For Khamer Translated In Khmer

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RtUv)anraykarN¾mkfay:agehacNas;k_mancMnYnm nusSCag 20nak;RtUv)an)at;bg;Civit. r)aykarN¾)aneGaydwgeTotfa naeBlbc©úb,nñenHmancMnYnmnusS 36nak;)anTTYlkarEfTaMxagviC¢saRsþ nigcMnYn 7nak;kMBugsßitkñúgPaBeRKaHfñak;. At least 20 more are reported missing. Reports say that 36 people are currently receiving medical care, and seven are in serious condition.


The ship was bound for the religious festival of Djamaad, in Tadjoura.

RtUv)anraykarN¾mkfanavadwkGñkdMeNIrmanpÞú kmnusSy:agehacNas; 200nak; nigsMParHsMNg;CaeRcIneTot ehIymanmnusS cMnYn80nak;RtUv)ansøab; enAeBlEdlnava)anlic. Built to hold roughly 80 people, it was reported to have been carrying at least 200 people as well as construction materials at the time it sank.

fVIebI)andWgBImUlehtuénkareRKaHfñak; k_elak Ismael Tani CaGñkpþl;TIRbWkSaeGayRbFanaFwbtI Umar Guelleh énRbeTs Djiboutian)anniyayfakareRKaHfñak;enHKWbNþalmkBIeR KaHmhnþray. Though the cause of the accident has yet to be determined, Ismael Tani, advisor to the Djiboutian President Umar Guelleh, said that the overload probably caused the disaster.

eTaHCay:agNa sakSI Omar Souleiki ) anbenÞasfaeRKaHfñak;enHedaysarrlktUc². Eyewitness Omar Souleiki, however, blamed it on a small wave.

karecjRbtibtþuikarN¾RsavRCavrukrkTaMgyb;rbs;kg navacrénRbeTs Djiboutian RbeTs)araMg nigRbeTsGaemrikRtUv)an bBaÄb;TaMgyb;. Search operations by the Djiboutian, French, and American naval vessels have been called off for the night.

mnusScMnYn 18nak;)ansøab;;bnÞab;BImanBüúHkMbutt,Úgd¾FM


Midwest 18 dead after multiple twisters strike US Midwest


éf¶TI3 Ex emsa qñaM 2006 April 3, 2006

kalBImSilmij xül;BüúHkMNacmYy)anbgáeGaymankarexÞcxÞaMy a:gxøaMgenATUTaMgtMbn; American Midwest ehIysMlab;mnusSdl;eTA 18nak;enAeBlEdlBüúHenHe)akbk;eTAelIrdæcMnYnR )aMnaeBlRBlb; ebIeTaHbICamankarBüakrN¾ TukCamunk_eday. High winds and multiple tornadoes caused destruction across the American Midwest yesterday, killing 18 people when they hit five states in the early evening, although that figure is expected to rise.

RKan;EtenAkúñgRsuk Dyer County énrdæ Tennessee manmnusSsøab; 12nak; nigRsuk Gibson County énrdæ Tennessee manmnusSsøab;dl;eTA 3nak;. karsøab;)anekIneLIgdl;eTA 15nak;EtenAkñúgrdæmYyKt;.

In Dyer County, Tennessee alone, 12 people were killed, and in Gibson County, Tennessee, a further three were lost, bringing the death toll up to 15 in that state alone.

mnusScMnYn3nak;EdlenAsl;BIkarsøab;RtUv)an)at;x øÜnenAkñúgrdæ MissourieRkayeBlBüúH)anbk;kat; ehIyGakasFatud¾ GaRkk;enHk_)anCH\T§iBleTAelIrdæmYycMnYneTotd UcCa Arkansas, Kentucky, Ohio nig Illinois. The remaining three lives were lost in Missouri as a result of high winds, although the freak weather also hit the states of Arkansas, Kentucky, Ohio and Illinois.

elak Sherriff Jeffrey Holt ) anniyayfaxül;BüúHenH)ane)akbk;mkelIRsuk Dyer County énrdæ Tennessee RbEhlCaenAem:ag7 nig40naTIyb;mij kñúgxN³eBlelaksaksYrBIBt’manxül;BüúHEdlbgáeGa ymanPaBGasnñenH. dUecñH KµankarRbkasGasnñCamuneLIy. When asked about the storms which caused chaos in Tennessee, Dyer County Sherriff Jeffrey Holt said, "This hit about 7:40 last night, so the warnings were out.

BYkeK)anEsVgrkenARKb;TIkEnøgTaMgGs;énrdæ Arkansas nigMissouri Edlxül;BüúH)ane)akbk;mkdl;. They were being tracked all the way across Arkansas and Missouri as it was coming in.

´Kitfa eyIgRKan;Et)anRbkasGasnñCaeRcIndgGMBIcMnYné nkarbMepøcbMpøajenAkñúgtMbn;EdlbNþaleGayma nkar)at;bg; CIvitmnusSCaeRcInnak;. We had plenty of warnings, I think, just the amount of destruction in the area is what caused our fatality count to get so high.

karbMepøcbMpøajenHmanenAesÞIrEtRKb;TIkEnøgta mbeNþayénKnøgxül;BüúH)anbk;kat;. Destruction is almost absolute total destruction along some of the path of this.

KµankarcakecjBIeKhdæaneLIy Etmankarpþl;CaCMnYy. There's just nothing left of houses but foundation."

manbBaðaxagEpñkfamBlenARKb;kEnøgEdlBüúHbk; kat; GC£aFrRsukmYycMnYn)anraykarN¾mkfakardac;eP øIgGacbnþeTACaeRcInéf¶. Numerous power failures were reported across the affected areas, with some county authorities reporting that the blackouts may go on for several days.

mnusSEdlRtUv)anBa¢ÚneTARsuk Pemiscot County nig Missouri ) anR)ab;eTAGñkkaEstfa kalBIRBwkéf¶c½nÞmnusSmYycMnYnRtUv Cab;enAkñúgp§Hrbs;BYkeKeBlkMBugmanBüúH. A dispatcher in Pemiscot County, Missouri informed the press that, as of Monday morning, some people were still trapped in their houses as a result of the storms.

tamryHesckIþEføgkarN¾enAtammUldæan)aneGayd wgfa enAkñúgrdæ Illinois manya:gehacNas;k_7RsukEdrEdlRtUv xül;KYcd¾FMenHbk;kat;b:uEnþBMumanmnusSsøab ; b¤rgrbYsF¶n;F¶reLIy. In Illinois, tornadoes touched down across at least seven counties according to local emergency officials, but no-one was severely injured or killed.

elak Patti Thompson

CaGñknaMBaküxagEpñkRKb;RKgCabnÞan;enArdæ Illinois)anraykarN¾mkfaBüúHd¾FMmYyenAxagmux Edl)anraMgsÞHnUvral;dMeNIrkalenAshrdæGaemrik KWcab;BITisxagt,Úgénrdæ Illinois EdlbNþalmkBIGakasFatu d¾GaRkk;kalBIyb;mij. The Emergency Management spokesperson for Illinois Patti Thompson reported that a large storm front which spanned the breadth of America from Illinois southwards was the cause of last night's dramatic weather.

enAkñúgrdæ Ohio GñkBüakrN¾]tuniymenAsßanIy Wilmington )anpþl;dMNwgeTAsmaKmsarBt’manfa } mankarxUcxatmYycMnYnenARKb;RsukTaMgGs;Eb:k nirtIénrdæ Ohio {. In the state of Ohio, a Wilmington-based meteorologist informed members of the Associated Press that "In every county in southwest Ohio there has been some type of damage."

esckþIEføgkarN¾CapøÚvkarmYyenAkñúgrdæTaMgR )aMBIrkalBIRBwkmij)aneGaydwgfa{R)ak;cMNayeTA elIkarxUcxatenARKb;tMbn;Edl TTYlrg\T§iBledayxül;BüúHKWGs;CaeRcIn ehIykargarEdlRtUvsþareLIgvijnUvehdæarcnasm<½ n§dUcCabMBak;famBl nig]sµ½n)ankMBugGnuvtþn¾}. Repair costs for damage across the affected area are expected to be six-figure sums, and extensive work to replace destroyed segments of the infrastructure such as gas and power supplies is already underway, said officials in all seven of the states hit this morning.

cMnYnénkarsøab;)anekIneLIg éf¶enHy:agehacNas;k_manmnusSmñak;eTotRtUv)a nraykarN¾mkfaenAmanCIvitenAeLIyenA kñúgrdæRsuk Missouri. The current death toll is expected to rise today, with at least one more unconfirmed death reported in Missouri already.

ynþehaHpÞúkTMnijeyaFa C-5 Galaxy mYyeRKÓgFøak;enAÉmUldæanT½BGakas Base C-5 Galaxy military cargo plane crashes at Dover Air Force Base

éf¶TI3 Exemsa qñaM2006

Dover Air Force

April 3, 2006

mnÞI Pentagon ) anbBa¢ak;fakarFaøk;ynþehaHpÞúkTMnijeyaFa C-5 Galaxy enAÉmUldæanT½BGakas Dover Air Force Base Kwedaysarman{bBaðaemkanic } ehIyynþehaH)anFøak; {kúñgxN³eBlkMBugehaHcuH}. The Pentagon confirmed that a C-5 Galaxy military cargo plane crashed at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, saying that the plane was having "mechanical problems" and crashed "while taking off."

ynþehaH)anpÞúkmnusScMnYn17nak;. The plane was carrying 17 people.

sarB½t’man ) anraykarN¾mkfaKµankar)at;bg;CIviteT k_b:uEnþelak Allen Metheny CaCMnYykarnaykenAkñúg State Department ) anniyayfamanmnusSrgrbYsmYycMnYn)andwkeTAm nÞIeBTü ehIykarrgrbYsy:agNaenaHKWBuMGacdwg)aneT. ABC News reported no fatalities, but Allen Metheny, assistant director in the State Department, said that some were injured and taken to the hospital; the extent of the injuries was unknown.

y:agehacNas;k_mancMnYnmnusS10nak; ) anraykarN¾mkfaRtUv)andwkeTAmnÞIeBTü BayHealth. At least 10 people have been reported to have been taken to BayHealth hospital.

ynþehaH)anFøak;RbEhlCaem:ag6 nig45naTIRBwk EDT (1045 UTC) ehIy)andac;ecjCabIkMNat;. The plane crashed about 6:45 a.m. EDT (1045 UTC) and broke into three separate sections.

ynþehaH C-5 Galaxy KWCaynþehaHFMbMputenAkñúgPñak;gareyaFaéns hrdæGaemrik. The C-5 Galaxy is the largest plane in operation in the U.S. military.

RbeTscin nigGURsþalI)ancab;epþImedaHRsaybBaðaceRmInFa tuG‘uyr:ajÚm Uranium Australia and China enter into Uranium deal

éf¶TI3 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 3, 2006

RbeTscin)ancuHkic©RBmeRBog {kic©RBmeRBogkarBarnuyekøEG‘r} EdlnwgGnuBaØatieGayRbeTsenHTijsarFatu G‘uyr:ajÚmBIRbeTsGURsþalI. China has entered into a "nuclear safeguards agreement" which will allow it to purchase uranium from Australia.

edayEp¥keTAelIlkçxN½Ðénkic©RBmeRBog RbeTscinminRtUv)aneRbIFatuG‘uyr:ajÚmEdlTijBIGU RsþalIykeTAeRbIkñúg eKalbMNgeyaFaeLIy. Under the conditions of the agreement, China must not use Australian uranium for military purposes.

kic©RBmeRBogRtUv)ancuHhtßelxaedayelak Alexander Downer rdæmRnþIRksYgkarbreTsGURsþalI nig elak Li Zhaoxing rdæmRnþIRksYgkarbreTscin edaymanvtþmanrbs;naykrdæm®nIþénRbeTsTaMgBI r KWelak John Howard nigelak Wen Jiabao. The agreement was signed by Australia's Foreign Minister Alexander Downer and his Chinese counterpart, Li Zhaoxing in the presence of their leaders Australian Prime Minister John Howard and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.

RbeTsGURsþalInwgminGnuBaØatieGaynaMecjFatuG ‘uyr:ajÚmeTARbeTsd¾éTeTotEdlBMu)anelIkeLIgenAk ñúgkic©RbmeRBogkarBar nuyekøEG‘r. Australia will not allow uranium to be exported to any country which has not entered into a nuclear safeguards agreement.

tMrUvkarénkic©RBmeRBogenHKWfa RbeTsEdlcg;TijFatuG‘uyr:ajÚmRtUvEtCaGñkcuHhtße lxaeTAkñúgsn§isBaØaminceRmInFatu nuyekøEG‘rbs;GgÁkarshRbCaCati. A requirement of this agreement is that the country wishing to purchase uranium must also be a signatory to the UN's Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

elak Alexander Downer ) anmanEføgfaRbeTscinRtUvkarFatuG‘uyr:ajÚmsMrab ;kmµviFIfamBlnuyekøEG‘r. Alexander Downer stated that China needs the uranium for its nuclear energy program.

Kat;)anniyayeTotfa karrIkcMerInNamYyrbs;RbeTscin)an):an;sµaneGayd wgBIkMenInéntMrUvkareRbIR)as;GKÁIsnIenAqñaMx agmux famBlnuyekøEG‘rmanplRbeyaCn¾eRcIndl;brisßanbr isuT§ nigeFIVeGaymanPaBsMbUrEbbénkareRbIR)as;famBl Er:eRbg\T§enH edIm,Ikat;bnßykarbMPayecjnUv]sµ½npÞHkBa©k;. He said "Given China's high projected growth in electricity demand over the coming years, there are clear environmental benefits in diversifying from fossil fuels to low greenhouse-emission technologies such as nuclear power."

RbeTscinbMrugnwgksageragcRknuyekøEG‘rBI40 eTA50eragcRkenAryHeBl 20qñaMxagmuxenH. China is expected to build between 40 to 50 nuclear plants over the next 20 years.

rdæm®nþIRksYgFnFanénRbeTsGURsþalI Ian Macfarlane ) anniyayfakarnaMecjenHeFVIeLIgkñúgryHeBl4qñaM ehIykic© RBmeRBogenHKWCakarcab;epIþméndMeNIrkarnaM ecj. Ian Macfarlane, Austalia's Resource Minister said that exports should begin within four years and that the agreement was only the beginning of the export process.

Kat;)anR)ab;eTAviTüú ABC Radio fa {karcuHhtßelxaenAelIkic©RBmeRBogenH vaRKan;EtCakarcab;epþImdMeNIrkarb:ueNÑaH} He told ABC Radio "The signing of this agreement is really only the start of the process,

Kat;)anniyayfa {eyIgRtUvkarrMBwgTukfa tMrUvkarénkic©crcarBaNiC¢kmµmYyvagRkumhu‘n plitFatuG‘uyr:ajÚmrbs;RbeTsGURsþalI nigRkumh‘unrbs;RbeTscinEdlmanbMNgcg;TijFatuGu‘ yr:ajÚmenHnwgRtUv)aneFVIeLIg}. We need to move forward, there needs to be commercial negotiations between companies in Australia that are producing uranium and companies in China that wish to purchase it" he said.


:ajÚmdl;eTA40PaKryénEr::Gu‘yyr:ajÚmenAelIsaklela k GacRtUvkar begáInEfmnUvplitkmµrbs;xøÜn. It is believed that Australia, which holds 40 percent of the world's uranium, may need to increase production.

naeBlbc©úb,nñenH RbeTsGYRsþalIplit)anFatuG‘uyr:ajÚmRbmaNCa 10000etankñúgmYyqñaM. At present, Australia produces 10,000 tonnes per year.

KitfaRbeTscinnwgRtUvkarFatuG‘uyr:ajÚmRbmaNCa 20000etankñúgmYyqñaMBIRbeTsGURsþalI. It is expected that China will require 20,000 tonnes a year from Australia.

rdæmRnþIRksYgkarbreTsGURsþalI Alexander Downer)anEføgfa {FatuG‘uyr:ajÚmRtUv)anlk;kñúgkic©snüaeGayeRbI R)as; EtmineGay eRbIkñúgeKalbMNgeyaFaeLIy ehIyRbeTscink_nwgCakmµvtßúmYysMrab;kmµviFIRt YtBinitüemIl nigkarkarBar famBlbrimaNUGnþrCatipgEdr }elakk_)anbnþeTotfa{ nwgmanRbB½n§mYysMrab;tamdanvtßúFatuedImnu yekøEG‘rrbs;GURsþalI}. "Uranium will only be sold by contract to utilities, it cannot be used for military purposes, China will also be subject to international atomic energy safeguards and that means inspections," Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has stated and continued "Thirdly, there will be a system that will track Australian nuclear material."

elak Kevin Rudd CaGñknaMBakükarTUtmanninñakarRbqaMgenAkñú gRbeTsGURsþalImñak;)anniyayfaKat;KaMRTcMeBaH kic© RBmeRBogenH. Kevin Rudd, Australian Opposition's foreign affairs spokesman said that he supported the agreement.

elak Kevin Rudd CaGñknaMBaküxagkargarbreTsKaMRTKMnitl¥enHEd r. Labor's foreign affairs spokesman Kevin Rudd supports the deal.


{ebIsinCaeyIgmankarerobcMkic©karBareTVPaKId¾ manRbsiT§PaBCamYyRbeTscin enaHvaBMuman]bsKÁGIVTaMgGs;}. "If we have with China effective bilateral safeguards arrangements then there should be no impediment," he said.

saRsþacarü Ian Lowe mkBIsßab½NmUlniFiEfrkSa nigkarBarénRbeTsGURsþalI Australian Conservation Foundation ) anniyaytbfa } KµaneBlevlasMrab;karbegáInnUvbrimaNvtßúFatued ImEr:kñúgBiPBelakeLIy{. Professor Ian Lowe from the Australian Conservation Foundation said in response to the deal that "This is no time to be increasing the amount of fissile material in the world."

elak Christine Milne)anpþl;mti {minRtUveGaymankMhus— karlk;FatuG‘uyr:ajÚmrbs;GURsþalIeTAeGayRbeTscin nwgmin)aneFVIeGay BiPBelakmanPaBvwkvreLIy. Christine Milne has commented "Make no mistake -- selling Australian uranium to China will make the world less safe."

sßab½NmUlniFiRBMEdneGLicRtUnic)aneFVIjatþimY yedIm,IbBaÄb; AT&T BIkareFVICMnYjtamRbB½n§GIunETENteTAéf¶eRkay CamYy NSA Electronic Frontier Foundation files motion to stop AT&T from forwarding Internet traffic to NSA

éf¶TI7 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 7, 2006

mUlniFiRBMEdneGLicRtUnic (EFF) énGgÁkareRkArdæaPi)almanTIsñak;karenArdæ California )aneFVIjatþiy:agxøImYykalBIéf¶BuF eday)anGHGagfa AT&T)aneFVIkarrksIutamRbB½n§GIunETENtCamun min)anRsbeTAtamc,ab;énkarRKb;RKgsnþisuxCati National Security Administration. The California-based non-profit organization Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a brief on Wednesday claiming that AT&T has been illegally forwarding internet traffic directly to the National Security Administration.

mUlniFi EFF)anesñIrsMueGaymankarbBaÄb;karCYjdUrenHCab nÞan;. The EFF has asked that the forwarding be stopped immediately.

tamryH elak Kevin Bankston CamRnþIemFavIénmUlniFi EFF ) aneGaydwgfa {PsþútagEdl)anKaMRTkarGHGagrbs;eyIgfa AT&T kMBugbþÚr BIkareFVICMnYjtamGIunETENtmkCakareFVICMnYjF mµtaén NSA EdlCakarrksIuelµIsc,ab;rbs;shB½n§ nig c,ab;TI4}. According to EFF staff attorney Kevin Bankston, "The evidence that we are filing supports our claim that AT&T is diverting Internet traffic into the hands of the NSA wholesale, in violation of federal wiretapping laws and the Fourth Amendment. More than just threatening individuals' privacy, AT&T's apparent choice to give the government secret, direct access to millions of ordinary Americans' Internet communications is a threat to the Constitution itself.

\LÚveyIgkMBugesñIrsMutulakareGaybBaÄb;erOgen H. We are asking the Court to put a stop to it now."

jatþiRtUv)aneFVIeLIgedaymankare)aHRtapgenaH vaRKan;EtGnuBaØateGayecARkm nigGñkbþwgemIlBakübNþwgenaHeLIgvijb:ueNÑaH. The motion was filed under seal allowing only the judge and litigants to view the complaint.

sMNuMEbbbTGnuBaØateGay AT&T ryHeBl5éf¶sMrab;Bnül;eTAtulakarBImUlehturbs;BYk eKedI,mI,lak;)aMgBt’mankMueGay elcB¤CasarFarN³. The procedure allows AT&T five days to explain to the court their reasons for keeping the information from the public.

enAkñúgskmµPaBkþImYy mUlniFi EFFkMBugtMNageGayral;GtifiCnmanTIlMenAGciéRnþ y¾enATUTaMgRbeTs. In the class action lawsuit, EFF is representing all AT&T residential customers nationwide.

GtItRbFanaFibtI Rafsanjani niyayfaRbeTsGIur:g;kMBugcMerInFatuG‘uyr:ajÚm. Ex-President Rafsanjani says Iran is enriching uranium

éf¶TI11 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 11, 2006

RbFanaFitIGIur:g; Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ) anbBa¢ak;faRbeTsrbs;xøÜn)ancMerInFatuG‘uyr:ajÚ meCaKC½yBIkarbMEbk FatucMnYn164. Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has confirmed that the country has successfully enriched uranium from 164 of their centrifuges.

´sUmRbkasCapøÚvkarfaRbeTsGIur:g;)ancUlrYmeTA kñúgbNþalRbeTsEdlKµanbec©kviTüanuyekøEG‘r. "I am officially announcing that Iran has joined the group of those countries which have nuclear technology.

enHKWCalT§plénkarRbqaMgTb;Tl;rbs;RbCaCatiGIur: g;. This is the result of the Iranian nation's resistance.

elak Ahmadinejad )anniyaykalBIéf¶GgÁarfa {eyageTAtamc,ab;GnþrCati eyIgnwgbnþdMeNIrrbs;eyIgrhUtdl;eBleyIg TTYl)anplitplénkarcMerInFatuG‘uyr:ajÚmCalkçN³]sS ahkmµ}. Based on international regulations, we will continue our path until we achieve production of industrialscale enrichment," said Ahmadinejad on Tuesday.

GIur:g;)anGnuvtþn¾smasFatudMbUgénFatubMEbkc MnYn164 Giur:gk_)andak;bBa©Úl]sµ½n ¬G‘uyr:ajÚm¦nigQaneTAdl;karplitCa lkçN³]sSahkmµ. "Iran has put into operation the first unit of 164 centrifuges, has injected (the uranium) gas and has reached industrial production.

eyIgdak;dMeNIrkarsmasFatudMbUgEdlrYmman164 énFatubMEbk ]sµ½n ehIyeyIg)anTTYlplitplsMercCalkçN³]sSahkmµ. We operated the first unit which comprises of 164 centrifuges, gas was injected, and we got the industrial output.


ITTYl)anes‘rIplitplTaMgmUlCalkçN³]sSahkmµ. We should expand the work of these machines to achieve a full industrial line.

GtItRbFanaFibtIGIur:g; Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani ) anniyaykalBIRBwkRBlwméf¶enHfa {eyIgRtUvkardl; eTA12FatuénsmasFatudMbUgTaMgenH ¬cMnYnsrubman164 énFatubMEbk ¦edIm,ITTYl)anPaBgayRsYldl;karcMerInFatu G‘uyr:ajÚm}. We need dozens of these units (sets totaling 164 centrifuges) to achieve a uranium enrichment facility," said Iran's former President, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, earlier today.

elak Ahmadinejad ) anniyayfakalBIéf¶c½nÞfaKat;nwgbeBa©j {Bt’mansMxan;sIþBInuyekøEG‘rEdlCaemaTnPaBmY ysMrab; RbCaCatiGIur:g;TaMgmUl}enAéf¶enHehIyesckþIray karN¾enaHKWCaEpñkmYyénkarbBa©úHbBa©Úlrb s;shrdæGaemrikEdlBak;B½n§eTAnwg} cM)aMgcitþsaRsþ{. Ahmadinejad had said on Monday that he would release "good nuclear news which will be a source of pride for the whole Iranian nation" today and that reports from the media are part of the United States campaign involving "psychological warfare."

KµanGVIGacmkbBaÄb;kmµviFInuyekøEG‘rsIuvilrbs; eyIg eBlEdlRbCaCatiGIur:g;KWCaRbCaCatikøahanmYy ehIyminEdlxø¶accMeBaHkarbMP½yNamYy. "Nothing can stop our civil nuclear programme as the Iranians are a courageous nation and not afraid of intimidations.

elak Ahmadinejad )anbEnßmeTotfa eyIgminEdlTTYlrgnYvRKab;EbkbrimaNUeLIy. We are not after atomic bombs," added Ahmadinejad.

eyagtamviTüasßanfamBl nigbrimaNUGnþrCati RbeTsGIur:g;cab;epþImsakl,geTAelI 20énFatubMEbkenAExmIna. According to the IAEA, Iran began to test 20 centrifuges in March.

kalBIéf¶BuF naykviTüasßanfamBl


nigbrimaNUGnþrCati IAEA nwgeFVIdMeNIrTsSnkic©eTARbeTsGIur:g;edIm,Itam danemIlBI karvivtþn¾énkmµviFIenH ebIsinCamanbBaðaNamYyekItmaneLIgsMrab;kmµvi FInuyekøEG‘rrbs;Giur:g;enaHeyIgnwgecjr)aykarN¾ bBaÄb;kmµviFIenHenAExemsa. On Wednesday, the President of the IAEA will visit Iran to review the progression, if any, to Iran's nuclear program and will release a report at the end of April.

shrdæGaemrik)anEføgkarN¾fa {RbeTsGIur:g;kMBugeFVIdMeNIreTArkpøÚvxusmYy} EdlBak;B½n§eTAnwgkmµviFInuyekøEG‘rrbs;xøÜn ehIyebIsinCaenAEtbnþkmµviFIrbs;xÜøn enaHeyIgnwgeFVIkarBiPakSaCamYyGgÁkarshRbCa CatiCaCMhan²edIm,IrkpøÚvedaHRsay mYyRbkbedayPaBRsuHRsYl. The United States said that Iran is "moving in the wrong direction" in regards to its nuclear program and that if it continues its program, it will discuss the possibility of taking steps with the United Nations.

tamryHGñknaMBaküestviman Scott McClellan ) aneGaydwgfa rdæaPi)alRkugv:asIunetanDIsIu)anniyay fa } nwgeFVIkarBiPakSaGMBIviFIsaRsþenAeBlxagmuxCa mYysmaCikdéTeTotenAkñúgRkumRbwkSasnþisuxén GgÁkarshRbCaCati nigRbeTsGalWøm:g;GMBIkarelIkeLIgnUvbBaðkmµvi FInuyekøEG‘rrbs; Giur:g;{. Washington DC is said to "be talking about the way forward with the other members of the Security Council and Germany about how to address this [Iran's nuclear proram]," according to White House spokesman Scott McClellan.

RbFanaFitI Bush nigelak Straw rMsayecalKMeragnuyekøEGrrbs;GIur:g; Bush, Straw dismiss Iran nuclear attack plan

éf¶TI11 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 11, 2006

TsSnavdþI New Yorker )anraykarN¾kalBIéf¶esAr_mkfa RbFanaFibtIénshrdæGaemrik George W. Bush nigGKÁelxaFikarRksYgkarbreTséncRkPBGg;eKøs Jack Straw )anrMsayecalnUvKMeragnuyekøEG‘r 'first-strike'. United States President George W. Bush and the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw have both dismissed the nuclear 'first-strike' plan reported in the New Yorker magazine on Saturday.

eyageTAtamBt’manrbs; New Yorker Edlsresreday Seymour M. Hersh )aneGaydwgfamRnþIesIubkarN¾xagEpñkeyaFa Gaemrik)ankMBugerobcMKMerag)aj;RbhareragcRkn uyekøEGrd¾FMsMebImrbs;Giur:g;edIm,IbBaÄb;Rbe TsenHkMueGayplitGavuFnuyekøEGr. According to the New Yorker story, written by Seymour M. Hersh, American military and intelligence officials were making plans for a massive nuclear strike on Iran in order to stop the country developing nuclear weapons.

esckþIraykarN¾k_)ansresrEdrfa kgkMlaMgBiessrbs; US ) ankMBugecjRbtibtiþkarrYcCaeRscedIm,IRbmUlBt’m ansMxan;²enAkúñg RbeTsGIur:g;. The report also said that US special forces were already operating in Iran gathering target information.

rdæaPi)alGIur:g;TTUcfakmµviFIGPivDÆn¾nuyekøE G‘rrbs;xøÜnKWmanPaBs¥ats¥MkñúgeKalbMNgpÁt;p Ág;nUvtMrUvkarfamBlsIuvil b:uEnþPñak;gar esIubkarN¾CaeRcInenACMuvijBiPBelakeCOfaeKale dAd¾cMbgnigRtwmRtUvrbs;GIur:g;KWGPivDÆn¾G avuFnuyekøEG‘r. The Iranian government insists that its nuclear development program is purely for meeting civilian energy needs, but several intelligence agencies around the world believe that Iran's true goal is to develop nuclear weapons.

Pañk;garfamBlbrimaNUGnþrCati)anniyayfaminTan;) aneXIjkarcg¥úlbgðajNamYyBIkarbEgVrBIvtßúFatunu yekøEG‘reGayeTACa GavuFnuyekøEG‘r b¤k_]bkrN¾nuyekøEG‘rEdlGacpúÞH)an bnÞab;BIebIkkarRtYtBinitüGs;ryHeBlCaeRcInqñaMe nAkñúgRbeTsGIur:g;rYcmk

b:uEnþ)anbeBa©jeGaydwgBIPaBminR)akdRbCaGM BIdMeNIrkarénkmµviFInuyekøEG‘rrbs;Giur:g; nigkarRbkassMukarsMgat;BIGIur:g;pgEdr. The International Atomic Energy Agency has said that it has not seen indications of diversion of nuclear material to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices after several years of intensive inspections in Iran, but has also expressed uncertainty about the nature of Iran's nuclear program and called for confidence building measures from Iran.

GtItmRnþIesuIbkarN¾ US ) anGHGagfaRbFanaFibtIGIur:g; Mahmoud Ahmadinejad KWCa Hitler fIµmYyCaKURbqaMgeTAnwgestviman.


A former US intelligence official claimed that Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is referred to as "the new Adolf Hitler" within the White House.

mRnþIeyaFamYycMnYneCOfaelak Bushcg; {pøas;bþÚrrbb }enAkñúgRbeTsGIur:g;. Some military officials believe that Bush wants a "regime change" in Iran.

RbFanaFibtI Ahmadinejad kalBIelIkmun)anCMeTaHBIkarekItmaneLIgénBYk Holocaust ehIyenAkñúgkarBiPakSa enAÉsnñisiT§mYyenA Zionism Kat;)anbkRsayBIesckþIEføgkarN¾rbs;elak Ayatollah Khomeini EdlniyayfaRbeTs GIuRsþaEGlCakgkMlaMgmYyvayRbhareTAelIRbeTs): aeLsÞIn enaHKYrEtRtUv)an}lubecjBIkúñgEpnTIBiPBelak{ faCa {esckþIEføgkarN¾RbkbedayKtibNÐit}. President Ahmadinejad has previously disputed the existence of the Holocaust and at a conference discussing Zionism, he described Ayatollah Khomeini's statement that Israel as an occupying force in Palestine should be "wiped off the map" as "a wise statement".

mRnIþGnamikénmnÞI Pentagon ) anniyayfaestvimaneCOfaviFIEtmYyKt;EdlGacedaHR saybBaða)anKWpøas;bþÚrrcnasm<½n§én karRKb;RKgenAkñúgRbeTsGIur:g; ehIymeFüa)ayenaHKWkareFVIsRgÁam. An anonymous Pentagon official said "This White House believes that the only way to solve the problem is to change the power structure in Iran, and that means war.

Giur:g;k_)anBRgwgbEnßmnUvesckþITukcitþxagépÞk ñúgrbs;pgxøÜnpgEdr

viFIEtmYyKt;edIm,IkarBarRbeTsKWRtUvmansmtßPa Bxag nuyekøEGr. It also reinforces the belief inside Iran that the only way to defend the country is to have a nuclear capability."

karehaHehIrrbs;ynþehaHGaemrikenAelIEdnsmuRTG ar:ab;KWCakarehaHehIrGnuvtþn¾ebskmµGavuFnu yekøEG‘rkñúgkarsegátemIl RbeTsGiur:g;tamryHr:adarbs;GIur:g; nigGegátemIledIm,Idak;karKMramkMEhgeTAelIGIur: g;. US aircraft flying from carriers in the Arabian Sea have been flying practice nuclear weapon missions within range of Iranian radar, widely seen as an effort to intimidate Iran.

kalBIb:unµanqñaMmun RbeTsGIur:g;)anksagmUldæaneRkamdICaeRcInkEn øgedIm,IRTRTg;skmµPaBrbs;xøÜn. In the last few years Iran has been constructing a series of underground facilities to support its work.

GñkviPaKxagvis½yeyaFamñak; Colonel Sam Gardiner manRbsasn¾faRbmaNCag 400eKaledAenAkñúgRbeTsGIur:g;EdlRtUv karkMeTcecaledIm,IbBa©b;kmµviFInuyekøEG‘rrbs; GIur:g;. Colonel Sam Gardiner, a military analyst, says there are over 400 targets in Iran that would need to be destroyed to end Iran's nuclear program.

CeRmIsmYyénKMeragenaHRtUv)anraykarN¾eTAest vimanedaymnÞI Pentagon kalBIrdUvrgar ehIy)aneGaydwgfa GavuFnuyekøEGr FunkNþalmUyEdlmaneQµaH "bunker-busting" nwgRtUv)aneRbIedIm,I)aj;bBa©ÚleTAkñúgmUldæa nenAeRkamdIEdlmanCMerAeRCA kñúgenaHmanmUldæanmYykñúgcMeNammUldæan epSgeTotmanCMerA dl;75 hVItebIeFobeTAnwgépÞdIxagelI. In one option of a plan reportedly presented to the White House by the Pentagon this winter, "bunkerbusting" mini-nuclear weapons would be used to penetrate the deepest-buried facilities, some of which are 75 feet below the surface.

karGHGagCalkçN³épÞkñúgmYy)aneGaydwgfa Joint Chiefs of Staff

BüayamlubecalCMerIsnuyekøEG‘recjBIKMeragkardk Rsg; BIbBaðamnusSsøab;edaykarsRgÁam nigkarTTYlrgnYvkarRCabcUlCativiTüúskmµ k_b:uEnþestvimanenAEtcg;rkSaTukCMerIsenH. An insider claimed that the Joint Chiefs of Staff tried to remove the nuclear option from the plan, citing problems of huge casualties and radioactive contamination, but the White House retained it.

RbPBdéTeTot)anGHGagfa kñúgxN³eBlEdlGavuFnuyekøEG‘rRtUv)anemIleXIjfa mankarcab;GarmµN¾eRcInkñúgcMeNam buKÁliksIuvil rUmCamYynwg {eKalneya)ayragCargVg;}mRnþIeyaFaCaeRcInenAE tCMTas;dac;xateTAnwgkareRbIR)as;nUvskþanuBlrbs ;va EdlkñúgeBlenaHmanmRnIþfñak;x<s;CaeRcInkMBug rgnUvkarKMramkMEhgeGaylaElgBImuxtMENg. Another source claimed that while nuclear weapons were seeing more interest amongst civilian staff and within "policy circles", military officers remained very much opposed to their potential use, with some highlevel officers threatening resignation.

karGHGagCalkçN³épÞkñúgmYy)aneGaydwgfa { ebIsinCamRnþIénmnÞI Pentagon bBa¢ak;BICMhrRbqaMgeTAnwgkareRbIGavuFnuyek øEG‘r sMrab;vayRbharenaHbBaðénGavuFnuyekøEG‘rnwg minGacekItmaneLIgeLIy{. The insider said "if senior Pentagon officers express their opposition to the use of offensive nuclear weapons, then it will never happen".

enAeBlsaksUrGMBIsc©PaBénkarGHGagEdl)ancuHe nAkñúgGtßbTénkaEst New Yorker estviman)anniyayfa } kñúgnamCa RbFanaFibtI eyIgCMrujeGaymandMeNaHRsaykarTUtmYy}. When asked about the veracity of the claims made in the New Yorker article, the White House said "As the President has indicated, we are pursuing a diplomatic solution”.


MEdgGkb,kiriyaminl¥kñúgpøÚv } karTUt {. The Defense Department also said that Iran was being dealt with through "diplomatic channels".

sßanb½N C.I.A.)anniyayfa KWCakar {minRtwmRtUv} enAkñúgdMeNIrerOgenH. The C.I.A. said that there were "inaccuracies" in the account.

enAkñúgsunÞrkfamYyÉsaklviTüal½y John Hopkins kñúgrdæ Washington DC elak Bush ) anBiBN’nafaKMeragkarenaHCa {karniyaysµaneGayrYcEtBImat;} edayKµankarbdiesF. Since then, Bush has described the plan as "wild speculation", without denying it, in a speech delivered at John Hopkins University in Washington DC.

Kat;niyayfa lT§iénviFankarbgáarb¤karBarKWCakareFVIkargarrY mKñamYyedIm,IbgáarBIGIur:g;kñúgkareRbIR)as;Ga vuFnuyekøEG‘r. "The doctrine of prevention is to work together to prevent the Iranians from having a nuclear weapon," he said.

´dwgfaRtUvkarBarRkug edayeRbIkMlaMgT½B.


"I know here in Washington prevention means force.

minEmnmann½yfacMa)ac;RtUvEteRbIkMlaMgT½Be naHeT. It doesn't mean force necessarily.

kñúgkrNIenH GacedaHRsayedaylkçx½NÐkarTUt. In this case it means diplomacy.

GVIEdlGñkkMBugniyayKWRKan;EtCakarkarniyayeG ayrYcEtBImat;b:ueNÑaH EdlkarniyayenH)anekIteLIgCajwkjyenAkñúgTIRkug. What you are reading is just wild speculation which happens quite frequently here in the nation's capital."

elak Jack Straw )anniyayfa } KMniteRbIGavuFnuyekøEG‘rbs;GIur:g;KWCaKMnitd ¾qÁÜtlIlamYy{. Jack Straw said "the idea of a nuclear strike on Iran is completely nuts."

elak Straw )anniyaytamTUrTsSn¾



{´)anRcanecaltYnaTIrbs;rdæaPi)alGg;eKøsenAeBlen H ehIynigeBl eRkayEdltYnaTIRtUv)anEckrMElkenATUTaMgTVibGIu r:ub}. Speaking on a BBC television show, Straw said "I have made clear the British Government's position on this time and time again which is widely shared across Europe."

RbFanaFibtI Bush nigelakRsI Condoleezza tMNageGayrdæaPi)alGaemrik)aneRbIBaküsMdITn;P øn;. "The American administration, Condoleezza Rice, [and] President Bush use slightly different language.

BYkeKniyayfavaminEmnmanEtenAelIrebobvar³eT . They say that it is not on the agenda, but it isn't on the agenda.

dUecñHBYkeKsnüafanwgedaHRsaybBaðaenHtamry Hkarcrca nigkarTUt -vaKWCabBaðasµúKsµajmYy. They are very committed indeed to resolving this issue - it is a complicated issue - by negotiation and, yes, by diplomatic pressure. "

elak Straw )anEføgfa cRkPBGg;eKøsnwgmin)aj;RKab;TeTreTAelIRbeTsGIur: g;eT elak Straw k_)anbnþeTotfa {Kat;nwgeFIVGVImYyEdl Kat;KitfaGaceFVIeTA)an} Edl US minKitfaminGaceFVI)an. Straw stated that the UK would not launch a pre-emptive strike on Iran, going on to say that he was as "certain as he could be" that neither would the US.

naykrdæmRnþIGIuRsþaEGl Ariel Sharon RtUv)anRbkasfa {GsmtßPaBCaerogrhUt }. Israeli PM Ariel Sharon declared 'permanently incapacitated'

éf¶TI11 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 11, 2006

KN³rdæmRnþIénRbeTsGIuRsþaEGl)anRbkasenAéf¶e nHfa ¬éf¶GgÁar¦ naykrdæmRnþI Ariel Sharon {GsmtßPaBCaerogrhUt } KWCakarRbkasmYysIþBIkarQb;kan;muxtMENgCana ykrdæmRnþICapøÚvkar. The Israeli cabinet today (Tuesday) declared Prime Minister Ariel Sharon "permanently incapacitated," a declaration that officially ends his tenure as Prime Minister.

elak Ehud Olmert eTIbkan;tMENgCanaykrdæmRnþI EdlKNbkS Kadima manCMhrelIma’KasnþiPaBrbs;Kat;)an TTYlsMelgeqñateRcIn CageKenAkñúgsPaCatikalBIExmina ) aneFIVkarcrcaedIm,IbegIátrdæaPi)alcMruHmYy. Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, whose centrist Kadima party won parliamentary elections in March, is currently in negotiations to form a coalition government.

elak Sharon ) anFøak;xøÜnQWedaysarCMgWb¤sdUg)atenAéf¶TI4 Exmkra. Sharon has been in a coma since suffering a massive hemorrhagic stroke on January 4.

tamc,ab;énRbeTsGIuRsþaEGl elak Olmert GaccUlkan;tMENgCanaykrdæmRnþIkñúgryHeBl100 éf¶ KWrhUtdl;éf¶TI14 Exemsa muneBlEdlkare)aHeqñateRCIserIstMENgnaykrdæm RnþIRtUv)anR)arB§eFVIeLIgcb;CasßaBr. Under Israeli law, Olmert can serve in the capacity of acting prime minister for only 100 days, until April 14, before a permanent replacement must be chosen.

esckþIRkasCapøÚvkarmYyRtUv)anbiTpSayenAéf¶G gÁarBIeRBaHéf¶buNüQb;sMrak Passover rbs;CnCati Jewish ) ancab;epIþm enAéf¶BuF TI12 Exemsa. The official announcement was moved up to Tuesday because the Jewish holiday of Passover begins on Wednesday, April 12.

elak Olmert RtUv)ancUlkan;tMENgCMnYselak



Olmert is expected to be named as Sharon's permanent replacement.

elak Prodi ) anGHGagBIeCaKC½yénkare)aHeqñatCatiGIutalI cMENkÉelak Berlusconi )anbdiesFcMeBaHkarcaj;enH Prodi claims victory in Italian election; Berlusconi refuses to concede

éf¶TI11 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 11, 2006

emdwknaMRbqaMgCnCatiGIutalI Romano Prodi CaemdwknaMénshB½n§bRgYbbRgYmmYy Union"),)anRbkasfaeCaKC½y

(Lit. "The

énkare)aHeqñatsPaEdlR)arB§eLIgkalBIéf¶GaTitS nigéf¶c½nÞ b:uEnþnaykrdæmRnþI Silvio Berlusconi ) anbdiesFrYceTAehIynUv lT§plénkare)aHeqñatenHenAkñuúgkariyal½yrbs;Kat ;. Italian opposition leader Romano Prodi, leader of the center-left coalition L'Unione (Lit. "The Union"), was declared the victor today in parliamentary elections held Sunday and Monday, but Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has yet to concede his office.

BMumankarbBa¢ak;CapøÚvkarnUvlT§plEdlbgðajfax agPaKIshB½n§ L'Unione )ankan;kab;cMnYnekAGIsPa b¤ Chamber of Deputies CamYysMelgeqñat 49/8° EdlxagPaKI centerright Casa delle Libertà (Lit. "The House of Freedoms") rbs;elak Berlusconi)anTTYlsMelgeqñat 49/7°enAeLIyeT.

Official but not yet confirmed results indicate that L'Unione won control of the lower house or Chamber of Deputies with 49.8% of the vote to 49.7% for Berlusconi's center-right Casa delle Libertà (Lit. "The House of Freedoms") coalition.

KNbkSEdlQñHeqñatnwgTTYl)ancMnYnekAGIticbMpu t 55°enAkñúgsPaCasV½yRbvtþi EdlKitCacMnYnekAGIy:agehacNas;dl;eTA 340ekAGIkñúgcMnYnekAGItMNagraRsþsrub630ekA GI. The winning party automatically receives a minimum of 55% of the seats in the lower house, giving Prodi at least 340 seats in the 630-seat Chamber.

eTaHCay:agNak_ elak Berlusconi GHGagfaKNbkSrbs;Kat;TTYl)anekAGIRBwT§sPacMnY n 315BIsMelgeqñat EdlnaMeGayman karEckrMElksPatMNagraRsþ. Berlusconi, however, claims that his party would control the 315-seat Senate by one vote, resulting in a split parliament.

eTaHCadUecñH lT§plnaeBlbc©úb,nñbgðajfa xagPaKIelak Prodi )annaMmuxéncMnYnekAGIBI 158156enAkñúgRBwT§sPa EdlGaceGayKat;man cMnYnekAGIRKb;RKan;TaMgenAkñúgrdæsPa nigkñúgRBwT§sPa.

The current results, however, show Prodi with a 158-156 lead in the Senate, giving him enough seats of support in both houses.

GñknaMBakürbs;elakk_)anbgðajEdrfaKNbkSrbs;Kat; esñIrsMueGayrab;eLIgvij. Berlusconi's spokesman also indicated that his party has requested a recount.

c,ab;énRbeTsGIutalITamTareGaynaykrdæmRnIþTTYl ykkarKaMRTBIsMNak;sPaTaMgBIr. Italian law requires that the prime minister receive the support of both houses of Parliament.

sPaTaMgBIrKYrEtRtUv)anRtYtBinitüedaysm<½nPaB énPaKIepSg² ehIykarminyl;RBmnwgnaMeTAdl;kare)aHeqñatsarC afµI. Should the two houses be controlled by different coalitions, the stalemate would result in new elections.

kñúgeBlkMBugrg;caM GñksegátkarrdæaPi)alnwgGnuvtþn¾eTAtamc,ab;. A caretaker government would rule in the meantime.

GñksresrkaEstrbs;sarBt’man NY Post RtUv)aneKsgS½yfamanBak;B½n§eTAnwgkarecaTRb kan;edayKaµnPsþútag eTAelIkrNICMritTarluy NY Post columnist suspended over extortion allegation

éf¶TI11 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 11, 2006

kaEst New York Post ) ansgS½yeTAelIGñksresrkaEstmYyrUbeQµaH Jared Paul Stern EdlkMBugRtUv)an esIubGegátBIsMNak; FBI eTAelIkrNIecaTRbkan;edayKµanPsþútag EdlfaKat;)anBüayamcab;CMritykR)ak;BImhaesdæIm YyrUb eQµaaH Ron Burkle. The New York Post has suspended gossip columnist Jared Paul Stern pending an FBI investigation into allegations that he tried to extort money from billionare Ron Burkle.

elak Stern )anbdiesFBIkarecaTRbkan;enH. Stern has denied the allegation.

elak Stern )ancUlrYmenAkñúg Page Six énkaEst New York Posts ehIyCaEpöñksarBt’mand¾l,Il,ajmYy. Stern contributes to Page Six, the New York Posts gossip and celebrity news section.


n New York Daily News. The allegation first appeared in the New York Daily News, the Post's long-standing rival.

sarBt’man Daily News )anraykarN¾mkfa elak Stern RtUv)aneKftvIedGUeBlTarrkR)ak; edIm,IbMePøc ecalnUvRbvtþiGaRsUvrbs;mhaesdæI Burkle. The Daily News reported that, in a sting operation, Stern was videotaped asking Burkle for cash, in exchange for weeding out negative stories on Burkle.

sarBt’man)aneGaydwgfa kMBugshRbtibtþikarCamYyshB½n§esIubGegát. The Post said that it is cooperating with the federal investigation. NASA

manKMeragbBa¢ÚnvtßúsÞg;rkeTAelIépÞxageRkAén PBRBHc½n§ NASA plans to send probe into Moon's surface

éf¶TI10 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 10, 2006

KWCaPañk;garlMhénshrdæGaemrik ) anRbkasfaebskmµelIkeRkayrbs;xÜøneTAkñúgPBRB Hc½nÞnwgminRKan;EtsßitenAelIknøg énPBRBc½nÞ b:ueNÑaHeT EfmTaMgbBa¢Únyan 2eRKOgeGaycuHenAelIEpÞxageRkAénPBRBHc½nÞT aMgpg. NASA

NASA, the United States' space agency, has announced that its next mission to the Moon will not only orbit the Moon, but also send two craft crashing into its surface.

yanehaHtamKnøgedIm,IsÞg;emIlenAelIRBHc½n§ (LRO) EdlebskmµcMbgrbs;yanenHKWTak;TgeTAnwgkarKUr EpnTIénPBRBHc½n§ nwg bBa¢ÚneRbg\T§nHEdlRtUveRbI nig]bkrN¾sMrab;sÞg;rkeq
reNþAenHemIleTAsMbUreTAeday]sµ½nGuksIuEsn ehIyk_manTwkkkpgEdr. The crater seems to be rich in hydrogen and possibly ice.

ebskmµenHKWCaEpñkmYyénryHeBlkñúgkarsakl,gc uHctGvkascrenAelIPBRBHc½n§ ehIyRbEhlCaGacrkSaTukGvkascr TaMgenaHenATIenaH kñúgryHeBlyUrCagebskmµrbs;yan Apollo . The mission is part of the run-up to trying to land astronauts back on the Moon, and perhaps keep them there for a longer period of time than the Apollo missions did.

elak Scott Horowitz CaGñkRKb;RKgsmaKm Exploration Systems Mission Directorate énPñak;gar NASA )an niyay fa {GVIEdlebskmµTij KWkarykcitþTukdak;BIdMbUgedIm,IEsVgyl;BIFnFanN amYyEdleyIgman///eyIgdwgc,as;fa karrukrkrbs;mnusS)anTTYleCaKC½y ehIyeyIgRtUvEtKitfavaCakarsMxan;EdleyIgRtUvcake cjBIEpndI}. Scott Horowitz, NASA's associate adminstrator for the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate, had this to say: "What this mission buys is an early attempt to know what some of the resources we’re going to have ... we know for sure that for human exploration to succeed we’re going to have to essentially live off the land."

2dgrYcmkehIyEdlGñkviTüasaRsþ)aneFVIkarenAelIya n Clementine rbs;mnÞI Pentagon nig Lunar Prospector ehIy)anemIleXIjCaragdMuTwkkkmanenAelIépÞénPB RBHc½n§. Twice before, with the Pentagon's Clementine spacecraft and with the Lunar Prospector, scientists have seen hints of ice on the Moon's surface.

karsgÇwmrbs; NASA faebskmµenHGacpþl;nUvcMelIyya:gRbesIrmYyeTAn wgsMNYrfaetImanTwkkkenAelIPBRBHc½n§Edrb¤eT. It is NASA's hope that this mission may provide better answers to the question of water ice on the Moon.

enHCakarbgðajBIsarRbeyaCn¾dl;eKalbMNgrbs;Pña k;garénebskmµGvkascrenAelIPBRBHc½n§enAqñaM 2020xagmux. This would prove useful to the agency's goal of a four-astronaut mission to the Moon by 2020.

vtßúsÞg;rk The Probe

eQµaHénKMeragKW LCROSS ryHeBlxøI.

Lunar Crater Observation

nig Sensing Satellite b¤

The name of the project is the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS for short.

yan LRO nwgRtUv)anbegðaHenAkñúgqñaM2008 ehIyeRbIkaemr:arbs;xøÜnpÞal; nig]bkrN¾sMrab;vas;qBVNÑrgSIedIm,IemIlkarCH \T§iBlénEpñkxagelIeTAnwgépÞxageRkA. It will launch with the LRO in October 2008 and use its onboard cameras and spectrometers to watch the impact of its upper stage into the surface.

EpñkxagelImanlkçN³KRKatRbhak;RbEhaleTAnwgdM u SUV EdlmanTgn;RbEhlCa 4/409 epan. The upper stage roughly resembles an SUV in mass - around 4,409 pounds.

elak Daniel Andrews CaGñkRKb;RKgKMerag )anniyayfa {eyIgnwgbegáItCaragsøabstVFMmYy sMrab;ekasyksMNak EdlsMNakTaMgenaHeyIgKitfaGacCaTwkkk}. The project manager, Daniel Andrews said: "We will create a substantial plume and excavate some sample material, some of which we think will be water ice."

eRkayeBlcuHenAelIPBRBHcn½ÞelIkdMbUgyan LCROSS nwgRbwgERbgehaHkat;edIm,ICIkykkMeTckMTI ykTinñn½y nigbBa¢ÚnsMNak TaMgenaHRtlb;mkEpndIvij. After the first crash, LCROSS will attempt to fly through the plume of debris, taking readings and sending them back to Earth.

eRkaymkeTot yanenaHnwgehaHcuHedayxøÜnÉgeTAelIreNþAepSg Kña EdlGacGnuBaØateGayTaMgyan LRO nigsßanIyenAelIEpndIGac emIleXIjkarekasyksMNakrbs;søabenaH. Once done, it will itself crash into a different region of the crater, allowing both the LRO and stations on Earth to observe the plume that it creates.

ehÁm streak rbs; Rollins )anbBaÄb;RtwmBinÞú 38 Rollins' streak ends at 38

éf¶TI6 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 6, 2006

elak Jimmy Rollins enA Philidelphia )anbBaÄb;karelgehÁm streak Edlcab;epþImenAéf¶TI23 ExsIha qñaM2005 edayyTTYl)an38BinÞú. Philidelphia- Jimmy Rollins' 38 game hitting streak that started on August 23, 2005 has ended.

bnÞab;BI 2rdUvehÁmkñúgqñaM2006 Kat;elg)anBinÞú0-4 kñúgenaH 4-2 caj; St.Louis ehIybBaÄb;kartamBinÞúPøam²enARtwm 56 EdlRtUv)anelgedayelak Joe Dimaggio enAqñaM 1941. After two games into the 2006 regular season, he went 0-4 in a 4-2 loss against St.Louis, promptly ending his pursuit of the impressive record 56 game feat accomplished by Joe Dimaggio in 1941.

BinÞúepSgeTotEdl Rollins kMBugedjtamRtUveKemIlrMlg.

Another record that Rollins' was chasing has been largely overlooked.

BinÞúénehÁm streak RtUv)aneFVIeLIgedayelak Pete Rose enAqñaM 1978 nigelak Willie Keeler enAqñaM 1897 KW44BinÞú KWx<s;CagBinÞúrbs; Rollins 6BinÞú. The National League hit streak record shared by Pete Rose(1978) and Willie Keeler(1897) was 44 games, just 6 more than Rollins' accomplished.



streak The streak was not without controversy.

mtiCaeRcInniyayfaehÁm streak minKYrykmkelgeTedaysarEtRtUvcMNayeBldl;eTA2rd Uvkalénkarelg. Many contested that the streak should not count due to the fact that it spanned two seasons.

BanrgVan;FM²dak;BinÞúeGayehÁm streakyUrbMputryHeBlmYyrdUv ehIyryHeBlelgehÁm streakyUrbMputKW2rdUvkal EdlBinÞúRtUvKitdac;BIKña. The major league marks for longest hitting streak in one season and longest hitting streak spanning two seasons are separate records.

]TahrN¾ karelgehÁm streak rbs; Willie Keeler RtUv)ansMerckñúgmYyrdUvkalenAqñaM 1897. For example, Willie Keeler's hitting streak was accomplished in one season in 1897.

Kat;k_)anelgehÁm streak elIkmunenAqñaM 1896pgEdr. He also had a hit in the last game in 1896, making his streak 45 over two seasons.




6Exmunnwgcab;epIþmelgmþgeTotrhUtdl;\LÚv KWehÁm streak mankarlM)akeRcIn. Others believed that the streak was more difficult since Rollins had to wait six months before trying to start again.

muneBlehÁm streakbBa©b; elak David Eckstein )anniyayfa {´KitfaesÞIrEtmanlkçN³BiessbnþicbnþÜc krNIKat;bBaÄb;karelgrhUtdl;BinÞúElgeLIIg }. "I think it will be almost a little bit more special if he ends up going as far because of the layoff," Cardinals shortstop David Eckstein said before the streak ended.

karTTYl)anrlksBaØaényan Voyager1 edayeRbIviTüúKµanlkçN³CMnaj Voyager 1 signal received by radio amateurs

éf¶TI10 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 10, 2006

éf¶TI31 Exmina qñaM2006 RkumenARbeTsGaløWm:g;)anTTYlrlksBaØaBIyansÞg ;rkkñúglMh Voyager 1 edayeRbIGg;Etn RbEvg20Em:Rt. On March 31, 2006 the AMSAT-DL/IUZ team in Bochum, Germany managed to receive a signal by the American space probe Voyager 1 using the 20m antenna.

enHCaelIkdMbUgehIyEdlRkumviTüúKµanlkçN³CMnaj )anTTYleCaKC½y. It is the first time that a group of radio amateurs has successfully attempted this.

smaCikénRkumenHrUmman Päsler nig Achim Vollhardt.

Freddy de Guchteneire James Miller Hartmut

The team included: Freddy de Guchteneire, James Miller, Hartmut Päsler and Achim Vollhardt.

yan Voyager 1)anbegðaHenAéf¶TI5 ExkBaØa qñaM1977 eday NASA nigCaelIkdMbUgsMrab;yanehaHkñúglMheTAEk,rPB Jupiter nigPB Saturn . Voyager 1 had been launched on September 5, 1977 by NASA and was the first spacecraft to transmit close-up pictures of Jupiter and Saturn.

enAqñaM2004 yan Voyager 1)ancUleTAkñúgtMbn;KµanTMnaj EdltMbn;enHCakEnøgEdlxül;kñúgRbB½n§suriyKti)a nfycuH nigenAlayLM CamYyhVgtara.

In 2004 Voyager 1 entered the termination shock region, the region where the solar wind has weakened enough to mix with the interstellar medium, thereby leaving the Sol system.

yan Voyager 1KWenAcMgayRbmaNCa 98 AU BIEpndI ¬14/7 Ban;lan KILÚERm:t b¤esµInwg 3dgcMgayBIEpndIeTAPBbøúytug¦.

Voyager 1 is now 98 AU from Earth (14.7 billion km or three times the distance from Earth to Pluto).

enHKWCacMgayd¾Esnq¶ayEdlmnusSKiteXIj. It is the most distant human-made object.

karsÞg;rkGnuPaBnuyekøEG‘r bnþkarvas;lkçN³énEdnm:aejTicénhVÚgtara. The nuclear powered probe continues to measure the properties of the interstellar magnetic field.

)araMg)anbþÚrc,ab;kargarsMrab;yuvCnEdlnaMeGay manvaTb,divaT France to replace controversial youth worker law

éf¶TI10 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 10, 2006

kalBI2 eTA3s)aþh¾knøgeTA RbFanaFibtI)araMg)anRbkaseGaydwgfac,ab;kargarf µIsMrab;yuvCnEdlRtUv)anBYkyuvCntv:aenaH RtUv)anCMnYsedayviFankarepSgeTotedIm,IvayRbha reTAelIyuvCnekµg²EdlRbqaMgeTAnwgkar)at;bg;karg areFVI. French President Jacques Chirac has announced that the new youth job law that has fueled protests for the past few weeks is to be replaced by other measures to attack unemployment amongst young adults.

nisiStnigshB½n§)antv:ac,ab;fµIenHEdlnwgRtUvpþl;e GayneyaCknUvsiT§iesrIPaBkñúgkaredjecalkmµkryu vCnmanGayueRkam26 qñaMeday KaµnmUlehtukñúgryHeBl2qñaM }ryHeBlsakl,g{. Students and unions protested the new law, which would have given employers the freedom to fire youth workers under the age of 26 without reason during a two-year "trial period".

kartv:aedayGMeBIhwgSaxøH²)anekIteLIgenATUTaM gRbeTskalBI 2Exmun. The prospect had sparked somewhat violent protests across the country in the past two months.

fñak;dwknaMshB½n§)anEføgkareTArdæaPi)alCapøÚ vkarfa rhUtdl;éf¶buNü Easter

RtUvEtlubecalnUvc,ab;enH ebImindUecñHeTnwgmankar RbQmmuxeTAkareFVIkUbkmµCalkçN³TUeTAepSgeT ot. Union leaders have given government officials until Easter to withdraw the existing law or face yet another general strike.

RbB½n§karBarrbs;ynþehaH Air Force One ) ancuHpSayenAelIbNþajGIunETENt Defense systems of Air Force One exposed on the Internet

éf¶TI10 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 10, 2006

eKhTMB½rmYy)anbgðajnUvÉksarEdlmanRbPBmkBIr dæaPi)alshrdæGaemrik ehIy)anGHGagfaBt’manenaHmankarTak;TgeTAnwg RbB½n§karBarRKab;miuksuIlrbs;ynþehaH Air Force One. A website has released a document it says is from the United States government, and which it claims contains information related to Air Force One's anti-missile defense system.

eTaHCay:agNa RbPBBt’manenaHRtUv)aneKeCOfamanecjpSayenAe lIeKhTMB½rrbs;mUldæanT½BGakas k_b:uEnþGs½ydæanén eKhTMB½rminRtUv)anrkeXIjenAkñúgÉksarenaHeLIy . An Air Force base website is believed to be the source of the information, but was not identified in the document, however.

manBt’manGMBIviFIsaRsþTb;Tl;muxsBaØa 2y:ag. "Having information about a target's countermeasures does two things.

{elakGñkman]kaseRCIserIsykGavuFxusKña nig]kaseRCIserIsrebobvayRbharxusKña///RbEhlCaka reRCIserIs edIm,Icab;epþImvayRbhareday)aj;kMePIøg b¤eRCIsykRKab;miuksIul} elak Daniel Goure enAviTüasßan Lexington )anniyay . It gives you an opportunity to choose a different weapon and to choose a different attack style… perhaps

choosing to launch a salvo attack, or choose a missile that uses an active beam," said Daniel Goure of the Lexington Institute.

ynþehaH Air Force One KWCaRbePTynþehaHGTiPaBmYysMrab;eFVIdMeNIrr bs;RbFanaFibtIénshrdæGaemrik George W. Bush. Air Force One is the primary form of transportation for the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

kgkMlaMgT½BGakasrbs; U.S.rkSaTukynþehaHRbePT Boeing es‘rI 747-200B sMrab;eRbIkñúgkareFVIdMeNIrrbs;RbFanaFibtI. The U.S. Air Force maintains two Boeing 747-200B series aircraft that are used only for the transportation of the President.

vaminEmnCakarl¥eT. "It is not a good thing.

eyIgRBYy)armµN¾BIrebobeGayvadMeNIrkar nigrebobbBaÄb;. We are concerned with how it got there and how we can get it out.

naykxagkargarsarFarN³én Air Mobility Command's 89th Airlift Wing enAÉmUldæanT½BGakas Andrews Air Force Base, Lt. Col. Bruce Alexander ) anniyayfa {Kwmankarb:HBal;eTAdl;suvtßiPaBénkarRbtibtiþ}. This affects operational security," said director of public affairs for the Air Mobility Command's 89th Airlift Wing at Andrews Air Force Base, Lt. Col. Bruce Alexander.

kñúÉksarenaHrYmmanEpnTIlMGitCaeRcInsþIBITIta Mgxagkññúgrbs;ynþehaHTaMgBIrenaH dUcCaTItaMgénPñak;gar Secret Service TItaMgén mCÄmNÐlsuxPaBrbs;ynþehaH nigTIkEnøgrkSaTukFugGuksIuEsnpgEdr. The document also is said to include detailed maps of the interior of the two planes, the locations of Secret Service agents and the location of the plane's medical center, detailing where the oxygen tanks are kept.

ynþehaHenHCYykñúgkartMrg;rkTisedA nigeFVIeGayTisedApÞúHeTotpg. This would assist snipers to target and detonate them.

kalBIéf¶suRk ÉksarenHGacrkemIl)anenAelIeKhTMB½renaH EteTaHCay:agNak_eday karrukrkTMB½renaHmin

GacRbRBwtþeTA)aneLIy. As of Friday, the document was said to be still available online, however efforts to locate the page have so far been unsuccessful.

RsþIenAtMbn; Detroit søab;edaysarEtmin)anykcitþTukdak;CamYynwgkare hATUrs½BÞrbs;kumareTAelxmCÄmNÐl 911 Detroit woman dies after child's 911 calls are neglected

éf¶TI10 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 10, 2006

RKYsarrbs;RsIþEdlrs;enA Detroit énrdæ MichiganmanKMeragbþwgerOgkIþénkarsøab;minsmeht usmplenHRbqaMgnwgfñak;dwknaMtMbn; Detroit bnÞab;BIIkarehaATUrs½BÞeTAelxmCÄmNÐlbnÞan;r bs;kUnRbusnagEdlmanGayu6qñaMminRtUv)anykcit þTukdak;edaysarEt karehAsMelgb:):ac;b:e):ac. The family of a Detroit, Michigan woman plans to file a wrongful-death lawsuit against the city of Detroit after her six-year-old son's calls to emergency operators were allegedly dismissed as prank calls.

RKYsar)anpþl;kaEstma:ej:énkarehAeTAelxbnÞan;eG aysßanIyBt’mankalBIéf¶suRk. The family released the tapes of the emergency calls to the media on Friday.

GñkRsI Sherrill Turner manGayu46qñaM)ansøab;kalBIéf¶TI20 ExKumÖHedaysarmanbBaðabNþalmkBICMgWebHd UgrIk Sherrill Turner, 46, died on February 20 of complications from an enlarged heart.

kUnRbusrbs;nageQµaH Robert)anehAeTAelxmCÄmNÐl911 cMnYn2 dgedIm,IraykarN¾BIsßankarN¾bnÞan;. Her son Robert made two calls to 911 to report the emergency.

enAeBlEdl Robert Turner ehATUrs½BÞeTAelx 911elIkdMbUg va)anniyayfa {mþayrbs;´søab;ehIy}. "My mom is passed out," said Robert Turner when he called 911 the first time.

GñkTTYlTUrs½BÞmCÄmNÐl)ansYrfa {etIb¥Ún Mister Turner enAÉNa?}.

"Where's Mister Turner at?" asked the operator.


Robert Robert replied that his mother was unable to speak.

GñkTTYlTUrs½BÞmCÄmNÐl)aneqøIyeTAvijfa { Okay, minGIeT ´nwgbBa¢Únb:UlIseTApÞHrbs;GñkedIm,IrkemIlfa etImanehtukarN¾GVIkMBugekIteLIg{ muneBldak;TUrs½BÞcuH. "Okay, well, I'm going to send the police over to your house to find out what's going on," added the operator, before hanging up on the boy.

eTaHCadUecñH b:UlIsmin)anmkpÞHrbs;kumarenaHeLIy ehIyrfynþseRgÁaHbnÞan;k_mineXIjbBa¢ÚnmkEdr. However, the police never came, and an ambulance was never dispatched to the home.

r)aykarN¾)aneGaydwgfa ryHeBl3em:ageRkaymkekµgRbusenaH)anehAmkmþ geTot ehIyGñkTTYlTUrs½BÞmCÄmNÐlEdlCaGñk eqøIyTUrs½BÞKWCaGñkepSgeTot nig)aneqøIyTUrs½BÞCaelIkdMbUg. The boy called 911 three hours later, and reports say the operator who answered the call, may have been the same operator that answered the first call.

GñkTTYlTUrs½BÞmCÄmNÐl)ansMuniyayCamYymþa y niyayfa {munenH ´)aneGayb:UlIseTApÞHrbs;GñkehIy}. The operator asked to speak to the mother saying "before I send the police over there."

bnÞab;mkGñkTTYlTUrs½BÞmCÄmNÐl)anniyayeTAe kñgRbusenaHfa {cUlGñkKUrEtkuMelgesIctamTUrs½BÞGI}. Then she said to the boy, "You shouldn't be playing on the phone.

\LÚvdak;TUrs½BÞrbs;GñkcuHPøam muneBleEdl ´bBa¢Únb:UlIseTAeKaHTVarpÞHrbs;Gñk ehIyGñknigCYbbBaðaCamYyeyIg. Now put her on the phone before I send the police over there to knock on the door, and you're going to be in trouble."


niyayfa {yUremøH}.

Robert "It was taking too long," said Robert.


CabgRsIrbs;kumarEdlrs;enA Novi énrdæ Michigan )anniyayfarhUtdl;eRkayem:ag 9yb;eTIbmanmnusSmkCYy b:uEnþmanEtb:UlIs nigBMueXIjman buKÁlikeBTüb¤ EMS. Delaina Patterson

Delaina Patterson, the boy's older sister, who lives in Novi, Michigan, said that after 9:00 p.m. help did come, but only the police and no EMS or medical personnel.

BuMTan;)andwgeQµaHGñkTTYlTUrs½BÞmCÄmNÐle nAeLIy mRnIþRkug)ankMBugeFVIkaresIubGegát. The operator, whose name has not been released, remains on the job pending an investigation by city officials.

Pñak;garRbqaMgbT]RkidæéncRkPBGg;eKøsEdlman KMrUdUc FBI RtUv)anbegáIteLIg British FBI-style agency launched

éf¶TI9 Exemsa qñaM2006 April 9, 2006

naykrdæmRnþI ) anbegIátPñak;garRbyuT§RbqaMgbT]RkidæEdlTak;T geTAnwgbT]Rkidæ {eXaeXA nigsµúKsµaj}EdlbgáeLIgeday mnusSCaRkum. Prime Minister Tony Blair launched a new crime-fighting agency to deal with "brutal and sophisticated" crimes by organised gangs.

GaNtþi nig GMNacrbs;Pñak;garenHRbhak;RbEhleTAnwg rbs;shrdæGaemrik.


The agency's mandate and powers have been compared to that of the United States' FBI.

Pñak;garbT]RkidækMritFn; SOCA manmRnþIc,ab;RbEhlCa4200 nak; EdlkñúgcMeNamBYkeKenaHCacarkic© ehIynwgeRbIR)as;nUvfvikar RbcaMqñaMcMnYn400lanepanedImI,RbqaMgeTAnw gkarEkøgbnøM karbnøMRkdasR)ak; fñaMejon nigkarCYndUrmnusS. The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), has approximately 4,200 "law enforcement officers", some of whom are ex-spies, and will use their £400m annual budget to fight counterfeiting, fraud, drug and people-trafficking.

Pñak;garRtUv)anbegáIteLIgedaymincMNuHeRkamR kumRbqaMgbT]RkidæCati esvakmµesIubkarN¾bT]RkidæCati nigbuKÁlikesIubGegátmkBIesvakmµCnGenþaRbevs n¾. The agency was created out of the National Crime Squad, the National Criminal Intelligence Service and investigative staff from the Immigration Service.

Pñak;garbT]RkidækMritFn; SOCA RtUv)anRKb;RKgedayelak Sir Stephen Lander CaGtItRbFan



SOCA is chaired by ex-MI5 chief Sir Stephen Lander.

GMNacfµI New Powers

Pñak;garbT]RkidækMritFn; SOCA nwgeqøót]kasykGMNacfµIEdlRtUv)anRbKl;edayrdæ aPi)alelak Blair edIm,ICYybRgáabbT]Rkidæ Edl)anerobcMCamun nigmansPaBF¶n;F¶r. SOCA will take advantage of new powers which have been brought in by the Blair government to help tackle serious and organised crime.

eKaledAcMbg 4y:agKW³ The main four are:

Psþútagrbs;RBHmhakSRtiyanI Queen's Evidence

suPacarbursGacpþl;CUnkaredaHRsayedayRsbc,ab;n igRtwmRtUv dUcCaPaBsaMunwgeraKGVImYy b¤bnßyeTas eTAeGayCnCab;ecaT TaMgenaHEdlCaksiNsakSIRbqaMgeTAnwgCnEdlCab; ecaTBIbT]RkidæepSgeTot. Prosecutors are now able to offer formal statutory deals, such as immunity or a reduced sentence, to those who testify against other accused criminals.

karbBa¢arraykarN¾xaghirBaØvtßú Financial reporting orders

tulakarGacbgçitbgçMCnCab;ecaTbT]RkidæeGaypþl; nYvesckþIraykarN¾rbs;FnaKar kalBICag 20qñaMknøgeTA edIm,IbgðajfaBYkeKKµanbT]RkidæEdlTak;TgeTAnwg

R)ak;cMNUl. Courts can compel criminals to supply their bank statements of up to 20 years past, to demonstrate that they have had no crime related earnings.

RbkasminTan;bBa©b; Disclosure notices

tulakarGackMNt;eGayGñkCab;sgS½yeGayenAes¶o ms¶at;teTAeTot edaybBa¢arGñkeTasehAeQµaH b¤Bin½ykñúgkrNIGñkCab;sgS½ybdiesFeTAnwgksiN sakSI b¤ÉksarPsþútag. Courts can limit the suspect's right to remain silent, by ordering prison terms or fines if the suspect refuses to testify or provide documents.

mRnþIEdlTTYl)ankarbNþúHbNþaEpñkc,ab; Law enforcement officers

mRnþIPñak;garbT]RkidækMritFn; SOCA RtUv)anpþl;siT§iGMNacCaeRcIndUcmRnIþb:UlIs mRnIþGenþaRbevsn¾ nigmRnIþKyEdr. SOCA officers are empowered to exercise multiple powers, that of the police, immigration and customs officials.

esckþIsegátrbs;elak Blair Blair's Comments

enAeBlEdlnaykrdæmRnþI Tony Blair)anCUndMNwgeTAPñak;garbT]RkidækMritF¶n; SOCA kalBImSilmij Kat;)aneFVIesckþIGegáty:ag eRcInTak;TgeTAnwgsßanPaBénbT]Rkidæéf¶enH nigPaBKµanreboberobry ehIykgkMlaMg b:UlIssßitenAeRkam]vaTKitfacuHeTAbRgáabEdr. When Prime Minister Tony Blair announced SOCA yesterday, he made several comments regarding the nature of organised crime today and the disorganised and underpowered police force expected to combat it.

eRkayBICUndMNwgfa Pñak;garbT]RkidækMritF¶n; SOCA

nwgeFVIeGayCIvitGñkEdltaMgxøÜnCa}bgFMénbT]R kidæ}køayeTACaCIvit }nrk}. Kat;)anbneTotfaKat;eCOCak;fabT]RkidæenAkñúgRb eTsGg;eKøsRtUvTTYlbraC½yenAéf¶enH. After announcing that SOCA would make life "hell" for what he dubs "criminal Mr. Bigs", he continued to outline what he believed to be the type of crime Britain was dealing with today.

eyIgnwgmanviFankarepSg²KñaeTAelI ral;GMeBIkacsahav PaBvwkvrTaMLayénRkumRbRBwtþbT]Rkidæ)anRbR BwtþeLIgeBlbc©úb,nñenH. "The level of sophistication, the level, frankly, of brutality with which many of these gangs operate today means that we have to do it differently.

bT]RkidæEdl)anerobcMTukCamunmanlkçN³CabNþaj bNþajxageRkamCaGñkeRbIR)as; nigCnrgeRKaHmñak;² Organised crime is a chain, the bottom link of which is the consumer and the individual victim.

bT]RlidæEdlminbNþaleGaymanGñkrgeRKaH nigbT]RkidæEdlminGacemIleXIjedayEPñkTeTrdUcCa karqre)aksßab½NhirBaØvtßú CaedImk_GacekItmanelIRbePTmnusSFmµtaEdr. Even an apparently invisible and victimless crime like defrauding a financial institution has ramifications for ordinary people.

bT]RkidæEdl)anerobcMTukCamun k_dUcCabT]RkidæepSgeTotEdr eTarTn;eTArkGñkrgeRKaHRkIRk k_CaCnrgeRKaHGñkmanRTB sm,tþi.

Organised crime, like most crimes, tends to make victims of the poor as least as much, if not more, than the wealthy.

dUecñH mankarbBa¢areGayeFVIskmµPaBenH So there is an imperative to act."

eRkayBI)anGHGagfaKat;nwgENnaMnUvGMNacfµI ehIycaM)ac;epSgeTotedIm,ICYysMrYldl;Pñak;garfµIQ aneTAdl;eKaledArbs;xøÜn Kat;)an niyayfa{cMeBaHTsSn³pÞal;rbs; ´KWKµanGVICalkçN³dac;xatfaKYrEtQrenAelIesrIPaB CamUldæanrbs;RbCaBlrdæenA kñúgRbeTs kñúgeKalbMNgedIm,IdeNþImykesrIPaBBIkarsgát;sg áinénral;TMrg;bT]RkidæEdl)anerobcMTukCamun} After declaring that he would introduce any necessary new powers to help the new agency achieve its goals, he said, "There is absolutely nothing, in my view, that should come before the basic liberties of people in this country to be freed from the tyranny of this type of organised crime."

CMnYyrbs;RbeTskaNadaeGayeTARbeTs)a:eLsÞIn Canada Freezes Aid To Palestine

éf¶TI9 Exmina qñaM2006 March 31, 2006

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