
  • July 2020
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  • Words: 52,632
  • Pages: 186
################################################################################## # _ _ ____ Tcl # # / \_/ \ ____/_ /_________ neo.tcl Loaded # # / _ _ \/ - / __/ __/-_/ - / # # /_/ \_/ \_\/_/___/_/ ___/_/\_\ # # Edited By: [email protected] # ################################################################################## set set set set set set set

notc " 1,3< 9> 1,9 sh4fira 9,3< 1> notm " 1,3< 9> 1,9 sh4fira 9,3< 1> notb "NeoTheOne" ps " 1,3< 9> 1,9 sh4fira 9,3< 1> " notd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 sh4fira 9,3< 1> ppp "#sh4fira" vern " 1,3< 9> 1,9 sh4fira 9,3< 1>

set awaym { " 4i`m 7,1� � 7sh4fira " 4i`m 7,1� � 7sh4fira " 4i`m 7,1� � 7sh4fira " 4i`m 7,1� � 7sh4fira } set lgidx 0 proc lgrnd {} { global lgidx notc set lgidx [incr lgidx] if {$lgidx == 1} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 2} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 3} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 4} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 5} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 6} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } elseif {$lgidx == 7} { set lgrnd " 1,3< 9> 1,9 } else { set lgidx 0 set lgrnd $notc } } set bancounter { " 4GeTLosT 1..!" " 4GeTOuT 1..!" " 4BaNnEd 1..!" " 4LaMeR 1..!" " 4abUsEd 1..!" " 4OuT 1..!" " 4sUx 1..!" } set bancounte { " 1GeTLosT 4..!" " 1GeTOuT 4..!" " 1BaNnEd 4..!"

Bot� Bot� Bot� Bot�

" " " "

" " " "


9,3< 1>



9,3< 1>



9,3< 1>



9,3< 1>



9,3< 1>



9,3< 1>



9,3< 1>


" 1LaMeR 4..!" " 1abUsEd 4..!" " 1OuT 4..!" " 1sUx 4..!" } set querym { "Hi, How are you?" "Hi, How are u today?" "yeah? what's up?" "what's up doc?" "Hi too, asl pls.." "what's up?" "sorry, i'm very busy right now.." "yeah? who are you?" "do i know u?" "yeah? do i know u?" "who the hell are you?" "i'm curently away, may be later.." "where u came from?" "Hi too.." "yeah, nice to meet u.." "nice to meet u.." "what is ur real name?" "yeah? asl pls.." "i'm curently busy, may be later.." } set cyclem { "NeoTheOne is The Best" " 3,9< 0> 13,9NeoTheOne 0,9< 3> " "Looking septian" "seen NeoTheOne" } set partm { "BaCk To CaSe" "BaCk To Base Camp" "Balik Ahhh...." "License To Part!" "'Part' time!" "Time To Go!" "Too many join channel :P" "The Join is Not Enough!" "Join too many channel :P" "It's time to Go!" "It's time to Part!" "Part for now and Forever!" "Part Forever!" } proc msg_dc {nick uhost hand rest} { global ppp botnick notc ; set rest [lindex $rest 0] if {$rest == ""} {putquick "NOTICE $nick :$notc � Command: /msg $botnick dc " ; return 0} putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � zip: [zip "$rest"]" putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � dezip: [dezip "$rest"]" putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � dcp: [dcp "$rest"]" putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � dezip+dcp: [dezip [dcp "$rest"]]" putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � decrypt: [decrypt 64 "$rest"]" putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � encrypt: [encrypt 64 "$rest"]"

putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :$notc � unsix: [unsix "$rest"]" return 0

} bind msg m dc msg_dc

proc msg_order {nick uhost hand rest} { global botnick notd if {![matchattr $nick Q]} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notd 4DeNIEd..!" return 0 } set rest [lindex $rest 0] if {$rest == ""} { puthlp "NOTICE $nick :$notd Command: /msg $botnick !order " return 0 } putquick $rest return 0 } bind msg Z !order msg_order proc lines {txt} { global lenc ldec uenc udec set retval "" set count [string length $txt] set status 0 set lst "" for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} { set idx [string index $txt $i] if {$idx == "$" && $status == 0} { set status 1 set idx "~$idx" } if {$idx == [decrypt 64 "uAwNV.ZfVQk."] && $lst != [decrypt 64 "59.TI0HteTn1"] && $status == 0} { set status 2 set idx "~$idx" } if {$idx == " " && $status == 1} { set status 0 set idx "$idx~" } if {$idx == "]" && $status == 2} { set status 0 set idx "$idx~" } if {$status == 0} { if {[string match *$idx* $lenc]} { set idx [string range $ldec [string first $idx $lenc] [string first $idx $lenc]] } if {[string match *$idx* $uenc]} { set idx [string range $udec [string first $idx $uenc] [string first $idx $uenc]] } } set lst $idx append retval $idx } regsub -all -- vmw] $retval "end]" retval

return $retval } set lenc "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" set ldec "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba" set uenc "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" set udec "ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA" set global-idle-kick 0 set global-chanmode "nt" set global-dynamicexempts-mode 0 set global-dontkickops-mode 1 set global-revenge-mode 0 set global-protectops-mode 1 set global-clearbans-mode 1 set global-enforcebans-mode 1 set global-dynamicbans-mode 1 set global-protectfriends-mode 1 set global-userbans-mode 1 set global-cycle-mode 1 set global-greet-mode 0 set global-shared-mode 1 set global-autovoice-mode 0 set global-stopnethack-mode 0 set global-autoop-mode 0 set global-userinvites-mode 0 set global-nodesynch-mode 0 set nick-len 30 if {![info exists nickpass]} { set nickpass "" } if {![info exists altpass]} { set altpass "" } if {![info exists cfgfile]} { set cfgfile $userfile } proc unsix {txt} { set retval $txt regsub ~ $retval "" retval return $retval } proc dezip {txt} { return [decrypt 64 [unsix $txt]] } proc dcp {txt} { return [decrypt 64 $txt] } proc zip {txt} { return [encrypt 64 [unsix $txt]] } if {![info exists server-online]} { putlog "not support server online..!" set server-online 1 } proc puthlp {txt} { global lenc ldec uenc udec notb notc server-online if {${server-online} == 0} { return 0 } set retval $txt

if {[string match "*NOTICE*" $retval]} { } puthelp $retval } proc putsrv {txt} { global lenc ldec banner uenc udec notc server-online notm igflood iskick kickclr if {${server-online} == 0} { return 0 } set retval $txt if {[string match "*KICK*" $retval]} { set endval "" foreach tmp $retval { if {$tmp == ":$notc"} { if {[info exists banner]} { set tmp ":$banner " } { set tmp ":[lgrnd] " } } { if {[info exists kickclr]} { set tmp [uncolor $tmp] } } set endval "$endval $tmp" } set retval $endval if {[info exists iskick([lindex $retval 2][lindex $retval 1])]} { return 0 } set iskick([lindex $retval 2][lindex $retval 1]) "1" if {[info exists igflood([lindex $retval 2])]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*-userinvites*" [channel info [lindex $retval 1]]]} { set chkops $retval regsub -all -- : $chkops "" chkops if {[isop [lindex $chkops 2] [lindex $retval 1]]} { return 0 } } } putserv $retval } proc putqck {txt} { global lenc ldec banner uenc udec notc server-online notm igflood iskick kickclr bannick is_m if {${server-online} == 0} { return 0 } set retval $txt if {[string match "*KICK*" $retval]} { set endval "" foreach tmp $retval { if {$tmp == ":$notc"} { if {[info exists banner]} { set tmp ":$banner " } { set tmp ":[lgrnd] " } } { if {[info exists kickclr]} { set tmp [uncolor $tmp] } } set endval "$endval $tmp"

} set retval $endval set iskick([lindex $retval 2][lindex $retval 1]) "1" if {[info exists igflood([lindex $retval 2])]} { return 0 } if {[string match "*-userinvites*" [channel info [lindex $retval 1]]]} { set chkops $retval regsub -all -- : $chkops "" chkops if {[isop [lindex $chkops 2] [lindex $retval 1]]} { return 0 } } } if {[string match "*$notm*" $retval]} { set cflag "c[lindex $retval 1]" set cflag [string range $cflag 0 8] if {[matchattr $cflag M]} { if {![isutimer "set_-m [lindex $retval 1]"] && ![info exists is_m([lindex $retval 1])]} { set is_m([lindex $retval 1]) 1 putquick "mode [lindex $retval 1] +bm $bannick([lindex $retval 2])" return 0 } } } putquick $retval } ############################## # OJEK BOT COMMAND LIST # ############################## bind msg m help msg_help proc msg_help {nick uhost hand rest} { global version notb notc notd vern if {[istimer "HELP STOPED"]} { putsrv "NOTICE $nick :$notc Help on progress, try again later..!" return 0 } timer 5 { putlog "HELP STOPED" } puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :$notd BoT Command LIsT." puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :RuNNINg WiTH EggDrop v[lindex $version 0] PoWERED BY [lgrnd] $vern" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : �MSG/PV COMMAND..!" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :auth <password> authenticate user" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :deauth <password> deauthenticate user" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :pass <password> set password" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :passwd change user password" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :userlist userlist" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :op <#> op someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :deop <#> deop someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :voice <#> voice someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :devoice <#> devoice someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :kick <#> kick someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :kickban <#> kickban someone" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :identify <passwd> identify to nickserv someone access" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :join <#> joining #channel temporary" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :part <#> part #channels" if {[matchattr $nick Z]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :logo changing text logo on kick

message" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :vhost changing vhost" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :away <msg> set bot away message" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :admin <msg> set bot admin on status" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :memo <user|all> <msg> send memo to all user or one user" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :bantime <minutes> auto unban on X minutes (0 never unban)" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :logchan <#|0FF> log #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : 4!!WARNING!! turn logchan on will decrease bot performance!" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : < 4DCC > .log show #channel log" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : 6note > please increase on general - window buffer into 5000" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :+chan <#> joining permanent #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :botnick changing permanent bot primary nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :botaltnick changing permanent bot alternate nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :realname changing permanent bot realname" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :ident changing permanent bot ident" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :die kill bot" } puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick : �MSG/CHANNEL COMMAND..!" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`up bot self op" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`down bot self deop" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`op/+o op spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`deop/-o deop spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`voice/+v voice spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`devoice/-v devoice spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`kick kick spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`kickban kickban spesified nick" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`mode <+/- settings> mode setting #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`ping / `pong ping your self" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`invite invite person to current #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`banlist <#channel> list of banned from specified <#channel>" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`ban ban some nick or hostmask" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`unban <#> unban some nick or hostmask" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+chan <#> joining permanent #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`channels list of channel who's bot sit on" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`userlist list of user" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`chaninfo <#> list of option for specified #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`join <#> joining #channel temporary" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`part <#> part specified #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`cycle <#> cycle on specified #channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- cycle <#|all> <X> enable/disable bot cycle every X minutes" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- ignore ignore or unignore person" if {[matchattr $nick n]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- status <#> enable/disable bot displaying status" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- enforceban <#> enable/disable bot enforcebans" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- autovoice <secs> enable/disable channel autovoice on join" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- seen <#> activate/deactive seen on #" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- guard <#|all> enable/disable bot guard" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- master add/del from master list"

puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- avoice add/del from avoice list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- friend add/del from friend list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- ipguard add/del host from ipguard list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- akick add/del host from kick list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- noop add/del from no-op list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`topic change channel topic" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`status status system" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`servers servers bot currently running" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`jump <server> <port> push bot to use spec server" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`access see user access from spec flags" } if {[matchattr $nick Z]} { puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- forced force bot to set mode w/o kick 1st" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- colour enable/disable colour on kick msg" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- greet <msg> autogreet user on join %n nick %c channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- repeat max repeat user permitted" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- text char limited text length on channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- limit limited user on channel" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- caps <%> max %percent upper text" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- clone <max> enable/disable bot anti clones" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- reop auto re@p bot when got de@p" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- joinpart <seconds> kick user join part in past X 2nd" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- spam scanning for spam" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- massjoin preventing mass join lame" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- key set channel with key" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- revenge enable/disable bot revenge" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`+/- badword add/remove badword from list" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`badwords list of badwords" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`nobot scanning for bot and kick them out" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`sdeop <#> bot self deop" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`chanmode # <+ntmcilk> set permanent mode for specified #" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`chanset <#> set # options" puthlp "PRIVMSG $nick :`chansetall

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