Forget Her

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 4,208
  • Pages: 10
Chapter One “That’s it!” I shouted at the bewildered boy. He stared at me and tried to explain he had no idea what I was talking about. I turned on my heel and slammed the door in his face. I walked to my car and drove as far away from his house as I could. Tears were streaming down my face. How could he do this to me? I thought. Shaking my head, I felt as though the weight of the world was on my shoulders. What did I do? He asked himself. He felt as though he had been punched in the gut. He didn’t want to lose Adrianne. Not now because she was the girl who he met when he was young. They have been together ever since. He hesitated as he reached for the phone. Dialing the number, he took a deep breath. My phone rang while I was pulling into the cobble stone driveway. Quickly I reached into my rhinestone purse to pull out my phone. I saw the number with my new caller ID feature. Taking a deep breath, I answered. “What?” I asked. Quickly, I felt myself losing control over the situation. I heard his familiar voice on the other line. “Adrianne. What did I ever do to you?” He asked, his voice shaking. It took a minute for me to speak. “You know what you did. I saw it and felt a hole being ripped through my heart.” I replied. Getting out of the car, I waited for his reply. When he spoke again, I felt my heart beat faster. “Adrianne, you know I love you.” “What you did at Carla’s party was unforgettable.” “Look, if I really wanted to break up with you or cheat on you, I would kill myself because I know that you are the only one for me.” He said. I reconsidered these words and I automatically hung up. I needed to be alone. He exhaled and put the phone down. She needed time to cool off, he thought. He felt bad for lying to Adrianne. The truth was he did kiss Fawn. He couldn’t help it. Everything about her invited him in. Her hazel eyes, her perfect lips, and her light honey-colored hair. Why had he been so stupid? Adrianne would never believe him again. He might as well have spoiled it between them. He sucked in his breath and felt tears forming in his blue eyes. My eyes were stained red from crying. I got up and dressed myself for an afternoon walk. Wearing my sneakers, tee-shirt and sweatshirt, and shorts I headed outside. Jogging, I felt my stress and anger begin to leave my body. But it came back when I saw people hanging out with their spouse. I felt it burning inside me like a candle that would never go out. Shaking my head, I turned around to head back home. I leaned my head back and laughed. This couldn’t be happening. I received a text message from Chase and it kind of scared me. The message read: I figured that if you didn’t want me, I will die. I don’t care how but I will kill myself.

I screamed and ran back out. I jumped into my car and drove to Chase’s house. I screamed as I found him holding a gun to his head. “Chase, please don’t!” I screamed. He turned and looked at me. “Adrianne, why would you care?” He asked and fired. I screamed and got down on my knees. Kneeling next to him, I held his hand. “Chase, please don’t leave. Stay here with me.” I sobbed. I grabbed my phone and called 911. The police arrived and took him on a stretcher. I hopped into the ambulance and held his hand. He didn’t have much time left. Silently, he closed his eyes. He felt me holding his hand and calling his name. But she felt so far away. He opened his eyes slowly. Everything was blurry too. All he could do was make out the figure of Adrianne. She was sitting on a lounge chair on the other side of the room. I saw his eyes opened and I ran to him. “How are you feeling?” I asked him, my face creasing with concern. He closed his eyes and opened them again. “I feel a little dizzy. Oh Adrianne, I was so stupid. Losing you was going to make me feel worse than ever.” He said. Slowly he reached out to hug her. She leaned into his hug and felt his warm breath against her neck. Suddenly, the vision seemed to slip away from him. He released his grip on her and began to drift away. A vision appeared in its place. He saw Adrianne walking through the woods. I was trying to find a necklace I lost on her hike. I went to the Danger Zone. That was where mudslides occurred. When I heard the slithering mud but it was too late. The mud carried me off my feet and landed on a rope. It tied around my leg as I dangled. Soon, she had inched to death. She had a glassy stare as she waited for people to find her. He woke up and his heart was beating fast. “Adrianne.” He croaked. A nurse ran to his side. She looked at him. “Adrianne left, she said she was going for a hike in the woods.” She said relaying the message Adrianne wanted to tell him. He tried to get up but she pushed him back down. “You need rest.” She said. “You don’t understand! She’s in terrible danger!” He shouted. The nurse disagreed and left the room. He sat there in anger. His girlfriend was going to die and all he could do was sit there. Blaming himself, he waited for the sad news. Reading a magazine didn’t help. The first article he saw was called: Losing a Loved One. He slammed the magazine down. He got up and felt a wave of pain in his side. He quickly chose to ignore it. Then he stormed out of the room and climbed into his car. Quickly he drove to the woods behind her house and ran into it without thinking. After he ran so far, he saw her. It was too late. There she was dangling off the cliff with a rope tied to her legs. He cried out in sorrow at my lifeless body. He quickly pulled me up and untied her. Then he started CPR and was hoping for a miracle. I coughed and began to breathe again. I looked up and saw Chase looking at me with his bright beautiful eyes. “Chase, you saved my

life!” I said looking at him. He nodded and held me close. We pulled together in a mild kiss. When his lips touched mine, I felt a spark. This made me happy. But I pushed away anyway. He looked confused. “Nothing is wrong. I just need to catch my breath.” I lied. Breathing in and out, I finally felt like I was ready to be with him again. Getting up, we walked back to my house. “So Adrianne, what happened? I saw you and you were hanging from a cliff and were dead.” He said. Washing the dishes, I shrugged. He realized I wasn’t going to talk about it so he dropped the subject. I put the last dish in the cupboard before I looked at the raw marks on my ankles where the rope was tied. He pulled me into a hug. I sighed and walked over to Chase. Holding him close to me, all the drama from a few months ago didn’t seem important. All that matters is I am with him once again. Nothing seemed to be able to break us apart. Little did I know, a sinister force was at work. It was waiting for me to be happy again. Then it would rip something I love away from me. As it waited, I felt as though I had all the happiness in the world. Today I was excited. Chase and I are going to the beach. Today I was going to wear my new bikini. I loved it so much. He promised to bring a picnic lunch. I was to bring a few towels and blankets. I was getting ready to feel the sun on my face. After months of homework, its nothing until school starts again in the fall. I put my flip flops on and ran to the beach. I saw him and waved. He waved back and jogged over to me. Laying out our blankets, I rubbed some sun block on my pale skin. I handed him the bottle and watched as he rubbed some on his skin. I laughed and said, “Come and get me Chase!” And I ran into the water. I watched him following me in. I laughed as he tackled me into the wet sand. I felt it ooze in my hair. Quickly I got up and ran into the water. Then, I was taken down. Water was crashing over my head. Then I surfaced and ran to Chase. “The water is so cold!” I screeched. Then I ran to wrap my towel around me. After I was warm enough, I began to play Frisbee with him. We threw the red Frisbee around before we sat down to eat lunch. The food he picked was delicious. Soon it was time to head back home. I gave him a quick kiss and left. Chapter Two After hanging up with Chase, I got ready to go to Saddle up Acres. Saddle up Acres was the name of the stable I ride at. I was looking forward to riding Stockholm. He is a flashy chestnut thoroughbred with white stockings and a blaze. He is retired from the track. As I drove to the stable, I thought about Chase. He was going to Carolina. How was I going to survive without him? From what I heard, he was going to be there all summer.

I trotted along the sandy trail. Breathing in the warm summer air, I felt at ease. I heard a horse trotting behind me. Stopping Stockholm, I turned around in the saddle. I saw Chase riding Houdini. The stallion was a pure white Arabian. “Hey honey.” He called to me. He rode up to me and leaned forward. When we kissed, I felt a faint spark. I pulled back like I was electrocuted. He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I guess we did the kiss too soon for you.” He said, looking like he had murdered someone. I shook my head. “I’ll race you to that rock over there!” I challenged and urged Stockholm into a canter. I felt the wind rush against my cheeks. This is life. Suddenly, it all happened too fast. Stockholm reared up and bucked. I fell off in what seemed like slow motion. All I remember was my head hitting the ground and Chase running over to me. Then everything went black. I heard him calling for me. I tried to tell him I was going to be okay but I lost ability to speak. I opened my eyes and saw a blurry figure. I blinked and it became clearer. I started to move my head and winced in pain. My left shoulder really hurts. Stars were flying around my head. Chase looked at me with concern. “I…am…fine…” I said, my words being slurred. I felt something grasp my hand. I was really dizzy by now. “I love you Adrianne.” Chase said. I heard these words and felt an urge to kiss him. But since I was too weak, I sank back down to the pillow. A doctor came bustling in. “Move sir. I need to put this body brace on her.” Dr. Fischer said. Chase moved aside and watched. “Chase, I love you.” I struggled to say. He nodded and managed a small smile. Dr. Fischer came bustling in again. “Adrianne, you can go home now.” He said. I literally jumped for joy. “But, you have to keep this body brace on.” I didn’t care. I just got to go home! I missed it the days I was in the hospital. Life seemed to have full meaning again. I thought about riding Stockholm again. A cold sweat appeared on my face. Was I afraid of the horses? Every part of me was trembling as I walked to the stable with Chase. “Honey, it’s just a stupid fear.” He said. Well, that didn’t make me feel any better. Not one bit. As I searched for the right words to say, I saw Chase go talk to my pretty friend, Alicia. Then I gasped. He leaned in and kissed her. I turned on my heel and stomped back to the car muttering. Moments later, Chase joined me. I stood up and folded my hands across my chest. “Baby what’s wrong?” He asked me. Like he didn’t know what I was talking about. I shook my head and looked away. He stood there and thought. Then he groaned. I did it again, he thought. “Adrianne, I am so sorry. Please forgive me.” He begged. I just stood there. “No.” I said, “I gave you a second chance. Now we are done.” I spun around and walked away leaving him to stand alone. He turned and stomped away, blaming himself. I sat in my bed room my eyes were becoming irritated because I was crying so much. How could he do this to me in front of me? How could

Alicia let this happen? Now I was mad at the world. Suddenly, I threw open my notebook and began to write my feelings down. March 9, 2009 Dear Journal, My life is over. I am crying as I write this. But he betrayed me. So didn’t Alicia. The most important people in my life are against me now. Sometimes I just want to find out. Did I do something wrong? I must have. I don’t deserve this. Even if I did, it shouldn’t have happened. It was all Chase’s fault. He had to cheat on me. He had to act so stupid. Well, I guess I know where Chase stands on my priority list. In fact, he isn’t even on it. Love, Adrianne Stewart I packed away my journal and began to think. I guess love isn’t a fairytale or end like one. Basically, love is a huge web of lies. You can’t separate the truth from the lies. And Chase was one of those lies. I gradually felt my web grow weaker. Without him, it wasn’t the same. What I am trying to say is, he was the spider. Then, with him gone, wind and other cruel things destroy it. No one was building it up again. Oh well, I thought. In biology, Chase wouldn’t even look at me. I didn’t care. When the bell rang, I got up and asked if I could switch seats. “What’s wrong with the seat you have?” Mr. Clearwater asked. I gulped and quickly thought up a reason. “Chase won’t let me participate.” I exclaimed. Mr. Clearwater shook his head and said, “Hmmm…” Then he waved his hand at the door, signaling me to leave. Quickly, I left the small classroom. Quickly, I breezed over to my locker. Then I saw Chase. He was leaning against my locker. “What do you want?” I snapped. I was in no mood for him right now. His face got softer, “For you to take me back.” He whispered. I rolled my eyes and shoved him aside. The final bell rang as I got up to go home and tackle homework. Placing my books and bag on the leather upholstery of my Subaru, I waited for Chase to come and beg to be taken back. He never did. Climbing in my car, I began to head home. My phone started ringing to the tune of Love Story by Taylor Swift. I saw who called and just tried to ignore it. “I don’t want to talk to you!” I shouted. As if the other called had heard, the ringing stopped. By the time I arrived home, I had seven voice messages to listen to. “Please take me back Adrianne. My life is nothing without you!” I listened to Chase’s voice and realized how good it sounded. After deleting the sixth voice message, I began to wonder if I made the right choice. Biting my lip, I listened to the seventh message. “Hello Adrianne. It’s me Chase again. I want you to know that no matter what you say to me, I will always love you.” Hesitating, I went to call him back. “What do you want?” He snapped just like the way I had. I could

feel my face burning in anger. “To let you know that I don’t care what you say. I am not taking you back.” I replied. My voice was shaking. I could hear him beginning to sob. “Please Adrianne, I love you with all my heart. When you said we were done, I felt as though someone had punched me in the gut.” He said. I didn’t reply. The tears made him choke as he talked. I closed my eyes and imagined his kiss with Alicia. “Give me one last chance.” He pleaded. “No.” was all I said. The answer was so simple yet it had the force of a thousand stampeding animals. The word hurt him more than ever. Choking on tears he said, “Well, I will admit. It was my fault. I was stupid okay? There I said it. Happy?” I nodded even though I knew he couldn’t see me. Then I turned on my laptop. “Look, we’ll talk this over on IM. I’m kind of getting low on my minutes.” I said. He agreed and hung up. I saw him online and began to chat with him. Chinese_Chick101: Hello Chase. Happy Person: Hello Adrianne. Chinese_Chick101: Plead your case in why I should take you back. Happy Person: Well, It’s kind of hard to explain. Chinese_Chick101: I’m listening… Happy Person: Well, basically what I am trying to say is that when you left me, there was a hole in my heart. The one you can’t fix unless you are with the one you love. Chinese_Chick101: Let me think… Happy Person:… Chinese_Chick101 is typing… Chinese_Chick101: Fine, one more chance. You blow it, you can say goodbye to me forever. Are we clear? Happy Person: Thank you. And you have my word. If I or you make one more stupid mistake, the cute couple we are will be no more.  Chinese_Chick101 has signed off. Happy Person has signed off. I felt at peace knowing the hole between me and Chase was repaired for now. Then I sighed and remembered that I might as well not get my hopes up. I flopped onto my bed. Turning on the radio, I heard My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne. Getting up, I started singing and dancing. I didn’t care who was watching. I was having fun. “Attention! Welcome to WPTX the world’s hottest radio station. I hope you are ready for more! It’s Avril Lavigne Weekend!” The radio announced. I jumped up and down. She was my favorite singer ever! Soon, Skater Boy was playing. After jamming to a few songs, I turned down the radio.

Chapter Three It was finally time for spring break! After months of boring school and homework, I was ready for a little break. Especially because today was Friday! Chase was taking me to the Spring Dance. Some people call it prom, I call it a dance. I had to get home as soon as I could. A lot needed to be done before I was ready for the dance. Quickly, I sped home. “Come on Adrianne! We’re going to be late!” Chase shouted up the stairs. He stood at the bottom of the steps in his new tuxedo as he

waited for Adrianne. “Hold on, my earring is stuck!” I called back. After a few more minutes of struggle, I finally got it unstuck. I came down the stairs as fast as I could which was hard because I was in heels. Then we headed outside and went to the dance. After a few songs, I went over to get some punch. “Oh I’m so sorry.” A voice said after I was pushed gently forward. I turned and saw a new face. He was new to our school. I believe his name was Nathan. “It’s fine.” I promised. I never saw him before and I began to fall for him. Then I shook my head, Chase was mine. Not Nathan. After a drink of punch, I headed back to the dance floor with Chase. A slow song started to play. At first we just looked at each other, feeling awkward. Then we danced together, sealing it with a kiss at the end. It was nearly midnight when we finally headed home. The minute I rested my head on my pillow, I was out like a light. I turned on my cell phone and got a text message from Chase. I know this will be hard… my heart started beating faster …But I think I have to break up with you. I finished reading and felt tiny tear drops fall down my heart shaped face. Quickly, I called him. “Why do you have to let me go? All that begging to get me back. You got me back and now you don’t want me anymore.” I said, swallowing a lump in my throat. I heard him take a long, deep breath. “I just think it’s too much.” He said. That didn’t give me a clear answer. I sat in the windowsill and hugged my knees. “Look, I think we should start seeing other people. I just don’t think it’s going to work.” He said after a long pause. I tried to concentrate on what he just told me but it was hard. “I guess. If that’s what you want, I will do it.” I said trying to sound natural. “Maybe we weren’t meant to be.” I murmured before hanging up. The minute I pressed end, the tears started flowing. He stood in the living room. He sighed and hung up the phone. It was the hardest decision he had ever made in his life. He didn’t want to tell her. Not yet. He groaned and went to help his mom pick up a few boxes. He carried three heavy boxes out into his mother’s car. He stared at the empty space in his two car garage. Kicking at the ground, he felt tears coming. Why did he have to leave me? He thought. It was a long story. “Goodnight Dad.” I called to my father. Mr. Cambridge was sitting at the table. Bills were spread before him. “Goodnight Chase.” He answered and turned back to his calculations. Shrugging, I scampered up the stairs. I sat in my bedroom while reading. My mom said goodnight and went back downstairs to help Mr. Cambridge. I quickly checked my cell phone and got a text from Bailey. He moved a few years ago. I heard my dad flipping the coffee table over. I heard a clatter of dishes as they hit the floor. My father was yelling. It scared me because he rarely raised his voice. I heard a slamming door and a car speeding off into the night. And that was it.

After storing the last few boxes in the U-Haul, he felt guilty for not telling Adrianne the truth. Adrianne! Moaning, he was afraid she would hate him forever. Then a voice in his head said, “Forget Her.” He shook his head as if to drive the voice away. “You know she’s not worth it. She isn’t for you.” The voice hissed. He tried his hardest to get rid of it. Nothing was working. I glanced at my phone. He hasn’t called or text me yet. I was getting worried and I wanted to cry out but I knew it wasn’t going to do anything. Without any hesitation, I grabbed my phone and called him. “Chase!” I said, sighing with relief when he answered. I needed his voice no matter how much it hurt. “Hey Adrianne, this isn’t a good time. Can I call you back?” He said to me. Shaking my head “No. What’s going on?” I demanded. All that begging he was going to dump me. “Nothing is wrong.” He lied. “Chase, I know you better than that. Tell me anything. I won’t tell.” I said to him. I wanted to know, it was important to me. I heard him heave a sigh. “Alright but I don’t know how to put it…” He said. “Tell me everything.” I commanded. He seemed taken aback from my persistence. He took a deep breath. “I’m moving away.” I felt like someone had hit me in the gut. Sucking in my breath, I felt myself feeling nervous. “You can’t!” I heard myself say. I thought to myself, this is just a dream. My life was over!

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