Foi Batchelder Investigation, Part 1

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,067
  • Pages: 7






Allegation: It is alleged that James Pappas had a check issued to Mr. Perez's business as a vendor when Mr. Perez never filed forms to become a vendor. It is further alleged that Mr. Pappas made an inappropriate statement to Mr. Perez about the check he received and made him feel like he was being given a bribe. Epifanio Perez, PTO President, was interviewed on 6-19-09 and stated: Mr. Pappas did not want any parents in the school in the morning. He wanted us outside. He said that it was for safety reasons. Teachers complained about Mr. Pappas to me. They were afraid to say anything. I have some letters. Mr. Pappas wanted us to become a vendor. The, FRA, Norma Castro, gave us paperwork to fill out and to give to her an invoice. We said that we were uncomfortable being a vendor because I am the PTO president. I told Mr. Pappas that when I bring food I do it because my children go to the school and I want to support the school. I said that I did not want any money. I never filled out any paperwork to be a vendor. I never gave the school a bill. Norma Castro called me and said we should expect a check for $500.00 for catering. I told her I did not want any money for what we had given the school. We did donate sandwiches and bread for events and meetings. The check for $500.00 just appeared made out to us. Barbara DeJesus, school secretary, kept calling us to cash the check. We told her that we were concerned about the legality of us receiving the check. On April 16th, I was in the school. Mr. Pappas approached me and said I needed to help him because the parents are against him. I told Mr. Pappas that I had told him before that he had to be a regular guy when he treated parents. He said, "I had to help him. Remember I gave you $500.00 for your business." I told him I never asked for any money and I did not want any money. I felt he was trying to bribe us. I told Mr. Pappas I could not be involved in the budget book because I do not think it was right what he was doing at the school.

Mr. Pappas always tried to take control at our PTO meetings. He made parents uncomfortable. Epi Perez was interviewed on 6-29-09 and stated: I did not sign the invoice dated March 13, 2009. The invoice is not from our store. Yessica Perez, wife of Epi, was interviewed on 6-29-09 and stated: I did not sign my husband's name on the invoice dated March 13, 2009. Epi Perez was interviewed on 7-7-09 and stated: I never said to Norma Castro, FRA, for her to do the paperwork or for Barbara to do it. I never said to Norma that I was too busy and she should sign the paperwork and just pass it in.

Barabara DeJesus, Executive Assistant, was interviewed on 7-7-09 and knowingly and willingly waived her right to union representation and stated: We had Title 1 funds for about $5000. Every year we will get a statement (bill) from local merchants and purchase food and supplies supporting the parents and students at our school. I was given a bill from Mr. Epi Perez a bill for $500 for services and goods he would provide through his business The Coolest Cow. I may have received the bill from Norma Castro. I did not sign Epi's signature on the bill that was submitted to me from the Coolest Cow. I did call him at one time to remind him to cash the check we had issued to him before the 60 days were up. He told me that he was not going to talk about it. I called him only once. I did fill out the Payment Voucher. I was given the bill from the Coolest Cow I believe by Norma. I did not sign Epi's signature to the bill that was presented. I do not remember Mr. Pappas being reluctant in signing the Voucher. Norma Castro, FRA, was interviewed on 7-7-09 and stated: This is my first year as the FRA. Barbara told me that I had to find 4 or 5 businesses and set up accounts for $500 for parent activities. I asked Barbara if she thought it was a good idea if I approached Epi at the Coolest Cow to ask if he wanted to participate. He said fine. I told him that he had to fill out the forms to become a vendor. Barbara said that he came by and everything was okay. He received a check for $500. He then told me that he could not cash the check. I asked him twice that I needed sandwiches and he said that he could not do it. He never said why he could not do it. I did bring Epi the New Vendor Request form and the W-9 paperwork. I brought it to him and to C-Town.

When I spoke to Epi and his wife about them writing a note telling us that they were going to receive payment for catering goods at Batchelder, Epi and his wife said that they were too busy to do it and could Barbara write something up. Barbara wrote up a note and I called Epi and told him he had to come and sign it. He told me over the phone to just to go ahead and sign the note. I signed the note (Epifanio Perez) and passed it in to Barbara. I am not lying that he told me to sign the note. Epi was the PTO President. I would do most of the agendas for the PTO. I would make arrangements for speakers for the meeting. I would have the agenda prepared and I would try to give him the agenda and encourage him to lead the meeting. He would say no you do it. I do not feel comfortable speaking in front of the people. Mr. Pappas and I would end up running the meetings.

James Pappas, principal, was interviewed on 6-22-09 and willingly and knowingly waived his right to union representation and stated: We had Title 1 money that was allocated for PTO activities. Marta Bentham was telling Norma Castro, FRA, that we had to utilize these funds. We opted to get a laminating machine but was told by Marta that we could not use the PTO allocated funds to buy the machine. My secretary, Barbara DeJesus, and Norma Castro, FRA, came to me and suggested we use Mr. Perez as a vendor to provide catering. I said that I was not 100 % sure that it would be the right thing to do. I was thinking it was a possible conflict of interest. Barbara came to me with a voucher already filled out to be signed. Barbara and Norma said we had used Mr. Perez to buy food for other after school and school events. I signed the voucher. I do not know anything about New Vendor Forms or other paperwork needed to become a registered vendor with the city. I never filled out any forms for Mr. Perez or asked my secretary or FRA to fill out any forms. During our second round of parent conferences Tom Faniel called me and said that Mr.Perez had gone down to see Dr. Thompson and lodged a complaint. Mr. Perez was saying that parents were upset with me because I was ridged and inaccessible to parents and that I was not receptive of any of Mr. Perez's ideas. I met with Mr. Perez. The conversation became very hostile because he was accusing me of being uncaring and that I was not here for the parents or the students. He said that I was only interested in paying my mortgage. He was accusing me of not including him in the activities of the school. He wanted to do a dress down day as a way to raise funds for the school. He wanted a staff/student basketball game. He had sold t-shirts at the basketball game in the past. I gave him my rationale of why I did not support those activities at that time. He said that I was being rigid and not listening to him. He said that I did not care about the community and that I was preventing him from being a part of the school. I did say to him that we had already allocated money to his business as part of being involved with the school. I asked him to bring parents that were complaining to me or have them come to me. I have never turned a parent that came to me away. When he was leaving my office he grabbed the bottom of my tie and threw it over my shoulder and said you have to get rid of this, You have to come to school dressed like us not all dressed up.

Mr. Perez did bring bread to school once and then said that I owed him $10.00 for the bread. Another time we had asked Mr. Perez to make us sandwiches for a trip that was going to happen the following Tuesday. We checked with him on Monday and he said he was not given enough time to make the sandwiches. I never had any intention of attempting to bribe Mr. Perez by giving him $500.00 for services his catering company would provide.

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City Treasurer

The Cootet Cow 881-A New Britain Avenue Hartford, Ct 06106

(860) 953-1042

To Whom It May Concern: This is to inform you that Batchelder School will be purchasing $500.00 toward catering and goods for events being held at Batchelder School.

Epifanio Perez Owner/ Manager

PAYMENT VOUCHER CITY OF HARTFORD (1) Use a separate voucher for each vendor or purchase order. (2) List each vendor invoice separately. (3) Attach vendor invoice(s) and all supporting documentation to this form.


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Board of Education

Batchelder School

. The Coolest Cow Vendor












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Net Object 533250

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purchase toward catering and food for Batchelder School events

881-A New Britain Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106

VouclreisPrepared By

Payment Approved. By:

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Signature of Director/CFO of Finance (

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