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R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) ABSORPTION SCHEME III Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering)

As per RTM University Non CBS Pattern Scheme Sr.No.

Subject Code

















Subject Applied Mathematics III AeroThermodynamics AeroThermodynamics Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Computer Programming Computer Programming Elements of Aeronautics

As per RTM University CBS Pattern Scheme



Subject Code

























Subject Applied Mathematics III AeroThermodynamics AeroThermodynamics Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Computer Programming Computer Programming Elements of Aeronautics

Th/Pr Theory Theory Practical Theory Practical Theory Practical Theory

R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) ABSORPTION SCHEME IV Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering)

As per RTM University Non CBS Pattern Scheme Sr.No.

Subject Code










Subject Code







Aircraft Materials




Aircraft Materials



Aircraft Structure- I




Aircraft Structure- I




Aircraft Structure- I




Aircraft Structure- I























As per RTM University CBS Pattern Scheme

Mechanics of Machines Manufacturing Process- I

Aircraft Layout & Component Drawing Environmental Studies







Subject Mechanics of Machines Manufacturing Process- I

Aircraft Layout & Component Drawing Environmental Studies

Th/Pr Theory Theory

Practical Theory

R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) ABSORPTION SCHEME V Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering)

As per RTM University Non CBS Pattern Scheme

As per RTM University CBS Pattern Scheme


Subject Code




Subject Code





Heat Transfer




Heat Transfer



Aircraft Flight Mechanics




Aircraft Flight Mechanics




Aerodynamics- II



Aircraft Structure- II

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5AE3 5AE4 5AE4

Aerodynamics- II Aircraft Structure- II

Theory Theory

Theory Theory

Aircraft Structure- II




Aircraft Structure- II



Propulsion- I




Propulsion- I



Non Destructive Inspection Lab




Non Destructive Inspection Lab









R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) ABSORPTION SCHEME VI Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering)

As per RTM University Non CBS Pattern Scheme

As per RTM University CBS Pattern Scheme


Subject Code




Subject Code





Propulsion- II




Propulsion- II




Propulsion- II






2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

6AE1 6AE2 6AE3 6AE4 6AE4 6AE5 --


Propulsion- II


Manufacturing Process- II System Modeling and Simulation


Applied Electronics


Applied Electronics Aircraft Design ---Seminar


Practical Theory --Practical


Manufacturing Process- II System Modeling and Simulation



Applied Electronics




Applied Electronics



Aircraft Design



Functional English





Practical Theory Theory Practical

R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) ABSORPTION SCHEME VII Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering)

As per RTM University Non CBS Pattern Scheme Sr.No.

Subject Code



2 3 4

7AE2 7AE3 7AE4





7 8

7AE7 7AE8

Subject Aircraft System & Instrumentation Design of Machine Elements Space Flight Mechanics Control Engineering Aircraft General Engineering & Maintenance Practices Aircraft Design Project Aircraft Systems Lab Project Work Phase- I

As per RTM University CBS Pattern Scheme



Subject Code






Aircraft System & Instrumentation




Design of Machine Elements



Space Flight Mechanics



Control Engineering

Theory Theory Theory Theory



Aircraft General Engineering & Maintenance Practices




Aircraft Design Project



Aircraft Systems Lab



Project Work Phase- I

Practical Practical

Theory Theory Theory Theory Practical Practical Practical

R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) ABSORPTION SCHEME VIII Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering)

As per RTM University Non CBS Pattern Scheme

As per RTM University CBS Pattern Scheme


Subject Code



Sr.No .

Subject Code





Air Transportation




Air Transportation




Vibration & Aero elasticity




Vibration & Aero elasticity




Elective- I



Elective- II



Elective- III



Project Work Phase- II

3 4 5 6

8AE3 8AE4 8AE5 8AE6

Elective- I Elective- II Elective- III Project Work PhaseII

Theory Theory Theory Practical

Theory Theory Theory Practical

R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) SEMESTER PATTERN III Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering)

Sr. No

Subject Code

Marks Work Load


Credit Theory



P Total




Total Sessional Univ



Applied Mathematics III



































Fluid Mechanics & Machinery











Fluid Mechanics & Machinery










Computer Programming










Computer Programming







Elements of Aeronautics Total


Sessional -

25 20



80 25


Min.Pas Total sing Marks Univ Marks















































R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) SEMESTER PATTERN IV Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering)

Marks Sr. No

Subject Code

Work Load


Credit Theory



P Total






Practical Univ

Min.Pass ing Marks

Total Marks

Sessional Univ



Mechanics of Machines

















Manufacturing Process- I

















Aircraft Materials

















Aircraft Structure- I













Aircraft Structure- I













Aircraft Layout & Component Drawing




Environmental Studies Total

2 3


2 4

1 3


1 4












College assessment in Grades as O,A,B,C,(Evaluation mentioned in the Syllabus of concern subject)





17 03 04

























R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) SEMESTER PATTERN V Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering)





Marks Work Load


Credit Theory



P Total





Total Sessional Univ

Sessional Univ

Min. Passing Marks

Total Marks



Heat Transfer

















Aircraft Flight Mechanics

















Aerodynamics- II

















Aircraft Structure- II














Aircraft Structure- II





Propulsion- I








Non Destructive Inspection Lab





























































R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) SEMESTER PATTERN VI Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering) Marks Sr. No

Subject Code

Work Load


Theory L




Propulsion- II



Propulsion- II



Manufacturing Process- II




System Modeling and Simulation



Applied Electronics



Applied Electronics



Aircraft Design




Functional English



Seminar Total










5 2















































Practical Univ




Mini.Pass Total ing Marks Marks



































































Functional English (BEAE606T) subject pertains to Board of Studies in Applied Sciences & Humanities.


R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) SEMESTER PATTERN VII Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering)

Marks Sr. No

Subject Code

Work Load


Credit Theory







Min.Pass Total ing Marks Univ Marks




Sessional Univ














Aircraft System & Instrumentation



Design of Machine Elements

















Space Flight Mechanics

















Control Engineering

















Aircraft General Engineering & Maintenance Practices

















Aircraft Design Project

















Aircraft Systems Lab

















Project Work Phase- I

































R.T.M. NAGPUR UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR (M. S.) Scheme of Examination for Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering) SEMESTER PATTERN VIII Semester B. E. (Aeronautical Engineering)

Marks Sr. No

Subject Code

Work Load


Subject L





Air Transportation






Vibration & Aero elasticity






Elective- I






Elective- II






Elective- III






Project Work Phase- II









Theory Total 5

5 4 5 5 5 29

L 4

4 3 4 4 19


T 1

1 1 1 1 5

























Min.passing Marks Sessional Univ -
















80 80 80 80 80

Total Marks












150 650

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Applied Mathematics – I (BEAE-101T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit- I: Differential Calculus 12 Hours Successive Differentiation, Taylors & Maclaurin’s series for one variable, indeterminate forms, Curvature and Radius of curvature, Circle of Curvature. Unit- II: Partial Differentiation 12 Hours Functions of several variables, First and Higher order derivatives, Euler’s theorem , Chain rule and total differential coefficient, Jacobians, Taylors & Maclaurin’s series for two variables, Maxima & Minima of functions of two variables, Langrage’s method of undetermined multipliers. Unit - III: Matrices 06 Hours Matrix, Inverse of Matrix by adjoint method, Inverse by Partitioning method, Solution of system of linear equations, Rank of Matrix, Consistency of linear system of equations Unit - IV: First Order Differential Equations 10 Hours First order& first degree differential equations: Linear, Reducible to linear & Exact differential equations (excluding the case of I. F.). First order& higher degree differential equations Application of First order& first degree differential equations to simple electrical circuits Unit - V: Higher Order Differential Equations 14 Hours Higher order differential equations with constant coefficients, P. I. by method of Variation of parameters, Cauchy’s & Legendre’s homogeneous differential equations, Simultaneous differential equations, Differential equations of the type and .Applications of differential equations to Oscillations of a Spring, Oscillatory Electrical Circuits, Deflection of Beams. Unit - VI: Complex Numbers 06 Hours Cartesian & Polar forms of Complex Numbers, Geometrical representation of fundamental operations on complex numbers, De Moivres theorem, Hyperbolic functions and their inverse, Logarithm of complex number, Separation of real and imaginary parts. Total No of Periods- 60 hours

Books Recommended: 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal 2. Applied Mathematics Volume I & II, by J. N. Wartikar 3. Textbook of Engineering Mathematics by Bali, Iyenger (Laxmi Prakashan)

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Engineering Physics (BEAE-102T) (Total Credits: 03) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 2 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 40 Marks T (I): 10 Marks Duration of University Exam: 02 Hours

Unit – I: Quantum Mechanics 10 Hours Plank’s Hypothesis, Properties of Photons, Compton Effect ,Wave – particle duality, De-Broglie Hypothesis, Matter Waves ,Davisson - Germer Experiment; Bohrs Quantization condition. Unit - II: Wave Packet & Wave Equations 10 Hours Concept of Group and phase velocities, Wave packet, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Thought experiment on single slit electron diffraction, Wave function and its probability interpretation, Schrödinger’s Time dependent & time independent equations, Solution of Schrödinger’s equation for one dimensional infinite potential well, Barrier Tunneling. Unit - III: Crystal Structure 08 Hours Crystal structure, Meaning of lattice and basis, Unit cell: primitive and non primitive unit cell; Cubic crystal structure: Body and Face centered cubic structures, SC, BCC and FCC unit cells. Unit cell characteristics: Effective number of atoms per unit cell, atomic radius, nearest neighbor distance, coordination number, atomic packing fraction, void space, density; Crystal planes and Miller indices, Inter-planar distance between adjacent planes, Bragg’s law of X-ray diffraction, Tetrahedral and octahedral voids. Unit - IV: Semiconductor Physics 12 Hours Qualitative idea on the formation of electron energy bands in solids, Band-theory based classification of solids into insulators, semiconductors and conductors, Fermi-Dirac distribution Function, Intrinsic semiconductors: Germanium and silicon; Fermi- energy, Typical energy band diagram of an intrinsic semi-conductor, Doping and Extrinsic semiconductors, Current conduction in semiconductors. PN- junction diode; Unbiased, Forward biased & Reverse biased mode with Energy band diagram reference, Diode rectifier equation, Bipolar Transistor action, Hall effect, Hall coefficient & Hall Angle, V-I characteristics of i) Tunnel diode, ii) Zener diode iii) LED.

Total No of Periods- 40 hours

Text Books: 1. Fundamentals of Physics: David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jerle Walker, (John-Wiley India, 8e, extended) 2. Electronic Engineering Materials and Devices: John Allision, (TMH edition, 10th reprint) 3. Engineering Physics:M. N. Avadhanulu, (S. Chand & Co.) 4. Concepts of Modern Physics: Baiser (Tata McGraw Hill). Reference Books: 1. University Physics:Young and Freedman(Pearson Education) 2. Solid State Physics: C. Kittel 3. Solid State Physics: R.L. Singhal 4. Quantum Mechanics: Schiff

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Engineering Physics – II (BEAE-102P) (Total Credits: 01) Training Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Practical P (U): 25 Marks

P (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Engineering Physics: 1. Elementary analytical techniques: Method of linear least squares fit to the experimental data, error estimation, calculations involving idea of significant figures. 2. Determination of band gap (A thermistor or p-n junction diode may be used.) 3. V-I characteristics of Semiconductor diodes. 4. V-I characteristics of Zener diodes. 5. Input, output and current transfer characteristics of PNP/NAN transistor in CB and CE mode. 6. Study of Hall Effect. 7. Variation of Hall coefficient (RH) with temperature. 8. V-I Characteristics of Tunnel Diode. 9. Study of LED. 10. Study of Diode as a rectifier. Note: Performance of at least six experiments is compulsory in a semester.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Engineering Chemistry – I (BEAE-103T) (Total Credits: 03) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 2 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 40 Marks T (I): 10 Marks Duration of University Exam: 02 Hours 12 Hours

Unit – I: Water Technology Hardness of water and types of hardness Domestic water treatment: Brief discussion of coagulation and sterilization using UV. Ozone, chlorine, Break point chlorination. Softening of water-principle, reactions, advantages, limitations and Comparison of – Lime-Soda process, Zeolite process, and de-mineralization process. Boiler Troubles-(causes, effect on boiler operation and methods of prevention) – Carry over-priming and foaming; Scales and sludges, caustic embrittlement, boiler corrosion; internal conditioningphosphate, carbonate, calgon conditioning. Numericals based on lime-soda and Zeolite process. Desalination-using electro dialysis and reverse osmosis processes. Waste water treatment (introduction and importance) – Brief idea about tertiary treatment methods. Unit – II: Corrosion Science 10 Hours Introduction, Causes and Consequence of corrosion, brief idea about electrochemical & galvanic series, Factors influencing corrosion) Nature of metal b) Nature of environment, Chemical and electrochemical corrosion, Mechanisms of electrochemical corrosion; Pilling Bed worth rule; Differential aeration theory of corrosion. Types of Corrosion – Pitting, inter granular, stress, waterline and galvanic corrosion. Corrosion Prevention – a) Design and material selection b) Cathodic and anodic protection, c) Protective surface coatings- tinning, galvanizing and powder coating, metal cladding and electroplating. Unit – III: Construction Materials 08 Hours Cement: Portland cement – Raw material, Dry and wet process of manufacture, Proportion and role of microscopic constituents, Additives of cement ,Setting and hardening of cement; heat of hydration, soundness; Types of cement ( characteristics & applications ) – White, High alumina, Low heat ,Rapid hardening cement, Ready Mix Concrete, fly ash as cementing material( properties, advantages, limitations & application) Unit – IV: Green Chemistry and Battery Technology 10 Hours Green Chemistry: Introduction, Principles and significance, industrial application (supercritical fluids as Solvents, Example-super critical CO2 ), Biocatalysis and concept of carbon credits. Battery Technology: Types of batteries, primary, secondary and reverse batteries, important definition-energy density, power density. a) Secondary Battery: Lithium ion, Nickel-Cadmium b) Fuel cell application, advantages and limitation (Example: Alkaline fuel Cell). Total No of Periods- 40 hours

Text Books: 1. Text Book of Engineering Chemistry: S.S. Dara, S. Chand and Company Ltd. New Delhi. 2. Engineering Chemistry: Arty Dixit Dr. Kirtiwardhan Dixit, Harivansh Prakashan, Chandrapur. 3. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry: P.C. Jain and Monica Jain, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi. 4. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry: S.N. Narkhede, R.T. Jadhav, AB. Bhake, A.U. Zadgaonkar, Das Ganu Prakashan, Nagpur. 5. Applied Chemistry: A.V. Bharati and Walekar, Tech Max Publications, Pune. Reference Books: 1. A Text book of Engineering Chemistry: Shashi Chawla; Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi. 2. A textbook of Polymer Science : Fred, Billmeyer Jr. ,Wiley India Third edition. 3. Applied Chemistry by N. Krishnamurthy:P. Vallinavagam. And K. Jeysubramanian TMH 4. Applied Chemistry for Engineers : T.S. Gyngell. 5. Chemistry of Advanced Materials : CNR Rao, Rsc Publication.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Engineering Chemistry (BEAE-103P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical P (I): 25 Marks

P (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments for Engineering chemistry Any Eight experiments should be performed out of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Determination of temporary and permanent hardness of water by complexometry method. To estimate the amount of Ni+2 ions in a given solution by complexometric method. Estimation of Free chlorine in the water by iodometry. Type and extent of alkalinity by Warder’s method. Estimation of dissolved oxygen in a water sample. Determination of capacity of anion exchange resin. Determination of capacity of cation exchange resin. Determination of Copper by lodometry To estimate the amount of ferrous and ferric ions present in the given solution or from ore. Determination of hardness of water due to calcium and magnesium ions separately. Determination of heat of neutralization. Determination on rate of corrosion by weight loss by corrossometer. Study of charging of lead acetate battery by measuring density of sulphuric acid electrolyte. Determination of pH of waste water. Verification of Beers Law. Determination COD in waste water.

Laboratory Manual: 1. Applied Chemistry theory and practical O.P. Virmani and A.K.Narular (New Age International). 2. Laboratory Manual on Engineering Chemistry by Dr. Subdharani (Dhanpat Rai Publishing) 3. A Textbook on experiment and calculation in engineering chemistry by S.S. Dara S.Chand 4. Inorganic quantitative analysis, Vogel. (Prentice Hall).

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Basic Electrical Engineering (BEAE-104T) (Total Credits: 03) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 2 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 40 Marks T (I): 10 Marks Duration of University Exam: 02 Hours

Unit – I: Electric Circuits 10 Hours EMF, Potential difference, current, power, Energy (Definition & Units SI), Ohms Law, types of sources (Current & Voltage), Ideal and Practical Sources (Independent Sources only), Source Conversion, Superposition theorem with DC source. Circuit element resistance, factors affecting resistance, series & parallel combination of resistances, Kirchhoff’s Laws (KVL, KCL) statement & Numerical, star Delta transformation, Circuit Element Inductance, Self and Mutual Inductance, Circuit Element Capacitance. Unit – II: Magnetic Circuits 08 Hours Types of Magnetic Materials, flux, flux density, flux intensity, MMF, reluctance, permanence, permeability, analogous electric circuit, calculation for composite magnetic circuit, concept of leakage flux and fringing, B-H curve, phenomena of magnetic hysteresis. Unit - III: AC Circuits 12 Hours Generation of single phase voltage, average and RMS value for sinusoidal waveform, periodic function, phasor representation of sinusoidal electrical quantities, steady state behavior of RLC circuit with excitation, reactance, impedance, power and energy in AC circuit, simple numerical on series and parallel AC circuit, concept and importance of power factor, resonance in series circuits. Principal of Generation of three phase voltage, Phase sequence, Star & Delta Connected three phase system, Voltage, Current & Power relations for Balanced three phase system only (With numericals). Unit – IV :Single Phase Transformer 10 Hours Basic construction of Transformer (core & shell type), Principle of operation, EMF equation, Transformer ratings, No load & On load operation with leakage reactance, losses, efficiency, Definition & formula for voltage regulation, OC & SC test, equivalent circuit of the Transformer. Total No of Periods- 40 hours Books Recommended: 1. Basic Electrical Engineering: D.C. Kulshreshtha,Revised 1st edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. 2. A Text Book of Electrical Technology: B. L. Thareja and A. K. Thareja, S. Chand Publication (Volume I, II & III). 3. Generation of Electrical Energy:B. R. Gupta 4th Edition, S Chand Publication 4. Art & Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy: H. Pratab, Third Edition, Dhanpat Rai and Sons. 5. Electric Circuits & Network: K. Suresh Kumar, Pearson Publication.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Basic electrical engineering (BEAE-104P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Minimum 08 experiments based on the theory.

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Basic Civil Engineering (BEAE-105T) (Total Credits: 03) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 2 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 40 Marks T (I): 10 Marks Duration of University Exam: 02 Hours

Unit –I: 10 Hours Introduction to Civil Engineering Introduction and scope of Civil Engineering. Role of Engineers in the infrastructure development. General concepts related to building. Selection of site, basic functions of buildings, types of buildings – Residential, Public, Commercial, and Industrial. Principles of planning, orientation of buildings, introduction to bye-laws regarding building line, Height of building, open space requirement, F.S.I., Carpet area, built up area, setbacks, ventilation. Components of Buildings Introduction to Types of loads on buildings. Substructure – Types of soils; rocks and foundation strata, concept of bearing capacity, Types of Foundation and their suitability. Superstructure –Types of construction: Load Bearing, Framed, and Composite. Building Materials Introduction to basic construction materials; cement, bricks, stone, aggregates, reinforcing steel, structural glazing, structural steel; Concrete types: PCC, RCC, Prestressed, Precast and Ready Mix Concrete. Use of various eco- friendly materials in construction. Unit – II 10 Hours Surveying Various types of maps and their uses; Introduction to digital mapping; Principles of survey. Introduction to various survey instruments such as EDM, Lasers, Total Station, and digital planimeter. Modern survey methods. Introduction to GIS, GPS and their applications. Transportation Engineering Role of transportation in national development; Various modes of Transportation. Classification of Highways: Expressways, NH, SH, MDR, ODR, VR; Types of Pavements, Traffic Signs, signals, Parking system, and Causes of Accidents. Unit –III 10 Hours Environment and Natural Resource Management Water supply - Sources, drinking water requirements, impurities in water and their effects; Purification of water, modern purification processes; Standards of purified water. Waste Management: Collection and Disposal methods of Liquid, solid and gaseous wastes. Water Resources Engineering Introduction to Hydraulic structures of storage; water conveyance systems; Watershed management: Definition, Necessity and methods; Roof top rain water harvesting and Ground water recharge: relevance and methods.

Unit –IV Instrumentation in Civil Engineering Structures: Various Instruments used in construction, water resources, Environmental Engineering, Foundation Engineering, Thermocouples, condition monitoring equipments, Half Cell Potentiometers, Strain Gauges. Management of Utilities using telemetry & SCADA System. Sustainable Development: Role of Engineers in Sustainable Development. Concept of green buildings and LEED Certification.

10 Hours

Total No of Periods- 40 hours Books Recommended: 1. Elements of Civil Engineering:By S. S. Bhavikatti 2. Basic Civil Engineering:By Dr. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain. 3. Concrete Technology:By M.S.Shetty. 4. Surveying And Levelling:By Kanetkar and Kulkarni 5. Irrigation And Hydraulic Structures:By S.K.Garg 6. Water Supply And Sanitary Engineering: Including Environmental Engineering, Water And Air Pollution Laws And Ecology:By G. S. Birdie, J. S. Birdie 7. Building Construction:By Sushil Kumar 8. Transportation Engineering:By Khanna & Justo 9. Building Drawing Design:By Shah and Kale 10. Construction Planning ,Equipments And Methods:Robert Peurifoy, Clifford J. Schexnayder, Aviad Shapira and Robert Schmitt

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Engineering Graphics – I (BEAE-106T) (Total Credits: 03) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 2 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 40 Marks T (I): 10 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit – I 08 Hours Introduction to Engg. Drawing & Curves used in Engineering Practice Introduction , Use of various drawing instruments, lettering, Layout of drawing sheets, sizes of drawing sheets, different types of lines used in drawing practice, Dimensioning – linear, angular, aligned system, unidirectional system, parallel dimensioning, chain dimensioning, location dimension and size dimension. Introduction to scales & scale factor (RF). Conic sections - Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola, (No Directrix – Focus Method), Cycloid, Involute & Archimedean Spiral. Basics of Orthographic Projections Basic principles of orthographic projection, reference planes, concepts of four quadrants, methods of orthographic projections – First angle projections, Third angle projections, conventions used to represent methods of orthographic projection. Projections of Points and Lines Projections of points in all possible positions w.r.t. reference planes, projections of lines when it is perpendicular to one of the reference planes, when line is inclined to one & parallel to other reference plane, lines inclined to both reference planes. (Lines in First Quadrant Only), simple problems on straight lines. Unit – II 08 Hours Projections of Planes Projection of planes when it is parallel to one of the reference planes, lying in reference plane, when it is perpendicular to one & inclined to other reference plane, when it is inclined to both reference planes. Use of Auxiliary Plane method for solving the problems. Projections of Solids Projections of solids when axis is perpendicular to one of the reference planes , when axis is inclined to one & parallel to other reference plane, when axis is inclined to both the reference planes, projections of cube, right regular prisms, right regular pyramids, right circular cylinder, right circular cone, tetrahedron. Unit – III Orthographic Projections - Conversion of pictorial view into orthographic views.

07 Hours

Unit – IV 07 Hours Isometric Projections Definition of Isometric view/projection, Isometric scale to draw Isometric projection, Non-Isometric lines, construction of Isometric view from given orthographic views and to construct Isometric view of combined two simple solids (axes vertical & coinciding) such as Cube, Pyramid, Prism, Cone, Cylinder & Sphere. (NOTE – ONLY FIRST ANGLE METHOD OF PROJECTIONS SHOULD BE USED) Total No of Periods- 30 hours Text Books: 1. N.D. Bhatt: Elementary Engineering Drawing, Charotor Publishing house, Anand, India. 2. A. R. Bapat: Engineering Graphics, Allied Publishers, New Delhi 3. D. N. Johle,:Engineering Drawing, Tata Mcgraw-hill Publishing Co. Ltd. 4. M.B. Shah:B.C. Rana, Engineering Drawing, Pearson 5. Pakhatkar:Engg. Drawing, Nirali Prakashan. 6. P J. Shah:Text Book of Engineering Drawing,S Chand & Publications Reference Books: 1. P.S. Gill: Engineering Graphics. 2. Luzadder Warren J, Duff John: Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing,PHI Publications 3. N.D. Bhatt: Machine Drawing, Charotor Publishing house, Anand, India

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Engineering Graphics – I (BEAE-106P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical P (U): 25 Marks

P (I): 25 Marks

Practicals for engineering graphics: SIX A2 (594X420mm) (Half imperial) size drawing sheets as detailed below: Sheet No. 1: Curves To draw any four curves mentioned in the syllabus. Sheet No. 2: Projection of Lines (Minimum four problems) Sheet No. 3: Projection of Planes (Minimum four problems) Sheet No. 4: Projections of solids (Minimum four problems) Sheet No. 5: Orthographic Views To draw orthographic views from given pictorial view (Minimum four problems. Two of which should be free hand sketching) Sheet No. 6: Isometric Views/Projection Two problems each on Isometric views & Isometric projections. Books Recommended: Text Books: 7. N.D. Bhatt: Elementary Engineering Drawing, Charotor Publishing house, Anand, India. 8. A. R. Bapat: Engineering Graphics, Allied Publishers, New Delhi 9. D. N. Johle,:Engineering Drawing, Tata Mcgraw-hill Publishing Co. Ltd. 10. M.B. Shah:B.C. Rana, Engineering Drawing, Pearson 11. Pakhatkar:Engg. Drawing, Nirali Prakashan. 12. P J. Shah:Text Book of Engineering Drawing,S Chand & Publications Reference Books: 3. P.S. Gill: Engineering Graphics. 4. Luzadder Warren J, Duff John: Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing,PHI Publications 3. N.D. Bhatt: Machine Drawing, Charotor Publishing house, Anand, India.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Communication Skills (BEAE-107P) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week



1. intro to various kind of barriers


2. Activity class on semantic barriers 1. Skimming, Scanning & Gist reading

Based PPT based, Activity


2. Comprehending passages 1. IPA, Pronunciation techniques 2. Often wrongly pronounced words

Based Software based PPT based, Activity Based


/ antonyms 1. Kinesics in com/ interviews 2. Activities /role play


1. Intro of effective way of speaking 2. oral presentations Extempore / Debate / JAM 1. GD rules 2. GD of groups in 6


1. Various types of Interviews 2. Resume making




Software based PPT based, Activity Based PPT based, Activity Based Software based PPT based, Activity Based Software based PPT based, Activity

7 3. Mock Interviews (one 2 one)


P (I): 25 Marks




Examination Scheme Practical P (U): 25 Marks


1. Intro phrases / Idioms/ Proverbs 2. Idioms related to Color/ Number/

Based PPT based, Activity Based


Animals/ Part of body/ Misc.

Listening Barriers

PPT based, Activity



1. Preparing visual aids/ PPTs 2. Writing references

PPT based, Activity Based

Following points are to be covered while demonstration of Communication Skill Practicals: a) Practical and practice of letter writing: Business, Job and Bank Correspondence. b) Technical Report Writing. c) Grammar: 1. Correction of Common Error 2. Exercise on rewrite as directed 3. Correct use of words, idioms, phrases, prepositions etc. d) 1. Principles of Public Speaking 2. Reading Comprehension e) 1. Professional Communication Skill (Meaning, Significance, Types, Dimensions & Barriers) 2. Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI) (Importance of GD, Modules of GD, How to prepare for GD; Meaning, Types & Techniques of PI, How to prepare for PI) Books Recommended: 1. Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business: Dale Carnegie. 2. Professional Communication Skills: Bhatia and Sheikh. 3. Business Communication: K. K. Sinha. 4. Communication Skills: Dr. P. Prasad. 5. Technical Communication: Raman and Sharma. 6. High School Grammar and Composition: Wren and Martin. 7. Modern English Grammar Usage and Composition: N. Krishnaswami

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Computational Skills (BEAE-108P) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical P (I): 25 Marks

Practical Slot – 1: Fundamentals of Computers and Operating System Contents: 1) To demonstrate the internal structure of Computer, its assembly, use of each I/O device and ports. 2) To demonstrate the use of System Software like: Windows Operating System, Linux Operating System. 3) To explain about “C” language Complier options and C++ language overview. Practical Slot – 2: Fundamentals of “C” language Contents: 1) To demonstrate all types of operators (Arithmetic, Logical and Relational) of “C” language. 2) To demonstrate different data types in “C” language. 3) To demonstrate the use of “printf” and “scanf” with all possible options. Practical Slot – 3: Fundamentals of Decision Control Structures Contents: 1) To demonstrate the use of if-else structure, nested if structure. 2) To demonstrate the use of Conditional operators (? Operator). 3) To demonstrate the use of Switch.Case construct. Practical Slot – 4: Fundamentals of Loop Control Structures Contents: 1) To demonstrate the use of “while” control structure. 2) To demonstrate the use of “do while” control structure. 3) To demonstrate the use of “for” control structure. 4) To demonstrate the use of “break” and “continue” construct. Practical Slot – 5 and 6: Fundamentals of One Dimensional Arrays Contents: 1) To demonstrate the creation of array, addition of an element, deletion of an element and displaying the elements from one dimensional array. 2) To demonstrate the implementation of bubble sort, selection sort and insertion sort. 3) To demonstrate the implementation of linear search and binary search. Practical Slot – 7: Fundamentals of Two Dimensional Arrays Contents: 1) To demonstrate the matrix manipulation operations like addition, multiplication. 2) To demonstrate the operations on row and columns of two dimensional matrix. Practical Slot – 8:

Fundamentals of Pointers Contents: 1) To demonstrate the pointer declaration and its use. 2) To demonstrate the implementation of pointer on array. 3) To demonstrate the creation of dynamic arrays using pointer. Practical Slot – 9: Fundamentals of Strings Contents: 1) To demonstrate the basic operations on string like “length”, “copy”, “reverse”, “truncate”. 2) To demonstrate the implementation of two dimensional array of characters. Practical Slot – 10: Fundamentals of Functions Contents: 1) To demonstrate the implementation of functions. 2) To demonstrate the call by value parameter passing method. 3) To demonstrate the call by reference parameter passing method. Practical Slot – 11: Fundamentals of Functions Contents: 1) To demonstrate the implementation of recursive function. 2) To demonstrate the use of library function (mathematical and string). Method to conduct the practicals: Out of the two hours allotted: The faculty member will teach the basic concepts of practical to the students for 30 minutes. The next 30 minutes will be on how to implement the problem definition of the practical, i.e., algorithm to implement the problem definition. The next 1 hour, the students will implement the practical and execute it on computers. For example: Fundamentals of Loop Control Structures Contents: To demonstrate the use of “while” control structure. To demonstrate the use of “do..while” control structure. To demonstrate the use of “for” control structure. To demonstrate the use of “break” and “continue” construct. Cover the concepts of: While loop, do..while loop, for loop and break & continue statement. Explain the implementation of control structure on practical and LCD projector to students. Give one problem definition containing all the concepts of practical and allow students to implement and execute on the computers. Books Recommended: 1. Herbert Schildt - C Complete Reference (Tata-McGraw Hill) 2. Byron Gottfried,” Programming with C”, Schaum;s Outline Series . 3. R Venugopal & S R Prasad. “Mastering C” Tata-McGraw Hill-2207.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Second Semester) Applied Mathematics – II (BEAE-201T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit - I : Integral Calculus-I 10 Hours Beta and Gamma functions, Differentiation of definite integral, Mean Value and Root Mean Square Values. Unit - II: Integral Calculus-II 10 Hours Tracing of curves (Cartesian and polar curves), Rectification of simple curves, Quadrature, volume and surface of solids of revolution (Cartesian, polar and parametric forms). Unit- III: Multiple Integrals and their Applications 12 Hours Elementary double integrals, Change of variable (simple transformations), Change of order of integration, (Cartesian and polar), Applications to find Mass, Area, Volume and Centre of Gravity (Cartesian and polar forms), Elementary triple integrals. Unit - IV:Vector Differential Calculus 08 Hours Vector triple product, Product of four vectors, Scalar point function, Vector point Function, Vector differentiation, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Directional derivatives with their physical interpretation, Solenoidal and irrotational motions. Unit- V : Vector Integral Calculus 10 Hours Vector integration, Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Statement (without proof) of Stoke’s theorem, Gauss divergence theorem and Green’s theorem, Simple applications of these theorems. Unit – VI 10 Hours (A) Statistics Fitting of straight line, Parabola and Exponential curves by method of least squares, Lines of regression and Correlation, Rank correlation. x ba y 2 x c x b a y (B) Finite Differences: Operator E and, Factorial notations, Lagrange’s interpolation formula for unequal intervals, Difference equations with constant coefficients. Total No of Periods- 60 hours Books Recommended: 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics: B. S. Grewal 2. Applied Mathematics Volume I & II: J. N. Wartikar 3. Textbook of Engineering Mathematics: Bali, Iyenger ( Laxmi Prakashan)

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Second Semester) Advanced Physics (BEAE-202T) (Total Credits: 03) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 2 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 40 Marks T (I): 10 Marks Duration of University Exam: 02 Hours Unit - I: Lasers & Wave Optics 07 Hours Spatial and temporal coherence of a light wave, Quantum Transitions: Absorption, Spontaneous emission & stimulated Emission, Metastable states, Pumping schemes, Principle of laser, Laser characteristics, Components of a laser, Principle & working of He-Ne, Ruby & Semiconductor lasers, Applications. Interference in thin films, Interference in Wedge shape thin film, Newton’s rings, Anti-reflection coating, advanced applications of interference in thin film. Unit - II: Electron Ballistics 05 Hours Lorentz force, Motion of charged particles in uniform electric and magnetic fields: parallel, perpendicular and at an acute angle, Effect of electric and magnetic fields on kinetic energy of charged particle, Crossed electric and magnetic field configurations, Velocity filter, Electrostatic and magneto static deflection. Unit - III: Electron Optics 06 Hours Bethe’s law, Electric and Magnetic focusing, Construction & working of Electrostatic lens, Devices: CRT, CRO, Block Diagram, Function & working of each block, Bainbridge mass spectrograph, Cyclotron. Unit - IV: Optical Fiber & Nanoscience 12 Hours Optical fibers: Propagation by total internal reflection, structure and classification (based on material, refractive index and number of modes), Modes of propagation in fiber, Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, Attenuation and dispersion. Light sources and Detectors. Applications: I) As a Sensors - i) Temperature Sensor ii) Pollution / Smoke detector iii) Liquid level sensor. II) As a Detectors- i) PIN detector ii) Avalanche Detector. Introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology, Classification of nano materials, Synthesis of Nanomaterials, General idea about physical and chemical methods. e.g; Physical Vapour Deposition and Sol gel method. Comparison of properties of nanomaterials with bulk materials, Some special nanomaterials: 1) Zeolites, 2) Graphine, Application of nanomaterials in engineering, Impact of Nanoscience and nanotechnology . Total No of Periods- 30 hours

Text Books: 1. Fundamentals of Physics: David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jerle Walker, John-Wiley

India(8e, extended) 2. A text book of Engineering Physics: M. N. Avadhanulu, S. Chand & Co. 3. Nano The Essentials: Understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, T.Praddep; TMH Publications. 4. Introduction to Nanotechnology:Pooly & Owens; Willey Publication 5. Text Book of Optics: Brijlal and Subramanyam (S. Chand and Company) 6. Laser: M. N. Avadhanulu, S. Chand & Co.

Reference Books: 1. LASERS: Theory and Applications: Thyagarajan K and Ghatak A.K. 2. Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies and Design:M.F.Ashby, Paulo Ferreira and Daniel L.Schodek, Elsevier Publications. 3. University Physics: Young and Freedman (Pearson Education). 4. Optics: Jenkins and White (Tata Mcgraw Hill)

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Advanced Physics (BEAE-202P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical P (U): 25 Marks Marks

P (I): 25

List of Experiments in Advance Physics: 1. Study of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. 2. Determination of phase difference and frequency of electrical signals using C.R.O. 3. Interference in thin films: Newton’s ring experiment. 4. Laser source: Determination of Wavelength by Diffraction Grating 5. Refractive Index of Transparent liquid By Newton’s Rings. 6. Optical fiber: Acceptance angle and numerical aperture determination 7. Study of Double Refraction. 8. Measurement of attenuation in optical fiber. 9. Interference in thin films: Study of wedge shaped thin film. 10. Determination of Refractive Index of Prism. 11. Determination of wavelength of sodium light using diffraction grating. 12. Determination of e/m of an electron.

Note: Performance of at least six experiments is compulsory in a semester.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Second Semester) Material Chemistry (BEAE-203T) (Total Credits: 03) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 2 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 40 Marks T (I): 10 Marks Duration of University Exam: 02 Hours

Unit - I: Energy-I 10 Hours Fuels: Introduction: Calorific value, Higher and lower calorific value; determination of calorific value by Bomb and Boy’s calorimeter; numerical based on calorific value determination; Solid fuels-significance of proximate and ultimate analysis; numerical (Dulong’s formula) Composition, properties, advantages, limitations and applications of bio-diesel, LPG, CNG Non-conventional energy sources: General applications advantages and limitations of nonconventional energy sources. Rocket propellants: Principle and classification of propellants. Unit – II: Energy-II 10 Hours Liquid fuels –fractional distillation of crude petroleum(boiling point wise separation only) use of gasoline and diesel in internal combustion engine: knocking and chemical constitution of fuel, Octane and Cetane number, doping agents, fischer-tropsch process for manufacturing synthetic gasoline; cracking of petroleum-principle, types , catalysts used, advantages Combustion calculations – Numericals based on combustion calculations for solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. Unit – III: Lubrication 10 Hours Lubricants- Introduction, mechanisms-Hydrodynamic, boundary and extreme pressure lubrication; Classification-solid, semisolid and liquid lubricants; Biodegradable lubricants-properties, application, advantages and limitations; Synthetic lubricants-Silicones ,Lubricating emulsion; Properties of greases-drop point test and consistency test; Properties of liquid lubricants:-Acid value, saponification number, flash and fire point, viscosity and viscosity index, Aniline point, Cloud and Pour Point, Criteria for selection of lubricants-IC engine, refrigeration, gear, transformer, steam turbine, delicate mechanical system. Unit – IV: Advanced materials 10 Hours Properties and applications – Biodegradable polymers-polylactic acid (PLA) and Polycaprolactone (PCL). Conducting polymers – polycetylene, polyaniline. Polypyrrole, Composite materials-introduction, general classification –Particle reinforced, fibre reinforced structural and its industrial applications. Liquid crystal polymers-general properties and application. Nanomaterials-Definition, nano scale. Carbon nano tubes (CNT) types and difference between Single wall NT, Multi wall NT; applications of nanomaterials in medicine, environment and electronics. Total No of Periods- 40 hours

Text Books: 1. Text Book of Engineering Chemistry; S.S. Dara, S. Chand and Company Ltd. New Delhi. 2. Engineering Chemistry: Arti Dixit, Dr. Kirtiwardhan Dixit, Harivansh Prakashan, Chandrapur. 3. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry: P.C. Jain and Monica Jain, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi. 4. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry: S.N. Narkhede, R.T. Jadhav, AB. Bhake, A.U. Zadgaonkar, Das Ganu Prakashan, Nagpur. 5. Applied Chemistry: A.V. Bharati and Walekar, Tech Max Publications, Pune. Reference Books: 1. A Text book of Engineering Chemistry : Shashi Chawla; Dhanpat Rai & sons, New Delhi 2. Chemistry in Engineering : Lloyd a. Munro, Prentice-hall, Inc Nj 3. Chemistry of Advanced Materials : CNR Rao, Rsc Pbl‟ 4. Chemistry of Engineering Materials: Robert B Leighou Mc Graw – Hill Book Company, Inc New York 5. Engineering Materials: Kenneth G Budinski (Prentice – Hall of India) 6. Fuels and Combustion : Amir Circar, Orient Longmans 7. Materials science and engineering an introduction:William D. Callister, (Jr. Wiley publisher) 8. Polymer science and technology: Joel R Fried (Prentice- Hall of India)

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (First Semester) Materials Chemistry (BEAE-203P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical P (U): 25 Marks

P (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments – Any Eight experiments should be performed out of the following: 1. Determination of acid Value of lubricating Oil 2. Determination of Viscosity of lubricating oil at different temp by Redwood Viscometer No. 1 or No.2 3. Adsorption of acetic acid on charcoal. 4. Determination of flash point of lubricating oil by Cleveland’s apparatus open cup. 5. Determination of by flash point of lubricating oil Abel’s apparatus closed cup 6. Determination of by flash point of lubricating oil Pensky Martins apparatus close cup 7. Determination of moisture content of coal. 8. Determination of volatile matter content of coal. 9. Determination of ash content of coal. 10. Saponification number of animal/vegetable oil. 11. Determination of molecular weight of a polymer by viscosity measurements. 12. Determination of carbon residue of lubricating oil by conradson’s Apparatus. 13. Consistency and Penetration test of grease 14. Saponification of acetic acid. 15. Determination of calorific values of a solid fuel using Bomb Calorimeter. 16. Preparation of Biodiesel and its characterization. Laboratory Manual: 1. Applied Chemistry theory and practical O.P. Virmani and A.K.Narular (New Age International). 2. Laboratory Manual on Engineering Chemistry by Dr. Subdharani (Dhanpat Rai Publishing) 3. A Textbook on experiment and calculation in engineering chemistry by S.S. Dara S.Chand 4. Inorganic quantitative analysis, Vogel. (Prentice Hall).

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Second Semester) Engineering Mechanics (BEAE-204T) (Total Credits: 03) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 2 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 40 Marks T (I): 10 Marks Duration of University Exam: 02 Hours

Unit - I 10 Hours Important Vector Quantities: Position-vector, moment of a force about a point about an axis, couples, couple moment as a free vector. Equivalent force systems: Resultant of a 2 dimensional distributed loads and three-dimensional general force system Wrench. Unit - II: Equations of Equilibrium 10 Hours Free body diagrams, Equations of equilibrium coplanar concurrent and Non-concurrent systems, General spatial force system. Analysis of simple pin jointed frames by method of joints method of sections. Friction forces: Law of Coulomb friction, problems involving dry friction, simple applications like wedges and band brakes. Unit - III: 10 Hours Centroids and Moments of Inertia: Second Moment and products of inertia of plane areas, Moment of inertia of masses. Transfer theorems for moment of inertia and Product of inertia, Polar moment of inertia, Principal axes, Mohr’s circle of inertia. Introduction of Virtual work theorem: Principle of Virtual work applied to equilibrium of Mechanisms, simple beam, Pin jointed frames. Unit –IV 10 Hours D'Alember’s Principle, work Energy method, (Expressions based on center of mass). Methods of Momentum: Linear impulse momentum, considerations for a system of particles, Consideration of linear momentums, Elastic impact of two bodies, Direct central impact. Total No of Periods- 40 hours Books Recommended: 1. Engineering Mechanics: F.L Singer 2. Engineering Mechanics: Tmoshenko & Young 3. Engineering Mechanics: Bear and Johnson 4. Engineering Mechanics: I.H.Shames 5. Engineering Mechanics: R.D.Askhedkar & P.B.Kulkarni

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Second Semester) Engineering Mechanics (BEAE-204P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Minimum 08 experiments based on the theory.

Examination Scheme Practical P (U): 25 Marks

P (I): 25 Marks

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Second Semester) Advanced Electrical Engineering (BEAE-205T) (Total Credits: 03) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 2 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 40 Marks T (I): 10 Marks Duration of University Exam: 02 Hours

Unit – I: Introduction to Electrical Power System 8 Hours Introduction to Power Generation (Thermal, Hydro, Nuclear, Wind, and Solar) with block schematic presentation only. Single line diagram for Generation, Transmission & Distribution through different voltage levels; Low voltage distribution system (Over head & Underground, single phase & three phase) Necessity of equipment earthings, Fuses (Rewirable & HRC), MCB, ELCB (Elementary concepts only), Basic operation of UPS & Invertors (Block schematic representation). Unit – II: DC Machines 12 Hours Construction of a D.C Machine (without details of armature winding), Principle of working as a generator and as a motor, EMF equation of a DC machine, types of DC machines. Concept of Back EMF, speed and torque equations, characteristics of motors, necessity of starters, Applications of DC motors. Unit – III: Utilization of Electrical Energy Tariff 8 Hours One part (KWH based) tariff with simple numerical: Students should be able to calculate the domestic electricity charges. Illumination: Definitions of luminous flux, luminous intensity, candle power, illumination, luminance, luminous efficiency (lumens/watt) of different types of lamps, working principle of Fluorescent/ Sodium Vapour/ Mercury vapour & CFL Lamps. Simple numerical to determine number of lamps to attain a given average lux level in an area. Unit – IV: AC motor 12 Hours Three-phase Induction Motors : Working principle, types & constructions of three phase Induction Motor, synchronous speed, torque, slip, torque -speed characteristic, application (No numerical). Single Phase Induction Motor: Types of single phase Induction motors, operating principle and their applications. Total No of Periods- 60 hours

Books Recommended: 1. Basic Electrical Engineering, S.N. Singh, PHI, Learning Private Limited. 2. A Text Book Of Electrical Technology, B. L. Tharaja and A. K. Tharaja, S. Chand Publication (Volume II & III) 3. Electrical Machines M. N. Bandyopadhya, PHI, Learning Private Limited. 4. Electrical Machines, Ashfaq Husain, Dhanpatrai Company, 4th edition.

5. Basic Electrical Engineering, D.C. Kulshreshtha, revised 1st edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill education pvt. Ltd. 6. Generation of Electrical Energy- B. R. Gupta 4th Edition S Chand Publication 7. Testing Commissioning Operation & Maintenance Of Electrical Equipment – S. Rao Khanna Publication

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Second Semester) Engineering Graphics - II (BEAE-206P) (Total Credits: 03) Teaching Scheme Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week Practical: 2 Hours/Week

Examination Scheme Practical P (I): 25 Marks P (U): 25 Marks

Unit – I: Introduction to CAD 10 Hours Advantages of using Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) packages, applications of CAD, basic operation of drafting packages, use of various commands for drawing, dimensioning, editing, modifying, saving and printing/plotting the drawings. Introduction to 3D primitives. Unit – II: Sections of Solids 08 Hours Types of section planes, types of sectional views i. e. sectional FV , sectional TV, sectional SV, to project sectional views of above solids cut by different section planes (when solid is in simple position , when axis is parallel to one & inclined to other reference planes ), to find true shape of sections. Unit – III: Development of Lateral Surfaces (DLS) of Solids 06 Hours Applications of DLS, method of development, development of lateral surface of above solids, development of lateral surface of cut solids. Unit – IV: Interpretation of Given Views/Missing Views 06 Hours Identification of lines/edges and surfaces, visualization of given orthographic views, adding a missing/third view. Total No of Periods- 30 hours NOTE – ONLY FIRST ANGLE METHOD OF PROJECTIONS SHOULD BE USED PRACTICAL: Four A2 (594X420mm) (Half imperial) size drawing sheets & CAD work as detailed below: Sheet No. 1: Sections of Solids (Minimum 2 Problems) Sheet No. 2: Development of lateral surfaces of Solids (Minimum 3 Problems) Sheet No. 3: Section of solids using CAD package (Same problems as drawn in sheet no. 1) Sheet No. 4: Drawing Orthographic views using CAD package (Minimum 2 Problems) Sheet No. 5: Drawing Isometric views using CAD package. (Minimum 2 Problems) Sheet No. 6: Interpretation of Given Views/Missing Views. (Minimum 2 Problems) Note: During external practical examination of 25 marks, students are expected to solve two problems on drawing sheet. (15 marks & duration: 1 Hr 30 Min). Oral of 10 marks should be conducted during external practical examination.

Text Books: 1. N.D. Bhatt, Elementary Engg. Drawing, Charotor Pub. House, Anand, India. 2. A. R. Bapat, “Engineering Graphics”, Allied Publishers, New Delhi 3. D. N. Johle, Engineering Drawing, Tata McGraw-hill Publishing Co. Ltd. 4. M.B. Shah, B.C. Rana, Engineering Drawing, Pearson. 5. CAD software user manual Reference Books: 1. P.S. Gill, Engineering Graphics. 2. N.D. Bhatt, Machine Drawing, Charotor Publishing house, Anand, India.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Second Semester) Workshop (BEAE-207P) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/Week

Examination Scheme Practical P (I): 25 Marks P (U): 25 Marks

Teachers/Instructors are expected to introduce the tools & equipments used in following shops with their operations & safety precautions. 1. Fitting - 1 Job 2. Carpentry - 1 Job 3. Welding - 1 Job 4. Smithy - 1 Job Students are expected to prepare minimum four Jobs during practical periods of workshop. Text/Reference Books: Elements of Workshop Technology (Volume - 1): Hajra Choudhury

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Second Semester) Ethical Sciences (BEAE-208P) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Theory: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (I): 50 Marks

Unit – I: 1) Concept of Culture and Civilization. 2) Applied Humanities and Social Engineering. 3) Socio-Legal Awareness: Right to Information (RTI), Public Interest Litigation (PIL), Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Parents, Lokpal and Lokayukta. Unit – II: 1) Meaning and Scope of Industrial Psychology and Industrial Sociology. 2) Fatigue, Selection and Training of Workers, Motives for Work in Industry. 3) Transactional Analysis. Unit – III: 1) Sustainable development. 2) Professional Ethics. 3) Organizational Behavioral Dynamics: Leadership in Industry. Unit – IV: 1) Indian Constitution and Federal System. 2) Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles. 3) Role of Bureaucracy in Modern Society. Unit – V: 1) Industrial Democracy. 2) Works Organization: Power, Authority and Status System; Formal and Informal Organization. 3) Industrialization and Urbanization: Study of Slums. Books Recommended: 1. A New Look into Social Science – Shabbir, Sheikh and Dwadashiwar 2. An Introduction to Sociology – Vaidya Bhushan and Sachadeva 3. Social Science: The Indian Scene – Yogesh Atal 4. Applied Humanities – rajni Tondon 5. A History of World Civilizations – J.E. Swain 6. Industrial Psychology – Haire Mason 7. Introduction to Constitution of India – Durga Das Basu 8. Industrial Sociology in India – N. R. Seth 9. Human Resource Development and Management – Dr. A. M. Sheikh 10. The Economics of Sustainable Development – Surender Kumar

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Applied Mathematics – III (BEAE-301T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

UNIT - I: Laplace Transform 12 Hours Definition, Properties, Laplace Transform of Derivatives and Integrals, Evaluation of integrals by Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform and its Properties, Convolution theorem(Statement only), Laplace Transform of Periodic Functions(Statement only), Unit Step Function and Unit Impulse Function, Applications of Laplace Transform to solve Ordinary Differential Equations, Simultaneous Differential Equations, Integral Equations & Integro-Differential Equations. UNIT – II: Fourier Transform 04 Hours Definition and Properties (excluding FFT), Fourier Integral Theorem, Relation with Laplace Transform, Applications of Fourier Transform to Solve Integral Equation. UNIT- III: Functions Of Complex Variable 12 Hours Analytic function, Cauchy- Riemann conditions, Harmonic Functions, Milne-Thomson Method, , Singularities, Cauchy Integral Theorem & Integral Formula (Statement only), Taylor’s & Laurent’s theorem (Statement only), Residue Theorem (Statement only), Evaluation of Real Definite Integrals by Contour Integration (around unit circle & semi- circle), Conformal mapping, Mapping by Linear and Inverse Transformation. UNIT - IV: Partial Differential Equations. 10 Hours Partial Differential Equations of First Order First Degree i.e. Lagrange’s Form, Linear Homogeneous Partial Differential Equations of Higher Order with Constant Coefficients. Method of Separation of Variables, Applications to One- dimensional Heat Flow Equations. Two- dimensional Heat Flow Equations (only steady state). Applications of Laplace Transform to Solve Partial Differential Equations. UNIT –V: Matrices: 12 Hours Linear and Orthogonal Transformations, Linear Dependence of Vectors, Characteristics Equation, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, Statement and Verification of Cayley- Hamilton Theorem [without proof], Reduction to Diagonal Form, Reduction of Quadratic Form to Canonical Form by Orthogonal Transformation, Sylvester’s Theorem [without proof], Solution of Second Order Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients by Matrix method. Largest Eigen Value and Eigen Vector by Iteration Method.

UNIT – VI: Numerical Methods: Error Analysis, Solution of Algebraic and

10 Hours Transcendental Equation by False Position

Method, Newton –Raphson Method, Newton- Raphson Method for Multiple Roots, Solution of System of Simultaneous Linear Equations: Gauss Elimination Method, Gauss- Seidel Method, Crout’s Method, Solution of Ordinary Differential equations by Taylor's Series method, Runge- Kutta 4th Order Method, Euler’s Modified Method. Milne , s Predictor- Corrector Method. Total No of Periods- 60 hours Text Books 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal, 40th Edition, Khanna Publication 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreysizig, 8th Edition, Wiley India 3. Applied Mathematics for Engineers & Physicist by L.R. Pipes and Harville, Reference Books 1. A Text Book of applied Mathematics, Volume I & II , by P.N. Wartikar & J.N. Wartikar, Poona Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan 2. Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis, by S.S. Sastry, PHI 3. Mathematics for Engineers by Chandrika Prasad 4. A text book of Engineering Mathematics by N. P. Bali & M. Goyal, Laxmi Publication

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aero- Thermodynamics (BEAE-302T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit – I: Introduction to Thermodynamics 7 hours Basic concepts of Thermodynamics, Closed & Open Systems, Forms of energy, Properties of system, State & Equilibrium, Processes & Cycles, Temperature & Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics. Introduction to First Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Conservation of Energy), Heat & Work, Mechanical forms of work, Non-Mechanical forms work (Electrical, Magnetic etc.) The Ideal Gas equation of state, Difference between Gas & Vapor, Compressibility factor, Internal energy & specific heats of gases, Universal Gas Constant. Unit - II: First Law of Thermodynamics 8 hours Closed Systems (Control mass system), Work done, Change in internal energy, Heat transferred during various thermodynamic processes, P-V diagrams. Open systems (Control volume systems), Thermodynamic analysis of control volumes, Conservation of energy principle, Flow work & enthalpy. Unit – III: Second Law of Thermodynamics 10 hours Introduction ( Law of degradation of energy ), Thermal energy reservoirs, Kelvin-Plank & Clausius statements, Heat engines, Refrigerator & Heat pump, Perpetual motion machines, Reversible & Irreversible processes, Carnot cycle, Thermodynamic temperature scale. Entropy: - The Clausius inequality, Entropy, Principle of increase of entropy, Change in entropy for Closed & Steady flow open systems. Second law analysis of engineering systems: - Availability, Reversible work, Irreversibility, Temperature-entropy diagram. Unit – IV: Properties of Steam 7 hours Critical state, Sensible heat, Latent heat, Super heat, Wet steam, Dryness fraction, Internal energy of steam, External work done during evaporation, T-S diagram, Mollier chart, Work & Heat transfer during various thermodynamics processes with steam as working fluid. Determination of dryness fraction using various calorimeters. Unit – V: Air Standard Cycles 7 hours Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Stirling & Ericsson cycle, Brayton cycle, Vapour cycles :- Simple & Modified Rankine cycle with reheat & regeneration. Unit - VI: Application 6 hours Applications to i) Nozzles & Diffusers ii) Turbine & Compressors iii) Throttle Valves. (Simple systems like charging & discharging of tanks) Total No of Periods- 45 hours Text Book:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Thermodynamics An engineering approach by Yunus Cengal, M.A.Boles Thermodynamics by C. P. Arora, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publication Fundamentals of classical by Gorden J. V. Wylen, Sonntag Engineering Thermodynamics by P. K. Nag, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publication Fundamentals of engineering Thermodynamics by R. K. Rajput

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aero- Thermodynamics (BEAE-302P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Aero- Thermodynamics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Study of steam turbines. Study of internal combustion engines. Study of various types of compressors. Performance and evaluation of Rotary air Compressor. Performance and evaluation of Reciprocating air Compressor. Visit to thermal power plant .(Case study to be prepared by students)

T (I): 25 Marks

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Machinery (BEAE-303T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit – I: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 7 hours Properties of fluids, Newton`s law of viscosity and its applications, Pascal`s law, Basic equation of fluid statics, Fluid pressure & its measurement (Manometers & Bourdon`s pressure gauge), Pressure variations in compressible & incompressible fluids. Unit – II: Kinematics of Fluid Flow 8 hours Types of flow, Stream line, Path line, Streak line, Stream tube, Continuity equation, One & Two dimensional flow, Velocity & Acceleration at a point, Potential lines, Flow net, Stream function, Velocity potential, Circulation, Vortex motion. Dynamics of Fluid Flow: One dimensional method for flow analysis, Euler`s equation of motion, Derivation of Bernoulli`s equation for incompressible flow & its applications. Unit – III: Viscous Flow 7 hours Introduction to laminar and turbulent flow, Reynolds number and its significance, Mach number and its significance, Boundary layer concept, Wall shear and boundary layer thickness, Displacement thickness and Momentum thickness, Separation, Drag and Lift on immersed bodies. Flow of viscous fluids through parallel plates, Pipes, Kinetic energy correction factor. Unit – VI: Principles & Classification of Hydraulic Machines 8 hours Impulse Turbines :- Principle, Constructional features, Installation of Pelton turbine, Velocity diagram & analysis, Working proportions, Design parameters, Performance characteristics, Governing & selection criteria. Unit - V: Reaction or Pressure turbine 7 hours Principles of operation, Degree of reaction, Comparison over pelton turbine, Development of reaction turbines, Classification, Draft tubes, Cavitation in turbines. Francis turbine, Propeller turbine, Kaplan turbine: Types, Constructional features, Installations, Velocity diagram & analysis. Working proportions, Design parameters, Performance characteristics, Governing, Selection of hydraulic turbines Unit - VI : Hydraulic Pumps 8 hours Classification & Applications Introduction to Centrifugal, axial & mixed flow Pumps, Self priming pumps. Introduction to Reciprocating Piston / Plunger Pumps. Rotary Displacement Pumps: - Introduction to gear pumps, Sliding vane pumps, Screw pumps. Total No of periods: 45

Text Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power Engineering by D.S.Kumar Fluid Mechanics for Engineers by P.N. Chartterjee Fluid Mechanics by J.F.Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek Fluid Mechanics & hydraulic Machines by R.K.Bansal Mechanics of Fluids by B.S.Massey Fluid Mechanics by A.K.Jain Fluid Mechanics with engineering applications by Daugherty & Franizini

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Machinery (BEAE-303P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics and Machinery: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

To verify Bernoulli’s Theorem To determine the critical velocity of flow by Reynolds’s apparatus. Performance characteristics of Pelton Turbine Performance characteristics of Francis Turbine Performance characteristics of Kaplan Turbine To study the Centrifugal Pump To study the Axial Flow Pump To study the Reciprocating Pump

T (I): 25 Marks

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Computer Programming (BEAE-304T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit - I: Introduction 8 hours Introduction to programming, programming languages, algorithms, flowcharts. C: Data types, Identifiers, Storage class, Constant, Operators, expression, Statements, console I/O statements, Selection statements: if-else, switch, Iteration Statements: for, while, do-while, Jump statements: return, go to, break, continue, comments. Unit - II: Functions 8 hours Function, Call by value, Call by reference, calling functions with arrays, arguments to main (), return statements, recursion, function prototypes, inline keyword, preprocessor directives. Pointers: pointer variables, pointer operator, pointer expression, array of pointers, multiple indirection, pointers to functions, dynamic allocation functions. Unit - III: Arrays 7 hours Arrays: single dimensional arrays, two dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays, variable length arrays. Strings, array of strings. Unit - IV: Structures 8 hours Structures: array of structures, passing structure to function, structure pointers, structure within structures. Unions, bit-fields, enumerations, sizeof, type def. Unit - V: File I/O 7 hours File I/O: Streams and files, file system basics, fread, fwrite, fseek, random access I/O, fprintf(), fscanf(), standard streams. Unit – VI: Advanced Concept in C 7 hours Advanced Concepts in C: Different types of pointers, ROM-BIOS functions, Elementary TSRs Total No of Periods- 45 hours Text Books: 1. The Complete Reference C ( 4th Edition) : Herbert Schildt [ TMH] 2. C How to Program, 4th Edition by H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel, Pearson Education. 3. Writing TSRs through C : Yashwant Kanetkar ( BPB) Reference Books: 1. The C Programming Language : Dennis Ritchie & Brain Kernighan [Pearson] 2. Programming with C : K.R.Venugopal & S.R.Prasad [TMH] 3. Let Us C : Yashwant Kanetkar [BPB]

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Computer Programming (BEAE-304P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Fluid Computer Programming: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Write a programme to perform swapping of two variables without using third variable. Write a programme to calculate the sum of all digit of a five digit number. Write a programme to check whether the year is a leap year or not. Write a programme to print Armstrong number from 1to 500. A menu programme for finding the factorial of a number, prime number & odd number or even number. 6. Write a programme to check whether the entered string of number is paleindrome or not. 7. Write a programme to find the biggest number of three numbers. 8. Write a programme to calculate or demonstrate call by value & call by reference

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Third Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Elements of Aeronautics (BEAE-305T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit - I: Introduction 5 hours To introduce the basic concepts of aerospace engineering early airplanes, biplanes and monoplanes Unit - II: Development 5 hours Developments in aerodynamics, materials, structures and propulsion over the years Unit -III: Aircraft Configurations 8 hours Components of an airplane and their functions, Different types of flight vehicles, classifications. Conventional control, Powered control, Basic instruments for flying, Typical systems for control actuation. Unit -IV: Introduction to Principles of Flight 9 hours Physical properties and structure of the atmosphere, Temperature, pressure and altitude relationships, Evolution of lift, drag and moment. Aerofoil’s, Mach number, Maneuvers. Unit - V: Introduction to Airplane Structures and Materials 9 hours General types of construction, Monocoque, semi-monocoque construction, Typical wing and fuselage structure. Metallic and non-metallic materials, Use of aluminium alloy, titanium, stainless steel and composite materials. Unit -VI: Power Plants Used In Airplanes 9 hours Basic ideas about piston, turboprop and jet engines, Use of propeller and jets for thrust production. Comparative merits, Principles of operation of rocket, types of rockets and typical applications, Exploration into space. Total No of periods: 45 Text Books: 1. Anderson, J.D., “Introduction to Flight”, McGraw-Hill, 1995. Reference Book: 1. Kermode, A.C., “Flight without Formulae”, McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fourth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Mechanics of Machine (BEAE-401T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit - I 8 hours Basic concept of mechanism , link , kinematic pairs , kinematic chain , mechanism , machine , simple & compound chain , Degree of freedom , estimation of degree of freedom of mechanism by Grubbler`s criterion and other methods. Harding`s notation , classification of four bar chain ( class -I & class - II ), inversion of four- bar- chain , Kutchbach theory of multiple drives , energy paths. Various types of mechanism such as Geneva wheel , Pawal and ratchet mechanism , Exact straight line mechanism , Approx. straight line mechanism , steering mechanism, Transport mechanism. Unit - II 7 hours Quantitative kinematic analysis of mechanism :- Displacement , Velocity , and Acceleration analysis of planner mechanism by graphical method as well as analytical method ( complex number method / matrix method ) , Coriolis component of acceleration , Instantaneous center method , Kennedy`s theorem. Unit - III 7 hours Concepts of cam mechanism , comparison of cam mechanism with linkages. Types of cams and followers and applications. Synthesis of cam for different types of follower motion like constant velocity , parabolic , SHM , cycloidal etc. Cam dynamics and jump-off phenomenon. Unit – IV 8 hours Static & Dynamic force analysis :- Free body diagram, condition of equilibrium. Analysis of all links of given linkages, cam, gear mechanism and their combinations without friction. Dynamic force analysis of planar linkages such as four bar chain & reciprocating mechanism by graphical method, virtual work method & analytical (complex number ) method. Unit - V 8 hours Rigid body motion in space. Euler`s equation of motion, Gyroscope, angular velocity, angular acceleration, simple precession & gyroscopic couple. Gyroscopic effect on airplane. Ship, vehicles. Speed governors, centrifugal & inertia type, Watt, Portal, Proell, Hartnell governors, Operating characteristics of governors. Unit – VI 7 hours Static & Dynamic balancing in rotating machines. Balancing machines & field balancing by vector diagram. Balancing in reciprocating mechanism. Effect of partial balancing in locomotives, secondary balancing. Balancing of inline engine, V – engine, and radial engine. Total No of periods: 45

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Theory of mechanisms & machines by Shigley J. E. 2. Theory of mechanisms & machines by Ghosh & Mallik 3. Mechanism & Machine Theory by J. S. Rao & Dukki Patti 4. Theory of Machine by Ratan REFERENCE BOOKS:1. Theory of Machines by Thoman Beven CBS publication 2. Theory of Machines by Sandor & Erdman. 3. Mechanical Vibrations by Grover

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fourth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Manufacturing Process- I (BEAE-402T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit- I 8 hours Casting Process: - Introduction. Pattern making: - Types, materials used, Type of Pattern, allowances, colour codes. Core making: - Types of core, Core materials & its properties. Moulding: - Types of sand moulds, moulding sand composition, moulding sand properties, moulding machines Unit- II 9 hours Gating design: - Type of gating systems, pouring time, riser design ( Analytical treatment) Melting furnaces: - Types, Electric furnace, Induction furnace, Cupola - construction & operation. Cleaning, inspection & casting defects. Special casting processes such as investment casting, centrifugal casting, shell moulding, Slush casting, Die casting Unit - III 7 hours Mechanics of forming processes: - Rolling - rolling pressure & roll separation force, driving force & torque, power loss in bearing. Forging - forging forces & stresses, equipment ( Hammer / Press ) capacity required. Extrusion & Wire Drawing Unit- IV 8 hours Joining Processes:- Introduction to Welding, Soldering, Brazing Processes. Types of Welding, Arc Welding & Gas Welding Processes, Joints, Electrodes, Weldability of Metals, Defects & Inspection of Welding, Welding equipments of Fixtures. Soldering, Brazing Processes Unit - V 6 hours Powder Metallurgy:- Powder manufacturing & conditioning, Fabrication methods, Production of Sintered Structural Components. Self lubricating bearing, Cemented Carbides, Ceramics, Sintered Carbide cutting tools Composite Materials: - Classification, Different types of composite materials and its applications Unit- VI 7 hours Processing of Plastics:- Thermoplastic, Thermosetting plastics, General properties & applications of Thermosetting & Thermoplastics. Extrusion, Injection Moulding, Compression Moulding, Transfer Moulding, Blow Moulding, Calendering, Wire Drawing, Embossing. Total No of periods: 45 TEXT BOOKS:

1. Manufacturing Science by Ghosh & Mallik, Affiliate East –West Press – Pvt Ltd. 2. Manufacturing Engineering & technology 4th Edn by S. Kalpakjian & SR Schmid, Addison Wesley Longman Pvt.Ltd. 3. Production Technology 8th Edn by R.K.Jain, Khanna Publication , New Delhi REFERENCE BOOKS:1. Work Shop Technology, Vol. I - III by WAJ Chapman. 2. Manufacturing Processes by M. Begman 3. Processes & Materials of Manufacture by R. Lindberg. 4. Work Shop Technology ( Volume - I & II ) by Bawa 5. Work Shop Technology ( Volume - I & II ) by B. S. Raghuvanshi

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fourth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Materials (BEAE-403T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit – I: Introduction to aerospace materials: 10 hours Classification, composition, properties, heat treatment & application of plain carbon steels, alloy steels. Stainless steels. Classification, composition, properties, heat treatment & application of aluminium and its alloys. Titanium alloys, Special alloys for high temperature. Unit – II: Introduction to composite materials 8 hours Definition – Classification of Composite materials based on structure – based on matrix. Advantages of composites – application of composites – functional requirements of reinforcement and matrix. FIBERS: Preparation, properties and applications of glass fibers, carbon fibers, Kevlar fibers and metal fibers – properties and applications of whiskers, particle reinforcements. Unit – III: Manufacturing Of Advanced Composites 7 hours Polymer matrix composites: Preparation of Moulding compounds and prepregs – hand layup method – Autoclave method – Filament winding method – Compression moulding – Reaction injection moulding. Manufacturing of Metal Matrix Composites: Casting – Solid State diffusion technique, Cladding – Hot isostatic pressing. Unit – IV: Creep 5 hours Factors influencing functional life of components at elevated temperatures, definition of creep curve, various stages of creep, metallurgical factors influencing various stages, effect of stress, temperature and strain rate. Design for Creep Resistance Design of transient creep time, hardening, strain hardening, expressions of rupture life of creep, ductile and brittle materials, Monk man-Grant relationship. Unit – V: Fracture 8 hours Various types of fracture, brittle to ductile from low temperature to high temperature, cleavage fracture, ductile fracture due to micro void coalescence-diffusion controlled void growth; fracture maps for different alloys and oxides, Fatigue of aircraft materials Oxidation and Hot Corrosion Oxidation, Pilling, Bedworth ratio, kinetic laws of oxidation- defect structure and control of oxidation by alloy additions, hot gas corrosion deposit, modified hot gas corrosion, fluxing mechanisms, effect of alloying elements on hot corrosion, interaction of hot corrosion and creep, methods of combat hot corrosion. Unit –VI: Super alloys and Other Materials

6 hours

Iron base, Nickel base and Cobalt base super alloys, composition control, solid solution strengthening, precipitation hardening by gamma prime, grain boundary strengthening, TCP phase, embrittlement, solidification of single crystals, Intermetallics, high temperature ceramics. Total No of periods: 45 TEXT BOOKS AND REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Material Science and Technology – Vol 13 – Composites by Cahn – VCH, West Germany Composite Materials – K.K.Chawla 2. Calcote, L R. “The Analysis of laminated Composite Structures”, Von – Noastrand Reinhold Company, New York 1998. 3. Jones, R.M., “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, McGraw-Hill, Kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo, 1985. 4. Agarwal, B.D., and Broutman, L.J., “Analysis and Performance of Fibre Composites”, John Wiley and sons. Inc., New York, 1995. 5. Lubin, G., “Handbook on Advanced Plastics and Fibre Glass”, Von Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1989. 6. Raj. R., “Flow and Fracture at Elevated Temperatures”, American Society for Metals, USA, 1985. 7. Hertzberg R. W., “Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering materials”, 4th Edition, John Wiley, USA, 1996. 8. Courtney T.H, “Mechanical Behavior of Materials”, McGraw-Hill, USA, 1990. 9. Boyle J.T, Spencer J, “Stress Analysis for Creep”, Butterworths, UK, 1983. 10. Bressers. J., “Creep and Fatigue in High Temperature Alloys”, Applied Science, 1981. 11. McLean D., “Directionally Solidified Materials for High Temperature Service”, The Metals Society, USA, 1985.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fourth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Structure- I (BEAE-404T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit – I: Concept of simple stresses & strains 8 hours Concept of simple stresses & strains :- Introduction, stress, strain, types of stresses, stresses & strains with uni-axial loading, stress-strain diagram for brittle & ductile material, elastic limit, Hooks law, Poisson`s ratio, bulk modulus, relation between Young`s modulus & Shear modulus. Torsion of circular shafts :- Derivation of torsion equation with the assumptions made in it. Torsion, shear stress induced in the shaft, when it is subjected to torque. Strength & rigidity criterion for design of shaft. Torque transmitted by solid & hollow circular shaft. Thin cylinders and spherical shells subjected to internal pressure Unit – II: Shear force & bending moment 11 hour Shear force & bending moment: - Types of beams ( cantilever beam, simply supported beam, overhung beam etc. ) Types of loads ( Concentrated & UDL ), Shear force & bending moment diagrams for different types of beams subjected to different types of loads, Sign. Conventions for bending moment & shear force, shear force & bending moment diagrams for beams subjected to couple, Relation between load, shear force & bending moment. Stresses in beams:- Pure bending, theory of simple bending with assumptions & expressions for bending stress, derivation of bending equation, bending stresses in symmetrical sections, section modulus for various shapes of beam sections. Deflection of beams :- Derivation of differential equation of elastic curve with the assumptions made in it. Deflection & slope of cantilever, simply supported, overhung beams subjected to concentrated load, UDL, Relation between slope, deflection & radius of curvature. Macaulay`s method, area moment method to determining deflection of beams. Shear stresses in beams :- Concept, derivation of shear stress distribution formula, shear stress distribution diagram for common symmetrical sections, maximum & average shear stress. Unit – III: Strain energy & impact loading 8 hour Strain energy & impact loading :- Definition of strain energy stored in a body when it is subjected to gradually applied load, suddenly applied loads & impact loads. Strain energy under uniaxial tension and compression, bending and torsion. Castingliano`s theorem. Statically indeterminate beams and frames, Clapeyron's three moment equation method, Moment distribution method. Unit- IV: Columns 6 hour Buckling of columns with various end conditions, column curves, Columns with initial curvature, with eccentric loading, South well plot, short column formulae like Rankine's Johnsons, etc. Energy method. Beam Column.

Unit- V: Principal stresses & strains 6 hour Principal stresses & strains :- Definition of principal planes & principal stresses, analytical method of determining stresses on oblique section when member is subjected to direct stresses in one plane in mutually perpendicular two planes, when member is subjected to shear stress &direct stresses in two mutually perpendicular planes, Mohr`s circle for representation of stresses. Derivation of maximum & minimum principle stresses & maximum shear stresses when the member is subjected to different types of stresses simultaneously (i.e. combined stress) Unit- VI 6 hour Derivation of maximum, minimum principle stresses & maximum shear stress induced in shaft when it is subjected to bending moment, torque & axial load. Theories of failure, modes of failure, compound stresses, eccentric axial loading, variable stresses in machine parts, stress concentration & stress raisers, notch sensitivity, stress concentration factor, methods for reducing stress concentration factor, Factor of safety Total No of periods: 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Strength of Material by S. Ramamurtham 2. Strength of Material by R. K. Rajput 3. Strength of Material by F. L. Singer 4. Mechanics of Material by Beer & Johnson 5. Timoshenko, S., "Strength of Materials", Vols, I and II, Princeton D.Von Nostrand Co., 1988. 6. Donaldson, B.K., "Analysis of Aircraft Structures - An Introduction", McGraw Hill, 1993. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Strength of materials by Timoshenks 2. Machine Design by Black & Adam 3. Machine Design by J. E. Shigley

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fourth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Structure- I (BEAE-404P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Aircraft Structure- I (Minimum any Ten Experiments) 1. Study of strain measuring instruments mechanical, electrical types. 2. Tension test on metals. 3. Hardness test on metals. 4. Torsion test on metals. 5. Impact test metals. 6. Transverse test on beams including deflections. 7. Notch Bar Test for toughness of metals. 8. Measurement of static strains using electrical resistance gauges. 9. Verification of S.T. in beams. 10. Deflection of springs. 11. Aircraft structure material: Absorption Test, Dimension Test, Crushing strength

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fourth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aerodynamics- I (BEAE-405T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit-I: Introduction 6 Hours To understand the behaviour of airflow over bodies with particular emphasis on airfoil sections in the incompressible flow regime. CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETERS FOR AIRFOIL AND WING AERODYNAMICS Characterizations of Aerodynamic Forces and Moments, Airfoil Geometry Parameters, Wing Geometry Parameters, Aerodynamic Force and Moment Coefficients, Wings of Finite Spans Unit-II: Two Dimensional Flows 8 Hours Basic flows – Source, Sink, Free and Forced vortex, uniform parallel flow. Their combinations, Pressure and velocity distributions on bodies with and without circulation in ideal and real fluid flows. Kutta Joukowski’s theorem. Unit-III: Incompressible Flows Around Airfoils 11 Hours General Comments, Circulation and the Generation of Lift, General Thin- Airfoil Theory, Thin, FlatPlate Airfoil (Symmetric Airfoil),Thin, Cambered Airfoil, High-Lift Airfoil Sections, Multielement Airfoil Sections for Generating High Lift, High-Lift Military Airfoils. Unit-IV: Dynamics of A Compressible Flow Field 6 Hours Thermodynamic Concepts, Adiabatic Flow in a Variable Area Stream tube, Isentropic Flow in a Variable area stream tube, Characteristic equations and Prandtl- Meyer Flow, Shock Waves. Unit-V: Compressible Flow 6 Hours Stagnation properties, speed of sound wave. Mach number, one dimensional isentropic flow, Stagnation properties, isentropic flow through convergent - divergent nozzles. Normal shock. Unit VI: Introduction To Boundary Layer Theory 6 Hours Concepts of laminar and turbulent boundary layer. Momentum integral equation. Approximate methods for solution of boundary later for simple cases. Total No of periods: 45

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fourth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aerodynamics- I (BEAE-405P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Aerodynamics- I Based on above syllabus minimum eight practical’s to be performed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

To draw the graph for different velocities verses manometer deflection. Analysis of forces (Lift & Drag) over cambered aerofoil symmetrical. Analysis of forces (Lift & Drag) over cambered aerofoil unsymmetrical. Analysis of forces (Lift & Drag) over flat plate. To draw graph of pressure distribution on a symmetrical aerofoil. To draw graph of pressure distribution on a unsymmetrical aerofoil. To draw graph of pressure distribution on flat plate. To draw graph of pressure distribution on a circular cylinder. To visualize the flow patterns over the surface of different model. To study the side force in yawing motion of an aircraft. To study the boundary layer concept over the various models.

TEXT BOOKS 1. Anderson, J.D., “Fundamentals of Aerodynamics”, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1985. REFERENCES 1. Houghton, E.L., and Carruthers, N.B., “Aerodynamics for Engineering students”, Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd., London, 1989. 2. Milne Thomson, L.H., “Theoretical aerodynamics”, Macmillan, 1985. 3. Clancey, L.J., “Aerodynamics”, Pitman, 1986

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fourth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft layout and Component drawing (BEAE-406P) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Aircraft Layout and Component Drawing: Study of layout and component parts of different types of aircraft through drawings Suggested 1. Considerations to be taken while lay outing the cockpit of aircraft. 2. Layout of cockpit of civil aircraft. 3. Layout of cockpit of military aircraft. 4. Considerations to be taken while lay outing the fuselage of aircraft 5. Layout of fuselage of jet transport aircraft. 6. Layout of fuselage of jet commercial aircraft. 7. Layout of fuselage of jet fighter aircraft. 8. Considerations to be taken while designing an aircraft. 9. Three Views drawing of commercial aircraft. 10. Three Views drawing of fighter aircraft. 11. Three Views drawing of jet transport aircraft. 12. Physical models of gliders using balsa. REFERENCES 1. Janes all the World’s Aircraft 2. Drawings available from Aircraft Manufacturers

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fourth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Environmental Studies (BEAE-407T) (Total Credits: 0) Teaching Scheme Practical: 3 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Audit Subject College Assessment :( Grades: O, A, B, C)

Course Objectives and Expected Outcomes: This course provides an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environment and solutions to environmental problems. This course will spread awareness among the student s about environmental issues and shall alert them to find solutions for sustainable development. UNIT – I 4 Hours Introduction: Definition, scope and importance; Need for public awareness -Institutions in environment, people in environment. Natural Resources: Renewable and non-renewable and associated problems; Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources; equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. UNIT – II 6 Hours Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem - understanding ecosystems, ecosystem degradation, resource utilization, Structure and functions of an ecosystem- producers, consumers) and decomposers. Energy flow in the ecosystem - water, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen; and energy cycles, integration of cycles in nature. Ecological succession; Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids; Ecosystem types characteristic features, structure:, and functions of forest, grassland, desert and aquatic ecosystems . UNIT – III 8 Hours Biodiversity : Introduction – Biodiversity at genetic, species and ecosystem levels Bio-geographic classification of India Value of biodiversity - Consumptive use value, productive use .value, social, ethical, moral, aesthetic and optional value of biodiversity. India as a mega-diversity nation; hotspots of biodiversity Threats to bio-diversity - habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wild life conflicts. Common endangered and endemic plant and animal species of India. Insitu and Exsitu conservation of biodiversity UNIT – IV 8 Hours Pollution : Definition; Causes, effects and control measures of air, water, soil, marine, noise and thermal pollutions and nuclear hazards. Solid waste management - Causes, effects and contro l measures of urban and industrial waste. Role of individual and institutions in prevention of pollution. Disaster management Floods, Earth quacks, Cyclone and land slides. UNIT – V Social Issues and the Environment:

8 Hours

Unsustainable to sustainable development; Urban problems, related to energy; Water conservation, rainwater harvesting, watershed management; Problems and concerns of resettlement and rehabilitation of affected people. Environmental ethics - issues and possible solutions – Resource consumption patterns and need for equitable utilization; Equity disparity in Western and Eastern countries; Urban and rural equity issues; need for gender-equity. Preserving Resources for future generations. The rights of animals; Ethical basis of environment education and awareness; Conservation ethics and traditional value systems of India. Climate change, global warming, acid-, rain, Ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocausts. Wasteland Reclamation; Consumerism and Waste products. Environment legislations - The Environment (protection) Act; The water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act; The. Wildlife Protection Act; Forest Conservation Act; Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislations - environment impact assessment (EIA), Citizens action sand action groups. Public awareness — Using an environmental calendar of activities, self initiation. UNIT – VI 6 Hours Human Population and the Environment: Global population growth, variation among nations, population explosion; Family Welfare Programmers.- methods of. sterilization; Urbanization. Environment and human health - Climate and health, Infectious diseases, water-related diseases, risk due to chemicals in food, Cancer and environment. Human rights — Equity, Nutrition and health rights, intellectual property rights (1PRS), Community Biodiversity registers (CBRs) Value education environmental values, valuing nature, valuing cultures, social justice, human heritage, equitable use of resources, common property resources, ecological degradation. HIY/A1DS; Women and Child Welfare; Information technology in environment and human health. Total No of periods: 40 GUIDELINES FOR EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES SUBJECT (As per Ordinance No. 2 of 2012): At the end of the course, the student shall be evaluated for 100 marks with distribution as below: Field note book - 25 Marks Objective Questions - 50 Marks (50 questions, each of one mark) Essay type question - 25 Marks . Passing marks - 40 Marks OR In view of the above entire course the students in terms of batches of 20 students each may be assigned a project work encompassing People‘s Bio-diversity Register (PBR) of any Gram Panchayat as per the format of Bio-diversity Authority of India under the guidance of a teacher. The PBR should be evaluated for 100 marks.

The result shall be declared in grades as follows: Grade O: above 75 Marks;

Grade A: 61–75 Marks; Grade B: 51-60 Marks; Grade C: 40-50 Marks TEXT BOOKS: A Text Book of Environmental Studies for Undergradu ate Courses, Erach Bharucha, University Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fifth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Heat Transfer (BEAE-501T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit – I 7 Hours Introduction: Basic modes of heat transfer, conduction, convection and radiation, Laws of heat transfer and conservation of energy requirement. Heat Conduction – One dimensional steady state heat conduction: Composite Medium – Critical thickness – Effect of variation of thermal Conductivity – Extended Surfaces – Unsteady state. Lumped System Analysis – Heat Transfer in Semi infinite and infinite solids – Use of Transient – Temperature charts– Biot Number, Unit – II 7 Hours Free Convection: Free or natural convection, Grashof number, Rayleigh number, Horizontal and vertical plate. Empirical co-relations for cylinders and spheres. Heat transfer with phase change, pool boiling curve & regimes of pool boiling. Film & Drop wise condensation, laminar film condensation on vertical surface, film condensation on horizontal tubes, effect of super heated & non-condensable gasses on condensation heat transfer, Introduction to heat pipe. Unit – III 7 Hours Forced convection: Physical significance of non-dimensional parameters. Flow of high moderate & low prandtl number, fluid over flat surface. Concept of velocity & thermal boundary layer thickness, local and average heat transfer coefficients. Empirical co-relations for external, internal flow, laminar & turbulent flow through conduits. Unit – IV 8 Hours Radiative Heat Transfer Radiation, nature of thermal radiation, black body radiation, radiation intensity, laws of radiation– Kirchoffs, Planks, Weins displacement, Stefan Boltzmann & Lamberts Co-sine law. Emissivity, Absorbtivity, Transmissivity, Reflectivity, Radiosity, Emissive power, irradiation. Radiation network, radiation exchange between surfaces, idea of shape factor & reciprocity theorem, radiation between parallel plates, cylinder & spheres. Radiation shields, effect of radiation on temperature measurement. Unit – V 8 Hours HEAT EXCHANGERS Heat Exchanger :- Classification, Overall heat transfer coefficient, fouling factor, LMTD method of heat exchange analysis for parallel, counter flow & cross flow arrangement. Effectiveness NTU method, heat exchanger analysis by NTU method, design aspects of heat exchangers. Introduction to compact heat exchanger. Introduction to mass transfer.

Unit – VI 8 Hours HEAT TRANSFER PROBLEMS IN AEROSPACE ENGINEERING High-Speed flow Heat Transfer, Heat Transfer problems in gas turbine combustion chambers – Rocket thrust chambers – Aerodynamic heating – Ablative heat transfer. Total No of periods: 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Introduction to heat Transfer Incropera. F.P.and Dewitt.D.P. ,John Wiley and Sons – 2002. 2. Elements of Heat Transfer M. N. Ozisik 3. Heat Transfer -A practical approach Yunus A. Cengel , “Tata Mcgraw Hill publication Second Edition 4. Heat Transfer J. P. Holman McGraw Hill Publication

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fifth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Flight Mechanics (BEAE-502T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week Unit- I Introduction and background Dimensional analysis, Buckingham Pi International Standard Atmosphere

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours theorem-applications-similarity laws

6 hours and models

Unit-II: FORCES AND MOMENTS ON THE AIRPLANE 10 hours Forces and moments acting on a flight vehicle - Equation of motion of a rigid flight vehicle Different types of drag - Drag polars of vehicles from low speed to high speeds - Variation of thrust, power and SFC with velocity and altitudes for air breathing engines and rockets - Power available and power required curves. AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE 8 Hours Unit-III Performance of airplane in level flight - Maximum speed in level flight - Conditions for minimum drag and power required - Range and endurance, - Climbing flight (Maximum rate of climb and steepest angle of climb,) Service and absolute ceiling Unit –IV 7 Hours Gliding flight (minimum rate of sink and shallowest angle of glide) Turning performance (Turning rate turn radius). Bank angle and load factor, take off and landing performance - Limitations of pull up and push over STATIC LONGITUDINAL STABILITY Unit-V 7 Hours Degree of freedom of rigid bodies in space - Static and dynamic stability - Purpose of controls in airplanes -Inherently stable and marginal stable airplanes – Static, Longitudinal stability - Stick fixed stability - Basic equilibrium equation - Stability criterion Unit-VI 7 Hours Effects of fuselage and nacelle - Influence of CG location - Power effects - Stick fixed neutral point Stick free stability-Hinge moment coefficient - Stick free neutral points-Symmetric maneuvers Stick force gradients - Stick _ force per 'g' - Aerodynamic balancing. Determination of neutral points and maneuver points from flight test. Total No of periods: 45


Perkins, C.D., and Hage, R.E., “Airplane Performance stability and Control”, John Wiley & Son:, Inc, New York, 1988.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4.

Etkin, B., “Dynamics of Flight Stability and Control”, Edn. 2, John Wiley, New York, 1982 Babister, A.W., “Aircraft Dynamic Stability and Re¬sponse”, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980. Dommasch, D.O., Shelby, S.S., and Connolly, T.F., “Aeroplane Aero dynamics”, Third Edition, Issac Pitman, London, 1981. Nelson, R.C. “Flight Stability and Automatic Control”, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1998.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fifth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aerodynamics- II (BEAE-503T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week


Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours 7 Hours

Description of flow past a wing - Streamline pattern, formation of tip vortices - Down wash Induced angle of attack and induced drag - Momentum theory of wing for lift and induced drag Schrenk's method of estimation of wing characteristics from airfoil data. UNIT – II 8 Hours Representation of lifting effect of wing by vortex lines - Lifting line theory - Formulation of governing integro - Differential equation - Method of solution by Fourier series - Effect of Individual terms of the series (first 3 terms) - Effect of taper twist and sweep back - Influence of flaps on wing lift distribution. UNIT – III 8 Hours Extended lifting theory - Low aspect ratio wings - Jones theory - Winglets and strakes - Flow past slender bodies of revolution - Lift, drag and moment characteristics of complete airplane. Unit – IV 8 Hours Shock expansion method for flow over airfoils - small perturbation equation for compressible flow Glauret and Geothert's rules - Ackert's supersonic airfoil theory - Three dimensional thin wings in supersonic flows - Perturbation potential - Non-lifting wings - Lifting wings of simple plan form Conical flows - Numercial integration procedures - Drag at supersonic speeds - Supersonic area rule. Unit – V 7 Hours Principles of model testing - Types of subsonic wind tunnels - Balances and measurements Interference effects - transonic, Supersonic and hypersonic wind tunnels and characteristic features, their operation and performance - Shock tubes and shock tunnels Unit-VI 7 Hours Free flight testing - Measurements of pressure, velocity and Mach number - Flow visualisation methods of subsonic and supersonic flows. Total No of periods: 45

TEXT BOOKS: 1. CLANCY J., " Aerodynamics ", Pitman, 1986. 2. HOUGHTON and CARUTHER, " Aerodynamics for engineering students ", Edward Arnold Publishers, London, 1989. 3. ANDERSON J.D., " Fundamental of Aerodynamics ", McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1985. 4. ALLEN POPE, " Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing ", Vol. I - John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1966. 5. ALLEN POPE, " High Speed Wind Tunnel Testing ", Vol. II - John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1966. 6. McCORNICK. W., " Aerodynamics, Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics ", John Wiley, New York, 1979.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fifth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Structure- II (BEAE-504T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit – I: Unsymmetrical Bending Review of bending of symmetrical sections, Stresses in beams of unsymmetric sections

8 Hours

Unit – II: Shear Flow in Open Sections Thin walled beams, Concept of shear flow, shear centre, Elastic axis.

8 Hours

Shear Flow in Closed Sections Unit – III: 7 Hours Membrane Analogy , Bredt - Batho formula, Single and multi-cell structures. Shear flow in single and multicell structures under torsion. 7 4 Shear flow in single and multicell under bending with walls effective and ineffective.7 Unit – IV Buckling of Plates 7 Hours Rectangular sheets under compression, Local buckling stress of thin walled sections, Crippling stresses by Needham's and Gerard's methods, Thin walled column strength. Sheet stiffener panels. Effective width, Inter rivet and sheet wrinkling failures. Unit – VI: Stress Analysis of Wing and Fuselage 8 Hours Procedure - Shear and bending moment distribution for semi cantilever and other types of wings and fuselage, thin webbed beam. With parallel and non parallel flanges, Shear resistant web beams, Tension field web beams (Wagner's). Total No of periods: 45 REFERENCES: 1. Megson, New edition T.M.G., "Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students", Edward Arnold, 1985. 2. Bruhn. E.H, "Analysis and Design of Flight vehicles Structures", Tri-state off set company, USA, 1965. 3. Peery, D.J., and Azar, J.J, "Aircraft Structures ", 2nd edition, Mcgraw-Hill, N.Y., 1993. 4. Rivello, R.M., "Theory and Analysis of Flight Structures ", McGraw Hill, 1993.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fifth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Structure- II (BEAE-504P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Aircraft Structures-II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Determination of Unsymmetrical bending using different section using bend test set up. Determination of Shear centre location for open sections Determination of Shear centre location for closed sections Experiment on Constant strength beam Finding out flexibility matrix for cantilever beam Testing of Beam with combined loading Determination of resonance frequency of Beams using free vibrations Determination of resonance frequency of Beams using forced vibrations Column testing and Southwell plot Verification of Maxwell’s Reciprocal theorem & principle of superposition

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fifth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Propulsion- I (BEAE-505T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit-I: Fundamentals of Gas Turbine Engines 8 Hours Illustration of working of gas turbine engine - The thrust equation - Factors affecting thrust - Effect of pressure, velocity and temperature changes of air entering compressor - Methods of thrust augmentation - Characteristics of turboprop, turbofan and turbojet - Performance characteristics. Unit-II: Subsonic and Supersonic Inlets for Jet Engines 7 Hours Internal flow and Stall in Subsonic inlets - Boundary layer separation - Major features of external flow near a subsonic inlet - Relation between minimum area ratio and eternal deceleration ratio. Inlet Diffuser performance - Supersonic inlets - Starting problem in supersonic inlets - Shock swallowing by area variation – External deceleration - Modes of inlet operation. Unit-III: Combustion Chambers 8 Hours Classification of combustion chambers - Important factors affecting combustion chamber design – Combustion process - Combustion chamber performance - effect of operating variables on performance - Flame tube cooling - Flame stabilization - Use of flame holders - Numerical problems. Unit-IV: Nozzles 7 Hours Theory of flow in isentropic nozzles - Convergent nozzles and nozzle choking - Nozzle throat conditions - Nozzle efficiency - Losses in nozzles - Over expanded and under-expanded nozzles Ejector and variable area nozzles - Interaction of nozzle flow with adjacent surfaces - Thrust reversal. Unit-V: Compressors & Turbines 7 Hours Description Classification, type, performance parameters – efficiency, component characteristics. Unit – VI: Matching of Gas Turbine Components: Inlet, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, and nozzle. Numerical problems.

7 Hours

Total No of periods: 45


1. Hill, P.G & Peterson, GR. “Mechanics of Thermodynamics of Propulsion” Addison – Wesley Longman JNC, 1999. 2. Cohen, H.Rogers, G.F.C. and Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H. " Gas Turbine Theory ", Longman, 1989. 3. Mathur, M.L., and Sharma, R.P.,"Gas Turbine", "Jet and Rocket Propulsion", Standard Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1988. 4. Oates, G.C. " Aerothermodynamics of Aircraft Engine Components ", AIAA Education Series, New York, 1985.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fifth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Non Destructive Inspection (BEAE-506P) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

Objective: The training will have a focus on creating awareness of various non destructive techniques such as ultrasonic, radiography, dye penetration etc. for determination of defects / damage in structural component for maintenance. List of Experiments for Non Destructive Inspection: 1. Simple optical inspection 2. Borescope 3. Ultrasonic flaw detection 4. Ultrasonic thickness measurement 5. Dye Penetration testing 6. Eddy current testing 7. Magnetic particle testing 8. Radiography 9. Weld inspection 10. Metallurgical Microscope

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Fifth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering CAD/ CAM (BEAE-507P) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Computer Aided Design (Any Ten Practicals) 1. Introduction to CAD Software’s, tools, Menu Commands and shortcut keys. 2. Program to generate Line, Circle using Bresenham’s principle Algorithm and one Numerical on two dimensional transformations and three dimensional transformations. 3. Program for generation of any one synthetic curve surface (Bezeier or B-spline) 4. Scaling, rotation, translation, editing, dimensioning – Typical CAD command 5. Structure. 6. Wire frame modeling – surface modeling 7. Solid Modeling & Advanced modeling 8. Flow Simulation Over A Symmetrical Airfoil Using CFD 9. Flow Simulation Over A Cambered Airfoil Using CFD 10. Flow Simulation Over A Turbine Blade(static analysis)Using CFD 11. Stress Analysis Of A Turbine Blade (Rotation only and no pressure loads) 12. Stress Analysis Of Any Aircraft Component 13. Analysis of Truss & 2- dimensional problem of finite element method using Ansys or any analysis software. 14. Analysis of Beam and Axisymmetric problem of finite element method using Ansys or any analysis software. 15. Analysis of any one Heat conduction problem of finite element method using Ansys or any analysis software. List of Software’s: CAD: Pro/E, NX-5, Catia, Solid Edge CAE: Anysys. Cosmos, Hypermesh, Nisa Turbo C

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Sixth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Propulsion- II (BEAE-601T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit-I: Ramjet Propulsion 7 Hours Operating principle - Subcritical, critical and supercritical operation - Combustion in ramjet engine – Ramjet performance - Sample ramjet design calculations. Unit-II: Scramjet and Hypersonic Propulsion 7 Hours Introduction to scramjet - Preliminary concepts in supersonic combustion - Integral ram - rocket Numerical problems, Hypersonic propulsion. Unit-III FUNDAMENTALS OF ROCKET PROPULSION 7 Hours Operating principle - Specific impulse of a rocket - internal ballistics - Rocket nozzle classification – Rocket performance considerations - Numerical problems. Unit-IV SOLID PROPELLENTS 8 Hours Solid propellant rockets - Selection criteria of solid propellants - Important hardware components of solid rockets - Propellant grain design considerations. Unit-V LIQUID PROPELLANT 8 Hours Selection of liquid propellants – Thrust control in liquid rockets - Cooling in liquid rockets Limitations of hybrid rockets - Relative advantages of liquid rockets over solid rockets - Numerical problems. Unit-VI ADVANCED PROPULSION TECHNIQUES 8 Hours Electric rocket propulsion - Ion propulsion techniques - Nuclear rocket - Types -Solar sail Preliminary Concepts in nozzle less propulsion. REFERENCES:

Total No of periods: 45

1. Sutton, G.P & Oscar Bilbraz,., "Rocket Propulsion Elements", John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 7th Edition,2004 2. Gorden, C.V., "Aerothermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion ", AIAA Education Series, New York, 1986. 3. Mukunda H. S . “ Understanding Aerospace chemical propulsion “,Interline publications ,2004

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Sixth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Propulsion- II (BEAE-601P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

List of Experiments in Propulsion- II: 1. Subsonic free /wall jet apparatus 2. Subsonic Free/wall jet with open section wind tunnel 3. Supersonic free jet apparatus 4. Propeller performance test apparatus 5. Aircraft engines models/cut section 6. Cascade Test setup 7. free/forced convective heat transfer test setup 8. Study of magneto and ignition system 9. Study of combustion characteristics

T (I): 25 Marks

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Sixth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Manufacturing Process- II (BEAE-602T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit – I 6 Hours Theory of metal cutting : Mechanics of Metal Cutting, Orthogonal and oblique cutting, Stress, Strain & Cutting Forces, Merchant Circle, Unit – II 7 Hours Cutting Force Calculations, Determination of Torque and Power Required for Turning, Drilling and Milling, Influence of tool angle, Cutting Fluids, Cutting speed, Feed and depth of cut on power requirement, Estimation of tool life. Unit – III 8 Hours Study of construction , working , accessories and operations of (1) Lathes (ii) Drilling (iii) Milling Machines (IV) Capstan & Turret Lathe Unit – IV 8 Hours Press Working : Die cutting operation, classification, types of presses, press terminology, introduction to shaping operations, bending, forming & drawing. Jigs and Fixtures : Introduction, principles of jigs and fixtures design. Materials, principles of location, methods of location. Clamping requirements, types of clamps, jig bushes, drilling jigs, milling fixtures, classification of fixtures. Manufacturing process of special interest for Aerospace application Unit – V 8 Hours Joints , Rivets , Non-conventional Machining Processes :- Characteristics, Operation, Applications, Limitations and Selection of Process Parameters of the following Processes. Abrasive Jet Machining, Ultrasonic Machining, Water Jet Machining, EDM, ECM. Unit – VI 8 Hours Advanced Welding Methods :- Introduction to TIG, MIG, Spot Welding, Plasma Arc Welding. Electron Beam Welding, Laser Beam Welding.

TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Production Technology Modern Machining Processes Production Engineering Tool Design

– – –

R.K. Jain,8th Edn, Khanna Pub. Pandey, Shah, Tata McGraw Hill P. C. Sharma. Donaldson, Tata McGraw Hill

REFERENCE BOOKS :1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Work Shop Technology , Vol. I - III Manufacturing Processes Processes & Materials of Manufacture Work Shop Technology ( Volume - I & II ) Work Shop Technology ( Volume - I & II )

- WAJ Chapman. - M. Begman - R. Lindberg. - Bawa - B. S. Raghuvanshi

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Sixth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering System Modeling and Simulation (BEAE-603T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit – I 7 Hours Mathematical Modeling of Physical System and Concept of Transfer Function system Representation through Block Diagram and Signal Flow Graph. Transfer friction through Block Diagram Simplification and Mason’s Gain Formula. .Unit – II 6 Hours System Models: Concept of a system, system environment, stochastic activities continuous & discrete system, system modeling, type of models static physical models, dynamic physical models,static & dynamic mathematical models, principles used in modeling. . Unit – III 7 Hours System Studies: Subsystems, a corporate model,types of system study, system analysis design & postulation. Unit – IV 8 Hours Control System Components such as hydraulic actuators, Servomechanism D.C. and liquid level control, Automobile Power Steering Control, Speed Control, Position control of Robotic Manipulator Etc. Unit –V Use of computer based simulation package such as Mat lab simulink.

9 Hours .

Unit – VI Typical Navigational systems- - Integrated Avionics system, Avionic sub system

8 Hours

Total No of periods: 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. System Simulation second Edition by Geoffrey Gordon (PHI Pub.) 2. System Simulation with Digital Computer by Narsingh Deo (PHI Pub.) REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. "System Simulation" the Art & Science by Shannon R.E.(PHI Pub.) 2. The Application of GPSS to Discrete System Simulation by Gorden. Englewood Cliffs (PHI)

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Sixth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Applied Electronics (BEAE-604T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I 6 Hours Digital Computers, Memory Classification, Architecture of 8085 Microprocessor, Interfacing of memories/latches/buffers /leds/7-segment display/pushbutton/switches. Unit II 9 Hours Addressing Modes, Instruction Set Classification, Simple Instructions with programs for data transfer, arithmetic, logical , branching and machine control ,Stacks and subroutines , simple and nested calls and return. Unit III 10 Hours Code conversion ,BC D arithmetic and 16 bit data handling instructions and programs, Formats of data transfer, Interrupts (hardware and software). Serial data communication using SID and SOD pins. Unit IV 8 hours Programmable peripheral interface(PPI) 8255, architecture, interfacing and different modes,Interfacing of keyboards/leds/7-segment display/pushbutton/switches using 8255, Interfacing of matrix keyboard, multiplexed 7- segment displays, stepper motors, ADC and DAC.Bus contention and slow memories interfacing Unit V 6 Hours Introduction: Importance and role of avionics, avionic environment, Displays and man-machine interaction: Head up displays, intelligent displays management, Displays technology, control and data entry, instrument placement . Unit VI 6 Hours Onboard communications: Microphones, Digital communications, Transmission lines, Digital data bus systems ARINC 426, MIL STD 1553, Commercial standard digital bus, Fiber optic communication Avionics system integration: Data bus systems, integrated modular avionic Total No of periods: 45

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Microprocessor architecture programming and applications with 8085: Ramesh Gaonkar 2. Microprocessor architecture and programming: D.V.Hall 3. Microprocessor and programming : Vibhute and Borle 4. Introduction to Avionics : Collins on RPG, , Second Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Chapman & Hall, 2003. 5. Principals of Avionics: Albert Helfrick, 2nd Edition, Avionics Communication Inc. 6. Avionics Systems: Middleton, D.H., Ed., Longman Scientific and Technical, Longman Group UK Ltd., England, 1989. 7. Manual of Avionics: Brain Kendal, The English Book House, 3rd Edition, New Delhi, 1993.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Sixth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Applied Electronics (BEAE-604P) (Total Credits: 01) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

List of Experiments for Applied Electronics Sr.No. 1. 2. 3a. 3b. 4. 5a. 5b. 6a. 6b. 7a. 7b. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Aim Introduction of 8085 kit Write an ALP to add two 16 bit numbers and store the result in memory location Write an ALP to transfer 8 bytes of data from one memory location to another when these parts are not overlapping. Write an ALP to transfer 8 bytes of data from one memory location to another when these parts are overlapping. Write an ALP to calculate sum of 8 bytes stored in memory from D000H. Write an ALP to count the No. of even as well as odd No. in a given set of Nos. Write an ALP to count the No. of Positive as well as Negative No. in a given set of Nos. Write an ALP to find the smallest No. from the given set of 10 Nos. Write an ALP to find the largest No. from the given set of 10 Nos. Write an ALP to sort the given series in Ascending order. Write an ALP to sort the given series in Descending order. Write an ALP to exchange the contents of two memory blocks. Write an ALP to perform multiplication of two 8 bit numbers using 8085 simulator. To study the interfacing of traffic controller using 8255 To study the interfacing of stepper motor with 8085.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Sixth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Design (BEAE-605T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I: Introduction 6 Hours Airplane design process – conceptual, preliminary & detail design phases, Classification of airplanes based on purpose and configuration, Factors affecting configuration, Merits of different airplane layouts Unit II: Shaping the Airplane 8 Hours Principal features, Aerodynamic consideration, Lift, Drag and Interference effects, Weights and Strength considerations, Peculiarities in layout, Designing for manufacturability, Maintenance, Operational costs, Interactive design Unit III: Conceptual Design Procedure 10 Hours Data collection and 3-View drawings, their purpose, initial sizing - weight estimation, choice of wing loading and thrust loading, rubber engine sizing, fixed engine sizing. Constraint analysis. Power plant selection - Choices available, Comparative merits, Location of power plants, Functions dictating the locations Unit IV: Design of Major Airplane Components – I 7 Hours Wing design: Airworthiness requirements, V-n diagram, loads, Elements of wing design, Structural features. Unit V: Design of Major Airplane Components – II 7 Hours Fuselage design: Loads on fuselage, Elements of fuselage design, Determination of tail surface areas, Structural features. Unit VI: Design of Major Airplane Components – III Landing gear design: Loads or Landing gear, Preliminary landing gear design.

7 Hours

Total No of periods: 45 REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Torenbeek, E., "Synthesis of Subsonic Airplane Design", Delft University Press, U.K.1986 Kuechemann, D., "Aerodynamic Design of Aircraft", Pergamon Press,1978 Raymer, D.P., “Aircraft Conceptual Design", AIAA Series, 1989s Bruhn E F, Design and Analysis of Flight Vehicle Structures, Tri-state Offset Press,

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Sixth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Functional English (BEAE-606T) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 40 Marks T (I): 10 Marks Duration of University Exam: 02 Hours

Objective: At the end of the semester, students will have enough confidence to face competitive examinations (IELTES/ TOEFL/CAT/ MAT/ XAT/SNAP/GMAT /GATE etc.)To pursue masters degree. They will also acquire language skills required to write their Reviews/Projects/Reports. They will be able to organize their thoughts in English and hence face job interviews more confidently Scope: The Curriculum designed is student centered and it is guidance for their career.

Syllabus Unit 1. Functional Grammar:

(4 hours )

Common errors, Transformation of Sentences, Phrases, Idioms & Proverbs. [50 sentences of common errors, 50 examples of Transformation of Sentences, (5 each type), 50 noun/prepositional phrases, 50 idioms/proverbs]

Unit II. English for Competitive Exams & Interview Techniques: ( 6 hours) IPA (vowel & consonant phonemes), Word building (English words /phrases derived from other languages), Technical Jargons, Synonyms/Antonyms, Analogies, Give one word for, Types & Techniques of Interview. Assignment : [ 25 Words for teaching IPA, 25 words/phrases of foreign origin, 25 technical jargons,25 words for Synonyms/ Antonyms, 25 words for Analogies, 50 examples of give one word for ] Unit III. Formal Correspondence (4 hours) Business Letters, email etiquettes [ Orders, Complaints , Enquiries, Job applications and Resume Writing ,Writing Memorandum, Circulars, notices] Unit IV. Analytical comprehension: [Four fictional & four non fictional unseen texts ]

(4 hours)

Unit V. Technical & Scientific Writing : (6 hours) Features of Technical Writing, Writing Scientific Projects, Technical Report writing, Writing Manuals, Writing Project Proposals, Writing Research papers. Assignment: (Any one project/review as assignment Total No of periods: 24

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: Reference books: 1.Effective technical Communication by Barun K. Mitra,Oxford University Press, 2.Technical Communication, Principles and Practice ,by Meenakshi Raman & Sharma, Oxford University Press, 2011, ISBN-13-978-0-19-80652 3.The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language by David Crystal , Cambridge University Press 4.Contemporary Business Communication by Scot Ober , Published by Biztantra, 5. BCOM A South Asian Perspective by C.Lehman, D. DuFrene & M. Sinha, Cenage Learning Pvt. Ltd.2012 6. Business English , by Dept of English, University of Delhi, Published by Dorling Kindersley (India), Pvt .Ltd.,2009, ISBN 978 81 317 2077 6 7. How to Prepare a Research Proposal : Guidelines for Funding and Dissertations in the Social and Behavioral Sciences by Krathwohl & R David 8. Technical Writing Process and Product by Sharon J. Gerson & Steven M. Gerson, 3rd edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2000 9.Developing Communication skills by Krishna Mohan & Meera Banerjee


Internal Examination: Weightage = 10 marks Written Examination : 05 marks Project Seminar : 05 marks External Examination: Weightage = 40 marks

Question pattern for end semester examination: Unit No Unit-I Unit-II UnitIII & Unit-IV Unit-V

Q. No

Question type

No. of Questions


1(A) 1(B) 1(C) 2(A) 2(B) 2(C) 3(A) 3(B)

Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Subjective

3 out of 5 3 out of 5 4 out of 6 3 out of 5 3 out of 5 1 (No choice)

Subjective Subjective

1 Set (out of 2 sets) 1 (No choice)

5 5

4 (A) 4(B)

Subjective Subjective

1 out of 2 1 out of 2

5 5

3+3+4=10 3+3+4=10

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Sixth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Seminar (BEAE-607P) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

This will be train the student to search literature on selected topic, understand research papers on the topic, summarize and extract material. Prepare a report on his / her own and make a presentation

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Seventh Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Systems and Instrumentation (BEAE-701T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I: Airplane Control Systems 8 Hours Conventional Systems - Power assisted and fully powered flight controls - Power actuated systems – Engine control systems - Push pull rod system, flexible push pull rod system Modern control systems - Digital fly by wire systems - Auto pilot system active control Technology, Communication and Navigation systems Instrument landing systems, VOR - CCV case studies. Unit II: Aircraft Hydraulic Systems 6 Hours Hydraulic systems - Study of typical workable system - components - Hydraulic system controllers Modes of operation Unit III: Pneumatic & Hybrid Systems 8 Hours Pneumatic systems - Advantages - Working principles ,Typical Air pressure system – Brake system Typical Pneumatic power system - Components, Landing Gear systems - Classification – Shock absorbers Retraction mechanism. Unit IV: Engine Systems 7 Hours Fuel systems for Piston and jet engines, - Components of multi engines. lubricating systems for piston and jet engines - Starting and Ignition systems - Typical examples for piston and jet engines. Unit V: Auxilliary System 8 Hours Basic Air cycle systems - Vapour Cycle systems, Boost-Strap air cycle system - Evaporative vapour cycle systems - Evaporative air cycle systems - Oxygen systems - Fire protection systems, Deicing and anti icing systems. Unit VI: Aircraft Instruments 8 Hours Flight Instruments and Navigation Instruments – Gyroscope - Accelerometers, Air speed Indicators – TAS, EAS- Mach Meters - Altimeters - Principles and operation - Study of various types of engine instruments - Tachometers - Temperature gauges - Pressure gauges - Operation and Principles. Total No of periods: 45


1. McKinley, J.L., and Bent, R.D., “Aircraft Maintenance & Repair”, McGraw-Hill, 1993. 2. “General Hand Books of Airframe and Power plant Mechanics”, U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administation, The English Book Store, New Delhi1995. REFERENCES 1. Mekinley, J.L. and Bent, R.D., “Aircraft Power Plants”, McGraw-Hill, 1993. 2. Pallet, E.H.J., “Aircraft Instruments & Principles”, Pitman & Co., 1993. 3. Treager, S., “Gas Turbine Technology”, McGraw-Hill,


Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Seventh Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Design of Machine Elements (BEAE-702T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I: Fundamentals of Design 4 Hours Design Process – Computer aided design – Optimum design – Mechanical properties of materials – Types of loads – Stresses –Static, varying, thermal, impact and residue – Factor of safety – Stress concentration factors –Preferred numbers. Unit II: Design of Basic Machine Elements and Joints 10 Hours Design of shafts, keys, couplings. Design of riveted and welded joints, Bolted Joints & Applications to Aircraft Unit – III: Design of Springs and Bearing 8 Hours Design of Helical compression & Tension springs for static & fatigue loading. Design of design of journal bearings for radial and thrust loads, selection of ball & roller bearings for radial and thrust loads Unit IV: Design of Gears Design of gears – Spur and Helical gears – Design of multistage speed reducers.

10 Hours

Unit V: Design of Drives 5 Hours Belt Drives - Flat belt drive :- Types of belts & belt material, analysis of belt tension, condition for transmitting maximum power, design of flat belt, flat belt pulley. V Belt drive: - Types of V-belt, analysis of V-belt tension, design of V-belt pulley. Unit VI: Design Of Engine Parts 8 Hours Design of Cylinder – piston – connecting rod – crank shaft Flywheel - Coefficient of fluctuation of energy and coefficient of fluctuation of speed, energy store in flywheel, stresses in flywheel, design of flywheel. Total No of periods: 45 Text Books: 1. Mechanical Design of Machine by Maleev Hartman. 2. Machine Design by P. H. Black. 3. Mechanical Engineering Design by J. E. Shigley. 4. Design of Machine Elements by B. D. Shiwalkar. 5. Design of Machine Elements by V.B. Bhandari. 6. Design of Data for Machine Elements by B. D. Shiwalkar. 7. PSG Data Book Reference Books: 1. Hand Book of Machine Design by Shigley & Mischke.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Seventh Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Space Flight Mechanics (BEAE-703T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit-I: Basic Concepts 8 Hours The solar system - Reference frames and coordinate systems - The celestial sphere - The ecliptic Motion of vernal equinox - Sidereal time - Solar time - Standard time - The earth's atmosphere. Unit-II: The General N-Body Problem 8 Hours The Many body problems - Lagrange - Jacobi identity - The circular restricted three body problem – Libration points - Relative Motion in the N-body problem - The two - body problem - Satellite orbits - Relations between position and time - Orbital elements. Unit-III: Satellite Injection and Satellite Orbit Perturbations 8 Hours General aspects of satellite injections - Satellite orbit transfer - Various cases - Orbit deviations due to injection errors - Special and general perturbations - Cowell's Method -Encke's method - Method of variations of orbital elements - General perturbations approach. Unit-IV: Interplanetary Trajectories 7 hours Two dimensional interplanetary trajectories - Fast interplanetary trajectories - Three dimensional interplanetary trajectories - Launch of interplanetary spacecraft - Trajectory about the target plant. Unit-V: Ballistic Missile Trajectories 7 hours The boost phase - The ballistic phase - Trajectory geometry - Optimal flights - Time of flight - Reentry phase - The position of the impact point - Influence coefficients. Unit-VI: Materials For Spacecraft 6 hours Space environment - Peculiarities -Effect of space environment on the selection of materials of spacecraft. Total No of periods: 45 References Books: 1. Sutton, G.P & Oscar Bilbraz,., "Rocket Propulsion Elements", John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 7th Edition,2004. 2. Van de Kamp, P., "Elements of Astromechanic", Pitman, 1979. 3. Cornelisse, J.W., "Rocket propulsion and space dynamics", W.H. Freeman & Co., 1984. 4. Parker, E.R., "Materials for Missiles and Spacecraft" , McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., 1982. Wiesel, W.E., “Spaceflight Dynamics”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1997 5. Thompson, W.T., “Introduction to Space Dynamics”, Dover, New York, 1986

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Seventh Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Control Engineering (BEAE-704T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I 7 Hours Review of Mathematical Modeling, Time Domain Response Analysis under transient input, Steady stare error analysis and error constants Unit II 7 Hours Stability of control systems, condition of stability, characteristics equation .Routh Hurwitz criterionspecial cases for determining relative stability. Frequency Domain analysis Root - Locus techniques Unit III 7 Hours Bode plot, gain Margin and phase margin, transportation lag, System Identification from Bode plot. Unit IV 9 Hours Polar Plot, Nyquist Plot and Stability criterion, Feed Back, Compensation and Pole -Zero placement. Concept of PI, PD and PID controller Unit V 7 Hours Closed loop performance specifications, gain and phase margin as design specifications, use of root locus, bode plots in design, design rules for lag-lead compensation Unit VI 8 Hours State Variable approach and state equations, Transfer function from state models state transition matrix and solution of state equations controllability and observability test through test model. Total No of periods: 45 TEXT BOOKS:1. Ogata Katsuhika, “Modern Control Engineering”, Printice Hall of India, New Delhi, Second Edition, No. of Copies: 40 2. Kuo B.C. and Golnaraghi F. “ Automatic control systems”,John Wiley and sons,8th edition, 2003 3. Nise Normal, “Control System Engineering”, California Benjamin Cumming Publication ,Willey, Second Edition, No. of Copies: 12 4. NagrathI.J. & Gopal M., “Control Systems” , Tata McGraw Hill Publication, New Delhi, Revised Edition,2004. No. of Copies: 03 5. Dorf Richard C., “& Bishop Robert H. , “Modern Control Systems”, Addision Wesley, New York, Eighth Edition.No. of Copies: 12 6. Gopal M., “Digital Control & State Variable Methods”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, New Delhi, Second Edition,2004. No. of Copies:10

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Seventh Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft General Engineering and Maintenance Practices (BEAE-705T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I 8 Hours Aircraft ground handling and support equipment,Mooring, jacking, levelling and towing operations - Preparation - Equipment and precautions - Engine starting procedures - Piston engine, turboprops and turbojets - Engine fire extinguishing - Ground power units. Unit II 6 Hours Ground servicing various sub systems, Air conditioning and pressurisation - Oxygen and oil systems - Ground units and their maintenance. Unit III 7 Hours Shop safety - Environmental cleanliness - Precautions. Hand tools - Precision instruments – Special tools and equipments in an airplane maintenance shop – Identification terminology Unit IV 9 Hours Inspection Process - Purpose - Types - Inspection intervals - Techniques - Checklist - Special inspection - Publications, bulletins, various manuals - FAR Air worthiness directives - Type certificate Data Sheets - ATA specifications Unit V 9 Hours Specification and correct use of various aircraft hardware (i.e. nuts, bolts, rivets, screws, etc.) American and British systems of specifications - Threads, gears, bearings, etc. - Drills, tapes &reamers - identification of all types of fluid line fittings. Unit VI 6 Hours Plumbing connectors Cables Swaging procedures, tests, Advantages of swaging over splicing. Total No of periods: 45 REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4.

KROES WATKINS DELP., "Aircraft Maintenance and Repair ", McGraw Hill, New York 1993. A & P MECHANICS, "Aircraft hand Book - F.A.A. Himalayan Book House ", New Delhi, 1996. A & P MECHANICS, "General hand Book - F.A.A. Himalayan Book House ", New Delhi, 1996. ATA SPECFICATIONS - F.A.A. Himalayan Book House ", New Delhi, 1996.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Seventh Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Design Project (BEAE-706P) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

OBJECTIVE To enhance the knowledge in continuation of the design project given in project–I. To introduce and develop the basic concept of aircraft design. Each student is assigned with the design of an Airplane for given preliminary specifications. The following are the assignments to be carried out: Task list for the project 1. Comparative configuration study of similar airplanes 2. Selection of main parameters for the design 3. Preliminary weight estimations 4. Power plant selection, Aerofoil selection, Wing tail and control surfaces 5. Preparation of layouts of balance diagram and three view drawings 6. Estimation of various Drag components. 7. Performance calculations and stability estimates 8. V-n diagram for the design study 9. Load estimation of wings 10. Load estimation of fuselage. 11. Balancing and Maneuvering loads on tail plane, Aileron and Rudder loads. 12. Preliminary structural design of wing/fuselage 13. Preparation of a detailed design report

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Seventh Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft System (BEAE-707P) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 25 Marks

T (I): 25 Marks

OBJECTIVE To train the students “ON HAND” experience in maintenance of various air frame systems in aircraft and rectification of common snags. List of Experiment for Aircraft Systems and Instrumentation 1. Aircraft “Jacking Up” procedure 2. Aircraft “Levelling” procedure 3. Control System “Rigging check” procedure 4. Aircraft “Symmetry Check” procedure 5. “Flow test” to assess of filter element clogging 6. “Pressure Test” To assess hydraulic External/Internal Leakage 7. “Functional Test” to adjust operating pressure 8. “Pressure Test” procedure on fuel system components 9. “Brake Torque Load Test” on wheel brake units 10. Maintenance and rectification of snags in hydraulic and fuel systems.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Seventh Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Project Work Phase- I (BEAE-708P) (Total Credits: 02) Teaching Scheme Practical: 2 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (I): 50 Marks

OBJECTIVE The objective of the phase – I of the students project work is to prepare themselves to undertake lively project which will found end application to the industry / society. Preparation for the project work involve 1. Form a team of likeminded students (not more than 4 in numbers) to carry out the project. 2. Make a preliminary survey and data collection or literature review of the project proposed in the next semester. 3. Conduct a thorough literature survey and publish or present a paper of the proposed work in any one of the forthcoming National seminars. 4. Plan for necessary supports, facilities, analytical tools and fixation of faculties / supervisors for the final semester project work.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Seventh Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Project Work Phase- II (BEAE-708P) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Practical: 5 Hours/ Week

Examination Scheme Practical T (U): 75 Marks T (I): 75 Marks

OBJECTIVE This should be the extension of the partial work already done in Phase-I in earlier semester

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Air Transportation (BEAE-801T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I: Introduction 8 Hours Development of air transportation, comparison with other modes of transport - Role of IATA, ICAO – The general aviation industry airline - Factors affecting general aviation, use of aircraft, airport: airline management and organisation - levels of management, functions of management, Principles of organisation planning the organisation - chart, staff departments & line departments. Unit II: Airline Economics 7 Hours Forecasting - Fleet size, Fleet planning, the aircraft selection process, operating cost, passenger capacity, load factor etc. - Passenger fare and tariffs - Influence of geographical, economic & political factors on routes and route selection. Unit III: Fleet Planning 8 Hours The aircraft selection process - Fleet commonality, factors affecting choice of fleet, route selection and Capitol acquisition - Valuation & Depreciation - Budgeting, Cost planning - Aircrew evaluation Route analysis - Aircraft evaluation. Unit IV Principles of Airlines Scheduling 7 Hours Equipment maintenance, Flight operations and crew scheduling, Ground operations and facility limitations equipments and types of schedule - hub & spoke scheduling, advantages / disadvantages & preparing flight plans- Aircraft scheduling in line with aircraft maintenance practices. Unit IV: Aircraft Reliability 8 Hours Aircraft reliability - The maintenance schedule & its determinations - Condition monitoring maintenance - Extended range operations (EROPS) & ETOPS - Ageing aircraft maintenance production. Unit VI: Technology in Aircraft Maintenance 7 Hours Airlines scheduling (with reference to engineering) - Product support and spares - Maintenance sharing - Equipments and tools for aircraft maintenance - Aircraft weight control - Budgetary control. On board maintenance systems - Engine monitoring - Turbine engine oil maintenance Turbine engine vibration monitoring in aircraft - Life usage monitoring - Current capabilities of NDT - Helicopter maintenance -Future of aircraft maintenance. Total No of periods: 45

REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Fedric J.H., "Airport Management", English Book House, New Delhi-I. Gene Krope, "Airline Procedures", English Book House, New Delhi-I. Wilson & Bryon, “Air Transportation ", English Book House, New Delhi-I. hilip Lockin D, " Economics of Transportation ", English Book House, New Delhi-I. "Indian Aircraft manual", Published by DGGA, English Book House, New Delhi-I. Alexander T Wells, "Air Transportation", Wadsworth Publishing Company, California, 1993. C.H. Friend, "Aircraft Maintenance Management", English Book House, New Delhi-I.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Vibration and Aero- elasticity (BEAE-802T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I: Basic Notions 6 Hours Simple harmonic motion – Terminologies – Newton’s Law – D’ Alembert’s principle – Energy Methods Unit II: Single Degree of Freedom Systems 9 Hours Free vibrations – Damped vibrations – Forced Vibrations, with and without damping – support excitation – Vibration measuring instruments. Response to periodic and non-periodic excitations – Duhamel’s Integral. Unit III: Multi Degrees of Freedom Systems 7 Hours Two degrees of freedom systems – Static and Dynamic couplings - vibration absorber - Principal coordinates, Principal modes and orthogonality condition – Eigen value problems. Unit IV Generalized Co-ordinates - Hamilton’s principle- Lagrange’s equation and application

6 Hours

Unit V: Continuous Systems 10 Hours Vibration of strings - Longitudinal, Lateral and Torsional vibrations of beams - forced response of beams Unit VI: Elements of Aero elasticity 7 Hours Concepts – Coupling – Aero elastic instabilities – Basic ideas on wing divergence, loss and reversal of aileron control, Flutter. Total No of periods: 45

TEXT BOOKS: 1. P.Srinivasan, Mechanical Vibration Analysis, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi 2. J.P.Den Hartog Mechanical Vibration (4th edition Mc Graw Hill, New York 1985. 3. N. L. Meirovitch , Elements of vibration Analysis, Mc Graw Hill New York 1986. 4. W. T. Thomson, Theory of Vibrations with Applications, 5. Broadbent, E.G., " Elementary Theory of Aeroelasticity " BunHill Publications Ltd., 1986. 6. Fung, Y.C., " An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity ", John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1985. 7. Timoshenko, Engineering vibration.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Theory of Elasticity (BEAE-803T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I: Assumptions in Elasticity 6 Hours Definitions, notations and sign conventions for stress and strain in 3D. stress/strain transformation, Mohr's circle, Principal stresses and principal strains. Unit II: Basic Equations of Elasticity 8 Hours Strain-displacement relations, Stress-strain relations, Lame's constant-cubical dilatation, Compressibility of material, bulk modulus, Shear modulus, Equations of equilibrium. Compatibility equations for stresses and strains, Saint Venant's principle, Theories of failure. Unit III: Plane Stress and Plane Strain Problems 8 Hours Airy's stress function, Biharmonic equations, Polynomial solutions, Simple two dimensional problems in cartesian coordinates like bending of cantilever and simply supported beams etc. Unit IV: POLAR COORDINATES 7 Hours Equations of equilibrium, Strain displacement relations, Stress-strain relations, Axi-Symmetric problems, Kirch, Michell's, problems. Unit V: CURVILINER COORDINATES: 8 Hours Displacement, strain & stress field components in curvilinear co-ordinates. Elasticity equations in curvilinear co-ordinates. Stress functions in terms of harmonic & complex functions, displacement from given stress function, stress & displacement in terms of complex potentials, resultant of a stress on a curve, Boundary conditions. Unit VI: TORSION 8 Hours Navier's theory, St.Venant's theory, Prandtl's theory on torsion, The semi-inverse method and applications to shafts of circular, elliptical, equilateral triangular and rectangular sections. Total No of periods: 45 REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Timoshenko,S., and Goodier, T.N. "Theory of Elasticity", McGraw-Hill Ltd., Tokyo, 1990. Enrico Volterra & J.H.Caines, "Advanced Strength of Materials", Printice Hall, New Jersey, 1991. Wang, C.T., " Applied Elasticity", Mc Graw-Hill Co., New York, 1993. Sokolnikoff, I.S., "Mathematical Theory of Elasticity", McGraw-Hill New York, 1978.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Optimization Techniques (BEAE-803T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I: Introduction 9 Hours General characteristics of engineering design problems, design variables objective function, Design constraints, mathematical statement of optimization problems, feasible & optimal design, local and global optimum, principles of optimization, necessary and sufficient conditions for optimal solution. Unit II: Optimization Techniques – I 9 Hours Unconstrained minimization methods, single & multivariable gradient search methods – steepest gradient, conjugate harmonic and Newton’s methods, random search techniques. Unit III: Optimization Techniques – II 9 Hours Minimization procedure with equality and inequality constraints, penalty functions, concept of multicriterion Optimization Unit IV: Optimization Techniques – III Linear programming problems, Optimality criterion, Simplex method and its variants

6 Hours

Unit V: Application – I 6 Hours Design of simple axial and transversely loaded members, torsionally loaded members, shafts for minimum weight, maximum torque, Design of springs, hydraulic cylinders Unit VI: Application – II 6 Hours Optimum design of single & two degree of freedom system, Vibration absorbers, optimum design of simple machine/structural members under dynamic loads Total No of periods: 45 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Rao S.S. optimization Theory & Applications, Wiley Eastern Limited,New Delhi , 1978. Fox Richard L. Optimizations methods for Engg. Design, Addision Wesley ,1971 . Haug,E.J.and Arora, J.S. Applied optimal design. Wiley Inter Science Publication ,New York ,1979. Douglas J. Willde, Globally optimal design Jhon Wiley & Sons, New York, 1978 Johnson Ray C. optimum design of mechanical elements, John Wiley & Sons 1981. Mischke, Charles R., An introduction to Computer Aided Design, Prentice Hall Inc, 1968.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Reliability Centered Maintenance (BEAE-803T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit 1: Introduction to Reliability: 7 Hours Definition of reliability, Failure data Analysis, Mean Time to Failure (MTTF), Mean Time between Failure (MTBF), Hazard Rate and Failure density Unit 2: System Reliability: 7 Hours Reliability in series and Reliability in Parallel, combined series - parallel system, Standby redundancy. Unit 3: History Reliability Centered Maintenance: 8 Hours Definition of RCM, Evolution of RCM, RCM Achievements, RCM Methodologies- Systems Analysis Process Unit 4: Functional Failure of RCM Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Analysis & Categories of failure Modes

7 Hours

Unit 5: RCM Maintainability: 8 Hours RCM Maintenance Policies, Proactive Maintenance - Predictive Task, Proactive Maintenance Preventive Task, Proactive Vs. Predictive and Preventive Maintenance Unit 6: Application of RCM: Application of RCM to Airlines industry, US military, Nuclear Power industry

8 Hours

Total No of periods: 45 REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Charles E. Ebling “Reliability and Maintainability Engineering” Tata Mc Graw Hill. John Moubray “ Reliability Centered Maintenance” L.S. Srinath “Reliability Engineering” East West Press Jim August “ Reliability Centered Maintenance”

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Mechanisms- Analysis and Synthesis (BEAE-803T) (Total Credits: 04) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit 1: Synthesis of Mechanisms 8 Hours Harding’s notation, classification of four bar chains, Immersions, Deciding Mobility bonds of immersion, synthesis for rigid body guidance, space synthesis of mechanism, Analytical treatment for synthesis of planer mechanism. Unit 2: Balancing of linkages 7 Hours Force & moment balancing of four bar Mechanisms, Quantitative analysis of effect of unbalance, Treatment of Berkof & Oven. Unit 3: Kinematics of 3D Mechanisms 8 Hours D-H notation, Application of D-H Notation of RSSR, RSSS, PSC PSR Mechanisms, Forward and reverse kinematics Unit 4: Dynamics of 3D Mechanisms 8 Hours Derivation of (i) Lagragrian (ii) Largragrian Euler (iii) Recursive Lagrangian formulation for dynamics of 3D Mechanisms ( iv) D-Alembart’s formulation, Application of these treatments to RSSR, RSSS, RSCPSR linkages. Unit 5: Motion Analysis of Mechanisms of Aircraft I 7 Hours Kinematic Analysis, Dynamics & design of Mechanisms for operating Flaps & Aileron, Rudder, and Elevator Unit 6: Motion Analysis of Mechanisms of Aircraft :II 7 Kinematics Analysis, Dynamics & Design of Mechanisms for Landing Gear, Conveyor for luggage Transport in Cargo Total No of periods: 45 REFERENCES: 1. Sandor G.N., and Erdman A.G., “Advanced Mechanism Design Analysis and Synthesis”, Prentice Hall, 1984. 2. Shigley, J.E., and Uicker, J.J., “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms”, McGraw Hill, 1995. 3. Amitabha Ghosh and Asok Kumar Mallik, “Theory of Mechanism and Machines”, EWLP, Delhi, 1999. 4. Norton R.L., “Design of Machinery”, McGraw Hill, 1999. 5. Kenneth J, Waldron, Gary L. Kinzel, “Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery”, John Wiley-sons, 1999.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Finite Element Method (BEAE-804T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit-I 6 Hours Fundamentals of stress and strain, stress and strain components, stress strain relationship, Elastic constants, plane stress, plane strain, differential equation of equilibrium, compatibility equation, Boundary conditions, Saint Venant’s principle, Airy’s stress function. Unit-II 11 Hours Fundamental concepts of FEM - Historical background, Scope of FEM in Engg. Applications, Principle of minimum potential energy, Concept of Virtual work, Raleigh–Ritz method, FEM analysis procedure. Concept of discritization of body into elements, degrees of freedom, bandwidth, Basic types of 2-D & 3-D elements, displacement models, convergence requirements, shape function. Unit-III 7 Hours Finite element modeling and analysis using Bar and Beam elements – stiffness matrix, assembly, boundary conditions, load vector, temperature effects. Two dimensional plane trusses – Local & Global coordinate system, element stiffness matrix, assembly, boundary conditions, and load vector, force and stress calculations Unit-IV 7 Hours Two dimensional problem using CST & LST – formulation of CST & LST elements, elemental stiffness matrix, assembly, boundary conditions, load vector, stress calculation, Temperature effect. Unit-V 7 Hours Introduction to Isoparametric & Higher order elements. Introduction to dynamic analysis, formulation of mass matrix for one-dimensional bar element, free vibration analysis using one dimensional bar element. Torsion of prismatic bars using triangular elements. Unit-VI 7 Hours Extention of the method to other engineering problems – For example: Steady state one dimensional heat conduction problems using 1-D element, Introduction to programming aspects of FEM, Pre & Post processing in FEA, Commercial F E Software’s. Total No of periods: 45

Text Books: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering– T.R.Chandrupatla & AD Belegundu. Theory of Elasticity – S.P. Timoshenko Concept and applications of Finite element Analysis – P.D. Cook Finite Element Analysis(Throry & Programming) - Krishnamurthy CS - Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.

Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The Finite Element Method–A Basic introduction for engineers–D W.Griffths,D.A NethercotIntroduction to Finite Element- Reddy J.N. - McGraw Hill Applied Finite Element Analysis - Larry J. Segelind - John Wiley Finite Element Method Vs. Classical Methods - H.S. Govinda Rao- New Age International Pub. The Finite Element Method -Zienkiewiez OC - Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Finite Element Methods: Basic Concepts & Application- Chennakesava R. Alavala PHI Learing PVT. LTD.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Airframe Maintenance and Repair (BEAE-804T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit-I: Sheet Metal Repair And Maintenance 8 Hours Inspection of damage - Classification - Repair or replacement - Sheet metal inspection - N.D.T. Testing – Riveted repair design, Damage investigation - reverse technology WELDING IN AIRCRAFT STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS: Equipments used in welding shop and their maintenance - Ensuring quality welds - Welding jigs and fixtures - Soldering and brazing. Unit- II: Plastics and Composites in Aircraft 7 hours PLASTICS IN AIRCRAFT: Review of types of plastics used in airplanes - Maintenance and repair of plastic components - Repair of cracks, holes etc., and various repairs schemes - Scopes. ADVANCED COMPOSITES IN AIRCRAFT: Inspection - Repair of composite components – Special precautions Autoclaves Unit- III: Aircraft Jacking, Assembly and Rigging 7 Hours Airplane jacking and weighing and C.G. Location, Balancing of control surfaces - Inspection maintenance, Helicopter flight controls. Tracking and balancing of main rotor. Unit- IV Review Of Hydraulic And Pneumatic System 8 Hours Trouble shooting and maintenance practices - Service and inspection - Inspection and maintenance of landing gear systems. - Inspection and maintenance of air-conditioning and pressurisation system, water and waste system. Unit- V 8 Hours Installation and maintenance of Instruments - handling - Testing – Inspection, Inspection and maintenance of auxiliary systems - Fire protection systems - Ice protection system - Rain removal system -Position and warning system - Auxiliary Power Units (APUs). Unit – VI: Safety Practices Hazardous materials storage and handling, Aircraft furnishing practices – Equipments, Trouble shooting

7 Hours

Total No of periods: 45

REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3.

Larry Reithmeir, " Aircraft Repair Manual ", Palamar Books, Marquette, 1992. Brimm D.J. Bogges H.E., " Aircraft Maintenance ", Pitman Publishing corp., New York, 1940. Kroes, Watkins, Delp, " Aircraft Maintenance and Repair ", McGraw Hill, New York, 1992

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Aero- Engine Maintenance and Repair (BEAE-804T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

(A) OPERATION, INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLE SHOOTING OF PISTON ENGINES: Unit – I 10 Hours Types of piston engines - Principles of operation - Function of components - Materials used - Details of starting the engines - Details of carburetion and injection systems for small and large engines Ignition system components - spark plug detail - Engine operating conditions at various altitudes Maintenance and inspection check to be carried out. Inspection and maintenance and troubleshooting - Inspection of all engine components - Daily and routine checks - Overhaul procedures - Compression testing of cylinders - Special inspection schedules - Engine fuel, control and exhaust systems - Engine mount and super charger - Checks and inspection procedures. Unit – II 5 Hours Classification of propellers - General Inspection procedures - Checks on constant speed propellers Pitch setting – Installation and maintenance checks. Unit- III 8 Hours Symptoms of failure - Fault diagnostics - Case studies of different engine systems - Rectification during testing equipments for overhaul: Tools and equipments requirements for various checks and alignment during overhauling - Tools for inspection - Tools for safety and for visual inspection Methods and instruments for non destructive testing techniques - Equipment for replacement of part and their repair. Engine testing: Engine testing procedures and schedule preparation - Online maintenance. (B) OPERATION, INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLE SHOOTING OF JET ENGINES: Unit – IV 10 Hours i) 12 Types of jet engines - Principles of operation - Functions of components - Materials used Details of starting and operating procedures - Gas turbine engine inspection & checks - Use of instruments for online maintenance - Special inspection procedures : Foreign Object Damage Blade damage - etc. ii) Gas turbine engine maintenance: Minor and Major maintenance. Maintenance procedures of gas turbine - Trouble shooting and rectification procedures - Component maintenance procedures - Systems maintenance procedures. Unit – V 5 Hours Engine Testing and Storage : Gas turbine testing procedures - test schedule preparation Storage of Engines - Preservation and de-preservation procedures.

Unit – VI 7 Hours i) Engine Overhaul : Overhaul procedures - Inspections and cleaning of components - Repairs schedules for overhaul - Balancing of Gas turbine components. ii) Trouble Shooting : Procedures for trouble shooting - Condition monitoring of the engine on ground and at altitude - engine health monitoring and corrective methods REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Kroes & Wild, "Aircraft Power plants", 7th Edition - McGraw Hill, New York, 1994. Turbomeca, "Gas Turbine Engines ", The English Book Store ", New Delhi, 1993. United Technologies’ Pratt & Whitney, " The Aircraft Gas turbine Engine and its Operation ", The English Book Store, New Delhi. Maintenance Manuals from different engine manufacturers

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Flight Dynamics (BEAE-804T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I Introduction: Equilibrium, static and dynamic stability, control.

4 Hours

Unit II 10 Hours Longitudinal stability and control: Longitudinal equilibrium and static stability, stick fixed neutral point, all moving horizontal tail OR elevator as longitudinal control. Trimmed lift curve slope and advantages of reduced/negative longitudinal static stability. Hinge moments, reversible control, stick force, and trim tab. Stick free static stability, stick-free neutral point. Unit III 8 Hours Lateral-directional stability and control: Directional equilibrium, stability and rudder as control. Lateral stability, dihedral angle, aileron control. Unit IV 10 Hours Dynamical equations: Euler angles. Body angular velocity and Euler angle rates. Body-fixed axis, wind axis, stability axes. Equations of motion of rigid aircraft in body fixed axes. Stability derivatives. Steady flight and perturbed flight leading to linearised equations of motion. Unit V 8 Hours Aircraft motion modes: Decoupling of longitudinal dynamics and lateral-directional dynamics. Short period and phugoid modes of longitudinal dynamics. Dutch roll, spiral and roll subsidence modes of lateral-directional dynamics. Unit VI Effect of winds. Flight simulation.

5 Hours

REFERENCES 1. Stengel, R. F., Flight Dynamics, Princeton University Press, 2004. 2. Roskam, J., Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls, DAR Corporation, 1995. 3. Nelson, R. C., Flight Stability and Automatic Control, Mc Graw Hill International, 1990. 4. Etkin, B. and Duffy, L. D., Dynamics of Flight: stability and control, John Wiley, NY 1995. 5. Perkins, C. D. and Hage, R. E., Airplane Performance Stability and Control, Wiley, New York, 1949.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Experimental Stress Analysis (BEAE-805T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I 6 Hours Fundamentals of stress & strain, stress strain relationship, Elastic constant, plane stress and plane strain. Stress Analysis for two dimensional problems in Cartesian co-ordinate system, equations of Equilibrium, compatibility equation Unit II Measurements & Extensometer 7 Hours Principles of measurements, Accuracy, Sensitivity and range of measurements, Mechanical, Optical Acoustical and Electrical extensometers and their uses, Advantages and disadvantages Unit III: Electrical Resistance Strain Gauges 10 Hours Principle of operation and requirements, Types and their uses, Materials for strain gauge, Calibration and temperature compensation, cross sensitivity, Rosette analysis, Wheatstone bridge and potentiometer circuits for static and dynamic strain measurements, strain indicators Unit IV: Photoelasticity 8 Hours Two dimensional photo elasticity, Concept of light – photo elastic effects, stress optic law, Interpretation of fringe pattern, Compensation and separation techniques, Photo elastic materials Unit V: Brittle Coating and Moire Methods Introduction to Moire techniques, brittle coating methods and holography

7 Hours

Unit VI: Non – Destructive Testing 7 Hours Fundamentals of NDT, Radiography, ultrasonic, magnetic particle inspection, Fluorescent penetrant technique, Eddy current testing, Acoustic Emission Technique REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3.

Total Number of Periods: 45

Srinath, L.S., Raghava, M.R., Lingaiah, K., Garagesha, G., Pant B., and Ramachandra, K., “Experimental Stress Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1984. Dally, J.W., and Riley, W.F., “Experimental Stress Analysis”, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, 1998. Hetyenyi, M., “Hand book of Experimental Stress Analysis”, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1972.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Fatigue and Fracture (BEAE-805T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit I: Fatigue of Materials 8 Hours S.N. Curves - Endurance limit - Effect of mean stress, Goodman, Gerber and Sodeberg relations and diagrams - Notches and stress concentrations -Neuber's stress concentration factors - Plastic stress concentration factors - Notched S.N. curves Unit II: Statistical Aspects of Fatigue Behavior 8 Hours Low cycle and high cycle fatigue - Coffin - Manson's relation - Transition life - Cyclic strain hardening and softening - Analysis of load histories - Cycle counting techniques - Cumulative damage - Miner's theory – Rainflow counting technique. Unit III: Physical Aspects of Fatigue 7 Hours Phases in fatigue life - Crack initiation - Crack growth - Final fracture -Dislocations - Fatigue fracture surfaces Unit IV: Fracture Mechanics 10 Hours Strength of cracked bodies - Potential energy and surface energy - Griffith's theory - Irwin - Orwin extension of Griffith's theory to ductile materials - Stress analysis of cracked bodies - Effect of thickness on fracture toughness - Stress intensity factors for typical geometries. Unit V: Fatigue Design and Testing 6 Hours Safe Life and Fail safe design philosophies, Importance of Fracture Mechanics in aerospace structure - Application to aircraft materials and structures. Unit VI: Case Studies 6 Hours Case studies to be discussed regarding fatigue and fracture induced in all components of propulsion system, Aircraft structure, Landing Gear. REFERENCES: 1. Barrois, W., and Ripley, E.L., "Fatigue of Aircraft Structures", Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1983. 2. Sih, C.G., "Mechanics of Fracture", Vol.1 Sijthoff and Noordhoff International Publishing Co., Netherlands, 1989. 3. Knott, J.F., "Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics", Butterworth & Co., (Publishers) Ltd., London, 1983.

Engineering and Technology Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur Syllabus for B.E. (Eighth Semester) Aeronautical Engineering Computational Fluid Dynamics (BEAE-805T) (Total Credits: 05) Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours/ Week Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week

Examination Scheme Theory T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Duration of University Exam: 03 Hours

Unit- I 7 Hours Importance of CFD to various engineering streams. Basic fluid dynamics equations – continuity, momentum and energy, Conservation law form and non-conservation law forms of the Governing Differential Equations, Lagrangian and Eulerian formulations. Unit- II 7 Hours Description and procedure used in Finite Difference, Finite Element and Finite Volume schemes for simple one dimensional conduction problems, Application to unsteady one-dimensional conduction problems. Unit- III 8 Hours Application of Finite Difference method to 1D & 2D steady and unsteady conduction problems. Central and backward difference schemes. Explicit & Implicit schemes, Crank-Nicholson scheme. Unit- IV 7 Hours Solution of linear algebraic equations - Direct solution methods and Iterative schemes. Boundary value and initial value problems and their solution procedure. Runge Kutta methods. Shooting methods. Unit-V 8 Hours Conduction and convection problems. Navier Stokes equations. Application to incompressible flow. Pressure correction scheme, staggered grid, SIMPLE and SIMPLER schemes. Unit-VI 8 Hours Finite Volume method for compressible flow. Schemes like Jameson, MacCormack. Acceleration devices, Grid independent studies, Grid Generation Total No of periods: 45 PRACTICAL: Based on above syllabus minimum eight practical to be performed REFERENCES: 1. Bose, T.K., "Computation Fluid Dynamics" , Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1988. 2. Chow, C.Y., "Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamic", John Wiley, 1979. 3. Hirsch, A.A., "Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics", McGraw Hill, 1989. 4. Fletcher, "Computational Fluid Dynamics ", Vol. I & II, Springer Verlag, 1993. 5. Patankar, S.V., "Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow", Hemispher Publishing Corporation, 1992 6. Anderson J.D.,”Computational fluid dynamics”, 1995

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