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  • Words: 2,185
  • Pages: 22
My School Based Assessment On Unemployment

Name of Candidate: Candece Nicholson Name of School: Mona High School Centre No: Candidate No: Teacher: Mrs. Williams

Table of Contents Chapters






Statement of Problem


Research Questions


Reason for Selecting Area of Research


Method of Investigation Procedures for Data Collection

3-4 5

Presentation of Data     

Pie Chart Histogram Bar Graph Line Graph Frequency Table

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

6 7 8 9 10 11-12

Statement of Findings


Recommendation & Implementation Strategy


Appendices Reference

15-17 18

Introduction This study seeks to investigate about unemployment in the Grants Pen community. It entails the factors, causes and contribution to unemployment along with the consequences that are associated with unemployment in the chosen community of Grants Pen. It also contains information on how unemployed persons living in this community survive in an economy that is collapsing. It also contains ways that respondents believe the government can use to reduce this social issue. I hope after you’ve concluded reading this S.B.A you will learn something new that will be long lasting and of good use.


Acknowledgement I would like to thank God for giving me the strength, knowledge and competence to finish this School Based Assessment in order to complete my studies. I would also like to acknowledge my hardworking teacher Ms. Williams for giving me this School Based Assessment (S.B.A) which helps to widen my knowledge in this subject area and for guiding me throughout. Last but surely not least, I would like to express a warm thank you to my very motivating and dedicated mother Ms.Sherifa Walters for supplying me with the equipment and adequate funds needed to complete this assignment.


Statement of Problem What are the causes of unemployment in the Grants Pen community; how can the occurrence of this social issue be reduced?

Research Questions 1. What are some of the causes of unemployment in the Grants Pen community? 2. How are the members affected? 3. How can the occurrence of this issue be reduced?


Reason for Selecting Area of Research The researcher has been a resident of the Grants Pen community for over 14 years. During the last five years, it has been observed that there is an alarming number of unemployed persons within the community. This community is known for its large number of crime and violence that have been habitual. Majority of the persons involved in these types of act happens to do so because they are unemployed. As a result of these observations, the researcher decided to conduct this research to unearth the contributing factors to this growing and worrying issue.


Method of Investigation The researcher decided to use questionnaire as a mean of carrying out this investigation. The researcher chose questionnaires because a lot of information can be collected in a short period of time,it also facilitate easy data analysis, through the use of structured questions.


59B Grants Pen Road, Kingston 8. Jamaica. May 31, 2016 Dear Respondents, My name is Candece Nicholson. I am currently a fourth form student at the Mona High School. The Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Social Studies syllabus requires that students complete a School Based Assessment (S.B.A). The topic for my S.B.A is “What are the causes of unemployment in the Grants Pen community; how can the occurrence of this social issue be reduced?” I am soliciting your assistance towards the completion of my S.B.A. Please complete the following questions honestly and truthfully. All information gathered will be kept confidentially. I am looking forward for your kind cooperation. Thank you. Your Respectfully, ____________________ Candece Nicholson


Procedures for Data Collection On May 31, 2016 the researcher issued 10 questionnaires to 10 residents of the Grants Pen community between the hours of 1pm to 4pm, 6 of which were males and the other 4 were females. Age rates ranges from 18-55 years old. Respondents were specifically selected. All the questionnaires were completed and returned. The experience was a very hectic, yet, good one because the respondents willingly responded to the questionnaires and shared their individual views on the topic which was not mentioned.


Pie Chart showing results for question #3, “What do you think is the cause of unemployment in the Grants Pen community?”

Pie Chart

30% Lack of Education 50%

Lack of Experience Poverty No Skill


Figure 1

50% of the respondents believed that lack of education is the main cause of unemployment in the Grants Pen community, 30% said no skill, 20% said poverty and 0% said lack of experience.


Histogram showing results for question #7, “Being unemployed, how does this impact you at home?”

histogram Neigbours talk negatively about them

Borrow money and cannot repay


cant send child/children to school Unpaid utiltiy bills






Figure 2

30% of the respondents believed that borrowing money and cannot repay was the main impact being unemployed has on them at home, another 30% said can’t send child/children to school to school was another major impact unemployment has on them at home, 20% said unpaid utility bills and another 20% said neighbors talk negatively about them.


Bar Graph showing results for question #8, ”How are you affected being unemployed?”

bar graph 45% 40% 35% 30%

Feel worthless


Feel frustrated


Feel hopless


Not bothered

10% 5% 0% 1

Figure 3

40% of the respondents feels worthless being unemployed, 30% feels frustrated, 20% feels hopeless and 10% said they were not bothered by this issue.


Line Graph showing results for question #6, “How do you survive on a daily basis?”


line graph

60% 50% Family and love ones


Illegal activities 30%



I do without

10% 0% 1

Figure 4

60% of the respondents survive on a daily basis by depending on loved ones for support, 20% engage in illegal activities, 20% depend on the government and 0% do without.


Frequency Table showing results for question #10, “What can the government do to reduce unemployment in the Grants Pen community?”



Build factories which will provide jobs


Open free educational institution to improve education


Provide hands on skills training centers for job placements


Encourage entrepreneurship and innovation as a way of creating new product which generate new employment opportunities


Table 1

30% of the respondents believed that the government can reduce unemployment by building factories which will provide jobs, while another 30% believed that opening free educational institutions to improve education which will help, 20% said provide hands on skills training center for job placements and the other 20% demanded that encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation as a way of creating new products which will generate new employment opportunities.


Analysis and Interpretation of Data According to figure 1, the respondents were asked “What do you think is the cause of unemployment in the Grants Pen community? ”Majority of the respondents said “Lack of education”, reason been the parents of these individuals could not afford to send them to school entirely. No skill was the other major contribution for being unemployed. These individuals are uneducated and along side has no skill as a back up which could be use as a positive method for providing for the family. Poverty adds to the unemployment title; cant afford to send your child/children to school, pay school fees and all the other assistance a child wants to get a good and healthy education. The least of all the respondents chose “Lack of Experience” as a reason for being unemployed. The researcher believes this is so because if the respondents have no education, no skill and is suffering from this both absolute and relative social issue known to most as poverty; how will they have an experience without the qualifications.

According to figure 2, uttermost of the respondents believed that not being able to send their child/children to school is a dominant situation which impacts the respondents at home, if the parents or guardian can’t find the necessities to send their child/children to school it is probable that the child will end up in a tantamount situation as the parent. It was a commensurate amount for borrowing money and cannot repay. Other persons work hard for their money and lending it to an unemployed individual who does not know where they are going to get it from to repay can get the borrower into profound profound trouble. Others thought unpaid utility bills and neighbors talk bad about them are the minor ways in which they are affected, this is so because the respondents do not pay utility bills. As for neighbors talking bad this situation is very common in most, if not every community and can easily be avoided.

According to figure 3,the respondents in the Grants Pen community are affected because of the rising melancholy fact that they are unemployed. The residents feel worthless because of the stigma behind being unemployed, the residents of the Grants Pen community displays. Others feel frustrated because they cant cooperate with the financial status our society is rising to. They feel like giving up on life because of the struggle they face. Hopelessness is another disappointing feeling they expressed. Not knowing where tomorrow’s lunch money is coming from causes the unemployed to wonder and ponder into useless thoughts. A few of the respondents are not bothered because they are fortunate to have loved ones who will provide or other means.

According to figure 4, a large quantity of respondents depends on their family and loved one’s 11

for support to survive on a daily basis. Family and loved one’s helps the unemployed persons so they wont engage in illegal activities or anything forbided by the law . Some respondents get engage in illegal activities to satisfy their needs and wants which is a must, but being unemployed illegalities are their only options. Few depends on the government, the researcher believes this is so because the help the government offer is not sufficient and does not occur on a regular basis. According to table 5, an equal amount of respondents thinks that if the government build factories and open free educational institutions it will help to provide more jobs which will keep these unemployed individuals positively occupied. Working in a factory, the respondents will be able to meet and work with new people who can assist or give an helping hand where necessary. Another equal amount of the respondents that the government should provide hands on skills training centers for job placements and encourage entrepreneurship and innovation as a way of creating new product which will generate new employment . By providing skills training centers will learn new trade that can help in their future when necessary and at the same time offer each participant a job, but not all the participants will like the job given or the place the job is being offered. The researcher believes that very few chose entrepreneurship as an option because not everyone has a business mind and the courage and diligence to open or carry out a business which might be successful.


Statement of Findings Based on the data collected, the researcher found out that: 1. The major cause of unemployment in the Grants Pen community results in Lack of education, see figure 1. 2. Being unemployed, parents are unable to send their child/children to school, see figure 2.

3. The unemployed persons who reside in the Grants Pen community are more dependent on loved ones and friends for support to survive on a daily basis, see figure 4.


Recommendation and Implementation Strategy The following are recommendations that the researcher thinks will eradicate unemployment in the Grants Pen community: 1. Educating and encouraging entrepreneurship. Open free educational institutions to improve education.

Implementation Strategy The researcher recommends that the government educate and encourage the residents to do entrepreneurship. This program will be held in the Grants Pen community twice per week between the hours of 1pm- 5pm. An amount of 50 persons per term will be granted the opportunity to take part in this class per year. Every five persons will have a professional tutor which will guide them throughout the syllabus. Each participant will sign a contract of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) which will be given to them as a loan to start their own business and must be repaid during a two year period after it is given. With the aid of this program it will develop successful entrepreneurs with the objective of providing job for other unemployed residents.



Map of Grants Pen

Angry residents of the Grants Pen community protesting for jobs.


Government agency helping an unemployed resident with her daughter’s tuition fee.

An unemployed resident in prison because of being engage in illegal activities to provide for his family. 16

Members of the J.C.F enforcing law and order in the Grants Pen community.


Reference 

Rampersad Ramsawak, Rulph Umraw. Modules in Social Studies with SBA Guide & CXC questions. Caribbean Educational Publishers, 2005


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