First Things First 11-28-29-09

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FIRST THINGS FIRST The Weekly News of First Lutheran Church and School 1644 Nursery Road, Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone 727-462-8000 For the church, press 1 For the school, press 2

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November 28-29, 2009 From God’s Matchless Word… “1O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. 2

I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. 3


Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.

I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. 5

My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.” Psalm 63:1-5– NIV


Weekly Adult Bible Studies SUNDAYS 9:15 a.m.

Fellowship Hall

7:00 p.m. 1st and 3rd Sundays


Christ in the World Today Pastor Zimmermann Women’s Bible Study June Schultz

TUESDAYS 7:00 a.m. Fellowship Hall Followed by the Worker Bees (work around the campus)

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

WEDNESDAYS 9:45 a.m. Weekly

Room 10

The Book of Ezra – Adult Bible Study Rev. Arnie Piering

FRIDAYS 6:45 a.m.

Denny’s on Missouri Ave. Women’s Breakfast Bible Study

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Welcome to all who come here to worship our LORD. Another voice in praise of Him is a wonderful blessing. To show our appreciation we would like you to stop by our visitor center, located in the narthex, where you will find gift bags. Please take one. Please introduce yourself to Pastor Zimmermann and perhaps to others you may notice just hanging around after the worship service has concluded. We sometimes get so caught up in our excitement at seeing friends for the first time in the past week that we forget to lookout for YOU! Thank you for joining us today, and please, thank our LORD for his free gift of grace. B

Prayers of the People For Our Church and Community Sick, Hospitalized, -Tom Brown -Marge Carver -Mary Lou Holdefer -Dorothy Hornbuckle -Tawnya LaGrange -Cindy Taylor -Gabe Costa, Daniel & Brandi’s baby son -Gloria Fletter, friend of Kris Narovec -Daryl Grosso, friend of Dave Toll -Walter Otte, brother of Ralph Otte -Jesse Wells, friend of Roger & Roxy Beougher -Elizabeth Kelly Wedding Anniversary: -Lee & Rita Harrer, 53rd wedding anniversary, 12-1-09

or Recovering:


-Jennifer DeCresie, 16 years, 12-1-09 -Ashley Gangelhoff, 15 years, 12-1-09 -Laurie Snook, 12-4-09

(Birthdays & anniversaries, etc. will be put in FTF only when they have been requested by the individual, family, or friend. Thank you.)

For The Church, Our Nation and the World “…pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Pray for the safety of children, both here and far.

May they be protected from the dangers of this world and may we continue to pray that they grow in the knowledge of the Lord. Remember children endangered by slavery around the world.

Pray for the ministries of First Lutheran.

May they each be used mightily by the Lord to minister to people in our area and beyond, and to give Him all the glory. Good news! Our church and school website is reaching countries far away! Pray for our missional outreach program.

Please pray for all Stephen Ministry congregations in our area; to find new lay caregivers and lay leaders; for those who are in the care of a Stephen Minister; for the Stephen Ministers who care for them; for all who are enduring pain or loss, but are afraid to ask for help; and for our pastors who have so little time to meet their many obligations.

Pray for wisdom for our government leaders & officials regarding the many issues to be decided that will greatly affect our country. Pray for the wisdom of the Lord as we all consider the new Health Bill proposals & financial solutions and for God’s wisdom for those deciding on troop provision for the various war locations. Pray for the President & his cabinet to heed the leading of the Lord.

Always remember our men & women currently serving in the military, who each need our fervent and sincere prayers for protection and health. They are constantly endangered & stressed.

Always remember to pray for the persecuted church worldwide. They suffer greatly & constantly. C

Serving in the Military: Deployed:

-Tabor Cleberg, E3, Air Force, Kadena, Okinawa, Japan -SPC Nathan Davis, Army, Afghanistan, cousin of Ronda Farris

-ET1SW Chris LaGrange, Navy, Africa & Afghanistan, an FLS Dad -SSgt. Paul Mueckler, in Afghanistan on his 5th tour; Colleen Rabe’s brother -Sgt. Jonathan Norton, great-nephew of Marge Carver; deployed for his second tour in Iraq Stateside:

-Max Garrett, Army, son of Candy Garrett, Ft. Polk, Louisiana, temporarily under medical care in Houston, Texas -Janna Less, Air Force, daughter of Rev. & Mrs. Keith Less, to Tacoma, Washington -Maj. Kurt Mueller, Army, now in the U.S. at Command & General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, KS; grandson of Don & Joan Mueller -Pvt. James Smith, Camp Pendleton, CA, the Holdefer’s granddaughter’s husband

-Danielle Taylor, PV2 Army, stationed at Ft. Jackson, S.C., granddaughter of Cindy Taylor & niece of Matt and Rebecca Fordham

-GySgt. Steven Murray, USMC, presently stationed at MacDill AFB, Tampa, son of Marge & Ken Murray.

MMFN Justin R. Holcomb, Navy, grandson of Carol Blue, is safely home! Thanks be to God. Carol would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers.

Flowers: o



Flowers are placed on the altar by Lee & Rita Harrer in celebration of their 53rd wedding anniversary on December 1st and for many blessing received. Three pink roses are placed on the altar in celebration of Ashley Gangelhoff’s 15th birthday and for many blessings received. Two pink roses are placed on the altar in celebration of Jennifer DeCresie’s 16th birthday from her family, Joe, Laurie & Briana DeCresie.

Please pick up your arrangement immediately following the 10:30 service.

Sign-up sheets for future floral donations are available in a binder in the narthex. Thank you.

Newspaper Ad - Sign-up sheet is available in the Narthex for members to help with the

expense of our weekly ad in the St. Pete Times. See the binder in the Narthex.

Please call the office by Wednesday a.m. to give your flower or newspaper dedication message.



Look! Coming Soon to FLC! - Note Weekly Changes Movie Night – Polar Express Friday, December 4th – 6:30 CLC Shut-In Basket Assembling & Cookie Exchange Saturday, December 12th – 9–12:00 Fellowship Hall Christmas Program – PreK-1st Gr. Saturday, December 12th – 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary Christmas Program – Grades 2-8 Thursday, December 17th – 6:30 p.m. CLC “Bethlehem Project” Boy Scout Lock-In Friday, December 18th -19th – CLC, FH, Room 10 “It’s a Wrap” for Kids (Boosters) Sunday, December 20th – CLC (Parents shop!) FLS Christmas Holidays December 21st – January 1st (restarts January 4th) Epiphany Sunday, January 3rd FLS Class Group Pictures Tuesday, January 12th National Right to Life Sunday, January 17th Guatemala Information Mtg: Thursday, January 28th & March 4th – FH E

Altar Guild… …will be decorating the church Saturday, December 5th, at 9:00 a.m. We could use some strong men to help! Also, we will be having our Altar Guild Christmas Party Sunday, December 6th at 3:00 p.m. at Charlotte Hick’s house. It will be an appetizer and dessert party and don’t forget to bring $5 donation that will go to a needy family in the church.

Shut-In Basket Assembling & Cookie Exchange …is Saturday, December 12th from 9:00 a.m.-12 noon in the Fellowship Hall. Sponsored by the Board of Christian Life and LWML, everyone is welcome to participate and to donate cookies for the gift baskets. Also, if you choose to participate in the cookie exchange, please bring cookies for that in dozens (i.e: 2 dozen, 3 dozen, etc.). You will leave with the same amount that you bring. You just exchange yours and get a variety of other kinds to take home! This wonderful Christmas event is open to everyone!

Handel’s The Messiah, Part I On Sunday, December 6th, at 3:00 p.m., Part I of Handel’s Messiah will be performed by the 40-voice Pinellas Lutheran Choir, soloists, and instrumentalists. Come and hear this glorious music at Grace Lutheran Church. The Pinellas Lutheran Choir is directed by Derek Edward Weston. There will be a free-will offering. A reception, sponsored by the Valpariso University Guild, will follow. For information, call Lois Hannewald at the church: 727-527-1168. Grace Lutheran Church 4301 16th Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33703 F

`âá|v aÉàxá Praise Team: Thursday – 7:30 p.m. Saturday – Warm-up at 5:30 p.m. Bells: Beginning Wednesday, Dec. 2, 9, & 16th, Bells will be at 5:45 p.m. On December 23rd, we will be back to our regular 6:30 p.m. bell rehearsal. Adult Choir on December 2, 9, and 16th will be at 7:45 p.m. immediately after each Advent service. December 23rd will resume our regular schedule at 7:30 p.m. Call Ann Hinz, Worship Director, to join one of these musical praise groups: 727-462-8000 x 104.

Youth Gathering News Thank you to those who have made donations to our Youth group as they try to raise money to attend the National Youth Gathering in 2010 in New Orleans. We are getting closer to our goal of raising $10,000. About $7,500 is still needed. The cost of this Gathering is higher because it is being held farther away than the last Gathering. If you would still like to make a contribution towards the cost of the Gathering or co-ordinate a fund raiser, please contact Ann Hinz at 462-8000 x 104.

Narthex/Sanctuary Redecoration - Door Offering In thankfulness for blessings received from God, we are taking a door offering at the services this weekend. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will match the first $656 donated. Thanks to the generous support of many people, the narthex redecoration is nearly complete. Donated furniture is currently being manufactured by Furniture by Design (Tom & Colleen Rabe). Your generous donations will now allow us to redecorate the west entrance and upgrade the cry room area. If you have any questions please contact Dennis Miller 698-1960 or Kurt Hesebeck 581-0577.


Men's Prayer Breakfast at First Lutheran MEN, come meet together again this week for food for the soul and for the body! Each Tuesday morning from 7:00 - 7:45 a.m. our men’s ministry hosts a fellowship and prayer breakfast in our First Lutheran Fellowship Hall. Come and bring a friend. Don’t forget! Bring a friend! Start your day praising the Lord!

We meet again next: Tuesday, December 1st Featuring: The Rat Race Speaker: Pastor Zimmermann

Next Weekend!! Sunday, December 6, 2009

Along the road, there are many lessons to learn.

Lesson 8 – Watch for Children We must be a Godly example; even those who are young. We will escort your children from church to the gym, where you can pick them up after the 10:30 service.

Ymmm…….Pecans! Pecans for baking and eating are now available from Marj Crosmer at 531-3156. All proceeds go to Valparaiso Women’s Guild.

• • •


Pecan Halves:


Dark chocolate covered pecans:

$8/for 12 oz.

Pecan Pieces:

$7.50 /lb.

Religious Community Services, Inc.

RCS Food Barrel Please drop off your generous donation of non-perishable foods into the barrel located in the church narthex. Many families are suffering job and home losses and are in immediate need of nonperishable food items. With our Christmas holidays coming very soon, these families truly need your generosity and thoughtfulness. Contact the RCS office at 727-531-6266 if you have any questions.

Thank you for helping in this very important ministry.

You Light Up My Life! We need your excess Christmas lights. Our goal is to bathe our entrance in white lights. However, we’ll take your colored lights, as well. It’s that time again to decorate the church with poinsettias for Christmas. The cost will be $6.00 each. There is a sign-up sheet in the binder in the Narthex or you may call Sandy Brown at 585-8982 or Vicki Miller at 726-1332. The cut-off date will be Monday, December 14th.

The Board for Christian Life is asking for your help on behalf of the Homeless Emergency Project (HEP). On December 19th, from 10 am to 2 pm, please consider bringing by both perishable and non-perishable food items to help them feed the homeless. We know of the need during Thanksgiving, but sometimes people are left out the rest of the year. Consider buying an extra turkey or other meat and canned goods and come by the church. HEP will take your generous food offerings and help feed the homeless. HEP served 103,000 meals in 2008. Please help them in their mission efforts. I

Come Join the

Prayer Shawl Ministry! We meet on December 2nd! Knit or crochet at the church or at home. We are making shawls for anyone that may need our prayers and love – especially our shut-ins! Come to our meetings each Wednesday from 4:00-5:30 p.m. in the library. Yarn & needle donations would really be appreciated. Bring supplies with you and you can get started anytime! You will be working “as unto the Lord” and have a very pleasant time and fellowship.

First Lutheran Youth Basketball Program Girls and Boys - grades 3 to 8 - Saturdays December 5th through February 6th The cost is $50.00 plus $20.00 for a reversible jersey. The jersey is reusable. This league will repeat several times this year and next. Order the jersey one size larger to make it last.

Flyers and registration forms are available at church and school. Not sure if you want to play? Try us out at this next event: Friday, November 27

- Fun & Games. Pizza and drink provided. Parents can shop while the kids play!

Each day is only $5. If you decide to join the league, the cost will be credited towards registration. If you already registered for the league, these events are FREE!

Call Melvin Maciolek at 449-9185 with questions. J

Basketball Program Accepting Players The First Lutheran Church and School Youth Basketball Program starts this December. We are expecting 40 – 75 youth, ages 8 – 13, every Saturday morning at First Lutheran Church and School. Tony Wilson and Tim Thompson are our head coaches. Tony and Tim are experienced youth basketball coaches. They are actively recruiting players and volunteers for a successful program. Registration forms are available in the church narthex and school office. Or, call Melvin Maciolek at 449-9185.

Basketball Program Now Accepting Adult Applications Melvin Maciolek has no basketball experience. He believes this program is a great opportunity to reach out to the youth and families in our community and is actively recruiting other First Lutheran Church members to be part of this exciting ministry. Since you have a God given gift, you qualify for one of the available positions. Please prayerfully consider using your talent and time to help this ministry. Positions available: Greeters Team Chaplains Announcer Referees

Prayer Team Scorekeeper Concession assistants Set-up helpers

Encouraging spectators Sound/music technician Coaches Cleanup/helpers

Please fill out the application below, pray about it, and then submit it. For your convenience, the hard parts are already completed for you. Melvin will contact you for a phone interview. If you prefer an in-person interview, appointments are available on a first come, first served basis on Monday nights at First Lutheran Church in the Christian Life Center gymnasium from 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM on November 9 and 23. All applicants will be offered a position. (Background checks may be required for some positions.) _________________________________________________________________ Volunteer Application – Youth Basketball Program Name: ________________________ Experience: N/A

Phone Number: ____________________

Talent: I want to help

Shift Desired: Saturday morning K

Are you qualified? Yes

Preferred Position: ____________________


Were you aware that we have a First Lutheran Church and School group on Facebook? We have news and information that concerns our church and school, as well as, upcoming events. Come visit and join our group and invite your friends from Facebook to visit us electronically.

You are invited….. (Sorry, see date correction below.) For those of you who participated in the Faith in Action exercise program that was held at FLC, you are invited to a free Holiday Gala on December 11th from 11:00 – 2:30 p.m. It will be held at Union Academy, 400 MLK Jr. Drive, Tarpon Springs, FL. Take 19 north and turn left on MLK. Reservations need to be called in by November 30th to 727738-4307.

Health News for the Congregation In an effort to keep you informed and up-to-date regarding issues such as the Swine Flu, below is information that may help. Florida Flu Information Line Call Center: 1-877-352-3581 The state toll-free number for information is: 1-800-342-3557 Their hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The purpose of this call center is to provide general information related to seasonal and H1N1flu. Automated messages in various languages are available. Local Flu Information Line: 1-727-824-6964 If you have any additional questions, please call Sue Heller, Parish Nurse, on her cell at 727-631-1802.

2010 Guatemala Mission Trip Next meeting is December 9th after the evening Advent Service. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Any questions, call Dennis Miller at 6981960. Is there anyone in our church who speaks Spanish?? L

Giving Plus Final Days If you want to give money to First Lutheran School and have Thrivent Financial for Lutherans match $1 for $2 - giving a maximum of $600 ($300 matched) - you need to do it as soon as possible! The money funding this program is almost gone. See Dennis Miller if you have any questions at 698-1960.

School News -

By Principal, Elaine Popp

Mission Statement: First Lutheran School exists to proclaim the Gospel as we teach academic skills and Christian values, establishing a strong foundation for a child to live a successful, positive, and Christ-centered life.

Our school was on vacation this past week. Our staff all took vacation while our student body was home for the week. We hope you each had a very blessed Thanksgiving with loved ones and friends.

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What greater gift can you give this holiday season? M

A Christmas Message On Saturday, December 5th, at 1 p.m. the backfield fence is going to be decorated with a Christmas message in lights. This is a wonderful message to the community from our church. We need a lot of volunteers to get this done in a few hours. Could you please come and help even if you can't stay for the whole project? You can get to the fence from Lake Avenue. The gate will be open. Any questions, please call Pam Smoot at 420-1757.

May God Give You a Day Filled with Awe "Give me your life and I will give you life abundant." These were the words I once heard Jesus speak to me while sitting on the side of the Grand Canyon. I am sure God has spoken these simple yet profound statements to all of us in different ways at different times. I am coming to realize that we have to give God our life not just once, but daily. As much as we learn to trust and give to God our life, it has to be done over and over and over. I once read "Life begins at the edge of our comfort zone." I believe this is so. If we get too comfortable or complacent we risk becoming stagnant. We need new challenges in our life because in them we can grow even more with God. We can invite God into our new challenge and we can see the wonders of living life with God unfold anew. God wants to live with us and be with us in every thought word and experience we have. Give yourself to God this day and allow God to give to you a day filled with awe. Amen. Web site: Original image credit:


PTL Scrip Shop Look for cards available before or after week-end services. Don’t forget your cards for all your Christmas shopping!  

AMC "Bonus Cash" Promotion

The holidays just got a little brighter...When you purchase an AMC Theatres $25 Gift Card through Friday, December 11, 2009, your card will be loaded with a little extra "Bonus Cash". That's right... when you purchase the $25 gift card, the card will be worth $27.50 or an additional 10%. AMC's "Bonus Cash", added to your gift card, is the perfect opportunity to make your movie money go a little further, or give a gift worth a little more! Thanks for your support! Nancy Seltzer, Coordinator 559-0606 or [email protected]

Last Week’s Attendance: November 21-22, 2009 Saturday: 58 Sunday: 8:00 am: 70 10:30 am: 116 Weekend Total: 244

Church Offering – Unrestricted - Fiscal Year – Week 17 (Nov. 21-22, 2009) Budgeted Weekly Income: .............................................................................. $7,012.00 Received this Week:............................................................................................ 6,405.24 Budgeted Year-to-Date: ................................................................................ 119,204.00 Received year-to-Date: ................................................................................. 121,802.77


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Friday Saturday 5th

Sunday 6th

WORSHIP ..............................................................................................................8:00 a.m. Pastor’s Adult Bible Study……….Fellowship Hall ..................................................9:15 a.m. Kids’ Corner Sunday School……..…Room 10 .......................................................9:15 a.m. WORSHIP ............................................................................................................10:30 a.m. Wee Dance…………………….…. Fellowship Hall .................................................5:45 p.m. Basketball League Practice…………CLC .......................................................... 6:30 p.m. Cub Scouts………………Fellowship Hall, Room 10 & School................................7:00 p.m. Men’s Prayer Breakfast……….. Fellowship Hall ............................................... 7:00 a.m. Worker Bees………………........... Fellowship Hall .................................................8:00 a.m. TangSooDo ………………….........Fellowship Hall…........................................ …..5:00 p.m. Girls Scout Troop #823…..Fine Arts Room & School Library .................................6:00 p.m. Altar Guild.................................…….Room 10.......................................................7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts ………………………...Fellowship Hall .................................................7:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study……………………..Room 10 .......................................................9:45 a.m. Advent WORSHIP .................... ...........................................................................11:00 a.m. The Pinochle Group …………………Room 10 .......................................................1:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry ............……..Library ....................................................... 4:00 p.m. Bell Practice .............................…Church Balcony ................................................5:45 p.m. Girl Scouts # 684…………..Fine Arts/Multi Purpose Room ....................................6:45 p.m. Cub Scout Pack Committee Meeting - Room 10 ....................................................7:00 p.m. Advent WORSHIP .................... .............................................................................7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Practice..................…Church Balcony ................................................7:45 p.m. Wee Dance Aftercare………………Preschool........................................................2:45 p.m. TangSooDo …..……………………Fellowship Hall .................................................5:00 p.m. Basketball League Practice…………...CLC ....................................................... 6:30 p.m. Praise Team …..……………………. Sanctuary......................................................7:30 p.m. Women’s Breakfast Bible Study—Denny’s Missouri Ave. ......................................6:45 a.m. TangSooDo………………………. Fellowship Hall ................................................6:00 p.m. OE Serenity……………………………Room 10 ....................................................10:30 a.m. Backstop Fence Decorating…………...Field...................................................... 1:00 p.m. Praise Team Warn-Up.............. .............................................................................5:30 p.m. CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP...............................................................................6:30 p.m. WORSHIP ..............................................................................................................8:00 a.m. Pastor’s Adult Bible Study………...Fellowship Hall ................................................9:15 a.m. Kids’ Corner Sunday School……..….Room 10 ......................................................9:15 a.m. WORSHIP ............................................................................................................10:30 a.m. Children’s Church ..............................................................................................10:30 a.m.

“I should count a life well spent, and the world well lost, if, after tasting all its experiences and facing all its problems, I had no more to show at its close, or to carry with me to another life, than the acquisition of a real, sure, humble, and grateful faith in the Eternal and Incarnate Son of God.” P. T. Forsyth


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