Folio Sains

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 855
  • Pages: 14

Biodiversity Teacher: Name: I/C: 950205-10-6351 Class: Pass Date:

PREFACE My special thanks to all my science’s teacher especially Puan Ashekin who have given me the encouragement and assistance to complete this project. Also to my mother and father who have always been a source of inspiration. Also not to forget to all my friends for all assistance and aid that they had given to me to complete this project.

ANIMAL A Lions are mammal, they breathe with their lungs. They live on land and in groups, which are called prides. Prides are family units that may include up to three males, a dozen or so females, and their young. Their bodies covered with fur and they use sharp nails and jaws to hunt prey. Lions use internal fertilization for reproduction. The female lions usually feed the cubs with milk from the mammary glands. Lions are also a carnivore. Female lions are the pride’s primary hunters, they often work together to prey upon other animals. After the hunt, the group effort often degenerates to squabbling over the sharing of the kill. Like most of the predators, lion used stereoscopic vision to determine the position of their prey. Lions are also a vertebrates animal and their support system are endoskeleton. They are four-legs and warmblooded animal.

ANIMAL B Frogs are amphibian, they breathe with their skin and lungs. They live both in water and land. Unlike most frogs, poison dart frogs are active during the day and often exhibit brightly-colored bodies. Generally, this species can be found in tropical rainforests and they tend to live on or close to the ground, as well as in trees as much as 10 meters from the ground. Poison dart frogs are also a carnivore; they use their sticky tongue to trap their prey. Like most of the predators, poison dart frogs used stereoscopic vision to determine the position of their prey and they used external fertilization for reproduction. This frog’s support system is endoskeleton. They are also four-legs and cold-blooded animal.

ANIMAL C Killer whales are mammal, they breathe with their lungs. They lives in the sea and they can be found in all the world's oceans, from the frigid Arctic and Antarctic regions to warm, tropical seas. Killer whales are aquatic vertebrates and their support systems are endoskeleton. Their body weight is supported by water buoyancy and they have smaller and lighter endoskeletons than land vertebrates. Killer whales are also a carnivore; they use sharp jaws to hunt prey. Unlike most of the predators, this dolphin family use monocular vision to detect prey in any angle. Killer whales use internal fertilization for reproduction and their calves nurse for up to two years but will start to take solid food at about twelve months.

ANIMAL D Mantises are an order of insects that worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats. They are exclusively predatory and prey on other animals. However, the insects will also eat others of their own kind. The majority of mantises are ambush predators, waiting for prey to stray too near. The mantis then lashes out at remarkable speed. Their compound eyes have a large binocular field of vision, it boost them with a great range of vision. Mantises are also invertebrate animals; they used exoskeletons as their support system and they had 3 pairs of legs. The mantises’ reproduction methods are internal fertilization and usually the females will eat her mate just after—or even during—mating. Yet this behavior seems not to deter males from reproduction.

6)-a) compare the physical characteristics of animal A and B and state 2 similarities between them. - Both animal A and B used stereoscopic vision and both animal A and B are carnivores.

6)-b) compare the physical characteristics of animal C and D and state 2 similarities between them. - Both animal C and D used internal fertilization and both animal C and D are carnivores.

6)-c) compare the physical characteristics of animal A and B and state 2 differences between them. -

Animal A live in land while animal B lives both land and water. Animal B laid egg while animal A gives birth.

6)-d) compare the physical characteristics of animal C and D and state 2 differences between them. -

Animal C has legs while animal D doesn’t have legs. Animal C is invertebrate animals while animal D is vertebrate animals.

e) Classify completely the 4 animals that you have into 2 groups based on a common physical characteristic using the dichotomous method. 2 group that I used to classify the 4 animal: A) Reproduction Method B) Support System


Internal fertilization

A) Lion B) Killer Whale C) Mantis

External fertilization

A) Poison Dart Frog



A) Lion B) Poison Dart Frog C) Killer Whale


A) Mantis


Stereoscopic vision

A) Lion B) Frog C) Mantis

Monocular vision

A) Killer Whale


OBJECTIVES 1) To classify various animals based on their common features. 2) To study the biodiversity of animals. 3) To know more about animals that our god had crated.

REFERENCES 1) 2) 3);_ylt=A0S020tAKZpKa G0BaIeLuLkF?p=animal&ei=utf-8&iscqry=&fr=sfp

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