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  • Pages: 36
1. Company Profile ABOUT THE COMPANY

New Gen Technoways is promoted by a group of professionals with multifunctional experience from various industries for packaging of engineering, automobile components. New Gen Technoways is established in 2015. Being relatively new as a company , but with our modern approach, with innovative ideas , we are committed to establish high standards in package development with customer approved quality in timely and cost effective manner. Currently we are involved in returnable packaging projects for our tier 1 and tier 2 customers and working closely for new request of quotes in returnable packaging and conventional packaging.

VISION, MISSION AND GOALS VISION: To achieve success through ventures with customers, suppliers and employees.

MISSION: Continually exceeding customers expectation through effective communication, innovation and cost saving solution.

COMPANY DEALS IN:  Returnable packaging on rent  Packaging consultancy services including desing and development.  Contractual packaging

QUALITY POLICY We, at New Gen Technoways are committed to provide ultimate customer satisfaction by ensuring:  Highest quality standard  Timely delivery of goods and services.  Value engineering which will be earned through continuous efforts to achieve, sustain and enhance our products and services by continually improving the effectiveness by quality management system through teamwork.

RETURNABLE PACKAGING Our returnable packaging model is a example of eco-friendly packaging and it provides robust protection along with value engineering.

We offer various options in the segment of returnable packaging: Stationary model:It provides returnable model on rent at a fix location for agreed time. Supply chain model:It provides equipment for supply chain. Equipment's are provided at agreed location and collected from agreed end user location.

CONSULTANCY SERVICES By using our technical expertise in the area of packaging technology, •Design and develop of new packaging for your product as per customer requirements. •Analyzing damages to your product and provide corrective action with appropriate packaging to avoid product damage and market complaints. •Benchmarking of your existing packaging and suggestion for improvements. •Technical analysis and testing of industrial packaging materials.

CONTRACTUAl PACKAGING SERVICES •End-to-End packaging solutions

•Selection of appropriate packaging material

•Trained manpower for packaging at customer site.

•Complete packaging services starting from manpower planning, material procurement, receipt, storage and allocation of packaging material for particular product’s packaging and other related activities



“The process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making business decisions. The methodology may include publication research, interview, survey and other research techniques and could include both present and historical information”.


Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English lays down the meaning of research as “a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.”

Sources of Data

In Research Methodology mainly data plays an important role. This study is conducted by collecting and analyzing the data from primary and secondary sources of data.

1) Primary data Primary data is information collected through original or first-hand research. The primary information collected through face to face interview, observation, and by participation in the recruitment and selection process.

2) Secondary data Secondary data is information which has been collected in the past by someone else. Secondary data was collected from the books, websites and through the interaction with the individuals in the organization and our own New Gen recruitment portal past data.

The various information is taken out regarding that subject as well other subject from various sources. The last years data stored is also being secondary data. This data is kept for the internal use of the organization.


Sampling is the process of obtaining information about an entire population by examining only a part of it. In most of the research work and surveys, the usual approach happens to be to make generalizations or to draw inferences based on samples about the parameters of population from which the samples are taken.

 Sample Unit: - A candidate who comes for the Interview

 Sample Frame: - The candidates who came for the interview in the premises.  Sample size: - Total candidates who were called for the interview after reviewing the CV’s.

Learning from project  It has been great pleasure to work on this exciting and challenging project. This project provide knowledge about the Recruitment and Selection process of New Gen Technoways.  This will provide better opportunity and guidance in future project  It has helped to conduct the research a scientific way. The research has provide the inputs in designing, the questionnaire which is an important tool of the research.

Contribution to the Organization

 This research helps to know strength and weakness in our recruitment process.  The suggestion given by the research to organization to focus more on the small positions which are vacant along with the executive positions.

3. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND History of Human Resource Management :

The History of Human Resource Management is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business. The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations. Human Resource management is evolving rapidly. Human resource management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the theoretical and practical techniques of managing a workforce. Human resource management has it roots in the late and early 1900's. When there are less labor then there are more working with machinery. The scientific management movement began. This movement was started by Frederick Taylor when he wrote about it a book titled ‘The Principles of Scientific Management’. The book stated, "The principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee.” Taylor believed that the management should use the techniques used by scientist to research and test work skills to improve the efficiency of the workforce. Also around the same time came the industrial welfare movement. This was usually a voluntary effort by employers to improve the conditions in their factories. The effort also extended into the employee’s life outside of the work place. The employer would try to provide assistance to employees to purchase a home, medical care, or assistance for education. The human relations movement is the major influence of the modern human resource management. The movement focused on how employees group behavior and how employee feelings. This movement was influenced by the Hawthorne Studies.

Functional area of HRM :

• Human resource auditing • Human resource strategic planning • Human resource planning • Manpower panning • Recruitment / selection • Induction • Orientation • Training • Management development • Compensation development • Performance appraisals • Performance management • Career planning / development • Coaching • Counseling’s

• Staff amenities planning • Event management • Succession planning • Talent management • Safety management




Executive committee, organization planning, HR planning & policy, Organization development

Manager, employment


& Recruiting, Interviewing, Testing, Placement & Termination

Manager benefits


& Job analysis and evaluation, surveys, Performance appraisal, compensation administration, bonus, Profit sharing plans, Employee benefits.


Manager, Training & Development Orientation, Training, Management development, Career Planning & development

Manager, Employee relations

EEO relations, contract compliance, staff assistance programs, Employee counseling.

Recruitment Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm. It is undertaken by recruiters. It also may be undertaken by an employment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization looking for recruits.

Job analysis The proper start to a recruitment effort is to perform a job analysis, to document the actual or intended requirement of the job to be performed. This information is captured in a job description and provides the recruitment effort with the boundaries and objectives of the search. Oftentimes a company will have job descriptions that represent a historical collection of tasks performed in the past. These job descriptions need to be reviewed or updated prior to a recruitment effort to reflect present day requirements. Starting recruitment with an accurate job analysis and job description insures the recruitment effort starts off on a proper track for success.

Sourcing Sourcing involves the following steps:

Internal sources: The most common internal sources of internal recruitment are 1. Personal Recommendations 2. Notice Boards 3. Newsletters 4. Memoranda

1) Personal References : The existing employees will probably know their friends or relatives or colleagues who could successfully fill the vacancy. Approaching them may be highly efficient method of recruitment but will almost certainly offend other workers who would have wished to have been considered for the job. To keep employees satisfied make sure that potentially suitable employees are informed of the vacancy so that they can apply. Also any one else who is likely to be interested is told about it as well so that they can apply for the job

2) Notice Boards This is the convenient and simple method of passing on important messages to the existing staff. A job advertisement pinned to a notice board will probably be seen and read by a sufficient number of appropriate employees at little or no cost. However many of the staff will probably not learn of the vacancy in this way either because the notice board poorly located or is full of out dated notices that they don’t bother to look at it, as they assume there is nothing new to find out. A notice board must be ensured that it is well sited. Wherever it is been placed it should be certain that it is seen by every one. It means there must be equal opportunity to see to it and this happens when they know that just important topical notices are on display. Attention must be paid to the design and contents of the notice if it is to catch the eye and make the employee read on and then want to apply for the job.

3) Newsletters : Many companies regularly produce in-house newsletters, magazines or journals for their staff to read. It is hoped that latest company news sheet is read avidly by all staff thus ensuring that every one is aware of the job opportunity advertised in it. Unfortunately this is not always so, because it is sometimes not circulated widely enough and employees may find it boring and choose not to read it. Newsletter can be utilized as the source of recruitment if it is convinced that everybody will see a copy.

4) Memorandum : Possibly the best way of circulating news of the job vacancy is to send memorandum to department managers to read out to the teams or to write all employees perhaps enclosing memoranda in wage packets if appropriate. However it can be a time consuming process to contact staff individually, especially if there is a large work force. It should also be kept in mind as to in which way the memorandum is phrased out so that the job appeals to likely applicants.

External sources: There are many sources to choose from if you are seeking to recruit from outside the company. 

Word of Mouth


Job Centers

Private Agencies and Consultants

5.Education Institutions

The Press



Two or three points are discussed below . 1) Word of Mouth : Existing employees may have friends and relatives who would like to apply for his job. Recruiting in this way appears to be simple, inexpensive and convenient. Never use word of mouth as a sole or initial source of recruitment if the work force is wholly or predominantly of one sex or racial group. Also employing friends and relatives of present employees may be imprudent because it is not certain that they are as competent as the current staff.

2) Notices : Displaying notices in and around business premises is a simple and often overlooked method of advertising a job vacancy. They should be seen by a large number of passerbies, some actively looking for work. It can also be inexpensive with a notice varying from a carefully hand written post card up to a professionally produced poster. Pay attention to the appearance and contents of the notice if it is intended that it is applied by the right people.

3) Job Centers : Most large towns have a job center which offers employers a free recruitment service, trying to match their vacancies to job seekers. Staff will note information about a post and the types of person sought and then advertise the vacancy of notice boards within their premises. Job center employees can further help if requested to do so by issuing and assessing application forms and thus weeding out those applicants who are obviously unsuitable for the position. Short listed candidates are then sent out for the employer to interview on his business premises.

Recruiting Internally and Externally :

Internal Recruiting: Recruiting from among the existing workforce offers many advantages. Seeing your employees at work on a day-to-day basis will enable you to evaluate their particular strengths and weakness accurately and choose the most suitable person for the position. When the company recruits from within the organization the employees will feel important and highly valued since it appears that the organization immediately turns to them whenever a vacancy occurs. Their work rate and performance should improve as well as they will realize that increasing job opportunities are available to them if they are industrious and successful at their jobs. However any method has its own merits and demerits.

Merits : 

It improves the morale of the employees .

The employee is in better position to evaluate those presently employed than outside conditions .

It promotes loyalty among the employees, for it gives them a sense of job security and opportunities of advancement.

These people are tried and can be relied upon

Demerits : 

It often leads to inbreeding and discourages new blood from entering into an organization.

There are possibilities that internal sources may “dry up” and it may be difficult to find the requisite personnel from within an organization.

No innovation are made no new thinking so on new inputs which is very much essential for the growth of the organization.

Usually promotions are based on seniority so the danger is that really capable hands may not be chosen.

External Recruiting:

When a company is involved in large expansions and is more oriented towards achieving high growth and high market share, with more focus on quality of the product and high customer satisfaction then it is inevitable for any organization to go for external recruiting. External recruiting is nothing but recruiting the people in your organization from outside the company. It will help the company to make best use of other sources that are lying outside the organization like for example campus recruits is an effective and efficient way of recruiting when a company wants new minds that are more creative and go-getters for any task. If a company wants to concentrate only on its core activities and wants to relieve the burden of the task of recruitment then the more feasible option would be third party recruiting or recruitment process outsourcing RPO. The experienced persons but unemployed can be recruited into the company which may reduce the training cost if they are from same industry. Retired and experienced people can yield more by enhancing their prior experience in new business situations.

Merits :

New entrant to the labor force i.e., young mostly inexperienced potential employee’s fresh graduates or postgraduates can be taken and mould in accordance with company’s culture.

External recruiting results in best selection from the large sources.

In the long run this source proves economical because potential employees do not extra training.

Many different ways of recruiting is available.

The excess applications generated for current requirement may be utilized for future vacancies.

Demerits : 

Extra time is required by the people to adjust them selves to the present working situations.

If the recruiting is done from large source then it will be more time taking as the applications generated are more and short listing becomes critical.

Cost of recruiting will be comparatively more than internal recruiting.

Sometimes it creates employee dissatisfaction as there may be mismatch between the employee expectation with the company and the company’s expectation with the employee.

Recruitment Mistakes : There are a number of methods companies should avoid when putting their recruitment plans into practice. For instance, many businesses have the necessary talent within their organizations, but are too busy looking outside to recruit the skilled employees they already have. Others try to look for a mirror-replacement to the employee they have lost, duplicates with the same attitudes and skills, when companies can benefit more from employees with new experience and outlooks on the position. Some employers forget to include their employees in the recruitment process, or attempt to find the “perfect” employee without noticing the talents of the job seekers they interview.


Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Effective selection can be done only when there is effective matching. By selecting best candidate for the required job, the organization will get quality performance of employees. Moreover, organization will face less of absenteeism and employee turnover problems. By selecting right candidate for the required job, organization will also save time and money. Proper screening of candidates takes place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates who apply for the given job are tested. But selection must be differentiated from recruitment, though these are two phases of employment process. Recruitment is considered to be a positive process as it motivates more of candidates to apply for the job. It creates a pool of applicants. It is just sourcing of data. While selection is a negative process as the inappropriate candidates are rejected here. Recruitment precedes selection in staffing process. Selection involves choosing the best candidate with best abilities, skills and knowledge for the required job. The selection process is quite lengthy and complex as it involves a series of steps before making the final selection. The procedure of selection may vary from industry to industry, company to company and even from department to department. Every organization designs its selection process, keeping in mind the urgency of hiring people and the prerequisites for the job vacancy.

1. Preliminary Interview: The preliminary interview is also called as a screening interview wherein those candidates are eliminated from the further selection process who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria as required by the organization. Here, the individuals are checked for their academic qualifications, skill sets, family backgrounds and their interest in working with the firm. The preliminary interview is less formal and is basically done to weed out the unsuitable candidates very much before proceeding with a full-fledged selection process.

2. Receiving Applications: Once the individual qualifies the preliminary interview he is required to fill in the application form in the prescribed format. This application contains the candidate data such as age, qualification, experience, etc. This information helps the interviewer to get the fair idea about the candidate and formulate questions to get more information about him.

3. Screening Applications: Once the applications are received, these are screened by the screening committee, who then prepare a list of those applicants whom they find suitable for the interviews. The short listing criteria could be the age, sex, qualification, experience of an individual. Once the list is prepared, the qualified candidates are called for the interview either through a registered mail or e-mails.

4. Employment Tests: In order to check the mental ability and skill set of an individual, several tests are conducted. Such as intelligence tests, aptitude tests,

interest tests, psychological tests, personality tests, etc. These tests are conducted to judge the suitability of the candidate for the job. Various Types of Employment Tests : 1. Written Tests : Various written tests conducted during selection procedure are aptitude test, intelligence test, reasoning test, personality test, etc. These tests are used to objectively assess the potential candidate. They should not be biased. 2.Aptitude or Potential Ability Test : Such tests are widely used to measure the latent ability of a candidate to learn jobs or skills. They will enable us to know whether a candidate if selected, would be suitable for a job, which may be clerical or mechanical. These tests may take one of the following forms. a) Mental or Intelligence : Measures or enables whether he or she has mental capacity to deal with new problems. b) Mechanical Aptitude Test : Measures the capacity of a person to learn a particular type of mechanical work. This could help in knowing a person’s capability for spatial visualization, perceptual speed manual dexterity, visual motor coordination or integration, visual insights etc.

c) Psychometric Tests : these tests measures a persons ability to do a specific job.

5. Employment Interview: The one on one session with the candidate is conducted to gain more insights about him. Here, the interviewer asks questions from the applicant to discover more about him and to give him the accurate picture of the kind of a job he is required to perform. Also, the briefing of certain organizational policies is done, which is crucial in the performance of the job. Through an interview, it is easier for the employer to understand the candidate’s expectations from the job and also his

communication skills along with the confidence level can be checked at this stage.

6. Checking References: The firms usually ask for the references from the candidate to cross check the authenticity of the information provided by him. These references could be from the education institute from where the candidate has completed his studies or from his previous employment where he was formerly engaged. These references are checked to know the conduct and behavior of an individual and also his potential of learning new jobs.

7. Medical Examination: Here the physical and mental fitness of the candidate are checked to ensure that he is capable of performing the job. In some organizations, the medical examination is done at the very beginning of the selection process while in some cases it is done after the final selection. Thus, this stage is not rigid and can take place anywhere in the process. The medical examination is an important step in the selection process as it helps in ascertaining the applicant’s physical ability to fulfill the job requirements.

4. Data Analysis and Interpretation

Data Analysis is the process of extracting information from data. It involves multiple stages including establishing a data set, preparing the data for processing, applying models, identifying key findings and creating reports. The goal of data analysis is to find actionable insights that can inform decision making. 1. Is E- Recruitment became must to survive in the competitive market ?

17% Yes



Interpretation :

83% people thinks that E-Recruitment has become must to survive in the competitive market , as it becomes very easy for the recruiter to find the appropriate candidate just in a click.

2. From where New Gen Technoways get there Employees ?

Advertisement 7% 11%

Employees References 20% 62%

Online Job Portals

Campus Hirings


 62% Hiring is done through college campus from all around the country.  20% Hiring is done through the online Job portals such as,Monster Indeed etc.

 11% Hiring is done through the existing employees referrals , the success ratio in referral hiring is better than any other source as the existing employees already knows the company’s needs and wants.

 7% Hiring is done through various advertisements in newspaper,social media platforms(linkedin,facebook , whatsapp etc)

3. Which is the most important aspect which attracts employees towards the organization ?

Supportive Top management 15% High Salary 8%

Work Environment 31%

Growth Opportunities 46%


 From the above data, It is reveal that 8% candidates get attracts because of the high salary offered by companies.  15% candidates want support from top management to join a particular firm.  31% candidates want the suitable and good work environment to work in.

 While 46% of candidates are worried about there future and are looking for growth opportunities in selecting or joining an organization.

4. Employer Branding plays key role in more successful recruitment and retention of top talents ?

No 10%

Yes 90%

Interpretation  90% people thinks that the branding of the Employers plays key role in successful recruitment and retention of top talents.  10 % thinks it is not Employer branding is not important for recruiting and retening top talents.

5. Corporate Social Responsibilities can lead to attraction of employees towards the company ?


80 60 40 20 0



Interpretation :

 Around 92% people thinks that doing CSR activities attracts people towards the organization .  Some 8% thinks CSR doesn’t attract employees to join the organisation

6. What may be the reason for Employee turnover ?

Product Price

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Less Salary

Nothing new to learn

Problems with Management

Interpretation :

 75% Employees leave from their jobs when they find that there is nothing new to learn in the organization .  20% Employees switch because they don’t like the behavior of their top management and has some issues with them .  5% Employees leave because they find out that they are getting less salary as per the job they are doing.

7. Does the Cab facility and other extra benefits are important for organizations to provide ?





Interpretation :

 98% people wants organization to provide extra benefits to employees such as cab services , telephone services etc.  However 2% people thinks it is not necessary for organizations to provide all these extra benefits.

8. How many candidates comes for the interview after only receiving a mail ?


800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Come

Don't Come

Interpretation :

 In every 1000 mails recruiter sends for the exam or interview to the candidates only 200 comes for the interview while 800 don’t.

9. How many candidates comes for the interview after only receiving a mail and a call both ?

Packaging Rate

Come 41%

Don't Come



 The above Chart indicates that more no. of candidates comes for the interview if the recruiter makes them a call too along with the mail.

10. Of all the applications how many candidates actually gets hire after the recruitment and selection process ?

Hiring Ratio

Applications Received No. Of candidates hired

Interpretation :  Of s all the 200 applications we receive from various sources only 3 candidates actually gets hired and out of those 3 only 2 stays in the organization.

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