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Salamualaykum, SubhanAllah Walhumdulillah! I just had one of the best weekends of my life. I know that may be hard for most people to say, but I would not have spend these last two weekends any other way than at Divine Link with Shaykh Yaser Birjas, May Allah (swa) raise his status and raise his ranks in Jannah! Ameen. I came in knowing 'enough' about Salaah and its importance as the second pillar of Islam, but I left with a sense of overwhelming humility and appreciation for this deen. Qabeelat Nurayn is amazing MashAllah and May Allah reward the Ameers/Ameerah's and all the volunteers, :) History of Salah:

The word Salaah comes from 'salih' which means to burn, or burning. This word is used to describe when heating gold to

shape it, purify and beautify it. Therefore, Salaah is essentially a way for us to purify ourselves. Allah (swa) says: "So when you have finished (from your occupation), then stand up for Allah's worship (i.e. stand up for prayer). And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your intentions and hopes and) your invocations." (Ash-Sharh 7-8). We should tire ourselves in i'badah because as Muslims, we know that Allah did not create Humans and Jinns and Angels but to worship him. Salah involves the participation of all our senses. The brain, the body, the heart, and the soul. If one aspect is missing, the

sweetness of khushoo' will be lacking. When making Salah, what are we looking for? We are asking and beseeching Allah azzawajal for his mercy upon us and

forgiveness for our sins. Salah is not just something that came with Islam. In fact, it was also prescribed to those before us. During the time of

Ibrahim (AS), Ismail (AS), Musa (AS), Bani' Israel, and I'sa (AS) When a Non-Muslim asks, "why do you pray like that?" Your response should be, "Why don't you?" If they say because

they don't have to, refer them to the many verses in their own books which describe the manner in which the Prophets (pbut) prayed. (Genesis 17:3, 17:17); (Exodus 34:8); (Numbers 20:6); (Nehemiah 8:6); (Joshua 5:14); (Chronicles 20:18); (Mathew 26:39), (Mathew 17:6) Stage 1: o Rasulullah (saw) prayed towards Jerusaem for 15-16 years so this shows the significance of that location in


Islam. There were two obligatory prayers, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Stage 2: The Night prayer o The Sahaba were commanded to prayer Qiyam-ul-Lail for ONE YEAR SubhanAllah. And after one year, they


spoke up and said they could not continue doing so. Qiyal-ul-Lail was like a Madrassa or an institution for the believers because it trained them spiritually and physically. In Surah Muzammil 73:20, Allah tells the Sahaba that He knows of their standing in prayer, and out of Mercy,


He says: "...So recite of the Quran as much as may be easy for you" Even after this revelation, Rasulullah (saw) would stand at night in prayer and when asked by Aisha (RA), he

responded by saying, "Shouldn't I be a thankful servant?" Stage 3: 3 Years before Hijrah o Suring the night of Isra' wal-Mi'raj, Rasulullah (saw) rode Al-Buraq all the way to Jerusalem and was taken to the 7th Heaven to meet with Allah (swa) where he was given the a commandment of praying 50 times a day. He went back and forth until the number reached 5 and Musa (AS) still said 5 would be too many but the Prophet (saw) refused to go back. SubhanAllah, this shows the importance of Salaah. Allah (swa) in His infinite mercy brought Rasulullah (saw) all the way to the 7th heaven to give him this commandment for ALL of mankind to follow. Stage 4: 2nd Year after Hijrah o The Qiblah was changed from Jerusalem to Makkah--This change signified the role of Muhammad (saw) and


his followers. During the time of Ishaq (AS) to Yaqub (AS) and the Bani' Israel there were many prophets and they were given


spiritual guidance but they changed the message they received. They almost killed I'sa (AS) but he was taken up by Allah azzawajal. Between the time of I'sa (AS) and Muhammad (saw) there were no messengers. We are now from the lineage of


Ismai'l (AS)--so the moving of the Qiblah was like sealing the deal with Bani' Ismai'l SubhanAllah, we are blessed with the Best of Mankind as our Messenger. We stand for all the Prophets (pbut) and we are like their advocates because we enjoin good and forbid evil.


*Reflect on the fact that we as Muslims are praying the EXACT same way that Ibrahim (AS) prayed and how all the Prophets (pbut) prayed. What an Honor. :)

Status of Salah:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Main Pillar: Muadh ibn Jabal narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, "The uppermost level of the matter is al-Islam, its pillar is Salah and the top of its hump is al-Jihad" [Tirmidhi] It is first obligation after Shahada It was prescribed in the heavens during the magnificent journey of Isra' wal Mi'raj Allah (swa) gave the Messenger the obligation of Salah directly, without any intermediaries. A public call--is made to remind people of Salah Purification is a MUST in order to perform Salah. Its obligation is maintained regardless of one’s state of travel, sickness, etc. The first matter of account on the Day of Judgment is Salah The most beloved deed to Allah

Think: *Regardless of how many other good deeds we perform, if our Salah does not come out sound on the Day of Judgment, nothing else will matter* Therefore, no matter how many fasts we do or how much charity we give, that's all wonderful but Salah takes precedence over ALL other good deeds. This is WHY we have Sunnah and Nafl Salah so that we can compensate for our shortcomings in Fardh Salah Rulings on Abandoning Salah:

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*By Unanimous agreement, this person is a kafir who denies the obligation of Salah.* Only Exemption: A convert to Islam//New Muslim "But if they repent, perform Salah and give Zakah, then they are your brothers in religion" [At-Tawbah 9:11] Jabir narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Between a man and Shirk and kufr, there stands his neglect of the Salah" [Muslim]

If a person neglects Salah out of laziness or other reasons, without denying its obligation upon them--then they are considered Fasiq (disobedient) according to the majority opinion.

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A person who does not pray does not have an issue with Salah itself, rather they have a problem with their Iman. They are not submitting to Allah with their heart and mind. When talking to such a person about Salah, target their iman and their level of Submission to Allah (swa)--their Master. Try to find the reason behind the problem, not just cure the symptom. Remind them about how they will stand before Allah (swa) on the Yaum-ul-Qiyamah and how they will answer to Allah (swa) about their Salah. Soften their hearts. Every day, we have a promise from Allah that He will forgive us, so we should maintain our Salah. It is our best capital to offer on the Last Day, so let's increase our investment. The position of sujood is the lowest point on the ground but it is the highest speed for our Divine Link with Allah. Think: The positions of ruku', sujood, and du'a physically show our humility and vulnerability before Allah (swa). Just as we stand before our elders and parents, we should keep our heads down in Salah and focus with our heart and mind. Think of the military and how still soldiers stand when in the presence of their leaders. Similarly, we should not move at all in Salah and sincerely focus on the fact that Allah is the Greatest.

Savor the Sweetness of the Five Daily Prayers:

Just as we eat 3 meals a day to take care of our bodies. Allah (swa) has blessed us with 5 spiritual meals. Our soul (ruh) did not come from this earth, so we need that divine link to connect to our Creator.

The daily prayers are a constant reminder of our purpose in life, worshipping Allah (swa). As Muslims, we know our

purpose in life because of these reminders in Salah and from the Quran. As an action item, ask a friend or co-worker, "What is the purpose of life?" See their response and give Da'wah! :) Salah should be our daily organizer. Make Salah the primary occasions during your day and plan everything else around

it. This is a great organizational and self-discipline tool. When we pray in congregation, it melts the ice because we are standing shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters

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in Islam. There is NO Nationalism whatsoever. By Unanimous agreement--The five daily prayers should be performed at their respective appointed times. "Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours" [Surah An-Nisa' 4:103] Organize your life around your salah. Those who do not have this sense of obligation and discipline do not have any sense of organization and end up wasting their time.

Forbidden Times for Salah: You know that feeling you get when you're reading the Quran or you listened to an amazing, heartwrenching get this HUGE ImanRush and you want to pray a few Nafl, just because...well, that's great and all but always know the forbidden times to pray. So regardless of how awesome you feel, don't pray during these times (unless it's Fardh salah and time is running out)

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After Fajr When the sun rises When the sun is at its zenith After Asr When the sun sets o Hasan Al-Basri (ra) said, "O sons of Adam, you are nothing but counted days, when the day passes,


part of you goes with it" These forbidden times force us not to turn into monks who forget about this life and only look at the hereafter. Allah (swa) has blessed us with time to spend doing a number of things and it is said that the time between Asr and Maghrib is Primetime---time to spend with the Family (which we know is very important in Islam).

Adhan and Iqamah:

Abu Harayrah narrates that the Messenger said, "If people would know what is there (as a reward) in calling for adhan and

praying in the first row, they would have to draw lots for them (to avoid conflict over them). [Bukhari] Abu Harayrah narrates that the Messenger said, "The Imam is a guarantor, and the muadhin is a trustee. O Allah!

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Guide the imams and forgive the muadhins." [Abu Dawud and an-Nasa'i] Giving adhan is Mustahab--highly recommended. There are generally two adhans for Fajr--one before actual Fajr and the other at the start of Fajr. This was started

during the Khulafa' of Umar (RA) The adhan can also be called for alert or danger to warn the people. If at any time you are afraid, it is recommended to

give the adhan in a loud voice and inshAllah you will feel better. The Shaytan runs from the adhan. One of the etiquettes of adhan to turn the face left and right when saying "hayya ala...." He mentioned that when one gives adhan, he is calling the people to prayers and by inserting his index finger into the ears, he is fulfilling the purpose by amplifying his voice as loud as possible. When we have our ears covered, we can't hear how loud we are so the Muadhin does that to raise his voice. When he moves his face, he is basically calling the people to "hasten to prayer, hasten to prayer, hasten to success, hasten to success". During the Prophet's (saw) time, Bilal (ra) would give the adhan while facing the people. Nowadays, due to microphone systems, adhan is given while facing the qiblah..but it is sunnah to face the people. So if you picture someone giving adhan facing the people, he would move to different sides to call all the people in the surrounding areas. o The adhan is the most if not the only regular thing in the life of Muslims. o The adhan had amazed many Non-Muslims who visited Muslim lands---so say it loud and proud ;) o The adhan is what makes a land a Muslim land. o The adhan is the first thing a child should here after birth

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The adhan must be given in Arabic (can you imagine how it would sound in English..) The adhan has a profound meaning that goes beyond the sound of it.

Think: A person's life is like the time between adhan and Salah. When a child is born,

the adhan is read in his/her ear and when he dies, salat-ul-janazah is read for him/her. *reflect* Think: Often times, when non-Muslims ask about Islam, we hand them a translation of the Quran. However, next time try exposing them to the beauty of the Quran through its recitation. Give them a tape or CD and have them listen to it even though they won't understand...the recitation is the exact wording of the Quran and SubhanAllah, it resonates with the heart.

Anatomy of Salah:

Pre-requisites for Salah: o Islam o Puberty o Sound Mind Conditions for validating Salah: o To be performed after the time has started o Purification from minor and major ritual impurities o Removal of physical filth o Covering the awrah

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When dressing for Salah, look clean and pure. You are standing before Allah (swa) so dress like it. "Live your life in a way that if someone were to open the door on you, you would have

nothing to hide"--Sh. Muhammad Alshareef The above is especially true when we pray...dress in a manner that if someone were to open the door,

you would not have to go run to find proper clothing. The Shaykh recommended that everyone in the household should have a specified prayer garment

that is specifically for Salah. For children, a gown and/or hijab. For men, a thobe and for women an abaya or prayer outfit. Although prayer in jeans is okay, it is not the optimal form of making Salah. For women especially,

if you are wearing pants or jeans, be sure to have a garment with you that covers all the way to your feet (There is a difference of opinion regarding if women need to cover the feet or not, but it is recommended by the majority of the Fuqaha). The area in which we pray and what we pray on is also very important. Recall the hadith with the

Prophet (saw) received a thobe as a gift but he gave it away because it was distracting him during Salah. Nowadays, we have carpets and musallah's covered with designs. Try to pray on something plain to keep you from focusing on the designs. An-Niyyah: Verily, actions are by their intentions. You must make the Salah that you intended to in your heart.

Sounds simple but just remember that if you made the intention to pray fardh, then you must stick with that intention throughout. Arkan of Salah: Rukun (Integrals) o We know the exact steps of how to pray properly all through one hadith--Hadith al-musee' fi salahihi (The man


who prayed incorrectly) According to majority opinion, there are 14 arkaan of Salah (Malik, Shafi', and Ahmed). According to Imam


Abu Hanifa (ra), there are 6 arkaans of Salah. Although in many cases the madhab of Abu Hanifah is different than the others in many instances, the difference is usually about the minimum requirement. We should not think that that is necessarily the optimum way to pray. For example, although the recitation of Fatiha is not a rukn, it still means it should be read, just that the salah is not invalid if it is not according to that opinion

Al-qiyam (standing for those who are able)

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1. You start by putting your intellect above your heart (standing Position) 2. You level your intellect with your heart (Ruku') 3. You put your intellect below your Heart- (Sujood)----Highest level of Submission

before Allah (swa). Just as we stand before our elders and parents, we should keep our heads down in Salah and focus with our heart and mind. Think of of the military and how still soldiers stand when in the presence of their leaders. Similarly, we should not move at all in Salah and sincerely focus on the fact that Allah is the Greatest. Takbirah-ul-ihram

The positions of ruku', sujood, and du'a physically show our humility and vulnerability

When we say Allahu Akbar and raise our hands, we are throwing everything over our

shoulders and admitting that Allah is the Greatest and nothing else is as important. Therefore, what we are thinking should match our physical action. Recitation of the Quran

Recite a Surah that you can focus on. One that you have learned the tafseer of or one that you recently memorized. This will increase your Khushoo' BIG time. Also, The Shaykh mentioned how even if you don't know Arabic and just know a few words, put yourself in that theme. For example, when you year Jannah and Naar, think about them and the Greatness of Allah.


a cup of water on a friend or siblings back to help them get the Ruku' position right. But be nice...don't leave the cup there and bounce ;) Rising from Ruku'

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There are many dua's you can read at this time after SamiAllahuliman Hamidah, Rabbana

wa Lakal Hamd-- "Hamdan Katheeran Tayyiban Mubarakan Feeh" Sujood on 7 bones

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You can make dua in your own language in sujud in sunnah/nafl prayers. When going down for Sujood, make sure your hands touch the ground first. Rasulullah

(saw) warned us from going down like the camel. So, your hands should touch the floor before the knees. Coming up from Sujood

Sitting calmly between two Sajda's

Sitting during the last tashadhud

The recitation of the last tashahud

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Left leg under right shin. Right foot propped up. There are a number of the Dua's that can be made at this time--"Ya Rabbighfirli (3)" Left leg under right shin. Right foot propped up When making the Ishara, pointing the finger-Malikis: they move their finger in circles the entire time (from At-tahiyyat to Salaam) Hanafis: During At-Tahiyyat, their hands are flat. When they begin saying the last part of

the tashahud (shahada) they raise their finger and keep it still. Once they reach the last part of the shahadah (wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasooluh) they put their finger down and lay the hand flat again. So basically, they raise their finger and keep it still during the first half of the shahadah. Shafi'is: The raise their finger the entire time, but rather than moving the finger in circles,

they move it up and down. Ibn Taymiyyah: The hand is flat from At-tahiyyat all the way till salawat al-ibrahimiyyah.

Once they begin reciting the salawat, they raise their finger and move it up and down the entire time until Salaam. (This is the opinion followed by the Shaykh as well) Recitation of salawat al-ibrahimyyah The taslim (saying Salam at the end)

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Hands grabbing knees, fingers spread out. Back as straight as can be. For fun, try balancing

Turn just enough so that the people behind you can see the color of your cheek.

At-Tuma'ninah (being tranquil in every rukun) Maintaining the order of the rukun in Salah.

Sunnan of Salah: Recommended Acts o Use of a Sutra


The distance between you and the sutra should be about 5 feet...enough for you to make sujood and

close enough so people will not pass in front of the sutra. If however, someone tries to pass, you have the right to stop them by putting your hand out. If they continue to try and pass, Rasulullah (saw) said to fight such a person. Raising the hands when saying the takbir:

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Opinion 1: Abu Hanifa and Malik: No raising hands in salah besides the one with the opening takbir Opinion 2: Shafi' adn Ahmed: There are four positions for raising the hands in Salah: At the beginning of Salah Before bowing for Ruku' After rising from Ruku'


After finishing the first tashahud Folding the right hand over the left hand

Opinion 1: Abu Hanifa, Shafi', and Ahmed: Both hands should be folded--the right on the left.

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Abu Hanifa and Ahmed--Placed under the navel Shafi'--Below the chest



Opinion 2: The hands should be put down on the side and not folded. Looking down at the spot of prostration

Any time you look away from this spot, the Shaytan is stealing from your Salah just as he steals from

your food if you do not recite Bismillah. Commencing the Salah with a prescribed dua--"Subhanak Allahumma w bi-hamdik, watabarak

asmuka wata'ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghayruk" Ta'mim (saying Ameen)

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Opinion 1: Abu Hanifa--Silently Opinion 2: Shafi' and Ahmed--It should be pronounced out loud during the Salah in which recitation

is done loudly. A short silence before and after the recitation of the Quran Spreading between the feet in the standing position Reciting surah after Fatiha Reciting dua between the two sujood To sit down before moving up for the second or fourth rak'ah. Sit in the position of tawarruk in the final tashahud (left foot under right shin) Place hands on thighs during tashahud Point the index finger during tashahud Reciting the prescribed dua after tashahud Turn the face right and left for taslim

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now nullify or require sujud as-sahw) To omit one of the wajibah intentionally Moving without any excusable reason Closing the eyes looking away from spot of prostration To pray when in need of going to the bathroom Yawning To spread the forearms on the ground To be dressed untidily TO wear clothes that carry distracting designs (for you or others) To wear tight clothes

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Makrooh Acts in Salah: Abominable (Take away from the full reward of Salah but do

Think: Next time you pray, watch how many times you move in your Salah. Think: If you wear something tight, keep something loose handy to wear for Salah

 Mubah Acts in Salah: Permissible (Do not nullify or lessen the reward of Salah) To pray behind a human who is sitting down

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To move and take action in order to remove an eminent harm (snake, scorpion, etc.) To assist the imam if he makes a mistake To respond to the Salam by raising the hand To respond to a caller by a sign

Khushoo' 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.


Prepare for Salah ahead of time Do not challenge your stomach, eat first. If you need to answer the call of nature, do that first Do not pray if overtaken by slumber or fatigue (workout, hike, labor, etc. take a rest first) Make thorough wudu' enough time before Salah Dress nicely Select a place with no distractions Come early to Salah--at home or at the Masjid

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

RACE for the first row. Pray as close to the imam as possible Repeat the words of the adhan, slowly and properly Pray nafl Salah Pray behind a sutrah Read some Quran--especially what you plan to recite in Salah Make dua and dhikr In the masjid, do not talk too much before Salah. Focus on your dhikr Do not look around too much Straighten the lines Contemplate on the Greatness of whom you are standing before Remember the Salah and how they used to perform Salah 21. Remember to consider this your final Salah, how would you pray?

22. Contemplate over the word Allahu Akbar when you raise your hands 23. "Pray as if you see Allah and if you cannot, then remember that He sees you" (ihsan) 24. Look down at the spot of sujood in humility, your vulnerability and dependency on Allah azzawajal should manifest itself 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

both physically and mentally Observe the Sunnah's of Salah and remember that Salah is the dearest form of worship in front of Allah. Slow the pace of recitation and movement Try to understand what you are reciting or hearing Beautify the Quran with your voice (tajweed, Qiraat) Remember that Allah answers your call each time you recite Fatiha. Learn different adhkar and their meanings. Strive when overwhelmed with yawning. Know that yawning is from shaytan and sneezes are from Allah so control your yawning. Make lots of du'aa in sujood...this is your moment! After Salah--do not move from your position right away D your tasbih and know that the angels are asking for your forgiveness as long as you are in the same spot--dhikr is your meditation moment. Evaluate your Salah Pray Nafl

Salah-ul Musafir

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Al-Qasr (shortening the salah) Qasr means to shorten the salah that are made of four raka's (dhur, asr, and isha') to two rak'as.

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"And when you travel throughout the land, there is n o blame upon you for shortening the prayer, (especially) if you fear that those who disbelieve may disrupt (or attack) you. Indeed, the disbelievers are ever to you a clear enemy. (An-Nisa' 4:101) Qasr prayer is a charity from Allah, so accept His charity. Rulings on Qasr: o Opinion 1: Abu Hanifa: Wajib o Opinion : Malik: Highly Recommended o Opinion 3: Shafi', Ahmed: Permissible Concession Minimum Distance for Qasr: o Opinion 1: Abu Hanifa, Shafi', Ahmed: The distance of travelling three days and three nights or two days and


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two nights, by camel (approx 50 miles) Opinion 2: Pious Predecessors: There is no specific distance as long as it is called "safar", or travelling.

This is an interesting point because if we think about it, the concept of travel or "safar" is constant

whereas hardship, time travelled, etc. are not constant. For example, the people in our area may not consider going to Baltimore as travel even though it is out of state but they may consider Richmond as travel. This is the opinion followed by the Shaykh himself and our Qabeelah.

By unanimous agreement, as long as the traveler does not intend residency in one locality, he or she can still pray qasr. Qasr begins after leaving the city limits. Residency Time Period: o Opinion 1: Abu Hanifa: 15+ Days o Opinion 2: Malik, Shafi, and Ahmed: 4 Days + If you are travelling and happen to stop at a local masjid to pray, then you follow the Imam--do not make Qasr in

congregation. If you intend to reside in a country for 3 months or more, you make regular Salah, however you may pray

Qasr during the travel. For prisoners---they are residents so they have to make regular Salah--no Qasr unless they are moving from prison to

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prison. May Allah protect us. Ameen. The traveler does not make sunnah prayers Occasional gatherings to make Du’a collectively are okay. Rulings on Combining Salah: o Combining Salah means, joining the day prayers (zuhr and asr) together at either time of each, and joining the night prayers (maghrib and isha') together at either time of each.

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Jam'u taqdim: if the later Salah was performed during the time of the earlier one. Jam'u ta'khir: if the earlier salah was delayed until the time of the later one.

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Opinion 1: Malik, Shafi', Ahmed: It is permissible. Opinion 2: Abu Hanifa: It is not permissible expect for the Hujjaj (pilgrims) on 'Arafah day

between zuhr and 'asr and on Muzdalifa night between maghrib and 'isha. Reasons to Combine: o Excessive Rain/Inclement Weather (irregular rain, cold--this can only be done in the masjid) o Excessive Fear (wars, airstrikes, uncertainty) o Excessive pressing need (long exams, surgeries, need of shopping) What can we learn from this--it shows the mercy of Allah (swa) on this Ummah. It is a charity from Allah, so take it. We should not feel guilty about shortening or combining, it is sunnah. There is flexibility for human needs in Islam. :) Alhumdulillah. Think: A side note about praying in airports: DON'T HIDE! Rather than praying in a top secret location, pray in an open area that is somewhat set aside but also don't pray where you will cause fitnah or get in the way of stay away from praying at the departure zone or at luggage check-in area. Look for the chapel. Most public areas have one so ask for it. In Dulles International Airport, the Shaykh said that the chapel’s are in B22, D20, and C11. Make note of

this! Use the Chapels on a regular basis because they offer security. And when you leave, make sure it looks like you never came in. :) Teaching Children How To Pray

Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas narrated that the Apostle of Allah said, "Command your children to make Salah when they

become seven years old, ad spank them for it (salah) when they become ten years old, and arrange their bed (to sleep) separately." [Abu Dawud] Make Du'a for your children and family--Rabbi Ja'alni MuqeemaSalati Wa Min Zurreyati Rabbana Wataqabbal

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Dua--"My Lord! Cause me and (some) of my offspring to remain constant in prayer (salah). And, O our Lord! Accept my supplication." [Ibrahim 14:40] Make the same Du'a Ibrahim (AS) made when he left his family out in the dessert for the sake of Allah azzawajal. Make it a habit for them--something familiar and approachable. SHOW THEM! Don't say "Go pray!" and then sit at your computer and say "I'll be there in 5 minutes...gotta check my email"--by doing so, you are first of all being hypocritical and secondly you are showing them that Salah is not as valuable as you supposedly say it is. Make regular adhan in the house--teach your son and tell him to give adhan from Fajr to Isha' Be the first to pray! If you have more than one child, let them lead each other in Salah. Set aside garments for Salah for everyone in the house. Take your kids to the masjid but explain to them the adaab of going to the masjid Think: Keep Salah independent from their play time. Do not connect Salah with their play time (ex: If you pray today, you can play your Nintendo). Salah should be superior to all these things. Instead, make them a nice spreadsheet and have them check off which prayers they made each day for one month. At the end of each week, give them a sticker if the prayed for the entire week (kids are super easy to please so this will work on the 5-10 year olds ;) ...forget about trying this with teenagers)

Acts That Nullify Salah:

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Foreign Speech Eating or drinking (even gum) Exposure of Awrah deliberately Losing the state of purification Najasah Laughing (according the Abu Hanifa this invalidates wudu') Hesitating on intention Omitting a rukun without returning to it Omitting a wajibaat without a valid reason Racing the Imam (doing this 3X will invalidate the will end at the same time anyway so just follow the Imam) If there is water at your disposal, you may not do tayammum To give Salaam deliberately prior to reaching the end. To return back to the middle tashahhud after standing up for the third rak'a.

Acts That Allow Departure from Salah

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Rescue someone facing harm. Don't just say SubhanAllah, you may break your Salah to help them, even an animal. Protect property from theft A woman tending food on the stove Urgent need for the call of nature Answer parents (nafl salah only)

Sajdah Sahw (prostration due to forgetfulness)

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Make two sajdah's after the taslim. Reasons to make sujud sahw could be doubt or forgetfulness

Making Up Missed Salah:

By unanimous agreement, salah should be performed as qada' if time had expired because of deliberate

negligence, oversleeping, forgetfulness, or even more doubt. If you make salah and when you finish, you cannot even remember what you just did or you mind was someplace else, this

is a reason to make Salah again. If you have missed Salah for a number of years, you are not obligated to make qada' for all those missed prayers,

however, taubah and istighfar are definitely necessary. Wallahu Alam. Think: We are human being and we make mistakes. Of course, our Creator knows that and SubhanAllah, His infinite mercy is seen in this qada' prayer. This does not mean we should say "well, I can make qada' so I'll just pray at a time that is convenient to me" No. If this is our train of thought then essentially, we are serving our own desires and not be true servants of Allah. Salah is a commandment. Period.

Congregational Salah:

By unanimous agreement, it is preferable for women to pray at home, and men at the masjid. But the scholars differ on the requirement of the congregational prayer for men. o Opinion 1: Shafi': Fardh Kifaya (Community Fardh) o Opinion 2: Abu Hanifa and Malik: Sunnah Muakkadah (highly recommended) o Opinion 3: Ahmed: Fardh 'Ayn (Personally obligatory) o Opinion 4: Dhahiri: Rukun Abu Sulayman ad-Darani said, "The salaf used to console themselves for three du’as if they missed the opening takbir

(with the imam) and seven days, if they missed the whole congressional Salah" SubhanAllah! Think: Why do sisters feel they are being deprived when it comes to praying in the jamaa'ah at the masjid?! Allah azza wa

jal has made praying at home a concession for women AND they receive more reward although the men have to get ready, leave their house, drive to the masjid etc, a sister can simply pray in her house without any of these obligations on her. Think: The reason women have this concession from Allah azzawajal is because they have children to care for, house

responsibilities such as cooking and maintaining the home, they should have a private place to pray, and it would be difficult for them to leave the house during Fajr or I'sha time due to danger and the darkness. Think: Wives, daughters, and sisters have the responsibility of encouraging the men of their household to pray in

congregation. This is HUGE to get a family started on the right foot. This does not mean that women should not go to the Masjid. They are of course welcome but by default, they get the full

reward of prayer when they are in their homes and even in a secluded area within their home, like a private room or corner. (this does mean they have to pray in a closet). A congregational salah is considered congregational if there are at least two people praying. (how easy and simple sA!) So

if you are at work, try to find another Muslim to come pray with you. When lining up for Salah, line up with the shoulders and the feet will fall in to place. This is really important, so much

so that the Rasulullah (saw) would assign people to make sure the lines were straight in each row. If you are coming in late and you catch the ruku' with the Imam while he says at least one Subhana Rabbiyal

Adheem, you have caught that raka'. If you have already prayed at home and come the Masjid soon after and the Jama' is just standing up for that same Salah that you already prayed, you must join them. For you this will count as Nafl. And the reason behind this is to remove any doubts or suspicions for why you may not be joining them.

Imam and Ma'mum:

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The Imam should be a Muslim The Imam should be in a sound state of mind The Imam should be a male. The Imam should have reached puberty The Imam should know the basics of making Salah The Imam should know how to recite the Quran properly. o The Imam should not be someone who is openly fasiq (disobedient) or a mubtadi' (innovator)--This means

o o

that someone who openly deals with Riba' such as the CEO of a bank or someone who is a drug dealer, etc. should not lead Salah unless they are the best among their type of people. Also someone who is an innovator cannot lead Salah by any means--for example if they do not believe the Quran is the word of Allah or if they accuse the Sahaba or they think Jannah and Naar are metaphors. Naudhubillah. The Imam should not lead if the people dislike his leading unless he was hired. The Imam should not prolong Salah--Rasulullah (saw) encouraged us to be easy on each other and hard on


ourselves. Some people may have to get back home or have an appointment, therefore, starting Surah AlMaidah or Surah Al-Imran will be difficult for them. The Imam should not prolong any act of Salah in order to let the latecomers join--this is because if he does so,

he is doing it for the people and not Allah. Rules of the Ma'Mum o Opinion 1: Shafi': He should recite Fatihah and another surah in the silent Salah, and the Fatihah

o o

only in the salat done aloud. Opinion 2: Abu Hanifa: He should not recite anything gin both kinds of Salah. Opinion 3: Malik and Ahmed: He should recite in the silent Salah, but not in the one out loud.

It is essential for both the men and women in the congregation to have visuals. This is for the women because often times the Masajids completely block the women from seeing the congregation in front of them, if they cannot see them, how will the know what position the Imam is in if they come late? Think: Congregational Salah allows the Muslims to bond and feel a sense of leadership Think: The Shaykh was telling us that once a non-Muslim walked into their Masjid and asked "How is it that all these people can follow the exact movement of one individual without any consequences or enforcement" So don't be shy, make Jama'a out in the open. :)

Action Items for Jum'ua

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Start preparing for Jum'ua the night before (hygienic, spiritual, clothing, etc.) Pray Fajr in the Masjid Make ghusl on Thursday night or Friday morning Make Friday a special occasion and dress nicely and Halal-ly. Jumu'a should be just as special for us as 'Id Come to Salah as early as possible Pray as many Nawafil as you can before sitting down Recite Surah Al-Kahf between Thursday Night and Friday afternoon. Listen to the Khutbah attentively, without speaking and benefit from the dhikr.

Other Nafl Salah

Al-Mutlaq: Absolute and Unrestricted o Four before 'Asr o Two before Maghrib o Between adhaan and iqamah o In the three Masajids: Makkah(100,000 Reward), Madinah (1,000 Reward), Jerusalem (500 Reward) o In times of distress o Any time during night or day o Think: Individual salah is what needs focusing on. You pray five times

Think: Individual Salah is what needs focusing on. You pray 5 times a day? MashAllah, I know 5 year old kids who do that. Nawaafil are where the competition's at son! Think: Many of the above nawaafil prayers contain virtues beyond our imagination. ;) Think: There are day prayers. There are night prayers. Let the competition begin.

Finally, remember this du'a and recite it often. This was the du'a made by Ibrahim (AS) when he left his family in Makkah. Rabbi Ja'alni Muqeema Salaati Wamin Zurriyati Rabbana Wataqabbal Du'a. "My Lord! Cause me and (s0me of my offspring to remain constant in prayer (Salah). And, O our Lord! Accept my supplication." [Ibrahim 14:40]

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