Food For Thought-1

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT “I am leaving amongst you two commandments (or heavy things); so long as you holdfast these two things together, you will never go astray. One is the Book of Allah and the other is my AhlulBayt. They would never separate from each other until they meet me at the Pool (of Kawther in Paradise). Be careful of your behaviour towards them after me”. [The Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family.] I]. Where were the Sahabas or the so-called faithful companions of the H. Prophet (S) immediately after his death? Apart from H. Ali (a.s.) and a handful of companions, where did the others disappear to or go away? Is this the kind of treatment and respect expected of the Muslims at the death of the Last Messenger and the Seal of the Prophets? 2]. During the blessed lifetime of the H. Prophet (S), there were so many hypocrites surrounding the H. Prophet (S) that a complete chapter under the title of the ‘Chapter of Hypocrites’ was revealed. One wonders what happened to all those hypocrites and where did they disappear after the death of the H. Prophet (S)? 3]. Lady Fatimah, the Lady of the Light (a.s.), the beloved daughter of the H. Prophet (S) lived between 75 days and six months after the death of her father. The H. Prophet (S) gave her a piece of land, called ‘Fadak’ as a gift during his lifetime, which was confiscated from her upon the death of her father. When Bibi Fatimah (a.s.) went to Abu Bakr to claim her right to Fadak, she was asked to produce witnesses to her claim. In her claim for Fadak, Bibi Fatimah (a.s.) was a plaintiff and Abu Bakr was a defendant. The dispute should have been settled by a Qazi (a judge) or through Arbitration. What right did Abu Bakr have to act as a judge (or an arbitrator) himself when the claim was made against him and he was a defendant to the case lodged by Bibi Fatimah (a.s.)? As a Muslim and bearing Allah as your witness, think and ask yourself; Lady Fatimah (a.s.) the beloved daughter of the H. Prophet (S), one of the five members of the Ahlul-Bayt, the Lady in whose house the Archangel Jibraeel descended with Salaams and Salutations from Allah, the Lady in whose house the Holy Qur’an and the Shariah was revealed. How could she possibly be so ignorant about her own rights? How is it possible for her to go and ask for something that did not belong to her? Is it possible for the H. Prophet (S) to tell the Muslims about their right and keep his own daughter in the dark? The Garden of Fadak was already given to the Lady of Light hazrat Fatema Zahra a.s. by her father, the holy Prophet (pbuhf) during his lifetime. It wasn’t that the Garden of Fadak was with someone else and hazrat Fatema a.s. went to claim it after the death of her father (pbuhf). Therefore, the question of hazrat Fatema inheriting does not arise whatsoever. The Garden of Fadak was already hers and it was confiscated from her by the so called and self appointed successor(s) of the holy Prophet. In view of the Arab history before Islam (jahiliyyah), and what the holy Prophet (S) had done for them, is this the kind of treatment the Ahlul-Bayt deserved? The favour hazrat Khadija (a.s.), the mother of hazrat Fatema a.s. did to Islam and the Muslims, is this the type of treatment she deserved at the hands of her father’s followers after he parted this world? After the death of the holy Prophet (S), Lady Fatimah (a.s.) was the first one to join her father. It is the burning desire of every human being to be buried near their loved ones. Yet Lady Fatimah (a.s.) was buried in the graveyard of Jannatul Baqui, away from her father. WHY? The two fathers-in-law of the holy Prophet (S) who died later could be buried next to the H. Prophet (S), but not his own daughter!


Did these fathers-in-law participate in the funeral of Lady Fatimah a.s? NO. WHY NOT? 4]. If H. Ali (a.s.) was not fit to be the first and immediate successor of the holy Prophet (S), what qualified him to be the fourth one? And if he deserved to be the first one, then why was he deprived of the opportunity and was this not an injustice towards him? There is a doctor who is very well qualified and has a many many years experience in his profession. He is about to retire or move somewhere else. There are two options for him; either he finds a replacement like himself (a doctor) or he gathers together all his patients and elects someone from among them! Surely any person with a grain of commonsense will say that the first action is an appropriate one. How is it possible for the Holy Prophet (S) to part this world without making it apparent as to who his successor is? To accomplish this very Mission, the H. Prophet (S) suffered all kinds of hardship which is beyond our imagination. How could he trust the reins of this Mission in the hands of his Ummah who were to treat the khilafat as a political football, sometimes in the hands of Muawiya and sometimes in the hands of Yazid or sometimes in the hands of Hajjaj bin Yusuf and their like? 5]. Umar formed a committee of six people from amongst whom his successor was to be selected. It would be quite interesting to know that apart from H. Ali (a.s.), what was the relation amongst themselves and what kind of "clean" politics was played in there. Part of the condition for a prospective candidate was: a). He would follow the Holy. Qur’an b). He would follow the Sunnah (the traditions) of the H. Prophet (S). c). He would follow the Sunnah (the traditions) of the two Shaykhain [i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar]. H. Ali (a.s.) agreed to the first two conditions but declined to abide by the third one. As a result, he did not succeed. If the Sunnah of the Shaykhain were in accordance to the Qur’anic teachings and the teachings of the H. Prophet (S), then what was stopping H. Ali (a.s.) from accepting the third condition? The very fact that H. Ali (a.s.) refused to abide by this condition is a proof in itself that there was something that did not add up, so it can only be suspicious and wrong. One wonders to what extent have the Muslims fallen prey to these innovations and therefore moved away from the true Islam even without realising it. It is said that the Holy Prophet (pbuhf) said, “If there were to be a prophet after me it would have been Umar.” If such was the status of Umar, then why did Abu Bakr become the immediate successor of the Holy Prophet (pbuhf) and not him (Umar)? 6]. Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her?), the wife of the H. Prophet (S) waged war against H. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) during the time of his caliphate. The battle is known as the ‘Battle of Jamal (Camel)’. Obviously a number of people were killed and injured in this battle. There are always casualties in any war. One wonders who was the oppressor and who was the oppressed one and who became the martyrs? If we were there at the time, whose side would have we taken and on what grounds? In view of this episode, what could one say about Ayesha’s understanding and judgement regarding religious matters including the quoting of the H. Prophet (S)’s traditions? Ayesha’s father, Abu Bakr had a dispute with Lady Fatimah (a.s.), the daughter of the H. Prophet regarding Fadak. She was denied of her right.


Ayesha, the daughter of Abu Bakr, waged war against the cousin and son-in-law of the H. Prophet (S) and the husband of Lady Fatimah! And above all, he was the Caliph and the successor of the Holy Prophet (S) at the time. 7]. Muawiyya bin Abu Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with him?) waged war against H. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). The name of the battle is ‘Siffin’. This too took place during the reign of H. Ali (a.s.) A very noble and respectable companion of the H. Prophet (S), Ammar bin Yasir (may Allah be pleased with him) was martyred in this battle by Muawiyya (may Allah be pleased with him?) The prophecy of the H. Prophet (S) came out to be true. He (S) said, “Ammar would be slain by a heretic and rebellious race while he would be fighting on the side of the righteous”. If this [may Allah be pleased with both, the martyr and his assassin] is not a mockery of religion then what else is it? How can one expect the pleasure of Allah for both the oppressor and the oppressed? 8]. Muawiya bin Abu Sufyan also had a hand in poisoning of the eldest grandson of the H. Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Imam Hasan (a.s.) He was poisoned through his wife Jo’dah bint Ash’ as, the grand daughter of Abu Bakr. Please find out to who was she related to? 9]. Muawiya [who was appointed as a governor of Syria by Uthman], in turn appointed his son Yazid as his successor. Yazid was a drunkard, a gambler, an adulterer and a fornicator, tyrant and evil. He had no respect for Islam whatsoever. He broke all the principles of Islam and had the audacity to call himself the Muslim caliph and the successor of the H. Prophet (S) of Islam. He is the person responsible for the tragedy of Kerbala in 61 A.H., in which the younger grandson of the H. Prophet (S) Imam Husein (a.s.) was brutally martyred in the Plains of Kerbala. Imam Husain (a.s.) together with his family members, friends and companions were denied water and food for three days. Even a six-month-old baby son Ali Asgher became the youngest martyr. All those who survived were looted; their camps set ablaze and were taken as captives. The House of Allah (Ka’bah) was set ablaze. The mosque of the H. Prophet (S) in Madinah was converted into the stable for the horses, and a number of women from Banu Hashim were raped. This happened in only fifty years time of his grandfather’s [the H. Prophet] death! By the way where were the so called Sahabas of the H. Prophet (pbuhf) and their children when all this happened? In the name of justice, how come Muslims had to put up with such brutes and tyrants who were out there only to terrorise and oppress the Muslims? How come the Khilafat (the successorship of the H. Prophet) turned into a political football and dynasties [of Ummayids and Abbasids] sometimes played by Muawiya, sometimes by Yazid and sometimes by Hajjaj bin Yusuf and their likes? Here again you will notice that Abu Sufyan gave a very hard time to our Prophet (S). It was Abu Sufyan's wife, Hinda, who tried to chew the liver of the H. Prophet's uncle, Hamza. His son Muawiya caused a lot of grief to the H. Prophet’s (S) cousin and son-in-law, H. Ali (a.s.) and the Prophet’s grandson Imam Hasan (a.s.) [Whom he (Muawiya) even got killed.] Muawiya’s son Yazid killed the H. Prophet’s younger grandson, Imam Husein (a.s.) By the way can anyone tell us through authentic and reliable history if in how many battles did people like Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, etc. participate and how many enemies of Islam did they kill and which ones? 10]. The four schools of thought (i.e. Hanafi, Maliki, Hanbali and Shafe’i) among the Ahlul Sunnah came into existence well over a century after the death of the H. Prophet (S). The question is, to which school of thought did the Khulafa-e-Rashideen belong? Did the mere fact that their election, nomination and selection automatically make them Mujtahids? If this is the case, then why didn’t the other khalifas also become the Mujtahids? If khilafat and Imamate are one and the same thing,


then why the four Ahlul Sunnah Imams come into being? Why didn't the four (Sunni) Imams also become Caliphs? What qualifications did the Muslim Caliphs lack to become the Imams and what qualifications did the Imams lack to become the Caliphs? 11]. There have been many Muslim Caliphs besides the Khulafa-e-Rashideen. Why aren't ALL the Muslim Caliphs considered as Khulafa-e-Rashideen except the first four? If the others were not Khulafa-e-Rashideen, then what were they? 12]. There is a famous hadith of the holy Prophet (pbuhf), “whoever dies without knowing the Imam of his time dies the death of a jahiliyya (kafir). To which school of thought did the Muslims belong from the time the H. Prophet (S) died to the time the first caliph was elected? This issue was of so paramount that the so-called companions of the H. Prophet (S) discarded the sacred body of their Prophet (S) and rushed to Saqifa to sort out his successor first. As Muslims, we ought to know at whose mercy were the Muslims concerning religious matters at that time, where was this to be obtained from? 13]. To which school of thought did the Muslims belong to after the fourth caliph [H. Ali a.s.] until the appearance of the first Sunni Imam? 14]. How and from where did the four Ahlul Sunnah Imams gain their knowledge, information and the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an and the ahadith of the H. Prophet (S) to derive to their fatawas and rulings on religious matters? If the traditions of the H. Prophet (S) were good enough for that matter, then why are there scores of differences of opinion in namaz or salat alone among the four schools of thought each claiming to be authentic in his own right? It must be noted that none of these four Imams were present during the time of the H. Prophet (S), nor had anyone of them met any of the Sahaba or the Companion of the H. Prophet (S). All these Imams appeared well over a century after the H. Prophet (S) of Islam. This also proves that the hadith of the Holy Prophet of Islam “I am leaving two weighty things amongst you, the Book of Allah, the Holy Qur’an and my Ahlul - Bayt…” makes more sense than leaving the Holy Qur’an and his ‘Sunnah’. If his sunnah would have meant anything to the Muslims, then at least their salat or namaz would have been the same! 15]. H. Ali (a.s.) was the cousin, son-in-law as well as the only longest companion of the H. Prophet (pbuhf). He was the Holy Prophet’s right hand throughout his life and also one of his rightful successors after his death. His wife H. Fatimah (a.s.) was the daughter of the H. Prophet (pbuhf) as well as a companion of the H. Prophet (pbuhf). Their sons Imam Hasan and Imam Husein (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them) were the grandchildren and the companions of the H. Prophet (pbuhf). Lady Khadija was the H. Prophet’s first and most beloved wife. And she was also a companion of the Holy Prophet (pbuhf). Bearing Allah as your witness, how many hadith or the traditions of the H. Prophet (S) have you come across in the ”Sahihs” quoted by any of these personalities [who were all the companions of the H. Prophet (S)]? Yet we see the so-called companion of the H. Prophet like Abu Huraira who embraced Islam about three or four years before the H. Prophet of Islam parted this world, his hadith have out numbered the ahadith quoted by everybody put together! Who can tell you about a person more than one’s own immediate family? Is such attitude towards the Ahlul-Bayt accidental or premeditated the result of which you have already seen above? The very people in whose veins the blessed blood of the holy Prophet (pbuhf) was flowing were totally ignored and dumped in one corner. While those who were idol worshippers, pagans and atheists who came in the fold of Islam through kalema became so revered that they deserved to take reins of the Muslim Ummah and take them wherever and whichever way they pleased! If this is the kind of treatment handed out to the H. Prophet and his Ahlul - Bayt (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all) from the Muslims, then what kind of justice can be expected of those authors (in their “Sahihs”) regarding what the H. Prophet (S) preached and practiced?


16]. During the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (S), Imam Ali (a.s.) stood by him throughout his life, defended him in every way possible, fought wars and finally buried him with his own hands. After the death of the H. Prophet (S), he just stayed in his house and never interfered in politics even though he was deprived of his rightful khilafat. After the death of Uthman, when Imam Ali (a.s) became the Caliph, he had trouble from all over the place. His enemies rose from all directions. The Muslim Caliph is raziallahu anhu (may Allah be pleased with him) and all those who rose against him, hindered him from getting on with his work and sort out his administration, waged war, became his open and sworn enemies are also all raziallahu anhum! (May Allah be pleased with them all!). If this is not hypocrisy, then what else is it? One wonders who are they supporting, truth or falsehood. One wonders on what grounds can such Muslims expect the Holy Prophet's (S) intercession on the Day of Judgement? POINTS TO PONDER One of the things that we Muslims are told is that Hazrat Ali (a.s.) was amongst the first ones to embrace Islam. The question is when was Ali (a.s.) a non-Muslim, a polytheist or an unbeliever? Haven’t we seen many a time the words ‘karamallahu wajhu’ (may Allah grace his face) mentioned after the name of Hazrat Ali (a.s.)? The reason being that he, like the H. Prophet (S) and his noble parents, never ever bowed down to anything or anybody except his Creator, Allah the Almighty, Who Alone is worth and deserves to be worshipped. A person who was born in the House of Allah, born of those who were the followers of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) and who was the descendent of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.). All these are God given honour and natural merits to be the H. Prophet’s natural successor. There is a very famous and popular tradition of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family), “Al Hasan and Al Husein are the leaders of the youths of Paradise.” This means that if you desire to achieve the pleasure of Allah, then follow the example of these two beloved grandchildren of the Holy Prophet (S). Seek their pleasure; love them with your mind, heart and actions. Love those who love them and disassociate and keep aloof from those who hate them and are their enemies. Do you know who these noble personalities are? Their grandfather is the best among the Allah’s creations. Their mother is Lady Fatimah (a.s.), the Leader of all the women of the universe and Paradise. Their father is Ali (a.s.), the best among Allah’s creations after the H. Prophet. And they themselves are the Leaders of the youths of Paradise. Their tribe (Banu Hashim) is the best of all the tribes. Al Hasan and Al Husein possess all those qualities that a true Imam and guide could possess. How fortunate are those who have accepted Ali, Hasan and Husein and also the nine descendants from Imam Husein’s progeny [peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all] as their true Imams and guides. These are the Ahlul-Bayt. These are the people in whose house the Archangel Jibraeel a.s. descended with Salaams and Salutations from Allah. These are the people in whose house the Holy Qur’an and the Shariah was revealed. These are the people whom Allah had bestowed all and every kind of blessings. They are the people who grew up in the blessed lap of the H. Prophet (S). They are the people whom Allah had granted knowledge, wisdom, courage, bravery and piety among many other virtues. These are the very people whom Allah loves and they love Allah the most. These are the people about whom even the holy Qur’an is singing their praises. It was always someone from the Ahlul-Bayt who came out to defend Islam whenever the need was, be it verbally or with pen or in the battlefield. In the 1980s, Salman Rushdie (may Allah’s curse be upon him) wrote a blasphemous book, 'The Satanic Verses' and the entire West was behind him. Where were the Muslim Statesmen, Muslim religious scholars and the so-called Khadimal Haramain? Those so-called Khadimal-Haramain who have destroyed Jannatul Baqui and all the other Islamic Heritages, what if anything could be expected out of them?


Only one and yes a Shia scholar from a Shia nation rose and issued a death sentence fatwa against this apostate, Salman Rushdie (may Allah’s curse be upon him). He was Ayatullah Seyyid Ruhullah Al-Moosavi Al-Khomeini. He united the entire Muslim Ummah against the West and taught them such a lesson that they will never forget. This Ayatullah was from the descendent of the Ahlul-Bayt (a.s.). The truth of the matter is that there is no Muslim nation which has raised herself high enough to be considered as a role model for other Muslim nations. Iran is the only country, which is trying its best, but she being a Shia state, every tool is used to undermine them. Our Holy Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him and his family), is the best of all the prophets. He is the seal of the Prophets. The Holy Qur’an revealed to him is the best of all divine revelations. His Ummah is the best of all the past Ummah. Therefore, why can’t his Ahlul-Bayt be the best one and fit to lead and guide the Muslims after the H. Prophet’s (S) departure? How unfortunate is he who ignores the fountainhead of knowledge and goes elsewhere to seek knowledge. What kind of Islam are they going to preach and what kind of Islam can be expected of them anyway? How strange! The family of the H. Prophet (S) deserve the Blessings of Allah in namaz or salat and many other duas and supplications, but they do not deserve to lead the Ummah, be their guides and Imams after the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny). Please bear in mind that when the Muslims ignored the Ahlul-Bayt who deserved to lead the Muslim Ummah after the death of the Holy Prophet (pbuhf), that is why today we see Qadianism (Ahmadiyyas), Wahhabism, Sipah-e-Sahaba-ism to name a few who are the sworn and open enemies of Islam and the Muslims. There was only one surviving child of the H. Prophet (S), Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (a.s.), the daughter of Lady Khadija (a.s.), through whom the descendants of the H. Prophet (S), the Seyyids spread all over the world. And yet they were systematically persecuted from all the sides throughout the history. Can anyone imagine what would have Islam been like and the conditions of the Muslims if the H. Prophet (S) had children through other wives? It is all very well to brand the Shias kafir and wage war against them. Like our Imams and our Leaders, we have been persecuted and tortured throughout the history. If nothing else this proves whose traditions have been interpreted to go out and kill innocent and defenceless people. To kill people in their places of worship or while they are offering their prayers. Who are the cowards and the oppressors, and who are the oppressed ones? Have you ever seen or heard Shias committing such kind of atrocities against fellow human beings, let alone fellow Muslims? What sin or wrong have the Shias committed to deserve all this? This must simply be because they are the followers of the Ahlul-Bayt a.s. and practising Islam from the Prophet of Allah, Ali, Fatimah, their descendants (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all) and those who followed their Sunnah and their teachings. But again labelling Shias kafir or Rafidis is nothing new. If the uncle of the Prophet of Allah (pbuhf), the father of Ali (a.s.), the grandfather of Imam Hasan and Imam Husein (a.s.) could be branded a kafir, then we are no more than the Shias of Hazrat Abu Talib and his children, and our iman or faith is no different to the faith of Hazrat Abu Talib. Hazrat Abu Talib who shed his sweat and blood, who sacrificed his leisure and pleasure, Abu Talib who sacrificed his own life and the lives of his children to protect the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) and helped him to propagate Islam. Abu Talib about whom even the Holy Qur’an is singing his praises. There is a very famous hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) in which he said, "After my death, my Muslim Ummah will be divided into SEVENTY THREE SECTS. Of these, only ONE will go to Paradise and the other SEVENTY-TWO will go into the hellfire."


All these Muslims who will go into the hellfire will be: Believers in One God Believers in the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) Believers in the Holy Qur'an Establishing prayers (namaz) Giving alms (Zakat) Performing Hajj and many other things This hadith does not say that only the evil mongers among these seventy-three sects will enter the hellfire or it does not say that only the virtuous amongst this one particular sect will go to paradise In other words no matter how virtuous one may be, but if he is not amongst this one particular sect, then he is not going to Paradise. Likewise, no matter how sinful one may be, but if he is amongst this ONE particular sect, then he is going to Paradise. Ask any one sect if they are going to Paradise and the answer will be positive. Ask any sect if who will be going to the hellfire and the answer will be all the rest! The truth of the matter is that anyone can claim to be from among that sect which will go to Paradise, but to prove this is totally a different thing. Bearing in mind all the questions asked in this small piece of literature, and keeping Allah the Almighty as your Witness, you judge for your own self where do you belong to and WHY? How sad it is that the Muslim community is badly brainwashed against the Shias, their beliefs and practices by the ignorant, arrogant and mischief mongers. Is there any logic or sense behind branding fellow Muslim brothers as kafirs and inciting hatred against them? Why can’t our scholars sit round the table and sort out the differences in a friendly and civilised manner? The Holy Prophet (S) did not go out or order the Muslims to go out and kill or terrorise the wrong doers or unbelievers. He held meetings with them, discussed the differences and through his noble behaviour, won their hearts. Even the Holy Qur’an is teaching us the same lesson. In salat or namaz, the Muslims send blessings on the holy Prophet, “O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad the way You blessed Ibrahim and his progeny….” All the Muslim try to study and concentrate on the seerah of the holy Prophet. Books are written and talks delivered on the holy Prophet (pbuhf). One wonders why are the family members i.e. the Ahlul bayt (a.s.) of the holy Prophet (pbuhf) are discarded? Why isn’t there any mention of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) or very little mention if any amongst the Muslims? How come that the Muslims hear more about the sahabas of the holy Prophet and nothing or almost nothing about the immediate family members of the holy Prophet? When sending blessings on the holy Prophet, we Muslims are commanded to send blessings on his family too. But other then that we forget about them as if they never ever existed! Is it our duty to concentrate on the Household of the holy Prophet and educate ourselves about these holy personalities? Doesn’t this lack of interest (about knowing the Ahlul bayt) speak volumes in itself? All you need is, to study the life history of the H. Prophet AND his Ahlul-Bayt (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all) through reliable and authentic sources to understand the truth and realities about Islam in general and Shi'ism in particular. For instant you convince an unbeliever about Islam and he becomes a Muslim. He asks you ‘okay now that I have become a Muslim, which sect am I suppose to follow since there are seventy three sects in Islam?’ You will say ‘you follow any one sect you like and that will be fine.’


This is just like bringing this new Muslim to a very big roundabout of Islam and tell him to take any exit of his choice which will automatically lead him to the ‘siratul mustaqeem’ or the straight path leading to jannat. One wonders what sort of logic is this. How can this ever be true when all the Muslims are unanimous in accepting that of the 73 sects, ONLY ONE WILL GO TO JANNAT AND ALL THE REST TO JAHANNAM? Remember, we have common enemies out there who want to attack us Muslims 360 degrees from right, left and centre. This is the time for us all to unite and fight against our common enemies. It is time to educate ourselves and to know where do we differ and why do we differ. It is time to listen carefully from both the sides before rushing into giving any sort of judgement.

May Allah in the name of His Holy Prophet (S) and his pure progeny, grant us all the wisdom and understanding to find out the truth and accept it without any kind of fear or threat from anyone and remain firm on the right path. Ameen.

Podcast: Sunni Shaikh censored for Loving the Ahlul Bayt (as) Imam Abdul Alim Musa of Masjid al-Islam (Washington, DC) has received much criticism for his outspoken lectures on the Ahlul Bayt (as). This lecture by far is most amazing and compelling stories of a convert who was lied to and deceived by the "imams" that brought him to Islam in prison. The books they gave to him, he says, delibrately had mistranslations so to mask the importance of the Ahlul Bayt (as); instead of "People of the House" Ahlul Bayt (as) was translated as "followers of the Prophet." It wasn't till much later did Imam Musa know the TRUE meaning of Durood Shareef. He continues by revealing hadith after hadith about the importance of loving the Ahlul Bayt from Sunni sources. He tells the congregation not to get mad at him, get mad at the scribes who write down the hadiths. "Why aren't there any conferences on the Ahlul Bayt (as)?" he asks... Listen to his March 3, 2004 Jumu'ah Khutba on the importance of loving the Ahlul Bayt (as) and see for yourself what all the "controversy" is about. Imam Musa - Ahlul Bayt (as)* * Due to the popularity of this lecture, we will soon reach our bandwidth. If the above link does not work, here are external locations that are hosting this lecture: External Site 1: Imam Musa - Ahlul Bayt (as) External Site 2: Imam Musa - Ahlul Bayt (as) Special thanks to Ihsan Podcast Read/write Comments about this article. "Then I Was Guided" Ask Those Who Know


To Be With the Truthful her-lang%2Ftruthful%2Findex.html&action=go&id=12540 The Shi'a are (the real) Ahl al-Sunnah all these books are written by Sayyid Muhammad Tijani Smaoui, they are very well written, easy and fun to read. Also very informative… you can find many more interesting articles/books/lectures on

USEFUL WEBSITE ADDRESSES;;;;;;; A book about Abu Hurayrah's problematic narrations is at Must watch VIDEO, Moulana Ishaq on Differences and Unity among Different Sects of Islam:

(48:29) Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. and those who are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other. Thou wilt see them bow and prostrate themselves (in prayer), seeking Grace from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. On their faces are their marks, (being) the traces of their prostration. This is their similitude in the Taurat; and their similitude in the Gospel is: like a seed which sends forth its blade, 9

then makes it strong; it then becomes thick, and it stands on its own stem, (filling) the sowers with wonder and delight. As a result, it fills the Unbelievers with rage at them. Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous deeds forgiveness, and a great Reward. Explore Shi'a Sunni> Unity between Shi'a and Sunni

Why not start your own research on Shi'ism and find out for your own self what is Shi'ism all about by writing to: Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari, Foundation of Islamic C.P.W, 21 Entezam Street, Qom, I.R. Iran


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