Fona Minutes10012009

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FEDERATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS MINUTES Thursday, October 1, 2009; 7pm Present: Bob Goar (Rattlesnake), Warren Knox (Greater Champion NA), Marty Pezzaglia (Cement Hill), Helene Hall (Banner Mountain), Jeanette Clark (Cement Hill), Susan Stanley (Pleasant Hill Court), Keith Sauers (Osborn Hill, and Eric Jorgensen (Greater Champion NA). Minutes 1.1 Called to Order at 7PM 1.2 Quorum present – 6 of 7 member associations present. Cascade Shores absent. 1.3 Self introductions 1.4 Agenda approved with additions: 2.3 “Land Use Planning – circulation element and Eric’s report; 3.1.2 VP Membership Report; and 3.5 brochure. 1.5 Statements on non-agenized issues: Janette Clark - superb fall neighborhood picnic; Eric Jorgensen – successful GCNA partnership with Friends of Deer Creek and SYRCL in neighborhood clean up. 1.6 The September minutes -- unanimously approved. Committee Reports 2.1 Fire Committee. Warren reported that Trees Unlimited had doubled the number of people served with chipping programs over the past few weeks. Fire Safe Council will re-establish a chipping program with some sort of fee associated. FSC is buying a chipper and truck. 2.2 Water Committee. No report 2.3 Land Use Planning – Eric reported on conversation reporting that Forest Service is spending $9 million to realign road from town of Washington to highway 20 using stimulus funds. He questioned road appropriateness vs. fuels reduction. 2.3.2 County Circulation Element – draft is available for review at the County’s web site. Circulation element requires scrutiny as it discusses evacuation as component. Warren indicated he would distribute circulation draft to all associations requesting comments. Due to Warren by Oct 20th. Warren encouraged individual letters establishing awareness and concern for good circulation. Old Business 3.1 Membership Letter. Helene indicated it was time to consider membership renewal letter … will use one based on last year’s. It was moved and seconded (Bob/Marty) to hold fees same as last year. 5 for approval, 1 obstained, 1 opposed. Discussion …further fees or money requests should be attached to specific actions. Concern this process of request takes several months and becomes an obstacle to addressing an issue in a timely manner. 3.1.2 Membership Report. Some confusion over who has paid, not paid. Last printed record is for 2008. Question was asked …who gets membership records and is responsible for membership contact list, and for clarifying representation? Group consensus that all FONA membership applications are to be forwarded to the VP-membership, after the Treasurer deposits and made record of any funds received. The VP is responsible for maintenance of membership records and clarifying membership issues. Currently, 7 associations are paid.

Minutes: Oct 1, 2009



Eric asked how we determine who gets minutes …the past several months indicates no consistent distribution list of associations, individual members, and guests. There is no record to date for 2009 individual memberships. How/who determines who receives information? 3.2 Web site. Web site requires time and dollars to maintain …around $35 a month and Marty’s time. We need more volunteer web support to make it pretty. Marty is posting materials. Eric suggested examining Google’s web based list serve as an alternative tool. It is free. 3.3 Year End Newsletter. Warren will write a year end news letter of FONA’s accomplishments. Eric offered to browse through minutes and pull issues. (Chipping, 2nd Units, web site, association fire education programs). 3.4 Nominations for Officers 2010. Warren and Bob indicated they will not serve as copresidents next year. No one has stepped forward to date. Issue of getting community involvement was discussed. No nomination committee established. 3.5 Brochure. Eric will review layout, add pictures and bring draft copy to Nov meeting. New Business 4.1 Deer Creek Canyon Fire Coalition. Eric shared the work of GCNA in bringing together neighborhoods from around Deer Creek Canyon’s fuel shed for discussion and planning for fire. To date folk from 7 or 8 neighborhoods have attended Coalition meetings. Focus is on neighborhood based education meetings. Eric distributed a brochure and flier for educational sessions. 8:55 Adjournment Next Meeting: Thursday, November 5th

Minutes: Oct 1, 2009



Minutes: Oct 1, 2009



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