Final Revision Sheet

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 9
LITERATURE REVISION SHEET Quotes Review: - Please list all three full (4-6 line) quotes that you have memorized from Romeo and Juliet and explain what they mean. 1. _________________________________________________

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When the Friar first sees Romeo he think Romeo has been up all night thinking about a girl. Who does the Friar think has been the cause of Romeo's sleeplessness, and what does he say (the exact quote) when Romeo corrects him?

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What does Horatio say (the exact quote) when Hamlet follows his father's ghost, and what does that quote mean?

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What is the meaning of the following passage? Memorize it and be prepared to discuss it: To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause

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What does Horatio say to the dead body of Prince Hamlet, immediately following his death (the exact quote), and how does that relate back to Hamlet's "to be or not to be" monologue?

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General Shakespeare Review: - List all five plays that we have read, their main character or characters, and their morals: 1. _________________________________________________

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Now consider what would happen if you put the main character(s) from one play into another:  How would this change the play's main plot points?  How would it change the ending?  Would it change the moral, and if so what would the new moral be? For each of the plays choose the character(s) from a different play and then answer all of the questions above: 1. _________________________________________________

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3. _________________________________________________

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WRITING REVISION SHEET You will be asked to write nine perfect sentences using the nine words that I give you. If there are ANY errors in your sentence you will not be awarded a point, so be sure to take your time, go slowly, and correct ANY AND ALL ERRORS in your sentences. In particular, be sure to watch out for the following things: -

Make sure your sentence starts with a _____________________. Make sure your sentence ends with a ______________________. Make sure you use the correct pr_________________. Make sure you use the correct pu_________________. Make sure you have NO gr_______________ errors. Make sure you have NO sp_______________ errors. Make sure you use the correct w__________ o_______________.


GRAMMAR REVISION SHEETS Perfect - Choose any verb and use it in a short sentence. Then rewrite that sentence five times putting the verb into each of the five Perfect tenses that we have learned. - Explain when you would use each of these Perfect tenses. Passive Voice - Explain why and when we use Passive voice. - Rewrite the following paragraph, switching all the passive sentences to active and vise-versa: Rosemary Hills train station was built by Sean Carlton and his wife Sharon in 1894. For the construction of the waiting room, red brick had been imported from England by the Carltons. The station was opened in 1896 by the President himself. That year, Rosemary Hills was visited by a steam locomotive for the first time. It was pumping clouds of white smoke and whistling loudly enough to be heard by all of the townspeople. - In class we will be completing this section of the review by using your Workbook. Conditionals - Write five sentences that are "Type 2" conditionals. - Write five sentences that are "Type 3" conditionals. Question Tags - Write five sentences that end with "positive question tags". - Write five sentences that end with "negative question tags". Reflexive Pronouns - List all eight reflexive pronouns. - Write two sentences for each pronoun. Plurals - What are some nouns that are always in the plural? - What are some irregular plurals? - What are some endings that let you know that the word you are using is Greek or Latin and that different rules must be followed to make the word plural? Clauses of Reason/Result/Purpose - Write three sentences that use a "clause of reason". - Write three sentences that use a "clause of result". - Write three sentences that use a "clause of purpose". General - What is the difference between "neither" and "none"? - What is the difference between "too" and "enough"? - What is the difference between "like" and "as"?


Conditionals/Wishes - Write five sentences that are "Type 1" conditionals. - Write five sentences that are "Type 2" conditionals. - Write five sentences that are "Type 3" conditionals. - Write five sentences that express a wish about the present. - Write five sentences that express a wish about the past. - What are the rules that we follow in order to form the sentences properly? Nouns - Review your countable and uncountable nouns. - List ten countable nouns. - List ten uncountable nouns. - What is the difference between "much" and "many"? - What is the difference between "few" and "little"? Comparative/Superlative - What is the difference between the comparative and the superlative? - Chose any ten adjectives and for each one write their regular form, their comparative form, and their superlative form. Tenses of the Infinitive - How many tenses are there of the infinitive? - Chose five verbs and put each verb into all of the tenses of the infinitive Present/Past Participles - What is the difference between the present and the past participle? - Write five sentences using the past participle. - Write five sentences using the present participle. Put/Take - What expressions have we learned using the word "put" or "take" followed by a pronoun? - What do these expressions mean? Expressing Preference - What are the four ways that we can express preference? - Write five sentences using the first form. - Write five sentences using the second form. - Write five sentences using the third form. - Write five sentences using the fourth form. - What are the rules that we follow in order to form the sentences properly?


VOCABULARY REVISION SHEET Practice spelling each of the following words, and put them into defining sentences. 1. Cope 2. Severely 3. Casualties 4. Significance 5. Tremendous 6. Praise 7. Disadvantageous 8. Debris 9. Absorbing 10. Consequently 11. Characteristic 12. Domesticated 13. Suspiciously 14. Weep 15. Disguise 16. Carved 17. Occupied 18. Temporarily 19. Vast 20. Refuse 21. Invitation 22. Suspect 23. Suspicion 24. Oracle 25. Criticize 26. Consult 27. Precious 28. Heir 29. Inherit 30. Frequent 31. Aubergine 32. Prawns 33. Chisel 34. Grieve 35. Wrap 36. Vile 37. Cruelty 38. Satisfactory 39. Urgent 40. Accuse 41. Moth 42. Examination 43. Presumed

44. Risen 45. Usable 46. Refilled 47. Experience 48. Trilogy 49. Convincing 50. Acceptable 51. Carve 52. Admit 53. Ashamed 54. Shame 55. Crater 56. Fury 57. Industrial 58. Convince 59. Parachute 60. Thud 61. Species 62. Fascinated 63. Howl 64. Pollution 65. Fumes 66. Plague 67. Unfortunate 68. Ceremony 69. Celebrate 70. Demand 71. Pilgrim 72. Worship 73. Praise 74. Brooch 75. Hippopotamus 76. Courageous 77. Cooperative 78. Disgraceful 79. Mend 80. Combat 81. Somersault 82. Authorities 83. Conservationist 84. Carnivorous 85. Veterinarian 86. Disease


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