Flp Voc Shopping

  • October 2019
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Sample Formal Lesson Plan: Vocabulary: Shopping for Furniture, Clothing, Tools and Counter Markers Bruce Lawrence

Objectives: Students will learn the number system of English, especially the more difficult, larger numbers. They will learn some vocabulary for garage sale/flea market haggling: clothing, furniture and tools Prerequisites: Students should have a basic knowledge of numbers, money, clothing, furniture and tools. This is an expansion exercise. Level: Beginner-Intermediate Duration: 2 hours Materials: Card Books cards for furniture, clothing and tools; photocopied money Set up: set up room for market: 3-4 sellers; the rest of Ss are buyers; T is the bank Anticipated problems: - Pre-teaching numbers can too long, so keep it lively or get Ss to fill in numbers chart to speed things up. - Some Ss may spend their money too quickly; if so, they become the bank.

Warm up: T: Did you have a good weekend? What did you do on the weekend. S: I went to the beach. I went shopping. (If no one says shopping, T asks “Did anyone go shopping?”) <Specific Intro Qs: shopping> T: Where did you go shopping? Where’s a good place for shopping? What’s the difference between shopping here and in Asia? What’s the difference between shopping at a department store and the night market? S: You can ask for a discount! <Specific L Qs: bargaining> T: Yes, do you know what that’s called in English? (wait to see if anyone knows; if not say, ) Haggling, Bargain or Bartering (but bartering actually means trading goods for other goods i.e. buying a shirt with a chicken) Teaching: T: When you go shopping in Metrotown, can you haggle? (wait) No right? It’s called a fixed price system, but where can you haggle in Canada? Ss: various guesses T: If you walk around residential areas on the weekend you can sometimes see the owner of a house selling some things. Do you know what that’s called? Ss: various guesses T: It’s called a garage sale or a yard sale. Where else can you haggle? Flea Market What can you buy at a garage sale or flea market? Ss: pictures, shirts, various guesses T: Are they new? Ss: No, there used/ second hand. T: Do the things have a price tag? Ss: Yes/no/depends T: Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don’t, but do you have to pay what the owner wants? Ss: No, you can haggle. <Eliciting> T: So, let’s write them down. What kinds of things can you buy at a garage sale or flea market? Ss: (various guesses, if they say any clothes, write it on board) T: Right. (write it on board. save place at top for category title)

What else? (point at pants) Ss: Pants! (write it on board) (continue to elicit personal clothing then switch to cards) What’s this? (show card of dress) Ss: One piece T: Oh, Konglish/Janglish! In Korea or Japan you’d be right, but what is it in English? Dress (continue to elicit clothing) And what are all these things called? Ss: Clothing T: Right (write on board at the top) What other kinds of things can you buy? Ss: (various guesses, if they say any furniture, write it on board) T: What else? (point to chair) What else? (use cards) What other kinds of things can you buy? Ss: (various guesses, if they say any tool, write it on board) T: What else? (use cards) <Whiteboard form/pron: clothing, furniture, tools> As stated above T writes categories and examples like so: Clothing shirt pants dress

Furniture sofa chair lamp

Tools hammer drill saw

T: Which words are difficult to pronounce? Ss: various answers T: (underline and drill) Right that’s difficult. Repeat after me suggested examples: ir in shirt f in sofa dr in drill <Eliciting: numbers> What other language do you need to be good at so you don’t get ripped off? Ss: numbers T: Right so let’s review numbers

T writes empty numbers chart Eng 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 T: What’s this? (hold pen beside 1) Ss: One! (write it) T: and this? Ss: Ten T: and this? Ss: hundred T: Hundred or a hundred? Or is it one hundred? (let Ss guess; write a/one hundred, continue to fill up Eng) (then write down Kor or Jpn or Twn and elicit their numbers) <Whiteboard form/pron: numbers> 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000

Eng one ten a/one hundred a/one thousand ten thousand a/one hundred thousand a/one million ten million a/one hundred thousand

Kor il ship baek cheon man ship man baek man cheon man ok

Jap ichi ju hyaku sen man ju man hyaku man sen man oku

Twn i shr bai qian wan shr wan bai wan qian wan i

Do you see any patterns or similarities between the languages? (Let students try to see the pattern of similarities between the languages represented in the classroom. They will usually get the obvious vocabulary similarities for “man” but they may miss the similarities between “ship” and “ju” and they usually miss the fact that English is based on three and Asian languages are based on four).

Main Activities: Semi-controlled activity I: Flash T: OK, here are some cards. Who wants the furniture cards? (Give them to the volunteer) Who wants the clothing cards? Tool cards? Now you (volunteer) flash them (mime rapid card showing) to the other members of your group, and you guys (other members) shout out the name. Whoever answers first gets the card. <Example> For example, flash the first card (say to volunteer) (volunteer flashes; students guess; first one gets the card, really) T: OK? So what do you do? (other volunteer) S: Flash the card T: And what do you do (other members) Ss: guess/shout T: Right! OK? Go! Free Activity II: Shopping Spree T: OK, so you have the clothing cards, furniture cards and tool cards. And of course the best way to practice numbers is with… money! (bring out photocopied money). Everyone will start off with the same amount. So everyone take one thousand dollar bill. (pass out pile of thousand dollar bills) Take one five hundred dollar bill, etc. down to one. How much do you have? Ss: say total (write total on board). T: OK sellers, you have to sell all your items, but sell them at a high price. Buyers, you have to spend all your money, but buy things at a low price. Whoever makes the most money from the sellers is the winner. Whoever buys the most amount of things among the buyers is the winner. T: So, what are you doing? (point to buyer) S: I’m buying things. T: At a high price? S: No, at a low price T: And, how do we reduce the price? S: Bargain/haggle/barter!

T: Right, and how do you do that? S: Please give me discount. T: Right, so I’ll be the bank if you need change. OK? Spend your money! Wrap up: T: OK, sellers count your money. Who made the most money? NAME (seller) how much money do you have now? (wait for each seller to say how much they and write down exactly what they say, and see which seller made the most money So, the winning seller is … NAME!! OK, buyers, how many things did you buy? (wait for each buyer to say how many things they bought) So, the winning seller is … NAME!! (ask this to whoever has the most things) OK, you have the most. What did you buy? Show us. (S holds up cards one at a time) Guys, what is that? (other students say what it is) OK, gimme back mah money!! Contingency Plan: If students finish early have sell their clothes and accessories! Homework: Easy: Go home and write down the words you learned. Difficult: Go to a garage sale/flea market and haggle.

extra T: What language do you need to bargain? What can you say if you think the price is too high? Write answers on board. What can you say if you think the price is too low? Write answers on board. <Whiteboard form/pron> It’s too expensive. It’s too much. Say what? Oh come on it’s worth more than that. It’s good quality. I have three children to feed! OK, come on try it with emotion! Say it like you mean it! “It’s SO exPENsive”! <Whiteboard form/pron> (Draw intonation curves or capitals to show stress and intonation) What happens when you get hungry? Where can you go? Ss: Restaurant T: At a flea market? Ss: Cafeteria. Food court T: Right and what can you buy there (show food cards) T: What other language do you need if you are buying rice, for example. Can you buy one rice? Ss: No, one bag of rice <Whiteboard form/pron: C/U nouns and counter markers> T: (write it one the board: a bag of rice) What about the small things? (mime grain) Ss: ??? T: A grain of rice. What about corn/pizza/bread/grapes/etc a grain of rice a slice/piece of pizza a slice/loaf of bread a bunch of grapes an ear of corn T: What if you don’t know exactly how much or how many? Do you say “I bought many rices? Ss: No, some rice? T: Right (writes on board) What are some other words for some? Ss: A few T: Is that for countable or uncountable nouns?

Ss: Countable <Whiteboard form/pron: C/U nouns and quantifiers> T writes chart a few a lot of much many a couple of several a dozen a bit of

C Both U neg/Q C C C C U

T: Here are some cards. There are some food cards. Who wants the food cards? (give them to whoever volunteers). There are some clothing cards and some electronics cards. (give them to volunteers). Now, arrange them in piles. One pile for countable; one for uncountable; one for both. For example “ice cream”. Is it C, U or Both? Ss guess, answer = uncountable What are we supposed to do? Ss: Pile the cards in C, U, Both T: Super! It’s a race! Go! Buyers how many things did you buy? Who bought the most things? What did you buy? So, the winning buyer is … NAME!!

Numbers 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000

Eng one ten a/one hundred a/one thousand ten thousand a/one hundred thousand a/one million ten million a/one hundred thousand

Kor il ship baek cheon man ship man baek man cheon man ok

Jap ichi ju hyaku sen man ju man hyaku man sen man oku

Twn i shr bai qian wan shr wan bai wan qian wan i

Vocabulary Clothing shirt pants dress high heels dress shirt tuxedo 3-piece suit 2-piece suit tie bow tie

Furniture sofa chair lamp chesterfield cupboard drawers dresser stereo microwave birdbath

Tools hammer drill jack knife screwdriver screws needle thread spool crowbar pliers

Exotic pets tiger snake whale zebra cockroach magpie snake dairy cow lobster turtle

Bargaining Buyer Oh, it’s so expensive! Can you give me a discount? A little more, $10? OK $15. That’s my final offer, Take it or leave it!

Seller No, it’s quite cheap! Hmmm, how about $20? Hey, come on! I’ve got a wife and two kids! OK! You drive a hard bargain!

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