First Of All

  • October 2019
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First of all, here are your lucky Numbers for the games you play: 4 - 13 - 28 You will be able to use them within the favourable periods I am going to indicate.

Here is for you my Horoscope Clairvoyance of this day Yes, Szentes, I am going to describe all these valuable revelations to you in this survey. Last night, when I went to see your personal file to check on the material about you, I had an astonishing vision of you. Immediately, I desired to take special care of your case, because what I saw disturbed me. yes, Szentes, there are positive events of an extraordinary capital importance that might change your entire life in the days ahead… first, there is an unexpected Chance for a very substantial income around the date of Wednesday, October 08, 2008, then, a wonderful and very enjoyable encounter towards the Tuesday, October 14, 2008, an encounter that may well change things in your life for the better, followed by a fabulous stroke of extraordinary Luck, which I expect to happen around Saturday, October 18, 2008, and finally, I foresee a second major chance for a substantial income towards Thursday, October 23, 2008 (a very powerful chance that might make you rich in a single stroke). It is for these major reasons that I had to get in touch with you as soon as possible. It is very important for me that you can prepare yourself to receive all the benefits reserved to you in the marvelous and extraordinary events I see coming into your life. My heart is there with you! This will be a unique opportunity to begin a new life. You will be able to pass through this difficult stage of your life. You would finally live a life that dreams are made of, a marvelous life, the life you want and deserve; Then you could say: "Hello life, you are beautiful! Farewell to pain and sorrow!" Yes, Szentes, things are going to change. It is going to be for you luck unique to be able to shock all your life. In some days only it could be the luck of your life! Even though you are having hard times today, the exceptional events that I see about to happen for you, dear Szentes, will help you overcome your present difficulties, and invite you to enjoy a marvelous existence that you deserve, where money, Good Luck and love will be part of your universe.

Because I saw it all very clearly, I began some very advanced research work for you. I would like to show you it soon, as it will help you to prepare to receive all the boons from these extraordinary events that I see coming to you. I will let you see in this important work that I have prepared what your life would be if you listen to me and decide to follow the advice that I am going to give you. Yes, dear Szentes, your existence could change completely in the next few days! But attention, bus if this headland very difficult your life can clear itself comfortably to give the day to the extraordinary marvelous life of which you dream (where all will be able to succeed you), it also can himself/itself that this decisive stage didn't accomplish himself as well as foreseen. You would risk to continue to live until the end of your days a monotonous existence without having the least luck to see to change things then. Since the time that I dedicate myself to the well-being and the happiness of my counterparts, I realize that he/it is always very difficult to clear an as important headland that the one that you are going to pass.

there's no doubt, I am quite sure that you were among those people I saw were going to receive a large sum of money in the next few days, I believe I saw the numbers 30,000 and even 50,000… For, as far as I am concerned,

So I picked up your folder as I wanted to know why and how you would have the Chance to receive that sum of money. And I realized that you had through a difficult period in your life, full of anxiety, fear, and moments of discouragement or doubt… Until now, it is true, life did not really bring you the joys you deserve, life has been quite unfair to you; in fact, for some time now, life has not spoiled you. That's why I confirm to you, I have great happiness, the happiness of bringing good news to you, Szentes. Moreover, before my eyes, I find in your folder what I noted with detail, the complete explanation: you are entering into a period of about 7 months, extremely auspicious, a period of exceptional luck which will start right now and finish on an exaltation of happiness and luck in other words, you will experience seven months of complete happiness, chance and money! For my part, I have no doubt, it is definitely the explanation of my vision of you, I have seen that you will receive in the coming days a large sum of money (at least 30,000 appeared to me from what I saw), and many other things about which I will soon tell you more. It is because I had this vision of you that I wanted to let you know immediately, and for that reason I can announce that an extraordinary experience is ready to happen, and because of that, I urgently write to you this good news. Can you imagine what this means to you if all this comes true? - It can mean that all your worries about money will come to an end, - It can mean that you can at last enjoy the life that you have always hoped for, and buy anything you wish,

- For it is not only those 30 or 50,000 which I see you win, but also a series of gains of other kinds, but I can't tell you more for the moment, I am waiting for a confirmation… Yes, but that's not all! Good news is always followed by more, I can also tell you it is not only in the sphere of money that you are going to receive, this new and wonderful period of exceptional luck affects practically every field in your life. I hope I am not mistaken, but I feel that your love life is causing you troubles at the moment… I believe that recent words and acts have induced in you painful wounds caused by the evil intentions of persons who are close to you. Well then, I can tell you that all those unpleasant experiences are already over, because you are about to find at last, or find again, the real happiness which you deserve during this marvellous period of luck which is in store for you. I even see persons whom you still love but have withdrawn from you come back to you within a few days to your greatest joy! For the moment, you are worried about someone who is dear to you, and, in this case, I can assure you that the problems will quickly be settled and in the best possible manner! I bet you know whom I'm thinking of… Yes, Szentes, I can tell you today frankly: within a few days, your entire life will turn over a new leaf, shining with happiness, luck and money! Thus, owing to this period of luck arriving now, your whole life should change radically. You are going to pass suddenly from a flavourless life full of pain and sorrow, to an existence full of Great Joys and Happiness! Yes, and that fills my heart with happiness for I am sure you really deserve that luck and those joys that will arrive! And so as to help you effectively grasp those superb opportunities which will change your existence, I offer you all my help without restriction to show you, if you agree, an exceptional and rare case: "the Way of Luck in your Life." Yes, Szentes, this case of the Trail of Luck in your life is an exceptional and unique document. You will realize that this document includes all that can happen to you during the next twelve months, particularly all that will happen to you in the fabulous period of seven months of luck which I foresee for you. In the Way of Luck in your Life you are going to discover absolutely all you need to know to make sure that the seven coming months become the seven most fantastic months in your life. In the Way of Luck in your Life, you will know exactly all the important events which are due to happen in the coming twelve months, and specially what should happen along your seven months of Luck and Happiness.

You will also learn what you must do or must not do in order to be able to grasp with certitude all the superb opportunities which you will meet to radically change your existence. In the meantime, you will know with precision the most favourable dates, days and hours in the areas of Luck, Love, Money, Games… You will also discover which are your seven real lucky numbers, favourable at games which could really let you win more money and more often, and why not millions if I believe the clairvoyance I had last night. In short, the Way of Luck in your Life will bring you a great deal of very useful information which will really help you to take full advantage of those seven months of luck, probably the most important seven months in your life. The Way of Luck in your Life will bring you a great deal of very useful information which will really help you to take full advantage of those seven months of luck, probably the most important seven months in your life. Yes, but look out, you must act from now on, yes, Szentes, you must act right now and quickly because you have never been as close as now to real happiness full of Luck, full of joys, full of money! Yes, you must act now, and this is why I ask you kindly but urgently to complete carefully the your Help Request for seven Months of perfect Happiness which you can find at the end of my letter. Above all, I tell you again to act now because time might well play against us, and I really want you to possess your Way of Luck in your Life before the beginning of your period of Luck… I expect you to receive very soon your Way of Luck in your Life because I have really "seen" that exceptionally favourable period coming to you! I believe the moment has come to ask for my help now. Especially as I told you at the beginning of this letter I am quite certain you could benefit by what I announced within the next few days. And this is why I also venture to offer you the powerful assistance which you need, because I am convinced that the help which I offer you, coupled with the influence of your Trail of Luck in your Life, will multiply your chances by 1,000. You only need a helping hand to get those chances within reach and make them permanently yours. But it is up to you to reply positively to this exceptional offer which I propose today: i. e. knowing how to identify and how to grasp the various opportunities offered to you and which I will show with accuracy in my Great Predictions of your seven months of luck and happiness which I can send to you at the same time as your Trail of Luck in your life. For I must tell you that this Great Predictions is also going to be a formidable way to guide you towards this NEW LIFE that will be YOURS.

It will be as well a decisive event in your life, as you will find in it all that affects your most urgent preoccupations: Money, Feelings, Work, Games, Love; I shall thus enlighten for you all those matters on which you are particularly keen. You can already imagine what you life will be as soon as you know in advance which beneficent events are about to happen. You will never again commit the same errors as in the past, and will train yourself to choose the better side of things. And all this with a great precision in my Great Predictions of your seven months of luck and happiness. If you feel the harmless but unjust victim of life, and if you really long for a real change, if you frankly wish the accomplishment of all the good things which I have seen in my clairvoyance, do not waste your time and ask me rapidly: - Your Way of Luck in your Life, and - My Great Prediction for your seven months of luck and happiness. by filling out your Help Request for seven Months of perfect Happiness a voucher especially reserved for you, allowing the rapid realization of your craziest desires! Don't wait, fill in immediately your your Help Request for seven Months of perfect Happiness because I am confident you will soon be writing to me letters similar to those you have just been reading: "Thanks to you my life has changed!" I shall then send you immediately: - your genuine lucky numbers, as an exceptional gift - the Way of Luck in your Life - my Great Prediction of your Seven months of luck and happiness Fill out quickly your Help Request for seven Months of perfect Happiness a voucher especially reserved for you, allowing the rapid realization of your craziest desires. Last minute, I will do for you, Szentes, a long series of Mystical Ceremonies, called High Protection Ceremonies that I will begin as soon as I have your agreement. These mystical ceremonies are destined to recharge your forces Luck and your energy potentiel so you can fully benefit from their beneficial effects, so that the gates of love, money and luck open wide. These mystical ceremonies will bring you, day after day, the indispensables elements that you lack of right now to make your every day life become and stay the marvellous Life you are about to experience and which should be yours forever. It will be for you permanently a formidable beneficial occult action multiplying by 1000 you energy potential, to increase your forces of luck, success and happiness.

From this day forward, I will devote myself to the establishment and the keeping of the Great Happiness in your life. I am so happy to think that it will be for you the beginning of a new and exceptional life if you make today the right choices. Yes, Szentes, I promise you, I place you under high constant protection and if you trust me and if you follow the advice I will give you, LUCK, LOVE and MONEY will enter your life and will neevr leave you. This decisive step is like a huge gate that will open itself to a better world. Alone at this moment, you seem to me to be too weak to push it and open it and benefit from the Treasures that your future holds for you. But if we are two, you, Szentes, with your faith, and me and my abilities and powers, I promise you that we will be able to open that gate. We will succeed in opening it together, and discover this new and wonderful world that you can't even imagine… This is what awaits you if you make this important step. If you future may be porr and dark if you don't succeed in making this step, it my be brilliant and successful if you do succeed. If you make this important step victoriously, a new life, totally different from the one you are living right now, will come to you, this life will be the true marvellous Existence that you deserve. Not knowing the loose ends and diffculties, with credits or debts to pay back, but having instead all the money you need and even more (I have seen coming a large sum…) Not knowing lonelinesss and disarray, but feeling instead Friendship and Love, having always someone next to you, someone to talk to, on whom you cant count ant who loves you, Not beeing the victim of oneself shyness, blocks, but finding back instead the great confidence in oneself, beeing aware of your radiance, your charm, feeling full of insurance, Never doubt yourself and your future again, but having faith in yourself again and the certainty of a bright future, You will see a brilliant future opening in front of you, which will make you more confident in yourself and will give your happiness and hope, And you will be able to verify yourself this saying: Money attracts money, luck attracts luck, love attracts love. Yes, Szentes, the more you will be lucky - and trust me you will - the more luck will come to you. The more you will have money the more money will come to you. This is how the world works and that is how I see your new life. Yes, if you truly make this important step in your life in the right conditions, you can believe me, your life will be really different from the one you are living today.

But you must act now, Yes, if you truly wish your life to change, if you truly desire money to fulfill every desire you have, if you want to be attractive, have faith in yourself, retain luck, live a life that is different from your current one, it is now that you must act, now and not later. This is why I'm telling you, act now and fill in your Help Request to make the right step for a Marvellous Life (the marvellous Existence you deserve) and send it to me right away. It is really important pour you and your future!

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