Firestopper Fire Protection Article

  • May 2020
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“Bringing Fire Fighting Into The 21st Century” SM  

Total Fire Protection In A Single Technology “In Fairytales, a wand is used as the quintessential tool for any emergency. In the real world, we now have the perfect technology producing a stream of unparalleled products providing total fire protection for all fire emergencies.” Any new technology and its products line must challenge the market by raising the bar in performance against the existing competition or suffer defeat and failure. One-way to demonstrate product superiority is to bring forth capabilities never seen before in the industry and marketplace. The most efficient way to show its wares is by out-performing all others within the rigorous testing requirements designed into the approved and accepted testing standards. The applicable testing standards for the fire industry are developed by the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) a group composed of fire industry membership who in many ways propound requirements suited to maintain their foothold in the marketplace. An example of such recognized and applied standards are: NFPA 10, ANSI/UL 711, and UL 711A, which are the most accepted performance testing standards for portable fire extinguishers. These are the basic standards used by qualified third-party independent testing laboratories, which meet the requirement for approval by all 50 State Fire Marshals. However, these standards are keenly designed and intended to fit the “dry powder” fire suppression media, which dominate the U.S. market. Only through the course of meeting these requirements, can products like portable fire extinguishers glean the opportunity to show their capabilities and superiority over the competition. Moreover, this fire test and rating process must be completed, in addition to the listing of the product by the chosen testing laboratory, when seeking credible entrance into the marketplace. Completion of this process serves to identify the products as legally marketable products in the U.S. and other Territories. Unfortunately, there is an abundance of products currently being marketed, both in stores and through the Internet, that intentionally side steps the process due to the product’s incapacity to meet the standards. This practice, expose the consumer to substandard products potentially causing harm. Many are then remove them from the marketplace under penalty of law. (For a list of such products, please contact your local Fire Marshal’s office, i.e.: California “Tundra” by First Alert)

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st “ ”   Bringing Firefighting into the 21 Century


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Page 2 Other fire related products such as liquid foam bulk-use concentrates, large capacity portable or static systems, likewise require credible testing and listing to other recognized standards such as NFPA 11, NFPA 18 or UL 162, etc., all of which lend credibility and acceptance by the end user and the industry as a whole. In the past 100 years or so, the occasional new technology, yielding new firefighting products, inherently came with limited fire applications (fire class: A or B). Without exception, these products brought forth their own collateral hazards that through further study, while in use in the market, studies later confirmed the fundamental dangers they bring to the public at large. Take for instance Halon; this streaming gas product (a liquid that when exposed to normal atmospheric pressure becomes a gas), at first glance, was thought to be the answer for extinguishing clean-room fire events among other applications. (A clean room refers to an area housing electronic equipment or other items that would require special care in handling in preventing collateral contamination while attending to a fire.) In order for the Halon gas to work efficiently, the gas needs to be restricted to the space that it is being applied to since this gas efficacy depends only on being an oxygen depleter. Usually an airtight containment barrier is activated. Under these conditions anyone caught in this environment will surely asphyxiate. Furthermore, after many years of use, Halon gas is found to be a major hazard to the environment and thus a ban for its use is in effect worldwide. Other streaming gasses currently in use are bringing forth their own hidden dangers to the user and or the environment. As with Halon, this information is yet to be revealed to the public. Another subject of greater concern is the powerful restrictive influence brought about by industry on to government in order for industry to maintain control in the marketplace. In the case of Halon, Government regulations still allow for its use in certain applications in spite of the ban and the overwhelming evidence against its use. Another great example is the stranglehold held by the USDA/U.S. Forestry preventing the demonstration, testing, and implementation of new technologies and products: “The U.S. Forest Service produces a specification for foam concentrates. While these specifications do not focus on performance, they do include requirements and limits for environmental, health, safety, and corrosion. Federal users (U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish & Wildlife, Bureau of Indian Affairs, etc.) are prohibited from using any products that have not been approved for use by the U.S. Forest Service in Missoula, MT. They claim exclusivity in conducting or directing these tests to protect the environment, their employees, the public, and their equipment without allowing consideration to highly accredited and fully recognizes independent third party laboratories. Ironically, studies now show that these same approved products are causing high level of retardant material contamination in the blood of humans and animals. This approval list is called the QPL or Qualified Products List and listing in this medium does not guarantee that U.S. Forestry would use or implement the products therein” QuickTimeª and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

“Bringing fire fighting into the 21st Century” SM


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Page 3 The fact remains, that U.S. Forestry does not accept or allow any manufacturer to choose an alternative to their narrow list of recommended laboratories for testing. This practice clearly creates burdensome expenditures without the ability to employ comparative shopping by the manufacturer when submitting a product for approval for forest fire application. Accordingly and without recourse, U.S. Forestry demands full disclose of any and all proprietary information related to the content, procedures, formulation, and manufacturing of said products and maintain said information without any liability for disclosures to third parties. An unlawful tacit monopoly is virtually in existence benefiting those manufacturers whose products are deeply rooted in the system. Such exclusionary practice may violate public policy and in doing so, deny the people the best available protection. The public seems to suffer from the lack of knowledge in these matters. As with many other subjects, no one wants to believe that their government is not looking after their best interest. As a direct result of such policies, the products used today to extinguish woodland fires and other common applications are incompetent, intentionally over-used, and unsafe both to the public, equipment and the environment. This practice of exclusion is woven into their selfproclaimed mandate allowing U.S Forestry to be the single-source that determines the validity and thus the use of all new products for this very serious application. The sum effect is clear; more and more communities are succumbing to destruction by fire due to the clear violation of the public trust. Now because of global warming and climate change, the world is under extraordinary threat of uncontrollable wildfires. It is in the hands of the public to demand that changes be made so that a level playing field is available for new safe and efficient products. With this in mind, the search for the proverbial “Philosopher’s Stone” is finally yielding gold. In the wake of the FireStopper® Technology’s stream of fire protection products, a new era of competent fire suppression is quickly emerging unto the market place (please visit: FireStopper® AB 40002 (FFC) and FireStopper® XL, Enviro-Safe ® Technology products, for the first time ever can afford the user a product that can be easily staged in an emergency and implemented through all existing hardware used in forestry/wild-lands hardware applications or any other fire application. This is in clear contrast with all other currently available liquid bulkuse concentrates, utilized neat or in combination with other fire suppression medias, for wildfire application and petrochemical related fires, (What’s more, FireStopper® XL is specially designed to provide never before experienced superior fire security on all petrochemical fire incidents). This flexibility in a product category serves to greatly reduce the massive financial burden and personal loss to the public in general, industry, and Governments. Moreover, both (FFC), a Fire Fighting Catalysts, are designed for use at very low percentages, in combination with water, producing quick and deep penetration, paving the way for extremely fast extinguishment of fires among the may demonstrated properties. In these applications, QuickTimeª and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

“Bringing fire fighting into the 21st Century” SM


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Page 4 the products enable its unique properties to deliver high efficiency and great retardant reliability so badly needed to enhance the efforts in firefighting and the protection of firefighting personnel and equipment while extinguishing the fire emergency. The versatility of these products bring forth added value and expanded capabilities while employing pretreatment of structures and flora in the line of fire preventing the progress of uncontrolled wild land fires. Furthermore, this technology incorporates properties whose residue is designed to help revitalize the woodlands back to health in the aftermath of the fire. Because of its tremendous endothermic capacity, these FireStopper® products eradicate the ember production common to these fires and vastly reduce the high temperatures that produce unpredictable winds. As a direct result of their design and use, it is reported that the Enviro-Safe ® Liquid Technology and products bring added bonus to fire application: • • • • • •

Fire Prevention (Effective pretreatment to high fire danger areas) Fast post-fire clean-up and retardant reliability Reddy bio degradation No hazardous exposure to personnel (no skin or eye irritation; no oral toxicity) Promote reforestation Vastly reduce the overall costs of firefighting

In concert with its commercial/industrial bulk-use products and for the first time in the fire protection business, this technology produces a new line of portable liquid fire extinguisher units that are independently tested, effective on all classes of fire (A-B-C-D-K), rated and listed. Additionally within this new line of extinguishers, FireStopper® afford the consumer a never before seen, compact, highly efficient, safe and clean, rated and listed, residential all-purpose, kitchen rated (K) unit. As a result, personal fire protection is simplified as never before and the public can now have a truly usable and reliable weapon against all types of incipient fires. This shall provide the individual with the ability to protect lives, save their irreplaceable property, eliminate costly collateral damage, and eliminate potential physical harm and environmental dangers caused by the products presently in use for fire protection in the home. The insurance industry reports that collateral water damage accounts for most of the fire related monetary loss to it. For example, actual fire damage sustained could run between 10 to 30 thousand dollars and collateral water damage ran into the hundreds of thousands of dollars during normal structure fire events. Municipal fire departments currently using the FireStopper® bulk-use concentrate products (AB 40002 FFC or FireStopper® XL) in conjunction with water report 30 to 100 times less over-all water usage in the extinguishment of fire emergencies in contrast to water only applications.

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“Bringing fire fighting into the 21st Century” SM


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Page 5 Ounce for ounce, it is reported that FireStopper® products deliver enormous savings in actual out-of-pocket expense, by use, in the prevention of loss of life, property, and in time, which is the one aspect that can never be recouped. It is also reported that all FireStopper® products have these value added properties: • Non-Toxic - Non-Irritant - Eco-Friendly •

Freeze Resistant (-100°F / -73.3°C available only on PFE-FR (FFC) products)

Rated and Listed

Effective Fire Class: A-B-C-D-K

Liquid Technology for easy clean-up

Non Corrosive, pH Neutral

These above properties are clearly in contrast with all other available, ABC, BC, AK, D, A, B, portable fire extinguishers classified for use commercially and in the home or single fire-class bulk-use concentrates. Before the arrival of the FireStopper® A-B-C-D-K products, the above classes of products were the only choice a consumer had available creating the necessity for multiple types of devises to complete a fire protection plan. Furthermore, no true residential, all-purpose kitchen (K rated) portable extinguisher existed. In fact, other than FireStopper®, the only K type extinguishers available today are for commercial use only and the cost can run into the hundreds of dollars. Astonishingly, for the first time globally, an effective aqueous product can extinguish safely, reliably, and efficiently, the very costly and difficult transformer fires prevalent to the electric energy industry. Additionally, this water-based technology demonstrates fire temperature resistance in excess of 5400ºF while extinguishing magnesium fires. Such never before seen efficacy opens the door to other not yet conceived-off applications for fire suppression (watch video at: With the onset of the current world economic and environmental crisis, the general public, commercial interests and governments are keenly aware of the fact that they must implement new and efficient methods of protecting the environment, infrastructure, assets, and reduce liability in all economic ways whenever possible. This new mindset of safety and preservation, now demand that fire protection deliver, when ever possible, prevention of total destruction of property and assets due to fire and that a vast reduction of collateral and subsequent damage is achieved when the needed service is QuickTimeª and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

“Bringing fire fighting into the 21st Century” SM


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Page 6 activated. Moreover, an eco-friendly approach to fire protection must be employed whenever a fire emergency is addressed. FireStopper®, is the only Technology and Products meeting and delivering on all the above requirements and more… Copyright 2009 – FireStopper Chemicals & Technologies Company, Inc.

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“Bringing fire fighting into the 21st Century” SM


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