Finding Faults

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 638
  • Pages: 2
Assalamu ‘Alaikum All praise is due to Allah the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing, the Most Merciful. Wherever we go, whoever we talk to, we’re always in a state of combat. Whenever one of our brothers or sisters gives us advice we go straight to the typical, “Where did you hear that?” or “How strong is that hadith?”. We should be saying “Thank you, May Allah reward you and may He increase your knowledge”, but that would be praising someone and that would hurt our ego. We need to stop looking for faults in others and start checking ourselves. The blessed Prophet Muhammad (saw) said “and do not search for their faults, for if anyone searches for their faults, Allah will search for his fault, and if Allah searches for the fault of anyone, He disgraces him in his house.” Sunan of Abu Dawood, Number 2283. The Prophet (saw) clearly states here that if you only look at the worst in people, Allah will look at the worst in you. Who wants this? What a cursed act? It doesn’t make sense how we can keep going on attacking our brother and sisters when we know we are just hurting ourselves. In verse number twelve of Surat Al Hujrat, Allah states “La Talmizuww Anfusikum” meaning do not find fault in yourselves. In verse 29 of Surat Al Nisa Allah uses simliar language in describing the evil of murder saying “La Taqtuluww Anfusakum” meaning do not kill yourselves. When Allah states this, it means do not kill or find fault in EACH OTHER, however Allah uses yourselves to show that murder as well as finding fault in others are such evil acts; to the extent that doing these acts are so bad that it is like you are committing them against yourselves. Killing another is like killing yourself. When you find faults in others, they will find faults in you. The scholars say “You have faults and people have eyes”; just remember that. If you search for faults in others, they will do the same to you. Why can’t we just follow the way of the Noble Prophet (saw)? He was so kind hearted and beautifully corrected people with so much respect. One time a man walked into the masjid and started urinating in the corner, this made the sahabah extremely angry, just imagine, but see how the Prophet (saw) resopnded. Rasullah (saw) didn’t attack the man and start cursing him, he gently approached him and told him what he did wrong. Allahu Akbar. The Prophet (saw) is the epitome of human perfection and he (saw) would never search for others’ faults, so who are we to be doing that? We are nothing! We should be ashamed! Solution: When you see people, look at them in a better light. When you see a child, don’t think he’s young and foolish, think he is young so he is innocent and pure of sin, where as I am full of sin. When you see an ignorant person, don’t think he is stupid, think that he knows less while I know more, so I’m held more accountable. If we started to think like this our ummah’s situation would drastically change. Why can’t we be like the Prophet (saw)? Why don’t we learn from his gentleness and wisdom? Next time we meet our fellow brothers and sisters, greet them with a smiling face and think “Who am I to criticize him/her?”. O Brothers and Sisters, lower yourself, because only Allah should be High, we are merely dirt, which is

where we’ll be returned. Remember we are all souls coming from the same place. Dear friends, please be good to your brothers and sisters, for Allah LOVES those who are good to others. Do you want Allah’s love? May Allah’s blessings be upon you all. Ma’ Salama.

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