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A Project Report On

“USE OF TRADITIONAL MATERIAL IN LOW COST HOUSING” Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Diploma in Civil Engineering Prescribed by Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai 2018 - 2019 Submitted by Sarang G. Warjurkar Tejendra S. Jambhule Amar C. Chatap

Shital M. Ughade Punamchand R. Sindam Ashikkumar B. Jiwane Under the Guidance of Prof. P.S.Moon [Lecturer] Civil Engineering Department Shri Sai Polytechnic, Chandrapur




CERTIFICATE This is to certified that this complete project report of entitled “USE OF TRADITIONAL MATERIAL IN LOW COST HOUSING “Submitted by the following students of sixth semester of “SHRI SAI POLYTECHNIC, CHANDRAPUR, (M.S.) in the partial fulfillment for requirement of DIPLOMA IN CIVIL ENGINEERING from Maharashtra State Board Of Technical Education, Mumbai, (M.S.). This is the record of their own project work carried out by them under my guidance and supervision for the academic session 2018-2019. Submitted by

Sarang G. Warjurkar Tejendra S. Jambhule Amar C. Chatap

Shital M. Ughade Punamchand R. Sindam Ashikkumar B. Jiwane

Prof. P.S.Moon Project Guide Civil Engineering Department ShriSai Polytechnic, Chandrapur, (M.S.)

Prof. A. V. Gowardhan Head of Department Civil Engineering Department Shri Sai Polytechnic, Chandrapur, (M.S)

Prof. S.N. Pilare Principal Shri Sai Polytechnic, Chandrapur, (M.S)


The student of Sixth Semester humbly submit this project, we have complete from time to time as described in this report by own skill and studied between the period of 2018-2019 as per instruction / guidance of Prof .P.S.MOON Sir and student related with this project are associated with us for this work. However quanta of our contribution have been approved by the professor.

Submitted by

Sarang G. Warjurkar Tejendra S. Jambhule Amar C. Chatap

Shital M. Ughade Punamchand R. Sindam Ashikkumar B. Jiwane


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am grateful to my respected guides Prof. P.S.Moon Mam for her kind, disciplined and invaluable guidance which inspired me to solve all the difficulties that came across during completion of the project. I express my special thanks to Prof. A.V.Gowardhan Sir, Head of the department, for his kind support, valuable suggestions and allowing me to use all facilities that are available in the department during this project. My sincere thanks are due to Prof.S.N.Pilare Sir, Principal, for extending the all possible help and allowing me to use all the resources that are available in the institute. I would like to thanks all the faculty member of the Civil Engineering Department for their support, for the successful completion of the project work. The acknowledgement shall remain incomplete without expressing my warm gratitude to the almighty God. I would like to thanks my Family members and friends for their continues support and standing with me in all difficult condition during this work.


ABSTRACT Housing is a basic need of human being. But this is out of the means of low income householder who constitute majority of the population in the country. Low cost housing become must in civil engineering. In this report some methods of low cost housing given. Low cost housing is a new concept which deals with effective budgeting and following of techniques which helps in reducing the cost of construction through the use of locally available materials along with improved skills and technology without sacrificing the strength, performance and life of the structure. There is huge misconception that low cost housing is suitable for only sub standard works and they are constructed by utilizing cheap building materials of low quality. The fact is that Low cost Housing is done by proper management of resources. Economy is also achieved by postponing finishing works or implementing them in phases. Present project concentrates on: Studying materials and technology for low cost construction.









2.1 NATURAL MATERIALS 2.1.1 Random-straw or Coconut Fiber stabilized soil


2.1.2 Bamboo


2.1.3 Earth


2.1.4 Straw


2.2 MANMADE MATERIALS 2.2.1 Fiber cement composites


2.2.2 Structural Material


2.2.3 Ferro Cement


2.2.4 Bricks & Blocks


2.2.5 Plaster


2.2.6 Roofing


CHAPTER 3 NEW TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY 3.1.1 In walls 3.1.2 Non-erodible mud plaster 3.1.3 Fly ash sand lime bricks


3.1.4 Precast R.C.C. door and window frames 3.1.5 Precast Plank and Joist Flooring/Roofing 3.1.6 In Floor and Slab




4.1.1 Scale of the problem 4.1.2 Financial requirement for Affordable Housing 4.1.3 Social, Economical & Political Factors 4.1.4 Housing Policy Environment 4.1.5 Causes of Inadequate housing 4.1.6 Community housing through NGO’s 4.1.7 The stakeholders 4.1.8 The big picture:solving housing problem CHAPTER 5

















TABLE TABLE CONTENT NO. 2.1 Availability of natural fibers in India and its applications in building materials 2.2 The properties of building materials in consideration 6.1 Comparison between convectional and filler slab 6.2

Cement and lime content in blocks


Typical properties of aerated concrete (High pressure steam) Physical and material properties of panels






NO. 2.1.1

Random-straw OR Coconut Fiber Stabilized Soil blocks


Bamboo forest in Maharashtra


Corrugated Bamboo Roofing Sheet


Earth blocks in India


Non - erodible plaster house


Rice Husk


Agricultural byproduct straw


Polymer-bamboo Reinforcement


Construction of house using aerocon panels


Calcium silicate plaster


Micro roofing tiles on sloping roof


Brick Panel Roofing



INTRODUCTION As India tries to shed its tag of ‘developing country’ and come in the league of ‘developed Nations’, one of the precondition is to provide food, shelter and clothes for all. A major crisis for our country’s development is the problem of squatter settlement with nearly 100 million people living in slums and slum-like conditions without adequate basic facilities. These numbers are expected to touch 200 million by 2020. India's housing shortage is estimated to be as high as 40 million units and demand from the low income segments constitutes a large proportion of this shortage. This has given rise to need of affordable housing in India. India has a massive sanitation and public hygiene problem (affordable housing for masses). More than half a billion citizens don't have a toilet and the country needs to build 78 new once every minute over the next four years to meet the government’s ambitious sanitation target. One in two Indians, or about 650 million people, defecates in the open. The untreated waste poses a serious health risk. In 2007 India added about 11 million toilets, but the government wants the rate construction to rise considerably. The national co-ordinator of aid agency water aid India, Richard Mahapatra use official data to estimate that 40,000 new toilet for they are needed to reach the government goal of making a lavatory available to every citizen by 2012. pre engineered buildings is one of the techniques that can be used for fast and economic building of houses and toilets in India. This paper studies the opportunity of Pre engineered building techniques to provide of affordable housing and sanitation solution. Basic need of man in today's world is food, clothing and shelter. House construction is a dream for low income people in our India. Whether he is a farmer, labor or Private employee. Cost of construction is at high because of Highway base and height material cost. A poor man has to spend his entire life in construction a house. Low cost housing is reasonable for low income owners, if they can invest 30% of the household income. In India as a developing country, has 20% of high income population that can afford a house. High and middle-income people takeover most of the low income housing there is a need of cost effective construction technology and materials. A low cost housing doesn't mean to sacrifice with strength or build with operational materials but it means effective use of local materials and techniques that are durable and requires less maintenance. Low cost material reduce the cost of using alternative techniques. India's Urban population is the second largest in the world. The country needs for plan for land acquisition and Rapid construction 40- 45% is slum population

which is growing day by day. Current shortage of 17.6 million houses is being faced by India. Mumbai is the largest populated city of India having a population of 16 million according to 2011 census which has seen an increment of 15.9 8% form 2011 census. India's population growth by 1.3 % per annum which is a main problem as 37 percent of population is below poverty line on need using low cost and easily available materials and Technology. Shortage of 17.6 million houses generates the uses of local available and natural material in rural and urban India. According to the World bank the rural and urban population of India in 2013 is 67.97% and 32.02% respectively. Affordable housing is term used to describe dwelling units whose total housing cost are deemed “affordable” to the to a group of people within a specified income range. In India the technology to be adopted for housing components should be such that the production and erection technology be adjusted to suite the level of skills and handling facilities available under metropolitan, urban and rural conditions.

Logical approach of for optimizing housing solutions: There should be a logical approach for providing appropriate Technology based on the availability of options considering its technical and economical analysis. 1. There should be optimal spacing the design considering efficiency of space, minimum circulation space. 2. Economy should be considered in design of individual buildings, layouts, clusters etc. 3. While preparing the specifications it should be kept in mind that, cost effective construction system are adopted. 4. Energy efficiency has gained considerable importance due to energy crisis especially in developing countries. Orientation, built- from, openings & materials play a vital role besides landscaping /outdoor environment . 5. To develop an effective mechanism for providing appropriate technology based shelter particularly to the vulnerable group and economically weaker section.

Components should be such that the production and erection technology to be adjust to shoot the level of skills and handling facilities available under Metropolitan Urban and rural condition.

Objective of the study The following are the objectives of the present study: 1. To redefine the meaning of affordable Housing by comparing 2. To study the financial aspects of affordable housing 3. To study the be heavier of the buyer towards affordable house.

4. To study materials and technology used in affordable housing .


MATERIALS USED IN LOW COST HOUSING By the large commercial buildings materials like burnt bricks, steel and cement are higher in cost, utilized large amount of non- renewable natural resources like energy, minerals, top soil, forest cover, etc the continued use of such conventional materials has adverse impact of economy and environment friendly materials and technologies with cost effectiveness are therefore required to be adopted for sustainable construction which must fulfill some or more of the following criterion: 1. Non Endanger bio reserves and be non polluting 2. Be self sustaining and promote self Reliance 3. Recycle polythene waste into usable materials 4. Utilize locally available materials 5. Utilize local skills manpower and managing systems 6. Benefit local economy by being income generating 7. Utilize renewable energy sources 8. be accessible to people 9. be low in monetary cost

 NATURAL MATERIALS Random- straw OR Coconut Fiber Stabilized Soil Straw- soil mix is an ancient construction material and has been used in many countries for years. Application of modern geotechnical techniques to this material can further improve both strength and durability. Results with silty clay using the standard ASHTO compaction procedure applied with the tensile test show that for 1% by weight of straw, the tensile strength increased three times than that soil with no straw and also the soil straw mix gives high ductility behavior. The percent of straw increase to the tensile strength increases and optimum condition approximately around 1.6 % by weight and further increases of straw will decrease tensile strength. From wet- dry test results, the coconut fiber gives a better durability. If sulfur coating is applied to the compacted straw- soil mix, better water resistance is gained. Straw-soil mix can also simulate the soil root system.

Figure 2.1.1 :- Random- straw OR Coconut Fiber Stabilized Soil blocks

Bamboo After China, India is the second largest in bamboo production. Coupled with China, it hold 50% of the world’s total share of bamboo production. Of the total 136 species of bamboo occurring in India, 58 species spread out over 10 genera are endemic to the north eastern part of India alone. The forest area, over which bamboos occur in India on conservative estimate, is about 9.57 million hectares, which constitutes about 12.8% of the total area under forest. its widespread availability and Rapid growth in areas of China, Japan and India has made this grass and interesting structural material Due to its affordability easy assembly and relatively long durability.

Figure2.1.2:- bamboo forest in Maharashtra

 Some Ongoing Bamboo Products Are Corrugated Bamboo Roofing Sheet: A successful roofing material with a development of traditional material comes from bamboo Board. It is eco-friendly light-weight strong and durable and has minimal fire hazard when compared to thatch and other roofing material. These sheets can be used for roofing, walling, door and window shutters and other components in building construction.

Figure 2.1.3:- Corrugated Bamboo Roofing Sheet

Bamboo Mat Boards Raw material source

Bamboo grass( plant) species

Material for production





hydrocarbons and Boron and cashew nut Applications

flooring, walling, structural, membrane, false ceiling, Door/ window forms

Bamboo Mat Veneer Composite Raw material source Material for Production

plantation, wood, bamboo plant plantation wood veneer, bamboo mat, polymeric resin chlorinated hydrocarbons, boron cashew nut shell liquid


door skin in flush doors, structural used as roofing, web construction, prefab and portable shelters, packing, modular partitions, and furniture.

Bamboo Corrugated Roofing Sheet Raw Material source Material for production

bamboo grass plant species bamboo polymer resin chlorinated hydrocarbons and Boron and cashew nut shell liquid coating for UV protection and to improve


Roofing sheets as substitute to corrugated Asbestos cement sheets, Galvanized iron sheets, Aluminum sheets and fiber reinforced plastic

Bamboo Rice Husk Composite Raw material source

Rice mill, Bamboo plants (grass)

Material for production

Rice husk, bamboo mat, cashew nut shell liquid phenolic resin.


temporary Shelters, ware houses, false ceiling, insulation, partition and stage settings, industrial and domestic floorings.

Flash Polymer Composite Raw material source

Fly ash from coal based power generating plants

Material for production

flash polymer material


partitions, door shutters, roofing sheets.

Blast Furnace Slag Composite

Raw material source

waste from Steel Plant

Material for Production

blast furnace slag, polymeric resin


laminating material

Sand Witched Fly Ash Panel Raw Material source

fly ash coal based power generating plants

Material for production

fly ash, cement, sand, foaming agent


partitions and walling panel.

Plantation Timber doors Windows Raw material source

rubber wood, popular wood and other soft woods

Material for production







thermoplastic and thermosetting resin Applications

doors and window frames, flush and paneled door shutters

Earth Earth is the oldest building material known to mankind. But its widespread use is the hindered due to the limitations like water penetration,. Erosion of wall at level by splashing of water ground surfaces, attack by termites and pests, high maintenance requirements etc. This limitation can be overcome by using compressed earths block and non erodible mud plaster.

Compressed Earth Block

The compressed earth block is the developed for the molded earth block more commonly known as the adobe Block this technology offer and economic Environment friendly masonry stabilized earth block are manufactured by compacting raw material earth mix with a stabilizer such as cement or lime using manual soil press.

Figure 2.1.4. Earth blocks in India

Non -erodible Mud Plaster Central building research institute, India has developed on economical but effective process to protect mud walls by applying non- erodible mud plaster. Non-Erodible mud is prepared by mixing bitumen cutback (bitumen & Kerosene oil mixture) with a specified mud plaste. Non- erodible mud plastered walls are resistant to water erosion. Centre for science for villages, wardha India has developed a technique of providing potter made tile lining to mud– walls protecting them from rain and moisture.

Figure 2.1.5:- non - erodible plaster house

Terra Cotta Skin to Mud Wall Centre for science for villages, wardha India has developed technique of providing potter made tile line to mud walls protecting them from rain and moisture in pace of potter made tiles, kiln fired brick or tiles may also be used to protect mud walls from rains these tiles/bricks can be fixed with mud mortar & pointed with cement mortar.

Rice husk India is one of the world largest producers of white of rice contributing about 20 % of world total rice production. The state of west Bengal ranks first in terms of area under production whereas Punjab has the highest productivity in the country.

Figure 2.1.6: - Rice husk

Straw Straw is basically an agricultural by product which comprises only of the plant stalks (mostly cereals) after removal of grain and chaff. Rice straw has the highest silica content making it the toughest amongst all ther cereal straws. Straw is considered as an environmental problem as its burning causes breathing problems. straw and straw bale have a huge scope in India as it is one of the largest producers of straw bale. 46% of total land ( 32,87,590, of India is agricultural land and out of total population of 1,17,09,38,000 people 58.4% Is solely dependent upon agriculture as a means of livelihood. So straw as high potential as an alternate support combustion, is thermally insulated, has sound and moisture insulation and is not toxic. The following are the profiles of some construction alternatives constructed with straws and straw bales.

Figure 2.1.7 - Agricultural byproduct straw

1. Straw fiber The early use of straw was by Mesopotamian and Egyptian in 1500 BC. Straw has provided reinforcement to ancient products like boats and pottery. After the removal of chaff and grain straw is obtained which is one of the byproducts of agriculture industry. Toughest compared to other straw. Burning causes breathing problems, so an alternate method is needed for it deposition.

Applications 1) Life extended thatch roof- environmental friendly. it is fire resistant and water proof 2) Improved thatch roof- CBRI has designed a technique to make the roof more fire and water resistant by plastering the layer by mud to make it more resistant to fire

Bagasse Fiber Obtained from the remains of sugarcane or sorghum stalks. Waste quantity is same as the quantity of production Around 500 sugar mills are present in India its is pale green to grey yellow in color it is non uniform and bulky in size A Balaji et al states that approximately 50% cellulose and 25 % of both lignin and hemicelluloses is present. If properly modified shows

better mechanical properties. 85% of the material is burnt of deposited of field advantage is low energy input eco- friendly, reduces the density of product. Disadvantages are less impact strength stocking problem, degradation of fiber etc. it can be used as bagasse cement board and panels, bagasses PVC boards, biomass power generation.

Jute and Coir Fiber It is a vegetable fiber. cultivation of just started around 800 BC it has been spread in many parts of india 33 districts which has 98.41% of total area under jute cultivation jute is mostluy used for pafckaging from the husk of coconut coir is obtained. Two third production comes from million hectare in tropics it has a length of 35 cm and a diasmeter of 12-25 microns coir industru is locted in india brazil etc. jute and coir fibers are used to produce coir – CNSL board jute coir composite coconut and wood chips roofing sheetm geo textiles etc.

Sisal fiber These fibers are naturally available that have that have low price, high specific strength and are recyclable it can be used as reinforcement to make reinforced polymer composite. Life span of sisal plant is 7 – 10 years which can produce 200 – 250 leaves. 1000 fibers, a leaf produce. This fiber cannot be used in place of wet spills, snow, and rain. But it can be used for paper production, cordage industry, tiles, geotextiles , roofing sheet and cement flooring sheets, production of ropes.

Banana Fiber Banana also called kalpatharu. India is the largest producer after Brazil. India has 5 lakh hectares of farms out of which 10 % of waste is used to extract the fiber. There is no particular method for extraction of banana fiber. It is highly strong fiber, with small elongation light weight, average fineness is about 2400 Nm, bio-degradable environmental friendly. It is being

used for the production of building boards, fire resistance boards and medical applications, ropes, mats, home furnishes.

Life extended thatch roofing: It is one of the locally available and environment friendly alternative for corrugated sheets. By treating it with copper sulphate solution its life can be extended by reducing the effect of biodegradability. Additional layer of treatment on the roof surface using phosphorylated spray or CNSL oil imparts water proofing, fire resistance termite proofing and weathering resistance.

Improved Thatch Roofing: In order to decrease the fire hazard of thatch roof and making it water repellent a treatment had been designed by the central building research institute. It essentials the thatch layers are plastered with specified mud plasters making it durable and fire resistant.

Table2.1.Availability of natural fibre in india and its application in building materials Item


Application in building material

Rice husk

Rice mills

As fuel for manufacturing building and products

Banana leaves/

Banana plants

In the manufacture of building boards, fire resistance, fiber

stalk Coconut husk

boards Coir fiber industry

In the manufacture of building boards, roofing sheets, insulation boards, building panels, as a lightweight aggregate, coir fiber reinforced composite boards

Groundnut shell

Groundnut oil mills

In the manufacture of building panels, building blocks, for making chip boards, roofing sheets, particle boards

Jute fiber

Jute industry

For making chip boards, roofing sheets, door shutter

Rice/Wheat straw

Agricultural farm

Manufacture of roofing units and walls/panels boards

Saw Mill Waste

Saw mills/wood

Manufacture of cement bonded wood chips, blocks, boards, practical boards, Insulation boards, briquettes

Sisal Fibers

Sisal Plantation

For Plastering of walls and for making roofing sheets, composite board with rice husk, cement roofing sheet, roofing tiles, manufacturing of paper and pulp

Cotton stalk

Cotton Plantation

Fiber boards, panel, door shutters, roofing sheets, autoclaved cement composite, paper , plastering of walls

Table 2.2. The properties of building materials in consideration. S r. n o


Ba Concert mb Blocks oo

Ferro cement and aeroco n panels

Fiverce Fly ash ment bricks compos ites

Mud Blocks (compr esed )

Rich husk

Straw bale (with bricks)






The light












and high


strength as


















to weight





less mortar












size bigger





e in




20% less















and high


clay brick
































ty than stee l you ngs mo dul us. 2.










Moderat e

nt 3.


















on bricks

n as it is




ton as it


is mixed with the brick and with mud











Moderat e

te 5.

Cost ( in Rs/


spuare meter)





on fiber






kne ss (1*)






 MANMADE MATERIALS Fiber cement composites From centuries, mankind has used the various natural fibers for wide spectrum of application draining from conception to housing. In recent days many researchers have explored the possibilities of using the natural fiber obtained from different plants which include, bagasse, cereal straw corn stalk, cotton stalk, kenaf rice husk rice straw etc as an alternative building material. Due to the light weight high strength to weight ratio, corrosion resistance and other advantages natural fiber based composites are becoming important alternative for building material for use in civil engineering fields.

Wardha tumbler tiles Theses tumbler tiles are cast by potter and used as roofing have been developed by centre for science for villages we wardha this kind of roof keeps the heat & cold out these tiles required no under structure yet can bear the weight up to 1-0 tone/ m2 . Life is about 50 years & required no repairs being light in weight ( 135kg/m2) the roof is safe even on future earthquakes.

Recycled steel reinforcement steel reinforcement can be made entirely of recycled scrap iron. This material is salvaged from automobiles, appliances and steel reinforced structures, which include reinforced concerte pavements, bridges and buildings in general steel reinforcement bars can be rolled out from other of the following: used scrap rails, automobile scrap or defense scrap, defectives from steel plants, scrap generated from ship breaking and discarded structures, ingots from induction furnaces tested billets from mini steel plant and main producer.

Structural material The industrial revolution introduced many foreign substances which are the byproducts of industries like fly ash and rice husk and created problems for their disposal. But on further research into their properties it was observed that these materials possess excellent pozzoloanic properties. Hence these can be used alternative building materials.

Polymer - bamboo reinforced concrete The problem of bamboo reinforced concrete includes high volume change (expression and shrinkage due to water content), low bond strength between Bamboo and concrete, low modulus which Precipitate cracks at a service loads in tensile zone of concrete beams, and decay. Many researchers have attempted to use many techniques to improve this low- cost material use of bitumen, paint, cement. Etc. Impregnation technique and increasing the bond strength for this material with Sulfur are being developed. It is feasible that this type of material can be used the secondary structures when steel is not available. Other the low cost materials such as a sulfur treated brick or masonry block are also being studied.

Figure 2.2.1: - Polymer-bamboo Reinforcement

Pozzolona Material (Fly Ash/ Slag/Calcined Clay) As Blending Material with Cement. Up to 35% of suitable fly ash can directly user substituted from cement as blending material keeping the structural considerations. Addition of fly ash significantly improved the quality and durability characteristic of the resulting concrete. Use of blended cement has now become quite popular world over, from durability and environmental benefits point of view. The advantages achieved with the use of a blended cement in concrete are quite well documented reduce heat and hydration, improve workability and ease of pumping, superior microstructure lending to lower permeability, higher long-term strength better performance in aggressive environment (Sulphates, Chlorides, etc.) reduced the risk of Alkali silica reaction and higher electrical resistance leading to lesser chances of reinforcement corrosion are some of the benefits of pozzolona material blends. While Portland pozzolona cement save energy by 20%, lime line for pozzolona mixture show up to 70% savings in energy.

Ferro cement Ferro cement is a versatile structural construction material possessing unique properties of strength and service ability. It is made with closely- knit wire mesh and mild steel reinforcing bars filled with rich cement mortar. Welded mesh may also be used in place of reinforcing bars. The materials required from making it, namely, cement, sand, wire mesh and mild steel reinforcing bars are easily available in most places. It is possible to fabricate used in ferro cement a variety of structures in elements which are thin, light and durable and processing high degree of impermeability. Ferro cement combines of lightness of steel and mould ability of concrete and can be cast to any shape.

Application of Ferro cement component Several applications of this material in housing include the following:

a .small capacity water tank b. cupboard slab c. roof and wall elements d. shuttering for concrete construction e. service core unite f. toilet component g. benches, furniture’s, dining , & other tables h. sofa sets book store units etc. i. Biogas holders j. Boats and water troughs In this paper a brief description has been about the method of production of Ferro cement roofing channels, door shutter water tanks have been described and their cost economics have been indicated for comparison purpose.

Advantage and disadvantage of Ferro cement components Advantages 

Less use of cement and steel for any given section compared with RCC with a corresponding reduction in self weight

A major reduction to cost expenses compared to RCC

An easy manufacturing process required only semi skilled labor

A simplified a cheaper installation practice compared to RCC

The technique requires scaffolding shuttering a concrete mixer non vibrator

They have a high degree implement ability resistant to cracking

They require little or no maintenance

they are economical compared to components build with steel concrete or bricks wall

Disadvantages 

The need of the casting space and working area prefabricate the element and cure them. This may be difficult or expensive especially in an urban setting

The need for control to ensure quality products.

The need for a proper applied curing method, usuallyoverlooked in any building construction activities

If the element arr not manufacture on the site they will have to be transported which may add to the cost. Care should be taken not a damage the element during transportation.

Raw material of ferrocene and components The following are the ingredients of the ferro cement production 

Pozzolona cement from the point of view of long term durability

River sand

clean water

G I wire mesh or weld mesh

Normally a mix proportion of cement sand combination in the range ratio of 1:5 to 1:3 is adopted in the production of components with water cement ratio ranging from 0.45 to 0.5 and unlimited chips of ferro cement component can be productive depending on the requirement.

Manufacturing process The manufacturing process includes the following: 1) Mould preparation (flat and smooth casing surface) preferably in a shaded area. There should be no small hole and cracks in the mould of platform 2) Shuttering oil or west engine oil Smeared inside the mould or platform with a brush 3) Prepare the rich cement mortar and apply 1coat of 5 mm in the mould 4) Prepare weld mesh a layer of chicken mesh as per the design requirement

5) Then squared a second and last layer of mortar over the speed and obtain smooth finish and required color grain of wood by sprinkling handful and of colored pigment cement and rubbing it with mason travel 6) Curing is a necessary phase in order to obtain a properly manufacture ferro cement production and minimum of 15 to 20 days of curing required. 7) Demould the products and stock for transportation

Cost analysis of different Ferro cement products Ferro cement roofing channel Material

weight (KG)

cost (Rs.)

3nos of steel bar of 8mm



Binding wire



Mesh (2 layers)











Labour Preparation of steel & mesh

2.0 hours



2.0 hours




The total cost price for 1 meter prefabricated Ferro cement roof channel will be Rs. 136.40

Ferro Cement Door Shutter Summary of technical details for Ferro cement Doors


weight = up to 2.50m Width = up to 1.50 m


minimum = 5mm Maximum = 12mm


maximum average = 30kg/m2


4 layers of 12mm x 0.71mm (22G) mesh

WCS ratio

200 g of binding wire. W= 4.40 (for 12 mm thickness per m2 = 4.5 liter) C= 1 (for 12 mm thickness per m2 = 11.1kg)

Curing time Labor

S= 1.5 ( for 12mm thickness per m2= 2.5 to 3 weeks

Preparation of Steel mat

1 bar bender

+ 1 helper

: 2 hours/m2


1 mason

+ helper

: 2 hours/ m2


1 mason

+ 1 helper

: 4 hours/m2

Cost price Not exceeding Rs 600 [er m2 (excluding the fittings)

Ferro Cement Water Tank Cost of Ferro cement water tank (800 liters capacity ) 1. Weld mesh 7.00m2 @ Rs. 25.00/m2

= 175.00

2. Chicken mesh 13.00 m2 @Rs. 15.00/m2

= 195.00

3. 6mm M.S rod 0.7 kg @ Rs. 12.50/Kg


4. Cement 2.2 bags @ Rs. 80.00/bag

= 176.00

5. Sand 1.50 m3 @ Rs. 60/m3

= 9.0

6. Labor L.S

= 520.00

7. Welding of fins for outets and scour

= 40.00

8. Oil , grease mixer, etc.L.S.

= 76.60



Cost per liter = rs.1.50 Cost of conventional water tank with brickwork 800 liters capacity Rs. 1.95per liter.

Precast RCC Ferro Cement Farms Precast RCC frames are concrete door frame with welded reinforcement these are manufactured according to Indian standards. These are economical environmental friendly and durable. They are termite proof, fire resistant and cousin proof. There is no bending or twisting no shrinkage and no cracks. They are maintenance free and easy to install at site, provided with in-built high quality drop hold protector, stronger than other door frame material available in the market and are provided with two different types of hinge fixing arrangements to suite specific requirement .high quality plastic blocks for fixing hinges or arrangement for fixing stone hinges are available

. Ferro cement frames are 1/3rd in cost, compared to even second grade timber. They can be manufactured at a small-scale level or for mass application, can be painted like timber shutters. They have higher strength to weight ratio than RCC and provide 20% saving on material and cost technical specification; 100 mmx60 mm section, grade of concrete M40, steel 6 mm dia, 3 no‘s, and stirrups, 6mm welded to main reinforcement.

Bricks and blocks Need for building materials is growing at an alarming rate and in order to meet the demand for new buildings, new ways and techniques must be evolved. Manufacturing of building materials like bricks /blocks, cement, steel, aggregates, etc. consumed in bulk quantities, puts great pressure on natural resources (raw materials) and energy requirement. The use of alternative material for bricks should be encouraged in order to preserve precious fertile top soil. Described below are a few examples of alternative materials for bricks/blocks.

Fly ash brick Fay ash brick is a construction material, masonry unit comprising of class C fly ash and water. Due to the high concentration of calcium oxide in class C fly ash, the brick can be described as self cementing. These properties make fly ash bricks energy efficient ,mercury pollution resistant, lower water penetration, lightweight ,thermal insulation and cost effective the only major disadvantages of using fly ash brick is that there is very less information on its toxic fume emission, Also it contains many unhealthy elements like silica ,aluminum, iron oxides, arsenic, cadmium and mercury .Its mechanical bonding is weak and presents poor outlook .

A brick from coal washery rejects Freshly mined coal is washed to remove impurities prior to its use or processing. This residual waste from the coal washers plants is a hazard to the environment and needs to be disposed or utilized in a manner which lessens its harmful effects on the natural surroundings these bricks are eco-friendly and waste utilizing. They reduce air, land and water pollution is energy efficient and cost effective.

Building Blocks from Mine Waste and Industrial Waste It is eco-friendly, utilizes waste and reduces air, land water pollution .It is energy efficient and cost effective. Majority of the large-scale industries and thermal power plants generate solid wastes in bulk quantities .red –mud, coal ash ,slag, fly ash, etc. represent such wastes unutilized for several decades. Such waster can be utilized for the manufacture of bricks/blocks, substitute for fine aggregates in concrete ,partial replacement of cement in concrete , Lime-pozzolona cements ,etc. Huge quantities of solid wastes (generally known as mine tailings) are produced by the mining industries.

Aerocon panels Aerocon panels are the inorganic bonded sandwich panels made of two fiber reinforced cement sheets engulfing a light-weight core consisting of Portland cement, binder and a mix of siliceous and micaceous aggregates .the use of Fly ash its substitution for timber based products makes the panels environmental-friendly. The property attributes are eco-friendly, Faster construction, no wet plastering and onsite curing, light weight, high thermal insulation, fire resistant, excellent sound reduction properties, water and termite and weather resistant, suitable for seismic and cyclone prone zone reloadable thin wall (space saving), smooth finish, minimum foundation or ground preparation required and easy workability.

Figure 2.2.2: - construction of house using aerocon panels

C-Brick These are bricks manufactured using the C- bricks machine developed by CBRI the machine is available with BMTPC and used for production of quality bricks using fly ash-sand-lime, fly ash-sand -cement and cement-sand aggregate.

Cement concrete hollow block Cement concrete Block is a recently developed many unit of concrete. It works on principle of densification of a lean concrete mix to make a regular shaped uniform, high performance masonry unit. They are cost effective and better alternative to burnt clay bricks due to their good durability, fire resistance, and resistance to sound, thermal insulation, small dead load and high speed of construction

Low cost sandcrete block The rice husk ash produced using charcoal form Rice husk is pozzoloanic and therefore is suitable for use in block making.

In concrete The rice husk ash is a highly siliceous material that can be used as an admixture in concrete if the rice husk is burnt in specific manners.

Plaster Calcium silicate plaster Calcium silicate refractoriness are usually derived from calcium silicate. Wollastonite is a naturally occurring form the calcium silicate commonly used as filler. Portland cement is also based on calcium silicate. Calcium silicate plasters economic, eco-friendly, produce less wastage, have wide uses, give a smart finish, are less energy consuming, do not emit PUC and other toxic fumes and gases after application and are recyclable. They are safein handling and

usages do not need skilled manpower, are fast drying, durable and have a less water consumption.

Figure 2.2.3:- Calcium silicate plaster

Fiber reinforced clay plaste Clay Plaster Can achieve better sticking properties by reinforcing it with fibers. These can be natural plant (cellulose) fiber or artificial fibers of polypropylene. Plant fibers in fiber reinforced plaster act as reinforcement and create voids thus controlling cracking due to drying shrinkage and thermal moments dried flower is less brittle than conventional blasters and can withstand small moments of the substrate.

Roofing’s Bamboo mat corrugated roofing sheets Roofing is an essential ingredient of any house and in India Several roof cladding materials are in use including brunt clay/ Mangalore tiles, thatch corrugated sheet of galvanized iron aluminum and asbestos cement, etc. Of these for semi permanent structures corrugated sheets are three word building material and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) and Indian plywood Industries Research and training institute (IPIRTI) have jointly developed Technology for manufacturing Bamboo mat corrugated sheets (BMCSs).

Micro concrete roofing tiles

Micro concrete roofing (MCR) tiles are durable, aesthetic and inexpensive alternative for sloping roofs micro concrete roofing (MCR) tiles are made from a carefully controlled mix of cement, sand, fine stones aggregate and water.

Figure 2.2.4:- micro roofing tiles on sloping roof

Gypsum based ceiling tiles panel. Block sand door window shutters: There are manufactures from calcined gypsum obtained by processing phosphogypsum and industrial waste of fertilizer plants The panel are strong, light weight, resistant to fire and works as a thermal isolative and cost of the product is cheaper.


NEW TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY Concept of pre-fabrication/partial prefabrication

has been adopted for Speedier

construction better quality components and savings in material quantity and cost some of these Construction Techniques and material for walls and roofs that are used many times have been described further. Different techniques adopted for different components of a building to reduce the cost of and without compromising the strength of the buildings.

In walls In the construction of walls, rammed earth, normal bricks, soil cement blocks, hollow clay blocks, dense concrete blocks, small medium and room size panel etc of different size are used. Although bricks continue to be a backbone of the buildings industry in actual construction the number of bricks or blocked that are broken into different size to fit into position at site is very last week results in wastages of material. On increasing the size of Wall blocks they will prove economical to an extent due to greater speed and less mortar consumption, which can be achieved by producing low density bigger size walls blocked by the use of Industrial wastes like blast furnace slag and fly ash. Several fabrication techniques have been developed and executed for walls but medium and large panel techniques have not proved economical for low rise buildings as compared to traditional brick work.

Non Erodible Mud Plaster. The plaster over mud walls gets eroded during rains, which necessitates costly annual repairs. This can be made non-erodable by the use of bitumen cutback emulsion containing mixture of bitumen and kerosene oil. The mixture is pugged along with mud motor and wheat/rice straw. This mortar is then appliedon mud walls surface in thickness of 12 mm. One or two coats of mud cow dung slurry with cutback are applied with the plaster has. maintenance cost gets lowered due to enhance durability of mud walls.


Fly – ash sand lime bricks By mixing of lime and fly ash in the presence of moisture, fly ash sand lime bricks are made. Fly ash reacts with lime at ordinary temperature and forms a compound possessing cementations properties. After reactions between lime and fly ash, Calcium silicate hydrates are produced which are responsible for the high strength ratio of the compound. Bricks made by mixing lime and ash are therefore, termed as chemically bonded bricks. The bricks are manufactured with the help of hydraulic press and are dried in the autoclave. These bricks have various advantages over the clay bricks, as they posses adequate crushing strength, uniform shape and smooth finish therefore does no require plastering and are also lighter than ordinary clay bricks.

Precast RCC door and window frames These are cheaper,, strongest fire resistant, termite resistant and sustain temperature and humidity.

Precast plank and joist flooring/ roofing These are precast RC planks, supported over precast RCC joists. Cost saving is up to 20% and time saving in construction is up to 12%.

Solid concrete and stone blocks This technique is suitable in areas where stones and aggregate for the blocks are available locally at cheaper rates. Innovative techniques of solid blocks with both lean concrete and stones had been developed for walls. The gang mould is developed for semi mechanized faster production of blocks.

In floor and roof A filler slab material may be termed as a waste material and is used to ensure advantages over RCC slab. it is used mostly in southern parts of India as a simple and innovative technique for roof construction. As it is known that steel is good in tension and concrete in compression therefore it is difficult to remove concrete from tension zone But on the other side can be

replaced by using a filler material. Materials are place in a such a way that it is not compromised; thereby removing unwanted concrete from below which leads to decrease in the quantity of material required. These steps act as a cost cutting measures in addition leading to reduction in dead load. To add an extra advantage internal cavity wall can be provided. different materials has been used as filler material like mangalore tiles coconut shells, etc. The advantages of using these material are that they are cost effective, have improved thermal Coefficient, reduce carbon emission by 20% and better appealing recycle material before deciding the design of slab, type of filler material to be used should we decide date first because size of filler plays a role in deciding the depth of slab and also the spacing of reinforcement, Filler should be soaked in water so that it is does not absorb water from concrete.

Bricks panel roofing It had been developed by CBRI, Roorkee. The codal provisions from IS 14142:1994, IS14143:1994 where used for its designed. The concrete used was in high compressive zone whereas bricks are used in less compressive. Use of M20 grade or 1:3 Grade Cement mortar was done for construction. Bricks panel roofing was made up of first class bricks reinforced with 6 mm MS bars, length was veried between 900 and 1200 mm but width was kept at 5:30 mm for allowing 30 - 40 mm gaps between bricks. In order to increase the length of brick panel, diameter of bars was also increase and its most suitable for rural areas the different advantage of using this where that help in saving the quantity of cement, Steels, labor. It also saves time and cost, concrete and concreting cost can be saved by 20- 25% and 25- 35% of complete slab cost respectively. If the production for ensuring availability is to highlighted then that case of factory can produce approximately 1,20,000 bricks panels/day in at 8 hours shift and 24,000 RCC joist in an annum For all those produced the compressive strength ranges up to 150 kg/cm2 standard size of bricks panel used was of size 1200x530x75 mm and while that RCC joist was 130x1200x3600 mm the numbers of skilled And unskilled Labour required are 6 and 20 respectively. Bricks panel weighs around 75 kg whereas RCC joist weight 15 kg/m.

Figure 3.1.1 : brick panel roofing

Flat slab Slab is one such component of house that is directly supported on columns without any intermediate beams as shown in figure. 3. It was constructed in 1906 by turner in USA by using some of the basic theoretical designs. Testing of different slab was done during 1910-1920. But Nicholas in 1914 gave a basic design method for its construction, but Jacob S. Grossman’s method of equivalent beam had been preferred by many engineers. Different methods came into existence of different types of designs likes for small ones empirical methods used for irregular forms sub frame method was used and for calculation of reinforcement details yield lines method was used. For slab spanning 5-9 m, thin flat slab my must be preferred, whereas slab spanning for more than 9 m, post tensioning should be done. Several advantages that can be elaborated and first an easy form working, less construction time and easy concreting as well. Despite all these advantages Indian engineers had to use ACI- 318 because of IS 456:2000 limitations.


HOUSING SCENARIO IN INDIA India is a populous country where approximately 70% of the people reside in rural areas people are migrating to urban settlements in search of jobs and better living standards

Scale of the problem The exhibit 1 below shows the state wise and category wise housing shortage in India. It can be seen that 99% of the housing requirement is in the economically weaker sections (EWS) and the low income housing (LIH) space.

Financial requirements for affordable housing Based on an analysis of the money spent on the above mentioned initiatives every year we arrived at the following: Total Urban Housing shortage(in Million units)


Approx cost per house (as per JNNURM estimates)


Total Financial Requirement(in crores)---5% of GDP


Total NREGA works cost per year(in crores) --- 0.6% of GDP


India GDP 2011-12 (in crores)


Total JNNURM Spending since inception (in crores)


From exhibit 2, it can be seen that even the most popular scheme of the government the NAREGA is allowed only. 0.6 % of the total GDP. The most well known Urban Development programmed has spent around 29000 Crores since its Inception. The above calculated housing requirements are only for urban areas which constitutes 28% of the population (in 2011). The Urban population is expected to rise to 50% population of the next two decades which will exacerbate the problem.

Social, Economic & Political factors 1. Poverty

and economic development: poverty & inadequate

housing work are

cyclical factors: those who lack adequate housing spend money and time on the shelter rather than on other basic needs, further entrenching them in poverty 2. Low household income levels: in developed countries, land prices average four times the average annual income whereas in Asia, developed land is, more than 10 times the average annual income. 3. Discrimination: Women and minority groups face both implicit (higher poverty levels) and explicit (barriers to housing based on law and customs) discrimination in many housing markers. 4. War and violence: war and violence creates an exodus of people who are forced to live in temporary settlements without access to basic amenities. It also physically destroys housing infrastructure and stalls housing production, creating further shortages.

Housing policy environment 1. Decentralizing authority: the responsibilities are often shared between multiple agencies at multiple levels of government with little coordination among them thereby leading to a lack of transparency. 2. Regulatory policies: Stringent construction and urban expansion policies leading to increase housing costs, lengthy delays in allotting permits and complex land registration procedures are contributing to the effectiveness in addressing the housing problem.

3. Forced eviction & relocation policies: Households from slums and illegal settlements are forcefully evicted and are consigned to less desirable locations which are far from places of work, education, recreation and Healthcare.

Causes for Inadequate housing The following causes of Indian housing India influence the quantity, quality and affordability of housing options available to the poor

Market conditions are and Housing options 1. Land Shortage due to improper City planning: Increasing demand for and limited supply of urban land are leading the speculative land prices

2. Lack of financing: loans require the poor to possess sufficient identification, ownership of land and have inflexible payment schedules which do not address the financial requirement of the poor. microfinance loans have a very short tenure and are mostly given out for revenue generations activities. Household savings are non-existent and government interest subsidies are insufficient

Failure of Governments The following are some of the reasons for governmental incompetence in providing housing for the poor; 

Standard housing projects:The government fails to understand the needs of the intended beneficiaries and standard designs are not attractive.

Location of housing projects: projects are located in the outskirts of cities, away from places of work, education and healthcare.

Lack of regulatory mechanisms: Many MIG and HIG applicants have benefited from the subsidized prices for housing properties meant for the EWS & LIH sections of the population due to lack of regulations.

Lack of Co-ordination: Multiple government agencies are working with little coordination among them for the development of housing projects leading to a bureaucratic and inefficient system for project tender and allocation.

Inefficient land acquisition process: Acquiring land in India is a hassle & the laws are not well defined when it comes to land acquisition and eviction. This is leading to lengthy delays in acquiring developmental permits.

Increasing land prices: the rapid increase in the price of land is leading to a Nexus between the government officials, politicians and land mafias which make it highly impossible and costly for the beneficiaries to get title to the land.

Lack of supervision: This is leading to significantly inferior quality of construction material being used by contractors resulting in a poor quality of construction.

Failure of private Sector The private sector has also failed to perform as per explanation in the low cost housing space. The following are some of the reason for the failure.

* Lack of incentives: The booming urban middle class on the demand side and increasing cost of land and construction model on the supply side have led to housing projects being price very high, which are now unaffordable the poor. * stringent construction standards: The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) that can be develop on given piece of land is very less compared to the other developing countries. This leads to a reduction of housing units that can be built on the same land which in turn is leading to high prices for developed units. * Long recovery cycles for Financiers: The poor can spare a very little portion of their earnings on repayment, leading to a long recovery recycle for financiers who compensate for it by charging high interest rates. All the above mentioned concern have cause the clearing price for privately built homes to be much larger than what is affordable to EWS and LIG section (see exhibit 2) and have left the private sector short of addressing the housing problem.

Community housing through NGOs given though in heavy inability duty of government the and private sector to cater to the house and nature of the urban poor the most promising models used to in holy Angels and communities there are many and use in India which have taken of the tax of facilities in housing construction and financing for the poor like CHF India (cooperative housing foundation) SPARC, assist Foundattion and habitat for humanity( HFH). We now take a detailed look at HFH. HFH India HFH Indiawas started in 1983 in Khammam Andhra Pradesh. It currently has 4 offices in Delhi Mumbai Chennai and Bangalore and has a cyst in building around 40,000 homes across the country although it started his operation close to 30 years ago it really got infected post of the tsunami disaster around this time there was a increase awareness and mindshare for homes and database got a lot of support and funds achieve hasbi more than 20000 homes in last 7 years.

The Habitat Models The habitat models is drawn from the philosophy that it is not for charity organised forward interest free loans to the poor who can not avail finance loan from the bank these forms a compound tonoscope could be in visual ok opportunities funds are there in channels to the deserving recipients through local enjoy the beneficiaries are called housing partners to see any five that they are an integral part of the project and have ownership.

The stakeholders In this section we will take a detailed look at the different stakeholders involved in the HFH model, their roles the flow of resources and how HFH adds value in the process the following diagram lists all the stakeholders and the flow of monetary and non – monetary aid between them which will be explained in the next few section:

Housing partners or Beneficiaries Their monthly income should be in the range of Rs. 4,500 -6,000 (belonging to the economically weak section) to ensure that they will be able to pay off their deft within the 5 year period. Also they should have possession of the land. The government recognizes the longtime inhabitants of certain localities and gives them an official status that they have a secure tenure of the land for a specified period of the (say 30 years.) this will enable them to build a house in that land and stay there but they do not have the title which is necessary to sell the land this ensures that the beneficiaries are genuinely poor and in need.

HFH adds value HFH provides interest free loans up to Rs. 60,000 to the beneficiaries which can HFH repaid in easy installments of Rs. 1000 per month in 5 years they also provide them technical support through an in-house engineer and help the reduce the cost of labor by providing volunteers who can do unskilled work.

NGOs NGOs are like an execution line of a ship is the scope of a variety of activities like identify the rights be necessary HFH does due diligence disbursement of funds and also monthly collection of requirements quality in self help group s h g in every locality to ensure that the payment is made on time these are generally organization which have a strong presence in circle locality with in deppk knowledge of the inheritance and problems a lot of their is taken in choosing the right sanjo to partner with the HFH teams does a detailed audit and evaluate them on different parameters and does a periodic reviews.

HFH adds value HFH gives their partner NGOs about 3 % to 5% of the first to cover the overhead expenses which the NGO include in activities apart from housing as well as a page also plays the role of mentor and diesel minutes waste management practices since HFH is as a internationally renowned entity, it has the NGOs get credibility and hence raise more funds from other sources reduce the resistance of the local and increase their acceptance and hence they reach.

Individual Donors The donor come from all walks of life from employees who contribute of percentage of their earnings admission to higher networth individuals who are in to work for social causes.

HFH adds value. Given the model of h a phase the money in the end by do not need to not be charity it can be written back to the game after a given period of time another advantage is that the utilization of the fonts can be clearly seen as it creates real asset unlikely se donating to the Cancer research foundation financiers are contained due to the three international standing and strong achievements the donors don't have to worry about mismanagement of funds.

Corporate Donor Large Indian and multinational companies have a tight of the HFH as a part of their CSR activities the most common ways in which they contribute is true sending the volunteers and matching donation policy for every hour of employee volunteer work Cisco some companies also donate a kind of life Aditya Birla cement and certain electrical appliances companies from Bank provide interest free capital 2hf with hfs guarantee the payment of the principal as a part of their CSR activities.

HFH adds value The outdoor volunteering activities for us as a great team building Activity Company is same enter themes for a day volunteering that they can bond over construction activities which require them to work in groups.

Government The government is only indirectly involved location of HFH in 2 ways 1. Identifying the long time in evidence of the land and adding them the position and documentation which guarantees a security in this helps the poor build a home without having a worry about it being demolished without any competition. 2. Giving unsecured loans for this section of the society of to rs 1 lakh which will reduce the amount of money acpc will have to clean hands in wearing them to increase their reach to more families.

The Big Picture: Solving Housing Problem Based on our understanding we believe that a collective system which incorporates the advantages of each entity is the most likely solution that comes closest to address in the housing problem the responsibilities of various entities are as given in the following figure exhibition 5 described below:


Housing Partners

•Provides subsidized land •Facilitates financing opportunity

•Monthly rent payments •Buyout property after 10 years

NGO Partners •Identify beneficiaries •Monthly rent collection from beneficiaries through SHGs

Investors •Invest in Tax Exempt Housing Bonds •Finance private sector requirement

Low -Cost Housing

Private Sector •Financing the project •Construction and Project Management


Government : In order to cut out the influences of the government in the housing market we suggest that the government only be involved in active City planning and making land available website for housing project the responsibility of development of the project should be handed over the private sector industry regulation to provide affordable housing on a fraction of the land.

private sector : having been provided land at subsides price the private sector can bring in it is experience in project management and construction to build good qualities houses at the lowest cost it should also finance the projects while repairing cost over a long period of time was matli 10 years based on a monthly rent collection from the beneficiaries.

Partner NGOs : the task of identification of beneficiaries should lie with NGO as they are closely involved in community development.

They should also from self help groups to guarantee regular rent payments.

Investor : The government can facility close to the private sector 3 house and bones on the lines of infrastructure bonds tax extension Malviya Chandu are the inventors in their sleep on the private sector cancer pass on the financial risk to the financial markets with sufficient regulation.

Housing partners : They must of hold their company commitments of paying regular Reigns file also having an option to buy the property 1 notable feature of the solution this that these houses are not sold to the beneficiary on front heat is the given out for phenomenal Rane top for period of 10 years the rain that is collected goes to the private developer to pay back is loan Sony this project beneficiaries who live in this houses for such a long period can be given an option to continue to pay rent of perfectly about their house for a nominal sum this option would also help the private developer if they want to get out of the project after 10 years.


GOVERNMENT SCHEMES FOR LOW COST HOUSING Under Indira awas Yojana to panchayats are to identify the beneficiaries at gram sabha meetings the housing subsidy under the scheme is directed and BPL families as the number of BPL families is the many times more than the plants available in any given year the panchayat list ranking beneficiaries and the ascending order of volunteers for families were given refunds during the year the selected beneficiaries is provided the subsidy amount of by the gram panchayat into installments 13,000 initially and 12000 on the completion of specific stage of construction before Ranbir Singh II and final instrument and inspection of the construction is carried out non of the rain a t series why interview reported of any harassment in obtaining ai ai subsidy only a simple form is to be afraid for the purpose is verified by the panchayat officer land for photocopy of the eligibility login user duration curve is submitted also the potential energy has to have kabza 21 occupancy on the leg there is a window for it support for those initially left out this comes from the SharePoint available with the clock chairperson but it can be accessed only when the official has someonly rain this official has some thoughts left with him and has started to meet the district target is first fixed which internships the lockets for the blocks the blocked then fix the target for the each gram sabha of turn the tide wait for the block is not fully Apportionment among its gram sabha. The residual funds constitut the question points which block chairperson all over to the son Nadi individual who are left out the Indira awas Yojana beneficiary are also able to get admission forms for the construction of toilets and a smokeless chulha amount currently available under1200. Simillarly Rajiv awas Yojana(ray), Pradhan mantri awas Yojana(pmay) Walmiki awas Yojana(way) and other state government different states are taking efforts for building houses for the poor or below poverty level.


ECONOMIC STUDY Filler Slab is much more economical than traditional slab as it saves 16%, 44%,17% of cement, steel and cost in two way slab and 33% , 46%, 25% in one way slab respectively. Brick panel saves 19% per m3 and Rs 418 cement, 19% per m3 and Rs 21 in sand 19% per m3 and Rs 127 in aggregate, and 38% per m3 and Rs 536 in steel. Soil stabilized bricks are 27.7% cheaper as compared to country fired bricks walls, where country fired bricks use Rs 934 per m2 there soil stabilized bricks use rs 736 per m2, they are less air pollution, energy consumption, carbon emission. Aluminum form work is a comparatively high cost construction but give high quality and speed constructin which can be used in places where speedy construction is required GFRG building saves around 50.8%, 35.2% and 27.47% of cement steel and cost to convectional buildings Flat slab the totally quantity of steel and concrete used are 8.644 m3 and 1294m3 as compared to conventional building which uses 10593 m3 of steel and 1505.25 m3 of concrete and the cost saving percentage in flat slab is 15% in B+G+3 building respectively. Hollow concrete block can be used in those places where the load is not coming directly on wall the cost saving is by 17.78%. Rat Trap bond are much economical than conventional bricks they reduce the uses of bricks by 25% and mortar by 40% and reducing the load by 8% while giving some compressive strength with saving of 57% in cement cost, 20% saving in bricks, and 61% saving in sand. Table: 6.1- comparison between convectional and filler slab Slab


Cement (Kg)

Steel (Kg/m3 )

Cost (Rs/m2)



Convectional slab of 120 mm thick




Filler slab of 120 mm thick








Convectional slab of 120 mm thick




Filler slab of 120 mm thick








Table:6.2 - cement & lime content in blocks Description




Cement stabilization



No max

Lime stabilization




Table:6.3- typical properties of aerated concrete ( High Pressure steam) Dry

Density Grain


size Compressive












of Thermal

moisture 450






























Table: 6.4- physical and material properties of panels

Sr. No.





1.14 grm/cm3


Water absorption

< 5%


Sound transmission

28 (unfilled) 45 (filled)


Elastic modulus

3000-6000 N/mm2



Thermal conductivity



U- value

2.85 W/M2K


Thermal Resistance (R)

0.36 m2 K/W


Fire resistance

4 hr rating with stood 700-10000 C





Tensile strength

35 KN/m


Flexure Strength

21.25 Kg/cm3


Unit Shear Strength

50.9 KN/m


Compressive strength

160 KN/m2 (unfilled) 1310 KN/m2 (filled)


Axial load capacity

160 KN/m or 16 tons/m



0.433 KN/m2 or 40 Kg/m2


Glass fiber

300 - 350 mm long


Fiber content

0.8 Kg/m2


CONCLUSSION In this study project the various natural materials like bamboo and its product, random straw blast furnace slag fly ash and its product, earths and its products, rice husk, different fibers (biogases, jute and coir, sisal, banana) are used being non endanger bio-reserves and non polluting. Also manmade materials like fiber cement composite, pozzolona material products Ferro cement precast material etc and recycle producing waste material into usable materials is beneficial for low cost housing materials. For the cost benefit ratio the effectiveness are filler slab over traditional slab is consider in this. The dream of owning a house particularly for low income and middle income families difficult reality it necessity to adopt cost effective innovative and environment friendly housing technologies for construction . This project examined the cost of effectiveness of using low cost housing technologies in comparison with traditional construction material. It is found that 26.12% and 26.68% of construction cost including labor and material can be achieved , can be save by using low cost housing technologies in comparison with the traditional construction method for the walling and roofing respectively. Depending on the availability of the materials in a particular region. These materials can be selected as transportation cost consist of approximately 30% of total construction budget. There have been several attempt at local levels to make use of bamboo, fly ash, mud, etc. In this project fly ash as a sustainable alternate building material is studied and the potential of this material to be used as a alternate building material is brought out. Proper awareness to be created in a housing sector for the low cost housing. This material if studied and develop properly holds the key to address the current housing needs. Mass housing target can be achieved by replacing the convectional material and more than that, the process of making use of industrial waste like fly ash in large quantities is more environmentally acceptable. At the end we can conclude by using low cost housing natural material and manmade materials and by using new trends and technologies we can build economic house.

KEYWORD AASHTO – American Association of state highway and Transport Officals CBRI -

The central building Research institute

CNSL- Cashew Nut shell Liquid RCC – Reinforced cement concrete GI – Galvanized Iron WCS – Water Cement Sand Ratio MS – Mild Steel LS – Lump sum BMTPC – Building material and Technology Promotion Council VOC – Volatile Organic Compund IPIRTI – Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute BMCS – Bamboo Mat Corrugated Sheets MCR – Micro Concrete Roofing EWS – Economical Weaker Section LIH – Low Income Housing GDP – Gross Domestic Product NREGA – National Rural Employment Guarantee Act MIG – Medium Income Group HIG – High Income Group FAR – Floor Area Ratio

NGO – Non Government Organization CHF – Co-operative Housing Foundation SPARC – Society for the Promotion of area Resource Centre HFH – Habitat for Humanity SHG – Self Help Group CSR – Current Schedule Rates/Corporate Social Responsibility IS – Indian Standard


REFERENCES   Http:// cost materials/5352/    

Building materials and construction – G.C. Sahu and Jaygopal Jenna

Building construction by Rangwala

Building construction by B.C. Pumia

Engineering material by Rangwala

Handbook of low cost housing by A.K.Lal

Housing and Urbanization: A study of India By Cedric Pugh.

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