Finite Verb

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 691
  • Pages: 10



• Definition of finite verb : a verb that has a subject, this means that it can be the main verbs in a sentences. It shows tense (past/present, etc) or number (singular/plural), A finite verb makes an assertion or expresses a state of being and can stand by itself as the

Example of finite verb • I cook, she reads, Anto went • Dina has eaten when Ria come in, By itself, the verb form eaten is called a non-finite verb When the auxiliary has and the nonfinite verb eaten are put together, they make up a finite verb form has eaten. • Tamara was walking. Walking is non-finite and was is to be. When they are put together, they make up finite form was walking

• Definition of non-finite verb : a verb has no subject, tense, or number. The only finite verb forms are the infinitive (indicated by to), the gerund or the participle (present/past), nonfinite verbs must ordinarily combine with a

• Example of nonfinite verb • Verbs ending in -ing. These are called present participles, they were cooking in Sinta’s house. • This non-finite verb form end in -ed; many also end in en. These are called past participles. I have written my letter ( the past participle written is nonfinite and can’t be the main verb). • Talking is the children’s favorite pastime. ( talking is a gerund, verb to be noun)

• The infinitive can have the following forms: • The perfect infinitive to have + past participle For example: to have broken, to have seen, to have saved. This form is most commonly found in Type 3 conditional sentences, using the conditional perfect. For example: – If I had known you were coming I would have baked a cake. – Someone must have broken the window and climbed in. – I would like to have seen the Taj Mahal when I was in India. – He pretended to have seen the film.

• The continuous infinitive to be + present participle For example: to be swimming, to be joking, to be waiting Examples: – I'd really like to be swimming in a nice cool pool right now. – I happened to be waiting for the bus when the accident happened.   • The perfect continuous infinitive to have been + present participle Examples: to have been crying, to have been waiting, to have been painting Examples: – The woman seemed to have been crying. – You must have been waiting for hours! – He pretended to have been painting all day.

• The passive infinitive to be + past participle For example: to be given, to be shut, to be opened Examples: – I am expecting to be given a pay-rise next month. – These doors should be shut. – This window ought to be opened.

CONTOH SOAL He decided to go ?     She has seen the film. will they believe you? Having finished their work, they left. He was feeling ill. He left the party feeling ill. The girl who was sitting there has gone. The girl sitting there has gone. The girl has gone. They expected it to have been cancelled.

TASK A dog once took a large pieces of meat from a butcher’s shop. The butcher did not give it to him. He took it him self. He stole it. The bad dog ran away with the meat between his teeth. He ran quickly, because he did not want the butcher to catch him and take the meat away from him. On his way he came to a river. He went near it and looked into the water. Of course he saw him self there with the piece of meat in his mouth. But he did not say, “ that is myself in the water?”. Oh, no! He said to himself. I want that meat and I will have it too. He openes his mouth to take the other piece of meat. Of course, when he did so the piece of meat fell into the river, and so instead of two pieces, the foolish dog got gone

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