Food Of The Gods

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  • Words: 2,280
  • Pages: 11
Food Of The Gods Hiding In The Light What kind of intelligence would revel in the unbridled destruction of itself In the murderous consumption of its own life force and vital energy In the callous exploitation of all sentient life What kind of god would sanction a system based on a merciless concoction of barbarism and terror Of extreme agitation and wild, unmitigated suffering Where the gentlest, most meekest of creatures die in the most horrifying and brutalised of ways Where the base cravings of dominance and cruelty always seem to win out over the higher impulses of tolerance and co-operation Equality and the desire to live in accordance with the Earth’s natural laws Not the god of love, that’s for certain Nor the supreme expression of fairness and infinite compassion But an entity which hides its true nature within a shining hologram of love And wears a chameleon’s gown of impeccable camouflage There in the trees beside the blue crystal lake There in the soft xylophone air There on the diaphanous fine golden sands Permeating the forests and dank membranes of soil And the vastness and strangeness of assimilated streets Waiting

The Natural Order Of Things (the game of games) Something has been tampered with to suit the purposes of another paradigm A voodoo hierarchy One based on slaughter and the currency of suffering Mass murder and extreme violence

A new reality overlaying the original Where the strong prey on the weak And where innocents are ritualistically massacred In a murderous vortex of endurance and hardship Enslavement and blood sacrifice Food for the gods For the moon and the cosmos The universe creating and recreating itself Loosh

Feeding The Grid Loosh energy on the battlefields, in the concentration camps, where all human beings suffer the most Loosh energy in poverty and filthy diseased streets filled with the cries of starving, ragged children Loosh energy in football stadiums and large rock venues, in packed city squares, any place where the masses congregate and expel vital dynamic emotion Loosh energy when bombs go off and bullets zip indiscriminately through the air, where acts of genocide may occur under the false flags of revolution and freedom Good and tasty loosh when it’s laced with terror and fear, chaos and atrocity, when it’s preceded by torture or satanic ritual Loosh running for its life on the African veldt as the leopard takes the hapless deer in its powerful jaws, or when the woodsmen makes the forest weep with sacred sap Loosh (set like old honey) at all war memorials and cenotaphs, in all churches and temples and synagogues Best loosh of all, in school playgrounds and nurseries, in the places where all children run wild and whose hearts are filled with the ecstasy of joyous life Vintage loosh energy in all hospitals and sanatoriums, where the flashing gossamer spirits of the dead are newly released into the sticky matrix of lurking peril Quality gourmet loosh in theatres and cinemas, in discos and festivals, on sports fields and in large municipal parks, where scores huddle together to express revulsion and horror, anxiety and euphoria, the broadest possible range of human psychic energy and consciousness

A Banquet Of Flames There is something wrong here There is something fundamentally at odds with what we are being taught in our schools And told by our political and spiritual leaders Those men and women in influential positions of power and authority Who openly preach about love and compassion, peace and harmony Good solid values of justice and liberty, kinship and commonality While privately serving another agenda A darker spectrum of secrecy and subterfuge Violence and division War and an overwhelming lust for exploitation and absolute control over those they pretend to represent They are not for the people like they say they are They are liars and deceivers who despise the whole of common humanity And attempt to block its path to advancement at every turn Puppets on a string who are shaken and jerked into acting only in accordance with a specific wavelength by their masters in the shadows A motley crew of rogue demi-gods and a wastrel elite of cold-blooded psychopaths and philanderers Spiders playing the long game, watching with dark fathomless eyes Lurking in the glare of store fronts and street lamps Waiting to gorge on a banquet of flames

Frequency Modulation Listen to what I say, do exactly what I say When I count to three you will begin to wake up One Two….. A permanent bad news stream of poor weather and impending natural disasters The toxic war in the Middle East

One Two….. Home made terrorist boogie men and cartoon media despots frantically trying to acquire an armoury of primitive nuclear spears One Two….. Knife wielding teenagers and gun toting crack dealers operating with impunity on our filthy, vandalised streets One Two….. Devil dogs and paedophiles, meteorites and murders One Two….. Global financial markets in meltdown, in crisis Volcanoes burning themselves down to the plug One Two….. Frequency control to lock us all in to survival mode To keep us nailed in to our own skin To make us feel suspicious of our neighbour and anxious about what the future might bring Grinding us down into the dirt One Two….. Forcing us to compete with one another when we all should be working To raise ourselves up Not fighting and waging war One Two….. Not lowering the vibe so we are easier to manipulate and control One Two….. Frequency modulation to produce a negative harvest of loosh essence Pinning us down, restricting our growth

One Two….. Stopping us from becoming who we truly are Making us forget what we came here to do Three Let’s not give our power away Wake up before it gets too late Before we’ve all got spy cams in our homes and been micro-chipped like cattle and sheep Before we are all dumbed down to a zombie race of mindless, unquestioning consumers Before we are weakened by a genocide virus and our children mass vaccinated with experimental poly-pills and brain toxic stews With deadly mind numbing compounds like mercury and squalene, aluminium and serum grade formaldehyde and antifreeze I have an idea: Switch off the TV and the radio Unplug the Playstation and the I-pod The cellphone and the broadband connection Then find the button to turn on your own mind Get clear Stand up and resist

Gods Of Love And False Ideals A loving god would have set things up without the need to kill for food Or to rape the Earth for territory and natural resources The god of love would not sack a city or snuff out a whole civilization the way they have been in the past A loving god would value the whole of life as sacred and precious and would hold it in the highest esteem Coveting each tiny microbe and parasite as much as the mighty, magnificent elephant or whale The god of love would have the capacity to see into the very core of life and would

know that all living things have incalculable merit and are inextricably linked All lifeforms would be valued for their resonance and harmonic frequency For the vibrational imprint they give to the Earth For the codes their cells transmit through the profundity of their peaceful co-existing Not as a food source to be scythed down when the time is ripe Not something to be bludgeoned to death or shot at for sport But something to be respected for its sovereign relation to the whole For its uniqueness and natural diversity For its true electric nature The glowing incandescent blood song of vibrant inner knowledge Sweet fire

Wisdom Herbs And Teacher Plants Consider for a moment, the trees and the grasses Wisdom herbs and teacher plants How they harvest the sunlight and yearn only for the alchemy of clean water and healthy, nutritious soil How they roll with the natural cycles of nature and the orderly seasons of the Earth How they live in harmony and foster symbiotic relationships with other plants and creatures in order to develop and mature How they are connected with one another in all kinds of simple and complex ways How they emanate an ageless, inscrutable intelligence far beyond our own Theirs can be a template for the whole of existence Theirs can be a model on which we could all live by Taking only what we need and not what we can hoard Sharing and sustainably managing our resources Co-operating with one another for the greater common good Opening our hearts to the endless possibilities of our expansive human Spirit

Earth This majestic planet is a reference library for creation Containing records of DNA and creator codes encrypted in the maps of leaves and the immutable crystalline molecules and vastness of rock A beautiful, voluptuous living organism for Spirit to experience the exhilarating journey of physical sensation A learning zone of irrepressible magnitude Where the sovereign flame of raw creativity burns endlessly like a firework of emancipated bliss A breathless helter-skelter ride of amazing sensual experience and miraculous, vibrant energy A paradise of astonishment and inexhaustible vitality Of boundless invention and quivering breathtaking ecstasy A circuit for Spirit to flow through in all its innumerable forms A place of infinite love and a learning zone for the continuous evolution of consciousness This is Earth, shimmering gorgeously aqueous blue in the velvety darkness of space Lit by the loving radiance of the Sun Sacred to all her indigenous people To all those who match her immaculate electrifying resonance By harmonising with her seasons and aligning their hearts to the purity and selflessness of her giving Whose waters are vital and elemental And whose soils are the primary alluvial medium Of wondrous magical alchemy Sparking us into being Celebrating and consolidating our essence Where all things come to grow and blossom For the briefest interval of time Before fading and returning to dust

Caught In A Trap A web has been spun around this world And set in place so expertly, so insidiously That those it is designed to ensnare have little perception Of its very existence A network of pure diamond translucence And awesome shimmering luminosity Staggeringly sized And flowing effortlessly across time And worming through portals and spatial dimensions Immeasurable circuit of spirals Ageless, incomprehensible geometry Built with the finest, most intricate gossamer coils of light Incomparable and voluminous Exquisite and beautiful A matrix of fire demanding ever more energy to feed it Not just the dark negatives of fear and sorrow Submissiveness and passivity But also the higher frequencies of love and harmony Truth and the pure joyous states of rapture and exuberance Lightning sentient intelligence and irrepressible human consciousness Jealously guarded and hidden from view By a warrior elite of meta raiders and master geneticists Who blocked the Earth’s cognizant imprint to all outside influence Disguising her radiance and lush harmonic field And sublimating her channel Keeping her bounty locked inside a frozen sarcophagus of tears

The Apparatus Of Fear Everything is in place, embedded deeply within the infrastructure of our waking reality

Propped up and enforced by a phalanx of homicidal cohorts and agents Labyrinthine inner circles and secret societies Impenetrable governmental departments and religious institutions Layers on Layers Where men stand behind curtains pulling levers And producing klaxon wails to terrify and dissipate the crowds The designers of Pharaohs and Frankenstein emperors Of composite teleprompter presidents and diplomats Slick, profligate subterranean bankers Soulless doomsday simulacrum pontiffs and ayatollahs Bloodthirsty instigators of witch hunts and ruthless pogrom purges Masters of the occult and promoters of energy capture symbolism The designers of granite and limestone monolith antennae Macabre machine coded domed amplifiers Harum scarum gargoyles and scaly halloween cult architecture Purveyors of war and needless, premature death Manipulators of etheric fields and history Liars and deceivers Psychopaths, misogamists Cheerleaders of anger and despair A warped pantheon of parasites and vampires feeding off the energy of the human race Siphoning off life force and feeding it to their masters and false gods

Sounding The Alarm We could spin this thing around if we wanted to Dismantle and recalibrate the whole system By converting it to an alternative energy source With love and with truth With integrity and compassion Something which stands on its own and shines with its own inextinguishable light By recognising the unity in all things

By just saying No! By lifting ourselves out of the pit of chaos and servitude Deception and extreme selfish desire By raising ourselves up and expanding our consciousness To get educated so we can become serious participants in the game And not unknowing victims trapped in an illusion of fear To see through all their tricks and manipulations By cutting off their power and resonating with independence and free will And reconnecting with our infinite nature, our primary source The electricity of Spirit flowing through the immensity and multi-dimensional capacity of our hearts Leading us further away from tyranny and the horrors of war Replenished by the Sun and the enervating charge of an emancipated Earth Towards a freedom of the mind and a galaxy of jubilant, visionary stars Into a pure state of knowing Where we can remember our common purpose and be true to ourselves The only way home

Sources Bronte Baxter, Blowing The Whistle On Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic Mathew Delooze, Breaking The Serpent’s Spell David Icke, The Biggest Secret Robert Morningsky, The Terra Papers Barbara Marciniak, Earth Viktor Schauberger, Nature as Teacher

Websites Mike Davies 4 July 2009 For more like this please visit:

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