Financial Literacy And Economic Security

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Financial Literacy and Economic Security 2009 March 28 tags: Bailout, Credit, Economic Recovery, Economy, Education, Financial Literacy, Government, Obama Administration, The Little Guy by Mitch Chester

One key lesson we are now living...Without financial literacy classes the road to financial security is too risky. Here’s an opportunity for the Obama Administration to employ a long-term fix to one of the root causes of our current economic quagmire. The Secretary of Education should seriously explore the idea that federal educational funding for high schools include a requirement that all graduating students successfully complete a financial literacy course. Of course, this is not a new idea. Teaching financial literacy on a wide-spread basis has been a subject of discussion for decades. But except in some limited cases, the most advanced economy in the world (or so we thought) failed to actually train young adults about how to balance check accounts, understand the difference between stocks and bonds and navigate the world of credit…including mortgages. In no small measure, the current mega recession is an unintended consequence of a massive educational failure that turned a blind eye to teaching young Americans about the economy. While this concept is not new, the opportunity to actually do something about it is fresh as Washington re-thinks its eduction policy. Perhaps the most important thing we can do for future generations is to start educating our young and theirs about how our economy works, on a macro and micro level, starting with personal finance. When I graduated high school, I could not balance a check book. My eyes glazed over at the sight of a stock table in the local newspaper. I took it on blind faith that whatever that small print was when I signed my first mortgage obligation would be “okay.” It’s taken a long time to


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catch up. Today, students who will ultimately be asked to pay down the unthinkable budget deficit with their blood, sweat and tears will need to understand on-line banking and complicated money programs to get into housing and establish and preserve that intangible commodity called credit. Some, as entrepreneurs and business owners, will need to comprehend what it means to establish a budget and navigate simple but essential accounting and tax concepts. This is not something to be put off. Our high schools should assist in this challenge. While there are resources on the internet that address this deep pocket issue, we need an established educational curriculum across all fifty states that has the discipline of actually engaging students in financial education. This is as important as secondary school math classes and should not be voluntary. No, not everyone who attends such a course will get it. But for those that will, the payoff for them and the national economy will be limitless. Smarter financial consumers will equal a more secure economy. Think of where we might be right now if financial literacy was a main staple of our educational system for the past 50 years. You can count on it…we’d be a lot better off. Edit This from → Economic Recovery, Economy, Education, Fincancial Literacy, Obama Administration, The Little Guy 2 Responses leave one →

1. 2009 March 31 Patricia Bowles permalink British Columbia is the only Canadian jurisdiction that has mandatory financial life skills training in its high school curriculum. The BC Ministry of Education introduced a new course called Planning 120 in 2004/05 which is mandatory for all grade 10 students in the province. The BC Securities Commission developed a resource for teachers who teach the course and has provided free face-to-face and webinar training for BC students and full time teachers. It has also done a lot of research to determine its effectiveness — both with students, teachers and high school graduates. We have learned a great deal about how to teach the basic concepts of finances to youth and believe we have a lot to share with others who want to introduce the subject into high schools. The key one was teachers need to be taught how to teach it because very few teachers had any kind of financial education themselves. Last year, the BC Securities Commission licensed its program to the Canadian federal government so it is now available on-line in English and French. Here are some websites to check out: Reply edit

2. 2009 April 1 Patricia Bowles permalink British Columbia is the only jurisdiction in Canada that has mandatory financial life skills training in its high schools. Five years ago the government introduced a new program which included 20-hour Finances component. The BC Securities Commission, which lobbied for such a course, then produced a very comprehensive and creative resource for teachers and then set out to market it to teachers. What it learned was that the biggest barrier to teaching financial literacy in the schools was the teachers themselves. The City has won five national and international awards. The Commission has spent the past five years learning how best to teach teachers and get the best results from students. It has researched its effectiveness in the short and longer term. While our program isn’t perfect by any means, it is an important first step and other jurisidctions could learn from the Commission’s experience. The Federal government was so impressed with the BC program that it


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asked the BCSC to license it to them. We did and now there is an on-line program called The City as well available in English and French. Check out these websites: Reply edit Leave a Reply Logged in as Mitch Chester. Log out »


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Mice Run Faster On High-grade Oil 07/02/2009 Between the 1932 and 2008 Olympic Games, world record times of the men's 100m sprint improved by 0.6 seconds. Scientists have shown that an equivalent improvement can be achieved in mice by feeding them a diet high in a certain type of polyunsaturated fatty acid. New Enemy For Tumor-suppressor P53 Identified 07/02/2009 Researchers have identified a protein that marks the tumor suppressor p53 for destruction, providing a potential new avenue for restoring p53 in cancer cells. Uncovering How Cells Cover Gaps In Wound Healing And Embryonic Development 07/02/2009 Researchers have come a step closer to understanding how cells close gaps not only during embryonic development but also during wound healing. Their study uncovers a fundamental misconception in the previous explanation for a developmental process called dorsal closure. Following The Dietary Guidelines May Slow Heart Disease In Women 07/02/2009 The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) provide guidance to promote health and reduce risk of chronic diseases. However, what evidence is there that following the DGA optimizes health? Is this advice useful for individuals already in poor health? Importance Of Developmental Screening Tool For Identifying Delays In Pre-term Children Shown 07/02/2009 A new study finds that U.S. pediatricians have plenty of room for improvement when it comes to using a screening questionnaire to flag developmental delays in premature children. More Vigilant Monitoring Of Seizure Activity Among Intensive Care Patients 07/02/2009 Two new studies demonstrate a need for more vigilant monitoring for seizure activity among intensive care patients who may be experiencing subtle seizures that are typically unrecognized. These subtle seizures may be affecting patients' prognoses and causing long-term brain damage, death and severe disability. Dense Knots Of Cold Cosmic Dust -- Potential Birthplaces Of New Stars -- Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way 07/02/2009 Astronomers have unveiled an unprecedented new atlas of the inner regions of the Milky Way, our home galaxy, peppered with thousands of previously undiscovered dense knots of cold cosmic dust -- the potential birthplaces of new stars. Made using observations from the APEX telescope in Chile, this survey is the largest map of cold dust so far. Chromosomal Problems Affect Nearly All Human Embryos: Discovery May Explain Low Fertility Rates In Humans 07/02/2009 For the first time, scientists have shown that chromosomal abnormalities are present in more than 90 percent of IVF embryos, even those produced by young, fertile couples. In The Warming West, Climate Most Significant Factor In Fanning Wildfires' Flames 07/02/2009 The recent increase in area burned by wildfires in the Western United States is a product not of higher temperatures or longer fire seasons alone, but a complex relationship between climate and fuels that varies among different ecosystems, according to a new study. Protein Linked To Change In Tissue That Surround And Support Breast Tumors 07/02/2009 A protein known to be overly active in breast cancer can exist in a form that seems to change the structural composition of mammary tissue, potentially making it more conducive to tumor progression, say researchers. Hungry Cells: Tumor Metabolism Discovery Opens New Detection And Treatment Possibilities For Rare Form Of Colon Cancer 07/02/2009 People who suffer from Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, a rare inherited cancer syndrome, develop gastrointestinal polyps and are predisposed to colon cancer and other tumor types. Carefully tracing the cellular chain-of-command that links nutrient intake to cell growth (and which is interrupted in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome), allowed researchers to exploit the tumors […] Lack Of Sleep Could Be More Dangerous For Women Than Men 07/02/2009 Women who get less than the recommended eight hours sleep a night are at higher risk of heart disease and heart-related problems than men with the same sleeping patterns.

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Grazina BUENOS AIRES, July 1 (Reuters) - An outbreak of the deadly H1N1 flu ... NIGER: Mixed views on constitution controversy 07/01/2009 Source: IRIN Responses were mixed in Niger to union leaders' call for a 24-hour work stoppage on 1 July to protest a planned constitutional referendum to allow President Mamadou Tandja to remain in power. Barak links settlement freeze to regional peace drive 07/01/2009 Source: Reuters * U.S.-Israeli rift remains over settlement freeze * Netanyahu to meet U.S. envoy Mitchell this month * Barak wants settlement issue put in "proper perspective" (Adds Abbas quotes ... U.S. marines launch assault in S.Afghanistan valley 07/01/2009 Source: Reuters LOWER HELMAND RIVER VALLEY, AFGHANISTAN, July 2 (Reuters) - U.S. marines launched a helicopter assault early on Thursday in the lower Helmand river valley in southern Afghanistan, spokesman Capt. Bill ... NIGER: Constitution standoff prompts donor warnings 07/01/2009 Source: IRIN Amid mounting international opposition to a proposed referendum for President Mamadou Tandja to stay in power, the European Commission – one of Niger's largest donors – has warned of aid cuts if leaders do not respect constitutional order. AFRICA: How small farms could feed the world 07/01/2009 Source: IRIN As an African Union summit on agricultural investments opens in Libya, donors and non-profits are calling participants' attention to the role smallholder farmers – mostly women – can have in feeding their communities. Bolivian leader berates Obama over trade benefits 07/01/2009 Source: Reuters * Morales chides Obama over trade benefit suspension * Says Obama broke promise for fresh start in region By Diego Ore LA PAZ, July 1 (Reuters) - Bolivia's leftist president criticized the Obama ...

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Ten Connected To Madoff May Face Criminal Charges 07/01/2009 Prosecutors continue to investigate those affiliated with the infamous swindler, but it might be tricky to prove employees knew what was happening. Prosecutors allege that Bernard Madoff specifically hired people without financial experience. Repaying Student Loans Becomes Easier 07/01/2009 Starting Wednesday, hundreds of thousands of federal student loan borrowers may find it easier to pay back their loans because their monthly payments will now be based on their incomes and family size. The change is especially welcome for graduates who are having a tough time making a living in a sagging economy. States Move To Ban Texting While Driving 07/01/2009 As of July 1, Virginia drivers are banned from sending or reading text messages and e-mails. Cleveland's ban starts July 19, while Maryland drivers have until October to text away in the car while driving. Europe Solves Cell Phone Charger Problem 07/01/2009 The European Union has reached an agreement with all major mobile phone manufacturers to produce a common phone charger. Apart from reducing the frustration of customers juggling incompatible chargers, proponents say the agreement will encourage recycling and reduce electronic waste. Citigroup Raises Rates On Some Credit Cards 07/01/2009 Credit card customers should check their interest rates. Britain's Financial Times reports that Citigroup has sharply increased rates on cards it issues with other stores. Sears for example. Citigroup says the adjustments are part of a "regular and ongoing process." California Budget Crisis Escalates 07/01/2009 For 46 states, July 1st is the start of a new budget year. Several state don't have budgets, and many services may be hard hit. The problem is most severe in California, where lawmakers have failed to agree on a way to fix the state's $24 billion deficit. Diesel Cars Attempt Comeback With Clean Diesel 07/01/2009 Hybrid cars have been getting a lot of publicity lately. Now some manufacturers are offering another option: "clean diesel" cars. Some can get 40 or even 50 miles to the gallon; they aren't the noisy, smoke belching and sluggish diesels of years ago. Indian Co. Tries To Enter U.S. Clean Diesel Market 07/01/2009 Indian company Mahindra and Mahindra plans to sell "clean diesel" pickup trucks in the United States. It's a giant conglomerate that already sells tractors to American farmers. It could be the first company to sell Indian-made passenger vehicles in the U.S.


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Long Distance Shrinks Amid New Phone Technology 07/01/2009 The days of constant TV ads and pesky phone pitches to switch long-distance service are long gone. Changes in telecommunications industry ground rules, and new competition from cable, Internet and wireless have transformed the business. The Extraordinaries: Will Microvolunteering Work? 07/01/2009 Got five minutes? Rather than check on your car insurance, you can engage in all sorts of do-good efforts these days thanks to a slew of Web sites, including The Extraordinaries, a microvolunteering service. But the idea has plenty of potential pitfalls — and could end up just a flashmob in the pan.

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Europe Solves Cell Phone Charger Problem 07/01/2009 The European Union has reached an agreement with all major mobile phone manufacturers to produce a common phone charger. Apart from reducing the frustration of customers juggling incompatible chargers, proponents say the agreement will encourage recycling and reduce electronic waste. Long Distance Shrinks Amid New Phone Technology 07/01/2009 The days of constant TV ads and pesky phone pitches to switch long-distance service are long gone. Changes in telecommunications industry ground rules, and new competition from cable, Internet and wireless have transformed the business. The Extraordinaries: Will Microvolunteering Work? 07/01/2009 Got five minutes? Rather than check on your car insurance, you can engage in all sorts of do-good efforts these days thanks to a slew of Web sites, including The Extraordinaries, a microvolunteering service. But the idea has plenty of potential pitfalls — and could end up just a flashmob in the pan. China Delays Internet Filtering Plan 06/30/2009 China has delayed a controversial plan to bundle Internet filtering software with personal computers aimed to block pornography. The plan has been criticized as ineffective, intrusive and commercial unfair. Anthony Kuhn China's attempt to block pornography has been criticized as ineffective, intrusive and unfair. Search Engine Helps Users Connect In Arabic 06/30/2009 A new program, Yamli, allows users to spell out Arabic words phonetically using a Western keyboard. Yamli not only searches Arabic script; it also looks for Western variations. Creators say it can help non-native Arabic students practice the language. Steve Jobs Returns To Apple After Medical Leave 06/30/2009 Apple CEO and founder Steve Jobs is back at work after a six-month leave of absence for health reasons. Many investors worry about an Apple without Jobs, and the company's share price often rose and fell based on reports about his health. Coming Soon: Thinner Screens 06/29/2009 In the coming years, our computer, television and mobile phone screens will get thinner, clearer and smarter. Omar Gallaga, who covers technology culture for the Austin American-Statesman, offers his insight. Smart Phones Make Comparison Shopping A Snap 06/29/2009 Bargain hunting has never been easier. Several smart phone applications allow users to type in a model or scan the bar code of a product, then search for a cheaper price online. That is forcing some bricks-and-mortar retailers to change the way they do business. Rainwater, IPhone App Help Thirsty California Farms 06/29/2009 California farmers grow most of the nation's fruit, nuts and vegetables. While some farmers there are fighting over dwindling water resources, others are reducing water use via technology and returning to natural rain as a water source for their crops. New U.S. Cyber Command Raises Privacy Concerns 06/26/2009 Defense Secretary Robert Gates has created a new cyber command in the Pentagon that will be headed by the director of the secretive National Security Agency. Privacy advocates worry about the role of the NSA and the militarization of the Internet.

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