Forestlife - Summer 2009 Newsletter

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The Presidio 1001-A O’Reilly Avenue San Francisco, CA 94129 415.561.0700




ON THE COVER: The Pacific Forest Trust’s innovative forest and climate strategies are proving influential on Capitol Hill.

The Pacific Forest Trust recycled is a non-profit, Printed on FSC certified paper 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to sustaining America’s working forests for all their public benefits Printed on recycled paper

In this Global Crisis, Your Gift to PFT Makes A Real Difference Demand for PFT’s programs has never been greater. We’re harnessing the power of forests to help solve the climate crisis. We’re bringing added-value to landowners for their efforts to sustain forests. We’re demonstrating how forests sustain us with their gifts of wood, water, wildlife and a well-balanced climate. This work is only possible thanks to partners and supporters like you. Please help us respond to the demands of the time with as generous a gift as you are able. Go online at to donate today.

Save the Date: Forest Fete 2009 is September 9th in San Fr ancisco On Wednesday, September 9, 2009, we will gather once again at the San Francisco Presidio’s Golden Gate Club to celebrate Forest Fete 2009. Please plan to join us to honor extraordinary forest champions, reflect back on another year of successful partnerships and to socialize with friends and colleagues at our annual dinner and awards ceremony. Updates about the program, special guests and reservation information will be sent via e-mail and posted to our website at To receive more information or to request your name be added to our e-mail inivation list, please call 415-561-0700 ext. 37.

Stay Connected with New Web Tools PFT is pleased to offer our community new and expanded options for staying connected with news about forests and our efforts to conserve them. Our recently launched news blog at features regular updates about our work plus news, commentary and analysis about conservation, climate, stewardship and other forest issues. The blog is subscribable and offers readers the opportunity to provide feedback. PFT news updates also are available via Twitter using our handle “PacificForest.” Finally, we have expanded the distribution of our Forest Flash news e-mails by making these quarterly bulletins available to all. Interested readers can now sign up to receive the Forest Flash on our website – – at the bottom of the home page.

Forests Rising on National Climate Agenda Agenda n n no net l loss policy olicy promoted romoted in D.C. Senator Stabenow Honored on the Hill







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pFt earns ep epA Award







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The Pacific Forest Trust Board of Directors William W. Stelle, Jr., Chair Timothy N. Taylor, Vice Chair Charles Swindells, Treasurer Andrea E. Tuttle, Secretary Laurie A. Wayburn, President William H. Banzhaf Constance Best O.H. Perry Lloyd Kirk Marckwald Timothy B. Pirrung Hal Salwasser Walter Sedgwick Gregory Tebbe William Hutton, Counsel

Staff Laurie A. Wayburn, President Constance Best, Managing Director John Bernstein, Vice President of Conservation Christine Harrison, Communications Director Peter Kodzis, Director of Finance & Admin. Steve Van Landingham, Development Director Sean O’Sullivan, Office/IT Manager Jonathan Remucal, Stewardship Manager Emily Russell-Roy, NE Policy Project Manager Paula Swedeen, Senior Policy Analyst Matt Fehrenbacher, Stewardship Forester Anton Chiono, Policy Associate Jesse Leddick, Conservation Associate Jessica Neff, Stewardship Associate Alex Page, Development Associate Aimee Sprague, Development Associate Jolanta Zakrzewski, Accountant

editors Randall Beren Christine Harrison

Art Director Randall Beren The Pacific Forest Trust is the leading non-profit organization dedicated to sustaining America’s vital working forests for all their public benefits. © 2009 The Pacific Forest Trust. All rights reserved. Reproduction permitted with attribution.


he U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conferred its highest honor for climate protection on Laurie Wayburn and Connie Best for their leadership directing the Pacific Forest Trust’s (PFT) work advancing the critical role of forests in the fight against global warming.

Wayburn and Best

After participating in a climate leader roundtable of past and present award winners earlier in the day, PFT’s cofounders received the EPA’s 2009 Climate Protection Award during a special Earth Day ceremony held at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. The agency recognized PFT as one of the “best of the best” organizations working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for our successful Working Forests, Winning Climate campaign that has

galvanized efforts around the country to harness the climate benefits of forests. Policymakers increasingly are heeding PFT’s call to include U.S. forestlands in their climate strategies as federal lawmakers craft legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“I am pleased to commend Wayburn and Best for their leadership and tremendous contributions to the national dialogue on forests and climate by providing a strategy for achieving real, verifiable carbon reductions while also contributing to the development of programs and policies that will enhance legislative and regulatory climate change reduction goals,” wrote California Air Resources Board Chair Mary Nichols, who nominated Wayburn and Best. Read more about the award on our blog at t

Stelle Seated as Board Chair


e are pleased to announce that William W. Stelle, Jr., who leads the Endangered Species Act Practice Group for the law firm K&L Gates, has become PFT’s new Board Chair.


Outgoing Chair Walter Stelle Sedgwick, who will remain on the Board, led PFT for seven years and made many valuable contributions to PFT’s strategic development during a period of significant growth for the organization. As a leader in forest stewardship, conservation and philanthropy, Sedgwick was dedicated and generous with his counsel and support for PFT. 2

We also offer profound thanks for the devoted service and scientific insights of outgoing board member Norm Christenson, who will continue to advise us as Professor of Ecology and Founding Dean of Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment.

Longtime PFT board member James D. Range, one of PFT’s most inspirational mentors and dear friends, passed away in January. Range was an amazingly effective conservationist and a true defender of all wildlife. He leaves a legacy we admire and for which we can only be grateful. t

Sonoma Coast Jewel at Risk

PFT Works To Conserve Ecologically Vital Stewarts Point Ranch


he Pacific Forest Trust is urgently working to complete the purchase of Stewarts Point Ranch, an 871-acre property considered one of the most important unprotected coastal redwood tracts in Sonoma County, California. With plans to complete the acquisition later this year, PFT would hold and manage the property as a flagship educational center and a working model demonstrating the kind of forest stewardship that sustains wood, water, wildlife and a well-balanced climate. Among its outstanding features are a full mile of scenic bluffs fronting the Pacific Ocean, a significant stretch of the South Fork of the Gualala River critical for its salmon habitat and 750 acres of well-managed, mature coastal Redwood and Douglas fir forest sustained by its longtime owners, Arch and Jack Richardson, through a family trust. “The Richardsons have done a tremendous job managing this stunningly beautiful landscape and all the ecological jewels found here,” says Pacific Forest Trust Vice President


the newsletter of


Forests for Work. Forests for Life.



Wayburn & Best Earn U.S. EPA Climate Protection Award

Stewarts point Ranch of Conservation John Bernstein. “It’s not often you have the opportunity to carry on the stewardship of a forest of this quality.” PFT’s management of Stewarts Point would resemble that of the Van Eck Forest where our forestry provides a broad array of environmental and economic benefits including sustainable production of wood products, permanently increased CO2 storage, enhanced biodiversity and public access for recreation.

Located only two and a half hours north of San Francisco, the close proximity of Stewarts Point Ranch to the greater Bay Area would enable PFT to demonstrate sustainable forestry and offer the public engaging in-the-forest experiences. 7

Stewarts Point Ranch is part of the historic “Rancho German,” one of the last Mexican land grants. It has a rich heritage as part of a constellation of Sonoma County lands that have been owned by members of the Richardson family since about 1870. In addition to the commitment of PFT’s own capital funds, we are very grateful to have the support of the Packard Foundation and Community Foundation Sonoma County. Funding to complete the transaction is being sought from the State Coastal Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Board and the Sonoma County Open Space and Agricultural Preservation District, along with other foundations and individuals committed to the conservation of these vital Sonoma Coast resources. California’s fiscal problems, however, are making it very difficult to secure the needed dollars to conserve this extraordinary ranch and sustain its legacy of stewardship. But your generous support can help us complete this important acquisition. If you are able to contribute, please contact John Bernstein at 415.561.0700 x12 or email [email protected] to find out how you can help. t

Family Forest Owners Manage for Climate

Senator Stabenow Honored in D.C. PFT Recognizes Michigan Congresswoman’s Forests & Climate Work The March 5 event, co-hosted by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Representative Mike Thompson (D-CA) and USDA Office of Ecosystem Services Director Sally Collins, was one of the largest ever assembled in Washington, D.C., on the topic of U.S. forests and national climate policy. PFT honored Stabenow for her leadership in Congress raising awareness of the climate benefits of forests and other working lands.

Smith & Phillips Families Register their CO2 Emissions Reductions with Help from PFT

PFT is making great progress with our effort to more fully conserve Oregon’s Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. At the end of 2008, we transfered 900 acres of forestlands located within the Monument’s planning area to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for official inclusion in the Monument. This is a major victory in our Campaign to Complete the Vision. Congress has since authorized $875,000 in 2009 spending for additional Monument acquisitions. President Obama’s budget proposes to increase similar conservation funding. This is encouraging news as we work with the BLM and others to transfer the remaining 3,820 acres we’re holding into the Monument. Special thanks are due House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (d-CA); Senators dianne Feinstein (d-CA) and Ron Wyden (dOR); former Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR), and Representatives Peter deFazio (d-OR) and Norm dicks (d-WA). These lawmakers have been instrumental in securing the appropriations from the Land and Water Conservation Fund being used to fund these acquisitions. See a news video on the transaction at: pacificforesttrust

The 413-acre Love Creek Forest is a Sierran mixed conifer forest located next to Big Trees State Park in Calaveras County, California, that has been lovingly managed by the Smith Family for 65 years. Leaders in the stewardship of family forests, the Smiths are committed to forestry that restores and enhances habitat and watershed values, reduces fire risk, protects the integrity of the surrounding public lands and produces high quality, sustainable wood products. The family recently donated a working forest conservation easement on the property to PFT that will help secure the projected gains of 75,000 tons of stored carbon dioxide (CO2) they plan to achieve with their project. The emissions reductions will be achieved by the avoided losses of carbon sequestration that would have occurred under a conventional timber harvest management scheme and by logging less wood than the forest is growing. The Phillips Family Tree Farm – now under the stewardship of the 5th generation of Phillips – is a 9006

pFt’s John Bernstein with phillips Family landowner Gary Hendrix The Phillips Family is committed to sustaining the high-level of carbon already stored on their property and increasing that sequestion permanently so that, over the lifetime of the project, an additional 80,000 tons of CO2 will be removed from the atmosphere. The property and its carbon bank are secured by a conservation easement granted by the family to the Pacific Forest Trust. For further information on these and other forest carbon projects, please contact PFT Managing Director Connie Best at 415.561.0700 x19 or email [email protected]. t

Senator Stabenow


orests’ rise on the national climate agenda was evident at the Pacific Forest Trust’s recent Capitol Hill reception for 2008 Outside-theBox Award winner Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). Stabenow leads an influential group of senators whose votes will be crucial to advancing federal climate legislation.

“I am committed to continuing to work with the Pacific Forest Trust to make sure that there are strong incentives for sustainable forest management practices, to think outside the box to protect and preserve our forests and to use this opportunity to tackle what is the real challenge of our generation: global warming,” Stabenow remarked. In 2008, Stabenow held the first-ever Senate hearing on the subject at which PFT President Laurie Wayburn addressed lawmakers. As a representative of a forest-rich state and chair of the Senate

“Senator Stabenow’s outside-the-box thinking on this issue will serve the country well in the climate discussions already underway,” said Wayburn. “She understands that conserving and stewarding forests for their climate benefits also safeguards these lands for the families and communities who depend on them for jobs and many other public benefits.” PFT Board members Will Stelle, Andrea Tuttle and Kirk Marckwald joined Wayburn at the reception, which was sponsored by K&L Gates, Lyme Timber Company, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Land Trust Alliance. t


Monumental Achievement

acre mixed conifer forest in Shasta County, California, that shares similar characteristics to the Love Creek Forest. Recognized as an “Outstanding Tree Farmer” by American Tree Farm Systems, the Phillips Family creates beautiful specialty boxes at their historic steam-powered mill. PHOTO By JON REMuCAL


ising demand for real, additional, permanent and verifiable emissions reductions generated by forest conservation and stewardship is fueling new climate projects in California and across the United States. The Pacific Forest Trust is working in partnership with landowners on eight new projects, three of which have already been listed with the Climate Action Reserve under the rigorous California standards. Here are snapshots of two new projects that are now accruing first-year emissions reductions that will be independently verified and certified in early 2010.

Sub-Committee on Rural Revitalization, Conservation, Forestry and Credit, Stabenow is expected to be a leading voice this year calling for cap and trade legislation that balances environmental concerns with the economic needs of working families.

Lyme Timber Company General Partner Peter Stein, Senator Stabenow’s Legislative Counsel Chris Adamo and Pacific Forest Trust President Laurie Wayburn celebrate the Senator’s Outside-the-Box Award during a March 5th reception in her honor. 3

PFT Calls on Federal Government to Establish Policies that Monitor, Maintain and Market the Climate Benefits of Forests of forests is straightforward to forest owners, there are still great concerns among Americans and Congress about the accuracy, permanence and verifiability of carbon reductions from forests – especially if these are used to reduce or “offset” the obligations for reductions from economic sectors like energy or transportation.


he time for real and meaningful climate action has finally come.

As we go to press, policymakers in Congress and in the new Obama administration are drafting what could be landmark legislation to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Nations from around the world are preparing for negotiations in Copenhagen this fall to frame the successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol. A groundswell of national recognition is rising around the potential for significant sequestration gains to be achieved from the conservation, restoration and management of our country’s vast and vital temperate forests in cooperation with America’s 10 million forest owners. Of course, reduced emissions must also be achieved from the conservation of tropical forests. PFT is working closely with policymakers and our partners in the environmental and forest communities to ensure the climate contributions from America’s working forests are front and center in the framework now being studied, constructed and refined by a myriad of stakeholders and interest groups from coast to coast. While embracing the climate benefits

For U.S. forests to be leveraged for significant and lasting climate benefits, we need to go beyond thinking of forests as a source of offsets and begin to recognize forests as a “sector” in its own right. Then, with scientific monitoring and accurate accounting of gains and losses from forests broadly – including flows into other sectors – public confidence in the capacity of forests to contribute lasting emissions reductions will grow. That confidence will allow for forest landowners to be rewarded appropriately for their commitment to long-term climate stewardship. We are, therefore, urging the Obama Administration and Congress to establish a three-part set of policies to address the climate impacts of the forest sector: 1. Monitor America’s forest carbon stores, applying standardized accounting for gains and losses on a life-cycle basis for forests and forest products, including biomass energy. 2. Maintain America’s forest carbon bank account by requiring “No Net Loss” of forestlands, with greater incentives for forest conservation and assurances that losses to forest carbon stocks are assessed and mitigated. 3. Market net durable gains from forest sequestration in order to provide landowners with incentives for increasing forest stores. t 4

Envisioning a

Presidential Proclamation Whereas, carbon dioxide emissions from forest loss and depletion are second only to fossil fuels as the largest source of anthropogenic CO2; Whereas, changes to the forest landscape are responsible for almost half of all excess CO2 in the atmosphere today; Whereas, over the last decade, the U.S. has been losing an estimated 1.5 million acres of forestland to development each year – more than any other kind of land; Whereas, the average U.S. forest today holds much less carbon than it did historically and much less than it can naturally; Whereas, forests are the sector that can be actively managed to both avoid carbon dioxide emissions and reabsorb the greatest volume of CO2 from the atmosphere; Whereas, CO2 stores in America’s forests can be conserved and expanded immediately and sustained over hundreds of years; Therefore, the President of the United States of America finds that a national policy of “No Net Loss” is critical to establish as a key element of our efforts to help solve the climate crisis.

Safe Harbor is a Win, Win, Win Innovative New Agreement Rewards Landowner Stewardship, Ensures Sustainable Timber Harvests & Increases Critical Habitat


hen biologists are out looking for Northern Spotted Owls this spring, their “hooting” might sound a warning for some forest owners. The threatened owl’s answering call can lead to increased regulatory restrictions on private land use. But those concerns have been eased for owners of the Van Eck Forest in Humboldt, California. The working forest conservation easement on the 2,200-acre redwood forest helped the Pacific Forest Trust negotiate with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to obtain a Safe Harbor Agreement (SHA) for Northern Spotted Owls at the end of last year. This Agreement provides operational certainty for our forest management, ensuring the forest stays productive even as more owls are drawn to the habitat PFT is working to restore. “This Agreement is a triple win,” says PFT President Laurie Wayburn. “Owls win because their habitat is enhanced and conserved. Landowners win because they can manage their forests to encourage biodiversity without fear that doing so will cripple their operations if they’re too successful in voluntarily attracting wildlife. The public, along with state and federal regulators, all win because this cooperative approach helps meet their goals of permanently preserving endangered species and their habitat.” Safe Harbor Agreements are used to promote conservation of endangered and threatened species on privately owned land. The agreements encourage landowners to foster wildlife habitat on their property without fear that doing so might expose them to increased restriction on future use of their land under the terms of the federal Endangered Species Act.

Photo by Austin forbord

No Net Loss

Habitat restoration efforts on the Van Eck Forest are proving effective. This female and other Northern Spotted Owls have been spotted in and around the forest. “This Safe Harbor Agreement is an innovative example of how a private landowner and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service can work together to bring about meaningful and lasting conservation changes,” says Ren Lohoefener, Director of the USFWS Pacific Southwest Region. “This SHA with the Pacific Forest Trust can be a model for other landowners and timber companies in Northern California. Under this agreement, timber can continue to be harvested, but it will be done so in a way that will ultimately grow more habitat for Northern Spotted Owls.” The Pacific Forest Trust manages the Van Eck Forest on behalf of the Fred M. van Eck Forest Foundation with the goal of attracting and sustaining wildlife, producing sustainable timber and contributing to a well-balanced climate as the state’s first registered CO2 emissions reduction project. The working forest conservation easement on the property prevents development and guides its management to restore an older, more natural forest structure that the owls need for habitat. 5

This approach also increases storage of carbon dioxide while maintaining or exceeding the timber yields found on more traditionally managed properties. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service carefully scrutinized the conservation easement provisions before agreeing the easement could form the foundation of the Safe Harbor Agreement. In consideration of the easement’s provisions and permanence, the USFWS granted the Van Eck Forest a maximum SHA term of 90 years. In effect, an SHA achieved with a working forest conservation easement serves to bundle the protection and restoration of many public benefits including reduced CO2 emissions and habitat protection for vulnerable species. In turn, participating landowners receive their own set of benefits, including new markets and an assurance of operational certainty. We hope to emulate the synergistic success of this agreement in the future with other landowners considering conservation easements. t

PFT Calls on Federal Government to Establish Policies that Monitor, Maintain and Market the Climate Benefits of Forests of forests is straightforward to forest owners, there are still great concerns among Americans and Congress about the accuracy, permanence and verifiability of carbon reductions from forests – especially if these are used to reduce or “offset” the obligations for reductions from economic sectors like energy or transportation.


he time for real and meaningful climate action has finally come.

As we go to press, policymakers in Congress and in the new Obama administration are drafting what could be landmark legislation to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Nations from around the world are preparing for negotiations in Copenhagen this fall to frame the successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol. A groundswell of national recognition is rising around the potential for significant sequestration gains to be achieved from the conservation, restoration and management of our country’s vast and vital temperate forests in cooperation with America’s 10 million forest owners. Of course, reduced emissions must also be achieved from the conservation of tropical forests. PFT is working closely with policymakers and our partners in the environmental and forest communities to ensure the climate contributions from America’s working forests are front and center in the framework now being studied, constructed and refined by a myriad of stakeholders and interest groups from coast to coast. While embracing the climate benefits

For U.S. forests to be leveraged for significant and lasting climate benefits, we need to go beyond thinking of forests as a source of offsets and begin to recognize forests as a “sector” in its own right. Then, with scientific monitoring and accurate accounting of gains and losses from forests broadly – including flows into other sectors – public confidence in the capacity of forests to contribute lasting emissions reductions will grow. That confidence will allow for forest landowners to be rewarded appropriately for their commitment to long-term climate stewardship. We are, therefore, urging the Obama Administration and Congress to establish a three-part set of policies to address the climate impacts of the forest sector: 1. Monitor America’s forest carbon stores, applying standardized accounting for gains and losses on a life-cycle basis for forests and forest products, including biomass energy. 2. Maintain America’s forest carbon bank account by requiring “No Net Loss” of forestlands, with greater incentives for forest conservation and assurances that losses to forest carbon stocks are assessed and mitigated. 3. Market net durable gains from forest sequestration in order to provide landowners with incentives for increasing forest stores. t 4

Envisioning a

Presidential Proclamation Whereas, carbon dioxide emissions from forest loss and depletion are second only to fossil fuels as the largest source of anthropogenic CO2; Whereas, changes to the forest landscape are responsible for almost half of all excess CO2 in the atmosphere today; Whereas, over the last decade, the U.S. has been losing an estimated 1.5 million acres of forestland to development each year – more than any other kind of land; Whereas, the average U.S. forest today holds much less carbon than it did historically and much less than it can naturally; Whereas, forests are the sector that can be actively managed to both avoid carbon dioxide emissions and reabsorb the greatest volume of CO2 from the atmosphere; Whereas, CO2 stores in America’s forests can be conserved and expanded immediately and sustained over hundreds of years; Therefore, the President of the United States of America finds that a national policy of “No Net Loss” is critical to establish as a key element of our efforts to help solve the climate crisis.

Safe Harbor is a Win, Win, Win Innovative New Agreement Rewards Landowner Stewardship, Ensures Sustainable Timber Harvests & Increases Critical Habitat


hen biologists are out looking for Northern Spotted Owls this spring, their “hooting” might sound a warning for some forest owners. The threatened owl’s answering call can lead to increased regulatory restrictions on private land use. But those concerns have been eased for owners of the Van Eck Forest in Humboldt, California. The working forest conservation easement on the 2,200-acre redwood forest helped the Pacific Forest Trust negotiate with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to obtain a Safe Harbor Agreement (SHA) for Northern Spotted Owls at the end of last year. This Agreement provides operational certainty for our forest management, ensuring the forest stays productive even as more owls are drawn to the habitat PFT is working to restore. “This Agreement is a triple win,” says PFT President Laurie Wayburn. “Owls win because their habitat is enhanced and conserved. Landowners win because they can manage their forests to encourage biodiversity without fear that doing so will cripple their operations if they’re too successful in voluntarily attracting wildlife. The public, along with state and federal regulators, all win because this cooperative approach helps meet their goals of permanently preserving endangered species and their habitat.” Safe Harbor Agreements are used to promote conservation of endangered and threatened species on privately owned land. The agreements encourage landowners to foster wildlife habitat on their property without fear that doing so might expose them to increased restriction on future use of their land under the terms of the federal Endangered Species Act.

Photo by Austin forbord

No Net Loss

Habitat restoration efforts on the Van Eck Forest are proving effective. This female and other Northern Spotted Owls have been spotted in and around the forest. “This Safe Harbor Agreement is an innovative example of how a private landowner and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service can work together to bring about meaningful and lasting conservation changes,” says Ren Lohoefener, Director of the USFWS Pacific Southwest Region. “This SHA with the Pacific Forest Trust can be a model for other landowners and timber companies in Northern California. Under this agreement, timber can continue to be harvested, but it will be done so in a way that will ultimately grow more habitat for Northern Spotted Owls.” The Pacific Forest Trust manages the Van Eck Forest on behalf of the Fred M. van Eck Forest Foundation with the goal of attracting and sustaining wildlife, producing sustainable timber and contributing to a well-balanced climate as the state’s first registered CO2 emissions reduction project. The working forest conservation easement on the property prevents development and guides its management to restore an older, more natural forest structure that the owls need for habitat. 5

This approach also increases storage of carbon dioxide while maintaining or exceeding the timber yields found on more traditionally managed properties. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service carefully scrutinized the conservation easement provisions before agreeing the easement could form the foundation of the Safe Harbor Agreement. In consideration of the easement’s provisions and permanence, the USFWS granted the Van Eck Forest a maximum SHA term of 90 years. In effect, an SHA achieved with a working forest conservation easement serves to bundle the protection and restoration of many public benefits including reduced CO2 emissions and habitat protection for vulnerable species. In turn, participating landowners receive their own set of benefits, including new markets and an assurance of operational certainty. We hope to emulate the synergistic success of this agreement in the future with other landowners considering conservation easements. t

Family Forest Owners Manage for Climate

Senator Stabenow Honored in D.C. PFT Recognizes Michigan Congresswoman’s Forests & Climate Work The March 5 event, co-hosted by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Representative Mike Thompson (D-CA) and USDA Office of Ecosystem Services Director Sally Collins, was one of the largest ever assembled in Washington, D.C., on the topic of U.S. forests and national climate policy. PFT honored Stabenow for her leadership in Congress raising awareness of the climate benefits of forests and other working lands.

Smith & Phillips Families Register their CO2 Emissions Reductions with Help from PFT

PFT is making great progress with our effort to more fully conserve Oregon’s Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. At the end of 2008, we transfered 900 acres of forestlands located within the Monument’s planning area to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for official inclusion in the Monument. This is a major victory in our Campaign to Complete the Vision. Congress has since authorized $875,000 in 2009 spending for additional Monument acquisitions. President Obama’s budget proposes to increase similar conservation funding. This is encouraging news as we work with the BLM and others to transfer the remaining 3,820 acres we’re holding into the Monument. Special thanks are due House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (d-CA); Senators dianne Feinstein (d-CA) and Ron Wyden (dOR); former Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR), and Representatives Peter deFazio (d-OR) and Norm dicks (d-WA). These lawmakers have been instrumental in securing the appropriations from the Land and Water Conservation Fund being used to fund these acquisitions. See a news video on the transaction at: pacificforesttrust

The 413-acre Love Creek Forest is a Sierran mixed conifer forest located next to Big Trees State Park in Calaveras County, California, that has been lovingly managed by the Smith Family for 65 years. Leaders in the stewardship of family forests, the Smiths are committed to forestry that restores and enhances habitat and watershed values, reduces fire risk, protects the integrity of the surrounding public lands and produces high quality, sustainable wood products. The family recently donated a working forest conservation easement on the property to PFT that will help secure the projected gains of 75,000 tons of stored carbon dioxide (CO2) they plan to achieve with their project. The emissions reductions will be achieved by the avoided losses of carbon sequestration that would have occurred under a conventional timber harvest management scheme and by logging less wood than the forest is growing. The Phillips Family Tree Farm – now under the stewardship of the 5th generation of Phillips – is a 9006

pFt’s John Bernstein with phillips Family landowner Gary Hendrix The Phillips Family is committed to sustaining the high-level of carbon already stored on their property and increasing that sequestion permanently so that, over the lifetime of the project, an additional 80,000 tons of CO2 will be removed from the atmosphere. The property and its carbon bank are secured by a conservation easement granted by the family to the Pacific Forest Trust. For further information on these and other forest carbon projects, please contact PFT Managing Director Connie Best at 415.561.0700 x19 or email [email protected]. t

Senator Stabenow


orests’ rise on the national climate agenda was evident at the Pacific Forest Trust’s recent Capitol Hill reception for 2008 Outside-theBox Award winner Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). Stabenow leads an influential group of senators whose votes will be crucial to advancing federal climate legislation.

“I am committed to continuing to work with the Pacific Forest Trust to make sure that there are strong incentives for sustainable forest management practices, to think outside the box to protect and preserve our forests and to use this opportunity to tackle what is the real challenge of our generation: global warming,” Stabenow remarked. In 2008, Stabenow held the first-ever Senate hearing on the subject at which PFT President Laurie Wayburn addressed lawmakers. As a representative of a forest-rich state and chair of the Senate

“Senator Stabenow’s outside-the-box thinking on this issue will serve the country well in the climate discussions already underway,” said Wayburn. “She understands that conserving and stewarding forests for their climate benefits also safeguards these lands for the families and communities who depend on them for jobs and many other public benefits.” PFT Board members Will Stelle, Andrea Tuttle and Kirk Marckwald joined Wayburn at the reception, which was sponsored by K&L Gates, Lyme Timber Company, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Land Trust Alliance. t


Monumental Achievement

acre mixed conifer forest in Shasta County, California, that shares similar characteristics to the Love Creek Forest. Recognized as an “Outstanding Tree Farmer” by American Tree Farm Systems, the Phillips Family creates beautiful specialty boxes at their historic steam-powered mill. PHOTO By JON REMuCAL


ising demand for real, additional, permanent and verifiable emissions reductions generated by forest conservation and stewardship is fueling new climate projects in California and across the United States. The Pacific Forest Trust is working in partnership with landowners on eight new projects, three of which have already been listed with the Climate Action Reserve under the rigorous California standards. Here are snapshots of two new projects that are now accruing first-year emissions reductions that will be independently verified and certified in early 2010.

Sub-Committee on Rural Revitalization, Conservation, Forestry and Credit, Stabenow is expected to be a leading voice this year calling for cap and trade legislation that balances environmental concerns with the economic needs of working families.

Lyme Timber Company General Partner Peter Stein, Senator Stabenow’s Legislative Counsel Chris Adamo and Pacific Forest Trust President Laurie Wayburn celebrate the Senator’s Outside-the-Box Award during a March 5th reception in her honor. 3

The Pacific Forest Trust Board of Directors William W. Stelle, Jr., Chair Timothy N. Taylor, Vice Chair Charles Swindells, Treasurer Andrea E. Tuttle, Secretary Laurie A. Wayburn, President William H. Banzhaf Constance Best O.H. Perry Lloyd Kirk Marckwald Timothy B. Pirrung Hal Salwasser Walter Sedgwick Gregory Tebbe William Hutton, Counsel

Staff Laurie A. Wayburn, President Constance Best, Managing Director John Bernstein, Vice President of Conservation Christine Harrison, Communications Director Peter Kodzis, Director of Finance & Admin. Steve Van Landingham, Development Director Sean O’Sullivan, Office/IT Manager Jonathan Remucal, Stewardship Manager Emily Russell-Roy, NE Policy Project Manager Paula Swedeen, Senior Policy Analyst Matt Fehrenbacher, Stewardship Forester Anton Chiono, Policy Associate Jesse Leddick, Conservation Associate Jessica Neff, Stewardship Associate Alex Page, Development Associate Aimee Sprague, Development Associate Jolanta Zakrzewski, Accountant

editors Randall Beren Christine Harrison

Art Director Randall Beren The Pacific Forest Trust is the leading non-profit organization dedicated to sustaining America’s vital working forests for all their public benefits. © 2009 The Pacific Forest Trust. All rights reserved. Reproduction permitted with attribution.


he U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conferred its highest honor for climate protection on Laurie Wayburn and Connie Best for their leadership directing the Pacific Forest Trust’s (PFT) work advancing the critical role of forests in the fight against global warming.

Wayburn and Best

After participating in a climate leader roundtable of past and present award winners earlier in the day, PFT’s cofounders received the EPA’s 2009 Climate Protection Award during a special Earth Day ceremony held at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. The agency recognized PFT as one of the “best of the best” organizations working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for our successful Working Forests, Winning Climate campaign that has

galvanized efforts around the country to harness the climate benefits of forests. Policymakers increasingly are heeding PFT’s call to include U.S. forestlands in their climate strategies as federal lawmakers craft legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“I am pleased to commend Wayburn and Best for their leadership and tremendous contributions to the national dialogue on forests and climate by providing a strategy for achieving real, verifiable carbon reductions while also contributing to the development of programs and policies that will enhance legislative and regulatory climate change reduction goals,” wrote California Air Resources Board Chair Mary Nichols, who nominated Wayburn and Best. Read more about the award on our blog at t

Stelle Seated as Board Chair


e are pleased to announce that William W. Stelle, Jr., who leads the Endangered Species Act Practice Group for the law firm K&L Gates, has become PFT’s new Board Chair.


Outgoing Chair Walter Stelle Sedgwick, who will remain on the Board, led PFT for seven years and made many valuable contributions to PFT’s strategic development during a period of significant growth for the organization. As a leader in forest stewardship, conservation and philanthropy, Sedgwick was dedicated and generous with his counsel and support for PFT. 2

We also offer profound thanks for the devoted service and scientific insights of outgoing board member Norm Christenson, who will continue to advise us as Professor of Ecology and Founding Dean of Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment.

Longtime PFT board member James D. Range, one of PFT’s most inspirational mentors and dear friends, passed away in January. Range was an amazingly effective conservationist and a true defender of all wildlife. He leaves a legacy we admire and for which we can only be grateful. t

Sonoma Coast Jewel at Risk

PFT Works To Conserve Ecologically Vital Stewarts Point Ranch


he Pacific Forest Trust is urgently working to complete the purchase of Stewarts Point Ranch, an 871-acre property considered one of the most important unprotected coastal redwood tracts in Sonoma County, California. With plans to complete the acquisition later this year, PFT would hold and manage the property as a flagship educational center and a working model demonstrating the kind of forest stewardship that sustains wood, water, wildlife and a well-balanced climate. Among its outstanding features are a full mile of scenic bluffs fronting the Pacific Ocean, a significant stretch of the South Fork of the Gualala River critical for its salmon habitat and 750 acres of well-managed, mature coastal Redwood and Douglas fir forest sustained by its longtime owners, Arch and Jack Richardson, through a family trust. “The Richardsons have done a tremendous job managing this stunningly beautiful landscape and all the ecological jewels found here,” says Pacific Forest Trust Vice President


the newsletter of


Forests for Work. Forests for Life.



Wayburn & Best Earn U.S. EPA Climate Protection Award

Stewarts point Ranch of Conservation John Bernstein. “It’s not often you have the opportunity to carry on the stewardship of a forest of this quality.” PFT’s management of Stewarts Point would resemble that of the Van Eck Forest where our forestry provides a broad array of environmental and economic benefits including sustainable production of wood products, permanently increased CO2 storage, enhanced biodiversity and public access for recreation.

Located only two and a half hours north of San Francisco, the close proximity of Stewarts Point Ranch to the greater Bay Area would enable PFT to demonstrate sustainable forestry and offer the public engaging in-the-forest experiences. 7

Stewarts Point Ranch is part of the historic “Rancho German,” one of the last Mexican land grants. It has a rich heritage as part of a constellation of Sonoma County lands that have been owned by members of the Richardson family since about 1870. In addition to the commitment of PFT’s own capital funds, we are very grateful to have the support of the Packard Foundation and Community Foundation Sonoma County. Funding to complete the transaction is being sought from the State Coastal Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Board and the Sonoma County Open Space and Agricultural Preservation District, along with other foundations and individuals committed to the conservation of these vital Sonoma Coast resources. California’s fiscal problems, however, are making it very difficult to secure the needed dollars to conserve this extraordinary ranch and sustain its legacy of stewardship. But your generous support can help us complete this important acquisition. If you are able to contribute, please contact John Bernstein at 415.561.0700 x12 or email [email protected] to find out how you can help. t


The Presidio 1001-A O’Reilly Avenue San Francisco, CA 94129 415.561.0700




ON THE COVER: The Pacific Forest Trust’s innovative forest and climate strategies are proving influential on Capitol Hill.

The Pacific Forest Trust recycled is a non-profit, Printed on FSC certified paper 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to sustaining America’s working forests for all their public benefits Printed on recycled paper

In this Global Crisis, Your Gift to PFT Makes A Real Difference Demand for PFT’s programs has never been greater. We’re harnessing the power of forests to help solve the climate crisis. We’re bringing added-value to landowners for their efforts to sustain forests. We’re demonstrating how forests sustain us with their gifts of wood, water, wildlife and a well-balanced climate. This work is only possible thanks to partners and supporters like you. Please help us respond to the demands of the time with as generous a gift as you are able. Go online at to donate today.

Save the Date: Forest Fete 2009 is September 9th in San Fr ancisco On Wednesday, September 9, 2009, we will gather once again at the San Francisco Presidio’s Golden Gate Club to celebrate Forest Fete 2009. Please plan to join us to honor extraordinary forest champions, reflect back on another year of successful partnerships and to socialize with friends and colleagues at our annual dinner and awards ceremony. Updates about the program, special guests and reservation information will be sent via e-mail and posted to our website at To receive more information or to request your name be added to our e-mail inivation list, please call 415-561-0700 ext. 37.

Stay Connected with New Web Tools PFT is pleased to offer our community new and expanded options for staying connected with news about forests and our efforts to conserve them. Our recently launched news blog at features regular updates about our work plus news, commentary and analysis about conservation, climate, stewardship and other forest issues. The blog is subscribable and offers readers the opportunity to provide feedback. PFT news updates also are available via Twitter using our handle “PacificForest.” Finally, we have expanded the distribution of our Forest Flash news e-mails by making these quarterly bulletins available to all. Interested readers can now sign up to receive the Forest Flash on our website – – at the bottom of the home page.

Forests Rising on National Climate Agenda no net loss policy promoted in D.C. Senator Stabenow Honored on the Hill







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pFt earns epA Award







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