Final Year Proj Pres

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  • Words: 1,629
  • Pages: 54

Ms. Archana Athawale(Internal Coordinator) Assistant Professor, Thadomal Shahani Engineering College Mr. Anil Ailani (External Guide) President,Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd.

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd



Kusoorkar Hitesh Mulchandani Puneet Potnis Pradeep Serai

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Requirements Gathering

     

Interaction with company Guide. Existing System Proposed System Feasibility study. Formulation of the Problem Statement. Project Description

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

What is Computer Based Testing? 

Computer based testing (CBT) is an umbrella term used to describe several types of examinations administered by computer. Tests range from     

Multiple Choice True/False Multiple Completion Item Order Virtual Reality Simulations

We would be using the first two types in combination for our project Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Existing System Mikado

solutions the company for which we are developing the product trains students in VB,ASP,VB.Net etc . To evaluate students they used the conventional pen and paper approach 

Disadvantages of existing method    

Specific test questions. Tangible and structured. Time period for testing is not flexible. More errors and delays due to human intervention. Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Proposed System Computerize

the system Computerization would include automated assessment ,report generation , mark sheet ,instant results .  Computerization would lead to in depth testing of students.  Multiple students would be able to give different tests at the same time.  This would lead to efficient use of resources.

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Proposed system advantages 

Advantages of the proposed system      

Comfortable for students. Can be administered anytime. Tests are more varied. More use of visual images, animations. Results are displayed instantly. Management has access to various student and instructor reports to help in decision making process.

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Scope 

The system has two subsystems  

Internet subsystem Back Office operations subsystem

Internet subsystem  

It has three parts one for Student, one for Instructor and one for the Administrator. Student Authentication of valid student  Student can give test allocated to him online before expiry date set by instructor.  Student can view results instantly. 

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Scope 

Instructor      

Authentication of valid instructor. Instructor has permission to set/update tests. Set passing percentage. Enable negative marking. Edit logins for students only. Make/Edit Question Banks.

Administrator      

Authentication of valid Administrator. Administrator has permission to add accounts. To assign new Instructors. View Student’s Test Results Reports. View Instructor Reports. Edit logins for Instructors. Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd


Back Office Operations Subsystem  

Report generation Decision making for higher management on these reports.

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Methodology   

The internet application would be implemented using ASP.NET and C# The Database would be implemented using SQL Server. The reports used in Back office operations would be formatted in HTML.

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Working 

Sample Instructor 

Password: 123456.

Sample Student 

User ID: Instructor User ID: Student

Password: 654321.

Sample Administrator 

User ID: Admin

Password: 123456.

First form loaded is Login form  Based on authentication there are 3 modes  Student mode  Tests assigned to him pop up in a combo box.  Test has to be selected and then started. 

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Working 

  

Test paper form gives all information of test to student. Test questions appear in text box. Questions in MCQ format(4 choices) or True/False To go to next question student must click next question button. If test is timed and student fails to answer next question is loaded.

Abort Test will abort the test marking all the answers as NO ATTEMPT.

After finishing test result is generated. Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Working 

Instructor mode  

After login the Instructor home form opens It allows following things  Add question  Editing question bank.  Create/Edit tests.  Nominate students  View test report  View Student report.

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Working 

On clicking Add questions the instructor can  Create new questions  Add questions from question bank Instructor can also Create tests from create test button which allows to  Select question bank for questions  Set time options (limited/unlimited)  Set passing percentage.  Set first class ,distinction ,total marks for test.  Enable/disable negative marking. The Instructor can also modify his/her password. Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Working 

Administrator mode  

After authentication the Administrator home opens up. It allows following things  Add user accounts for student and instructor.  Modify User ID and Password for himself.  View detailed Student performance reports.  View Instructor Reports.

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Working 

Reports 

Reports are summarized information in a wellformatted manner meant for higher managerial levels to help them in Decision-making.

There are 4 types of reports.  Test Result Report.  Student Report.  Instructor Report.  Test Report. Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd


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Data Objects

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DFD Diagram Level-0

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DFD Diagram Level-1

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DFD Diagram Level-2

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DFD Diagram Level-2

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DFD Diagram Level-2

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USE CASE Diagram

Add Instructors

Add Students


Authentication <>


<> Test_Assignor



Expire Date <>



<<extend>> Student

Create_Test <>


Administrator CAT_Test



<> Pass Percentage



ViewReport Create_Report <>

Student_Report Test_Result Report

<> Test_Report

Instructor Report

View test_Report

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Platform 

Hardware 

For running the application  Personal

Computer with Ms windows XP Professional and above With Pentium processor III 600Mhz or above.  128 MB Ram  50 Mb Hard Disk Space For Storing Software.  SVGA Color Monitor 1024 x 768 or higher resolution  Mouse

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Platform 

For development of application  Personal

Computer with Ms windows XP and above with Pentium processor III 600Mhz or above  256 Mb of Ram,  900 MB of available hard-disk space on system drive and 3.3 GB on installation drive  SVGA Color Monitor 1024 x 768 or higher resolution  CDROM drive 52x or DVD Rom  Multimedia system  Mouse

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Platform 

Software 

For running the application  ASP.NET

(.NET framework)  Mouse driver provided by the vendor of the mouse  Microsoft SQL Server  MS Windows XP professional ,Windows 2000, Windows 2003 server

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Platform 

For developing the application  Visual

studio.NET  Microsoft Sql Server  Case Studio v2  Internet Explorer v6 and above  MS Windows XP professional ,Windows 2000, Windows 2003 server

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Implementation 

CAT Algorithm Ø

All the items that have not yet been administered are evaluated to determine which will be the best one to administer next given the currently estimated ability level


The "best" next item is administered and the examinee responds


A new ability estimate is computed based on the responses to all of the administered items.


Steps 1 through 3 are repeated until a stopping criterion is met. Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

CAT Ability Estimate

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Testing 

Unit Testing 


CAT algorithm

View reports

Create tests

Give Tests

Test options

Integration Testing

System Testing Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Future Scope To

prepare various patterns for different test software language courses. Also

to develop a Billing System module for enabling the online payment for the Test courses for different Certification modules . Making

the system Web-enabled and thereby integrating Online Certification courses for different Software languages. Also

to Implement a Mock Test feature to acquaint the students with test patterns. Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Conclusion 

The Online Test Software System developed has the following features :

The test system developed is Computer Adaptive in nature i.e the difficulty level of questions go on changing as per the students goes on giving correct answers.

Also the questions from the question bank come in random order during the test.

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Conclusion 

The software has enhanced security feature in such a way that, only the instructor assigned can modify/append the questions in the question bank .

Also the entire control lies in the hands of the Administrator who is the only authenticated personnel to add/remove instructors and students.

The performance of students , instructors can be monitored using reports. Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

References •

Cynthia G.Parshall, Judith A. Spray, Tim Davey, John Kalohn, Practical Considerations in Computer-Based Testing, Springer, 1st edition, 2001.

Dave Bartram, Ron Hambleton, Computer-Based Testing and the Internet: Issues and Advances, Wiley, 2005.

William A. Sands, Brian K. Waters, James R. McBride, Computerized Adaptive Testing: From Inquiry to Operation, American Psychological Association, 1997.

References •

Herbert Schildt, C# .NET The Complete Reference, Osborne, 2002.


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Nominate Student

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Add Questions

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Create Test

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Test Details

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Negative Marking

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Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd


Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

Test Report

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Student Report

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Change Password

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Thank you !

Mikado Solutions Pvt Ltd

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