keep the explanations in, as the video explains them but then I felt visual was good as well, what do you think? I like the image but it has items from other food groups in it!! Not sure if they're beans or nuts but they don't go in this food group. I know it's picky but nutritionists will be on this in a second!! The text needs to say Bread, Cereals, potatoes etc rather than carbs. (can't remember the exact order this goes in but will check and get back to you! so bread cereals etc... provide us with energy and contain many important vitamins and minerals. Wholemeal versions are good sources of fibre and help to provide energy over a sustained period Changed to this like Jo wished. ok I was not sure what she meant We need to eat LOTS of this group - done. We can find a fact about how little fibre we eat!! NEXT SLIDE SHOULD BE FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Yes I noticed it was missing. Wendy do you want to add it because you know where you got your info for the other slides? Completed.

All ready for the images. Wendy I got up to here. Just off to church. Be back soon. Lynn x Hi Lynn, hope you dont mind but not sure of the layout ... cant pin point it but to me, just does not look right.. You are right. Have a look at it in full screen and see what you think.

2. Fruit and Vegetables We should all be eating more fruit and vegetables. But most of us aren’t eating enough. We should be eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. You can choose from fresh, frozen, tinned, dried or juiced. But remember potatoes do not count. We need to eat LOTS of this group

What do you think now Lynn? Does the tin stay ... or do we drop it!! :-) It's gone :-) Not sure about that little girl picture. I will try and find a better one. Unless you like it. I quite liked the little girl - it made me laugh!! In terms of the balance of images, it might be better to move the little girl across to the left and the orange juice down to the bottom right hand corner and shift the title across to the left. The images then sit Here Here And here Gives a bit of balance to the page Done! It does look better.

As this presentation is for adults felt real images were more appropriate.

3. Milk & Dairy Foods contains calcium which is needed to keep teeth and bones strong and healthy. It is really important that children get enough calcium when they are growing up in order for their bones to develop properly.

We need to eat

SOME of this group

Yes good idea - but eggs and butter are not part of this group!! Milk and dairy foods contain calcium which is needed to keep teeth and bones strong and healthy. It is really important that children get enough calcium when they are growing up in order for their bones to develop properly. We need to eat a little of this group Again entered text above, not sure about some of the images ... maybe this is just me I don't like skeletons!! Ha! dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones. Ha! Mmmm I like not looking at it ... but it did look better with it ... up to you. Ahhh! he's back ... does look better :-) Gottle of geer. Did you say something? He He!! Not sure about the big picture either - the little girl one is great though!! Actually, just thinking about the wording., I think we need to say eat SOME of this group. is that ok? That looks good Lynn ... shame about bones having to go again :-) He is gone but not forgotten.

4. Protein . Meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non dairy sources of protein. This group is essential for our growth and development. Vegetarian alternatives are included in this group, for example, tofu, nuts and lentils. Oily fish is a great source of essential fatty acids such as omega 3.

I need to change this image I think ... looks a little bland. Yeah! and lots of people don't like fish!! Meat fish, eggs and other non dairy sources of protein. this group is essential for our growth and development. Vegetarian alternatives are included in this group, for example, tofu, nuts and lentils. Oily fish is a great source of essential fatty acids such as omega -3 We need to eat A LITTLE of this group Again should we put what Jo has entered above Lynn? Sure I was busy looking for images. The food group should read meat,fish, eggs beans and other non dairy sources of protein Because there is protein in lots of foods such as milk and cheese Again I think the wording is we need to eat SOME of this group - my fault - sorry!! Completed

We need to eat SOME of this group

However, it is important that we limit the amount we eat. An healthier option could be to select from unsaturated fat types such as oily fish, nuts and vegetable oils. Fats are important because they help the body to absorb vitamins.

We need to eat OCCASIONALLY from this group

I liked this image, maybe add some nuts/oils? I like it too - it looks delicious!! but the food group is Food and drinks that are high in fat and/or sugar the text should read This is the group that we need to EAT ONLY OCCASIONALLY It includes foods such as cakes and biscuits, crisps, oils and butter. Eating too much of this group can lead to high intakes of fat and sugar which can lead to excess weight gain. Changed the image in the slide what do you two think? I need to Skype you If you don't like this image we can change it. I just moved the other slide down to the back so we can find it again if we need to. The body does not need any of the fats in this food group - we get all the fat that we need from the other food groups (oily fish etc.) can we stick with the text given above - and just change the strap line at the bottom tp We should eat food from this group ONLY OCCASIONALLY I have put on the notes if I have updated the slides on Jo's suggestions. Shall I leave this one to you? I am a little confused, do I need to do anything with this slide? I think Jo means the text at the top what she put in. Also change the strap at the bottom put ONLY in.

No food is completely h ealthy or completely unh ealthy. eating is Healthy

about getting a balance of different foods.

There are some foods that we should try to eat more of and others that we should eat only occasionally.

The 'Eatwell Plate' can assist us to get this message over.

Did you know? *Fifteen per cent of preschool children consume just under half their recommended daily energy intake in the form of sugary drinks. *Infomation provided by http://www.waterforhealth.org.uk/

Maybe we could add the other facts as I do like the Did you know bits. Yes this is nice! Jo, can you get us some more interesting facts for us to add to more slides? I would like to add where the info comes from eg: "BNF 2008" Yep will do - I'll need to refer to the National Diet and Nutrition Surveyy at work though Can the top right section read There are some foods that we should try to eat more of and others that we should eat only occasionally Completed.

Let's make our children aware! By using the eatwell plate, we can promote healthy eating throughout a whole school approach.

ooh - that's the adult recommended salt intake- in fact it's much less for children depending on age How about a myth buster here It's fairly common for people to assume that eggs go in the dairy section for example, or that potatoes go in the fruit and veg section - probably because that's where they are int he supermarket. People also assume that butter will go in the dairy section because it's made of milk - but actually, it's only the fat part of the milk - so all fat!! Emailed company for permission to use this image 22-02-09 I think we need to put the myth buster in here.

Did you know? The recommended daily salt requirement for children is 3 grams. A pre-packed chicken and bacon sandwich from Asda contains 3 grams of salt.* *Information provided by http://www.actiononsalt.org.uk/consumers/sandwiches_2007.htm

True or False?

Do eggs go in the dairy section?


They belong to the Meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein group.

Lynn I like these but text colour needs changing.

True or False?

Yes just doing it. In between helping the girls knit. They keep dropping stitches everywhere!

Do potatoes go in the fruit and veg section probably because that's where they are int he supermarket. People also assume that butter will go in the dairy section because it's made of milk - but actually, it's only the fat part of the milk - so all fat!!

Lynn I like these but text colour needs changing.

True or False?

Do potatoes go in the fruit and veg section probably because that's where they are int he supermarket. People also assume that butter will go in the dairy section because it's made of milk - but actually, it's only the fat part of the milk - so all fat!!

It's fairly common for people to assume that eggs go in the dairy section for example, or that potatoes go in the fruit and veg section probably because that's where they are int he supermarket. People also assume that butter will go in the dairy section because it's made of milk - but actually, it's only the fat part of the milk - so all fat!!

Yes just doing it. In between helping the girls knit. They keep dropping stitches everywhere!

We can promote by:

Healthy Snack Club Encourage by role modelling Aim on target planners Look to promote with displays Taster plates at lunch H Y Provide "Did you Know" facts about healthy lunches in the dining hall Did you know?

Add/remove some? Should we stick with this one Lynn instead of the two? I have changed the EATWELL font to 26 so stands out more, what do you think? Incase you did not get it down, P - promote parents & governors inclusion L - learn from others(role models) A - act through newsletters T - teach as we mean to go on? E - up to you ... I've lost it now. Ha Ha! I really like this but I just think it could probable go in another resource altogether - this is about the eatwell plate and we can do another on ways to promote healthier eating Shall we just change the EATWELL PLATE to HEALTHY EATING Lynn, I shall have a think ... get back to you, Is this ok, can you think of a H & Y

The recommended daily requirements of sugar are 20 grams and children's average is 80 grams.

Add/remove some?

We can also promote by:

E Approach Parents and Governors. Take part in curriculum activities.

Involve whole of school. Newsletters.

Groups to listen to childrens' ideas.

Should we stick with this one Lynn instead of the two? I have changed the EATWELL font to 26 so stands out more, what do you think? Incase you did not get it down, P - promote parents & governors inclusion L - learn from others(role models) A - act through newsletters T - teach as we mean to go on? E - up to you ... I've lost it now. Ha Ha!

Ok thats good too! E on here?

Did you know? The recommended daily requirements of sugar are 20 grams and children's average is 80 grams.

This is to give Teachers (when finished) an example of what they could do. YEp

The Eatwell Plate

Eight tips for eating well could be? 1. Base your meals on bread, potatoes or      rice food group. 2. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. 3. Eat more fish. 4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar. 5. Try to eat less salt. 6. Get active and try to be a healthy weight. 7. Drink plenty of water. 8. Dont skip breakfast.

Yep Let's not use the word government here! people tend to switch off with this words - Done. Eating more healthily is pretty easy really if we try to follow these simple tips Base your meals on the bread potatoes rice food group - we need to keep using the same words over and over I got these from the Food Standards Site I can adjust if necessary. I don't think we need to take them step by step But we could have an end slide that explains how easy it is to eat more healthily and to give simple, positive and consistent messages to children Do you want to delete the single slides or shall I, actually I don't understand this as I thought Jo wanted the breakfast slide left in as last one.. Also shall we get rid of the extra after the breakfast slide.

Eat lots of different kinds of fruit and vegetables Love it! she is soo cute!

2.Eat lots of fruit and vegetables

including oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, salmon and tuna

3. Eat more fish

4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar

Let me check this!!

5. Try to eat less salt – no more than 6g a day

6. Get active and try to be a healthy weight

7. Drink plenty of water

I'd make this the last slide really - it's a nice finish!! Okay.

8. Don’t skip breakfast

(Last slide)

Active Kids get Cooking

We can leave this till later - when we come on to more of a how to guide

Ways to promote healthy foods in the canteen Only take up incentives or sponsorships by companies offering healthy food choices.

Only display advertising materials from companies if they depict healthy food choices. Ask students to design colourful posters of healthy foods to display in the canteen.

Present healthy foods attractively and at eye level at the front of the canteen. Advertise and promote healthy food items and healthy ‘meal deals’ in the school newsletter.

Need to leave this for later.

Quite like this one.

A healthy child is a happy child.

I did this in a couple of hours last night so obviously it will need adjusting. Just thought it gave us a start and some ideas.

Not sure if Jo wants these last 2 slides on Lynn as way I read it, happy to end after the PP last slide, what do you think? That fine for me :-) But I like this one ... just seems apt!

A happy child is a healthy school

These are cool ... but what we doing with them? Don't know, I added them to these slides and then I copied them to the earlier slides. We can deleted them later if we dont use them again. You are funny!! Leave them for now Lynn may use again.

We can promote by; healthy snack club lunch time curriculum activities activity days target planners displays in school sow and grow school newsletters role models governors visits

Add/remove some? We need to think where we are putting 'Did you know' facts, if you want to keep them or not Jo. Do we keep this as well as the next slide ... or merge....

Provide "Did you Know" facts about healthy lunches in the a cafeteria

Did you know? The recommended daily requirements of sugar are 20 grams and children's average is 80 grams.

5. Fats This is the group that we need to eat only occasionally. It includes foods such as cakes, biscuits, crisps, oils and butter. Eating too much of this group can lead to high intakes of fat and sugar which can lead to excess weight gain. We need to eat OCCASIONALLY of this group

I liked this image, maybe add some nuts/oils? I like it too - it looks delicious!! but the food group is Food and drinks that are high in fat and/or sugar the text should read This is the group that we need to EAT ONLY OCCASIONALLY It includes foods such as cakes and biscuits, crisps, oils and butter. Eating too much of this group can lead to high intakes of fat and sugar which can lead to excess weight gain. If you are still searching for images Lynn, fancy looking for one to go in here? Cakes biscuits etc as above. Shall I plot on with the text. I have tried Skyping you but says you are offline, will try again in a mo.

Not sure this one either.

Display and promote!

Did you know? The recommended daily requirements of fibre is one third and childrens average is one eighth.

All ready for the images. Wendy I got up to here. Just off to church. Be back soon. Lynn x Hi Lynn, hope you dont mind but not sure of the layout ... cant pin point it but to me, just does not look right.. You are right. Have a look at it in full screen and see what you think.

2. Fruit and Vegetables We should all be eating more fruit and vegetables. But most of us aren’t eating enough. We should be eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. You can choose from fresh, frozen, tinned, dried or juiced. But remember potatoes do not count. We need to eat LOTS of this group

What do you think now Lynn? Does the tin stay ... or do we drop it!! :-) It's gone :-) Not sure about that little girl picture. I will try and find a better one. Unless you like it. I quite liked the little girl - it made me laugh!! In terms of the balance of images, it might be better to move the little girl across to the left and the orange juice down to the bottom right hand corner and shift the title across to the left. The images then sit Here Here And here Gives a bit of balance to the page Done! It does look better.

As this presentation is for adults felt real images were more appropriate.

3. Milk & Dairy Foods contains calcium which is needed to keep teeth and bones strong and healthy. It is really important that children get enough calcium when they are growing up in order for their bones to develop properly.

Yes good idea - but eggs and butter are not part of this group!! Milk and dairy foods contain calcium which is needed to keep teeth and bones strong and healthy. It is really important that children get enough calcium when they are growing up in order for their bones to develop properly. We need to eat a little of this group Again entered text above, not sure about some of the images ... maybe this is just me I don't like skeletons!! Ha! dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones. Ha! Mmmm I like not looking at it ... but it did look better with it ... up to you. Ahhh! he's back ... does look better :-) Gottle of geer. Did you say something?

We need to eat

SOME of this group

Cross Curriculum Links Science at KS3 - Unit 8A - Food & Digestion Food a fact of life- provides a progressive approach to teaching about healthy eating, cooking, food and farming from 3 to 16 years. 5 a day - National Health Service

He He!! Not sure about the big picture either - the little girl one is great though!! Actually, just thinking about the wording., I think we need to say eat SOME of this group. is that ok?

Its missing something I feel we need to put different materials & formats in but limited if a PDF!!!

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