FREEDOM OF INFORMATION COMMISSION OFTHESTATEOFCONNECTICI.TT l8-20TrinityStE€t Hartford,CT 05106 Tolophone: (860)5565682 Toll-free(CT only): (E66)374-36t7 JohnWilliams, . Complainan(s;
Fax (850)566-6474
Barbara Putnam, Cha.irman, Planning & Zoning Commission, Townof Litchfietd;WilliamBurgess, ViceChairman, Planning & ZoningCommission, Townof Litchficld;MatthewSpeck,Zoning Enforpement Officor,Townof l-itchfield:and Planning & ZoningCommission, Townof Litchfield, Respondent(s)
Notiooof Meeting Dockct#FIC 200t497
FebruaryI l, 2009
ln accordance with s€otion4-r?9 ofthe connecticut Gonerar statutss, theFrecdom of lnformation commission herebytrensmits to_you theproposed findinganddecision datedFebruary 11, 2009,prepared by thehearingoflicer in the above-caotioned matter. n]t1 wili considor thismattorfor disposition at itsmeer ing .. . 1il! noti$'youth*t drecommission whichwill beheldin theFruedomof InformationcommissionHearingRoom,ti,zo rrnity st""g ti ar2 p.m. on Wednesdey,Msrch 11,1009. At thattimoa;d ptac€ l*^""T$lj:9-:dcut, tou ,9.lT"roratargument concerning thisproposad findingandorder.-Oralargument sl atl :'],l1::']il1 Derrmrted to tEn(r0) minurcs.Forgoodcauseshown,howwer,thecommission mayinciasodregeriod of timefo_r argument. A reguest for;dditionaltimemusth madein wriringsnashouldbefiledwiij,ttre Commission oz or beforeFebruay27,J009. Suchrequest I\fUSTBE (f)lopieO ro "il d*;,;;ii-' fte-perties.are represent€d, to suchr€presentrtives, end(2) includea noation indicetingsuch noticeto *ll partics or their reprcsentetives. Althougha brieformsrnorandum of lawis notr€quired, ifyou decideto submitsucha docu,nenq rhat an qcu(1.0)co;ies tx fiiedon or beforeFebrucy 27,20n9. arq orifind 9:_C:lg::rlq*quesrs PLEASENorE: Any corlesponden..,t"iEoiifiiiitum directedtoihe connissione.* t,y any partyor repr€senhtiv€ofany psrty MUsr BE (r) copierrto all parti6r, or ifthe partiesan:' r€pr*entedrto suchreprcsentatives, (2)incrudea notstioi indicatingsuchnoticeto a[ partiesrr S-g'-lpraqntattves end (3) bo lirnired to argumenr NO NEW EVIDENCE MAy BE SUBMITTED, Ifyou havealreadyfileda brieformomorandum withthehearingofficerandwishto havetlat . document distibutedto eachmemberof thecornmission, it r. r"qu"i"airr* "1.""o nri*oio u" rr.a on or beforeFelnuary27, 2009,dndthat totice begivento ell plrties or if the perties are repEfenH' to thcir reprerentatives, thst suchpreviouslyfilld docuucntis beingsubmittedto the Commlssionett for rwiew.
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